Siebel Scripting 3

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Siebel Scripting, Part Two eScript Syntax

Introduction  Data

Types  Declaring Variables  Operators  Decisions  Looping  Functions  Arrays in eScript  Some Important eScript Methods  Using Siebel Objects

Comments in eScript  Use

two forward slashes // at the front of a line to make a single line comment  Example: //This

is a single line comment

 Use

/* to start and */ to end a multi-line comment  Example: /*

This Comment stretches over

Data Types  There

ARE no data types in eScript  eScript is a loose typed language  Variables can change type dynamically  eScript is Case Sensitive  var MyString and var mystring are two DIFFERENT variables!

Operators  Mathematical +,


-, *, /, % (no exponentiation)

 Conditional ==,

!=, <, >, <=, >=

 Logical &&,



||, !

 Assignment =

 Ternary Condition

? Do If True : Do If False

Declaring Variables  Syntax:  var


 Examples:  var

iScore;  var bcContact;  Can

declare more than one variable of the same type in one line:  var

sLastName, sFirstName;

 eScript  var

Variables can be initialized:

sName = “Charlie”;  var iCount = 1;

Decisions: if  Syntax:  if


{  ‘Code

to be executed if Condition is True


 Example:  if

(iScore < 60)

{  sGrade

= “Fail”;


 Simple

Decision Making Construct

Decisions: else  Syntax: if


{ ‘Code

to Execute if Condition is True

} else { ‘Code


to Execute if Condition is False

Decisions: else  Example: if

(iScore < 60)

{ sGrade

= “Fail”;

} else { sGrade


= “Passing”;

Decisions: elseif  Example:  if


(iScore < 60)

 sGrade


 elseif {

= “Fail”;

(iScore >= 100)

 sGrade

= “Perfect”;


 else {

 sGrade

 };

= “Passing”;

Decisions: switch case  Used

to make large nested if structures more readable  Syntax: switch(VarName) { case


 break;



 break;



Decisions: switch case  Example: switch(iScore) { case


 sGrade

= “Fail”;

 break;



 sGrade

= “Perfect”:

 break;

default:  sGrade


= “Passing”

Looping: for Loop  Syntax: for


{ ‘Code

to execute each iteration of loop


 Example: for

(iCtr = 0;iCtr<10;iCtr++)

{ sStepNum


= “Step Number: “ + Str$(iCtr);

Looping: do Loop  Syntax:  do {  ‘Code

 }while

to execute each iteration of the loop


 Example:  iCtr

= 0;

 do {  iCtr

= iCtr + 1;  sStepNum = “Step Number: “ & Str$(iCtr); }

while (iCtr < 10);

Looping: while Loop  While

loop has same syntax as do loop, but Condition is at the top, instead of the bottom  In a do loop, the loop will always execute at least once  In a while loop, the loop will not execute even once if the condition is not true the first time through the loop

Functions  All

functions in eScript are referred to as functions whether or not they return a value  Simple types are passed by value unless you place an ampersand in front of the variable name (&)  Objects and arrays are always passed by reference

Functions  Syntax: function

FuncName (Var1, Var2)

{ ‘Code

to execute inside function ‘Use return (Value); to return a value }

Functions  Example: function

GetName ()

{ var

sName = “”; sName = GetProfileAttr(“SPN_CA_NAME”); return (sName); }

Calling Functions  Syntax: Var

= FuncName(Value) FuncName (FuncName(Value))  Example: var

sName = GetName();

 Example


FindValue(GetName()); ‘FindValue

is some other function that takes a string as a parameter

Arrays  Declaring: var

ArrayName = new Array(NumElements);

 Useful

methods for arrays


length property: Returns the number of elements in an array reverse(), sort() setArrayLength(num): dynamically resizes the array join() : creates a string from array

Some Important eScript Methods  new

Date (in place of Now)  The Clib Object  String Manipulation in eScript  File Handling in eScript

new Date  Returns

Current Time and Date on machine that the script is running on Running

Web Client or Wireless Web Client, that is the Siebel Server that the AOM is running on Running Mobile Web Client or Dedicated Web Client, that is the machine that Siebel.exe is running on- the client’s machine  Syntax:

var MyDate = new Date;

The Clib Object  Has

many uses, including file handling, string manipulation, character typing  Character Typing functions: isalpha() isalnum() isdigit() toascii() Many


String Manipulation  More

than one way, but the easiest

is:  First, put the string into an array of one character long strings (no char data type) Use

 Next,


use for loop to iterate through array, and parse the string as you would in C++

File Handling  Clib.fopen()  File

Pointers  Clib.rewind()  Clib.fgets()  Clib.fprintf()  Clib.close()

Opening Files  Syntax: fpname

= Clib.fopen(filename, “r”|”w”);

 Examples: var

fp; var filename = “C:\MyFile.txt”; fp = Clib.fopen(filename, “r”);

Clib.rewind() Method  Sets

the File pointer position to the beginning of the file  Should always be done on opening a file

Reading From Files  Use

fgets()  Syntax: Clib.fgets(fpname);

 Example: fp

= Clib.fopen(filename, "r"); Clib.rewind(fp); while


{  sXML

= sXML + Clib.fgets(fp);



Clib.feof() Method  Takes

a file pointer as argument  Returns true if file pointer is at the end of the file

Clib.fprintf() Method  Writes

Data to an open file  Syntax: Clib.fprintf(filepointername,


 Example: fp

= Clib.fopen(filename, "w"); Clib.rewind(fp); Clib.fprintf(fp, “Write This To the file”); Clib.fclose(fp);

Clib.fclose() Method  Always

Make sure to close your files after use!  Syntax: Clib.fclose(filepointername);

Siebel Specific Objects  BusComp  BusObject  TheApplication  PropertySet  Service  Object  Parentheses!

Error Handling With eScript  MUCH

more robust than Siebel VB  Uses try-catch-throw system similar to C  Remember that the Siebel system itself is already set up to handle many errors, so most don’t even need to be handled by you

Error Handling Syntax  try


 Place

try block around code that might error

 catch(e)


 Catch

block goes after. If code in try block errors, will throw error e to catch block. Handle errors here

 throw(e);  Alternatively,

just use error (for example, to write a log file), then re-throw it for System to handle. Place inside catch block

 finally  Used


to place code that should be executed even if the catch block halts execution

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