Serena Carpenter Visuals Tutorial

  • Uploaded by: Serena Carpenter
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  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 7

Incorporating Online Visual Elements by Serena Carpenter Tag Cloud (visualizing bias and areas of commitment) Wordle 1. Select Create 2. Select URL to visualize or text to visualize 3. Edit Layout, Font, Color 4. Copy and paste code 5. Save to gallery 6. When you click on image, it will take you to the Wordle site

Tag Crowd 1. You have a few options to upload text. You can visualize an url or selected text. 2. Select Show Frequencies and Group similar words 3. Visualize 4. Copy and paste code 5. It is not convenient to resize. To make smaller, allow a smaller number of words. You can modify colors and font size. You can also turn words into URLs

Polls (Interactivity encouraging online loyalty) Poll Daddy (embeddable monitor) 1. Create a new poll 2. Enter your question, potential answers (remember to delete extra answers), and poll type 3. Select poll language 4. Select poll skin 5. Save and continue 6. Copy and paste embed code 7. You can monitor your results via Poll Daddy

1 micropoll (easily embeds polls into social media sites) 1. Create an account 2. Select “Create New MicroPoll” 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Write your question and the answers to your question. Select create poll Title it, choose theme, and choose answer type Customize Poll allows people to post comments to the poll Advanced Result Settings allows you to change color and other voting options Copy and paste code to site

Mapping Tools and Mashups (there are many free mapping tools) Google Maps 1. Select “My Maps” 2. Create New Map 3. Title it and select Save 4. Zoom into location you wish to map for map users 5. Add points, lines, or polygons 6. Select design options for markers. Click on the marker icon in the pop-up window and you’ll see some of the choices (note the scroll bar for more).


7. Title it and add description 8. To add photos or video. Be careful about using copyright material. 9. For this select “Edit HTML.” This is where places like Flickr and various photo and video gallery services come in handy. In the search engine of Flickr, type “creative commons” to view photos offered for your use. Select photo, select Share This, Grab the HTML, and copy the code in the window. Select the “Rich Text” option to see if the picture appears. In the Rich Text window, you add URLs as well. 10. Select Link icon to Embed it 11. Copy and Paste it 12. Change width and height to change size of map manually

UMapper Flash interface for building maps with data import. It also allows users to link, embed or email your map. 1. Create account if you want to save for your map 2. Start Mapping 3. Select Just Me > Just Me > Google > Submit 4. Add Map Info 5. Zoom in 6. Add colors and add information to Info Window Content a. You can add a line, polygon, square 7. Save 8. Select view map

3 9. Select More Embed Options to resize it 10. Copy and Paste code

Timelines (visualize the progression of an event, person or issue) Dipity (An embeddable timeline application) 1. Create a new topic by clicking the “Add a Topic.” Click the button in the area below the timeline space titled “Your Topics.”

2. Type your topic in quotation marks if it is more than word. From there you can choose what type of topic you want to create: search (timeline of stories related to the topic produced on the web), RSS (feed from one online author) or blank topic (create your own timeline). 3. Dipity can also pull in updates from other social media users. Find some with email or just import Twitter users. Useful to visualize how organizations or leaders are using Twitter.


Slideshow VUVOX (allows you to create slideshows from photos, video and music from Flickr, Picasa Web Albums, YouTube or Facebook. Nice Share feature). Can also edit slideshows in Final Cut. 1. Select create a free account 2. Select “create something now!” 3. Select VUVOX collage 4. Scroll down and select “create new collage” 5. Manually upload individual photos 6. Add new collection and find each photo 7. Drag photos to the middle of the timeline 8. Click “Untitled collage” and add title 9. Click the “A” and drag text to the timeline 10. Select music to add narration or interviews. The entire audio clip must be edited somewhere else such as GarageBand, Audacity or Soundtrack Pro 11. Unselect loop 12. Select “save as” and save it 13. Select “settings.” Change it to “Page” 14. Select Preview or Publish 15. Embed to blog or personal site

Video Series YoutubeReloaded (creates an embeddable playlist of YouTube videos. This is a way you can break your videos into chapters instead of using Flash. If you are in PR, you can show past videos created by yourself or organization). 5 1. 2. 3. 4.

Upload your videos to YouTube Find the videos Select Player Options Embed the playlist to your site

Form Builder Wufoo (encourages people to contact you, join mailing lists, apply for a job or do surveys via your site). Most likely use contact form for this class. 1. Create an account 2. Start the “Join our Mailing List” form 3. Decide whether you would like more options to your form 4. Highlight the box and options will appear for that box 5. Select Save Form 6. Select setup email notifications for this form 7. Select whether you want to be notified via email, mobile or RSS 8. Enter your name or company name and message. Select Done. 9. Select the Forms tab at the top 10. Select Code and select Embed Form Code tab. Select the JavaScript version.


More Data Visualization Tools many eyes (Data visualization) 1. Sign up for an account by clicking login and register with IBM. Login process takes a little while. 2. Go to “create visualization” under “participate” 3. Select “upload your own data set.” Copy and Paste data from Microsoft Excel. Make sure that your data is formatted to their standards.

4. Fill in the rest of the information and select create.

DOCUMENT SHARING (another way to share documents) Google Docs – turn PDFs into urls 1. Go to Google Docs 2. Upload your PDF 3. Select your PDF 4. Copy and paste url in the window Scribd 1. Sign Up for an account 2. Verify your email address 3. Select Upload icon 4. Fill in document information 5. Select uploaded document 6. Select Embed tab to embed or Share This for url


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