Selevigo On E D Male Health (adult Content)

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Dead Sea Medica Co. Ltd SELEVIGO A Magic Formula for Male Health and Potency Approximately 50% of normal healthy males experience some degree of impotence by the age of 40. Impotence (erectile dysfunction) affects an estimated 20 million men in North America and is usually defined as the inability to have penile erections sufficient for intercourse. A loss of libido and subsequent impotence has an organic etiology in over 85% of cases while the remainder are related to psychological problems. Penile erection is primarily a vascular event. Psychological and neurologic stimuli contribute to penile arterial dilatation, which results in increased blood flow to the corpora cavernosa (also called corporal bodies or erectile bodies) of the penis. This is probably the first event leading to an erection. Central to the process of erection is relaxation of the smooth muscle in the corporal bodies. Smooth-muscle relaxation is triggered by a reduction in intracellular calcium. As the corporal bodies relax and fill with blood, the penis begins to become tumescent. Penile firmness and rigidity depend on adequate smooth-muscle relaxation. Once a sufficient amount of blood has entered the corporal bodies, the draining venules and veins are compressed and the penis becomes fully rigid. This process requires both nitric oxide-induced endothelial cell relaxation and sacral parasympathetic input. Increased sympathetic tone causes smooth-muscle contraction and a decrease in blood flow within the penile arteries. As a result, the draining venules open and the penis again becomes flaccid. Impotence can be a vascular disorder caused due to loss of elasticity in the arteries - a condition which causes poor circulation and impaired blood flow. Another cause could be the deposition of plaque in the blood vessels leading to the penis, in which case the blood supply to the penis is insufficient to create or sustain an erection, resulting in impotence. Healthy circulation and blood flow are necessary to maintain an erection. Erectile dysfunction tends to occur gradually until the night time or early morning erections cease altogether or are so flaccid that successful intercourse does not occur. Medical conditions or risk factors associated with impotence include diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, various medications, cigarette smoking, pelvic surgery, neurologic disease, chronic kidney failure, solid organ transplantation, spinal cord or other traumatic injuries, substance abuse (including alcoholism), and obesity. All contribute to poor penile blood flow.

Chronic alcoholism can damage the nerves inside the penis also resulting in impotence. For thousands of years, people have looked to increase their sexual health through herbs, and have also used herbs as aphrodisiacs. Herbs can be very effective in both of these areas and can be gentle, natural enhancers that work harmoniously with the body. SeleVIGO is an all-natural product, contains herbs, vitamins, amino acids and minerals in a proprietary formulation designed to supercharge potency, enhance sensations, and help you maximize enjoyment and performance with increased sexual vigor. Composition:

Nutritional Substance Selemineral Water Palm Date (Phoenix dactylifera) (Amigdalus Communis) (Ginko Biloba) (Nasturitum Officinalis) (Crocus Hyemalis) (Pausinystalia yohimbe) (Turner Diffusa) Arginine – amino acid Vitamin B3 (niacin) TOTAL

% in 10 ml 77.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 0.2 0.5 100%

Following it’s a review of SeleVIGO unique ingredients with a special emphasis of their male potency and health maitaining properties:

Selenium Selenium has become one of the most exciting nutrients of the 1970s and 1980s. Once classified solely as a toxic mineral, it is now regarded as an essential one, needed in small daily amounts. Selenium functions as a component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which accounts for its antioxidant function and thus its important contribution to the prevention of the twentieth-century plagues, cancer and cardiovascular disease. . Solidification of tissue membranes may occur through the oxidation of fatty acids. As an antioxidant, then, selenium in the form of selenocysteine prevents or slows the biochemical aging process of tissue degeneration and hardening-that is, loss of youthful elasticity. Selenium also seems to protect us from the toxic effects of heavy metals and other substances. People with adequate selenium intake have fewer adverse effects from cigarette smoking, alcohol, oxidized fats, and mercury and cadmium toxicity. Selenium is often helpful to men who have diminished sexual ability, especially if the problem starts after a fever or exhausting illness. The person feels weak and exhausted,

but interest is usually still present. Unusual hair-loss (body hair or eyebrows) can also suggest a need for Selenium. Selenium is a great help to the immune system. It aids in the protection of macrophages, which are large white blood cells who eat viruses, bacteria, and other foreign elements. Selenium helps in the manufacture of interferon, which stops viruses from reproducing. Vitamin A plays a big role in the immune system, and selenium keeps it from being oxidized. Men need more selenium than women, because there is a high concentration of selenium in seminal fluid. Adequate selenium may lower the risk of impotence and sterility. Selenium deficiency leads to reduced sperm count and has been linked to sterility in men and infertility in women.

Palm, Date (Phoenix dactylifera) Part Used: Fruit, Leaves,pollen Uses:: A fertility tree whose leaves and dates are eaten for this purpose. the pits are carried by impotent men to cure their ailment. Dates are considered very nutritious, tonic, demulcent, expectorant and laxative and are used in respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, cough and fever. Dates are also regarded as aphrodisiac A symbol of fertility the fruit may be eaten to encourage fertility. Leaves of the tree or dates may be carried as well for fertility. The pits are carried to bring back male sexual potency.

Almonds (Amygdalus communis) . The almonds are high in ZINC, necessary for cell growth; may be used as a SALT SUBSTITUTE and are a useful ingredient in ERECTION ENHANCEMENT formulas The most important mineral is Zinc, which is essential for normal sex organs. Low Zinc in the body will always cause weakened sex organs, low libido and suppressed immune function Zinc is perhaps the most critical trace mineral for male sexual function. It is involved in virtually every aspect of male reproduction. Zinc deficiency is characterized by decreased testosterone levels and sperm counts. Optimal zinc levels must be attained if optimum male sexual vitality is desired. Also, almonds significantly lowered bad cholesterol levels in a study of people with high cholesterol reported in 2002's rapid access issue of Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association

Like other nuts, almonds are rich in protein and fiber, and they have cancer-fighting protease inhibitors.

Ginkgo Biloba Origin: Native to China; the oldest living tree species on Earth. Ginkgo Biloba, (Salisburia Adiantfolia, also known as Tree of Life, Ginkgo, Living Fossil, and Maidenhair Tree) is one of our oldest. Geological records indicate this plant has grown on earth for 150 million years. Ginkgo biloba is called that because the leaf of the tree which is used as a medicine actually has two lobes. Ginkgo is really an important herb because there’s a lot of good research behind it. In over 34 human studies on Ginkgo it increases the body's production of the universal energy molecule adenosine triphosphate, commonly called ATP. This activity has been shown to boost the brains energy metabolism of glucose and increase electrical activity. Scientists also discovered that ginkgo contains an abundance of useful compounds including the antioxidants Vitamin C and carotenoids, but it is the flavanoid compounds collectively known as "ginkgolides" that are the most remarkable. Ginkgo has been touted to be helpful in a number of conditions including: • •

Short term memory improvement Depression

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Impotence Intermittent Claudication Asthma

Ginkgo biloba is known for its ability to increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain. It was actually written up in the Journal of the American Medical Association in terms of its ability to enhance memory and also to increase mental abilities. So, this is how this herb has been known. However, when it has been tested, both for increasing mental ability and also as a mild antidepressant, men reported that as a good side effect, they also found a vast improvement in their sexual function. Now, the reason for this is that Ginkgo biloba helps to improve blood flow to all the very small vasculature throughout the body. This includes the brain. It's also good for improving circulation in diabetics who tend to get neuropathy. It can help increase circulation to the hands and feet and certainly to the penis. So, if the erectile dysfunction, again, is due to a circulatory problem which on a physical level it often is, Ginkgo biloba can be very helpful. Erectile Dysfunction: Gingko Biloba's beneficial affect on the circulatory system has positive implications for impotence. In fact, in one open clinical trial involving 60 patients having erectile dysfunction, 50% of the patients regained potency after six months of treatment with Ginkgo Biloba.

Many cases of impotence (erectile dysfunction) are due to impaired blood flow to erectile tissue and Ginkgo Biloba can be very helpful in these cases. Ginkgo Biloba is also an adaptogen herb, which helps the body deal with stressful situations and it can enhance cellular energy. Working with the extract, the researchers isolated two groups of active chemicals: flavone glycosides and a unique set of terpenoids that the scientists called ginkgolides. Over the years, an extract of 24 percent flavone glycosides and 6 percent ginkgolides became the standard used in scientific studies. Today, this formula, known as EGb 761, is used throughout Europe to treat heart disease, eye ailments, impotence due to low blood flow, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), poor circulation to the extremities, and head injuries and other brain-related conditions. In a study, 60 men with erectile dysfunction who didn’t respond to injection treatments with a prescription medication were given 60 milligrams of ginkgo daily for 12 to 18 months. Every four weeks, penile blood flow was evaluated. The first signs of improvement in blood circulation occurred after six to eight weeks. When the men were evaluated again after a six-month period, 50 percent of those who took the ginkgo reported that they had regained potency.

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) There is evidence that this remarkable plant has been in use as a medicinal herb since the first century, although cultivation on a commercial scale did not start until the early nineteenth. It contains iron, iodine, copper, calcium and potassium and is a well-known and rich source of Vitamin C. The ancient Greek general, and the Persian King Xerxes ordered their soldiers to eat it to keep them healthy. The Greeks additionally believed that "Eating cress makes one witty". Applied externally, it has a long-standing reputation as an effective hair tonic, helping to promote the growth of thick hair. Properties: Watercress is edible, exceptionally rich in vitamins and minerals, and has long been valued as a food and medicinal plant. As a medicinal herb Watercress is used in alternative medicine as an antiscorbutic, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, purgative, hypoglycemic, odontalgic, stimulant, tonic and stomachic. It has also been claimed that it is an aphrodisiac Watercress contains significant amounts of micronutrients, such as manganese, iodine, iron, and calcium (Bremness, 1994; Brill and Dean, 1994), but its main active constituents, and source of pungency, may be its glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are irritating to mucous membranes and eyes and skin, and handling plants that contain them can cause allergic dermatitis (Diamond et al., 1990). In medicinal watercress preparations, these glycosides are most likely the chemicals responsible for the plant's purported effectiveness in reducing inflammation and mucous in the upper respiratory tract. In Germany, watercress herb, fresh or dried, is approved in the Commission E monographs

for catarrh of the respiratory tract. The most recent research on watercress indicates that it may protect smokers' lungs from carcinogens present in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Diets that include watercress may help to inhibit the formation of 4- (methylnitrosamino)1-(3-pyridyl-1-butanone), or NNK. NNK is a carcinogen present in tobacco that most likely contributes to the etiology of lung cancer, as well as of mouth and throat cancers. J.E. Meyers, Botanical Gardens of Hammond, Indiana informs us that watercress is one of the best sources of vitamin E. This is the fertility vitamin, helping the body use oxygen, which increases physical endurance and stamina and improves heart response.

CROCUS Hyemalis Flowering Time Early Winter Distribution Israel; S Lebanon Native Climate Dry Mediterranean Wild Habitat Rocky slopes (mainly at low altitude) This plant is a native of Greece, Asia Minor and adjacent countries and has been cultivated for its dye since ancient times. There is indication that this plant was grown in Palestine in the time of Solomon for saffron Crocus are great bulbs for the shade garden. They emerge and flower early before deciduous trees leaf out..

YOHIMBINE (Pausinystalia yohimbe) Derived from the bark of the yohimbe tree, native to Central Africa it is widely used for sexual potency. It is also known as Quebrachine, which refers to the alkaloid present in Yohimbine, which is the active ingredient. The main active component of yohimbe, yohimbine (an alkaloid), has been praised by herbal experts to have a fair amount of scientific credibility in its treatment of erectile dysfunction. Cultivated from the bark of an African tree, yohimbe was used traditionally to stimulate erections. It is said to work mentally as well as physically by making orgasms more powerful by postponing ejaculation. Several studies have been published on yohimbe's effects. One double-blind crossover study done on yohimbine affecting erectile dysfunction showed encouraging results (J Urol, 141(6):1360-3, 1989). Researchers observed 82 sexually impotent men who were given 42 mg/day of yohimbine for one month. At the conclusion of the study, 14-percent of the men said they experienced restoration of full

and sustained erections, 20-percent reported partial response and three patients reported positive effect with placebo. Yohimbine is powerful, concludes Ian Bier, N.D., a naturopathic doctor and licensed acupuncturist at the Institute for the Advancement of Natural Medicine in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. In a study conducted at the University of Exeter in England that analyzed results from several clinical trials measuring yohimbine’s safety and effectiveness, researchers found that the benefits of using it far outweigh the risks. They concluded that serious side effects were infrequent and reversible and that yohimbine should be considered the first line of defense for the treatment of impotence. Today, doctors prescribe the extract from the tree to treat organic impotence. Yohimbe's energizing effects stem from it's ability to increase blood flow to the genitals, both male and female. It is thought to stimulate the pelvic nerve ganglia and thus is helpful for men with erection problems. In fact a prescription drug, yohimbine hydrochloride, is the only FDA approved drug for impotence. Effects can include increased libido, increased sensation and increased stamina. Women have also reported similar effects and general pleasant sensations. Yohimbe bark contains about 6% yohimbine. This constituent is an indole alkaloid that is classified as an alpha-2-adrenergic blocking agent.

References: 1. Duke J. CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1985, 351. 2. Riley AJ. Yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder. Br J Clin Pract 1994;48:133–6. 3. Ernst E, Pittler MH. Yohimbine for erectile dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J Urol 1998;159:433–6. 4. Carey MP, Johnson BT. Effectiveness of yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder: Four meta-analytic integrations. Arch Sex Behav 1996;25:341. 5. Kunelius P, Häkkinen J, Lukkarinen O. Is high-dose yohimbine hydrochloride effective in the treatment of mixed-type impotence? A prospective, randomized, controlled double-blind crossover study. Urol 1997;49:441–4. 6. Mann K, Klingler T, Noe S, et al. Effect of yohimbine on sexual experiences and nocturnal tumescence and rigidity in erectile dysfunction. Arch Sex Behav 1996;25:1–16. 7. Goldberg KA. Yohimbine in the treatment of male erectile sexual dysfunction—a clinical review. Today’s Ther Trends J New Dev Clin Med 1996;14:25–33. 8. Drug Facts and Comparisons. St. Louis: Facts and Comparisons, 1998, 3659. 9. Blumenthal M, Busse WR, Goldberg A, et al. (eds). The Complete Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. Boston, MA: Integrative Medicine Communications, 1998, 382–3. 10. Goldberg KA. Yohimbine in the treatment of male erectile sexual dysfunction—a clinical review. Today’s Ther Trends J New Dev Clin Med 1996;14:25–33. 11. Drug Facts and Comparisons. St. Louis: Facts and Comparisons, 1998, 3659.


Damiana is a small shrub with aromatic leaves found throughout Mexico, Central and South America and the West Indies. The botanical name of the plant describes its use as an aphrodisiac, Turnera aphrodisiaca. In the ancient Maya civilization Damiana was used for "giddiness and loss of balance". and as an aphrodisiac. From 1888 to 1947, Damiana leaf and elixir was listed in the National Formulary (NF). Medicinal Action and Uses: Mild purgative, diuretic, tonic, acting directly on the reproductive organs, stimulant, hypochondriastic, aphrodisiac For more than 100 years, Damiana's use has been associated with improving sexual function in both males and females. Both men and women with low libido, frigidity, or impotence have experienced improve-ments after taking this herbal tonic. It has been used to cure leukorrhea, premature ejaculation, bladder infections, urinary incontinence, and pros-tate discharges. Damiana supports and nourishes your nervous system, and can also give you long-term energy. The chemical composition of damiana is complex and components have not been completely identified. However, the known make-up is 0.5-1% volatile oil, gonzalitosin (cyanogic glycoside), arbutin, tannin and damianin (a brown bitter substance). The leaf also contains beta-sitosterol, which may account for the stimulant effect on the sexual organs. It has a definite tonic action on the central nervous and the hormonal system. The pharmacology of the plant suggests that the alkaloids could have a testosterone-like action (testosterone is a male hormone). As a useful anti-depressant, Damiana is considered to be a specific in cases of anxiety and depression where there is a sexual factor. It may be used to strengthen the male sexual system. The herb has been scientifically accepted in Mexico as a reliable remedy for exhaustion, catarrhal inflammation of the bladder, and cases of sexual impotence especially when caused by excesses. It is also used for orchitis (inflammation of a testicle) and spermatorrhea (involuntary emissions). The plant is said to exert a favorable influence on the spinal column, and some Mexican physicians employ it as a brain tonic. It is also prescribed in nephritis (kidney inflammation). In England and Germany, damiana is used for its aphrodisiac properties. In Holland, medical herbalist Steinmetz states that the herb is so esteemed not only for its sexual enhancing qualities, but also for "its excellent effect on the reproductive organs."

References : • •

Leung, Albert and Steven Foster, 1996. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics, John Wiley & sons, Inc. Review of Natural Products, July, 1996. "Damiana, " Facts and Comparisons.

• • • • • •

Hoffman, David, The New Holistic Herbal, Element Books Limited, Inc. 1992. Mowrey, Daniel, The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine, 1986. Balch, James F. and Phyllis A. Balch, 1990. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Avery Publishing Group. Hobbs, Christopher, 1995. " Herbal Prescriber" (software). Steinmetz, E.F., 1960. Acta Phytother., 7, 1. Domínguez XA; Hinojosa M, Mexican medicinal plants. XXVIII. Isolation of 5hydroxy-7,3',4'-trimethoxy-flavone from Turnera diffusa. Planta Med, 30: 1, 1976 Aug, 68-71

L-Arginine L-Arginine is an essential amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein in the body. "Essential" refers to the fact that the body cannot manufacture arginine from other substances the way it does some amino acids. Dietary arginine is the primary source of nitrogen molecules for nitric oxide. Scientists have come to recognize nitric oxide as the primary mediator of penile erection. It also increases the libido in both men and women. Users have reported achieving a prosexual effect by taking this amino acid 45 minutes before sex.

L-Arginine is one of the twenty amino acids that are considered essential for human life. Amino acids are another class of nutrients that may have a positive effect on libido. For example, L-arginine is an amino acid found naturally in foods such as sesame, beef liver and almonds. It is known to trigger the build-up of nitric oxide in the blood, increasing blood flow. A study published in the Sept. 1997 issue of Journal of Urology (158:942-7) reported that the data supported the use of arginine for treatment of erectile dysfunction. Many studies have shown the body uses Arginine as a precursor for nitric oxide, a neurotransmitter used by the body for initiating and mediating penile erections. L-arginine is also used by the body in conjunction with ornithine, another amino acid, to produce many of the bodies’ hormones. The body also utilizes Arginine to produce sperm. Medicinal Action and Uses: • •

Enhances immune function Helps maintain an erection

• • • • • • •

Improves sexual function by increasing blood flow Can increase sperm count; may be useful in treatment of male infertility. Stimulates the production of growth hormone. Sheds fat and helps build muscle. Promotes wound healing. May inhibit the growth of many different types of cancerous tumors. Aids in the production of T-Cells enabling the body to better protect itself.

References: NIH Consensus Development Panel on Impotence. Impotence. JAMA 1993;270:83-90 Tiefer L, Schuetz-Mueller D. Psychological issues in diagnosis and treatment of erectile disorders. Urol Clin North Am 1995;22:767-73.

Aydin S, Ercan M, ַaskurlu T, et al. Acupuncture and hypnotic suggestions in the treatment of non-organic male sexual dysfunction. Scand J Urol Nephrol 1997;31:271-74. Moody JA, Vernt D, Laidlaw S, et al. Effects of long-term oral administration of Larginine on the rat erectile response. J Urol 1997;158:942-47. Zorgniotti AW, Lizza EF. Effect of large doses of the nitric oxide precursor, L-arginine, on erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res 1994;6:33-36.

Vitamin B-3 (Niacin) Niacin (vitamin B3) is an essential vitamin found in many foods. The human body uses niacin in more than 50 chemical reactions. Niacin works in the body to dilate capillaries causing in increase of blood flow to the peripheries. A common form of niacin, called niacinamide, is found in most vitamin and mineral supplements, but does not have the vasodilatory affects associated with niacin. Essential for the body's production of cortisone, thyroxine, insulin and the male and female sex hormones. Necessary for healthy nervous system and brain function. Increases circulation and reduces cholesterol. Niacin helps circulation especially in the smaller capillaries. It also helps with mental health, and for efficient functioning of the digestive tract and liver, and for healthy skin Vitamin B-3 or Niacin causes a large release of histamine all over the body, one effect of which is to dilate blood vessels so more blood can flow through them. A relatively large release of histamine occurs naturally during sexual excitation causing a 'sex flush'. The flush caused by niacin is basically the same as the natural 'sex flush' but is probably more

intense. The niacin-induced histamine release also causes the secretion of mucus in the mouth and sexual organs. Niacin has the ability to increase sensation all over the body. In conclusion, SeleVIGO is a unique combination of natural ingredients designed to help circulation, stimulation and elevate testosterone levels.

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