Sesi3 Intro To Up

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Session 3 Introduction to Unified Process Dana Indra Sensuse ([email protected]) Indra Budi ([email protected]) Petrus Mursanto ([email protected])

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Software Design Principles and Object-Oriented Systems

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Software Design Principles and Object-Oriented Systems 

Design Principle: Modularity (Modularisation):  Decomposing large software into a number of smaller as independent as possible components, usually with the goal of placing different functionalities or responsibilities in different components.  Modularity allows the complexity of large software to be manageable Object-Oriented Systems – Modularised  Classes and objects as the basic components or modules provides a convenient and effective way to realise and implement the modularisation Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Software Design Principles and Object-Oriented Systems (cont) 

Design Principle: Maximise Information Hiding  Information hiding is a term to describe that components hides the internal details and processing from one another Object-Oriented Systems – Information hided  Maximising information hiding is achieved as only the information required to be passed to and returned from a module is published. Exactly how a module implements its functionality is not relevant  This also provide the reusable objects

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Software Design Principles and Object-Oriented Systems (cont) 

Design Principle: Minimise Coupling  Coupling is a term to describe the interactions between components. The lower coupling, the less interaction (i.e., the more independence) between components Object-Oriented Systems – Loosely coupled:  Encapsulation (i.e., combination of data and process into an entity) minimises the need of coupling between data and process  Information hiding minimises the communication coupling

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Software Design Principles and Object-Oriented Systems (cont) 

Design Principle: Maximise Cohesion  Cohesion is a term to describe the interactions within components. The more cohesive a component, the more related the internal parts of the component to each other and to its whole purpose Object-Oriented Systems – highly cohesive:  Classes and objects provides highly cohesive units that contain both data and process, as data and process that are strongly related can be grouped together into a class and object

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design with Unified Process

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design 

Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson & James Rumbaugh said that any modern oo approach to develop IS must be: 

Use-case driven 

Use case the primary modeling to define the behaviour of the system

Architecture Centric 

The underlying software architecture of the evolving system specification drives the specification, construction and documentation of the system

Support three separate but interrelated architectural views of a system  Functional view  Static (structure) view  Dynamic (behaviour) view

Iterative and Incremental  

Undergoes continous testing and refinement throughout the life of the project Each iteration of the system brings it closer and closer to real user needs

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Unified Process 

A special methodology which uses UML techniques for OO analysis and design Phases of Unified Process  Inception, elaboration, construction, and transition Workflows of Unified Process  Engineering workflows: 

Business modeling, requirements, analysis, design, implementation, test, deployment

Supporting workflows: 

Configuration and change management, project management, environment

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Engineering Workflows

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Supporting Workflows

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

The Rational Unified Process (RUP)   

RUP is an example of a specialized version of the Unified Process that adds elements to the generic framework A Two-dimensional systems development process described by a set of phases and workflows. The phases support an analyst in developing information systems in an iterative and incremental manner, consists of inception, elaboration, construction and transition The workflows describe the task of activites that a developer performs to evolve an information system overtime, consists of: business modelling, requirement, analysis, design, implementation, test, deployment (Engineering Workflows), project management, configuration and change managemen, and environment (Supporting Workflows).

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

What Is the UML? 

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a language for  Specifying  Visualizing  Constructing  Documenting

the artifacts of a software-intensive system

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

UML History*

* from Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

The Unified Modeling Language, Version 2.0 Defines a set of fourteen (14) diagram to model the system  Classified into two groups in general 

 Structure

Diagrams  Behavior Diagrams

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

UML 2.0 Diagram Summary

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Use Case Diagram Example

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Activity Diagram Example

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

UML Diagrams Are Key System Artifacts in RUP Use-Case Diagram

Class Diagram

State Diagram

Document add( ) delete( )

fetchDoc( ) sortByName( )

name : int docid : int numField : int get( ) open( ) close( ) read( ) sortFileList( ) create( ) fillDocument( )


Use Case 1

fList add( ) delete( )

Actor A


add file [ numberOffile==MAX ] / flag OFF

read() fill the code..


close file


Actor B close file Reading



Use Case 2


Repository (from Persistence)

Domain Expert

add file

DocumentList FileMgr

read( )

<<entity>> Customer name addr receive() withdraw() fetch() send()


name : char * = 0 read( ) open( ) create( ) fillFile( )

readDoc( ) readFile( )

Use Case 3 UI

Deployment Diagram



DocumentApp ºÐ»ê ȯ°æÀÇ Çϵå¿þ¾î¹× ³×Æ®¿÷À¸·ÎÀÇ Á¤º¸ ½Ã½ºÅÛ ¿¬°á ¸ðµ¨ ­ À©µµ¿ì 95 : Ŭ¶óÀ̾ðÆ® ­ À©µµ¿ì NT: ÀÀ¿ë¼­¹ö ­ À¯´Ð½º ¸Ó½Å: ÀÀ¿ë ¼­¹ö ¹× µ¥ÀÌŸ ¼­¹ö, Åë½Å ¼­¹ö ­ IBM ¸ÞÀÎÇÁ·¹ÀÓ: µ¥ÀÌŸ ¼­¹ö, Åë½Å ¼­¹ö

RogueW ave



9: sortByName ( )


W indows95

W indow95

W indows95



mainWnd : MainWnd 1: Doc view request ( )


2: fetchDoc( )

gFile : GrpFile

4: create ( ) 8: fillFile ( )

User Interface Definition

¹®¼­°ü¸® Ŭ¶óÀ̾ðÆ®.EXE

user : »ç¿ëÀÚ fileMgr : FileMgr 3: create ( )

Package Diagram

¹®¼­°ü¸® ¾ÖÇø´

W indows NT



¹®¼­°ü¸® ¿£Áø.EXE

Alpha UNIX ÀÀ¿ë¼­¹ö.EXE Windows NT

GraphicFile File

IBM Mainframe


6: fillDocument ( ) µ¥ÀÌŸº£À̽º¼­¹ö

7: readFile ( ) 5: readDoc ( )

document : Document

repository : Repository

Collaboration Diagram mainWnd user

ƯÁ¤¹®¼­¿¡ ´ëÇÑ º¸±â¸¦ »ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ¿äûÇÑ´Ù.

fileMgr : FileMgr

document : Document


Component Diagram

Forward Engineering(Code Generation) and Reverse Engineering


Source Code edit, compile, debug, link

1: Doc view request ( )

2: fetchDoc( )

3: create ( )

4: create ( )

5: readDoc ( )

È­ÀÏ°ü¸®ÀÚ´Â Àоî¿Â ¹®¼­ÀÇ Á¤º¸¸¦ ÇØ ´ç ¹®¼­ °´Ã¼¿¡ ¼³Á¤À» ¿äûÇÑ´Ù.

6: fillDocument ( )

7: readFile ( )

8: fillFile ( )

È­¸é °´Ã¼´Â ÀоîµéÀÎ °´Ã¼µé¿¡ ´ëÇØ À̸§º°·Î Á¤·ÄÀ» ½ÃÄÑ È­¸é¿¡ º¸¿©ÁØ´Ù.

9: sortByName ( )

Sequence Diagram Executable System Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

The Rational Unified Process (RUP) *

* This part of slides mostly from Rational Presentation on Introduction to RUP

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Building a System - A Language Is Not Enough

Team-Based Development

Modeling Language

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008


What Is a Process? A process defines Who is doing What, When and How to reach a certain goal. In software engineering the goal is to build a software product or to enhance an existing one New or changed requirements

Software Engineering Process

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

New or changed system

An Effective Process ... 

 

Provides guidelines for efficient development of quality software Reduces risk and increases predictability Captures and presents best practices   

  

Learn from other’s experiences Mentor on your desktop Extension of training material

Promotes common vision and culture Provides roadmap for applying tools Delivers information on-line, at your finger tips

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Rational Unified Process Delivers Best Practices

Rational Unified Process describes how to effectively implement the six best practices for software development Manage Requirements

Develop Iteratively

Model Visually

Verify Quality

Control Changes

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Use Component Architectures

Rational Unified Process Is Use-Case Driven Check Balance Client

Withdraw Money

Use Cases for a Cash Machine

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

An actor is someone or something outside the system that interacts with the system A use case is a sequence of actions a system performs that yields an observable result of value to a

Use Cases Include a Flow of Events Flow of events for the Withdraw Money Use Case 1. The use case begins when the client inserts her ATM card. The system reads and validates information on the card. 2. The system prompts for the PIN. The system validates the PIN. 3. The system asks which operation the client wishes to perform. The client selects “Cash withdrawal.” 4. The system requests the amount. The client enters the amount. 5. The system requests the account type. The client selects checking or savings. 6. The system communicates with the ATM network . . . Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Benefits of a Use-Case Driven Process 

Use cases are concise, simple, and understandable by a wide range of stakeholders 

Use cases drive numerous activities in the process:     

End users, developers and acquirers understand functional requirements of the system Creation and validation of the design model Definition of test cases and procedures of the test model Planning of iterations Creation of user documentation System deployment

Use cases help synchronize the content of different models

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

RUP Is Architecture-Centric 

Architecture is the focus of the elaboration phase 

Building, validating, and baselining the architecture constitute the primary objective of elaboration

The Architectural Prototype validates the architecture and serves as the baseline for the rest of development The Software Architecture Description is the primary artifact that documents the architecture chosen Other artifacts derive from architecture:   

Design guidelines including use of patterns and idioms Product structure Team structure

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Representing Architecture: The 4+1 View Model Logical View

Analysts/ Designers Structure

End-user Functionality

Implementation View

Use-Case View

Process View System Integrators Performance Scalability Throughput

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Programmers Software management

Deployment View

System Engineering System topology Delivery, installation communication

Benefits of an Architecture-Centric Process 

  

Architecture lets you gain and retain intellectual control over a project, to manage its complexity, and to maintain system integrity Architecture provides an effective basis for large-scale reuse Architecture provides a basis for project management Architecture facilitates component-based development 

A component fulfills a clear function in the context of a well-defined architecture A component conforms to and provides the physical realization of a set of interfaces Components exist relative to a given architecture

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Process Architecture - Lifecycle Phases Inception





The Rational Unified Process has four phases:  Inception

- Define the scope of project  Elaboration - Plan project, specify features, baseline architecture  Construction - Build the product  Transition - Transition the product into end user community Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Phase Boundaries Mark Major Milestones Inception




time Lifecycle Objective Milestone

Lifecycle Architecture Milestone

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Initial Operational Capability Milestone

Product Release

Iterations and Phases Inception

Preliminary Iteration



Architect. Architect. Devel. Iteration Iteration Iteration

Devel. Iteration

Devel. Iteration


Transition Transition Iteration Iteration

Minor Milestones: Releases

An iteration is a distinct sequence of activities with an established plan and evaluation criteria, resulting in an executable release (internal or external) Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Major Workflows Produce Models Business Modeling

supported by Business Model


Analysis & Design

realized by Use-Case Model implemented by Design Model verified by

Implementation Implementation Model

Test Test Model Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Bringing It All Together: The Iterative Model Phases Process Workflows

Inception Elaboration


Business Modeling

In an iteration, you walk Transition all through workflows

Requirements Analysis & Design Implementation Test Deployment

Supporting Workflows

Workflows group activities logically

Configuration Mgmt Management Environment

Preliminary Iteration(s)

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Iter. #1

Iter. #2

Iter. #n

Iter. Iter. #n+1 #n+2


Iter. #m

Iter. #m+1

Iterative Development Life Cycle (UP)




Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

RUP is A

software engineering process  A process product  A process framework  A collection of best practices

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

The RUP is a software engineering process It provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization.  Its goal is to ensure the production of highquality software that meets the needs of its end users within a predictable schedule and budget. 

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

RUP is a process product It is developed and maintained by Rational Software and integrated with its suite of software development tools.  It is available from IBM on CD-ROM or through the Internet. 

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

The RUP is a process framework 

RUP can be adapted and extended to suit the needs of an adopting organization

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

The RUP is a collection of best practices 

The Rational Unified Process captures many of the best practices in modern software development in a form that is suitable for a wide range of projects and organizations

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

The RUP process 

A process describes who is doing what, how, and when. The Rational Unified Process is represented using five primary elements:  Roles:

the who  Activities: the how  Artifacts: the what  Workflows: the when  Disciplines: the "container" for the preceding four kinds of element Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Role, Activities and Artifact in RUP

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

People and Roles People





Define operations


Use-Case Specifier

Detail a Use-Case


System Analyst

Find Actors and Use-Cases



Perform Unit Tests



Identify Design Mechanisms

Each individual in the project is Assigned to one or several roles Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Articfacts 

Is a piece of information that is produced, modified, or used by a process Artifacts take various shapes or forms:  

 

A model, such as the use-case model or the design model A model element—an element within a model—such as a class, a use case, or a subsystem A document, such as a business case or software architecture document Source code Executables

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Sets of Artifacts 

Management set groups all artifacts related to the software business and to the management of the project  

The requirements set groups all artifacts related to the definition of the software system to be developed:  

The design model The architecture description

The implementation set includes these elements:  

The vision document Requirements in the form of stakeholders' needs, use-case model, and supplementary specification

The design set contains a description of the system to be built (or as built) in these forms: 

Planning artifacts, such as the software development plan (SDP), the business case, the actual process instance used by the project (the development case), and so on Operational artifacts, such as a release description, status assessments, deployment documents, and defect data

The source code and executables The associated data files or the files needed to produce them

The deployment set contains all the information delivered, including the following:   

Installation material User documentation Training material

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Growing the information sets

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Workflow 

A workflow is a sequence of activities that produces a result of observable value

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

Requirements Workflow D e v e lo p V is io n

E lic it S t a k e h o ld e r N eeds

M anage D e p e n d e n c ie s

F in d A c to r s and U se C ases S tru c tu re th e U s e ­C a s e M o d e l

C a p tu re a C om m on V o c a b u la r y

D e ta il a U se C ase

U s e ­C a s e S p e c ifie r

U s e r­In te rfa c e M o d e lin g

U s e r­In te rfa c e D e s ig n e r

A r c h ite c t

P r io r itiz e U se C ases

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

U s e r­In te rfa c e P r o to ty p in g

R e q u ir e m e n t s R e v ie w e r

R e v ie w R e q u ir e m e n ts

Tool Support for the Entire Project Lifecycle Process Workflows Business Modeling

RequisitePro, Rose, SoDA


RequisitePro, Rose, SoDA

Analysis & Design Implementation Test Deployment

Rose, SoDA, Apex Rose, Apex, SoDA, Purify, … SQA Team Test, Quantify, PerformanceStudio, … SoDA, ClearCase, …

Supporting Workflows Config & Change Mgmt Project Management Environment

ClearCase, ClearQuest Unified Process, Microsoft Project, … Unified Process, Rational Tools

Analysis and Design Information System – MTI Fasilkom 2008

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