School Management

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 532
  • Pages: 72
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User Name / Password

Selection of Financial Year

Package is ready with Particular Financial year to use

The 1st Menu Items. Financial Year, Class Teacher, Class Subject, Designation, Instructional Plan, Syllabus, Leave.

The 1st Menu Items. New Financial Year Declaration.

The 1st Menu Items. Class Teacher Declaration.

The 1st Menu Items. Subject Declaration as per class.

The 1st Menu Items. Designation of School Staff

The 1st Menu Items. Institutional Plan for Financial Year.

The 1st Menu Items. Syllabus for Financial Year.

The 1st Menu Items. Leave Declaration for Financial Year.

The 2nd Menu Items. Employee Detail, Employee Attendance & Payroll

The 2nd Menu Items. Detail and Registration of Staff

The 2nd Menu Items. Staff Attendance.

The 2nd Menu Items. Loan Provision for staff.

The 2nd Menu Items. Loan Return from Staff

The 2nd Menu Items. Salary Calculation & Distributaries

The 2nd Menu Items. PF Declaration.

The 3rd Menu Items. Student Registration, Attendance, Assign Roll No / Class & TC

The 3rd Menu Items. Student Registration with Photograph & Medical Detail

The 3rd Menu Items. Student Registration family Detail

The 3rd Menu Items. Student Registration Academic Detail

The 3rd Menu Items. Assign Roll No. & Class

The 3rd Menu Items. Student Attendance

Permotation & Demotation of Particular Student

Provision of Transfer Certificate to the student

4th Menu Items Fee Master/ Structure & Transation

Fee Master

Fee Structure as per class

Fee Transaction

5th Menu Items Master Time Table, Class Time Table, Teacher Time Table, Class Free Time Period

Master Time Table for class with Class Wise & Teacher Wise

Class Time Table for student.

Teacher Time Table for Teacher

Time table for Principal / Administrator.

6th Menu Items

Examination Master / Class Exam Master, Student Marks, Report Card, Permotation.

Available exam type and new type declaration.

Class Exam & Subjects

Student Marks

Report Card

Permotation of pass students.


Item Menu

Student Group, Book Detail / Issue / Return .

8th Menu Items Item, Transaction, Purchase of different item for school

Item Declaration

Transfer of item to use.

Purchase of different Items.

9th Menu Items Vehicle Master, Transportation.

New Vehicle Registration with driver detail

Route chart as per student pick and drop point

10th Item Menu Account with Ledger & Voucher Create / Edit/ Delete / List

New Ledger Create.

Modify the Created Ledger

Delete the created Ledger

List of ledger create.

Voucher detail Create / Edit / Delete / List.

New Voucher Creation.

Modify the created voucher.

Delete the created voucher

List of voucher created.

11th Menu Items Book (Cash, Bank, Fee), Registers, Day Book, Ledger, Stock Status, Payment & Receipt Detail Statement of Accounts, Defaulter List, Late fine list, Fee Collection, Class / Teacher Time Table, Free Period, Admission & Withdrawal, Admission Register, TC Register, Transport & Construction.

Register ( Purchase / Sale / Journal (Purchase Return & Sale Return)

Day Book (All & To Date)

Ledger (All & To Name)

Statement of Account (Trail Balance / Income & Expenditure / Receipt & Payment / Balance Sheet.

Admission & Withdrawal (Part1 / Part 2)

Item Stock / Consumed / Work Done

Set Back Ground & Change the School Name.

Exit Of the Package.

Vikas Kumar +91-9811864528

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