below i am sending the details of sdm project guideline by prof. venugopal, please read carefully, and send me the group details before 18th feb 2007. sdm group project by prof. p venugopal project on marketing strategy and selling strategy 1. identify the marketing strategy of the company (the positioning it wants to achieve). long term goal. 2. identify the selling strategy (short term goal) 3. study the selling activities a) trade schemes, consumer schems b) channel motivational aspects c) sales force target etc 4. evaluate how the selling strategy is synchronized with the marketing strategy. identify gaps if any and give suggestions for improvement. 5. evaluate how the selling activities are synchronized with the marketing strategy. identify gaps if any and give suggestions for improvement. * please mention your group no. (which i will communicate to you) name,course, roll no. , center on the first page of your sdm project * your submission should be in soft copy(your file name should be your group no._center ) which you will upload into ais, you are requested to send your group details before 18th feb 2007 so that i can upload your group details in the ais . *deadline for project report submission: 26 march�07. *(note: no late submission will be accepted by satellite office and submission will be only in soft copy.) deepa shah teaching assistant satellite office x l r i phone no. 0657-2225506 (ext: 419) __._,_.___ messages in this topic (1) reply (via web post) | start a new topic messages | files | photos | links | database | polls | members | calendar