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CRM OnDemand

Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance November 2005

Siebel Systems, Inc., 2207 Bridgepointe Parkway, San Mateo, CA 94404 Copyright © 2005 Siebel Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or reproduced in any way, including but not limited to photocopy, photographic, magnetic, or other record, without the prior agreement and written permission of Siebel Systems, Inc. Siebel, the Siebel logo, UAN, Universal Application Network, Siebel CRM OnDemand, and other Siebel names referenced herein are trademarks of Siebel Systems, Inc., and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Other product names, designations, logos, and symbols may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. PRODUCT MODULES AND OPTIONS. This guide contains descriptions of modules that are optional and for which you may not have purchased a license. Siebel’s Sample Database also includes data related to these optional modules. As a result, your software implementation may differ from descriptions in this guide. To find out more about the modules your organization has purchased, see your corporate purchasing agent or your Siebel sales representative. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Programs, Ancillary Programs and Documentation, delivered subject to the Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, are “commercial computer software” as set forth in DFARS 227.7202, Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation, and as such, any use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs, Ancillary Programs and Documentation shall be subject to the restrictions contained in the applicable Siebel license agreement. All other use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs, Ancillary Programs and Documentation by the U.S. Government shall be subject to the applicable Siebel license agreement and the restrictions contained in subsection (c) of FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights (June 1987), or FAR 52.227-14, Rights in Data—General, including Alternate III (June 1987), as applicable. Contractor/licensor is Siebel Systems, Inc., 2207 Bridgepointe Parkway, San Mateo, CA 94404.

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Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance 1

Chapter 1: Chapter 2:

What’s New in This Release Overview of Designing Reports and Analyses in Siebel CRM OnDemand

About Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics and Reporting


Data Warehouse and Transactional Database Trade-Offs Summary of Data Source Comparisons

Chapter 3:



Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics

Planning and Architecture Guidelines


Methods for Achieving Optimal Analytics Performance Special Considerations for Real-Time Reports




Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Contents ■


Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


What’s New in This Release

What’s New in Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance, This is the first edition of this guide.

Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


What’s New in This Release ■


Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Overview of Designing Reports and Analyses in Siebel CRM OnDemand

Siebel CRM OnDemand developers, report designers, and system integrators create custom reports for their end users. This chapter provides background information on designing reports and analyses in Siebel CRM OnDemand. It contains the following sections: ■

“About Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics and Reporting” on page 7

“Data Warehouse and Transactional Database Trade-Offs” on page 8

“Summary of Data Source Comparisons” on page 9

About Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics and Reporting Siebel CRM OnDemand’s analytics and reporting tool provides business insight to help executives, managers, and individual contributors make decisions by understanding the state of their businesses. Analytics typically refers to analyses summarizing large amounts of data to highlight key trends. End users can explore analyses by drilling down to detail data to identify root causes. In contrast, reporting typically refers to detailed listings of specific record types. Both analytics and reports play integral and complementary roles in a complete CRM business intelligence solution. Before you begin developing analyses and reports in OnDemand, you must understand the following concepts: ■

How each analysis or report will meet the business needs of your end users

Whether historical information is appropriate, or whether real-time data is essential

The advantages and trade-offs between providing historical information and real-time information

Before developing analyses and reports for end-users, think through the business needs and usage scenarios of each report. This will help you understand whether historical or real-time data is the most appropriate source.

Historical and Real-Time Data Reporting Siebel CRM OnDemand supports both historical and real-time reporting. ■

Historical analyses. Most users need analyses and reports showing historical trends and summaries. Real-time information is not critical as long as the historical information is sufficiently up-to-date for the business trends analyzed. In these cases, you build analyses using the Analytics subject areas, also known as Historical subject areas. These subject areas reference the Siebel CRM OnDemand data warehouse.

Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Overview of Designing Reports and Analyses in Siebel CRM OnDemand ■ Data Warehouse and Transactional Database Trade-Offs

Real-time reports. These provide the most current information available in the OnDemand system, because they instantaneously reflect data as updated in OnDemand throughout the day. Some end users require real-time reporting because they must make decisions or perform their jobs based on continuously updated data. End users typically access real-time information by referencing lists or individual detail records directly in the online OnDemand application. In some instances, however, you may have to provide a report that uses real-time data. In cases like this, you build reports with Real-Time subject areas, also known as Reporting subject areas. These subject areas reference the Siebel CRM OnDemand transactional database. For example, near the end of a sales quarter, sales managers might need to view the latest changes to sales pipeline information and closed revenue several times a day. Additionally, the sales managers might want to see metrics or summarized information that cannot be obtained with OnDemand lists. To address these needs, you could build a real-time report of pipeline status and closed revenue.

Data Warehouse and Transactional Database Trade-Offs Trade-offs exist between using the transactional database and the data warehouse that have a direct impact on your end-users’ experience. Understanding these trade-offs can help you determine whether the Analytics subjects areas (referencing the data warehouse) or the Reporting subject areas (referencing the transactional database) are most appropriate for any report or analysis.

The Data Warehouse Optimizes Performance By using the data warehouse as an analytics data source, you provide end users with analyses that run as quickly as possible, but you trade off the currentness of real-time data. Also, by using the data warehouse, you reduce the load on the transactional database, which improves performance for OnDemand operational users. Additionally, you can build analyses to be more complex, to have more flexible report configurations, and to include more metrics than may be possible with real-time reports. Whenever possible, it is recommended that you build analyses and reports using the Analytics (or Historical) subject areas, which reference the data warehouse. The data warehouse is designed to optimize how quickly analyses and reports are displayed to end users by making sure that the system performs the underlying queries as efficiently as possible. Consequently, analyses and reports that reference the data warehouse run as fast as possible. Using the data warehouse, your reports can reference fields from as many record types as necessary, and process as much data volume as needed, and the report will still run at optimal speed. Additionally, the data warehouse supports special features, such as some metrics and data hierarchies, that are not available in real-time subject areas. OnDemand refreshes the data warehouse from the transactional database on a daily basis. In other words, the data warehouse and the transactional database are synchronized each day. Because the typical purpose of analyses is to understand historical trends, this is current enough for most analyses.


Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance

Overview of Designing Reports and Analyses in Siebel CRM OnDemand ■ Summary of Data Source Comparisons

The Transactional Database Provides Real-Time Reporting By using the transactional database as a report data source, you provide end users with real-time information, but you trade off reporting performance. You also increase the load on the transactional database, potentially impacting the performance experienced by OnDemand operational users. Most companies need real-time reports only for selected end users whose job roles require immediate insight into data as it changes throughout the day. While such users can usually meet their needs by referencing lists and detail transaction records in the OnDemand application, they sometimes also require real-time reports. Real-time reports reference OnDemand’s transactional database. This database is optimized to handle activities such as adding, deleting, and editing transactional records. The transactional database is not optimized for reporting. Because of this, reports that reference the transactional database can run more slowly than equivalent reports that reference the data warehouse. Also, the more record types referenced in a real-time report, the more slowly the report may run. Ideally, for best performance, you should limit any real-time report to one record type.

Summary of Data Source Comparisons Before developing a set of analyses and reports for end-users, think through the business needs and usage scenarios of each report. This will help you understand whether the data warehouse or the transactional database is the most appropriate data source. The data warehouse is the preferred approach, because it is designed for analyses and reporting. Most users prefer faster-running reports and the additional capabilities of the data warehouse. In some cases, however, users require realtime reporting and are willing to trade off performance for that. Siebel CRM OnDemand supports both needs. For information about optimizing the performance of analyses and reports, see Chapter 3, “Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics.” For more information about developing analyses and reports, see the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Overview of Designing Reports and Analyses in Siebel CRM OnDemand ■ Summary of Data Source Comparisons


Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics

This chapter describes design and usage best practice guidelines for building custom analyses and reports for optimal performance. This chapter includes the following sections: ■

“Planning and Architecture Guidelines” on page 11

“Methods for Achieving Optimal Analytics Performance” on page 13

“Special Considerations for Real-Time Reports” on page 17

Planning and Architecture Guidelines This section contains high-level planning and architecture guidelines for configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand reports for optimal performance.

Use the Data Warehouse for Analytics and Reporting Build reports and analyses using the data warehouse whenever possible. This allows you to take maximum advantage of the information in your company’s data warehouse. The data warehouse is designed to optimize how quickly and efficiently reports and analyses return data to end users. To build analyses that use the data warehouse, use the Analytics, or Historical, subject areas, in Siebel Answers OnDemand. Avoid using real-time subject areas unless they are absolutely essential. For more information about whether to use historical data or real-time data as a basis for your reports, see “Data Warehouse and Transactional Database Trade-Offs” on page 8.

Use Export for Large Extracts and Archiving Performing a data dump means taking large amounts of data in the system and exporting or extracting it. Most of the time, data dumps provide minimal value in report formats. This is because the data is too voluminous to be meaningful to end users, and because the data quickly becomes out-of-date. If a data dump is necessary, consider the following facts: ■

It is recommended that you use exports for data dumps, rather than Answers OnDemand. Answers OnDemand is not optimized to process, display, or print data dumps.

The Analytics UI constrains the number of rows that can be displayed on a report. The Analytics download feature provides greater flexibility. If you must use Analytics to return large volumes of data, use a download to capture the more complete data set.

Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics ■ Planning and Architecture Guidelines

Provide Summary Analyses with Drilldowns to Details Design analyses so end users can look first at high-level trends and information, such as a sales pipeline. From the high level, they can then drill down to the detail level for particulars they are interested in, or drill across to related information. This design provides not only details, but also high-level analytics showing trends and what actions users should take in response. This design also limits the subset of records returned in a report, thus speeding its performance. Siebel CRM OnDemand allows you to manually set up modularized reports and custom links from a summary to details. This eliminates the need to present one long report with substantial detail data for each record. Instead, you can allow the user to identify key trends quickly, then drill down to the underlying reasons for those trends, by doing the following: ■

Design an initial report that displays summary information or trends and directs end users to drill down to explore details.

Build linked reports for the detailed information. Target each detail report on one insight on the summary report.

Create an additional level of drilldowns by building action links from detail records on the report to the corresponding detail records in the OnDemand application. For more information about action links, see “Create Drilldowns to Records with Action Links” on page 12.

For example, you may want to set up a report showing, at its highest level, total opportunity revenue by current sales stage. You could then configure detail reports showing more specific information about opportunities in each sales stage. Then, using action links, you can allow end users to navigate from the detail reports to detail opportunity records. These drill-down paths allow end users to view selected details for sales stages in which they are interested. You can link one report to another by specifying what happens when end users perform the following actions: ■

Click a column. When setting up a report’s column properties, specify a column link to another report with the Navigate to Another Analysis option. For more information, see the section on editing the layout of column contents in the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

Click a chart. When setting up a report to show results in a chart format, specify a link from the chart to another report with the Navigate option. For more information, see the section on specifying what happens when a user clicks a chart in the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

Create Drilldowns to Records with Action Links An action link is a hyperlink from a report detail to the corresponding source record in the application. Providing action links in a report allows end users to explore additional record detail not included in the report. For example, by means of an action link, an end user can click a hyperlinked Opportunity Name field in a report or analysis, and navigate automatically to the corresponding Opportunity detail record in the OnDemand application.


Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance

Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics ■ Methods for Achieving Optimal Analytics Performance

Additionally, consider the example in “Provide Summary Analyses with Drilldowns to Details” on page 12 of a summary report showing opportunities by sales stage, with drilldowns to detail reports for each of the sales stages. In this case, action links could provide further drilldowns from the detail reports into specific opportunity records in the application.

Consider the End User’s Position in the Organization Hierarchy The higher an end user is in the organizational hierarchy, the more underlying data will be reflected on a report, and therefore the more processing can be required to run the report. To make sure that reports for such individuals run as quickly as possible, be sure to adhere to the guidelines in this document.

Limit the Number of Set Operations Advanced features of Answers OnDemand allow you to combine queries. You can then perform set operations such as unions, intersections, and other joining actions on those queries to build a final report. The greater the number of query results combined, the more processing time is required to run the final report. For fastest processing, limit the number of queries used, ideally to two only. For information about combining queries, see the section on combining results of multiple reports using set operations in the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

Clarify HMTL Code and Narratives When using HTML in connection with SQL, make sure the HTML is clear and precise, and does not contain any unnecessary tags or superfluous information. Likewise, make sure narratives are clear and precise, and do not contain unneeded instructions. This helps make the specified formatting more efficient and reduces performance issues caused by load time to display.

Factor Report Tuning and Scalability Into the Project A report may run well in a test environment before all production data is present. After you import the full production data set, however, the increased data volume may degrade the report’s performance. Consider this contingency early in a report-building project. Allow time to retest and tune reports after importing the full production data set.

Methods for Achieving Optimal Analytics Performance This section describes best practices that promote optimal performance in Siebel CRM OnDemand analytics and reports.

Use Filters to Narrow Analyses A filter is a condition that restricts the data displayed in a report. This reduces the size of the report’s data set, and therefore helps to speed reporting. When configuring reports, use filters as much as you can. Observe the following guidelines:

Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics ■ Methods for Achieving Optimal Analytics Performance

Apply filters as a first step to building a report. If you apply fields to a report, then run it without applying filters, the report may take a long time to run, depending on the amount of data returned.

Filter on the driving object as a priority. For example, when using the Accounts subject area, filter on fields in the Accounts folder.

Select the most restrictive filters first. Then, after experimenting, ease the restrictions as needed.

Develop reports with a small set of data. When the report is complete and functions properly, remove the filters you put in place to restrict the amount of data for development purposes.

While filters usually improve reporting performance, in some cases this may not occur, depending on the field referenced in the filter. In particular: ■

If a filter references a column with an underlying CASE formula, then depending on the formula and related processing required, this filter could degrade the report’s performance. When filtering on a field with a CASE statement or other formula, experiment to determine how this impacts reporting performance.

A report that filters on a custom Date field can run more quickly than a similar report that filters on a custom Date/Time field. When possible, filter on custom Date fields rather than custom Date/Time fields. When you create custom fields in Siebel CRM OnDemand, create custom Date fields rather than custom Date/Time fields whenever possible. Create a custom Date/Time field only when the time component is essential. This makes it feasible to build reports using custom Date fields instead of custom Date/Time fields.

NOTE: Do not confuse filters with prompts. When you build a report, you set up prompts in a different step from the one in which you apply filters. Also, prompts work differently from filters, and different performance considerations apply to prompts. For more information about prompts, see “Build Prompts to Achieve Best Performance” on page 14.

Build Prompts to Achieve Best Performance A prompt is an interactive feature of a report that allows end users to specify a filter value dynamically when they run the report. Runtime prompts are useful because a report may need to be filtered differently for different users or for the different dates on which it is run. The use of prompts addresses this need, allowing one report to be built and maintained for a diverse audience of users. When running a report that uses prompts, an end user’s experience is impacted first by prompt processing time, and second by report processing time. You can configure prompts to achieve optimal performance.

Column Filter Prompts To improve the performance of column filter prompts, follow these guidelines: ■


Try to make all prompts reference fields in the same record type folder. In other words, avoid cross-object prompting if possible.

Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance

Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics ■ Methods for Achieving Optimal Analytics Performance

When defining prompts, under the What Values Should Be Shown to the User item, select either None or All Values for the fastest performance. CAUTION: Avoid using the Filter Limited Values option if at all possible. This option restricts prompt selections the report will display to end users, based on other filters and prompts applied to the report. If a report contains large volumes of data, this option can slow the report’s performance. When deciding whether to select the None, All Values, or Filter Limited Values option, it is recommended that you strike a balance between the desired report performance and the optimal presentation of selectable values to end users. For more information about these options, see the section on adding column filter prompts in the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

Image Prompts Avoid using high-resolution images for Image Prompts. It is recommended that no image used on a report exceed 100 dpi. Optimally, images should be 50 dpi or lower. NOTE: When using Image Prompts, make sure the image file is saved on a public server. This will allow all end users viewing the report to access the Image Prompt.

Include Record Keys in Report Criteria Using record keys improves report performance. Whenever possible, include the record key for each record type used in a report. Place that field first of all fields used for that record type. For example, the record key of Opportunity is Opportunity ID, and the record key of Account is Account ID. If you create a report showing Opportunities and related Accounts, define the Opportunity ID field as the first field of all Opportunity fields in the report, and define the Account ID field as the first field of all Account fields in the report. CAUTION: When you include a record key, the report processes all detail records for that key’s record type. While it is usually advantageous to include record keys, depending on the purpose of the report, this may not always be desirable. NOTE: If you do not want end users to see the record key in the report, you can hide the column. For information about hiding columns in a report, see the section on editing the layout of column contents in the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

Configure Pivot Tables for Maximum Efficiency You can boost the efficiency of pivot tables in reports by observing the guidelines described in this topic.

Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics ■ Methods for Achieving Optimal Analytics Performance

Remove Extra Columns Remove superfluous columns from the underlying report criteria used to build pivot tables, if possible. Typically, these are columns in the report criteria that are excluded from the referenced pivot table. Excluded columns appear in the Excluded box in the pivot table layout. NOTE: Before removing superfluous columns, make sure they are not used in other layout views created for the same report. If superfluous columns are used in other layout views, consider removing those layout views and creating a separate report for them. This allows you to remove the columns from the pivot table in the original report to achieve best performance, and reference the new report when the other layout views are needed. ■

For information about removing columns from pivot tables, see the section on adding or modifying pivot table views in the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

For information about removing columns from the report criteria, see the section on adding columns to reports in the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

Use Chart Pivoted Results Whenever possible, for each pivot table that requires a chart, use the Chart Pivoted Results option instead of creating a separate chart view. Multiple charts in a report can require more processing, because OnDemand must create the charts individually, rather than simultaneously with the pivot table. For information about adding charts to a report, see the section on adding or modifying pivot table views in the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

Eliminate Superfluous Elements from Reports and Charts Configure reports and analyses with only those elements necessary for the layout views presented to end users. ■

Reports. When building reports, use only those fields, totals, subtotals, pages, and other reporting elements that are absolutely necessary for data display, unless you need them for performance optimization or other critical reasons. In other words, remove superfluous reporting elements from reports. For an example of elements you may want to include for reasons other than data display, see “Include Record Keys in Report Criteria” on page 15.

Charts. Similarly to reports, use only the fields and other reporting elements that are necessary. In particular, when configuring the Chart view, completely remove columns and metrics not used for the displayed chart from the underlying report criteria, if possible.

Avoid Cross-Object Column Selectors Whenever possible, do not use a column selector that crosses into another object. Try to keep all column selectors within the same object.


Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance

Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics ■ Special Considerations for RealTime Reports

Special Considerations for Real-Time Reports This section describes specific best practices to promote optimal performance of Siebel CRM OnDemand real-time reports. The preferred data source for reporting and analytics is the data warehouse, as described in “Use the Data Warehouse for Analytics and Reporting” on page 11. If a real-time report that references the transactional database is essential, however, there are steps you can take to optimize its performance. This section identifies report configuration best practices that require special consideration when you build real-time reports. Unless slower performance is acceptable, it is recommended that you restrict the use of the elements described in Table 1. NOTE: While reducing the use of these elements can significantly improve the speed of real-time reports, it can also enhance the performance of reports built on the data warehouse. However, because reports and analyses built on the data warehouse already run faster than real-time reports, the performance improvement will be more significant for a real-time report.

Table 1.

Elements to Use Minimally in Real-Time Reports

Elements to Restrict


Multiple record types

In other words, avoid using more than one record type in a report.

Custom pick list fields

Use of custom pick list fields may impact report processing time. Use only when needed.

Address fields

When possible, use address fields only from extended address folders. These are address folders whose names include the suffix “Extended.” For example, in the Account record type, use address fields only from the Billing Address (Extended) and Shipping Address (Extended) folders. For more information about extended address folders, see the section on using addresses in reports in the chapter on reports and dashboards in Siebel CRM OnDemand Online Help.

Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Best Practices for Configuring OnDemand Analytics ■ Special Considerations for RealTime Reports

Table 1.

Elements to Use Minimally in Real-Time Reports

Elements to Restrict


Fields from any Date-type folder

Fields that are functions of Date (for example, Fiscal Year, Fiscal Month, and so on) may require additional processing, compared to reporting on the underlying date field itself. To optimize performance when reporting on date fields, it is recommended that you use standard Date or Date/Time fields from the associated record type folder, instead of from the special date folder that contains date hierarchies. For example, to report on an activity Due Date, select the generic Due Date field from the Activity folder. If you select other associated fields, such as Fiscal Year or Fiscal Month of the Due Date, the report could take longer to run.

CAST conversion functions for Date or Date/Time fields

Use of the CAST conversion function may impact report processing time. Use only if needed.

Fields from any Owned By User folder

Fields that are functions of Owner (for example, User Name, User Email, or Alias), as they appear in the Owned By User folder, may require additional processing time compared to the Owner field itself. To optimize performance when reporting on Owner fields, use the Owner field from the associated record type folder. For example, to report on an Opportunity Owner, select the Owner field from the Opportunity folder, rather than from the Owned By User folder.

Any fields from the Primary Contact folder in the Account folder

Use of these fields may impact report processing time. Use only if needed.

The Parent Account, Last Modified By, Created By, and Manager fields

Use of these fields may impact report processing time. Use only if needed.


Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


A action links 12 analyses developing 9 historical 7 analytics about 7 best practices 13 data dumps 11 architecture guidelines

action links 12 from a chart 12 from a column 12 summary to detail reports


E end user’s position, report performance impact 13 exports 11



B best practices analytics and reports 13 planning and architecture real-time reports 17

fields filters 11

C CAST conversion functions charts drilldowns 12 necessary elements 16 in pivot tables 16 column filter prompts 14 columns drilldowns 12 in pivot tables 16 selectors 16 combined queries 13 cross-object column selectors 16 queries 17


D data dumps 11 data exports 11 data source trade-offs, summary 9 data warehouse currentness of data 8 performance 8 as report data source 8, 11 trade-offs with transactional database 8 database, transactional. See transactional database detail reports 12 drilldowns

17 13

G guidelines analytics and reports 13 planning and architecture real-time reports 17


H historical analyses 7 HTML code, clarifying 13

I image prompts


N narratives, clarifying


P pivot tables charts 16 columns 16 performance impact 15 planning guidelines 11 prompts column filter 14 differences from filters 14 images 15 performance impact 14

Q queries, combined


Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance


Index ■ R

R real-time reports about 8 best practices 17 CAST conversion functions 17 cross-object queries 17 fields 17 record keys 15 reports about 7 best practices 13 developing 9 historical analyses 7 necessary elements 16 performance impact of end user’s position 13


real-time 8, 17 scalable 13 summary and detail


S scalable reports 13 set operations 13 summary reports 12

T transactional database currentness of data 9 performance 9 as report data source 9 trade-offs with data warehouse


Configuring Siebel CRM OnDemand Analytics for Optimal Performance

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