Slice Of Life

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 8,474
  • Pages: 25
RELATIONSHIPS 1. I have realized that in any relationship, you've got to show your feelings; love for one another. 2. I've learnt that when your partner is in an agitated mood, just keep quiet, be cool and respond later. 3. I've observed that people who normally come on strong, are the ones with fewer successful relationships. 4. I've learnt that every woman likes to have her own home, since it is where she is in Charge. She can do it up her own way to satisfy her creative instincts. 5. I've learnt that it is importa nt for good-looking women to differentiate between a Genuine and a flattering compliment. 6. I've learnt that everybody likes to be asked their opinion. 7. I've learnt that when you love a woman, you must meet her as often as possible. 8. I've learnt that no one respects you unless you respect yourself. 9. I've learnt that a man who believes he knows all is the biggest fool around. 10. I feel apprehensive of women who benchmark me against their father or husband. 11. Love is letting your beloved be what she is rather tha n what you'd like her to be. 12. I've realized that you must have, amongst your best friends, someone you've grown up with. 13. I've learnt that a married woman who knows you find her attractive, needs to be told just that to put her at ease. 14. I've realized that you might not always marry the person you love. True love, is being there, willing to help, without expecting something in return. 15. I've realized that perfectionists tend to be more critical and judgmental of others. 16. Having married a woman, it's better n ot to worry about her past as long both of you are enjoying post -marital bliss. 17. I've learnt that one way of disarming a person is to say 'Help me understand'. 18. I've learnt that a partner must help you leverage your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

19. While dealing with people there would be some who criticize you, genuinely or to protect their own interests. Believe in yourself, internalize the criticism, change as much as you are happy with. Always stand up for what you believe in or else you would lose self-esteem. Do not try and change yourself beyond a point, otherwise you would be unhappy always trying to project yourself as something you are not. 20. I've learnt that hassi mazaak mein I can communicate much more than with a straight face. 21. Remember to be on good terms with head -hunters. Maloom nahin when you might need a job. 22. I've seen that by being the helpful type, most people reciprocate when asked for help. 23. I've seen that neighbors keenly observe your change in status and their perception of you changes accordingly. 24. Most of us have at some point wooed and courted. I do not reciprocate another’s feelings, when I am not interested. In other words, I've learnt not to lead others up the garden path. After all, would I like someone to do the same to me? 25. I've seen men who get attracted to women elder to them, are mostly, very attached to their mothers. Probably, the woman protects her man and nurtures the child in him just like a mother would. 26. I've learnt that to love and be loved, is the greatest j oy in the world. 27. I've learnt that happier are those who forgive and forget. 28. When your wife has been, for years, used to having you back from work at 9 p.m. and suddenly start coming at 7 p.m. both of you need to learn to spend the extra time usefully or else you could end up fighting. 29. I've learnt that love is a two -way street. 30. I've learnt that love is all about sharing and caring. 31. I've learnt that women are emotionally stronger than men. 32. I've realized that while wooing a woman there is no such thing a s a fool-proof strategy. The best of plans may go awry. My advice is just play it by ear; be sensitive and sharp. 33. I've learnt that to win over a good -looking woman, you must compliment her on her intelligence and be persevering. 34. I've learnt that a friend is one with whom you can chat without feeling apprehensive of being judged.

35. I've realized that excessive wooing could boomerang. Sometimes it pays to momentarily ignore your sweetheart. If she likes you, the phone will ring. 36. The men who love from a dist ance get left behind. 37. I've learnt that one learns more by listening than by talking. 38. I've learnt that it pays more to be assertive than aggressive. 39. I've observed that in a joint family, immature is the wife who compares herself with her unmarried sister -in-law. There will always be a different set of rules for the daughter and the daughter -in-law. 40. I've learnt that you must know when to put the phone down. 41. I've learnt that insecurity breeds jealousy. 42. While studying for your exams, some college or build ing friends might try to demoralize you by talking about how hard they study or questioning you on subjects you do not know. I've learnt to spot such friends and isolate them. My advice is; go by your schedule, look at the number of quality hours spent stu dying and not the number of hours. 43. I've realized that sharing your vulnerability with your sweetheart helps cement the relationship. 44. I've realized that inspite of what ever you might do, every woman wants to hear those golden words - I Love You -. 45. I've realized that an attractive woman knows exactly what's going on in a man's mind. 46. I've learnt that a victory won by humiliation leaves scars of resentment. It is smarter to strategically win over the weak. 47. I've realized that if you want to marry woman who has not made up her mind or is just too pre-occupied with her own plans, don’t pop the all -important question but handle her gently, be there for her and may be she’ll be yours. 48. I've realized that getting emotional in an argument makes one behave irratio nally and lose sight of the big picture. 49. I've realized that some Veejays perpetually crave for attention, apprehensive that their popularity might decline if people don't notice them. 50. I've realized that two individuals, even after the fiercest of fights can continue to be friends for life.

51. I've realized, that on meeting a TV personality of my dreams, I could act fresh, trip and perhaps even fall if I didn’t hold myself together. 52. I've learnt that people who are not good listeners get isolated, come on st rong and believe that they are the best. 53. I've learnt that every person must believe in himself but at the same time be willing to accept criticism, internalize it and change himself accordingly. 54. I've learnt that marrying a Siamese twin can make life bori ng, but marrying a 50 % opposite could add value and make life interesting. 55. I've learnt that Arien women enjoy the company of men who will take charge of their lives, but get married to men whose lives they can take charge of. 56. I've learnt that eight out ten women reject guys who fall head over heels in love with them and express their feelings too soon. 57. I've found Arien women clinging to the phone when they are feeling low, wanting to be heard but being crisp and to the point when they are on a high. 58. I've learnt that most women like their men to be gutsy. 59. I've seen many attractive women use their charm to get a guy let his guard down. My advice is be careful, try getting into a give and take situation. 60. I've learnt that women like their partners to be g ood listeners. 61. I've learnt that disagreement or anger can be better communicated through tone of voice or silence than by raising one’s voice. 62. I've learnt that human behavior during childhood and old age is similar. 63. Marriage is all about companionship, sharing, giving your partner space and being there for one another. 64. Husbands and wives have to continuously work on their relationship, add value, juice and spice to it. 65. I would tend to ignore women who want to date me on the phone and not for dinner. 66. Couples who do not take each other for granted, respect each other's views, agree to disagree are likely to have a happy married life. 67. Be in touch with your friends during your ups and downs. It will help build lasting relationships.

68. Some friends might no t talk to me for months, yet I know they will be the first to help me get out of a problem. Isn't that what friendship is all about? 69. Trusting one another is only the first step in a lasting relationship. 70. Most women are busy assessing the guy on the first date and may probably talk about themselves on the second or third one. 71. Always remember to return favors. You will have more people wanting to oblige you. 72. Having got married, many of my friends continue to meet attractive women. While they cannot marry all of them, they can enjoy their company, become friends, be there for them and may be lots more. 73. While selecting your life partner, you have to go by your gut feel, rather than being logical and rational about it. 74. I've learnt that when you are unhappy or angry with someone, let it be known. If you do not vent your feelings, tension builds up within. Two things could happen. Either you could get into an argument and get it out of your system or your behavior will subconsciously reflect the anger. 75. I've observed that most women seldom reciprocate love immediately. They like to be pursued, wooed with chocolates and roses before they warm up to you. 76. I've seen many a married man behaving very differently in the presence and absence of their wives. There are others who are uncomfortable taking their friends home. Both these behavioral patterns reflect on quality of the relationship a person shares with his family.

WORK 1. When you want to race down the road and a bullock -cart crosses your path, its hard to be nice. 2. I've seen that most of us envy the wealth and status of successful people without realizing the hard work that has gone into it. 3. Some of us tend to discount the success of an individual crediting it to team effort. Without underminin g the team, credit for success or failure goes to the leader. He is the visionary, risk-strategist and motivator. 4. I've learnt that when you take an aggressive stand at work, its important to keep your boss posted so that he bats for you. 5. I've learnt that not leading a balanced life could lead to stress during high pressure at Work. 6. I've learnt that it is important for the boss to value the time of his subordinates. He must not keep them waiting outside his room or otherwise. 7. I've learnt to be careful of people who try and put words into my mouth. 8. I've learnt that in a negotiation, it pays to speak less and let body language do the talking. 9. I've realized that management is all about people and need not necessarily mean being a technical expert in the bu siness. 10. I've learnt that when you take a new job, the first eight weeks is when everyone is watching, assessing and forming opinions of you. 11. I've realized that the best way of effecting change is by taking the affected people into confidence earlier. 12. I've realized that you must allow your subordinates to speak while interacting with them. 13. I've learnt that not reading a paper before signing it could expose my company to greater risks than anticipated. 14. I've realized that global corporations are built thr ough vision, people, excellent financial management, guts and satisfied consumers. 15. I've realized that a business head can assume ownership of the finance guy or else let him become a pain in the neck. 16. I've learnt that reading continuously speeds up the l earning process.

17. I've learnt that when you tell your operator you do not want to take a call, you must ensure that the caller does not hear your conversation. 18. I've observed that your secretary knows you as well as your avoided. 19. I've observed that your s ecretary knows you as well as your spouse. 20. I've learnt that you have to get off the high horse to succeed in India. 21. I've learnt that a competent individual will need to live with other trying to demotivate him by picking holes in his personality. 22. I've learnt that cash -rich companies call the shots in business. 23. I've realized that a consultant who knows that you know more than him would tend to avoid you and work with your less knowledgeable colleagues. 24. I've realized that one of ways of disarming your op ponent is to have his children dote on you. 25. I've realized that music in my room, along with a good sea view sees my productivity going up 50 %. 26. I've realized that having your predecessor working in the same company and interacting with your subordinates continuously could be a challenging proposition. 27. In a Marketing - Finance battle, a CEO has delicate job of striking the right balance between these departments. 28. I've learnt to keep away from the boss’s wife especially if she’s fond of you. It’s equivalent to playing with fire. 29. When you are taking a controversial decision, do not commit yourself to the extent that it makes it impossible to extricate yourself later or else you could become like Abhimanyu who having got into a Chakravyuv failed to get out of it. 30. I've decided to look smart, wear bright clothes on every Monday morning, thereby setting the tone for the week. 31. Before making your presentation, sit down, anticipate questions that you might be asked and prepare your replies. 32. I've learnt that you should not move out of your house until it is in order to prevent yourself from being attacked from behind. Simply put, it means do your homework, cover your flanks before moving forward to prevent your opponents from finding chinks in your armor.

33. I've learnt that your first job should be a three to five year stint with a professionally managed, well run company laying the foundation for a bright future. 34. In a competitive situation, victory could be achieved by using unexpected tactics. 35. I've realized that for an appraisal to be effective it must be two -way i.e. from boss to subordinate and vice versa. 36. I've realized that when you enter a room for a negotiation, where you sit, could determine how the meeting goes. 37. At work, some of us have the habit of cri bbing continuously. I believe that although some bit of cribbing is healthy, beyond a point you should look for another job. 38. Like you cannot choose your parents, you cannot select your boss. 39. A line of degrees could get you a job but not a promotion. Simi larly, a high flying designation could get you into a meeting. After hearing you everyone knows where you’ve come from. 40. You could be the boss and get work done by virtue of being one. Remember to use the words "Thanks You" after a job is done. It could ma ke of a difference. 41. Someone once asked me; why do Indian men get intimidated by a woman in a business suit ? I said , Ask a ‘Behanji’ why she feels insecure in the company a suave guy. 42. A lot of us build up this very different, supposedly impressive image at work. Having done so, some hesitate inviting our colleagues home, apprehensive that a carefully cultivated image may change overnight. 43. It is important to trust your employees. Having said that, keep your eyes close to the ground. How do you handle a c olleague you like but cannot trust completely? Take him by surprise, keep him on his toes and sparingly let him have the big picture. 44. Do not stop an evil colleague from making mistakes. Let him keep on doing so till his deeds catch up with him. 45. When you come to work, upset about something that has gone wrong or had an argument with your spouse, you are likely to lose your temper at the slightest pretext. My advice is; stay cool, get engrossed in work, avoid getting into a discussion. By lunch you should b e closer to your normal self. 46. I've learnt that your office room and how you work is a reflection of what you are.

47. I've learnt never to simultaneously declare war on all my enemies, but to take them on one by one. 48. I've learnt that every professional earn s the respect of all by being dispassionate, objective and fair. 49. I've learnt that if your employer pays you more than what you are worth, sooner or later it will show. Sensible is the person who having realized so, keeps his standard of living the same, s o that he saves for a rainy day. 50. I've realized that people who take short -cuts to success lose it as soon as they get it. 51. I've learnt that taking on additional responsibility earns you respect and gives you power. 52. I've realized that successful people are crisp and precise on the phone. 53. I've learnt that the best way to know a company is starting with its organizational structure. 54. I've learnt that it pays to be humble when the chips are down. 55. I've realized that being generous with your subordinate earns a lot of good will. 56. I've realized that paying a new employee 5 - 10% more than what he expects could be a great motivating factor. 57. I've realized that people who are insecure keep bragging about how important they are. 58. I've realized that perquisites whic h employees misuse get withdrawn sooner than later. 59. I've learnt that when your opponent becomes friendly overnight, you need to be cautious. 60. I've realized that having an attractive secretary gets people hovering around your office. 61. I've realized that in secure people are less open to change. 62. I've realized that outspoken people must be careful not to fight other people’s battles. 63. I've realized that marketing and finance knowledge are common to all successful men.

64. I've realized that subordinates who are low on confidence need to be empowered, allowed to take decisions independently, encouraged to participate in meetings and, most importantly, supported when they stumble. 65. I've learnt that information is knowledge and knowledge is power. 66. I've learnt that bouncing ideas off other department heads enables your ideas to get quicker approval. 67. I've learnt that it pays to take a tough stand selectively and not a confrontational posture always. 68. I've realized that when you take a company maintained car to a gara ge, you should let him believe you are going to pick -up the tab and not the company. 69. A spontaneous decision which goes wrong should not be reversed as it leads to loss of credibility. 70. I've realized that one of the ways of getting work done is by saying " I need your help ". 71. I've realized that it is perilous for a company to ignore its consumers. 72. I've realized that there should be as few levels as possible between the salesman and sales director, to enable a company to respond swiftly to changes in the market place. 73. I've realized that it is important to understand your boss’s strategy and positioning so that you can play your cards accordingly. 74. I've realized that the job of a service department is to help increase the motivation, morale and efficiency o f other departments. 75. I've realized that teams are formed through amalgamation of identities, thoughts, and egos. 76. I've realized that most finance professionals are happier doing staff job, but get confused when asked to handle line and staff jobs simultan eously. 77. I've realized that when you are unhappy with someone, do not tell them what you would do, just go ahead and do it. 78. I've learnt that if you are convinced about something just do it and leave it to your persuasive powers to convince your boss that you did the right thing. 79. I've realized when your subordinate goofs and complaints flow in, you should not reprimand him immediately, but let it be known to him after the dust has settled down.

80. I've learnt that the best way to handle slippery people is to prepare a Minutes of the Meeting and get them to sign it after the meeting is over. 81. I've learnt that a marketing professional can win over his colleagues in finance by inviting suggestions on marketing. 82. I've learnt that to be successful, a business must be focussed, low cost, high volume and with a strategic vision. 83. I've learnt that in business it pays to be hard -nosed, lean and mean. 84. I've learnt that calling a colleague 'Sir' does not make him your boss; it make him happy. 85. I've learnt that standardiz ation of rules and procedures is one of the keys to increasing employee morale. 86. I've learnt that tough decisions are accepted better if communicated well. 87. I've learnt that one of the ways to establish a rapport with employees is by addressing their incom e-tax problems. 88. I've learnt that while line departments are busy trying to achieve targets, the Chief Financial Officer needs to sit back and take a corporate view. 89. I've learnt that the boss must earn respect from his subordinates because of his competence and inter-personal relations. 90. When you do not share with consumers the fruits of your research and are insensitive to their needs, you are sowing the seeds for competition to take birth. 91. I've learnt that a leader leads by example and from the front. 92. I've learnt that an accountant must decide whether he wants to be popular or effective. 93. I've learnt that to be successful, a lawyer must be practical, professional and creative in his approach to finding solutions to people’s problems. 94. I've learnt that success is sweeter and lasts longer if we move up the corporate ladder gradually, rather than trying to jump the gun. 95. I've learnt that using anger and the fire in my belly selectively, produce better results. 96. I've learnt that tough decisions can be delaye d but not avoided. 97. I've learnt that most women dislike having women bosses, especially if the subordinate is more attractive.

98. I've learnt that you should support your boss inspite of disagreeing and having protested against his decision. 99. I've learnt that honesty, sincerity and hard -work can win over anyone and is not a sign of weakness. 100. I've learnt that amidst a battle you need to sometimes retreat, regroup your forces and launch a fresh attack to win the war.

101. I've

learnt never to underestimate my opp onent.

102. While

working in a new country, one needs to be sensitive to local customs, culture as well as understand their body language.

103. I've

realized that an individual having a good relationship with his boss's boss could be a double -edged sword.

104. I

love to have the aura of mystique around me. I enjoy taking people by surprise. I'd like to keep them guessing, wondering what my next move would be.

105. I've

realized that you must have atleast three die -hard supporters at work who swear by you and give you feedba ck about yourself.

106. I've

realized that it pays to have your boss's secretary on your side.

107. My

life has shown that my bosses who have supported, guided and corrected me have done well while others have had to bite the dust.

108. I

think it is important for the boss to capitalize on his subordinates' strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses.

109. The

day you stop adding value to your subordinates, each one of them would want to be the boss.

110. Whenever

you visit your Corporate office, it is useful to meet eve ry departmental

heads. 111. I've

learnt that when the chips are down, no one wants to be responsible. Just the reverse happens when the worst is over and things start looking up.

112. Most

people have different personalities at and outside work. Its good for your colleagues to see both sides to improve their understanding of you.

113. I believe

that an effective boss is one who allows his juniors to have their share of the limelight in time to come.

114. Regional

conferences help give a face to the voice, breakdown barrier s and help change perceptions that were based on hearsay.

115. Whilst

thinking of motivational tools think of things that would increase the self esteem of the individual in the eyes of his peers and family.

116. Whenever

you take on something, do not rest till it is 100% complete. Delegation might not assure completion.

117. While

evaluating a job offer, do not get tempted by the money alone but look at the work environment, backgrounds of people you would interact with and senior management's commitment to business.

118. In

corporate wars, many a time the subordinate is targeted when actually, the missile is aimed at his boss.

119. Here

is a simple but powerful rule " Always give people more than they can expect to get " .

120. I've

learnt to give my colleagues space, the freedom to take decisions, manage their people and set their goals. I see myself as a catalyst who shares vision, anticipates the future, guides, trains, helps, motivates and protects.

121. Before

entering into negotiations, it is useful to make a realistic estimate of where you stand to let you know how hard a bargain you can strike. If you happen to be talking to a banker, meet more than a couple of them, get an understanding of the market and the variables that go into deciding their quotes, find their weaknesses and then negotiate.

122. I've

learnt that it's not correct to criticise your predecessor when he's not around to defend himself.

123. I've

seen that the easiest thing for the boss to do is to ensure someone incompetent gets sacked. It's challenging to work on such a person and help him earn his stripes.

124. I've

seen that some women at work enjoy making the first move but get reticent when the man gets lead on.

125. As

I move up in the hierarchy, I would do better by appreciating the sentiments of my subordinates and provi ding them with emotional support when required.

126. I've

learnt that in a negotiation, it pays to give in for larger gains, on what is otherwise an immaterial point.

127. During

my factory days, I learnt to observe the clothes/accessories worn by my assistants responsible for supplier payments. It helped me form opinions on their integrity.

128. Having

worked in a terrorist infected state, I had two options. I could either get intimidated by staying locked up at home or be careful without being stupid and jumping into the jaws of death.

129. I've

learnt that companies that are not financially prudent get sold or are compelled to close down.

130. I've

observed that people who are strong and powerful prefer to work behind the scenes rather than go in for a public show of strengt h.

131. I've

realized that organizations need to be structured with jobs defined broadly if people are to be held accountable.

132. I've

realized that when the boss does not get into details it is important for the subordinate to look at everything with a toothcom b.

133. I've

realized that husband and wife should never work in the same office. Each one of us has a different personality at work and home. We might not be comfortable with our partner seeing the other side of us. Also, if the company closes down both could be unemployed. Wouldn’t it be boring to see the same face all day ?

134. Every

salesman needs to realize that for every sales call made, you win some and lose some.

135. Sometimes,

we get emotionally attached to a decision and do not want to reverse it. We are scared of loss of face. I’ve learnt that courageous is the man who can accept a mistake and reverse his decision.

136. I've

realized that as I move up the corporate ladder there are fewer people I can confide in.

137. I've

realized that an uncluttered office provide s a conducive ambience for clear thinking.

138. People

work hard for different reasons. Some do it for job satisfaction and the desire to do well. Other could be bachelors who sit late because they have nothing better to do or married men who want to avoid a n agging wife.

139. When

you go to a colleague's house be careful of what you say, it could influence a wife's perception of her husband.

140. A boss could

assert himself by being magnanimous or petty.

141. A

CEO who gets into negotiations, bypassing his senior colleagu es runs the risk of not being able to play the role of an Arbitrator.

142. I've

learnt that competition and adversity bring out the best in most people.

143. I've

realized that victory is a question of momentum and timing.

144. During

a Corporate Battle the stress on you is apparent to colleagues who work closely with you. Tension in the air is best removed by talking to them, explaining reasons for your behavior and accepting full responsibility for your actions.

145. Have

you heard of the Art of Tele -taking? Strategicall y, when a colleague or associate calls you, keep on asking him about the things that he has to do for you. Try and tire him out after which, may be, he would ask you what he called you for.

146. Management

by moving around. Ah ! What is it ? Taking a walk in o ffice, talking to people, inquiring about their health, cracking a joke and may be, indulging in shop talk.

147. A

departmental head can sense and see some of his managers out performing others. You can earn their loyalty and respect by gently guiding, motivat ing, advising them on how to handle their brighter counterparts.

148. What

is Power-dressing? It is dressing smartly, wearing the right clothes to subtly intimidate the person you are talking to. Wearing the appropriate clothes for each occasion subconsciously increases your confidence level.

149. A lot

of us keep on postponing things we have to but do not like to do. My advice is; just do it and get it off your back.

150. When

a subordinate of yours has goofed badly and he too realizes it, do not loose your temper but just keep quiet. Your subordinate is expecting a firing but you refuse to oblige. The suspense would upset him and make him regret the error. For the boss, he has conveyed unhappiness without saying a word.

151. My

first boss insisted that each of one us incl uding himself took at least three weeks annual leave. Over the years, I have realized that it wasn't compassion alone but a sound management practice. Annual leave, subtly made everyone realize that none is indispensable. Besides allowing the second line t o develop, it allows every boss to evaluate the contribution of individual managers.

152. After

reading these thoughts someone claimed to know me inside out. I am sorry that might not be possible since I am ever evolving and changing by the day.

153. " Life

is full of opposites, pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, heat and cold, have a beginning and an end, are impermanent in nature, face them bravely, Oh! Partha " Bhagwad Gita.

LIFE 1. I've learnt that the way a man dresses and his handwriting are a reflection of h is personality. 2. I've realized that whenever I make my plans public they go awry. 3. I've learnt that a person's posture, gait and walking style say a lot about his self confidence. 4. I've learnt that silence is often more healing than empty words or free a dvice. 5. I've learnt that generous people seldom have emotional and mental problems. 6. I've learnt that most of the things I worry about never happen ! 7. I've learnt that life challenges us constantly to do things better. 8. A lot of us portray this very tough image to cover up our insecurities. 9. I've learnt that enthusiasm is caught, not taught. 10. As one grows older, one matures like wine in a cask, becoming more intuitive, guessing the destinies of a few near and dear ones. Surely, this does not make them astrologers but it certainly strengthens their intuitive powers. 11. I have learnt that self pity is a waste of time. 12. I have learnt that education, experience and memories are three things that no one can take away from me. 13. I have learnt that the secret of growi ng old gracefully is to keep your enthusiasm alive for meeting new people and seeing new places. 14. I have learnt that you learn most from people who are learning themselves. 15. To be rich is glorious. 16. I've learnt that happiness comes from within. No amount of money can buy it. 17. I've learnt that you cannot have the same standard of living at 26 that your father has at 45. 18. I've learnt that conviction is the key to success. 19. I've learnt that life is a continuous learning process. 20. I've learnt that you should mak e a promise only if you intend keeping it.

21. I've learnt that happiness shows on a person's face. 22. What you say is as important as how you say it. 23. A human being who imparts knowledge is richer and taller at the end of the day. 24. Life will always have problems but never let it pull you down. Remember there is always somebody who is worse off than you are. 25. To have an independent mind does not mean that you do not listen to anyone. 26. There is more happiness in giving than in receiving. 27. I've learnt that being articu late is as important as possessing knowledge. 28. I've learnt that you must pray to God, have faith in him always and not only when the chips are down. 29. I've realized that belief in God is a matter of faith and cannot be proven in a Court of Law. 30. I've realized that sleeping on my back makes me feel fresh in the morning. 31. I've learnt that the body throws up signals when it is close to breaking point. It's up to us to recognize them. 32. I've learnt arguing with a person who has undergone a bypass surgery could ex cite him unnecessarily. 33. I've realized that music, women and books make me tick. 34. I've realized that with the amount of sin in today’s world, God has decided that we should pay for our deeds in this birth only. 35. I've realized that there is no substitute to the Law of Karma and Dharma. Karma means you reap what you sow. Dharma is righteous behavior. 36. I've learnt that Zindagi mein paasa palatne mein time nahin lagta hai. 37. I've realized that to avoid dental problems, it is important to visit the dentist the minute your teeth start reacting to hot or cold food. 38. I've realized that the best way to rule a country by proxy is influencing its educational system. 39. I've realized that the more old shirts I give away to the needy, God blesses me with that many more new ones.

40. I've realized that some dentists keep on playing around with your teeth to increase the their earnings. 41. I've learnt that listing to instrumental music while driving to work keeps my mind cool, stable and open. 42. I've learnt that writing is a means o f expressing an individual’s creativity. 43. I've learnt that a camera captures happy moments for eternity. 44. I've learnt that visiting a temple regularly and praying without any expectations is the simplest route to happiness. 45. I've learnt to trust my gut fee l and listen to my inner voice. Having said that, I like to internalize the decision before committing myself. 46. I've learnt that people with conviction will always be opposed, but brave is the one who carries on unfazed. 47. I've learnt that opportunities com e in everyone's lives, it is a question of seizing them at the right time. Too much of thinking could get you left behind. You must strike when the iron is hot. 48. I've learnt that someone who blindly follows an astrologer's recipe for success without putting in the required effort is doomed to fail. 49. I've learnt that success in life comes 60 % from destiny and 40 % from hard work. 50. I've learnt that life without friends is incomplete. 51. I've learnt that your misdeeds always catch up with you i.e. the law of ka rma is always at work. 52. I've learnt that it pays to be in touch. 53. I've learnt that one of the keys to happiness is to know and accept your limitations. 54. I've learnt that listing to half an hour of music before sleeping gives me peace of mind. 55. I've learnt that leading a balanced life is a key to happiness. 56. I've learnt that sharing of experiences enriches me. 57. I've learnt that high profile personalities face a lot of stress. 58. I've learnt that nothing in life is worth brooding over for more than three days. 59. I've learnt that music gets me out of my worst moods.

60. I've learnt that successful people accept change as a way of life. 61. I've learnt that success is giving of one's best. 62. I've learnt that every human being has a spark of brilliance and goodness in him, it only needs to be tapped. 63. I've learnt that it is good to be ambitious, to the extent that it does not make me unhappy. 64. I believe in 'no risk, no gain'. 65. Life will always have problems. The challenge lies in converting every problem into an opportunity. 66. Generosity gives happiness and miserly behavior just the opposite. 67. When faced with a problem, get to the bottom of it and resolve it rather than search for temporary solutions. 68. I've learnt that there is no such thing as perfection. 69. I've learnt that however rich you ar e, you must realize the value of money. 70. I've realized that the more successful you are, the more humble you should be, the more you should share, the more helpful you should be and the more you must feed the less unfortunate. 71. I've realized that no amount o f counseling can work unless the person is determined to improve himself. 72. Always respect old people as you are going to be in their shoes tomorrow. 73. I've learnt that to score a point, politicians do not mind sacrificing the lives of innocent people. 74. I've observed that most South Mumbai kids of yesterday live in the suburbs today. 75. I've learnt that becoming a member of the old boys association is enough to secure my son's school admission. 76. I've learnt that you should aggressively pursue head -hunters, but havin g gone for an interview wait for them to call you back. 77. I've observed that it pays to have an annual medical check -up after the age of forty. 78. I've learnt that to earn kickbacks on future sales, ministers do not mind buying stocks of non -perishable items in advance.

79. During the last thirty odd years of my life, I have tried to analyze the sequence of events, the successes and the failures to have a broad understanding of my destiny. This has helped me work on myself, accept life better, caution me on things that I should not be doing and perhaps, becomes more intuitive about future events. 80. As I write more, it helps me discover parts of myself that were hitherto unknown to me. 81. Three to six months after your colleague gets married do not be too demanding. This is the time they are busy laying the foundations of their marriage. 82. I've learnt that when you go in for a buffet, remember that the stomach is yours and food can be eaten again. 83. I've realized that the more I know myself, the happier I am. 84. I've realized that perfectionists are mostly unhappy since no human being can work at 100% efficiency all the time. 85. I am beginning to realize that having an insight into other peoples' minds enables me to handle them better. 86. In case you've messed up on something, avoid gett ing depressed by telling yourself that everyone makes mistakes. Having said that, make sure the mistake is not repeated. 87. I've realized that after the railways, cricket and music are India's biggest national integrators. 88. While reading a book, by continuousl y looking at the page number, you will not enjoy reading but will fell like being pressurized into completing the book. 89. On days when I am feeling under the weather, I force myself to wear bright clothes. This cheers me up and by noon I usually feel much be tter. 90. I've learnt that to keep my stomach in good shape, I should eat out regularly but avoid over-eating. 91. I believe that a smart General is one who never fights from the front but conceptualizes, strategies and gets his plans implemented with the help of his soldiers. 92. As I have discovered myself and learnt to accept the world around me, to some I come across as a person very content and who is happy living life alone. Naïve is the person who thinks he can live life in isolation.

93. I've realized that when yo u want to oblige someone do something by which you would make his children happy. Send him tickets for a cricket match. 94. I've learnt that retirement could be difficult for both husband and wife. The husband has got to keep himself occupied while the wife ha s got to spend the full day with her husband, something she did rather sparingly during the previous 35 odd years. I've seen that men with hobbies and varied interests are able to cope with post-retirement life better. 95. I've learnt to determine just the ri ght amount of sleep for myself. Short or excess sleep has me wake up with a heavy head. 96. I've realized that a number of people bite their nails or scratch their heads when they are unsure, nervous or preoccupied. 97. I need three evenings to recover from a majo r setback. Evening one – go to the Pub. Evening two – go the gymnasium and Evening three – spend an hour in the peaceful environment of a temple. 98. Sometimes we do good to someone expecting him to be grateful for eternity, but when he is not, we crib and bec ome unhappy. Expectation is the root cause of all unhappiness. So be good without wanting anyone to repay a good deed. 99. In college, the economics professor taught us the Law of Diminishing Returns i.e. the more you consume of something the less you would li ke to have more of it. My experiences have proved this law to be true in real life e.g. too much of work sees me getting burnt out and makes me want to run -away from office. 100. Politicians who are fence -sisters might be ministers for long but history will not remember them for their contribution to the nation. Oh ! That’s one more minister gone. 101. Politicians who do not stand up for what they believe in, might not be in power for long. 102. I've realized that there are two types of lies. The Aswathama type (i.e. one said for a noble cause) and the other with malafide intention. 103. I've observed while eating out at a restaurant, call the waiter by his first name and be assured of excellent service throughout. 104.

I've learnt that we do not value the things that we get easily .

105. When you have to do something you don't like but have no option, you might as well do it with a smile. 106. I've realized that sharing my insecurities with a friend makes me feel better and influences my perspective.

107. I've observed that the way people react to situations indicates the type of experiences they've had in life.

FAMILY 1. With a little bit of ingenuity a mother can make tasteless food very tempting to her child. 2. The quality of food in a child's tiffin box affects his popularity at school. 3. I've learnt that you can tell a lot about a man by the happiness of his wife, and the respect given to him by his children. 4. I've learnt never to praise my mother's cooking when I am eating something cooked by my wife. Simple rule, never compare these two women. 5. I've learnt that if your children feel safe, wanted and loved you a successful parent. 6. I've learnt that the relationship between parents has a profound impact on their children. 7. I've learnt that most marriages pull on for the sake of chil dren, despite a lack of communication between husband and wife. 8. While playing cricket with your son, encourage him, allow him to win. It helps build confidence, which is very important during a child's formative years. 9. Your children shall treat you in yo ur old age just as they see you treating your parents today. 10. What a daughter is to a mother, a daughter -in-law can never be. 11. I've learnt that pregnant women have to be handled with a lot of care. 12. I've learnt that you can realize whether a woman is famil iar with cooking by her judgment on the quantum of food ordered at a restaurant. 13. I've learnt that every relationship, be it that of husband -wife or a brother-sister has an element of politics in it. 14. I've learnt that the husband of an attractive woman mus t be secure, confident and trusting if the marriage is to last. 15. I've learnt that the wife plays an important role in deciding how honest a man is. 16. I've learnt that the scars of childhood are difficult to erase. 17. I've learnt that it is easy to spend my fa ther's money but difficult to earn it myself.

18. In today's fast changing world a mobile phone could make a pregnant woman handle pregnancy better by making her husband and the nursing home only a phone-call away. 19. I've learnt that you could reprimand your c hildren when they make mistakes or encourage them to be honest. 20. I've realized that having old parents at home has made me sensitive and compassionate. 21. I've realized that the older my parents grow, the more I love them. 22. I've seen that as I share with my family materialistic comforts earned through my hard work, they tend to respect me a lot more. 23. I've learnt that you might continuously fight with your siblings but some day it shall dawn on you that blood is thicker than water. 24. When you stay as a guest i n someone's house, you could be happier by becoming a part of the family and helping in household chores. 25. I've seen a number of parents wanting their children to achieve their unfulfilled dreams. 26. On seeing the success of her children, the sparkle in a mo ther's eyes is a great joy for every child to see. 27. I've learnt that going out for family outings, help strengthen the bonds among family members. 28. Everyone wants to watch his or her favorite program. Multiplicity of TV Channels has made a number of people opt for a second TV. This has resulted in some families not having dinner together and reduced the level of interaction among members. In the same vein, Satellite TV has made people handle post retirement better. At the press of a button, they can watch 3 0 plus channels in the comfort of their bedrooms, from news to soaps, operas, not to forget feature films. 29. I've learnt that by marrying and having children early, you have the energy to play and grow up with them. 30. As children we've grown up with this lar ger than life image of our fathers. It pains to see him lose a corporate battle, overhear snide remarks made by his colleagues, watch him grow old and helpless. 31. I've observed that the way parents bring up their children is a reflection both, of the way they were brought up, as well as the way they would have liked to be brought-up.

32. As we start working, we tend to pass judgment on the success or failure of our working parents. I think it is incorrect to do so. We should learn to accept our parents for what they are. 33. As we grow older, we do find fault with elders and expect them to change accordingly. Rarely do we realize how difficult it is to change as age catches up. I've observed that we will not change, yet expect our elders to do so. 34. Every time a parent hits a child, the little one's confidence takes a beating. A sense of helplessness creeps into the child's mind, one of being attacked without having the power to respond. 35. Having food on the dining table goes a long way in strengthening family bonds. It is a time when every member shares his day.

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