Second Letter To Mr. Morgan

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Janet D. McDonald James B. Stegeman 821 Sheppard Rd Stone Mountain, GA 30083 770-879-8737 June 7, 2009 Mr. J. Tom Morgan 14 Piedmont Center, Suite 1100 3535 Piedmont Road, N. E. Atlanta, GA 30305 Dear Mr. Morgan, My name is Janet D. McDonald and my living partner is James B. Stegeman. Mr. Stegeman is 100% Federally disabled and receives Supplemental Security Income, after being out of work for several years, I am trying to start my own business, Oklavik Freelancers Art Glass and Design. I know that you are a very busy man and your time is quite valuable so I will try to be as brief as possible. We have a problem that began in June 2002 and continues to haunt us at present, due claims concerning the DeKalb County DAs Office. The claim has been that Mr. Stegeman was being investigated by DeKalb County DA for felony elder abuse and felony fraud. We beg and pray that you may have the time to help or steer us in the proper direction. Now matter what agency we send a complaint to, there is a label of “crook, not to be trusted” or “elder abuser”. I am enclosing several documents showing where people claimed Mr. Stegeman was being investigated by DeKalb County DA and the paper showing that attorney Ms. Williams talked with you or someone from your office about this. Please note for the following we have the legal documents in the form of depositions, Certified Bank Records, Court Documents, Affidavits, etc. Outline of events: 1973 James came from Wisconsin, moved in with Aunt Jean Caffrey his father’s sister in order to take advantage of the construction boom in GA. Jean was born November 22, 1911, widowed since 1966, no children. James moved into own apartment. Jean and James stayed in contact with each other knowing each can depend on the other when needed. Spent holidays etc together. James continued to do maintenance on Jean’s house and car, staying in close contact with one another. Friday, December 13, 1990 at 12:15 am James hit by car while in crossing in a crosswalk on a red light, resulting in a tear to the arterial crucial ligament of his left knee which is

shown in the Police report that we still have. DeKalb County Police didn’t give the man a ticket. Jean was always there to assist James when needed. He has now been diagnosed with: Osteoarthritis, Fibromylgia, Dyspnea, Hyperlipidemia, Chronic Fatigue, Glaucoma, Bronchitis, Chest pain unspecified, Bi-Polar. 1992 Jean made James ½ owner of Clairmont Road property and sole Beneficiary of her Estate, thus ensuring James future. He would need replacement surgeries and would never be able to work as General Contractor or in the construction business again. April 1993, Janet moved in with James. Fall James deemed 100% disabled by Social Security, manic depression and the damage to his left leg, began receiving Supplemental Security Income. Jean, James and Janet very close. James and Janet always there when Jean needed anything. They did maintenance on Jean’s house, cut grass, keep the car up, etc. August 1994 James and Janet bought house together. James was able to get a Grant from DeKalb County and the Atlanta Mortgage Consortium to help with his ½ of the down payment. It was a long, hard ordeal and took many months. 1997 Clairmont Rd property owned by Jean Caffrey and James Stegeman sold to Julian LeCraw and Associates for $510,000 after a year of James negotiating six different contracts, hiring tax consultants, and doing the required research. In order to protect the assets Ms. Caffrey and Mr. Stegeman opened an account with First Union (later became Wachovia) titled “Jean S. Caffrey AND James B. Stegeman Joint Tenants With Rights of Survivorship”. The account was opened with Mike Peeples and James Busch, Assistant Vice President First Union Securities who became the Financial Advisor of the accounts. 1998 Jean gives James “Special Durable Power of Attorney” which was notarized by Hilda Lesley, the Head Social Worker at Northside Hospital (now Emory Northlake), after reviewing the document and intensely questioning Jean. It was also filed at DeKalb County and at the Bank immediately. We have an Affidavit from Lesley confirming the Durable Power of Attorney. This was another safeguard for the accounts. 1999 Jean signs and has Notarized a Directive giving her share of First Union/Wachovia to Janet McDonald. Janet could take possession of it whenever she desired. Since it was a loving, caring family, Janet did not see the need to do it immediately. 2001 March, Ms. Caffrey suffers stroke. Hospital finds that due to the severe osteoporosis Ms. Caffrey suffers from two vertebra in her back had collapsed also. Stays under the care of Ms. McDonald as Ms. Caffrey requested to Dr. Baron Caffrey’s primary doctor and under the supervision of Dr. Baron and physical therapists. We have all the reports and paperwork. Ms. Caffrey is able to remain living in her own home. During therapy Ms. Caffrey is diagnosed mid to mild cognitive and suffering from symbolic disorder. She is allowed to remain at home due to Janet’s ability for moderation and knowledge of therapy and understanding Ms. Caffrey’s needs.

2001 May Jean refuses to see anyone until she is better. Mavis Turner (friend?) makes false complaint to DFCS claiming Jean being abused, kept against her will. DFCS comes while fixing to leave to Jean to therapy. Finds nothing. 2002 February 27, Jean Shropshire, Janet McDonald’s mother passed away. June 12, Paperwork signed to transfer Caffrey AND Stegeman accounts to the rightful legal owners. June 13, Questionable Probate Hearing @ Hospital, Jeryl Rosh Clerk of the Probate Court overheard hearing. Sam Appel represented Stegeman. Claim of “Gravely Incapacitated Adult” by DFCS worker Sandra Al-Khaja. When hearing started Ms. Rosh informed everyone that “Sandra and I have been friends for eighteen years”. No evidence against Mr. Stegeman provided. Emergency Guardian of Property appointed. Sam Appel at the hearing informed Ms. Rosh that what she was doing was breaking the law and she told him that she did not care. No Probate Order ever received. Order sealed by Mark Stephen County appointed attorney “I hereby request that the record in this case be sealed and any information pertaining to the mental condition of Jean Caffrey be held from public view”. June 14, John Joyner (Temporary Emergency Guardian) sends letter to Wachovia. Bank stops Legal transfer. Janet and James “freeze” account. Bank discusses account in Memos: (BORD, restrict, who to contact?) June 18, Account restricted note from Ms. Johnson. June 19, Sam Appel, representing both McDonald and Stegeman contacts Bank in an effort to prove who the money belongs to. Since the account is “Jean Caffrey AND James Stegeman Joint Tenants With Rights of Survivorship” Mr. Appel was told that it would take signatures from both Tenants to release that information. John Joyner refused. June 22, Bank memo: Brokerage Account not found, request for research into where $14,943.00 account close out funds went. June 28, According to Bank notes, received request from John Joyner, and his attorney Robert Turner to close CAP account and Delink the accounts. (Per Kathy Phillips, she has doc from attorney). ALL ACCOUNTS WERE DELINKED, $14,943.00 ends up disappearing! I am getting my information directly from Memos in the Certified Bank Records, there was no Court Order. July 1, account address and info changed. The address on an account cannot be changed without both parties of the account agreeing to change the address. The new address is John Joyner’s Decatur office. July 25, account info changed again, stocks were reissued even though the stocks were in Jean S. Caffrey AND James B. Stegeman. Without a Court Order and without both parties signature. August 8, memo back and forth through bank concerning the deletion of James, shows John Joyner “wiped him out” and changed the address from the address where the account had originally been sent since the account opened. “This was a Joint Account. I don’t see….or Court Order. Can you tell me how this got updated?”(Bank memo)

August 9, James name added back to account, “John Joyner Guardian, Jean S. Caffrey AND James B. Stegeman Joint Tenants With Rights of Survivorship”, address still showing John Joyner. We also have the Affidavit where John Joyner is bitching about the Bank putting James’ name back onto the account without his permission. August 15, Pattie Williams hired to send letter of demand along with Janet’s Legal claim to Wachovia, the letter was ignored. August 21, Certified Bank Records: The conversation in this paragraph was with Bernard W. Penn (A222088): “James Stegeman call abt the change of address on the brokerage acct. Cust ranted and raved abt the change. Cust stated that we did not have the right to change the address, adv cust of a court document we received requesting the change. Cust was very angry, he stated that the court document we had was a false document. Cust stated his FA, James Busch was aware of the circumstances surrounding this acct. Cust demanded that address be changed back, adv cust I could not because of the court document. Cust disconnected the call.” Bank records show John Joyner and HIS Social Security number as the owner of the account. Even Jean Caffrey’s name was no longer on the account at this point! The “document” that Bernard W Penn refers is only a Letter from John Joyner and Robert Turner. September 9, Pattie presented James and Janet with suit drawn up against John Joyner/Caffrey to prove in Court who money belonged to. James and Janet signed suit. Janet gave $3500.00 at that time for filing the suit. Pattie never filed it. September 23, Because John Joyner had gotten caught, he filed suit. James served with Summons: Complaint for Accounting and Damages, and Other Relief filed by John Joyner. Janet was not named on the suit. Ms. Caffrey never knew about the suit. 2003 March 4, DeKalb County Solicitor’s Office of Chanda Sukhanath Investigator from Elder Abuse division of DeKalb County Solicitor’s Office Interview with Geneva S. Caffrey performed without Ms. Williams or Mr. Stegeman’s knowledge. First knowledge was January 2004 transcript done by Robert Turner’s sister, Donna Hasinski provided to Mr. Stegeman March 16, 2004. April 17, 2003 Jean Caffrey died. No one in the family was notified. April 21, James in court, finds out Jean had passed away on the 17th and had already been cremated and buried with the wrong name. Judge Hunter instructs Joyner/Turner to find someone legal to replace Jean with. Judge Hunter to Robert Turner “You’re here and you represent no one!” Judge Hunter to John Joyner, “You are Nobody!” Frank Lillig, III with new will goes to Austell Branch advises of Death. Says “Death Certificate will be forthcoming and Letter of Testamentary as well as INVESTIGATION ONGOING BY DEKALB DA AGAINST JAMES STEGEMAN.” All shown in Certified Bank Records from the archive of Wachovia. April 23, Robert Turner talked with Ms. Levelsmier. Said to keep account frozen until further notice. May 5, Frank Lillig III granted Temporary Letter of Administration by LIES! Robert Turner and Frank Lillig informed the Probate Court that “James was being investigated for Felony Elder Abuse and Felony Bank Fraud by the DA’s office and that there was no other Will and that James and his brother Doug were estranged from Jean

Caffrey.” The Estate’s worth at that time $115,448.13. Ms. Caffrey’s original Will was already on file at DeKalb County. June 17, John Joyner deposed by Ms. Williams. Joyner called her “McCaffrey” stated he “Has never met Jean Caffrey.” He did not know where Jean had lived, what she wanted “never spoke with her”. He knew that she had died but did not know how or where. (Have Certified Copy) July 30, Ms. Williams performs Jim Busch deposition. (Have Certified Copy) 2004 March 24, 2004 Nancy K. Levelsmier, Assistant Vice President Compliance Officer for G-3 region in GA deposition. (Have Certified Copy) March 24, 2004 Pattie Williams files “MOTION IN LIMINE” with Superior Court stating that Robert Turner has insisted to several parties that Mr. Stegeman was being investigated by the DA’s Office for fraud and elder abuse and that she has talked with the Prosecutor’s Office and this is untrue as well as there has never been any evidence of either. (Attaching copy) March 25, Superior Court suit against Stegeman withdrawn at Joyner’s request. Settlement Agreement made meeting James’ demands and signed by both attorneys, Pattie Williams and Robert Turner. Wachovia refused to release accounts Ms. Levelsmier claiming that Robert Turner called and informed her that the Case was not settled. Ms. Williams and Mr. Turner refused to file the Agreement with Superior Court Judge Hunter. Mr. Stegeman sent letter to Judge Hunter and asked that the Agreement be filed and the case closed in order to get Wachovia to release accounts. Nothing happened.

Sincerely, ________________________________ Janet D. McDonald

_________________________________ James B. Stegeman


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