She Says He Says

  • November 2019
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She Says…He Says Juliet:

How would you describe the show? ● It’s a coagulation of a lot of different shows and a lot of different magazines. It is a news and entertainment based show that basically touches on all the water-cooler subjects that you and your friends and your coworkers are talking about. What makes it different from other morning shows? ● We get so much information out. We’re constantly doing stories on how to improve your life … we give advice and we give facts. We start off kind of heavy — usually a serious topic, newsy topic — and then as the show goes on, throughout the hour we get a little more feature-ish. We span the spectrum — you start the day with the serious stuff and you end the day with light, fun stuff like celebrities. And you guys have such good chemistry… ● When I met him six years ago at Fox News Channel, I think I was the sore thumb there. I was a little wacky and I’m not sure I always completely fit in. Mike got there and it made me feel so comfortable being able to go from a serious subject to a wacky subject and back and throwing our senses of humor in there and throwing a little bit of sexual innuendo in there — that just kinda the way I am. And I found a compatriot who has the same exact perverted, sick sense of humor. And we’ve never dated. And we’ve never kissed. Nothing’s ever gone on. Everybody always thinks that, but we’ve just been great friends since the day we met. Doing the morning show means getting up early. What’s the city like at that hour? ● It’s easy to commute around at 6 o’clock in the morning; it never is any other time. I’m at work at 6:15, 6:20. That’s actually late compared to when I used to go in, I was down in Battery Park City and I’d go in at

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3 o’clock in the morning to do Fox & Friends since we started at 6 a.m. Going from Battery Park City up Sixth Avenue, you’d be hitting all the club people; they’d be getting out. It’s sort of ending and beginning at the same time when I go in, and that’s the cool thing about New York. Obviously, it is the city that never sleeps, and at 6 o’clock in the morning a lot of people are going to bed, a lot of people are getting up.

What’s your morning ritual? ● I jump in the shower. I don’t dry my hair. I throw on sweats. I look like a complete disaster. I usually don’t even match and sometimes I wear different shoes, because I’m not a morning person, which is frightening since I do the morning show. I get to work at like 6:20, 6:30; we have a meeting right away and I just sit there and mumble throughout the whole thing. And while that’s happening I get my hair and make-up done. While I’m sitting there listening to the meeting going on I have my little Special K Red Berries and vanilla yogurt and my iced coffee — a vat of iced coffee. What’s the best breakfast in the city? ● I have a habit every single day, Monday through Friday, Café Metro. We are on hiatus right now, but I came in to do some things. And I was like, “Do I have breakfast down in Hoboken? Screw that!” I wanted to have my normal breakfast of my vanilla yogurt. My favorite brunch place would be Five Points. How do you take your coffee? ● I have to have iced coffee. I don’t like hot coffee, hot anything — except food. Tons of ice with a little bit of sugar-free vanilla and skim milk in it. What about Mike? ● He does Starbucks and he does his skinny, the skinny latte. And if it’s summer he’ll do ice and if it’s winter he’ll do hot. He does the sugar-free vanilla, too. Who’s grumpier in the morning? ● I have to say this: I totally get on his nerves in the morning. We used to drive in together and not like I’d be sitting there talking, but he just wants to hear absolutely nothing, he just wants silence. So I would get in and I’d be like “ha, ha, ha, ha” and he just wants nothing of it. So we drive in separately now.


Every morning, television viewers around the country tune in to The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet to catch morning’s wackiest duo — Mike Jerrick and Juliet Huddy. We talked to the real-life friends — they’re so close he’s going to be a bridesmaid in her wedding – to see how much the longtime daytime partners have in common.


How would you describe the show? ● Well if you haven’t seen it, what’s wrong with you? It’s the best television show that was ever created. You’re really depriving yourself; it’s like oxygen. On a serious note, I would describe it as a very, very topical onehour show that should not be missed. What makes it different from other morning shows? ● It’s what’s going on. It’s what you will talk about for the rest of the day; it’s what everybody else is talking about, especially at the top of the show. But it’s Juliet and my take on it — we get to host the show for it’s our particular take. The only way to make something different it has to be the hosts of the show, because the furniture doesn’t talk, the lighting doesn’t talk; you tune in to be with other people. And you guys have such good chemistry… ● It’s something that happened instantly in October of 2004. A guy that I think picks up talent pretty well, his name’s Roger [Ailes], he threw us together without an audition. You can manufacture chemistry, there’s no question about it. People say it’s lightning in the bottle or something. No, you can make it work. You just figure out how to behave around each other. But it has not been a struggle or a job at all. I get her, she gets me. We take care of each other on the air. She’s a very good kisser. I’m kidding. She’s not that good. That’s the reason the show works, no question, it’s people. Doing the morning show means getting up early. What’s the city like at that hour? ● I’ve always liked New York just as the sun’s coming up. I don’t like getting up, but I’ve always liked walking the streets of Manhattan as the sun’s coming up. And I like the way the city sounds, you can still hear the hum of Manhattan. And the roar of the trash trucks. You can just walk around freely, it isn’t so

congested where you’re bouncing off of people like the rest of the day. It’s refreshing. What’s your morning ritual? ● I have a routine, I go to the same coffe shop at the same time every morning. One of those deals where you walk in and it’s already ready because they saw you walking through the door. I like that. I see the same people saying hello and nodding to each other and getting just a snippet of their life — maybe two minutes of their life every morning. Where’s the best breakfast in the city? ● I don’t eat before the show. This isn’t very New York, but I go to Starbucks on 47th Street between Sixth and Seventh and I don’t eat. You know what I like to do every now and then, especially when I have people in town, I walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to that Bubby’s Restaurant. If I feel like looking at hot supermodels — and every now and then I do — I will admit to going to Coffee Shop in Union Square. And every now and then I’ll go to Cafeteria. How do you take your coffee? ● Absolutely straight black because I’m manly. No, here it comes: It’s a vanilla latte — skinny. So it’ s sugar-free vanilla. It’s a latte. It’s so lame. And it’s with skim milk. So you go in, you go, “Venti vanilla latte. Skinny.” It’s a big cup of coffee.

—Heather Corcoran

What about Juliet? ● She has a major-league breakfast routine. Kellog’s Special K with berries. That’s what she eats every freaking morning. If I go to Starbucks, she’ll sometimes, “Please could you get me a frozen frappuccino, vanilla.” In my entire history of knowing her, six years, she’s never purchased me breakfast. Or a cup of coffee. Not that she wouldn’t; she never has any money on her. Who’s grumpier in the morning? ● Oh! By a hundred miles, she is. I think she would admit that. It’s like being around a land mine. When I see her around 8 o’clock I never know, I hold my breath. She never gets overly cranky, but I’ll do the old “Hey Juliet.” And it’s either “ugh,” like a grunt, or she’s in a really good mood. And then it’s kind of my job, if she’s not in a good mood, to put her in a good mood. I do it because I love her. Catch The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet Monday through Friday at 9 a.m. on Fox 5.

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