Skeletal Muscle.1

  • Uploaded by: M. Farkhan Habib
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 296
  • Pages: 20
The Human Movement System (SKELETAL SYSTEM)

Frontal Zygomatic Maxilla Clavicle Scapula

Temporal Mandible Ribs Sternum

Humerus Lumbar Vertebrae





Femur Tibia Fibula

Ischium Patella

A functions of human skeleton 1. The skeleton system gives a shape and supports our body, like a house structure. 2. The skeleton system protects the internal softer organs, such as brain, heart, and lungs. 3. Skeleton is the structure to which major muscles of our body are attached, and the muscles move the bones. 4. Some bones have red bone marrow that produces red blood cells, or erythrocyte. Bone marrows are soft tissues in the core of bones 5. Skeleton is the main unit to save minerals, that is, calcium and phosphor which are used in the


Tulang Keras

Tulang Rawan • Sel peyusun tuang rawan disebut kondrosit • Membran yang menyelubungi tulang rawan disebut perikondrium berfungsi menyuplai kebutuhan tulang rawan • Ada 3 macam tulang rawan

1. Tulang Rawan Hialin • tersusun atas serabut kolagen • bersifat kuat dan elastis • terdapat pada ujung tulang pipa sebagai tulang rawan sendi

2. Tulang Rawan Fibrosa • Terbentuk dari berkas serabut sel tulang • Bersifat kuat dan lunak • terdapat pada tulang gelang panggul dan tempurung lutut

3. Tulang Rawan Elastis • mengandung serabut elastis berwarna kuning • bersifat sangat lentur • terdapat pada cuping hidung, saluran eustacius dan daun telinga




BONE • Your skeleton consists of around 206 bones of various sizes and shapes. Bones fall into groups based on their shapes. – long bones, – flat bones, – short bones, – irregular bones.

• Different shapes of human bones imply different functions.

Bone shape

Tulang Tengkorak

Tulang Belakang

Tulang Dada dan Tulang Rusuk

Tulang Panggul

Tulang Anggota Gerak

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