Seminar On Hacking

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 34
PRESENTATION ON Harmless Hacking Think Beyond The Boundaries…


Prerequisites     

What is Harmless Hacking; who are Hackers? General Features of Hacking. Knowledge of Operating System(Windows98). Basic Knowledge of Hardware. A Computer with minimum configuration as: -A 486 Processor. -A 32 Mb RAM. -An Internet Service Provider.



Introduction 

The word hacker is used in two different ways:

1.Hacker is merely enthusiast of any kind ,who love working on computer. 2.Hacker or cracker which hack computer with bad intentions. Hacking consist of attempting to make unauthorized entry into computers and explore what is there. The main aim and purpose is widely misunderstood, most hackers are not interested in doing massive frauds, modify personnel banking, taxation and employee records. The aim of seminar is merely to give you some grasp of methodology, help you to develop the appropriate attitude and skills and point you in right direction for more knowledge.



Learning Objectives 

Hacking windows98 -Editing Windows Registry. -Enhance windows by modifying System Files. -How to hack your Pentium CMOS password. -Several ways to hack your Windows 98 logon password.

Blocking Programs

Mail Bombing

Psychological Hacking -Hacking Password



Registry Editor 

Registry: The Registry is hierarchical database that contain virtually all information of your computer . Registry Editor: The registry editor is a utility allow you to see, search, modify and save the registry database of windows. How to run registry Editor? 1. click on start menu 2. click on Run. 3. type regedit.exe under Windows 95,98. 4. type regedit32.exe under Windows NT



View of Registry Editor



Enhance Windows98 Ban Shutdowns.  Disabling Display of Drives.  Pop a Welcome banner at the time of Login.  Customize Right Click of the Start Menu.  Deleting System Options from Start Menu. 



Ban Shutdown Step1:Open Registry Editor. Step2:click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software \Microsoft\Windows\Current Version \Policies \Explorer. Step3:create NoClose key in the right panel. step4:Modify NoClose key by typing 1 in value data Box Step5:Save by Pressing F5. now, see your shutdown option is hidden. Note:-


It will Works only in Windows 98 not in Windows95.


Disabling Display of Drives Step 1:Open the Registry Editor. Step2:Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft\ Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer. Step3:Create a new DWORD item and Rename it NoDrives. Step4:Modify it values and set 3FFFFFF(hexadecimal). Step5:Press F5 and Refresh. Now when you click on My Computer it will not Show your Drives. 11/15/08


Popup Banner Step1: Open Registry Editor. Step2:Click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software \Microsoft\ Windows\Current Version\ WinLogon. Step3:now, Create new String Value and rename it LegalNoticeCaption. Step4:Enter the value you want to see in the menu bar. Step4: Create new String Value and rename it LegalNoticeText. Step5:Insert the message you want to display. now you will see popup banner at the time of logon. 11/15/08


Customize Right Click of Start Menu Step1:open Registry editor. Step2:Click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\ Shell Step3:Right click on Shell and Create a new Sub key name it by typing application name. Step4:Right Click on new subkey and create new subkey as command. Step5: Enter full path of Application in Right panel. Step6: save and Refresh. now it will be placed on the right click popup menu.






Deleting Options from Start Menu Step1:Open Registry Editor. Step2:Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software \Microsoft\ Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer. Step3:Create new DWORD value and Name it NoFind. Step4:Edit the value from 0 to 1. This will disable Find option from start menu and also disable shortcut key. 11/15/08


Hacking CMOS Password 

Step one: Get a screwdriver.

Step two: open up your victim i.e. your CPU.

Step three: remove the battery .

Step four: plug the battery back in after 30secs.

Alternate step three: many motherboards have a 3 pin jumper to reset the CMOS to its default settings. Look for a jumper close to the battery or look at your manual if you have one. For example, you might find a three pin device with pins one and two jumper. If you move the jumper to pins two and three and leave it there for over five seconds, it may reset the CMOS. Warning -- this will not work on all computers! Step five: Your victim computer now hopefully has the CMOS default settings. 11/15/08


Hacking CMOS Password 

There is an another method to crack the Bios password . There is the simple “debug ” command which allow us to do. To clear the CMOS do the following: GO to Dos and type DEBUG hit enter -o 70 2e hit enter -o 71 ff hit enter -q hit enter exit hit enter



Hacking Windows 98 

To edit start Button…

Step 1: Restart your Computer in MSDOS mode.

Step 2: Go to the Windows directory.

Step 3: Open the file ”explorer.exe” in dos editor mode. (The screen is full of weird characters) with 70 letters in the columns.

Step 4 : Go to the Desired line and change it according to you.






Hacking Windows 98 

Easy Win 9x Breaking #1:

Step one: boot up your computer.

Step two: When the "system configuration" screen comes up, press the "F5" key. If your system doesn't show this screen, just keep on pressing the F5 key. If your Win 98 has the right settings, this boots you into "safe mode." Everything looks weird, but you don't have to give your password and you still can run your programs. Too easy! OK, if you want to do something that looks a little classier, here's another way to evade that new password.



Hacking Windows 98 

Easy Win 9x Breaking #2:

Step one: Boot up.

Step two: when you get to the "system configuration" screen, press the F8 key. This gives you the Microsoft Windows 95 Startup Menu. Step three: choose number 7. This puts you into MS-DOS. At the prompt, give the command "rename c:\windows\*pwl c:\windows\*zzz." Step four: reboot. You will get the password dialog screen. You can then fake out your friends by entering any darn password you want. It will ask you to reenter it to confirm your new password. Step five. Your friends are smart enough to suspect you just created a new password, huh? Well, you can put the old one your friends picked. Again come to MS-DOS -- to rename *.zzz back to *.pwl. step six: reboot and let your friends use their secret password. It still works! 11/15/08


Editing Registry 

Step one: Back up all your files. Have a boot disk handy. If you mess up the Registry badly enough you may have to reinstall your operating system. Step two: Run Regedit.exe Click on it. It brings up several folders: -HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -HKEY_CURRENT_USER -HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -HKEY_USERS -HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG -HKEY_DYN_DATA Step three: Get into one of these HKEY things. Let's check out CURRENT_USER by clicking the plus sign to the left of it. Play around awhile. You'll soon realize that Microsoft is babysitting you. All you see is pictures with no clues. Step four. Now act like real hackers. We are going to put part of the Registry where we can see and change anything. First click the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT line to highlight it. Then go up to the Regedit menu bar. Click it, then choose Export Registry File. with extension .reg. 11/15/08


Editing Registry 

Step five. Open that part of the Registry in Word Pad. One way is to right click on it from Explorer. IMPORTANT WARNING: if you left click on it, it will automatically import it back into the Registry. If you were messing with it and accidentally left click, you could trash your computer big time. Step six: Read everything you ever wanted to know about Windows security that Microsoft was afraid to let you find out. Things that look like: [ [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlctl.PasswordCtl.1] @="PasswordCtl Object" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlctl.PasswordCtl.1\CLSID] @="{EE230860-5A5F-11CF-8B11-00AA00C00903}" The stuff inside the brackets in this last line is an encrypted password controlling access to a program or features of a program such as the net censorship feature of Internet Explorer. Step seven: It isn't real obvious which password goes to what program. You can say delete them all! Of course this means your stored passwords for logging on to your ISP, for example, may disappear. Also, Internet Explorer will pop up with a warning that "Content Advisor configuration information is missing. Someone may have tried to tamper with it." This will look really bad. 11/15/08


Editing Registry 

Step eight (optional): Want to erase your surfing records? For Internet Explorer you'll have to edit HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_USERS. You can also delete the files c:\windows\cookies \ mm2048.dat and c:\windows\cookies\mm256.dat. These also store URL data. Step nine. Import your .reg files back into the Registry. Either click on your .reg files in Explorer or else use the "Import" feature next to the "Export" you just used in Regedit. This only works if you remembered to name them with the .reg extension. Step nine: Oh, no, Internet Explorer makes this loud obnoxious noise the first time I run it and puts up a bright red "X" with the message that I tampered with the net nanny feature! It looks bad. Erase the Registry and its backups. These are in four files: system.dat, user.dat, and their backups, system.da0 and user.da0. Your operating system will immediately commit suicide.

Now, use bootable floppy and install windows98 again.

Now,your censorship program is not enabled. 11/15/08


Blocking Programs The Programs Blocks your System operations either blocking your RAM or any other device As example this code.  <script language="javascript"> while(1) {; w1.document.write("
"); } 



Blocking Programs This code will generate window given below:



Blocking Programs 

When you will click on blast! Hyperlink it will generate this…



Mail Bombing Mail bombing means to send huge number of e-mails (may be hundreds thousands or million) to a single email account, so that the maximum space of account is filled up and owner of account can’t receive any new messages that come .if his inbox is filled with so many new useless messages, that he cannot even read the existing messages and deleting all the useless messages takes up a lot of valuable time.



Types of Mail bombing 

There are two types of mail bombing 1. Mass Mail Bombing. 2. List Linking.

Mass Mail Bombing:- In these method the victim’s inbox is flooded with a huge number of the same emails. List Linking:- In these method the victim’s inbox is subscribed to thousands of mailing list whose subjects are different. Note: The method of mail bombing now a days not in use because capacity of mail boxes is very big so, it is difficult.



Psychological Hacking 

Most of the hackers study the psychology of a computer user and use it for hacking. These hackers are very harm full and can be found anywhere in chat or discussion group etc. They email you saying that they want to gift you a heavy amount and take all your personal or credit card information for further scamming. Here is an good example on Psychology in hacking. In this example hacker's email address is [email protected] (not associated to any YAHOO official). Hacker sends a mail (in html format) to the user as a Yahoo. COM administrative official telling that Yahoo server had a technical failure due to which Yahoo User database is destroyed so you are requested to fill your personal information in given form to prevent Mail-box cancellation. In this way, when user submits the form given in the mail the information reaches to hacker's mail box, and you are hacked!!!. Do you want to try it to your friend? ,If yes then, compose an email with subject like "URGENT MAIL" or "NOTICE" etc. Select and Copy the code given below in the text area and paste it in message body of your mail and send it as HTML to your friend. But don't forget to replace [email protected] with your own email address and "Please enter your details in the given form" with your own message to your friend. 11/15/08


Psychological Hacking        

     

 

      

           11/15/08 

Dear friend,
Please enter your details in given form.

11/15/08 29

Psychological Hacking
Last name:
Email ID:
Full Postal Address:  


View of Form



Ethics and Safety  

 

Don't ever maliciously hack a system. Do not delete or modify files unnecessarily, or intentionally slow down or crash a system. Don't use codes from your own home, ever! Period. Watch what you post. Don't post accounts or codes over open nets as a rule.They will die within days, and you will lose your new treasure. Don't play tricks to others, no matter how bad you hate them. Make the tracking of yourself as difficult as possible for others.




          

Ethical Hacking by Ankit Fadia The Hackers Handbook Hugo Cornwall. Beginner Guide to Hacking by Carolyn meinel Websites: 11/15/08


Thank U for your time.


THANK-YOU… 11/15/08


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