SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS A Parallel Circuit: The resistors are connected in parallel form. E.g.:- __________R1_______________ Resistors |__________R2_______________| |__________R3_______________| |_________+ | I-______________ | Battery It consists of two wires, one is positive and another is negative. It is the combination of a key (or many keys), bulb(s), battery, and switch with as many resistors as possible. In a parallel circuit, if one of the bulbs is, without affecting the line, fused, then too the current is passed in the other lines because the current divides in these types of circuits whereas the voltage remains constant. A Series Circuit: The resistors are connected in the series form. E.g.:- __________R1_____R2_______R3_______ |_____________+| I-____________________| Battery Resistors It consists of two wires, one is negative and the other is positive. It is also the combination of a key (or many keys), bulb(s), battery, and switch with as many resistors as possible. In a series combination, if one bulb is fused, then the whole line will get disconnected because the voltage divides in a series circuit and the current remains constant in all the resistors.
Thank You, Adarsha Kharel © AddyDeep corp. ® ™