Scheduled And Managed Browser Report

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A Minor Project submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (Session 2008-2009)

Guided By: Mr. Dinesh Rajput Mr. Neeraj Mehta

Submitted By: Pankaj Kumar Jha (0829cs061065) Saloni Khandelwal(0829cs061090) Sudhir Kumar (0829cs061109)

Department of Computer Science Sushila Devi Bansal College of Technology, Indore(M.P) Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (M.P.)


Recommendation The dissertation entitled “SCHEDULED AND MANAGED BROWSER” submitted by Pankaj Kumar Jha(0829cs061065), Saloni Khandelwal (0829cs061090), Sudhir Kumar(0829cs061109) a satisfactory account of the bonafide work done under our supervision is recommended towards the partial fulfillment for the award of the Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science) degree by Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal .


Project Guide: Mr. Dinesh Rajput Mr. Neeraj Mehta

Endorsed By: Mrs. Ruchi Vijaywargiya Head Of Department, Department of Computer Science

Sushila Devi Bansal College of Technology, Indore Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal.


Minor Project Approval Sheet

The Minor Project entitled “SCHEDULED AND MANAGED BROWSER” submitted by PANKAJ KUMAR JHA, SALONI KHANDELWAL, SUDHIR KUMAR is approved as partial fulfillment for the award of B.E.(Computer Science) degree by Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal.

Internal Examiner

External Examiner

Director Sushila Devi Bansal College of Technology,Indore. Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal.



I hereby declare that the work which is being presented in this project entitled “SCHEDULED AND MANAGED BROWSER” in partial fulfillment of degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science) is an authentic record of my own work carried out under the supervision and guidance of Mr. Dinesh Rajput and Mr. Neeraj Mehta. The matter embodied in this project has not been submitted for the award of any other degree. Signature Pankaj Kumar Jha (0829cs061065) Signature Saloni Khandelwal (0829cs061090) Signature Sudhir Kumar(0829cs061109)



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The whole process of developing the project has been quite an experience; a lot of new and interesting things helped me in making this Project a success. We are highly indebted to Mr. Dinesh Rajput and Mr. Neeraj Mehta for all the help they provided us throughout the project completion. They were closely involved during all stages of development, right from its inception implementation. We wish to express our heartiest and venerable regards to our H.O.D, Mrs. Ruchi Vijaywargia .We are highly indebted to respected madam for all the support that she has always provided for getting all the information for project. We are also expressing our gratitude to all the professors of S.D.B.C.T Institute for providing us valuable support and inspiration all through our B.E course. We are also thankful to the library staff of our Institute for their help and for providing books and information to us regarding this project. We express our profound gratitude to all friends who have made innumerable contribution affection and support for the completion of this project successfully and effectively.

Pankaj Kumar Jha (0829cs061065) Saloni Khandelwal(0829cs061090) Sudhir Kumar



Abstract of the project In the world of internet there are tremendous amount of websites that we visit daily.web browser plays an important role in e- world .web browser is a mean of surfing the website. we go through website for different purpose for different information .we have to mention the URL of desired location on browser and wait for response. We have to register in various sites for special facilities that are provided by the site administrator for the registered user. Just to rectify this problem we are developing this project.tis web browser maintain username and password of various site, future schedule, website visit management, import and export that in internet user mind. This project saves precious time of various internet users


Table of Contents Page No. Chapter-1 Introduction 1.1 Overview and issues involved 1.2 Problem definition 1.3 Proposed solution Chapter-2 Requirement Gathering 2.1 Software Requirements 2.2 Hardware Requirement 2.3 Use Case Model 2.4 Use Case Description Chapter-3 Analysis 3.1 Sequence Diagrams 3.2 Activity Diagrams 3.3 Class Diagram Chapter-4 Technology Selection Chapter-5 Architectural Diagram 5.1 Architectural design description Chapter-6 Detailed Design 6.1 Database Design 6.2 Interface Design 6.3 Snapshot Chapter- 7 Implementation Chapter- 8 Test Case Design 8.1 White Box Testing (Cyclomatic complexity) 8.2 Black Box Testing (Equivalence partioning / Interface testing) Chapter- 9 Future Scope & Limitations Chapter- 10 Conclusion Bibliography Appendix ( User Manual)


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1. Introduction 1.1 Overview and issues involved This software is developed for an organization which maintain various websites daily and for home internet users also. Scheduled and Managed Browser is user friendly, more secure and faster than other leading browsers available in market. Scheduled and Managed Browser maintain username and password of various web sites in encrypt form as well as profile import and export using XML. It manages alert and automatic browsing on time. Scheduled and Managed Browser provides facilities for fill registration forms, Credit card number, ATM Pin code easily and store them safely in database. Also user can view information and make changes when user wants. In Scheduled and Managed Browser, user can store their important future task in database with appropriate time and date. When the date and time occur browser gives an alert message to the user. Software shows how many websites already visited and to be visited as URL history and save important links of websites as Favorites.

1.2 Problem Definition The problem faced by various internet users is that how they manage password of various websites, future scheduler viewer which create lots of confusion and mismanagement, they have to manage their import and export profile with websites schedule management which is not possible in our daily busy schedule. They have to save their data in different files and folders this decrease the efficiency of the services and increase the workload of the users. The status of all the records is not updated regularly and it is time consuming for the internet user.

1.3 Proposed solution We are developing this software in order to solve the above problems faced by the various internet users. To store the password of various websites we use the concept of master password which uses cookies. Cookies are a temporary file which stores the password of site and the server registration ID number, when user open any website and click on submission button of registration form. By master password user can see their password with the registration ID of sites.


For future schedule viewer we use calendar and timer. Calendar is used to pickup the date, month and day. Timer is used for setting the time. By the help of these options user can easily pickup date and time for setting their future schedule. Through this software user can easily import and export their documents on various websites like jobseeker. This is done automatically using timer, by providing the link of that document and also the link of the website where user wants to export their file. To import documents user can provide site’s link and the path where they want to save the file. In Scheduled and Managed Browser we provide some important websites link like downloadable sites, social communities, educational sites and jobseeker sites. User can easily access through these sites directly and consume their valuable time.


2. Requirement Gathering 2.1 Software Requirements     

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Window 2000/XP/ Vista Window installer 3.5 .net 3.1 SP1 and above

2.2 Hardware Requirement    

Minimum 256 MB RAM Intel Pentium IV Processor and above Processor speed 1.71 GHz Internet Connection

2.3 Use case model A Use Case is a scenario that describes how software is to used in a given situation. Use case models the system from the user’s point of view Created during requirement analysis, Use case should achieve the following objective. To define the functional and operational requirement of system by defining a scenario of usage agreed upon by the user and software engineer. To provide a clear end unambiguous description of how the user and the system interact with one another. To provide a basis for validation testing, Use – Case is defined from an actor’s point of view. An actor is a role that user or devices play as they interact with the software.




Upload File

Download Files Guest


Future Scheduler Personal Information Website Links

Figure 2.3.1


2.4 Use Case Description A Use Case Diagram is a type of behavioral diagram defined by the UML and created from a Use Case analysis. It shows the system’s use cases as icons, and their relationships to other use cases and the actors of the system. It also displays the relationship among actors and use cases. The above Use Case Diagram consists of two actors –the Administrator, the Guest User and the Database. The administrator has the following choice of actions to perform:      

Choose a Browser option Upload Files Download files Use Future Scheduler Enter Personal Information Check important Website Links

The Guest User has the following action performing rights: 

Choose a Browser option

The Database can perform following actions: 

Check the list of Uploaded files

Check the list of Downloaded files

Check the Future Scheduling section

Check the Personal Information of the user


3. Analysis 3.1 Sequence Diagram





Login ID Password Exit

User Getting connected

Response () Giving commands

Response ()

Processing command

Response ()

fig 3.1.1




Activity Diagrams


Asking Login ID & Password



Display Main Page

Choose Options

Open Page Choosen

Use Corresponding Facilities

1.1 ClieServer 2. ient d


Fig 3.2.1


3.3 Class Diagram (Responsibilities)

Fig 3.3.1


Fig 3.3.2


4. Technology Selection Technology used is C# which is fully object oriented language like JAVA and is the first component based language. It has been designed to support key features of .NET Framework, the new development platform for building component-based software solutions. C# is designed for building robust, reliable and durable component to handle real world applications. C and C++ have been two most popular and most widely used language in software industry in past two decades. They provide programmers a tremendous amount of power and control for developing scientific, commercial and business applications. However this language suffers from number of shortcoming in meeting the emerging World Wide Web requirement standards. Some of the concerns are as follows:    

They are prone to costly programming errors. They are weak in consistency. The high complexity the language. They are not truly object oriented.

They are not suitable for working with new web technologies. Visual Basic, language promoted by Microsoft for overcoming these problems, also could not meet some of the requirements of World Wide Web.JAVA a language derived from C,C++ family ,however is not truly object oriented and has been widely used in last five years. Unfortunately, JAVA has not retained some powerful C++ features such as operator overloading. It also lacks inter-operability with code developed in other languages. So we make use of C#, a simple and modern language that directly addresses the needs of component-based software development.


5. Architectural Design 5.1 Architectural Design Description Architectural Design represents the structure of data and program components that are required to build a computer-based system. Architectural Design begins with data design and then proceeds to the derivation of one or more representations of the architectural structure of the system which comprises software components, the externally visible properties of those components and the relationship among them. Architecture is not optional software; rather it is a representation that enables a software engineer to  Analyze the effectiveness of the design in making its stated requirements. 

Consider architectural alternatives at a stage when making design changes is still relatively easy.

Reduce the risk associated with the construction of the software.


6. Detailed Design 6.1. Database Design Microsoft SQL Server data is stored in Database. The data in a database is organized into the logical components visible to users. A database is also physically implemented as two or more files on disk. When using a database, you work primarily with the logical components such as tables, views, procedures and users. The physical implementation of files is largely transparent. Typically, only the database administrator needs to work with the physical implementation. Each instance of SQL Server has four system databases (masters, model, tempdb, and msdb) and one or more user database. Some organizations have only one user database, containing all the database for their organization. Some organizations have different databases for each group in their organization, and sometimes a database used by a single application. For example, an organization could have one database for recording uploaded documents, one to maintain downloaded documents and so on. Sometimes, an application uses only one database, other applications may access several databases. When connecting to an instance of SQL Server your connection is associated with a particular database on the server. This database is called the Current Database. You are usually connected to a database defined as your default database by the system administrator. SQL Server allows you to detach databases from an instance of SQL Server, then reattach them to another instance, or even attach the database back to the same instance. If you have a SQL Server database file, you can tell SQL Server when you connect to attach that database file with a specific database name.

6.2 Interface Design Interface Design focuses on three areas of concern:   

The design of interfaces between software components. The design of interfaces between the software and other non-human producers and consumers of information. The design of the interface between a human and the computer.

User interface design creates an effective communication medium between a human and a computer following a set of interface design principles, design identities interface objects and actions and then creates a screen layout that forms the basis for a user interface prototype. A software engineer designs the user interface by applying an iterative process that draws on predefined design principles. It begins with the identification of user, task, and environment requirements.


The golden rules for the interface design: a) Place the user control   

Provide for flexible interaction. Hide technical internals from the casual user. Allow user interaction to be interruptible and undoable. Streamlined interaction as skills level advance and allow the interaction to be customized. Design for direct interaction with objects that appear in the screen.

b) Reduce the user’s memory load    

Reduce demand on short term memory. Establish meaningful defaults. Disclose information in a progressive fashion Defined shortcuts that is intuitive. The visual layout of the interface should be based on a real world metaphor.

c) Make the interface consistent  

Allow the user to put the current task into a meaningful context. Maintain consistency across a family of application.

Human Machine Interface Design RulesAs the design of a user interface evolves, four common design issues always surface:  Response time.  Help facilities.  Information handling.  Command labeling.


6.3 Snapshot

Fig. 6.3.1 (Starting Login page)


Fig 6.3.2 (Main Page)


Fig 6.3.3 (Choosing browser option)


Fig 6.3.4 (Display Browser)


Fig 6.3.5 (Choosing Future Scheduler)


Fig 6.3.6 (Display Future Scheduler)


Fig 6.3.7 (Choosing Website Links)


Fig 6.3.8 (Display Links)


7. Implementation 

This software will make internet surfing much easier.

To maintain information of every individual involved in the process from customer to employee of a company.

To provide facility to set their future schedule and import and export their important files and documents.


8. Testing Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate reviews of specification, design and coding. Testing is concerned with uncovering of the system error.

8.1 Objective of Testing The objectives of testing are:   

Testing is done with intent of finding an error. A good test case is one that has high probability of finding an uncovered error. Testing is done in order to check the various control flow of system.

8.1.1 White Box Testing

Each and every module of the project has been tested sufficiently by applying various test cases. The testing has been carried out in following categories:   

Condition Testing. Data Flow Testing. Loop Testing

. 8.1.2 Black Box Testing This testing focuses on the functional requirements of the project. The project has been sufficiently gone through the tests discovering following: Interface errors   

Errors in Data Structures Performance Errors Initialization and Termination Errors

8.1.3 Result Set Tester’s will find the bugs during testing and edit the bug’s related information on the data base and last they will send a message (which contains developer email address and Bug Id) to the developer within the intranet. Developer will provide the solution regarding bugs and edit the solution in the data base, which we can use in future for removing bugs from our developing application. Administrator will perform following task: Edit / Delete / modify the information of tester and developer which will work on application. 30

9. Future Scope and Limitations Advantages: 

User will have unique ID and password.

Administrator can get full access to database via his/her unique ID and password.

User friendly environment.

No plug-in is required.

Future Scope: 

In future we will provide the Download Management facility where user will be able to download large sized data files with resume facilities.

We will also provide the encryption facility where the data can be encrypted and uploaded.

Limitation: 

.NET Framework should be compulsorily installed.

It needs at least 256MB RAM to be installed.

It also requires Windows Installer 3.1

Pentium IV and above processors are also necessary.



10. Conclusion Conclusion is that this project is very helpful for the internet users and it will successfully fulfill all requirements of internet users, in short it will be adopted by users and user will achieve our goal which it committed. 

After going through the integrated development environment thoroughly, the problem identified under the scope of development was finalized.

The goal was identified and the scope of solution was defined. A successful system analysis has been documented.

The software developed to provide very relevant work for user in very short time. The project has efficiency.

Our software is user friendly. Any person who has knowledge of the process can use the software. It is also easy to maintain. This project satisfies all validity constraints, which we applied. At last, we find that our project is running successfully.


Bibliography We referred to the following web addresses:    

Documents referred: 

Documents related to IEEE standards

Books referred:   

Beginning of XML by Wrox Beginning of Visual C#-2005 by Wrox Professionals of Visual C#-2005 by Wrox


Appendices User Manual User manual is the important factor to be understood by the user. This denoted how much your system is user-friendly as well as Driver to easily implement the basic utility of the system. User can execute this system by using the following mention manuals as mention above. Here we explain the user manual. 

From this user manual user can learn system and easily operate.

The user enters in the project through the Ctrl+F5 to execute on .net framework.

User manual makes the project easier to implement the web browser to enhance product.

We made the project as much as user friendly as well as event driver to easily understand to user to get it to use.

Non technical user easily interacts and run its usage.


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