Secondary Lp Circuit Training

  • June 2020
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UNCW Secondary Physical Education Lesson Plan Template Name: Ashley Gibson Activity: Circuit Training Length of class: 60 minutes Date & LP #: 10/16/09 LP# 5 of 8 Sources of Info: Complete Physical Education plans for grades 5 to 12: 2nd Edition by Isobel Kleinman Equipment Needed: Music system with good amplifier, selected music for the aerobic warm-up and stretching, weight machines with pins, free weights, resistance bands and medicine balls th School Grade:9 and 10th Play Space Needed: Clean clear area large enough for class to be able to safely move in as everyone jogs, imitates exercises and stretches at the same time. Ability Level: Intermediate 9th and 10th grade Technology: Stereo system NASPE Content Standard(s) addressed: Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as the apply to the the learning of physical activities Standard 4:Achieves and maintains a health enhancing level of physical fitness

HL SCOS Strand / Objective(s): COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will develop knowledge and skills to enhance personal and consumer health.

Objectives 2.01 Infer the behavioral and environmental factors associated with the leading actual causes of death in the United States. 2.02 Identify the behavioral and environmental factors that contribute to major chronic diseases and the methods for reducing problems associated with common childhood chronic diseases or conditions (asthma, allergies, diabetes) 2.03 Perform the Heimlich maneuver and demonstrate basic CPR techniques and procedures on a mannequin, and pass a Red Cross or American Heart Association approved test of CPR skills. 2.04 Evaluate the accuracy and significance of media reports on health and medical research. 2.05 Determine how certain fads affect health (e.g. body piercing, tattooing, and artificial fingernails). 2.06 Advocate for the importance of early detection and demonstrate the ability to recognize early warning signs of skin cancer. 2.07 Appraise personal health status. 2.08 Predict the potential personal health consequences of global environmental problems. 2.09 Evaluate how personal behaviors contribute to environmental improvement and instruction. COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will apply knowledge and behavior self management skills to areas of nutrition and physical activity for healthy growth,

UNCW Secondary Physical Education Lesson Plan Template development, and maintenance. Objectives 4.01 Identify food preparation techniques that add less fat and sugar to foods. 4.02 Analyze barriers to personal healthful eating patterns and describe strategies for overcoming these barriers. 4.03 Evaluate the benefit of consuming adequate amounts of Vitamins A, E, and C, magnesium, calcium, iron, fiber, folic acid, and water and a variety of foods that contain high amounts of each nutrient. 4.05 Demonstrate the ability to develop a healthful personal eating plan that incorporates food choices inside and outside of the home setting. 4.06 Differentiate between body composition and body weight, and compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of using a variety of methods for assessing body composition. 4.07 Demonstrate how to balance caloric intake with caloric expenditure to maintain, gain, or reduce weight in a healthy manner. 4.08 Identify media and peer pressures for unhealthy weight control through eating disorders, fad dieting, excessive exercise, and smoking. 4.09 Recognize and describe signs, symptoms, and consequences of common eating disorders and identify resources for help. 4.10 Demonstrate how to calculate a Body Mass Index and explain the purpose, limitations, and possible uses of BMI scores. 4.11 Analyze and explain the benefits of physical activity (physical, social, and emotional).

COMPETENCY GOAL 8: The learner will exhibit a physically active lifestyle (NASPE Standard 3). Objectives 8.01 Evaluate the benefits and value of various physical activities for personal fitness programs. 8.02 Establish and implement personal physical activity goals and evaluate progress toward goals. 8.03 Participate in a variety of vigorous physical activities to achieve personal fitness program goals within the school or community setting COMPETENCY GOAL 9: The learner will show evidence of an acceptable level of health related fitness and be familiar with factors that benefit performance (NASPE Standard 4). Objectives 9.01 Recognize and apply current safety techniques and best practices as related to fitness and nutrition. 9.02 Identify and evaluate the health-related components of fitness: • cardiovascular endurance, • muscular strength and endurance, • flexibility and • body composition. 9.03 Identify and evaluate the six skill related components of fitness: • agility, • balance, • coordination, • power,

UNCW Secondary Physical Education Lesson Plan Template • reaction time, and • speed. Overall Unit Goal:

training. Within learning these skills they will be proficient with a variety of equipment such as weight machines with pins, free weights, resistance bands and medicine balls. Affective: At the conclusion of our weight training unit students Cognitive: By the end of our eight day introduction to the weight will have a greater training unit, students will be able to apply their new found weight appreciation for weight training, and using these skills to enhance training knowledge to their own active lifestyle. They will learn physical fitness, as well as overall health. Students will also be why it is important to properly warm-up and cool down after each able to demonstrate cooperation with and every workout. partners while working on individual skills, as well as be able to Psychomotor: At the end of the weight training unit, students will give feedback to their be able to partners in an encouraging way. perform/demonstrate a variety of weight training related skills such as working upper and lower body strength as well as circuit

Objectives: How can each objective is evaluated?: 1.SWBAT have been introduced to every machine for every muscle group. 2.SWBAT to identify and safely use machines for every muscle group including some abdominal and back. 3.SWBAT use different set of exercises that are needed to work the upper body, lower body, and torso. 4.SWBAT develop and a safe routine with working with weights.

Time 0-8

Teaching and Learning Instant Activity: Students will begin a warm-up routine to designated appropriate music where they are

Skill analysis &cues


-make sure to emphasize the wearing of proper clothing


Safety If you are dancing make sure there is a clear

Individual instruction E+be sure that you are working at a fast enough pace that your muscles are getting warm

Motivational Technique Music

UNCW Secondary Physical Education Lesson Plan Template


allowed to jog around the room, dance if desired, or use any equipment that is available (bike, treadmill). Students must continue to do sometime of movement without a break during this entire warm-up period.

-be sure the students stay hydrated and talk about importance -clear enough space for students to work safely

Focus and Review: This is the fifth day of strength training where you should be able to clearly complete a proper warmup, and began performing new exercises for the lower body. You should be using proper alignment and breathing during each exercise. Today we will be performing exercises for ab muscles, back and neck. With the end of today’s lesson, you will have been introduced to every machine for every muscle group and can begin working out with a partner of your choice and pace.

Review and demonstrate leg curl and proper alignment for hamstrings. Have students duplicate exercise even if not at a machine. Discuss muscle groups used in previous lessons and how they all are used together for overall muscular strength training and endurance.

space where you are not running into anyone



Statement of Objectives 13-17 On this fifth day of the weight training unit, you have been introduced to


E+be sure to establish range of motion for all muscles that will be utilized during todays activites

E+Form is key for movement and quality of exercise

UNCW Secondary Physical Education Lesson Plan Template every machine for every muscle group. In accordance with that today we will be focusing on circuit training. By the end of today you should be able to identify and safely use machines for every muscle group including some abdominal and back. You should also be able to use different set of exercises that are needed to work the upper body, lower body, and torso. You should also be able to develop a safe routine with working with weights. 17-23

Teacher Input Introduce abdominal and back work and focus on how it increases overall fitness and stabilization when performing these activites. Begin introducing abdominal exercises such as: Sit-up Crunch Plank Oblique crunches Supermans. Use the weight equipment if available to show abdominal and back


Talk to students on the ability to improve their form and what they can work on for the remaining activities.


Make sure there is enough space between everyone so you are able to do supermans especially

E+allow enough space between each other for activity performance E+quality of exercise over quantitiy E+engage your exercises within the movement

UNCW Secondary Physical Education Lesson Plan Template

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