Section 1

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Fill the gaps using these key words from the text: emigrate deport

people illegal immigrant

smuggler migrant

compass skipper


1. An ____________ is a person who comes to work and live in a country without permission. 2. A ____________ is a person who gets money for taking people from one country to another illegally. 3. A ____________ is a person who leaves his country to look for work in another country. 4. A ____________ is the captain of a boat. 5. If you ____________ , you leave your country to go to another country. 6. ____________ are the people who stop people bringing illegal goods or people into a country by boat. 7. If you ____________ someone, you send them out of a country because they have no legal right to be there. 8. A ____________ is an instrument with a small needle that always points to the north.

Look in the text and find this information as quickly as possible: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Where is Mali? _________________________ Where is Fuerteventura? _________________________ Where are Rabat and Casablanca? _________________________ What is the capital of Mali? _________________________ What is the capital of Western Sahara? _________________________ How much did Yaouba earn in Algeria and Libya? _________________________

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It's a long way from Mali to Madrid / Cécile Chambraud meets two African migrants whose journey to Europe has taken them five years

Mady Tounkara, 25, and Yaouba Kone, 26, both come from villages near Kayes, in southwest Mali. Now they are in the Madrid in Spain. In a few hours one of them is leaving for Valencia, the other is going to the province of Huelva, in Andalusia in the south of Spain. A friend has told them they might find work on farms there. They have been travelling together for five years from the cotton fields of the poor West African country of Mali to Europe. They reached Europe after a dangerous boat trip from the coast of Western Sahara to Fuerteventura, in the Canary Islands. Back in Mali, Mady and Yaouba’s families grow cotton and everyone helps. There are 10 children in Mady’s family and 15 in Yaouba's. Cotton is the only crop in the region. They sell it for $0.40 a kilo and this is not enough money to live on. They do not have enough money for all the children to get married. Three of Mady’s brothers and sisters are older than Mady, but only two have been able to marry and start a family. When the rain failed and the crop was poor, Mady and Yaouba each travelled to the capital, Bamako to try and find work. They hoped to earn enough to buy food for the whole family. They met in Bamako and decided to emigrate to Europe together. ‘A lot of young people in Mali want to emigrate,’ says Mady. ‘We started out on May 15, 2001 I had 100,000 CFA francs ($180),’ says Yaouba. It wasn’t enough to pay for the journey to Europe. So the two men took the road to the north, hoping to earn some more money on the way. They worked in the fields of the Djanet oasis, in southeast Algeria. Then they returned to Mali. After that they tried Libya. From there they went to Morocco, stopping in Rabat and Casablanca, and finally came to El-Aaiun, the capital of Western Sahara, in March. Somehow they saved some money during the five years they were away from home. ‘I earned $1,800 in Algeria and Libya,’ says Yaouba. They had enough money to buy two seats on a boat from a Moroccan people smuggler in El-Aaiun. ‘We paid $1,300 each. Apart from the boat’s skipper, there were 34 of us on the boat and we all paid the same,’ says Yaouba. Just before the boat left, the people smuggler made them take their clothes off. He searched them for mobile phones and hidden cash. ‘He found the $180 I had hidden in my shoes and in the collar of my shirt,’ says Mady. The smuggler also stole their clothes and shoes. They only had a pair of trousers and a T-shirt each to protect them from the cool ocean wind. After an 11-hour boat journey, with just a compass to show them the way, they reached Fuerteventura, the Canary island nearest to Africa. The Spanish © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2006 Downloaded from the Magazine section in

coastguards picked up the 34 passengers and took them to dry land. They took them to the Red Cross, which gave them a check-up, a change of clothes and food. A court gave them a deportation order 72 hours later. However, it is very difficult for the authorities to deport migrants because they do not usually have any identity papers. While they were waiting to be deported, Mady and Yaouba were kept in prison. ‘We were well treated,’ they say. Then, on May 18, the police took the two men to the island's airport and put them on a plane. ‘We had no idea where we were going,’ they say. When the number of migrants arriving in the Canary Islands started to rise, in 2000, the Spanish authorities started to transfer most of them to different parts of Spain, particularly Madrid, Catalonia and Valencia. Mady and Yaouba were flown to Madrid and handed over to the Red Cross. ‘When they first arrive,’ says Nuria Baz, the head of the organisation's immigration programme, ‘we interview them to find out what they need. If they know someone, and they usually do, we try to put them in contact with that person. We give them meals, teach them Spanish, sometimes we even teach them how to read and write. We also help them find their way around. If necessary, they can stay here for three months. The most important thing is that they can look after themselves.’ In 2005, the Madrid branch of the Red Cross received 1,572 migrants from sub-Saharan Africa. Mady and Yaouba cannot work legally without official papers, but they are free. In a few hours they will begin their new lives. The Red Cross gave them EUR60 each when they left. The authorities have stopped boats with more than 7,500 sub-Saharan Africans off the coast of the Canary Islands since January. Now the Spanish prime minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, has asked the European Union and the African countries from which the migrants come, to help to solve the problem. The European Union is sending more boats and planes to patrol the sea around the Canary Islands. It is also giving money to build two reception centres for deported migrants in Mauritania and Senegal. Meanwhile the Spanish secretary of state for foreign affairs has visited eight African countries to ask them to take illegal immigrants back.

Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences: 1. Mady and Yaouda left Mali … 2. They paid the people smuggler $1,300 each … © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2006 Downloaded from the Magazine section in

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The Red Cross helps illegal immigrants … The Spanish prime minister has asked the European Union … They used a compass … $180 wasn’t enough … The Red Cross try … They only had trousers and a t-shirt …

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

to find the way. to look after themselves. to put them in contact with someone they know. to get from Africa to the Canary Islands. to try and find work in Europe. to protect them from the wind. to pay for the journey to Europe. to help to solve the problem.

Match the verbs with the nouns to make collocations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

earn start find save take off solve grow pay for

a clothes b a problem c a journey d a family e. work f. money g. money h. cotton

Find the opposites of these words in the text: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

legal rich safe wet easy warm

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________


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Complete these phrases using prepositions. Check your answers in the text: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

find work _______ a farm they sell the cotton _______ $0.40 a kilo _______ May 15 to earn more money _______ the way _______ the five years they were away from home to protect them _______ the wind they were kept _______ prison they cannot work _______ official papers

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KEY Level 1



Key words

1 illegal immigrant 2 people smuggler 3 migrant 4 skipper 5 emigrate 6 coastguards 7 deport 8 compass


Find the information

1 West Africa 2 The Canary Islands (Spain) 3 Morocco 4 Bamako 5 El-Aaiun 6 $1,800 3

Comprehension check

1 e; 2 d; 3 b; 4 h; 5 a; 6 g; 7 c; 8 f 4

Vocabulary 1


1 f ( g ); 2 d; 3 e; 4 g ( f ); 5 a; 6 b; 7 h; 8 c


Vocabulary 2


1 illegal; 2 poor; 3 dangerous; 4 dry; 5 difficult; 6 cool 6

Vocabulary 3


1 on; 2 for; 3 on; 4 on; 5 during; 6 from; 7 in; 8 without

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