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| C







| C





| |

| Spreadsheet Calculator (V6.1) Command Summary




|--------------------------------------------------------------| | ^To

Toggle options. Toggle one option selected by o:


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | a

|Recalculate automatically or on ``@'' commands |

| c

|Current cell highlighting enable/disable


| e

|External function execution enable/disable


| n

|If enabled, a digit starts a numeric value


| t

|Top line display enable/disable


| x

|Encrypt/decrypt database and listing files


| $

|Dollar prescale. Multiply constants by 0.01


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | S

Set options.

Options include:


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | byrows

|Recalculate in row order


| bycols

|Recalculate in column order

| iterations=n |Set the number of iterations allowed | tblstyle=xx

| | (10)


|Set ``T'' output style to 0, tex, latex, or tbl|


| Cell cursor movement (always OK)


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | ^N ^P ^B ^F

|Down, up, back, forward


| ^Ed

|Go to end of range in direction such as ^P or j|

| Arrow keys

|(if the terminal and termcap support them)


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Cell cursor movement (if no prompt active)


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | j k l h

|Down, up, right, left





| ^H




|Forward, otherwise starts/ends a range


| ^

|Up to row 0 of the current column


| #

|Down to the last valid row of current column


| 0

|Back to column A.


| $

|Forward to the last valid column of current row|

| b

|Back then up to the previous valid cell


| w

|Forward then down to the next valid cell


| g

|Go to cell name, range, quoted string, number


Use ^U0 if numeric mode

|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Cell entry and editing commands


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | =

|Enter a numeric constant or expression


| <

|Enter a left justified string/expression


| >

|Enter a right justified string/expression


| e

|Edit the current cell's numeric value


| E

|Edit the current cell's string part


| x

|Clear the current cell


| c

|Copy the last marked cell to the current cell


| m

|Mark a cell to be used as the source for ``c'' |

| +

|Increment numeric part


| -

|Decrement numeric part


| In numeric mode, 0-9, +, -, . start new constant/expression


|--------------------------------------------------------------| |Written by

Andrew Yeomans



Crosfield Electronics Limited



Three Cherry Trees Lane



Hemel Hempstead



Hertfordshire HP2 7RH








Tel +44-442-230000


| |


July 1989






Copyright (C) A.J.V.Yeomans 1989|

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| File commands


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | G

|Get a new database from a file


| M

|Merge a new file into the current database


| P

|Put the current database into a file


| W

|Write a listing to file in screen format


| T

|Write a listing to file, with delimiters and



|optionally control lines for tbl, LaTeX, TeX





| If encryption mode set, file I/O will be encrypted/decrypted.| | "| program" for file name pipes P, W, T output to program.


| Cell name for file name uses cell's string part as file name.| |--------------------------------------------------------------| | Row and column commands


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | ir, ic

|Insert a new, empty row/column


| ar, ac

|Append a new copy of the current row/column


| dr, dc

|Delete the current row/column


| pr, pc, pm

|Pull deleted cells back into the spreadsheet



|Insert rows, columns or merge the cells


| vr, vc

|Remove expressions (not values) from row/column|

| zr, zc

|Hide (zap) the current row/column


| sr, sc

|Show hidden rows/columns


| f width frac |Set the output format. A preceding count can be| |

|used to change more than one column





| Commands which move or copy cells modify the row and column


| references in new cell expressions unless fixed or $ used.


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Range commands


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | /x

|Clear a range


| /v

|Remove expressions from range, leaving values


| /c

|Copy a source range to a destination range


| /f

|Fill range with constant incrementing values


| /d

|Assign a name to a cell or a range of cells


| /s

|Shows the currently defined range names


| /u

|Undefine a previously defined range name





| A range is a rectangular region defined by the upper left and| | lower right cells e.g. a20:k52 or a named range (/d)


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Miscellaneous commands


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Q q ^C

|Exit from the program


| ^G ESC

|Abort entry of the current command


| ?



| !

|Shell escape. !! repeats last command


| ^L

|Redraw the screen


| ^R

|Redraw the screen. Highlight value cells


| ^X

|Redraw the screen. Show formulas, not values


| @

|Recalculate the spreadsheet


| ^V

|Type the name of the current cell


| ^W

|Type the current cell's expression


| ^A

|Type the current cell's numeric value



|Starts or stops display of the default range


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Variable names


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | K20

|Row and column can vary on copies


| $K$20

|Row and column stay fixed on copies


| $K20

|Row can vary; column stays fixed on copies


| K$20

|Row stays fixed; column can vary on copies


| fixed

|holds following expession fixed on copies


| Cells and ranges can be given a symbolic name with /d


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Expressions


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | -e


| e<=e

|Less than or equal


| e+e


| e=e



| e-e


| e!=e

|Not Equal


| e*e


| e>=e

|Greater than or equal


| e/e


| e>e

|Greater than


| e%e


| e<e

|Less than


| e^e


| e&e

|Boolean operator AND


| e?e1:e2|If e non-zero then

| e|e

|Boolean operator OR



| ~e

|Boolean operator NOT


|e1, otherwise e2

| Terms may be constants, variables, parenthesized expressions.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Range functions


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | @sum(r)

|Sum all valid cells in the range


| @prod(r)

|Multiply together all valid cells in the range |

| @avg(r)

|Average all valid cells in range


| @max(r)

|Return the maximum value in the range


| @min(r)

|Return the minimum value in the range



|See also the numeric versions of max and min


| @stddev(r)

|Return the sample standard deviation of range


| @index(e,r)

|Return value of cell at index e into range r


| @stindex(e,r)|Return string value of cell at index e into r


| @lookup(e,r) |Search range r for a value e, return next row



|same column if range was a single row, or next |


|column and same row if range was single column.|

|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Numeric functions


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | @atan2(e1,e2)

|Arc tangent of e1/e2


| @ceil(e)

|Smallest integer not less than e


| @eqs(se1,se2)

|1 if string expr se1 = se2, else 0


| @exp(e)

|Exponential function of e


| @fabs(e)

|Absolute value of e


| @floor(e)

|The largest integer not greater than e |

| @hypot(x,y)



| @max(e1,e2,...)

|The maximum of the values of the e's


| @min(e1,e2,...)

|The minimum of the values of the e's


| @nval(se,e)

|Return numeric value of named cell at



|row given by se, column given by e


| pi

|A constant quite close to pi


| @pow(e1,e2)

|e1 raised to the power of e2


| @rnd(e)

|Round e to the nearest integer


| @sqrt(e)

|Square root of e


| @ston(se)

|Convert string expr se to a numeric


| @ln(e)


|Natural/base 10 logarithm of e


| @dtr(e)


|Convert degrees to/from radians


| @cos(e)


|Cosine/inverse cosine using radians


| @sin(e)


|Sine/inverse sine using radians


| @tan(e)


|Tangent/inverse tangent using radians


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | String functions


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | #

|Concatenate strings


| @substr(se,e1,e2)

|Extract characters e1-e2 from se


| @fmt(se,e)

|Convert e to a string using sprintf(3) |

| @sval(se,e)

|Return string value of named cell at



|row given by se, column given by e


| @ext(se,e)

|Call external program/script se with



|argument e (converted to string).



|Returns first line output as a string


| String expressions are made from constant strings (characters| | surrounded by quotes), variables, and string functions.


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Financial functions


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | @pmt(e1,e2,e3)

|@pmt(60000,.01,360) computes monthly



|payments for $60000 mortgage, 12%/year |


|interest (.01/month) for 360 months

| @fv(e1,e2,e3)

|@fv(100,.005,36) computes future value |


|of 36 monthly payments of $100 at



|6% per year interest (.005 per month)


| @pv(e1,e2,e3)

|@pv(1000,.015,36) computes present



|value of ordinary annuity of 36 monthly|


|payments of $1000 at 18%/year interest |


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | Time and date functions


|--------------------------------------------------------------| | @now

|Return current time in seconds since



|00:00 January 1, 1970 GMT





| All of the following take an argument expressed in seconds:


| @date(e)

|Convert the time to 24 character date


|string e.g. 'Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973' |

| @year(e)

|Return the year

| @month(e)

|Return the month: 1 (Jan) to 12 (Dec)


| @day(e)

|Return the day of the month: 1 to 31


| @hour(e)

|Return the hour: 0 to 23


| @minute(e)

|Return the minutes: 0 to 59


| @second(e)

|Return the seconds: 0 to 59


(From 1970)

| |


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