Sem-i_presentation Of Data

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,036
  • Pages: 6
Presentation of Data

Introduction to Data

Rohit Vishal Kumar Reader, Department of Marketing Xavier Institute of Social Service P.O. Box No: 7, Purulia Road Ranchi – 834001, Jharkhand, India

What is Data? 



Types of Data 

Data refers to unorganized information Datum – refers to a single piece of Information

Data is the measurement (or outcome) of an experiment. This is frequently referred to “raw data”. Data is processed to get information A collection of data is referred to as “data-set” Height of 10 college going students in cm 140.90 159.10

161.20 147.20

153.90 773.50

172.20 181.50

Primary Data: 

Data collected primarily for the purpose of the given enquiry are called primary data

Secondary Data: 

Data which has been collected by some other agencies (either Government or Private) and exist in published or unpublished form is known as secondary data

162.90 1590.0


Collection of Data 

Complete Enumeration: 


Each and every individual of the group to be surveyed is covered and the information is collected for each individual separately Leads to greater accuracy in analysis Is time-consuming, costly and at times impractical


A subset of individuals (called the sample) which are representative of the group to be surveyed is covered and the information is collected only for the sample Low accuracy, but gives sufficiently accurate results Requires knowledge of statistics to do it correctly

Scrutiny of Data 

Collected data should be checked for errors before being used in analysis 

The Questionnaire Method:  

Non Frequency Data 

Errors of date

Values of the variables are given for different individual in a group for the same period of time E.g. : Height, weight and Sex composition of babies born in May ’06 in the various districts of Jharkhand

Frequency Data 

Find the error in the following data

Values of the variables are given for different period of time E.g. : Food grain production in India for the last twelve month

Spatial Series (Longitudinal) Data 

E.g. : Age of father 45, Age of Son 30 E.g. : Output of a factory on 2nd October 2006

Time Series (Historical) Data 

E.g. : 107 or 707

Improbable (but not impossible)

Respondent not told that he is under observation Investigator observes and records response

Types of Data Series

E.g. : 10.97 or 109.7

Questionnaire NOT GIVEN to the respondent Investigator asks the questions and records responses

Method of Direct Observation 

Errors due to wrong recording 

Questionnaire GIVEN to the respondent for filling up Investigator collects the filled in questionnaire

The Interview Method:

Errors due to decimal point shifting 


Methods of Data Collection

Data in which the “characteristics” formed by a group of individuals is of interest. Frequency of occurrence is important 

E.g. : IQ of a group of class 10 students


Textual Presentation

Types of Data Presentation

“Total geographical area of India is about 329 mn hectare, but statistical information is available for only 305 mn hectare. 41 mn hectare of the total reporting area is classified as barren land and as area under non agricultural use. 67 mn hectare is under forest. Permanent pastures or grazing land is about 12 mn hectare. Cultivable waste land accounts for 19 mn hectare. Fallow land account for a further 30 mn hectare. The net sown area is only 136 mn hectare” CMIE Land Use Statistics 1987-88

Textual Presentation 


Appeals to people with analytical bent of mind Allows all details to be explored Attention can be focused on special issues Normally employed in official reports


Not very useful for a large mass of data Can become monotonous and boring

Tabular Presentation Stub Describes what is contained in the rows

Title Contains a brief description of the table

Table 2.1 Land Utilization Pattern in India 1987-88

Item 1. Total Geographic Area 2. Total Reporting Area 3. Barren Land 4. Area under forest 5. Permanent Pastures 6. Cultivable waste land 7. Fallow Land 8. Net Sown Area

Area (mn ha) 329 305 41 67 12 19 30 136

Source: CMIE Land Use Statistics, 1987-88

Caption Describes what is contained in the columns

Percentage 100 93 Body Contains the relevant 13 Figures 20 4 6 9 41 Footnote Contains the source and other explanatory material


Tabular Presentation 

Graphical Presentation - Types


Line Diagram: 

Shows data in a compact form Puts the information in a clear perspective Does not require explanatory material Enables easy comparison to be made Errors and Omissions can be easily detected

Bar Diagram  


Requires expertise in preparation Wrong presentation can lead to faulty inference

Pie Chart

Pictorial Diagram

Statistical Maps

Line Diagram

Can be used for time series or any other series Variations: Multiple bar chart,

Normally used with time-series data Variations: Log & Semi Log Chart, Band Chart, Multiple Axis Chart

Used for representing percentage Similar to Bar Diagram, uses pictures instead of bars

Bar Diagram



Rural 7.00


Kg. per month

Rs. Crores




6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00

20000 2.00 10000

Value of Exports 0

1.00 0.00











Fig 1: Value of Indian Exports (including re-exports) in India during 1985-94


Whe at



M aize

Fig 2: Average Per Capita Consumption of Cereals per month during 1985-94


Pie Chart

Pictorial Diagram 0.56


Kg. per month


Rice 6.93

Wheat Jowar Bajra Maize


Fig 2: Average Per Capita Consumption of Cereals per month during 1985-94

Statistical Map

Fig 3: Input needed to produce food energy

Graphical Presentation 


Easily understood by laymen


Only a limited amount of information can be presented Can only provide a rough idea about magnitude of variation Numerous charts can become boring

Fig 4: Map of India showing Land Types Classification


Thank You


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