Simxpert R3.2 Getting Started Guide

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,106
  • Pages: 44
CHAPTER 1 Introduction

Getting Started Introduction

2 Getting Started

Overview of SimXpert SimXpert is an integral component of the enterprise simulation environment. It incorporates direct integration with SimManager and SimDesigner. SimXpert is a multi-disciplinary simulation environment for the analyst including workspaces between which one common model can be shared. The workspaces provide different tools appropriate to the discipline: • Structures – linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using MD

Nastran • Thermal – linear FEA using MD Nastran • Motion – multi-body dynamics of rigid and flexible bodies using the Adams C++ solver • Crash – nonlinear explicit dynamic FEA using LS-Dyna • MD Explicit - nonlinear explicit dynamic FEA using MD Nastran • Template Builder - Captures Simulation Procedures Consisting Of SimXpert Commands And

Macros • Process Builder - Creating Enterprise Processes (SimProcess)

All solvers are included. Workspaces also filter the simulation model. Only the parts of the model that have relevance to a workspace are visible. The simulation process allows knowledge capture and re-use through the use of templates.The template builder allows you to: define a sequence of tasks and sub-tasks, drag-and-drop existing scripts in a visual editing environment, and publish the finished template to SimManager for re-use across an organization

CHAPTER 3 Introduction

Starting SimXpert Desktop icon Depending on your local setup, you may start SimXpert by double clicking on a desktop icon similar to the one depicted below.

Startup Screen When you first enter SimXpert you will see the following startup screen.

Create a new database Select an existing database to open

Select and enter a workspace. A new database will be opened.

Access online help

4 Getting Started

CHAPTER 5 SimXpert Interface

SimXpert Interface

6 Getting Started

SimXpert Graphical User Interface (GUI) The following figure shows the screen layout for SimXpert. All windows can be moved and resized. Regions that are common to all workspaces are shown. This document will describe each of these regions. Main menu bar Toolbars

Model Browser

Message region

Workspace Tool Ribbon

Workspace management

Graphics Window

CHAPTER 7 SimXpert Interface

Main Menu Bar – Common Workspace Menus This section covers menus from the main menu bar that are common to every workspace.


The File menu allows you to manipulate databases: create a new database, open an existing database, save an open database, or save under a different name. This is also the menu you will use to print or save images of your graphics window or exit SimXpert.

Database manipulation

Print or save image files of graphics window Exit SimXpert

File > Import Using the Geometry as Parasolid option, you can directly open a model or part file generated by the CAD codes as shown in Figure 1. SimXpert will convert the CAD information ‘on the fly’ to parasolid format. No local licenses for the CAD software are required for this option. SimXpert can also directly access CATIA , Pro/Engineer, and Unigraphics files with no geometry translation involved. CAD features, parameters, and geometry can be modified within SimXpert with updates then added back to the original file. This option uses the local CAD installation directly and therefore a license is required.

8 Getting Started

CAD geometry translated to parasolid No CAD license required

Direct CAD access CAD license required

Figure 1

Supported Geometry Interfaces

Edit As the name implies, the Edit menu allows you to modify your model. This menu is also one of the places in SimXpert where you can delete, graphically hide or show entities, completely turn collections of entities on or off, or modify their properties. This menu also updates SimXpert entities to reflect changes in the associated CAD file. Undo and Redo commands are also available.

Allows you to select Finite Element objects to delete Allows you to select Geometry objects to delete Graphically hide or display entities

Modify properties (Pre-select an item first) Update SimXpert entities from CAD

View The view menu provides tools for displaying models and activating regions in your workspace.

CHAPTER 9 SimXpert Interface

The View menu is used to control the appearance of your screen. There are options that control the appearance of your model in the graphics window which will be discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs. You can also use this menu to control which toolbars and regions are displayed.

Options affecting graphics window display.

Turn toolbars on or off Turn regions of the SimXpert display on or off

Control entity display

View > Model Views There are some pre-defined orientations that you can access from this menu. The same options are also available from the Model Views toolbar.

10 Getting Started

Model Views toolbar

More pre-defined views are available using the View region which can be activated by selecting View > Regions > View. View > Display You can fine-tune the above orientations using the Display submenu. After selecting any of the rotate, pan, or zoom options, drag the mouse in the window to perform the action. Notice that there are also hot keys that can be pressed to activate Rotate, Zoom, and Pan. The same options are also available from the View Manipulation toolbar.

CHAPTER 11 SimXpert Interface


Fit the model in the window Drag a rectangular region for zoom Zooms with respect to window center Zooms around the point where the mouse is clicked. Rotates the model about its center. Rotates about center specified using the Define Center Rotate option below. Rotate around model axes Rotate around screen axes: X is horizontal, Y is vertical, and Z is pointing out of the screen Rotate around arbitrary axis defined below Screen select a center of rotation/zoom View Manipulation toolbar

Screen select two points to define an axis to be used with Any Axis Rotate

View > Custom Views If you create an orientation that you would like to recall at a future time, you can save the view using Custom Views > Create Custom View and supplying a name under which to store the view.

12 Getting Started

The view can be recalled at any time by selecting it from the Custom Views menu or the Model Views toolbar. Model Views toolbar

Select your custom view from either the Custom Views menu or the Model Views toolbar

Custom views will be saved with the database. They can be exported using File > Export > User Views for import into other databases. View > Render The appearance of your finite element model is controlled from the Render option of the View menu. The same commands are also available from the Render toolbar.

CHAPTER 13 SimXpert Interface

Apply to geometry model only

Render toolbar

Apply to Finite Element model only

Toggles shaded images between smooth and flat shading Toggles FE symbols and labels

Geometry shading is also controlled from the Geometry Graphics toolbar. Toggles display of hatch lines on geometry

Toggles geometry face shading

View > Scenes A scene consists of the current contents of the window including parts, connections, and boundary conditions. Current view, graphics and visibility state are also saved with the scene by default. If you isolate subsets of your model that you would like to recall as a group at a future time, you can save them as a scene using Scenes > Create Scene and supplying a name.

14 Getting Started

The scene can be recalled at any time by selecting it from the Scenes menu or the from the list in the Scenes tab of the Model Browser.

Select your scene name either from Scenes menu or the Scenes tab of the Model Browser

The built in scene All holds the entire contents of your model with no entities turned off or hidden. You can recall your entire model to the display by selecting the Action Show scene and clicking on All in the list of scenes.


CHAPTER 15 SimXpert Interface

The Tools menu is used to: 1. Report model information and statistics 2. Provides options to move entities. 3. Perform calculations (also available on the Tools toolbar). 4. Record and run Macros 5. Change appearance or default functionality, establish a system of units for the model. (Options). 6. Configure SimManager Connection information. 7. Access scripts and templates.

16 Getting Started

Model information and statistics Tools toolbar Menu to move/copy entities

Options Editor

Scripts and templates

Configure SimManager connection information

CHAPTER 17 SimXpert Interface

Tools > Options The Options Editor provides a single dialog to set options for all applications in SimXpert. Options are presented in a tree view branched by category.

Mouse Options The following table shows the default mouse settings. Notice that the right mouse button in conjunction with modifier keys is used to transform the image in the graphics window. Mouse settings are fully customizable if Custom is selected from the View Manipulation Settings. Click the ‘?” in the upper right hand corner to get help on available settings.

18 Getting Started


Dynamic manipulation

Units Manager SimXpert interprets all dimensions and input data with respect to a system of units. It is important to set the appropriate units prior to importing any unitless analysis files (such as a Nastran Bulk Data file) or creating materials, properties, or loads. You can control the system of units from the Options editor of the Tools menu. If you import a file that contains units, SimXpert will convert them into those specified in the Units Manager.

CHAPTER 19 SimXpert Interface

Tools > Customize Shortcut (Hot) Keys The following figure shows the first tab of default keyboard shortcuts. You can assign frequently used commands to function or keyboard keys in conjunction with modifier keys. Click in a key/modifier cell to make it current then simply select the desired action from any menu, toolbar, or tool ribbon.

20 Getting Started


The Window menu creates new windows or arranges existing windows on the screen. .


This menu provides access to: 1. Application online help. 2. Product tutorials. 3. Product support website. 4. Product version information.

CHAPTER 21 SimXpert Interface

Links to web pages

SimXpert Assistant links to Guides and Example Problems. It includes links to external web pages and, optionally, a company’s own internal web page.

22 Getting Started

Quick Reference links to menu/command specific help. You can ‘drill down’ or Search to get help on specific menu items.

CHAPTER 23 SimXpert Interface

Context-Sensitive Help Remember that you can get context sensitive help directly for displayed forms and pick panels by clicking on the question mark icon in the upper right or by placing the focus on the form and hitting the F1 function key.

24 Getting Started

Parts This item is not found on the main menu but parts are used by all SimXpert workspaces so we will discuss them briefly here. 1. A part is a collection of entities 2. Entities can be members of only one part 3. Deleting a part deletes its members also. 4. Newly created parts are made current. The current part is indicated in a bold underlined font in the Model Browser. 5. You can make a part current by right clicking on the part either in the Model Browser or the graphics window and selecting Set Current from the context menu. Context Menu


Current part

CHAPTER 25 SimXpert Interface

Switching Workspaces To open a different workspace simply pull down the menu listing the current workspace then select the desired workspace.

Available workspaces

26 Getting Started

Toolbars As seen in previous sections, toolbars provide a quick way to access commonly used commands. The available toolbars will vary depending on the current workspace. To see the function of toolbox icons, you can pass your cursor over them for rollover help. Toolbars can be turned on and off from the View > Toolbars menu or from a context menu that can be displayed by right clicking in any blank part of the toolbar region. Uncheck the box next to the toolbar name to turn off its display.

Workspace Tool Ribbon Shown below is a tool ribbon for the Motion and for the Structures workspace. The tool ribbons provide you with commands and options that are relevant only to the current workspace.

Motion workspace tool ribbons

Structures workspace tool ribbons

Model Browser The model browser lists all the components of the model. When you are using a command that requires picking, items can be selected either from the graphics window or the model browser. The current part is

CHAPTER 27 SimXpert Interface

shown in bold underlined font. The Model Browser can be displayed in tree or list view by clicking the appropriate tab.

Current part

Message Region The message region is where SimXpert communicates information. Messages are color-coded as follows: • Black: information • Blue: instructions • Green: warnings • Red: errors

28 Getting Started

CHAPTER 25 Graphical Picking

Graphical Picking

26 Getting Started

Pick Filters Forms that require entity selection will activate picking icons. You can control which entities to select by choosing only the relevant icons.

Click in the Entity Selection box to activate Pick Filters.

Pick Filters

The above example shows the Point selection Filters with only the icon at the far left selected. To select multiple filters simply click on the desired icon. The function of the icon can be displayed by hovering the cursor over it. A tool tip will be displayed. The icons are toggles, hence to deselect an active filter, click on its icon. The icons to the right of the separator are available for all picking types. Clear Selection List: Removes all entities from the selection box.

Select All: Picks all entities of selected type in the current scene Reject Last: ‘Undoes’ the last selection

Reverse Selection: Drops selected entities and picks up unselected entities of the specified type in the current scene

Pick Panel Some commands will display a pick panel that allows you to control which entities to select. The pick panel will list only entities that exist in your model and apply to the current command. Show below is a representative pick panel.

CHAPTER 27 Graphical Picking

Command buttons

Valid entities to pick Brings up a form that allows you to select picking filters Drops selected entities and picks up unselected entities of the specified type in the current scene

Picks all entities of selected type in the current scene Picks all entities of selected type displayed in the window ‘Undoes’ the last selection

Finalizes the selection

Extended “Advanced” Picking In addition to the Pick Filters that appear on the input forms there is also a Pick Filters toolbar that contains some additional features. You can fine tune selections using the Advanced Pick Dialog button on the Pick Filters toolbar or the Advanced button on a pick panel. In the following figure Parts are selected using the form’s Pick Filters. By clicking on the Advanced Pick Dialog button you can choose to select only parts that satisfy a certain condition, for instance: contain a specific element type (shown) or are associated with a certain material or property type.

28 Getting Started

Brings up a form that allows you to select additional picking filters

When picking elements you can specify to select only a specific element type, only those associated with a particular surface or node, or other filters that are relevant to your particular procedure.

CHAPTER 29 Graphical Picking

30 Getting Started

Dynamic Highlight If you hover the mouse in the graphics window, entities of the selected type will be highlighted as the mouse passes over them. In the following images, we have selected to pick parts so as the cursor passes over each part it is highlighted on the screen.

You can also pick parts by name from the Model Browser.

CHAPTER 31 Graphical Picking

Pick Types Single / Polygon / Sketch / Rectangular Window You can pick multiple entities by changing the pick tool. The pick tool menu can be found on the Pick Filters toolbar or the context menu which is brought up by right clicking in the background of the graphics window.

Pick Filters toolbar

Context Menu

Single Pick entities one by one Polygon Draw a series of piecewise linear lines.clicking wherever you would like a vertex, which completely enclose all desired entities. Double-click to close the polygon.

32 Getting Started


Pick Region

Selected Elements

Rectangular Window Drag a box that completely encloses all desired entities. No pick style selection is required for rectangular window picking. You can simply drag the mouse.

Pick Region

Selected Elements

Sketch Drag a freehand region that completely encloses all desired entities.

CHAPTER 33 Graphical Picking

Pick Region

Selected Elements

34 Getting Started

CHAPTER 33 Solutions and Workflow

Solutions and Workflow

34 Getting Started

Solutions SimXpert is a multi-disciplinary simulation environment for the analyst. Different types of simulations can be performed in each of the four workspaces. In the Structures Workspace, MD Nastran is used as the solver. The following types of MD Nastran analysis solutions are available: • Linear Static Analysis (SOL 101) • Modal Analysis (SOL 103) • Linear Buckling Analysis (SOL 105) • Direct Complex Eigenvalue Analysis (SOL 107) • Direct Frequency Response Analysis (SOL 108) • Direct Transient Response Analysis (SOL 109) • Modal Complex Eigenvalue Analysis (SOL 110) • Modal Frequency Response Analysis (SOL 111) • Modal Transient Response Analysis (SOL 112) • General Nonlinear Analysis (SOL400) • Implicit Nonlinear Analysis (SOL 600)

In the Thermal Workspace, MD Nastran is used as the solver. The following types of MD Nastran analysis solutions are available: • Steady State Heat Transfer Analysis (SOL 153, SOL 600) • Transient Heat Transfer Analysis (SOL 159, SOL 600)

In the Motion Workspace, the ADAMS C++ solver is used. The user can perform the following types of motion analysis: • Dynamic Analysis • Quasi-Static Analysis • Static Analysis

In the Crash Workspace, LS-Dyna is used as the solver. The user can perform crash analysis for crash worthiness and safety applications. In the MD Explicit Workspace, MD Nastran is used as the solver. Explicit nonlinear analysis (SOL 700) can be performed. The Template Builder workspace in SimXpert is a graphical authoring environment for creating and executing SimXpert Templates. Templates are processes that can automate repetitive tasks, define CAE methods, and perform simulations.

CHAPTER 35 Solutions and Workflow

Workflow The following procedure shows the general recommended workflow for the Structures, Thermal , Crash, and Explicit workspaces. 1. Designate a system of units

2. Import/create geometry


3. Create material and element properties

36 Getting Started

4. Create the finite element mesh

5. Apply loads and boundary conditions

6. Set up analysis

CHAPTER 37 Solutions and Workflow

7. Submit model to solver

38 Getting Started

8. Access results

9. Post-process

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