SYDE 292
Sample Exam Questions
Questions: 1. In the diagram show below left, find I4, using phasors. I1 = 2 cos 3t; I2 = 25 cos (3t + 36.90) and I3 = 13 sin (3t + 157.40)
2. Find the impedance, resistance, reactance, conductance and susceptance in the circuit shown above right if the time domain functions represented by the phasors V and I are: a) v = - 15 cos 2t + 8 sin 2t V, b) v =
Re[jej2t] V,
c) v =
aVm cos (ωt + θ ) V,
i = 1.7 cos (2t + 400) A i = Re[(1 + j) ej(2t+300)] mA i = Vm cos (ωt + θ − α )
3. In the circuit below left, find the steady state current i using the current divider concept.
4. In the circuit above right, find the steady state voltage v using the voltage divider concept. 5. Find the mesh analysis matrix for the circuit shown below.
6. Using nodal analysis find the steady-state voltage v in the circuit shown below left.
7. In the circuit above right, assuming Vg = Vm cos ωt V. Use nodal analysis to determine the steady-state value of v the output voltage. 8. In the circuit shown below left, replace the circuit to the left of a-b by its Thevenin equivalent, and find V.
9. In the circuit shown above right, replace the circuit to the left of a-b by its Thevenin equivalent and find the steady-state value of v. 10. In the circuit shown below find the steady-state current i, if ig = 20 cost - 39 cos 2t + 18 cos 3t A