Sjb Achievement Test Final...docx

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  • Pages: 9
CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Evaluation refers to the systematic process of measuring the students grasp or knowledge of his proficiency in order to determine some prefixed objectives. For the fulfillment of those objectives some structured instruction are design, in order to delivered those instruction different stakeholders give their efforts following their unique strategies and to judge the functioning of those efforts as well as the degree of accomplishment of the same a standardized tool is used considering the planned instruction, and that standardized tool is known as achievement test. MEANING OF ACHIEVEMENT TESTTest refers to a set of question prepared and administered with the motive of recognizing an individual in order to fulfill certain predetermined purpose. An achievement test is the total learning attainments, accomplishment and proficiencies of an individual acquired in a particular area of learning task. It is an important tool in school evaluation and has greater significance in measuring instructional process and progress made by the individuals in different subject area. It is directly related with individual’s development in cognitive aspects such – knowledge, skills attitude, aptitude, comprehension etc. in an educational context to catch the educational and instructional goals and objectives. According to NM Dowin- Achievement Test is“A test that measure the attainment and accomplishment of an individual after a period of training and learning” In the words of Grunland- Achievement test is “A systematic procedure for determining the amount a student has learned through instructions”


It provides impartial information about achievement test. It provides basic for promotion to the next grade. It provides information about the degree of appropriateness of the instructional process. It works as a motivator for students to take a new assignment. It provides relevant suggestive advice or measure to all the stake holders such as educators, curriculum planners, parents and others involved members to for smooth attainment of the educational goals.


To provide up to date information about students achievement in a periodic manner. To determine appropriateness of the instructional process. To maintain consistency in students learning, To diagnose the learning difficulty of the students to remove it.

TITLE OF THE REPORT A report on “Construction of an achievement test for class vi students in Science subject in order to determine their Knowledge, Understanding and Application Ability on the same”.

OBJECTIVE OF THE REPORT The Achievement Test was prepared by the Test Framer with the following objectives  

To construct an achievement test with reference to Knowledge. To construct an achievement test with reference to Understanding. To construct an achievement test with reference to Application.

CHAPTER-2 PLANNING OF THE TEST Planning is the first important step in the test construction where the test framer provides a preliminary structure to the total test. As the main goal of evaluation process is to collect valid, reliable and useful data about the students, to attained the objective the test framer had followed the statement like  

What is to be measured? What content areas should be included? What types of test items are to be included.

Therefore the first step was included with three considerations asDEERMINING THEOBJECTIVES OF TESTINGA Test can be used for different purpose. It can be used to measure, access and evaluate the entry performance, the progress during the teaching learning process and to decide the mastery level achieved by the students. As the test construction was intended to determine the mastery level of the students and assignment of grade to them it was covered all the instructional objectives of knowledge, understanding and application of whole content area of the subject and attention was paid on the same.

PREPARING TEST SPECIFICATIONThe second important steps in the test construction are to prepare the test specification. In order to sure that the test construction will measure the representative sample of the instructional objectives and content area the test framer must prepare test specifications where an elaborated

design is necessary for the construction procedure. One of the most commonly used devices is “Table of Specification” or “Blue Print”.

PREPARING TABLE OF SPECIFICATION OR BLUE PRINTTable of Specification is a guide for the test construction procedure which include Three Main Dimension such as-

DETERMINING THE WEIGHTAGE TO DIFFERENT INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVESThe Achievement Test was meant to measure the cognitive domain and the sample of objectives of test was choosen as Knowledge, Understanding and Application in the proportion of 40%, 40% and 20% respectively by the Test Framer. As the Test is meant for the students of class viin subject SCIENCEwith the total markof 50 the weightage to objectives were stated by keeping in mind the same context which is given in following table-



Knowledge Understanding Application

40% 40% 20%

NUMBER MARK 20 20 10



DETERMIMG THE WEIGHTAGE TO DIFFERENT CONTENT AREAAnother consideration taken for the construction of Blue print is outlining the content area. It indicates the area in which the students are expected to show their performance. It also helps to obtain representative sample of whole content area along with repetition and omission of any unit. So in the test the content weightage was determined by the Test Framer by—“Diving the Total Numbers of Pages of Book from Total Mark of The Test with the Multiplication of Total Pages in The Topic Covered.” The book contain 98 Pages and Total Mark of the Constructed Test was 50, so Weightage to different Unit was given as per the following Table-

SL No 1 2 3 4

CONTENT Unit1 Unit2 Unit3 Unit4

PAGES 1-5 6-13 14-17 18-21

MARK 3 4 2 2

PERCENTAGE 6% 8% 4% 4%

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOTAL

Unit5 Unit6 Unit7 Unit8 Unit 9 Unit10 Unit11 Unit12 Unit13 Unit14 Unit15 Unit16 Unit17 Unit18 18 unit

22-28 29-36 37-40 41-45 46-51 52-57 58-62 63-68 69-74 75-79 80-80 86-90 91-94 95-98 98

3 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 50

6% 8% 4% 4% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 4% 4% 100%

DETERMINING THE TYPES OF ITEMS TO BE INCLUDEDThe last important step for preparation of Blue Print is determination of types of items to be included in the Test. The items included in the construction of Test are broadly divided into subjective and objective. Appropriate item types should be selected according to the learning outcomes to be measured. So that the Test framer must be decide and select the most appropriate items types as per the learning outcomes. Here in the Achievement Test the Test Framer decided The Multiple Choice Test Item as the best item type as the objective of the Test construction was to Measure the learning outcomes based on Knowledge, understanding and Application aspects where the Entire Weightage is given to the same by the Test Framer.

PREPARATION OF TABLE OF SPECIFICATIONAfter determining the objectives, weightage to different content area and suited Items Types the Test Framer prepared the Table of Specification as stated below-


Object/content Unit-1 Unit-2 Unit-3 Unit-4

Knowledge(40 %) 1 2 1 1

Understanding (40%) 1 2 1 1

Application (20%) 1 0 0 0

Grand total 3 4 2 2

Unit-5 Unit-6 Unit-7 Unit-8 Unit-9 Unit-10 Unit-11 Unit-12 Unit-13 Unit-14 Unit-15 Unit-16 Unit-17 Unit-18 Total

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20

1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 10

3 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 50

CHAPTER-3 PREPARING THE TEST After planning Preparation is the foremost important step in Test Construction. The preparation stage includes the following three functions  

Preparing Test Item. Preparing Instructions for the Test Preparation of Scoring Key.

PREPARATION THE TEST ITEMSPreparation of Test Items is the most important task in the preparation step. The test items are constructed on the basic of the Table of Specification. Therefore a care must be given to following principles while preparing the Test Item. So in this step 75 MCQ test items has been prepared by the test framer for its construction procedure.     

Test items must be appropriate for the learning outcomes to be measured. Test items should measure all types of instructional objectives and the whole content area. The test items should be free from ambiguities. The Test items should be appropriate to difficulty level. Test Items should be free from technical errors and irrelevant clues.

As the best item selected for the test construction is multiple choice. A light should be thrown on the general ideas of multiple type test items.

MULTIPULE CHOICE QUESTIONMultiple Choice Questions type items are the objective type test items, which are most frequently used by the teacher/ Board for all kinds of evaluation that are placement, formative, diagnostic and summative evaluation. This test items can measure all the learning outcomes comes under the knowledge, understanding and application. MCQ type item means a problem or question which is followed by four possible solutions, among which one is correct answer and others three are the distracters. These four choices are given in the form of words, numbers, symbols or phrases.

PRINCIPLE OF CONSTRUCTING MCQ TYPE ITEMSFollowing are the some important principles of constructing MCQ type items, which are taken into account by the test framer, such as         

Formulate the statement that clearly represents the definite problem. The item stem should be free from irrelevant material. Avoid the exact statement used during instruction or given in the book. Negative statement should be used only when it is required. There should not be any grammatical link between the stem and the alternatives. All the distracters should homogeneous in nature. Avoid the verbal association between the stem and the correct answer. All the alternatives should be equal in length. The correct answer should be clear, concise, correct and free of clues. The responses ‘all of the above’ and ‘none of the above’ should only be used when it is appropriate.

PREPARING INSTRUCTION FOR THE TESTThe validity and Reliability of the Test item to a great extent depends on the Instructions of The Test. Here the Test Framer has instructed different aspects of the test as follows   

The test is constructed to measure the knowledge level, understanding capacity and application ability. There are 75 questions given in the question booklet, each question carries one mark. The time allowed for answering is 1hour and 30 minute. All questions have four choices, out of which one is correct answer.

All students have to answer the questions by putting Tick mark against on right answer.

PREPARATION OF SCORRING KEYA scoring key increase the reliability of the test. So in order to obtain a consistent result about pupil’s performance the A Scoring Key has been prepared by the Test framer following appropriate direction which is added in APPENDIX-1 the reference section.

CHAPTER-4- TRYING OUT OF THE TEST Once the Test is prepared now the time to confirm the validity, reliability and usability of the Test. Try out helps to find out defective level and ambiguous items of the test as well as determining the difficulty level and discrimination power of the items which is necessary for selecting most appropriate items for the Test. The Test framer has taken those 75 prepared MCQ items for this purpose.

PRILIMINARY TRY OUTThe Test framer has done preliminary tryout on the sample of 10 students in order to judge different aspects of the Test constructed such as language difficulty of the test items and clear statement of the directions, appropriateness of the time limit, ability to understand of the test items for making the same as a valid and usable one.

FINAL TRYOUTThe Final Tryout is done on the 30 students by the Test Framer for Item analysis purpose.

CHAPTER-5 EVALUATION OF THE TEST Evaluating the test is an important task of test construction procedure as it judges the usable characteristics of the test by through item analysis procedure and the item analysis procedure enable the Test framer to determine the appropriate functioning of the test as intended by the purpose. For the item analysis procedure the test framer has stressed on following aspects.  

The tested papers were ranked as per its obtained mark in an ascending order. 27% tested paper from top and 27% from bottom of the arranged paper were selected by the investigator.

 

Keeping aside the other unnecessary tested paper recorded the responses of the number of right responses from upper and lower group. The item difficulty of each items were calculated by her following the formula- R/T×100 Where R=Total number of students got the answer correct. T=Total number of students attempted the question. 

Similarly he has calculated item discrimination power of each items following the formula – RU-RL/T/2, Where RU= Total number of students got the item correct from upper group , and RL= Total number of students got the item correct from lower group , and T/2=Half of total number of pupils included in the item analysis. After calculating the difficulty level and discrimination power he has selected the items as appropriate items ranging from 25%-75% as difficulty level and 0.25-0.75 having discrimination power.

For tabulating all above data she has added ITEM ANALYSIS MATRIX which is included in APPENDIX-2.

CONCLUSIONTeacher teach and helps the learner to learn the learner and the learning that takes place and evaluation process not only for the benefits of the learner rather it judges the teacher along with the total teaching learning atmosphere to get feedback to get rid out from the difficulties. Keeping these objectives in mind the test framer has constructed an achievement test for class vi in general science subject to judge their knowledge, understanding and application ability taking into account 75 test item based on MCQ type on the knowledge, understanding and application aspects of the cognitive domain with the direction of its appropriate principles and after the trying out of the test and its analysis he got 50 most appropriate test items which can fulfill the objectives of total instruction process.

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