Sms Bounty

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  • Words: 4,055
  • Pages: 18
Synergy SMS Bounty


CONTENTS CONTENTS......................................................................................................................1 SMS BOUNTY..................................................................................................................2 1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................2 1.1 Features......................................................................................................................3 1.2 Users of the application.............................................................................................3 1.3 SMS Bounty has two major modules:.......................................................................3 1.4 Administrator.............................................................................................................4 1.5 Manager.....................................................................................................................4 1.6 End User.....................................................................................................................4 2. ADMINISTRATION MODULE..................................................................................5 2.1 SMS Bounty Login Screen........................................................................................5 2.2 Administration Home Page........................................................................................5 2.2.1 List Admin Users................................................................................................6 Editing the admin users....................................................................................6 Checking the credits history.............................................................................7 Adding the user accounts.................................................................................7 Change password.............................................................................................7 2.2.2 Phone Book.........................................................................................................7 Add Contact.....................................................................................................8 Add Contacts by uploading a file.....................................................................8 Check Contacts................................................................................................9 Modifying or deleting the contacts..................................................................9 Groups..............................................................................................................9 2.2.3 Send SMS..........................................................................................................10 Send SMS.......................................................................................................10 Send Bulk SMS..............................................................................................11 Send Bulk one2one........................................................................................11 Send to Group................................................................................................11 2.2.4 Alerts.................................................................................................................12 Add Alerts......................................................................................................12 Set alert from a File........................................................................................12 View alerts.....................................................................................................13 2.2.5 Reports..............................................................................................................13 Delivery Report By User...............................................................................14 Delivery Report By Destination.....................................................................14 Message Report by User................................................................................15 Bulk Report....................................................................................................15 Bulk one2one Report.....................................................................................15 2.2.6 SMPP................................................................................................................15 Add SMPP Connection..................................................................................16 List SMPP Clients.........................................................................................16 Connect/Disconnect.......................................................................................17 SME Report...................................................................................................17 SMPP Report..................................................................................................17 Synergy Multitech Ltd

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2008 Start/Stop........................................................................................................18 2.2.7 Roles.................................................................................................................18 Add primary Role...........................................................................................18 List Roles.......................................................................................................18

SMS BOUNTY 1. Introduction Now a day’s everyone is doing their business by sending SMS's to the customers and inviting people to the occasions. Every one has so many contacts in their business. So our product is meant for those people. Synergy Multitech is introducing the web-based application called SMS BOUNTY. Using this application, it is easy to send the messages and check the status of each message. It can be used to send not only single and short message but can be used to upload and send bulk files which contains all the contact numbers and can be send with a single message. The SMS Bounty application facilitates to send invitation, personalized, greetings, business cards, job alerts or other types of messages on a single click. The user has the provision to set an alert message for a particular date and time. This application successfully combines the simplicity of use and comprehensive functionality. Synergy SMS Bounty is fully browser-based software, which means that the user will not require any additional plug-ins or third-party tools to work with it. It offers an

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intuitive and familiar user interface that does not demand previous end-user training or programming. Synergy SMS Bounty is used by both small and large organizations, who frequently send doing business through SMS.

1.1Features  Using this web-based application user can create & organize their contact (phone book) information.  User can easily create the Groups with the contacts (Phone numbers).  Privilege to upload file with contacts list with appropriate file format.  Provision to send SMS to One-to-Many (one message can be send to many mobile numbers).  Provision to send One-to-One (One message to one particular mobile number).  Online Delivery report will be available with this application with detailed GSM standard error codes.  Provision to set the Mobile alerts.  User can export the Reports as an CSV file  Experience the benefits of the point-and-click interface that requires no programming knowledge or end-user training.  Browser-based user interface.

1.2Users of the application Administrator Manager End Users

1.3SMS Bounty has two major modules: Administration Module End User Module

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1.4Administrator  Has full administrator and publishing rights to the entire site.  Create user accounts for manager and sub users.  Create SMPP accounts to route the messages to the Operator SMSC’s.  Create rights groups for all user roles and assigns privileges to them.  Manage routing details with SME addresses.  Controlling, Load balancing and routing traffic.  Act as an author, editor, moderator, template designer or resource manager in all.  The SMS Bounty Reports Module allows the user to retrieve information from the SMS Bounty database.

1.5Manager The manager has the privileges similar to the administrator except that the manager doesn’t have the full administrator and the publishing rights to the entire site.

1.6End User  Browse the site to access all the modules like phone book, send SMS, Reports etc where the user has rights.  Can download content such as Report by User, Report by Message, etc.

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2. Administration Module This Administration Module is addressed to content editors. Content editors are responsible for creation and maintenance of the User Management. User Management includes creating users, Activating the Users, Inactivating Users, Issuing the credits, Deleting the users, Creating the SMPP connections, etc.

2.1SMS Bounty Login Screen Functionality: Provision to allow registered users to access the administration module. The registered user has to enter the username and password. If login is successful, the Administration home page will be displayed. If user enters an invalid username or Password, login process fails and returns to Login page.

2.2Administration Home Page

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The home provides the following functionalities:  Users  Phone Book  Send SMS  Alerts  Reports  SMPP  Roles

2.2.1List Admin Users To access this, click Users from the Tree menu and click on List Admin Users. Tree Menu → Users → List Admin Users

Functionality  Editing the admin users  Checking the credits history  Adding the user accounts  Change password the admin users To access this, click on Edit option in the Admin Users List. The administrator has the privilege to delete a particular user. The user can also check the credit history for a particular user provided that the user must be login as an administrator for the application. This screen will display the table will the fields like username, balance credits, expiry date, last login, login count, status, super user, operation (Edit, Delete).

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2008 the credits history The user (admin) has to click on the balance credits column of the desired user to check the credit history of a particular user. Tree Menu → Users → List Admin Users → Balance Credits (column) the user accounts The admin has the privilege to add user to the application by entering the information like username, password, confirm password, first name, last name, origin address (GSM,CDMA), type of role (Primary, Secondary) , status, mobile number, email, expiry date. The primary role is for creating the administrator and manager accounts and secondary role is for creating the general accounts. Tree Menu → Users → Add User password This feature allows the user to change the password. The user has to enter the current and new password and has to click on save button. The user will be immediately redirected to login page and the user can then login with the new password. Tree Menu → Users → Change Password

2.2.2Phone Book The user has the privilege to create own phone book. To access this, click Phone Book from the Tree menu. Tree Menu → Phone Book Functionality  List Contacts  Add Contact

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 Edit/Delete Contact  Groups  Upload File Contact The user can add contact by three ways: adding single contact, adding multiple contacts and by uploading a file.  Add Single contact The user has to enter the fields like First Name, Last Name, Mobile number, phone number, Fax number and email Id. The user even has the provision to select the group. All the information will be saved in the database on click to save button. Tree Menu → Phone Book → Add→ Single Contact

 Add Multiple Contact The user has to select the count (number of contacts). Based on the count the page will be refreshed will the number of rows (Contacts). Then the user can add the details like name, mobile number, phone number, fax number and the email and on click to save button the details will be saved to the database. Tree Menu → Phone Book → Add→ Multiple Contact Contacts by uploading a file The user can upload the file in two ways:  By uploading an excel file  By uploading a text file Tree Menu → Phone Book → Upload a file.

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The user can also upload the file from the computer by clicking the browse button, selecting the file location and then clicking the submit button. Contacts To check your contacts, click on List contacts option. Application will show all contacts based on the groups which the user has added. The user has the privilege to change contacts from one group to another group by selecting the change group column in the page. Tree Menu → Phone Book → List Contacts or deleting the contacts To change the contact or deleting the contacts, click on edit for changing the information and delete option for deleting the contact. Tree Menu → Phone Book → Edit/Delete Contact When the user clicks the edit option, the page to change the contact will be displayed with the editable fields like username, mobile number, email, phone number, fax number. On click to save button the data will be saved to the database. When the user clicks the delete option, the page to delete the contact will be displayed. The Delete option will ask the user for the confirmation about the deletion of a particular contact. On click to confirm button the contact will be deleted. Groups are very much helpful to know the information about the people and to which group they are belonging to. The groups can be used to add contacts to it. Tree Menu → Phone Book → Groups The user has the following privileges with the Group module:  Add Group Tree Menu → Phone Book → Groups → Add Group

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On click to add group the page with fields Group Name, Share will be displayed. The user has to enter the user name and share (Yes, No) fields. The user can share the information by selecting the Yes or No option in selection list.  Edit Group Tree Menu → Phone Book → Groups → Edit Group The user can change the group information by clicking on the group names column hyperlink in the edit group page.  Delete Group Tree Menu → Phone Book → Groups → Edit Group The user can delete entire group of contacts by clicking on the delete group option in sub tree of Groups. It will display all groups. Then click on particular group which the user desire to delete. It will show all the contacts consisting in particular group and ask the user for confirmation. On click to confirm button the group will get deleted.

2.2.3Send SMS To send SMS, click on Send SMS option from main tree. By using this option the user can send short messages, Long Messages, Bulk messages, One2One messages and can send to a particular group of contacts. Tree Menu → Send SMS Functionality: Send SMS Send Bulk SMS Send Bulk one2one Send to Group SMS

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To send SMS click on Send SMS option in Send SMS tree. The user has to enter mobile numbers and message. This page will also display the account balance and sender id. On click to send button, the message will be submitted to the server and send message will be displayed to the sender system. On click to cancel button, the user will be redirected to the home page. Bulk SMS To send bulk SMS, click on Send Bulk SMS option. To use this option the user should have mobile numbers in a text file in each line. So the user can upload file and enter message in message field. The user can block some numbers by entering their prefixes to Block series field. Tree Menu → Send SMS → Send Bulk SMS The application also provides information about the messages which are read from file, number of messages submitted, the number of invalid entries, duplicate entries, blocked entries and number of credits to be deducted. If user clicks on “Send valid Entries” button the messages will be processed. If clicked on “Cancel” button the submission will be cancelled and then redirected to Send Bulk SMS page. Bulk one2one To submit One2One messages, click on Send Bulk One2One option from sub tree of Send SMS option. By using this option the user can send different messages to different numbers at a time. A text file has to be prepared which consists of mobile numbers and messages. This text file has to be uploaded by clicking “Send Bulk One2One” option. On click to submit button the messages will be processed. On click to cancel button the messages will be cancelled and then redirected to the previous page. Tree Menu → Send SMS → Send Bulk one2one to Group To use this option, click on Send to Group. By using this option the user can send messages to a group of contacts. The user has to choose Group Name from Select Group list and enters the message. This page also displays the number of contacts in the selected

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group and the account balance of the user. On click on “Send” button, the message will be send to the group of contacts. Tree Menu → Send SMS → Send to Group

2.2.4Alerts The user can set an alert message to a particular mobile number, date and time. Based on the time the messages will reach to the respective mobile number. Tree Menu → Alerts Functionality:  Add Alerts  Set alert from a File  View alerts  Add Alerts Alerts To add alert, click on “Add Alert” from Alerts tree and enter mobile number, message and set schedule particular date and time. After filling the text boxes click on “Add Alerts” button. While adding the alerts, the schedule Time should be greater than the current time .if not it will give error message. If every thing is fine then the user will get message like acknowledgement from the server. Tree Menu → Alerts → Add Alerts alert from a File This option is for setting alert from file, The file should contains mobile numbers in each line. The user can upload this file, enter message, set the date & time and enter blocked entries if it is required. The alerts will be added to the all numbers which are entered in file.

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On click to send button, the user will get some information about the alerts which are read from file, i.e. number of messages that are going to be submitted, number of invalid entries, blocked entries, valid entries, duplicate entries and number of credits to be deducted. On click to “Add Valid Entries to Alerts” button the alerts will be processed and the user will get acknowledgement from the server. Tree Menu → Alerts → Set Alert from a File alerts The user has the privilege to view the alerts before it delivered to mobile by clicking on “View Alerts option” from Alerts tree. The user has to select From date and To date and click on “Go” button to view the alerts. The user will get the report in table with mobile number, message, date and time. Tree Menu → Alerts → View Alerts

2.2.5Reports Reports page will give the confirmation of the message that has to be delivered to a particular number with all details like submit time, delivery time and reason incase of delivery failure. The application can generate reports based on the destination number, Message Report, Bulk report and Bulk One2One Report. The user can generate report by clicking on one of the option from Reports tree from Main tree. Each option will have separate features. Tree Menu → Reports Functionality:  Delivery Report By User  Delivery Report By Destination  Message Report by User  Bulk Report  Bulk one2one Report Synergy Multitech Ltd

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2008 Report By User To generate report, click on the “Delivery Report By User” option from Reports tree. It will ask to select User, from date, To date. On click to “Go” button, the application will display the out put of only one user. If the user selects “ALL USERS” option and click on “Go” button, then the user will get full report from all users and total number of submitted, delivered and Failure messages. The user will get the report for all the numbers with submit time, delivery time and status. Here status will determine whether the message has delivered or not. If status is “Delivered” the message has reached to the mobile. Otherwise message has not reached and will show the cause. Tree Menu → Reports → Delivery Report By User The user has the privilege to use the buttons for the following:  “Back To Report” button – allows the user to go back to the previous page.  “Export” button – allow the user to export the report to the system.  “Print” button. – allows to print the page. Each page will show maximum of 500 rows and if the report contains more than that then it will be displayed in the second page (501 to 1000). Report By Destination To get the report by mobile number, Click on “Delivery Report By Destination” from Reports tree. It will ask to enter mobile number, from date, to date. On click to “Go” button, the user will get the report based on the mobile number whether can be from one User or from multiple users. This report will display the field information like user name, destination address, submit time, delivery time and status. Tree Menu → Reports → Delivery Report By Destination

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2008 Report by User To get the Message report, Click on “Message Report By User” from Reports tree. It will ask to select User, from date, to date. On click to “Go” button, the user will get output with the message which are submitted to a particular number. The user can also use “Export” button to export report into the computer and “Print” button to Print the page. Tree Menu → Reports → Message Report By User Report To get the bulk report for which the user has uploaded a bulk file, Click on “Bulk Report” option from Report tree. It will ask to select From date, To date. On click to “Go” button it will display the Bulk Report with information like Total Messages sent, Message Submit time and Submit Again. In the submit Again column, the user can send another message to same numbers by clicking on “Submit” button. The user can enter the message and click on “Send” button. The user can see the mobile numbers which are going to be submitted. On click to “View Mobile Numbers” hyper link, the user will get a pop-up menu by listing all mobile numbers. Tree Menu → Reports → Bulk Report one2one Report On click to Bulk One2One Report option, the application will ask to select From date, To date. On click to Go button, the application will display the report with information like Total number of messages sent, Bulk File name and submitted time. Tree Menu → Reports → Bulk one2one Report

2.2.6SMPP SMPP is for routing messages to SMPP server. The connection has to be established to route the messages to SMPP server. So the user can add connection here and can route the messages. Each connection has distinct SME (Short Message Entity) address. Tree Menu → SMPP

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Functionality:  Add SMPP Connection  List SMPP Clients  Connect/Disconnect  SME Report  SMPP Report  Start/Stop SMPP Connection To Add SMPP client in the application, Click on “Add SMPP Connection” from SMPP tree. It will ask to enter the details like Server Id, user name, password, SME type, Host, Port, Source Ton, Source NPI, Destination Ton, Destination NPI, Serve SME, Status, Type of Connection (Transceiver/Transmitter/Receiver), Speed, Default Connection, Login Names List and Selected List. Enter needed information and click on “Save” button. Based on the information the application will connect to the SMPP server. The user can also have many accounts for different SMPP servers or for same. Tree Menu → SMPP → Add SMPP Connection List SMPP Clients To List out the clients, Click on “List SMPP Clients” option from SMPP tree. It will display all the information of all the clients which are added. Tree Menu → SMPP → List SMPP Clients It will display a column named operation (edit/delete). On click to edit hyperlink, the application will display all the existing information of a selected client. To delete a particular client, click on “Delete” option in List SMPP clients page and it will ask for the confirmation. On click to ok button the selected client will be deleted.

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2008 To Connect or Disconnect to SMPP Server, Click on “Connect/Disconnect” from SMPP tree. If the user wants to connect to SMPP Server, Select Server Id and Click on Connect button. The user can refresh the connection by clicking the “Reload” button. If the user wants to disconnect a particular connection, Select Server Id and Click on “Disconnect” button. To disconnect all clients at a time, Click on second “Disconnect” button. Tree Menu → SMPP → Connect/Disconnect Report To get SME report, click on SME Report option from SMPP tree. The application will display the get report based on the Connection. It implies that the messages have been routed through a particular connection. It will ask to enter SME address, From date, to date. The application will display the information like username, destination address, submit time, delivery time and status. It provides three buttons: “Back To Report” button – allows the user to go back to the previous page. “Export” button – allow the user to export the report to the system. “Print” button. – allows to print the page. Tree Menu → SMPP → SME Report Report To get report from all connections, Click on SMPP Report. It will ask to select From date, To date. It will display all the information like username, destination address, SME address, submit time, delivery time and status. If the user wants to export the report into the system, then click on “Export” button. On click to print button the page will be printed. Tree Menu → SMPP → SMPP Report

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2008 To stop or start the SMS traffic, Click on “Start/Stop” button. If the user clicks on “Stop SMS Service” the submission will be terminated and will have backup in


application. The user can push backup messages by clicking on “Push Backup Messages”. Tree Menu → SMPP → Start/Stop

2.2.7Roles Roles are useful to give permissions to type of accounts like Administer, Manager, general user etc. Tree Menu → Roles Functionality: Add primary Role List Roles primary Role To Add Primary Roles, Click on “Add Primary Role” option from tree menu. It will ask to enter Primary role name, Issue credits option and click on “Go Permissions”. It will display the primary role permission details like whether the selected user has the privilege to enter into user module, permission to send messages, reports, set alerts etc. On click to save button, the details will be saved and the roles will be assigned to the respective user. Tree Menu → Roles → Add Primary Role Roles In this sub module, the user has the privilege to list the roles. Tree Menu → Roles → List Roles

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