Section Viii 01-02 Ohts

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 9
SECTION VIII AWARENESS OF LANGUAGE ACCURACY =============================================================

Pay special attention to your language accuracy. Proofread every part of your work (inlcuding your appendices) carefully several times before sending it off for printing. Nothing can be more frustrating to see a manual full of grammatical, vocabulary and style mistakes. Language inaccuracies can tarnish the professional image that you try to build for your manual. Be a professional writer; proofread carefully. (Refer to the Task File below for some common mistakes committed in works by students in previous years. See if you can spot and correct them all. Avoid making them in your own work.) Section VIII -- Tasks File Task 1 Use of articles Proofread the following paragraphs for mistakes of articles. 1. Welcome to the Microsoft Excel. Excel is the advanced spreadsheet product for IBM PC/AT or PS/2 compatibles that support worksheet, graphic, and presentation features. 2. (A step from a set of instructions) Repeat the Steps 1 to 5. 3. Click File menu. (A step from a set of instructions) 4. Refer to the Diagram 5. (a graphic call-out) 5. Use the ScanJet Plus scanner directly with a software that has its own built-in scanning capability. (from the Foreword of a manual) 6. Choose the Option 1. (a step) 7. Open a document to import your pictures. (a step) 8. The modems are devices used to convert ….for communication between the two computers. ( A definition)

Task 2 Syntax errors (Run-on sentences, incomplete sentences, etc.) Proofread the following sentences. 1. The appearance of a worksheet is very important, it helps to convey your ideas and information in your worksheet effectively and impressively. 2. In this chapter, the formatting basics and formatting controls that will be introduced.

Task 3 ‘Ing’ vs ‘ed’ forms Choose the correct form in the following sentences. 1. To follow the steps below, make sure you working in an (opening, opened) document. 2. Now, move the (blocking, blocked) area to the (desiring, desired) place. 3. X is an (exciting, excited) program. You will be (fascinating, fascinated) by its…

Task 4 Formal vs informal language Decide which of the following is a formal option for use in written documents. 1. We assume that you know how to (get into, enter, gain access to) the Staff LAN. 2. Polylink provides different electronic communication functions, (say, such as, for example, including), the Bulletin Board, …. 3. The program provides (lots of, a lot of, many) different features to…


4. (Grab, Obtain, Get) an application form from the CSC services counter.

Task 5 Miscellaneous Proofread the grammatical mistakes in the following sentences. 1. Polylink is the electronic communication system provided by the Computer Services Centre of City University of Hong Kong. It is one of the function available through Citylink. (2 mistakes) 2. This manual assumes that you have satisfied all the software and hardware requirement as specify below. (2 mistakes) 3. The prompt will be disappeared. (1 mistake) 4. The sign means the file will be saved when quitting it. (1 mistake) 5. Save the file in the disc. (1 mistake) 6. You can also format paragraphs by the Format Menu in the toolbar. (2 mistakes) 7. Enter into the windows environment. (1 mistake) 8. In this manual, it shows you how to ….(1 long mistake) 9. In the Chapter 1, it mainly describes how to get into MS Excel. (1 long mistake) 10. According to the instructions in Chapter 1, it says that you can…. (1 long mistake 11. Forwarding addresses set-up is the function of Polylink for the users to forward the mails received to the address set-up automatically. (4-5 mistakes) 12. Word 6 is a simple and convenient program that you can handle it with no problem. (1 mistake). 13. The dialogue box displayed. (1 mistake) 14. This chapter will teach you to enter data and show you to …(2 mistakes of the same kind)

Task 6 Where are they? (Use of prepositions) You will be presented an OHT showing some essential elements found in a Word screen. Write a sentence to describe the position of each of the elements listed below. • • • • • • • •

the window minimizing button the page number of the current section the current line number the document name the tool bar the File menu button the scroll bar the group of Cut and Paste buttons

Task 7 Proofreading your work Proofread your first draft by • Using the error symbol sheet provided on p.IV-6 • Checking to see if you have made any mistakes discussed in this section


Section VIII -- Task File Task One Use of articles Proofread the following paragraphs for mistakes of articles. 1. Welcome to the Microsoft Excel. Excel is the advanced spreadsheet product for IBM PC/AT or PS/2 compatibles that support worksheet, graphic, and presentation features. 2. (A step from a set of instructions) Repeat the Steps 1 to 5. 3. Click File menu. (A step from a set of instructions) 4. Refer to the Diagram 5. (a graphic call-out) 5. Use the ScanJet Plus scanner directly with a software that has its own built-in scanning capability. (from the Foreword of a manual) 6. Choose the Option 1. (a step) 7. Open a document to import your pictures. (a step) 8. The modems are devices used to convert ….for communication between the two computers. ( A definition)

Task Two Syntax errors (Run-on sentences, incomplete sentences, etc.) Proofread the following sentences. 1. The appearance of a worksheet is very important, it helps to convey your ideas and information in your worksheet effectively and impressively. 2. In this chapter, the formatting basics and formatting controls that will be introduced.

Task Three ‘Ing’ vs ‘ed’ forms Choose the correct form in the following sentences. 1. To follow the steps below, make sure you working in an (opening, opened) document. 2. Now, move the (blocking, blocked) area to the (desiring, desired) place.


Task Four Formal vs informal language Decide which of the following is a formal option for use in written documents. 1. We assume that you know how to (get into, enter, gain access to) the Staff LAN. 2. Polylink provides different electronic communication functions, (say, such as, for example, including), the Bulletin Board, …. 3. The program provides (lots of, a lot of, many) different features to… 4. (Grab, Obtain, Get) an application form from the CSC services counter.

Task Five What is the difference? Explain the difference in the following pairs of phrases, expressions or sentences. ‘The report to print’ vs ‘the report printed’ ‘in person’ vs ‘by person’


Task Six Miscellaneous Proofread the grammatical mistakes in the following sentences. 1. Polylink is an electronic communication system provided by the Computer Services Centre of City University of Hong Kong. It is one of the function available through Citylink service. (2 mistakes) 2. This manual assumes that you have satisfied all the software and hardware requirement as specify below. (2 mistakes) 3. The prompt will be disappeared. (1 mistake) 4. The sign means the file will be saved when quitting it. (1 mistake) 5. In this manual, it shows you how to ….(1 long mistake) 6. Save the file in the disc (1 mistake) 7. You can also format paragraphs using the Format Menu in the toolbar. (1 mistake) 8. Enter into the windows environment. (1 mistake) 9. In the Chapter 1, it mainly describes how to get into MS Excel. (2 mistakes) 10.Forwarding addresses setup is the function of Polylink for the users to forward the mails received to the address setup automatically. (4-5 mistakes) 11.Word 6 is a simple and convenient program that you can handle it with no problem. (1 mistake). 12.The dialogue box displayed. (1 mistake) 13.This chapter will talk about the screens of Power Point 4. (1 mistake) 14.This chapter will teach you to enter data and show you to …(2 mistakes of the same kind) 15.This chapter will talk about how to enter data. (1 mistake)


Task Seven Where are they? (Use of prepositions) You will be presented an OHT showing the essentials on a Word screen. Write a sentence to describe the position of each of the items listed below. • the window minimizing button • the page number of the current section • the current line number • the document name • the tool bar • the File menu button • the scroll bar • the group of Cut and Paste buttons


EN 3164


Student:_________________ Grade:______



Introductory Texts poor





Steps poor





Tips/Cautions poor





Overall Organization poor passed




Formatting poor





Language Style poor





Language Accuracy poor passed




References to Graphics poor passed




Specific areas done impressively

Specific areas to improve on


EN 3164

Instructions for Final Draft

Requirements of the final draft: a complete tutorial manual that is professionally produced and bound. It should include essential elements of a tutorial manual: • a professionally designed cover with a meaningful and focused title, and the name of the writer (i.e., the company you represent) • a Preface • a Table of Contents • major chapters (or sections, whichever label you choose) + their corresponding sub-sections with introductory texts, instructions, graphics, practice tasks, explanations of terms (where needed) and all other things discussed in class • appendices (if needed) • a glossary What to do on an individual basis and on a group basis? Individual work: 1. Revise your own draft(s) according to your own judgement, and the comments made by your instructors during the first or subsequent consultations. 2. Complete the rest of your allotted portion of work. 3. Edit and proofread carefully your language, including language used in graphic titles and appendices. Group work: 1. Assemble the different portions done by different team members to form a complete manual. 2. Have a language editor to oversee the language style (professional style and consistency throughout) and final check the language accuracy of all parts, including language use in the glossary, appendices, graphics and the cover as well. 3. Have a graphics editor to double check that graphics are clearly made references to and nicely incorporated into your final manual according to the principles stated in the handout on use of graphics (See handout given to you in Week 4 or 5). 4. Have an assembly manager to be responsible for the overall formatting, the graphic design of the cover, and the overall assembly of the pages. 5. Don’t put personal names on the cover. State the company you represent. All personal names should be entered on a separate sheet inserted at the end of your manual for marking purpose. Please also specify on this name sheet the parts and works done by each individual member. Assessment criteria: • adequacy of the preface in promoting the product, and in delineating the intended audience, the purpose of the manual, the conventions to use, and structure of the manual.


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adequacy of introductory texts in introducing contents of, promoting learning in, educating the use of features in, and delineating pre-requisites for sections to follow, etc. adequacy of sectioning logical arrangement of sections clarity and logical arrangement of steps, tips, cautions clarity in the explanation of terms in main texts and in the glossary adequate use of graphics and application of principles of use of graphics language accuracy (forming a major component of assessment, a weak performance in this regard might lead to an overall maximum grade D only, for both individual and group grades) language style professionalism reflected throughout the manual, including the assembly of the pages


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