She Couldn't Say 'no' - Book A Excerpt

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  • Words: 6,480
  • Pages: 19
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Excerpt Chapter One Tina Bartlett was nervous, as usual. She hated starting a new school and this was her third school in the last five years! Now a senior, she couldn't wait until she was finished, although the idea of going off to college frightened her as well. Tina had spent most of her life trying to be invisible. She was a small girl, standing barely five-two and weighing at most one hundred pounds. She had brown hair with bangs that hung over her big brown eyes, giving her the look of a Margaret Keane painting or Japanese anime. She wasn't shy just because she was small. She had been conditioned at an early age to be quiet and obedient around her father or face a spanking. To say her father was king of the castle would be an understatement. He was a big, powerful man, standing over six feet tall, compared to her mother Marcie, who was small like her daughter. Tina grew up seeing her mother act with great deference toward him--and why not? Tina was not the only one to get spanked! She had seen her mother punished whenever she challenged him. The last time had occurred in May when her father announced they would be moving--yet again!--and her mother protested while Tina silently cheered her on. She didn't want to face another new school, trying to make new friends. Not after finally establishing herself at her current school! But her father would take no questioning of his decision. "I gotta work, Marcie!" he bellowed, waving his arms. "You don't wanna starve, do ya?" "Can't you find another job around here, Dan?" Marcie had asked, glancing over at Tina who stood mute, her eyes wide.

"No, I can't. I looked already." Tina doubted he looked very hard--he always seemed ready to move away, as if that would solve all their problems. Her mother tried a new tack. "Where is this new job?" "I got a line on a sales job in Fresno," Dan replied. "I know a guy there." Her mother nodded slowly and said, "I worry about Tina. She's been bounced from school to school for years now." Dan looked over at the girl. "Yeah? Come on, can't you make new friends?" "Uh, sure, Dad, I guess so," she said at once, although she didn't mean it. "Please, Dan, let's just let her finish out her senior year here, can't we?" "Here" was Eugene, Oregon, where Tina had come to love the town and the beautiful countryside in the year-and-a-half they had lived in the area. She had managed to make some friends and thought she might go to college there as well. "How can we? I lost my job, Marcie! I gotta work!" Her mother had the decency not to criticize him for being unable to keep his job, although she glanced at Tina and the girl knew exactly what they were both thinking. "Maybe I could get a job," Marcie said tentatively. Dan's eyes bulged. "What? You think I can't provide for my family?" "That's not what I said, honey. I was merely--" "You know I don't want you working! Your job is to take care of the kid!" "She's seventeen and nearly grown! She can take care of herself!" Dan shook his head and his hands went to his belt as a warning. But Marcie didn't back down. "Dan--I'm only thinking of Tina! You've got to stop making this all about you!" A shocked silence fell over the room. Tina knew what was coming next. Why did her mother goad him like that?

"A man gets tired of being challenged in his own home," he said quietly, his voice a low rumble. He always got quiet before he punished someone. The belt slid from the loops and he folded it over. "Sometimes you need challenging!" Jesus, she thought, Mom's really asking for it! "Please Dad!" Tina spoke up, but she knew she couldn't stop it. Instinctively, she started to leave the room. "No!" bellowed her father. "You stay and watch what happens to a woman who disobeys her man!" Tina froze at once, her eyes wide. She was only dimly aware that her father was a Neanderthal because that was all she ever knew, growing up. To Tina, all men were strong and demanding and women were subservient. He did love them, she knew--this was simply the way he showed it. To Tina, love, obedience and fear were all mixed up together. Her father grabbed her mother's arm and yanked her down over his knees on the couch. Marcie was struggling but not too hard. Both women were aware that fighting him would only make things worse. Marcie had on a skirt and blouse--Dan refused to allow her to wear pants, telling her "I wear the pants in this family!"--and Tina wanted to turn away but felt locked into place. Dan flipped up her skirt, showing Marcie's bikini panties. With one hand holding the belt and the other hand pressing down on her mother's back, Dan looked up at his daughter and barked, "Come on! You know what to do, Tina!" The girl felt her legs move even as she wanted to refuse him. This part always embarrassed her the most because she knew it mortified her mother. But she couldn't stop herself from coming over and slipping her mother's panties off her legs. Marcie actually helped her by lifting her hips so they wouldn't tear the thin material, which would make Dan even more angry. The wide, smooth bottom of her mother twitched in anticipation of her punishment. Tina bit her lip and backed away, still holding her mother's panties. Dan raised his gaze to her. "Now you watch and learn, Tina, watch and learn." He brought the belt down hard on the pale globes and Tina heard the sharp crack and her mother's cry. "Ow! One, sir--please, I deserve another!" The rote phrase he insisted upon only made her submission worse.

Tina watched as her mother thrashed and begged and promised to be good, but she'd stop and recite the number of swats and beg for another after each blow. After ten cracks with the belt, Marcie's ass was bright pink and Tina could stand it no longer. "Daddy please! You're hurting her!" Dan stopped and looked up. "Well, that's the point, isn't it? You must obey a man in his household. Haven't you learned that by now?" He continued to beat Marcie's bottom, turning it from pink to red. Tina couldn't stop crying and her mother was trying hard to convince him that she had learned her lesson. "Twenty, sir! Please, oh, please ... I'm sorry! Dan, I, uh, deserve another..." Dan finally stopped, breathing hard, his face covered in sweat. He pushed Marcie to the floor and stood up. Tina could see his erection in his pants. "Come on, Marcie," he said to her, reaching out his hand. "Let me put some lotion on that." Tina knew the phrase was just a euphemism for having sex. She could always hear them after a punishment--her mother's screams of pleasure mixed with her father's grunting. That part always confused her--wouldn't her mother be too angry and hurt to enjoy sex? And why did watching her mother's punishment make her feel all funny inside? As she handed Marcie her panties and saw the streaks of tears down her face, Tina felt terrible because this seemed to be her fault. But her mother's expression was one of love and understanding toward her--and something else she couldn't quite define. There was a wildness in her eyes. Tina stood in the living room and listened as the love-making began and had to leave the house so she wouldn't have to hear it. So they had moved over the summer, forcing Tina to leave her friends behind yet again. And right after Labor Day, she was at this new school in this god-forsaken hick town of Fresno, filled with tough-looking Latinos, farm-hardened whites, and a handful of angry blacks, a regular boiling pot of humanity. Though she had turned eighteen three weeks ago, she didn't feel like an adult, ready to take on the world. She wanted nothing more than to hide behind her mother's skirts for a little while longer, at least. Tina tried to remain invisible, walking from class to class with her head down, not talking to anyone. Apparently she was just too cute and vulnerable to ignore. It took just two days before three of the farm boys noticed her. A tall blond boy and

his two cronies, all wearing lettermen jackets, caught up to the new senior when she was retrieving books from her locker. "Hey, cutie," the leader said, moving close to trap Tina up against the lockers. "You new here, aren't cha? Where ya from?" His buddies, not much shorter but both darker, flanked her so her tiny frame was hidden among them. "Uh, Oregon," she squeaked, looking around and seeing no exit. The crowd in the hallway was already starting to thin. She stared at the ground. "What's your name?" "Tina. Uh, Tina Bartlett." "Well, hi, Tina. I'm Hank. This is Davy," he nodded at the heavy-set boy next to him with the cruel face. "And this is Sam." Sam was more slender, with dark hair and sharp features. But at least he smiled at her. "Uh, hi." She tried to look past them for an escape, but they had her well blocked in. "Well, Tina, you're a little bitty thing, aren't ya?" Hank said. "Yeah," put in Davy, "she's hardly bigger than my dick." The boys laughed at the crude talk. Tina blushed pink. "Are you sure you're supposed to be here? Aren't you still in eighth grade or something?" Tina just shook her head. "I'm eighteen." "Wow, you don't look it." "I think she's lying. She's not eighteen! See if she has tits yet," Davy said, reaching out to rub her upper arm with the backs of his fingers. She shied away. "That's the best way to tell if she's supposed to be in high school." "Yeah, good idea," Hank said. "You got tits, little girl?" She didn't say anything, she just stared at their feet. When she peeked between the boys' bodies, she could see that the hallway was now nearly deserted. She would be late to her next class. She prayed a teacher would come by. "I asked you a question, girl. You got tits?"

She nodded, tears coming to her eyes. Surely they could tell! Although she was small, she wasn't flat-chested! "I gotta go to class," she whispered. "Ohh, make her show them," Davy said. "Otherwise, I don't believe her." "Good idea. Before we let you go, you gotta show us." "Please..." "Better hurry or you're gonna be late," Hank said. She felt powerless to resist their commands, conditioned as she was to obeying her father all her life. Tina looked up, those big brown eyes filled with tears and shifted her books to her left arm and reached up with her right hand to her top button. The boys' eyes widened when the realized she was obeying them! Davy, standing slightly behind Tina, looked up to stare open-mouthed at Hank as if to say: She's doing it! Hank smiled back and nodded. "Here, let me hold those books for you," Davy said, taking her books so she couldn't use them to cover herself up. She hesitated and Hank said, "You don't want to get into trouble for being late on your first week, do ya?" Tina handed over her books. Her hands hovered over her blouse for a moment, her eyes seeking a reprieve and finding none. Slowly, she unbuttoned the top three buttons, exposing the top of her bra and her heaving breasts to the gaze of the three boys. "All right!" Davy said, high-fiving Hank over Tina's head. Sam just watched silently, his eyes focused on Tina's chest. "That's nice, but I can't really tell much from that," Hank told her. "You gotta show us a nipple before we'll let you go." "Yeah," Davy said, nodding, his eyes bright. "Please," she squeaked. "Hey, one nipple, that's all we ask, right boys?" "Damn right."

"It'll be over before you know it," Sam spoke for the first time. Tina, her face burning, pulled one cup down to expose her left nipple. She immediately pushed it back into place while the boys cheered. "Okay, boys, fair's fair," Hank said, looking around at the deserted hallway. "Give Tina her books back." "Sure, man." Davy handed over her books and the boys trotted off down the hall, high-fiving each other again. Tina, her face still red with embarrassment, hurried down the hall in the opposite direction to her class, her fingers fumbling to close her buttons. **** "Shee-it, can you believe it?" Davy asked Hank, looking back over his shoulder at the retreating girl. "She actually showed us her tit!" "That was very strange. Wonder why she did it so willingly." "Maybe she's just slutty," Davy said. "Nah, she seemed really afraid of us--to the point she did anything we'd ask just to keep us happy. Most girls here woulda kicked you in the balls for that!" Sam offered. "Shit--the Latina chicks woulda cut our balls off with a razor," Davy added. "Yeah, Sam's right," Hank said. "She's cowed--didja see the way she kept staring at the floor?" "Probably has a weird home life or something," Sam said. "Like maybe a cult family." Hank nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right--she's not like any girls I know. Well, we gotta move on this girl before others find out how meek she is. I mean, she's just waitin' there for someone to come along and tell her what to do!" "Hell, I know what I want to tell her to do!" said Davy. "Got that right," agreed Hank. "I dunno," said Sam. "I mean, I'm not sure she's just going to put out because we corner her. She could get us into trouble."

"You're always such a downer, man," Davy said. "No, he's right--we don't want her to cry rape or anything," Hank agreed. "We gotta make her like us or something." "Like hell--she's afraid of us! That might be all we need," Davy said. "She does seem to respond to fear. But we gotta be careful. We gotta use a little finesse," Hank said. The boys nodded in agreement. Hank was still thinking about how he might entice Tina into their web when he walked into his math class an hour later and spotted her. She had been sitting in the back of the room and he hadn't noticed her before. He smiled at her and she gave a quick, shy smile back before dropping her eyes to the ground. He nodded to himself, a tentative plan already forming. "I got it," he told the boys later during lunch. "Got what?" Davy had apparently already forgotten about Tina. "That titty girl, numbskull! She's in my math class!" "Oh, Tina. Right." Davy nodded and smiled. "What's the plan?" "A girl like that, she's gotta be good at math, right?" "Not necessarily," Sam pointed out. Hank waved him off. "Stop being so negative, man. Just listen. We wait for the first quiz--I know this teacher, he'll give one every Monday. I'll do shitty on it on purpose--" "Shee-it--that won't be hard," Sam laughed. Hank glared at him. "As I was sayin', afterward, I'll approach her and ask how she did and when I see she did well, I'll ask her for some help. You know, a tutor thing." Davy frowned. "How will that help?" "Shit, you dummy--I'll ask her to help me in the library, after school. You know, that place that is almost deserted around that time?" "Ohhh," Davy said, nodding. "And you want us to show up?"

Hank shook his head. "No--too much, too soon." Both boys looked at him. "I gotta meet her by myself, first time. Feel her out." Davy guffawed. "Oh yeah, man, I get it--feel her out!" "You know what I mean--I gotta make her kinda like me a little bit first. She's new here--maybe she'd like to have a boyfriend, you know?" "Yeah, I can see that," Sam said. "Just don't forget about us!" Davy added. **** The following Tuesday, Tina was in math class, waiting for Mr. Robertson to return their quiz scores. She had found the test easy and wasn't worried about it. She was more worried about Hank, that big blond kid who sat a few rows ahead of her. For the last few days, he had been making a point of smiling at her whenever he caught her eye. Part of her was flattered--he was kinda cute and all--but part of her was afraid of him and his friends. When they looked at her, she could feel it in the pit of her stomach. It was fear, sure, but there was something else, something she couldn't quite place. The teacher handed her test, face down, and Tina flipped it over. An "A"--nice. Algebra was kinda fun, she mused. As the class filtered out after the bell, she was startled to see Hank sidle up to her. "Hey, Tina, how'd you do?" "Uh, I did okay." She stared at his shoes, her stomach feeling queasy. "Really? I'll bet you did better than I did." A paper fluttered in her face and she found herself looking at his quiz. He had gotten a "C-." "Oh, I'm sorry." "This algebra is hard for me, I guess. I don't get all the Xs and Ys and stuff. What'd you get, if I can ask." "Uh, I got an 'A'." "Cool. That's great." He paused. "You know, I could tell you'd be smart. You always seem to be so serious and all."

She shrugged. "I'll bet it's hard, starting a new school, huh?" "Yeah, especially senior year." Hank seemed suddenly embarrassed. "Hey, look--I'm sorry about the other day. We were jerks." Tina found her feelings toward Hank warming a little. He seemed nice once he was away from his friends. Perhaps he had just been showing off before. "That's nice of you to say." "Listen, Tina--do you think you could help me with math? It's not my best subject." "Uh, sure." The words came out automatically. Tina wasn't sure she wanted to help him, but she didn't want to be rude. "Great! Can you meet me in the library after school?" "Uh, well, I have to catch the bus..." "Oh, don't worry about that. I'll give you a ride home." "I don't know--my mom will worry." "Call her and explain. I'm sure she'll be glad you're making new friends." Tina knew her mother would be thrilled she was fitting in, after being forced to move yet again. "Uh, okay, except I don't have a cell phone." She was too embarrassed to say her family couldn't afford one. "Oh, no problem! Borrow mine." He handed it over. She called and asked her mother if she could stay after school in the library to help tutor a student. As she expected, her mother was pleased. Tina promised to be home by four-thirty, giving her just an hour with Hank. "Oh, can't you stay until five?" Hank asked at once, loudly enough for her mother to hear. "I really don't get algebra." "Who's that boy?" "Uh, that's Hank. He's the one who needs help."

"Is he nice? Can you trust him?" She wasn't sure if she could, but she felt obligated to say it while under his steady gaze. "Hm, yeah, sure." "You'll stay at the library?" "Uh, yeah, Mom." "How will you get home? Do you need a ride?" "No, Hank will take me home." "Really? Put him on." Tina handed the phone to Hank. He took it and leaned down to Tina and tipped the phone toward her so she could hear her mother's voice. "Hello? Mrs. Bartlett? Hi, I'm Hank Foster." "Hello, Hank. You're going to give my daughter a ride home? Are you a good driver?" "Oh, yes, ma'am," he said, winking at Tina. "I'm very safe. I've been driving on the farm since I was thirteen." Tina thought he was being extra polite but she didn't say anything. "Oh? Your parents have a farm?" "Yes, ma'am--Foster Farms on the west side. We supply broccoli all over the state." "Oh, yes, I think I've heard of it." She paused, apparently making up her mind. "Well, okay then--just have her home by five." "Thank you, Mrs. Bartlett." He hung up and grinned at Tina. Her heart suddenly began to pound because she wondered if Hank had an ulterior motive. He had made her show him her breast, what would he ask of her next? Or was she just being paranoid? Maybe he actually liked her. Moving around so much had made relationships difficult. "Thanks, Tina--see you at three-thirty!" He went off down the hall and Tina went to her next class.

At three-thirty, Tina headed to the library, her curiosity about Hank mixed with wariness. But she felt she had to show up reasons she couldn't even explain. She tried to tell herself it would be all right. Maybe he was different than the other boys. Maybe he would become her boyfriend and protect her. When she walked into the library, it was nearly deserted, for most students left campus immediately after school. She spotted Hank sitting at a table by himself and breathed a sigh of relief, glad not to have to deal with Sam and Davy. He waved and she went over. "Hi, Tina, glad you could make it." He smiled and patted the seat next to him. She could feel his eyes on her body. She suddenly felt very small next to the tall young man. She sat and pulled out her math book. "Okay, what problems did you have with that quiz?" She hoped to get him focused on the work, not on her. "Hey, there's time for that. I'd like to get to know you a little better, okay?" "Oh, uh, sure." He asked her questions about her past and she tried to explain how they had to move because of her father's job, and found herself telling him a little more than she wanted to. But Hank seemed to be a good listener. Hank was sympathetic. "Gee, that's tough, moving all the time like that. Heck, I've been here all my life, you know, the farmer's kid." Tina found her curiosity about the boy growing. "What's the letter for?" she asked, indicating his jacket. "Football. I'm a wide receiver." "Oh. Cool." She couldn't think of anything else to say because she didn't follow football. "Yeah, all of us are on the team. Davy's a linebacker and Sam's on special teams." "Yeah ... that's nice. Must be fun ... Do you want to start studying now?" "Oh, sure." He pulled open his book and turned to the proper chapter. "I was hung up on this deal where they have two unknowns, you know, X and Y? Why do they have to have two in one problem?"

Tina smiled and began to explain, going over the equations and starting to feel a little better about Hank. He seemed genuinely interested in learning the math. For several minutes, she was the tutor and he the eager student, listening to everything she had to say. It made her feel accepted. Suddenly, she felt his left hand on her thigh. She froze. "Hank!" "What?" He asked innocently. "This helps me concentrate better." "Please." She tried to push his hand away but he was too strong. "Just let me keep it here for a minute and let's get back to work, okay?" Tina, her heart pounding, found herself agreeing, as usual. There was something about his deep voice that made her obey. "O-Okay." She tried to concentrate on the math. But his hand began to move, rubbing up and down her thigh. She glanced up to observe that no one was watching them. The sole librarian had her back to their table and she realized Hank had probably picked the location just for that reason. Looking to her left, she saw just two other students, sitting at the far side. Tina felt as if she were on an island alone with this demanding boy. Her fears resurfaced. "Please," she said again, trying to convince him to leave her leg alone. "What? I'm not doing anything. Now tell me why I missed No. 4." He shoved his quiz under her nose. "Uh, uh..." She couldn't think. Thankfully, at that moment, Hank's hand was removed from her leg and she breathed a sigh of relief. But a moment later, she felt it at her back, where it began to rub up and down her spine. Because this was marginally better than having his hand on her leg, she decided not to say anything about it. Big mistake. His right hand came up to the front of her blouse, right on her breast! "Hank!" She jerked and looked around, her face red. The librarian heard her and turned to glare, but by that time Hank had dropped his hands and looked completely innocent. He smiled at the woman and she swiveled back to her work.

His voice hissed in Tina's ear. "Don't embarrass me like that again." She froze. He was acting so much like her father that she felt powerless to challenge him. For a couple of minutes, they returned to the math and Tina, in a halting voice, tried to explain algebra concepts to a boy she quickly realized no longer cared about. She knew that for sure when his right hand returned, moving from below to gently cup the bottom of her bra. She tried to pull away only to find his left hand at her back again, trapping her. "Now be nice, just like you were in the hallway," he said quietly. "We know you're a good little girl who does as she's told, right?" It was as if he knew her secret, although it wasn't much of a secret at all. She sat still, hardly breathing, while his fingers fondled the bottom of her breast through her blouse and bra. When he took his hand away, she sighed in relief, only to find his hand back to her leg--only this time, he pushed her skirt up and was touching her bare thigh! "Hank!" She tried to pull away. "Relax, I'm not hurting you. Just sit still and help me with this quiz, all right?" Tina wanted to protest, to tell him to go away and leave her alone, but it was so hard to assert herself! So she said nothing and tried to return to the quiz, working hard to ignore his hand stroking her thigh, his other hand at her back. "Uh, you see when you have two unknown values, you have to, uh, figure out one value in relation to the other." "This is nice, isn't it?" His hand stroked her bare thigh. It did feel nice but it also scared her in a dangerous way. He pussy throbbed and grew moist. "Uh huh," she said. "But it's not right." "What, this? This is innocent. Haven't you ever had a boyfriend before?" "Uh, sorta." She had liked a boy in Eugene, but they had only kissed a couple of times before she moved. Was Hank telling her he wanted to be her boyfriend? It all seemed to be happening too fast, although her body certainly seemed excited by the idea.

So she sat and "studied," although that was no longer what was happening, she realized. He was stroking her leg and rubbing her back and she felt waves of heat radiate out from her pussy and breasts. She hoped Hank wouldn't notice the effect he was having on her! "Come on," he whispered suddenly, "I need to find a book." He grabbed her hand and stood up. She followed, not able to think of anything to say. They went around a tall stack and walked down a corridor to the last row. They were completely alone there. "Hank, that lady, she'll follow us!" Tina said, hoping the librarian would notice they had left the table. "Nahh, I checked, she didn't even see us get up." He pressed her up against the back shelves of books and leaned in to kiss her. It took her by surprise but she found it very exciting. His lips were soft and inviting. She kissed him back. Hank was gentle and she relaxed a little. Suddenly, she felt his hand on her breast. She squirmed and tried to escape but he was too strong. "This isn't right, Hank! Please!" His voice was sharp and cut through her. "Hey! You don't want to get in trouble, do ya?" Tina wasn't sure what he meant by that, but she stopped struggling and allowed him to fondle her, hoping he'd get tired and release her. But her silence only emboldened him. They kissed for a few more minutes, his hand rubbing her breast through her blouse and bra, sending sparks throughout her body. He pulled his hand away but kept her trapped against the wall and said quietly, "Unbutton your blouse, just like you did for us the other day." Tina's mouth dropped open. "Uh..." She shook her head. Hank's hand came up and gave her a light slap on the cheek, using just the pads of his fingers, but it startled her. It was as if he knew to do just the right thing, for she found her fingers jumping to the front of her blouse before she realized she was obeying. After she had undone three buttons, she stopped and regained control of herself. "I can't, Hank, don't make me, please."

"Come on, you showed us your tit before. Just be glad it's only me here--I could've asked Davy and Sam to join us. Would you like that?" She shook her head, horrified. "Good. Then you won't mind giving me a repeat performance." With shaking fingers, she unbuttoned the rest of her blouse. He stared at her bra, his face a leer. "Keep going." Tina wasn't sure how she could do much more without actually unsnapping her bra, which seemed ridiculous there in the library! So she simply pushed up her bra, exposing her breasts to the boy and his hands went at once to cup them against his palms. "Ohh, look at these puppies! They're beautiful!" That made her feel funny inside, arousal mixed with fear. She had to squeeze her legs together and lean back against the bookshelves to keep from fainting. Hank kept rubbing her breasts and telling her how pretty she was. "Please, Hank, someone might come!" "You leave that to me, cutie." He leaned down to take one of her nipples into his mouth. Tina's mouth sagged open, for not only was she shocked by his bold behavior, she also felt another jolt to her loins, making her weak in the knees. "Hank! Stop!" But he didn't. And she couldn't think of a way to make him stop. So she stood there, her knees trembling and looked over his shoulder down the row, expecting to see the librarian's angry face come around the corner at any minute. Hank switched to her other nipple and more sparks shot down to her pussy, making her wetter. "Please," she begged, starting to lose control. "We have to study." Suddenly, his free hand dropped down to cup against her pussy and she gasped and swooned. She felt as if a great wind had sprung up inside her, sweeping her toward something wonderful. Despite her fears, she really wanted that feeling to continue! So she didn't stop him when his hand slipped underneath her skirt and pressed hard against her damp panties. "Oh! Oh!" "Shhhh!" he whispered in her ear and she tried to regain her senses.

His middle finger seemed to spread her open and touched a core nerve. Tina shuddered and spots formed before her eyes. How could this be happening to her? She didn't even really like Hank! She sagged back against the shelving and her mind seemed to short-circuit for a moment. The room spun and she gasped. Then an orgasm hit her, making her shudder and her knees gave out. Hank caught her easily and held her against the shelves. When she regained her senses, he pulled back and gave her a big smile. "See, I knew you were a horny girl! Just look at you, coming right out in public!" Tina felt shame and confusion. Instinctively, she equated what had just happened to her with what she had heard from her mother behind closed doors. But that was between two people who loved each other! How could she climax so powerfully with this mean boy? She quickly pulled her bra into place and began to button up her blouse. "Hey! Did I tell you you could do that?" She stopped at once and stared back at him. He broke into a smile and whispered, "I'll let you button up if you'll help me out." And he winked. Tina had no idea what he meant but she didn't like the sound of it. "I'm sorry?" He grabbed one of her hands and pressed it against the front of his pants. She felt his huge erection and blushed red all the way to the roots of her hair. He laughed. "I let you come. Now you gotta help me." "I have to go," she squeaked. "No you don't. Come on." He took her hands and pulled her downward. "Get down on your knees." She knew what he wanted and couldn't believe he was asking that of her right there in the library! Yet she could not muster up the courage to refuse him. Like her dad, Hank seemed to accept no challenges to his authority. She sank down and watched with horrid fascination as he unzipped his pants and freed his cock. It waved in her face and he barked in a heated whisper, "Come on, suck on it!" "No, please!" She knew about oral sex but she had never done it to a boy before. Her sexual experience had been limited by so many forced relocations in her life. And he was acting like she was supposed to understand the technique! "Come on, put your mouth over it!"

She leaned forward and let the tip slip past her lips. Hank grabbed the back of her head and shoved her face onto his cock. It plunged into her and she struggled to free herself and breathe. "Come on! Don't you know what to do?" he whispered urgently. She pulled away and shook her head, tears pouring down. "No! I've never done it before!" That stopped him. "You've never given anyone a blow job?" His voice was incredulous. "Okay, I'm sorry. I thought you knew. Let me help you, okay?" His voice took on a softer tone and she found it eased her fears. She actually smiled when she looked up at him. "I didn't know, Tina," he said, his strong hands stroking her face, his thumbs wiping away her tears. "So we're going to take it slow, okay?" She nodded. "Okay." Patiently, he explained the concept behind a blow job and how a boy's cock worked and added, "It's not as good as sticking it into a girl's pussy, you unnerstand, but at least you don't get pregnant!" Considering that alternative, Tina thought giving Hank a blow job was far preferable. She listened attentively as he coached her in the right technique: How to use her hands on the shaft and how to take as much in as she could with the eventual goal of allowing the boy to shove his hard penis down her throat! It seemed impossible. She had no idea how long she knelt there, listening to his patient instructions and practicing on his cock, her small hands stroking the shaft, but suddenly, he groaned and his cock twitched and she tasted something salty in her mouth. She wanted to spit it out but she couldn't, not in the library! So she swallowed it, making a face. She pulled away and watched with surprise as another ropy white stream of fluid struck her in the face! Before she could protest, Hank grabbed her face in both hands and said, "Great job! Really! You did it!" She felt pride mixed in with shame and disgust. She wanted to wipe away the sticky substance and fumbled for her purse. "No, no," Hank said, tucking himself back into his pants. "You have to lick it all up." "What?"

"Here." He scooped up a dollop of the fluid and pressed it into her mouth. She grimaced and tried to spit it out. He grabbed her jaw and squeezed. "No, Tina. You have to learn to like the taste of a man's jism." She wanted to ask what had just happened but didn't want to appear naïve. So she allowed him to force-feed her the salty stuff until it was all gone. "See? It's not so bad!" Tina wanted to tell him perhaps he should taste it himself but instinctively knew that would not be taken well. So she simply stood up and wiped away the reside of the "jism" as he had called it with a tissue she found in her purse. "Was that ... uh...?" She couldn't stop herself from asking. His eyebrows went up. "You don't know? Man ... That was semen. You know, what makes babies? Jeez, you are kinda naïve, aren't ya?" She blushed and shook her head. "I know about babies and stuff. I'm not ... well, I mean, I've just never seen it before." He flashed her a big smile. Suddenly, Hank seemed to be in an excellent mood. He offered to answer any of her questions she might have but she felt she had done enough damage to her reputation as it was and didn't press it. He told her how cute she looked and Tina wondered if this meant they were going steady now. She didn't know how she should feel about that. She still didn't really like Hank--he seemed to be a bully, like her father. He led her down the corridor back to their table and they sat, talking over a couple of math problems until it was time to go home. Tina worried that maybe Hank wouldn't drive her straight home, but his good mood apparently continued, because he dropped her off just before five outside her place. Before he drove off, he said, "See you tomorrow!" and winked. Tina felt her heart lurch.

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