Simxpert R3.2 Release Guide

  • May 2020
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SimXpert R3.2 Release Guide


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3 What’s New

What’s New

4 SimXpert Release Guide

What's New in SimXpert R3.2 The R3.2 release of SimXpert is offers significant quality, performance and capacity improvements over the R3.1 release including, • Feature suppression from native CAD models to enable rapid de-featuring of complex CAD

geometry by suppressing holes, fillets, chamfers and other CAD features that are not necessarily required for simulation modeling • A suite of CAE geometry creation tools that enable users to create geometry directly in

SimXpert, independent of any CAD system. The tools in R3.2 represent the first of three major phases of geometry creation tools in the product with the remaining tools planned for implementation over the next two releases • Extension of the mid-surface geometry extraction tools to include rapid mid-surface extraction

of extruded parts, including penetrations and holes through the cross section. • Feature based meshing - localized mapped meshes around common geometry features such as

rings, fillets and chamfers • Quadratic and tabular mesh seeding • Extended Groups capabilities enabling rapid organization of models that do not take advantage

of the existing Part/Assembly modeling capabilities of SimXpert. Further extension of the Groups capability will take place in the next release of SimXpert • Attribute tagging - associate user attributes to any SimXpert object and subsequently use that

attribute for downstream modeling operations • Enhanced visualization and more precise control of visualization for loads and constraints in the

Structures workspace • Extended support in the Structures workspace for MD Nastran Solution 400 pre and post

processing including: • simpler 1D element creation/modification • SOL400 based thermal simulation including support for radiation enclosures • 1D and 3D bolt modeling • composite progressive failure analysis • extended contact support and contact visualization (pre-processing only in this release) • Extended support in the Explicit workspace for MD Nastran Solution 700 pre and post

processing including job setup, macro record, tool ribbon and dummy positioning support for the latest LSTC and ETA dummies. Results plots can now be created for Fluid Structure Interaction models to visualize the effect of the fluid on the deformable structure • Extensions to the Motion Workspace including: • Extended MD Adams object support • animation of results during solution • additional geometry primitives • flex body mode shape animation

5 What’s New

• Additional reporting tools including Max/Min and Enveloping • Several enhancements to the template authoring environment including automatic creation of

sub-templates from selected actions, Action versioning and grouping of inputs on script based actions.

6 SimXpert Release Guide

What’s New in SimXpert R3.1 The R3.1 release of SimXpert is offers significant quality, performance and capacity improvements over the R3 release including, • Native Pro/ENGINEER access import and meshing performance improvements - an average of

10 to 20 times faster than previous versions. • Native UG performance enhancements - an average of 40% faster than previous versions. • Native CAD access now supports Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0. • Substantial expansion of macro record capabilities and Action documentation in the Structures

workspace • Substantial expansion of the scripting API documentation • Graphics performance enhancements - from 2 to 30 times faster than previous versions of

SimXpert. Performance improvements are model dependent. • Over 800 minor enhancements and corrections.

Key enhancements provided in the last major release of SimXpert are included in the following sections.

7 What’s New

What’s New in SimXpert R3 The R3 release of SimXpert contains significant usability improvements that help accelerate analysts' ability to perform multi-disciplinary analysis across workspaces including structural, thermal, motion, explicit, and crash. It also includes improved capabilities to automatically capture simulation methods and steps for reuse. This document provides a comprehensive summary of what you will receive with SimXpert R3.

SimXpert R3 – Significant New Capabilities • Support of and packaging with the latest editions of MSC Software solvers: MD Nastran R3 and

MD Adams R3. • Support for native CAD access with newer versions of CAD: CATIA V5R18, UGS NX 5.0, and

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 • Multi-level Undo/Redo • Expanded support for macro record and play in all workspaces. • Python, a standard, non-proprietary scripting language introduced as the default SimXpert

scripting language. • Full SimXpert API available within Python scripts • User defined Actions may be implemented using Python • SimXpert R3 installer now supports modular installation. Workstation Edition, Client Edition,

native CAD access products, and documentation can be separately installed.

SimXpert General and Architecture New Look and Feel The general layout of the User Interface has been improved such that the tools are organized in different tabs for easy access via a tool ribbon. Increased Localization support via language mapping files. Usability • Picking & Highlighting Enhancements: • Candidate selection • Pre-selection / hover highlight • Entity selection

Pick Manager has been improved considerably. Last used pick filter is remembered and default choices are provided where appropriate.

8 SimXpert Release Guide

• Model organization & manipulation

Entities and their status in the model browser are better represented now with distinct bitmaps. The List View tab in the model browser provides an alternate view of the model browser and has been enhanced for better model sorting and filtering. The Expand/collapse branches allow for viewing in a hierarchical manner. Folder hide/show allows to change the display of many entities in one shot; Entities can be manipulated on the canvas and/or on the model tree. The contextual menu is more consistent due to re-organization of the menus. • Modeling efficiency

The GUI in general has been streamlined to be more intuitive and efficient. The result is fewer clicks, and shorter mouse travel. Property editors Enhancements: • Consistent style • Auto-advance of pick fields • Immediate data verification • Default filter picks choices • Unique color for active & mandatory fields • Advanced options are displayed on-demand thereby reducing the dialog size • View Manipulation

Standard Mouse configuration options that are consistent with users’ preferred CAD/CAE software are available for model view manipulation. Intuitive set of keyboard accelerators have been implemented for model view manipulation. Utilities • Unit Manager Unit system: Derived Force unit is editable and the Basic unit "Angle" is supported for Motion workspace only • Session file & Data Recovery

Session file support is now available – SimXpert captures user actions in a session file • Auto Backup

Data recovery is now possible in case of a session crash. Auto backup is user definable

Common Support for Structures, Thermal, and Explicit Workspaces The Structures, Thermal, Crash, and Explicit Workspaces have been enhanced to support the latest features in implicit & explicit nonlinear multidisciplinary solvers ( SOL600, SOL 400, SOL 700)

9 What’s New

Usability • Markers & Symbols Loads, boundary conditions, and coordinate systems are now represented with unique markers that are user modifiable • Model Organization & Manipulation

Analysis setup has been streamlined under the ‘Simulation’ branch and analysis parameters can be easily configured The model browser has been enhanced to include enterprise capabilities - a system for managing data, design revisions and for managing design & analysis configurations for quick plug and play analysis of assemblies for higher fidelity system simulation. This feature called 'Enterprise Model Browser' has been tightly integrated with SimManager. • Modeling efficiency

Multiple undo/redo is possible in FEA workspaces Element Properties can now be defined on geometry which will allow automatic definition of properties on elements when meshed or re-meshed. Mid-surfacing tools Meshing functionality is more robust and now features 2 ½ D hex meshing; It also features tools for global geometry clean-up • Job Setup

Analysis setup has been restructured and streamlined under the 'Simulations' branch for better user interaction and simplification of workflow. Load cases, solver parameters and output parameters can be easily configured. Simulation jobs now have 'restart' options. Unique ASETs can be selected for a job. Node and Elements SETs created in SimXpert can now be requested for output for simulation jobs Utilities • Quality Check Quality check tools have been consolidated into a single tool that provides easy definition and verification of criteria for a portion or the entire model against geometry or FEM - a simple toggle allows the user to switch back & forth between criterion value and result. 1D, 2D, and 3D elements can be checked; Contextual options are available for fixing failed elements; Geometry check allows for identification of bad geometry prior to meshing; A geometry lock option allows for locking certain geometry prior to launching auto geometry clean-up. • Continuous FEM Fields (CFEM)

10 SimXpert Release Guide

• Continuous FEM fields are now supported wherein the user may enter data via a spreadsheet or

extract data from model result plots; CFEM fields are used wherever a spatial field is required. An example of the use of CFEM field in the aerospace industry would be a pressure load obtained from wind tunnel tests that needs to be applied on a wing structure. • Part/Group create

Multiple parts and groups can be created based on certain data types such as property and material. Post Processing New State Plots types: • Iso-surface plots • Combined plots • Free-Body Diagrams • VMT diagrams (Shear Force, Bending Moment, Torsion)

New Chart types: • Scatter • Stacked

Other improvements include: • Multi-file attachment (op2, xdb, MASTER/DBALL, t16, t19, d3plot, arc) • Script/template support (most result options can be recorded in a macro) • Report generation • Improved graphics display • Multi-threaded performance

Composites - Link to FiberSIM An interface to FiberSIM is now available which allows for easy and accurate definition of FEM layers by extracting information from composite design plies created in the CAD system.

Structures Workspace Property editors/dialogs for loads, boundary conditions, materials, and properties have been enhanced with generic engineering terms. Property editors provide a 'solver preview' option to view in the Nastran format for users who are familiar with Nastran cards. Structures Workspace also includes many enhancements related to MD SOL 400 capabilities. These include: • 3D contact

11 What’s New

• Analysis chaining • Support for Adaptive time-stepping procedures

Simulation job control now allows setting up MD 'Analysis chaining' with NLIC option (SOL 400) Support for mechanical contact during the stress analysis phase of SOL400 thermal and stress analysis steps Post-processing enhancements that support MD Nastran capabilities include: • Analysis Chaining - Support multiple subcases, steps and new analysis types • Contact Output results of deform-deform contact • Brake Squeal Analysis - Support MD Nastran SOL400 Brake Squeal output results

Thermal Workspace Simulation job control now allows setting up MD 'Analysis chaining' with NLIC option (SOL 400) Nonlinear property extensions for rod, shell & solid properties in SOL 400 Thermal: • PSHLN1 • PSHLN2 • PLCOMP • PSLDN1 • PCOMPLS • PRODN1

Support for general radiation capability using the Modified Hemicube Method via NLMOPTS card Support for mechanical contact during the stress analysis phase of SOL400 thermal and stress analysis steps

Explicit Workspace Explicit Workspace has been expanded to support many of the MD Nastran SOL 700 capabilities. These include: • MATDERO for support of bird strike • MATD20M for support of rigid body merge option • RBE2A for support of constrained extra node set • TIC3 for initial velocity • SPCD2 to prescribe motion on nodes and rigid bodies • Explicit BCBODY and BCTABLE definition inclusive of BCGRID, BCSEG and BLSEG


12 SimXpert Release Guide

• All EOS and Hourglass Properties • All explicit material models supported • MATDEUL for Euler material support • All yield material models • All failure material Models • All shear and spall material models • All property types such as PEULER, PEULER1, PMARKER … • COUPLE and all related entities • Airbag Property definition with Reference Geometry

Crash Workspace Crash Workspace has been enhanced for increased support of LS-Dyna. These include: • Hybrid Jetting Airbag • Airbag Reference Geometry • Flux and Radiation LBCs • Constrained Extra Nodes • Constrained Nodal Rigid Body • Constrained Lagrange in Solid • 1D, 2D and 3D contact definition • Updates to many input *CONTROL cards , output *DATABASE cards • Updates to *BOX entity definition • ALE and FSI entity support • INITIAL_VOLUME_FRACTION definition required for ALE and FSI analysis • Updates to LCS and VECTOR definition • Updates to LOAD_CURVE entity definition • Updates to Initial Stress definition • *LOAD entity enhancements for Thermal, ALE and HEAT loading • Updates for the definition of *RIGIDWALL entities • *SECTION card definition for SHELL, SOLID and SPH are enhanced • *NODE_SCALAR is supported • Addition of new material models • Several options for *SET cards

Elements that fail during a LS-Dyna analysis run can now be post-processed

13 What’s New

As part of the multi-file attaching capability in post-processing, LS-Dyna d3plot files are supported. Importing LS-Dyna files leads to creation of 'FileSets' that can be better managed in the model browser.

Motion Workspace Comprehensive support of MD Adams solver key words • Extended existing Connection, Force, and Motion capabilities • Introduced System Elements and Data Elements features.

Macro Record/Replay support has been added to the Motion Workspace. It previously only existed in FEM Workspaces. Python Programming API • Comprehensive python APIs for all aspects of motion functionality • Pre-Processing, Simulation, and Post-Processing • Fully documented with Examples • All Motion users are advised to switch from RADE to Python in R3

Automatic Flexible Body Creation option for Motion Part has been introduced. This feature automatically does the following procedures: 1. Exports to the Structures Workspace 2. Creates all required Material, Property, RBE2, and Mesh objects required to run a Nastran SOL 103 job 3. Simulates the SOL 103 job 4. Attaches the results 5. Returns to the Motion Workspace with MNF associated and flexible part toggle activated. Motion Part Enhancements: • Expanded Flexible Body Tab • Inertia coupling options • Damping options • Modal Information Table • Modal Damping • Displacement and Velocity Initial Conditions • Modal Participation • Utility to enable/disable modes by range • Optional Outputs that allow the user to control what results quantities are computed and stored

during analysis.

14 SimXpert Release Guide

Modal Neutral File (MNF) Enhancements: • Visualization support during modeling construction. • Ability to reference previously created MNF from disk

Primitive Geometry creation support. They following geometry types can be created in the Motion Workspace: • Box • Cylinder • Ellipsoid • Frustum • Link • Prism • Rod • Sphere • Torus

adm files containing these geometry types will automatically re-create these geometry objects in the Motion Workspace during adm import. Coordinate System Node Reference Options: • Use Closest Node • Use Closest Attachment Node • No Node Association • Custom

Body-Body Contact has been extended to support rigid body to flexible body and flexible body to flexible body contact. Select Results Option for Motion Parts and Requests. This feature allows a user to pick an unlimited number of results quantities and those quantities will be written to a .csv file at each time step during simulation. Simulation Enhancements: • HHT and Newmark Integrator Support • Output Time option • Debug/Eprint option • Creation of user .dll files

Post Processing Enhancements: • Synchronization of Charts and Animations

15 What’s New

• Tabular display of XY Chart Data • Stacked Charting • Import Simulation Results • Import Numeric Data

Template Builder Workspace Macro Record/Replay • All tools implemented as Actions can be recorded and played • Playback can use previous inputs or prompt the user sequentially. • Recording chains actions together • Macros can be edited as a Template in Template Builder

Batch Processing • Foundation for Multi-Run technologies (Stochastics) • Batch Input and Output CSV file automatically generated from Template Inputs and Outputs.

Documentation • On-Mouse-Over bubble help provides information on Action inputs and outputs along with a

brief explanation of the action. • Search Tool implemented to assist in finding Actions when only a portion of the name is known.

Usability Enhancements: • Gesture Picking • Pre-selection highlighting • Auto-advance of pick fields • Units support • Assist widgets for input parameters based upon type • SimManager Integration • Action Publishing • Auto-Publish • Action Update

16 SimXpert Release Guide

MSC SimEnterprise Overview

18 SimXpert Release Guide

Introduction SimEnterprise is an enterprise simulation platform that enables simulation participants to interact throughout the design process. It enhances the way designers, analysts, and managers access, share, and manage simulation data and processes across the enterprise. SimEnterprise applications include MSC SimXpert, MSC SimDesigner, and MSC SimManager.

SimXpert SimXpert is a multi-disciplinary simulation application for the analyst. It contains four workspaces structures, thermal, crash, and motion, each providing a functionality-rich expert environment appropriate for that discipline. The workspaces are designed to interact with each other to allow a common simulation model to be used for multi-disciplinary analysis.

SimDesigner SimDesigner is a CAD-embedded simulation tool for the designer. It provides easy-to-use structural, thermal, motion, and crash analysis capabilities in the CAD environment. It allows the designer to make quick first-pass simulations, explore what-if scenarios, and identify design flaws early in the design cycle.

19 MSC SimEnterprise Overview

SimManager SimManager is a Web-based application for managing simulation data and process. It provides the enterprise with centralized storage, access, and management of simulation models and results. It also provides storage and access of simulation templates to allow knowledge capture and process standardization across the enterprise.

20 SimXpert Release Guide

SimEnterprise Interoperability The interoperability between the SimEnterprise applications provides structured access and reuse of simulation data and process. Simulation data from SimXpert and SimDesigner are published into SimManager to be stored and accessed by users across the enterprise. Expert knowledge and best practices are captured through templates which are published into SimManager to provide repeatable and standardized simulation procedures to designers and analysts enterprise-wide.

Enterprise Simulation Scenario The following enterprise simulation scenario illustrates how 5 different simulation participants in an enterprise might utilize SimEnterprise to interact and collaborate in the design of an aircraft wing flap. The five enterprise simulation participants are:

21 MSC SimEnterprise Overview

Enterprise Role


Methods Expert

A very experienced "expert analyst" responsible for defining simulation processes and practices for aircraft design.

Designer or Engineer

Responsible for detailing the CAD design for wing flap components. Performs basic analysis to validate designs.

Stress Analyst

A skilled analyst responsible for integrating part and sub-assembly models and performing detailed stress analysis.

CAE Supervisor

A very experienced structural analyst. Responsible for verifying the quality of simulation results on an aircraft program.

Program Manager

Responsible for the development of an aircraft.

1. The Methods Expert creates a stress analysis template by using the SimTemplate Builder from the SimXpert structures workspace menu bar. This template performs the following operations: • Imports a wing assembly model from an existing stress analysis • Imports a flap model from a validated designer model • Sets up a detailed stress analysis for the mechanism, including 3D contact effects • Validates loads and checks element quality • Computes detailed stresses

Following the creation of the stress analysis template, the Methods Expert publishes it into SimManager to be stored and re-used by others. This is done by using the Template Publish icon in any of the four SimXpert workspaces. 2. The Designer has been asked to detail a new flap mechanism and validate its basic performance characteristics prior to detailed stress analysis. The Designer creates the new design and performs first-pass motion and stress analyses using SimDesigner. The new design is now ready for detailed stress analysis. The Designer publishes the CAD model and first-pass analysis models and results into SimManager. This is done by using the Publish icon in the SimDesigner structures or motion workbench. 3. The Stress Analyst is tasked with performing detailed stress analysis on the flap mechanism, including relatively complex simulations involving 3D contact and nonlinear behavior. He must get the current, validated flap model from the Designer, assemble it into a wing assembly model, and analyze it according to the methodology established by his colleague - the Methods Expert. The Stress Analyst first logs into SimManager and reviews the first-pass analysis models and results published by the Designer. He then retrieves the new flap CAD model into SimXpert. Now using the flap stress analysis template created by the Methods Expert, he meshes the flap model and hooks it up to the current wing assembly model and performs a detailed stress analysis. The analysis models and results are automatically stored in SimManager as the template is executed.

22 SimXpert Release Guide

4. The CAE supervisor is responsible for verifying the quality of the simulations performed. In this case, the supervisor logs into SimManager to review the simulation models and results generated by the Stress Analyst. In SimManager, the CAE Supervisor has been given the authority to release and promote models and results for subsequent consumption by other people on the program. 5. The Program Manager needs to have visibility into the progress of simulation tasks on the aircraft program. He uses SimManager to continually monitor the progress of his designers and analysts. He also has the authority to define project roles for all the simulation participants.

23 MSC SimEnterprise Overview

Summary The coupling of SimXpert and SimDesigner with SimManager provides a powerful solution to manage simulation data and process throughout the design process. As illustrated in the scenario above, SimEnterprise provides the platform for the various simulation participants to capture and reuse simulation data, best practices, and simulation procedure in a repeatable and standardized manner.

24 SimXpert Release Guide

Known Issues

26 SimXpert Release Guide

Overview The following situations have been experienced in preliminary testing of SimXpert. This information is organized into groups corresponding to subject matter, specific workspace, and platform specific issues.

27 Known Issues

General SimXpert CADNEXUS: Application failure is not clean when CADNEXUS installation is not present CR 1-65243901 CADNEXUS: Native CADNexus test case is failing due to large difference in number of segments CR 1-75470125 CADNEXUS: Ridl error while updating CADNEXUS-CATIA parameter for attached file for specified scenario CR 1-76256581 Attaching a native Pro/ENGINEER® file may result in CPU meter indicating 100% CPU usage: When attaching a native Pro/ENGINEER® file on Windows operating system, you may notice the CPU meter indicates a process named “xtop” is taking 100% of the CPU. Testing has indicated the operating system lowers the priority of this process when other processes (including SimXpert) are running. The net effect is no noticeable reduction in interactive performance for SimXpert or other processes. Unfortunately, the CPU meter displaying 100% usage gives an inaccurate representation. CR 1-59352771 CATIA Import: In SimXpert, CATIA B17 is configured as the default version of CATIA and it should be installed under: C:\\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B17\intel_a If you would like to use B16 and a different install location you should set following variables before executing simxpert32.bat CATIA_VER = B16 MSC_SX_CATIA_VER = B16 CATInstallPath = CATIA License is tied up for entire SimXpert session CR 1-77490001

28 SimXpert Release Guide

CATIA Model Modification: In the current release, whenever CATIA V5 CAD models (CATParts as well as CATProduct files) are accessed in SimXpert, modification of the part entities from within SimXpert are supported only using feature parameters. The parameters available for editing are accessed by double clicking on the feature tree icons. Any other form of CATIA V5 editing (including delete) is not supported for CATIA V5 in the current release. If a CAD model edit is desired, editing can be accomplished by doing the operation on CATIA V5 and saving new CATPart and/or CATProduct. Access the newly saved CATIA database in SimXpert using a new SimXpert database. CR 1-40637851 Data Entered in Exponential Format is Rounded to First Decimal Place: Whenever values are typed in exponential format, SimXpert rounds them to the first decimal. For example, 1.23456e6 may be rounded as 1.2e6. This issue will be resolved in the next release. As a workaround, type them in decimal format. CR 1-53428786 Define Center Rotate may not work for models with a very large distance between nodes CR 1-76508451 Discrepancy in reading job setup data between "File/Open" and "File/Import" CR 1-77013151 Importing very large Nastran files may cause SimXpert to crash or lock up Very large models may run out of memory on a 32 Bit workstation. Crashes will be avoided, but very large models may still need more than 2GB of RAM and may require the use of a 64 bit OS and larger amounts of RAM. CR 1-76992346 Morph elements followed by save and file new causes crash After Meshing > Morphing > Shape, Define Control Curves, Define Deformable Nodes, Link and Snap, followed by a File/Save and a File/New, a RIDL error is displayed. CR 1-79913673 New Graphics: Hidden elements may be displayed in the graphics window after performing File > Save After importing a geometry file and meshing it then hiding all FEM entities, if you perform a File > Save the hidden FEM entities may be displayed in the graphics window even though the Hide all FEM entities icon shows hidden status and scene statistics also does not show any elements.

29 Known Issues

Workaround: Turn off New Graphics: Tools > Options > New Graphics > Disable. CR 1-53428786 New Graphics: Part that is highlighted in the Model Browser may not be highlighted in the graphics window After importing a Nastran file in the Structures Workspace, if you click on a part in the Model Browser, the corresponding part may not be highlighted in the graphics window. Workaround: Turn off New Graphics: Tools > Options > New Graphics > Disable. CR 1-53428786 Nonlinear Stresses & Strains and NLOUT results aren't processed for some OP2 files NLOUT card is present for 3D elements, but is missing for 2D elements. Workaround: Edit the .bdf file and add the NLOUT cards. CR 1-80626321 Orientation vector can not be defined for CBUSH elements defined using Generic Template: By default, when using Generic Templates, if the model contains CBUSH elements, orientation vectors are not written out. A workaround is to delete the generic element using the option > "Keep Internals". This will then allow one to modify the "CBUSH" element by using the menu "Element > Modify > 1D > CBUSH" and provide for an orientation. CR 1-55802361 Recording movie file shows all frames while recording with dual monitors: While recording a movie from an animation, all frames seem to stay on the graphical screen during the recording. This is a dual monitor issue. Please refrain from recording on a two-monitor setup. With one monitor, recording works properly. CR 1-59362381 Re-opening SimXpert Databases with Results Attached and Non-Default Units: When reopening saved SimXpert databases (with results attached) in a new session or when units have been changed in the current session, it is important to set the units properly prior to opening them. Else, the results fringe may be displayed on a scaled model. CR 1-47797355 Save and restore of some special nodes is failing. GRIA data is lost when a database is saved and re-opened.

30 SimXpert Release Guide

Workaround: Export the data to a bdf file, where the GRIA cards are preserved. CR 1-77882111 Show option on entities will activate entities: For parts and also structures objects that support Hide/Show, Activate/Deactivate (such as LBCs), if you request show on a deactivated entity, it will be made visible and active. CR 1-40038451 SimXpert hangs if we close application using exit(); in rade editor after import CATIA file Workaround: Instead of using the exit() function in RADE, recommend having the user of the template interactively exit SimXpert through the File -> Exit menu. If batch execution requires use of the Exit() function, then it is recommended to use other geometry import methods, such as import CATIA as parasolids. CR 1-63317321 SimXpert History and File History options are not honored until next session Workaround: Exit SimXpert after changing these options, and then restart SimXpert. The options will now be taken into account. CR 1-73537246 Unnecessary scroll bars on the pop-up help dialog for tools Certain tools will have a pop-up help dialog with scroll bars that are not required because the entire contents of the dialog are visible. Attempting to get the mouse over the scroll bars is difficult because the dialog disappears. Workaround: To move the mouse to the bubble help window, you must follow the bubble window pointer boundary without moving the mouse over any other tool. CR 1-79472973

31 Known Issues

Performance After reading in parasolid file session is very slow, hard to zoom or rotate Workaround: Recommend changing the geometry tolerance on the Tools -> Options dialog to reduce the number of polygons used to render the geometry to the canvas. CR 1-67003171 Continuous FEM Fields created from large tables can experience slow performance. There are known issues with creating Continuous FEM (CFEM) Fields from large data sets using table input. Tables with over 1000 rows are slow but complete in a reasonable amount of time. Tables with over 10000 rows take a very long time. This problem does NOT exist for CFEM fields created from results data. CR 1-79505481 Interactive performance can be slow with large models. Workaround: Try switching to new graphics on the Tools Options dialog. There are some memory leaks wit this version of the graphics service, so it is not the default graphics service. When the memory leaks are fixed, this graphics service will become the default. High interactive performance is recognized to be an important attribute of SimXpert. The development team will be working on improving this performance after the R3.1 release. CR 1-56153372 Modify Tet4 to Tet10 is very slow. Workaround: Delete the Tet4 mesh and re-mesh with Tet10s CR 1-75428911 Native attach to Pro/ENGINEER® files is slow. Workaround: use the File -> Import_as_Parasolid command. MSC will be improving the performance after the R3.1 release. CR 1-55091570 Opening SimXpert db slow after importing a bdf with Tet 10 elements and saving the database. Performance was improved by 33%, but not deemed sufficient to close the CR. The performance problems are centered around the use of higher order tetra10 elements. CR 1-73573901

32 SimXpert Release Guide

SimXpert R3 dynamic .ui creation can cause Insufficient memory error In SimXpert, the GUI from a New Script Action is generally created dynamically. This generally works except if you have data you want to display but is filled in by default from another action. In this case you have to persist the form under 'Layout'. By default the .ui file is stored in a folder such as C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp. This works but if you Create/Remove the GUI a number of times the location can fill up. As this is a general working area at some point SimXpert will not open a Template in either Template Builder or in Structures Workspace. You will get an "Insufficient memory…" error. Workaround: Once you clean out C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp (and you are persisting the form), move the text file (.ui) to a local area, such as a new folder in the Template folder. CR 1-76068101 MemoryAuditor -- inconsistent virtual memory, modules for different machines CR 1-76980080 Unexpected performance delay on 64 bit SimXpert when creating State Plot with all frequencies selected. After testing only slow rendering of a fringe plot with file Wing-111.xdb was shown to occur. After further investigation it was found that Wing-111.xdb, which contains multiple result sets (e.g. frequency data), showed slow rendering only when all result sets were selected for the plot. If a single result set was chosen then the plot time was normal. CR 1-80615499 View manipulation performance degrades if Detailed Rendering or part highlighting are active Workaround: Perform the view manipulation without Detailed Rendering or parts highlighted, after the view manipulation is done manually reactivate the desired graphics. CR 1-77470310; 1-78273001

33 Known Issues

Geometry Application hangs importing if Pro/ENGINEER® cannot access license Terminate SimXpert and verify the Pro/ENGINEER® can be launched from the same machine to ensure the Pro/ENGINEER® can locate the appropriate PTC license. CR 1-52692303 CATIA Material parameters missing or incorrect in feature tree After importing certain CATIA parts, the units are incorrect. Thickness values are missing in the feature tree. The material type information (Isotropic Material) is also missing. CR 1-79727121 CATIA .model is read in (interop) with extra unknown entities Some construction geometry not visible in the native CAD system may be visible when imported to SimXpert. Workaround: delete geometry once inside SimXpert. CR 1-34321588 CATIA parameters are not displayed in the Model Browser context menu After importing certain CATProducts none of the parameters are displayed in the context menu, especially the Nomenclature parameter, which is required to identify the Parts. CR 1-79550061 CATIA parametric update fails for periodic or cylindrical faces If parametric update results in splitting a periodic face to two faces or parametric update on part which has cylindrical faces, parametric update fails. CR 1-76256581 CATIA parametric update fails if parametric update results in splitting a single body into multiple bodies CR 1-80554585 CATIA points imported as Parasolid are not seen in the graphics window. Workaround: Try importing points via Parasolid format. CR 1-62111280

34 SimXpert Release Guide

Delete Curves will let you pick edges without knowing. Deleting merges surfaces unexpectedly. Workaround: take care to avoid picking edges when picking the curves. Edge pick filter so only the curves will be selected.

Recommend turning off the

CR 1-46084657 Edit Curve > Extrude and Clip to Solid crashes if no sweep curve is selected Workaround: Select an existing curve as the sweep curve. CR 1-80479034 Edit Curve > Merge merges all curves instead of those specified, cannot Undo The merge command internally suppresses all the vertices. Undo / Redo is currently not supported if suppression is called. Workaround: Use Cleanup > (Un)suppress Vertex to bring back the original state. CR 1-80513992 Edit Curve > Split > Number command can hang Performance related issue. The affected scenario attempts to split 4000 curves 10 times resulting in 40k curves. Currently this takes more then 60 minutes. CR 1-80552446 Edit Surface > Assign Thickness does not show the thickness in system units Thickness assignment is always reported in meters. CR 1-79954011 Edit Surface > Remove Hole requires all edges of the hole to be selected before it is deleted When deleting a hole from a trimmed surface, all edges of the hole must be selected before it can be deleted. Workaround: Select all the edges of the hole. CR 1-79439555 Extra point created at global origin for commands: Curve > Create > Project, Chain and Surface > Create >Trimmed Points are created at (0, 0, 0) when 'Delete Original Curve' is ON. (For commands: Curve > Create > Project, Chain and Surface > Create > Trimmed) Workaround: Delete point at (0 0 0)

35 Known Issues

CR 1-80475081 Geometry Graphics: Show Free Edges may be misinterpreted In SimXpert free edges are defined as curves (not edges) that are not connected to other geometry. CR 1-76660773 Import of Pro/ENGINEER® assembly with missing components causes SimXpert to abort. Workaround: ensure all components referenced in the Pro/ENGINEER® assembly are present with read permissions. CR 1-70764126 Memory errors during direct import of large Pro/ENGINEER® assemblies Error message : "Insufficient memory is available to complete this operation safely. SimXpert will now shut down to avoid the possibility of data corruption. You will be prompted to recover the database the next time you start SimXpert." CR 1-77275351 Midsurface: Mid-Surfaces from Solid may be incomplete CR 1-74456341 Midsurface: Surface Interpolation may fail CR 1-65644532 Native Pro/ENGINEER® data are not displayed in Japanese CR 1-59597429 Pro/ENGINEER® Parts modelled in separate units systems do not import properly in an assembly When working with assemblies comprised of parts designed in different unit systems they do not import correctly in the assembly. CR 1-79194215 Pro/ENGINEER® symmetry feature is not supported CR 1-78803971

36 SimXpert Release Guide

Sewing not supported in SGM-Capri After importing a CATIA file with Tools > Options > Geometry > CAD Import Sew Surface checked, when the geometry is modified the surfaces are no longer sewn. CR 1-75738219 SimXpert crashes on updating a 'dirty' CATIA model - KP parameters Workaround: Update the CATA model inside CATIA before using native attach in SimXpert. CATIA may encounter the same errors while regenerating, however in some cases it is able to proceed with a partial model update. CR 1-64477911 SimXpert may leave xtop.exe process running after a session where native Pro/ENGINEER® geometry was attached. If SimXpert crashes after Pro/ENGINEER® import then xtop.exe is left running at 100% CPU. Workaround: You can look at the Process Tab of the Task Manager and look for the process named xtop.exe. If found, select the process from the list and select the End Process button on the Task Manager. CR 1-76464572 SimXpert Model Browser tree and Pro/ENGINEER® tree look different The organization of the SimXpert Model Browser will be improved after the R3.1 release to more closely resemble the Pro/ENGINEER® tree. CR 1-73701231 Trimmed Surface creation not always successful Cannot trim a closed cylindrical surface properly if the outer loop splits the surface into three faces (outerloop is on the common edge). Cannot trim the surface properly if the Outer/Inner loop crosses beyond the picked surface. If the picked outer loop is the exterior of the surface, then it cannot be trimmed. CR 1-79684363 Unigraphics: Subassembly parameters cannot be updated After importing a UG NX subassembly most of the parameters are not visible in model browser. It is not possible to update the subassembly parameters. Workaround: Subassembly parameters are editable if they are directly opened. CR 1-79523513

37 Known Issues

Unigraphics model can become unmeshable after parameter update in assembly Workaround: Update works properly if the part, rather than the assembly is imported. CR 1-77370031 Units conversion does not work when importing Native Pro/ENGINEER® geometry Workaround: If this issue is encountered, it is recommended to import the geometry as parasolid. This issue will be addressed after the R3.2 release. CR 1-64299831

38 SimXpert Release Guide

Meshing Mesh control points on Parasolid geometry are ignored when meshing Mesh control points can be created on Parasolid geometry but with SimXpert’s default settings, they are ignored in meshing. Workaround: Turn off DGM (Tools > Options > Geometry, uncheck Use DGM). Meshing will then observe the hard points. CR 1-80543939 Mesh does not update with CATIA parameter change - associate curve Mesh updates may not work correctly when associative curves are present. Workaround: manually delete and recreate the mesh. CR 1-68118488 Mesh Seeds are not visible Workaround: Select the Mesh Control Points On/Off icon on the Entity Display Filter toolbar. CR 1-73838456 SimXpert may lock up when using Meshing\Edit\Remesh CR 1-76370871

39 Known Issues

Post-processing Attached results cannot be displayed when preprocessor information differs from results file The model definition contained in the analysis results file has been changed by the solver relative to that of the model contained in the SimXpert db that spawned the analysis run. The result file attach code checks that the model being imported is compatible with the model contained in the SimXpert db. It does this to assure that post processing plots are rendered correctly (e.g. the result values were generated by using the model contained in the SimXpert db). Workaround: Start a new session of SimXpert without the preprocessing model present and attach the results file using the Both option. CR 1-80494973 Fringe: Unable to see all element edges in fringe plot At times element edge lines from a small portion of the model will drop out. This occurs infrequently and is not a systemic problem. This rendering error will be solved in a subsequent release of SimXpert. CR 1-53772630 Macro: Cannot record macro for creating an animation file Workaround: This functionality is not implemented at this time. Please record the mpeg animation file using Tools > MPEG Record. CR 1-76735771 Macro playback state plot & deformation attribute action activates before file open leads to SimXpert crash Steps that were used to cause the problem: 1. Start SimXpert 2. Start Macro Record 3. Attach a results file 4. Create a state plot 5. Select File/New and save the current db 6. Open db you just saved 7. Stop Macro Record 8. Select File/New 9. Play Macro previously created

40 SimXpert Release Guide

Problem occurs at step 6 above when the macro is played. This is caused by the plug-ins code not having been initialized before calls to create the persisted plots which occur at file open. The fix to CR 177868592 would eliminate this problem since the commands to create the state plot would not be written to the macro and the normal creation of the persisted plots at file open would occur. CR 1-77868592 and 1-76431121 OP2: SimXpert R3.1 cannot attach some OP2 files. Workaround: There is no workaround for this since the failure occurs reading one of the data blocks of the op2 file. This failure is file specific and is being investigated. CR 1-76571731 SOL 700: SimXpert is unable to display the result after attaching the sol700.dytr.MASTER file Workaround: There is no known workaround for this problem since the problem is caused by a failure to read layer position data from the MASTER file. Note that Dytran data contained in the MASTER and DBALL analysis results files has not been officially released for SimXpert use. It is currently experimental and is being certified at this time. CR 1-77435461 Unable to see rigid body motion animation SimXpert post processing in R3.2 does not yet support rigid bodies, such as data generated from a SOL 700 run. This work is scheduled for R4. CR 1-75072981

41 Known Issues

Graphics Fit window not performing correctly and entity types are confusing for CATIA files in SimXpert Incomplete support for points in fit operation and display showing points even when turned off. Workaround: manually zoom out using the View --> Translate Z operation if entire model is not fit within the view. CR 1-53945276 RBE2: Display does not get refreshed properly after modifying the Independent Node After modifying an RBE2 element’s independent node, the display does not update. The new display is visible only when the mouse moves over the modified RBE2 element. Workaround: Hide then Show the corresponding part or hover the mouse over the modified RBE2 element. CR 1-79748287

42 SimXpert Release Guide

Template Builder / Runner Auto-generated output code results in an error: NameError: name 'SimXUtil' is not defined. A python Action using native lists for outputs only (no input lists) will not import the SimXUtil module. Workaround: insert "import SimXUtil" immediately after the line “# # CODE FENCE END Declarations” within the Python Action code. CR 1-77481681 AddFreeBodyAttribute Standard Action does not allow control of summation point. The underlying Action has the ability to save the summation point. Unfortunately, the GUI has not been updated to support interactive specification of the summation point. Workaround: The underlying Action can be called from a Template with the summation point specified. There is no workaround for specifying the summation point from the existing interactive GUI. CR 1-76514991 It's possible to get the Template Builder in a state where the Actions are outside the boundaries of the scroll bars for large templates. Workaround: Save the template, exit and re-enter SimXpert and reload template into template builder. CR 1-67079511 RADE script code that runs properly in a stand-alone RADE script does not work when used within a script Action in a SimXpert Template. Workaround: Other than using standard RADE script execution as implied in the problem statement, there is no known workaround at this time. CR 1-76093756 Using the "Graphics Snapshot" for the display of an action may cause a SimXpert crash. This issue has only been observed on Dell M65 laptops. Workaround: Use the property editor for any such actions to switch the display mode from Graphics Snapshot to Icon. CR 1-75986479 Opening a Process that contains a published Template in the Process Builder workspace and then hitting cancel on the SimManager login dialog causes repeated display of the same dialog. CR 1-53485621

43 Known Issues

Save Image action can result in a black screenshot Depending on the computer and graphics card, Templates using the Save Image Action might produce black screenshots. Workaround: The issue has been solved on some machines by upgrading to the latest version of graphics driver. CR 1-78983255

44 SimXpert Release Guide

SimXpert Help System Active Content Should Be Enabled In Internet Options: In order to browse the help system on Windows systems without first experiencing warning messages, the user should enable active content. This is accomplished through the Advanced tab of Tools / Internet Options. Scroll down to the Security section and activate the checkbox for “Allow active content to run in files on My Computer.”

45 Known Issues

Structures Workspace Import of a bdf with large ID ranges specified using the THRU option will fail CR 1-77184629 NLPCI format is not correct SimXpert doesn't export a correct BDF file when using NLPCI option CR 1-59179707 Part Properties not being read from SOFY files: The current release of SimXpert Structures workspace has a known deficiency in handling legacy SOFY databases. The PART property IDs are created and assigned incorrectly during the SOFY database import. This will result in a significant loss of data and causes invalid model to be generated for the MD Nastran analysis. Workaround: In your legacy SOFY environment, create a MSC Nastran input file from the legacy database, and import the MSC.Nastran input file into the SimXpert Structures workspace. CR 1-40328222 Results data is invalid: Can not start the MSC NASTRAN Server If the scratch directory (Sdir in the NAST2006.rcf file) is not found, an incorrect error message is displayed in the message area when reading the OP2/Master file. The message says that the results data is invalid, when in fact the error is due to the missing scratch directory. You will see the correct message in the console window if it is displayed. CR 1-40971423 Units change is not applied to stress-strain table Workaround: Manually change the inputs to be consistent with the new units CR 1-73774388

46 SimXpert Release Guide

Motion Workspace Adm Import of Parts with initial velocity may not be imported correctly. The Adm Import sets reference of initial velocity to the Part CM. As a workaround, if the user sets the reference to 'CM location and Global Orientation' the results agree with MD Adams. CR 1-73783171 Animation may fail to update after a computer has been locked then unlocked CR 1-77307811 Applied Force and Applied Torque Apply and Ok buttons result in invalid motion object The use of Apply and Ok button results in an invalid applied force or torque motion object which will appear in the Model Browser tree with a broken icon. A workaround is to open the Applied force that has broken icon in the Model Browser and click OK to make the broken icon disappear. CR 1-80604451 Body Body Contact - Body 1 and Body 2 fields can show the wrong number of bodies This issue can occur when either of the parts used to define a body body contact are associated with more than one geometry. For example, part A might reference geometry 1 and geometry 2 and part B might reference geometry 3 and geometry 4. If Part A is selected for the Part 1 field in the body body contact property editor then the Body 1 field will display 3 Bodies (should be 2 Bodies). This incorrect count is cosmetic and does not affect the operation of the body body contact. The issue can be corrected by clicking the mouse in the Part 1 field and this will reset the body count to 2 bodies. CR 1-80177428 From Geometry tool does not convert all geometries imported from Pro/ENGINEER® into Motion Parts. Some but not all motion parts are correctly created from the Pro/ENGINEER® geometry. CR 1-73581291 MD ADAMS User Subroutine DLLs Can Not Load on SimXpert Linux Platform SimXpert can not load user subroutine dlls created in the MD ADAMS environment in SimXpert Motion Workspace due to compiler incompatibility. MD ADAMS R2.1 is supported on Linux RH9 while SimXpert R2.1 is supported on Linux RH E3 or E4.

47 Known Issues

Models with Motion Curves or Motion Splines should set CPU Threads to 1. For models that use motion curves or motion splines it is recommended to set number of CPU threads to 1. This recommendation also applies for SimXpert Motion models that use the experimental Adams/Car libraries in R3.2. You can change number of threads setting from the SimXpert main menu, Tools-> Options-> Workspaces->Motion Workspace->Solver->Simulation Settings->CPU Threads. CR 1-80320164 Motion Workspace does not support contact where one object is inside the other object identified in the contact definition. An example would be a ball that is inside another ball. CR 1-73323261 Selecting connectors in the modeling canvas does not stay highlighted. CR 1-77333361 Two body to body contacts on the same geometry causes crash during simulation. If a user creates two body to body contacts between the same two parts with the same two geometry and tries to simulate, the software will crash. Workaround is to create only one body to body between two parts. CR 1-73578163

48 SimXpert Release Guide

MD Explicit Workspace Conversion of contact data from Crash to Explicit workspace is not supported: The entity mapping of contact data from Crash to Explicit workspace is not supported. Contacts can still be created in the Explicit Workspace. CR 1-52583911

49 Known Issues

Thermal Workspace Exported bulk data TEMP SID does not match SID of TEMP(INITIAL) There may be a collision between TEMP NIDs created by TEMP_INIT and those created by TemperatureLBC. Workaround: Review the Nastran input file for Temperature ID compatibility. CR 1-79028348 Materials: there are two groups for Materials in the tool ribbon Material is for high level GUI.. Materials is for solver card GUI. CR 1-77366641 Problems with Thermal units conversion in SimXpert When using the SimXpert Thermal Workspace, it is strongly recommended not to change to and from English units. Conversion of units is performed in base units (i.e., length, mass, time, temperature), and parameters remain in base units after conversion. This situation is especially a problem with respect to English units, where energy and power remain in terms of base units instead of the more traditional Btu & Btu/h. Thus, parameters exported to MD Nastran and used in the analysis are in base units rather than the more familiar units. For example, the SimXpert factory default unit for energy is Joule; when using the Options Editor to change to English units (length = ft, mass = lbm, time = hr, temperature = F), gives energy in lbmft/hr**3-F. This is as opposed to the expected unit of Btu/hr. CR 1-49012861 SPC does not get mapped to Temperature BC for imported SOL600,153 Nastran file Workaround: manually modify the SPC. CR 1-77842478

50 SimXpert Release Guide

Template Builder Workspace SimManager and SimXpert Incompatibility Error SimManager components C++ integrated client and Rich client do not support input and output parameters of type list/array. Templates and processes with list/array in the parameter list can not be executed in managed mode from SimXpert. There are some actions provided by SimXpert which use list types as inputs or outputs. Templates using these actions can not be executed in managed mode. CRs 1-72668037 and 1-73244715

51 Known Issues

Platform Specific Linux SimXpert gives OpenGL error and quits when run in batch SimXpert R3.1 requires graphic display even while running templates in batch mode via SimManager. On Windows, the video driver of the machine where SimXpert is executed must support OpenGL. On Linux, this can be accomplished by installing GLX on the server where SimXpert is executed, or by setting the DISPLAY environment variable to a an X-Server with GLX support. Only one GLX capable machine is needed if you are running SimXpert on multiple servers. If SimXpert is run on a machine without GLX support, or without the DISPLAY environment variable set to an appropriate machine, you will see an error message similar to: ERROR: This system has no OpenGL support. Exiting... CR 1-66392584 Linux SimXpert Capri client cannot connect to Windows Capri server CR 1-76242465 Spaceball does not work on 64 bit systems (Linux and Windows) CR 1-74814790 On Linux, after starting SimXpert and clicking 'Exit SimXpert' the application crashes. If you enter a workspace, then exit, this problem does not happen. Workaround: Launch a workspace before exiting the application. CR 1-77344331

52 SimXpert Release Guide

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