Sept 8 Nh Results

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  • Words: 246
  • Pages: 1
Populus Research n=646 Likely General Election Voters Statewide Survey Results- September 8, 2009 3.85% Margin of Error

1. Are you a male or female 1. Male 2. Female

46.6% 53.4%

2. If the general election for Congress were held today would you vote for the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate? 1. Republican 55.9% 2. Democratic 44.1% 3. Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Lynch’s job performance? 1. Approve 45.2% 2. Disapprove 38.9% 3. Unsure 15.9% 4. Do you approve or disapprove of Congressman Paul Hodes job performance? 1. Approve 35.8% 2. Disapprove 45% 3. Unsure 19.2% 5. Generally speaking would you vote for the likely Democratic nominee Paul Hodes or his Republican opponent? 1. Hodes 39% 2. Republican 51.5% 3. Unsure 9.4% 6. There have been discussions amongst some state Democrats that an income tax should be on the table as a way to balance the state budget. Do you support or oppose an income tax for NH? 1. Support 31.9% 2. Oppose 63% 3. Not sure 5.1%

7. Regardless of how you feel about an income tax would you be more likely or less likely to vote for a candidate who supported an income tax for NH? 1. More likely 26.8% 2. Less likely 59.1% 3. No affect 14.1% 8. Regardless of how you said you would vote today, are you registered to vote as a Republican, a Democrat or something else? 1. Republican 38.9% 2. Democrat 32% 3. Something else 29.1%

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