Sbi Clerk Model Question

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SBI CLERK MODEL QUESTION NUMERICAL ABILITY TEST 1. Sum of smallest six digit no. and greatest five digit no. is: a. 199999 b. 201110 c. 211110 d. 1099999 e. None of these 2. Value of 112 * 54. is : a. 6700 b. 70000 c. 76500 d. 77200 e. None of these 3. 1399*1399 a. 1687401 b. 1901541 c. 1943211 d. 1957201 e. None of these 4. When a no. is multiplied by 13 product consist of all 5’s. The smallest such no. s a. 41625 b. 42135 c. 42515 d. 42735 e. None of these 5. If n is –ve no. then which of the following is least. a. 0 b. –n c. 2n d. n2 None of these 6. If -1<=x <=2 and 1<= y <= 3 then least value of 2y-3x is : a. 0 b. -3 c. -4 d. -5 e. None of these e. None of these 7. The least prime no. is : a. 0 b. 1

c. 2 d. 3 e. None of these 8. The sum of prime no.’s b/w 60 and 75 is: a. 199 b. 201 c. 211 d. 272 e. None of these 9. Total no. of even prime no.’s is : a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. None e. None of these 10. How many No’s B/w 400 and 600 begin with or end with digit 5. a. 40 b. 100 c. 110 d. 120 e. None of these 11. The digit in unit’s place of product 81*82……..*89 is: a. 0 b. 2 c. 6 d. 8 e. None of these 12. The sum of first 45 natural no’s is : a. 1035 b. 1280 c. 2070 d. 2140 e. None of these 13. The unit’s digit in the product of 771 * 659 * 3 65 is : a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 6 e. None of these 14. Which no. is exactly divisible by 11 a. 235641 b. 245642 c. 315624 d. 415624 e. None of these 15. The largest natural no. which exactly divides the product of any 4 consecutive atural

no’s is: a. 6 b. 12 c. 24 d. 120 e. None of these 16. The diff. b/w squares of 2 consecutive odd integers is always divisible by: a. 3 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 e. None of these 17. The smallest no. to be added to 1000 so that 45 divides the sum exactly is : a. 10 b. 20 c. 35 d. 80 e. None of these 18. The least no. which must be subtracted from 6709 to make it exactly divisible y 9 is : a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 e. None of these 19. Find the no. nearest to 99547 and exactly divisible by 687: a. 98928 b. 99479 c. 99615 d. 100166 e. None of these 20. The least no. by which 72 must be multiplied in order to produce a multiple of 12 is a. 6 b. 12 c. 14 d. 18 e. None of these 21. Which largest no. of 5 digits is divisible by 99: a. 99909 b. 99981 c. 99990 d. 99999 e. None of these 22. A no. when divided by 114 leaves the remainder 21 if same no. is divided by 19 he remainder will be a. 1 b. 2

c. 7 d. 21 e. None of these 23. The diff. b/w 2 no’s is 1365 when larger no. is divided by smaller the quotient s 6 and the remainder is 15. The smaller no. is : a. 240 b. 270 c. 295 d. 360 e. None of these 24. The divisor is 10 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder if remainder is 6 then dividend is : a. 4236 b. 4306 c. 4336 d. 5336 e. None of these 25. A four digit no. divisible by 7 becomes divisible by 3 when 10 is added to it the argest such no. is : a. 9947 b. 9987 c. 9989 d. 9996 e. None of these

ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATION : 1) a 2) 1120000/16 = b 3) (1400-1)*(1400-1) = d 4) 555555/13 = d 5)c 6)c 7)c 8)d 9)b 10)c 11)a 12)a 13)c 14)d 15)c 16)d 17)a 18)c 19)c 20)c 21)c 22)d 23)b 24)d 25)b Labels: SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY 0 comments

SBI CLERK MODEL PAPER NUMERICAL ABILITY Posted by Free Exam Original Paper Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 5:14 AM


1. Let R = qs—4. When s=8, R=16. When s=10, R is equal to a. 11 b. 14 c. 20 d. 21 Answer-d 2.

Answer d 3. If 272/3 × 81-1/2 = 3x, the value of x is a. -1 b. 0 c. 1 d. 2 Answer -b 4. 0.333 .... × 0.444 .... is equal to a. 0.148148148 .... b. 0.777 .... c. 0.121212 .... d. 1.333 .... Answer-a 5.

Answer-d 6.



Answer-c 8.

Answer-c 9. On converting the following base-2 numeral in base ten, 1101101, we get a. 96 b. 104 c. 108 d. 109 Answer-d 10. The number of prime factors of (6)10×(7)17×(55)27 a. 54 b. 64 c. 81 d. 91 Answer-d 11. A train crosses a pole in 15 seconds, while it crosses 100 meter long platform in 25 seconds. The length of the train is a. 125m b. 135 m c. 159 m d. 175 m Answer-c 12.Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 12 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. If both the taps are opened simultaneously and the tap A is closed after 3 minutes, then how much more time will it take to fill the tank by tap B? a. 7 min & 15 sec b. 7 min & 45 sec c. 8 min & 5 sec d. 8 min & 15 sec Answer-d 13. The milk and water in two vessels A and B are in the ratio 4:3 and 2:3 respectively. In what ratio, the liquids be mixed in both the vessels so that the new liquid contains half milk and half water? a. 7:5 b. 1:2 c. 2:1 d. 6:5 Answer-a

14.A car covers a distance of 715 km at a constant speed. If the speed of the car would have been 10 km/hr more, then it would have taken 2 hours less to cover the same distance. What is the original speed of the car? a. 45 km/hr b. 50 km/hr c. 55 km/hr d. 65 km/hr Answer-c 15.A is 50% as efficient as B. C does half of the work done by A and B together. If C alone does the work in 40 days, then A, B and C together can do the work in Answer-a 16. A person covered some distance in 12 hours. He covered half the distance by rail @ 75 km per hour and the rest by car @ 45 km/hr. The total distance covered by him was a. 450 km b. 675 km c. 337.5 km d. 1350 km Answer-b 17. A sum of Rs. 427 is to be divided among A, B and C in such a way that 3 times A's share, 4 times B's share and 7 times C's share are all equal. The share of C is a. Rs. 84 b. Rs. 147 c. Rs. 196 d. Rs. 240 Answer-a 18. A and B entered into a partnership investing Rs. 12000 and Rs. 9000 respectively. After 3 months C also joined them with a capital of Rs. 15000. The share of C in the half yearly profit of Rs. 9500 is a. Rs. 3500 b. Rs. 3000 c. Rs. 2500 d. Rs. 4000 Answer-c 19.A can do a piece of work in 12 days and B can do it in 18 days. They started the work together but A left 3 days before the completion of the work. The total number of days to complete the work is

Answer-b 20.The ratio of income of A and B is 5:4 and their expenditure is as 3:2. If at the end of the year, each saves Rs. 800, then the income of A is a. Rs. 1700 b. Rs. 1800 c. Rs. 2000

d. Rs. 2200 Answer-c 21.A and B can together finish a work in 30 days. They worked at it for 10 days together and then B left. The remaining work was done by A alone in 30 more days. B alone can finish the work in a. 48 days b. 60 days c. 75 days d. 90 days Answer-d 22.The ratio between the curved surface area and the total surface area of a right circular cylinder is 1:2. If the total surface is 616 sq. cm, the volume of the cylinder is a. 1848 cm3 b. 1232 cm3 c. 1078 cm3 d. 980 cm3 Answer-c 23.A circular wire of radius 42 cm is cut and bent in the form of a rectangle whose sides are in the ratio of 6 : 5. The smaller side of the rectangle is a. 30 cm b. 60 cm c. 72 cm d. 108 cm Answer-b 24.A man walking at the rate of 6km per hour crosses a square field diagonally in 9 seconds. The area of the field isa. 125 sq. cm b. 112.5 sq. cm c. 110 sq. cm d. 100√2 sq. m Answer-b 25.A rectangular carpet has an area of 240 sq. cm. If its diagonal and the longer side are together equal to five times the shorter side, the length of the carpet is a. 10 cm b. 24 cm c. 26 cm d. 27.5 cm Answer-b 26.The ratio of 435 : 25 is same as a. 4 : 1 b. 2 :1 c. 7 : 5 d. 7 :10 Answer-a 27. A sphere and a cube have equal surface areas. The ratio of the volume of the sphere to

that of the cube is a. √π : √6 b. √π : √6 c. √π : √3 d. √6 : √π Answer-d 28.The marked price of a table is Rs. 3000 and is available at successive discounts of 20% and 10% respectively. If there is an additional discount of 5% on cash payment, then what is the cash price of the table? a. Rs. 2400 b. Rs. 2160 c. Rs. 2100 d. Rs. 2052 Answer-d 29.A trader marks his goods 25% above the C.P. but discounts 15% on the marked price. His gain percent in the deal is-

Answer-b 30. A certain sum becomes Rs. 5290 in 2 years and Rs. 6083.50 in 3 years at C.I. The rate of interest per annum is a. 10% b. 12% c. 15% d. 16⅔ % Answer-c 31.A person borrowed Rs. 500@ 3% per annum S.I and Rs. 600 @4½% per annum on the agreement that the whole amount will be returned only when the total interest becomes Rs. 126. The number of years, after which the borrowed sum is to be returned, is a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 Answer-b 32.A sum of Rs. 12,000 doubles in 5 years at C.I. What will be the amount after 20 years? a. Rs. 1,20,000 b. Rs. 1,92,000 c. Rs. 1,24,000 d. Rs. 96,000 Answer-b 33. A person sold 320 mangoes for the C.P. of 400 mangoes. His gain percent is a. 10% b. 15% c. 12½%

d. 25% Answer-d 34.On selling each of the rwo radios for Rs. 5000, a person neither gained nor lost. If he had sold one radio at 25% gain, then at what percent loss did he sell the other radio?

Answer-a 35. A person bought some oranges @ Rs. 10 per dozen and bought the same amount of oranges @ Rs. 8 per dozen. He sold these oranges @ Rs. 11 per dozen and gained Rs. 120. The total number of oranges bought by him was a. 30 dozen b. 40 dozen c. 50 dozen d. 60 dozen Answer-d 36.On selling a certain commodity for Rs. 425, there is as much gain as loss on selling it for Rs. 355. The C.P. of the commodity is a. Rs. 370 b. Rs. 385 c. Rs. 390 d. Rs. 400 Answer-c 37.A sum of Rs. 800 amounts to Rs. 920 in three years at S.I. If the rate of interest is increased by 5% then the amount will increase to a. Rs. 950 b. Rs. 980 c. Rs. 1010 d. Rs. 1040 Answer-d 38.Of the three numbers, second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the average of the three numbers is 44, the largest number is a. 24 b. 36 c. 17 d. 72 Answer-d 39.A house owner wants to get his house painted. He is told that this would require 25 kg of paint. Allowing for 15% wastage and assuming that the paint is available in 2kg tins, the number of tins required for painting the house is a. 15 b. 12 c. 10 d. 20 Answer-a 40.Price of food grains have risen by 10% and of other items of consumption by 15%. If the ratio of an employee's expenditure on food grains and other items is 2:5, by how

much should his salary be increased so that he may maintain the same level of consumption as before, assuming that his present salary is Rs. 3500? a. Rs. 300 b. Rs. 350 c. Rs. 375 d. Rs. 475 Answer-d Labels: BANK PO NUMERICAL ABILITY, SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY 0 comments

SBI BANK CLERK 2008 SOLVED PAPER Posted by Free Exam Original Paper Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 3:27 AM

State Bank of India Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam 2008 Solved Paper (HELD ON 06-01-2008) Quantitative Aptitude Directions—(Q. 81–90) What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions ? 81. (8.2% of 365) – (1.75% of 108) = ? (A) 16.02 (B) 28.04 (C) 42.34 (D) 53.76 (E) None of these 82. [(135)2 ÷ 15 ´ 32] ÷ ? = 45 ´ 24 (A) 18 (B) 24 (C) 36 (D) 44 (E) None of these 83. (96)2 + (63)2 = (?)2 – (111)2 – 8350 (A) 33856 (B) 30276 (C) 174 (D) 184 (E) None of these 84. 4368 + 2158 – 596 – ? = 3421 + 1262 (A) 1066 (B) 1174 (C) 1247 (D) 1387 (E) None of these 85. 2172 ÷ ? = 1832 – 956 – 514 (A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 12 (E) None of these

86. 666.06 + 66.60 + 0.66 + 6.06 + 6 + 60 = ? (A) 819.56 (B) 805.38 (C) 826.44 (D) 798.62 (E) None of these 87. 15.594 – 4.312 – 3.517 – 1.689 = ? (A) 6.706 (B) 6.760 (C) 6.670 (D) 6.607 (E) None of these 88. 205 ´ ? ´ 13 = 33625 + 25005 (A) 22 (B) 27 (C) 33 (D) 39 (E) None of these 89. 69 ÷ 3 ´ 0.85 + 14.5 – 3 = ? (A) 36.45 (B) 23.85 (C) 42.95 (D) 18.65 (E) None of these 90. (10)24 ´ (10)– 21 = ? (A) 3 (B) 10 (C) 100 (D) 1000 (E) None of these Directions—(Q. 91–95) What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series ? 91. 12 6.5 7.5 12.75 27.5 71.25 ? (A) 225.75 (B) 216.75 (C) 209.75 (D) 236.75 (E) 249.75 92. 16 24 36 54 81 121.5 ? (A) 182.25 (B) 174.85 (C) 190.65 (D) 166.55 (E) 158.95 93. 12 12 18 45 180 1170 ? (A) 13485 (B) 14675 (C) 15890 (D) 16756 (E) 12285 94. 22 23 27 36 52 77 ? (A) 111 (B) 109 (C) 113 (D) 117 (E) 115 95. 16 14 24 66 256 1270 ? (A) 8564 (B) 5672 (C) 4561 (D) 7608 (E) 6340 Directions—(Q. 96–100) Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow— Number of Boys and Girls in Five Streams of a College Over the Years STREAMS

YEAR Arts Science Commerce Management IT Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 2002 556 414 619 505 668 612 770 633 670 515 2003 763 608 793 612 781 616 667 439 866 722 2004 672 519 540 516 859 713 778 727 781 619 2005 809 602 928 908 870 811 849 729 977 817 2006 745 510 884 820 967 819 562 938 990 808 2007 698 413 765 616 571 515 1288 1016 1151 1010 96. What is the total number of Boys, for all the Streams together, in the year 2004 ? (A) 4148 (B) 3630 (C) 4433 (D) 3247 (E) None of these 97. The number of Boys in Arts Stream in the year 2004 is approximately what per cent of the total number of Boys for all the years together in Arts Stream ? (A) 27 (B) 34 (C) 08 (D) 39 (E) 16 98. What is the ratio of the total number of Boys to the total number of Girls, from all the Stream together, for the year 2007 ? (A) 2 : 3 (B) 14 : 13 (C) 52 : 49 (D) 213 : 170 (E) None of these 99. What is the ratio of the total number of Boys to the total number of Girls in the Manage-ment Stream for all the years together ? (A) 9 : 8 (B) 71 : 86 (C) 91 : 83 (D) 27 : 23 (E) None of these 100. What is the average number of Girls from Commerce Stream for the given years ? (A) 681 (B) 675 (C) 618 (D) 657 (E) None of these Directions—(Q. 101–105) What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions ? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.) 101. (935.82)2 = ? (A) 870000 (B) 867500 (C) 888800 (D) 875800 (E) 899800 102. 628.306 + 6.1325 ´ 44.0268 = ? (A) 820 (B) 970 (C) 1050 (D) 1175 (E) 900 103. (739% of 383) ÷ 628 = ? (A) 10.00 (B) 4.50 (C) 15.75 (D) 19.25 (E) 24.15 104. (9795 + 7621 + 938) ÷ (541 + 831 + 496) = ?

(A) 9 (B) 13 (C) 17 (D) 23 (E) 29 105. 814296 ´ 36 = ? ´ 96324 (A) 326 (B) 272 (C) 304 (D) 358 (E) 260 Directions—(Q. 106–110) Study the infor-mation carefully to answer the following questions— In an organization consisting of 750 emp-loyees, the ratio of Males to Females is 8 : 7 respectively. All the employees work in five different departments viz. HR, Management, PR, IT and Recruitment. 16 per cent of the Females work in Management Department. 32 per cent of Males are in HR Department. One–fifth of the Females are in the Department of Recruitment. The ratio of Males to Females in the Management Department is 3 : 2 respectively. 20 per cent of the total number of employees are in PR Department. Females working in Recruitment are 50 per cent of the Males working in the same Department. 8 per cent of the Males are in IT Department. The remaining Males are in PR Department. 22 per cent of the Females work in HR Department and the remaining Females are working in IT Department. 106. What is the total number of Females working in the IT and Recruitment Department together ? (A) 147 (B) 83 (C) 126 (D) 45 (E) None of these 107. What is the number of Females working in the HR Department ? (A) 77 (B) 70 (C) 56 (D) 134 (E) None of these 108. Number of Males working in HR Depart-ment from approximately what per cent of total number of the employees in the Organization ? (A) 20 (B) 28 (C) 32 (D) 9 (E) 17 109. Number of Males working in PD Department forms what per cent of the number of Females working in the same Department ? (rounded off two digits after decimal) (A) 22.98 (B) 16.68 (C) 11.94 (D) 6.79 (E) 27.86 110. What is the total number of employees working in the Management Department ? (A) 128 (B) 77 (C) 210 (D) 140 (E) None of these 111. The simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 19,800. At the end of three years is Rs. 7,128. What would be the compound interest accrued on the same amount at the same rate in the same period ? (A) Rs. 8934.6784

(B) Rs. 8017.5744 (C) Rs. 7861.8754 (D) Cannot be determined (E) None of these 112. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 400% and the denominator is increased by 500%, the resultant fraction is 1021 . What was the original fraction ? (A) 512 (B) 813 (C) 1714 (D) 47 (E) None of these 113. What is 26% of 55% of 1013 th of 6100 ? (A) 617 (B) 681 (C) 706 (D) 734 (E) None of these 114. The ages of Aarzoo and Arnav are in the ratio of 11 : 13 respectively. After 7 years the ratio of their ages will be 20 : 23. What is the difference in years between their ages ? (A) 4 years (B) 7 years (C) 6 years (D) 5 years (E) None of these 115. One-eighth of a number is 17.25. What will 73% of that number be ? (A) 100.74 (B) 138.00 (C) 96.42 (D) 82.66 (E) None of these Direction—(Q. 116–120) Study the graph carefully to answer the questions that follow— Number of Girls Enrolled in Different Hobby Classes in Various Institutes in a Year 116. What is the respective ratio of total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting in the Institutes A and C together to those Enrolled in Stitching in the Institutes D and E together ? (A) 5 : 4 (B) 5 : 7 (C) 16 : 23 (D) 9 : 8 (E) None of these 117. Number of Girls Enrolled in Stitching in Institute B forms approximately what per cent of the total number of Girls Enrolled in Stitching in all the Institutes together ? (A) 29 (B) 21 (C) 33 (D) 37 (E) 45 118. What is the respective ratio of total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting, Stitching and Dancing from all the Institutes together ? (A) 44 : 48 : 47 (B) 43 : 47 : 48 (C) 44 : 47 : 48 (D) 47 : 48 : 44 (E) None of these 119. Number of Girls Enrolled in Dancing in Institute A forms what per cent of total number of Girls Enrolled in all the Hobby Classes together in that Institute ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal) (A) 23.87 (B) 17.76 (C) 31.23 (D) 33.97 (E) 20.69

120. What is the total number of Girls Enrolled in Painting from all the Institutes together ? (A) 1150 (B) 1200 (C) 1275 (D) 1100 (E) None of these

Answers with Explanation : 81. (B) ? = (8·2% of 365) – (1·75% of 108) = 365 ´ – 108 ´ = 29·93 – 1·89 = 28.04 Ans. 82. (C) ? = [(135)2 ÷ 15 ´ 32] ÷ (24 ´ 45) = ÷ (1080) = = 36 Ans. 83. (D) ?2 = (96)2 + (63)2 + (111)2 + 8350 = 9216 + 3969 + 12321 + 8350 = 33856 = (184)2 ? = 184 Ans. 84. (C) ? = 4368 + 2158 – 596 – 3421 – 1262 = 6526 – 5279 = 1247 Ans. 85. (A) 2172 ÷ ? = 1832 – 956 – 514 \?== = 6 Ans. 86. (B) ? = 666·06 + 66·60 + 0·66 + 6·06 + 6 + 60 = 805·56 Ans. 87. (E) ? = 15·594 – 4·312 – 3·517 – 1·689 = 15·594 – 9·518 = 6·076 Ans. 88. (A) ? = = = 22 Ans. 89. (E) ? = 69 ÷ 3 ´ 0·85 + 14·5 – 3 = 23 ´ 0·85 + 14·5 – 3 = 19·55 + 14·50 – 3 = 34·05 – 3 = 31·05 Ans. 90. (D) ? = (10)24 ´ (10)– 21 = (10)24 – 21 = (10)3 = 1000 Ans. 91. (B) 92. (A) 93. (E) 94. (C) 95. (D) 96. (B) Total no. of boys for all streams in 2004 = 672 + 540 + 859 + 778 + 781 = 3630 Ans. 97. (E) Reqd. Percentage

=% = % = 15·84% 16% (Approximate) Ans. 98. (D) Reqd. Ratio = (698 + 765 + 571 + 1288 + 1151) : (413 + 616 + 515 + 1016 + 1010) = (4473) : (3570) = = 213 : 170 Ans. 99. (C) Reqd. Ratio = (770 + 667 + 778 + 849 + 562 + 1288) : (633 + 439 + 727 + 729 + 938 + 1016) = (4914) : (4482) = (91 ´ 54) : (83 ´ 54) = 91 : 83 Ans. 100. (A) Average number of girls from Commerce Stream for the given years = = = 681 Ans. 101. (d) ? = (935·82)2 = 875759·0724 875800 (Approximate) Ans. 102. (E) ? = 628·306 + 6·1325 ´ 44·0268 628 + 6 ´ 44 628 + 264 900 (Approximate) Ans. 103. (B) ? = (739% of 383) ÷ 628 = 2830·37 ÷ 628 4·50 (Approximate) Ans. 104. (A) ? = (9795 + 7621 + 938) ÷ (541 + 831 + 496) = (18354) ÷ (1868) = 9·825 9 (Approximate) Ans. 105. (C) ? = = 304·33 304 (Approximate) Ans. For questions 106 to 110 The data in the following table are based on the given information for these questions— Department Male Female Total H.R. 400 = 128 350 ´ = 77 205 Manage-ment 56 ´ = 84 350 ´ = 56 140 P.R. 400 – (128 + 84 + 32 + 140) = 400 – 384

= 16 150 – 16 = 134 750 ´ = 150 I.T. 400 ´ = 32 350 – (77 + 56 + 134 + 70) = 350 – 337 = 13 45 Recruitment 2 ´ 70 = 140 350 ´ = 70 210 Total 400 350 750 106. (B) Total No. of Females in I.T. and Recruit-ment Deptt. = 13 + 70 = 83 Ans. 107. (A) Number of females in H.R. Department = 22% of 350 = ´ 350 = 77 Ans. 108. (E) Required Percentage = ´ 100% = 17·06% = 17% (Approximate) Ans. 109. (C) Reqd. Percentage = ´ 100% = 11·94 Ans. 110. (D) Total number of employees in the Mana-gement = 84 + 56 = 140 Ans. 111. (B) Let the annual rate of interest = R%, Then as per question— ˙.˙ 7128 = Þ R = = 12% Reqd. Compound Interest = 19800 = 19800 = 19800 = = Rs. 8017·5744 Ans. 112. (d) Let the original fraction be . Then = Þ= = = Ans. 113. (e) Given Exp. = 26% of 55% of th of 6100 = ´ ´ ´ 6100 = 2 ´ ´ 10 ´ 61

= 11 ´ 61 = 671 Ans. 114. (c) Let the ages of Aarzoo and Arnav are 11x and 13x years Then, as per question— ˙.˙ = Þ 260x + 140 = 253x + 161 Þ (260 – 253)x = 161 – 140 Þ 7x = 21 x=3 Reqd. difference in years between their ages = 13x – 11x = 2 ´ 3 = 6 years Ans. 115. (a) Let the required number be x. ˙.˙ ´ x = 17·25 Þ x = 17·25 ´ 8 = 138 73% of the number = ´ 138 = 100·74 Ans. 116. (c) Reqd. Ratio = = = = 16 : 23 Ans. 117. (b) Reqd. Percentage =% = % = 20·83% 21% (app.) Ans. 118. (a) Reqd. Ratio = (Girls Enrolled in Painting) : (Stitching) : (Pancing) = (250 + 225 + 150 + 175 + 300) : (325 + 250 + 50 + 250 + 325) : (150 + 200 + 75 + 400 + 350) = (1100) : (1200) : (1175) = 44 : 48 : 47 Ans. 119. (e) Reqd. Percentage = % = % = 20·689% 20·69% Ans. 120. (d) Total number of girls enrolled in Painting from all the institutes = 250 + 225 + 150 + 175 + 300 = 1100 Ans. Labels: SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY, SBI PREVIOUS SOLVED PAPER 0 comments

FREE SBI Bank Clerk Numerical Ability Solved Paper Posted by Free Exam Original Paper Friday, May 30, 2008 at 6:03 AM

FREE SBI Bank Clerk Numerical Ability Solved Paper 1 A , B & C started a business by investing Rs 1,20,000 , Rs 1 , 35 , 000 & Rs 1,50,000 respectively . Find the share of each , out of the annual profit of Rs 56, 700 (a) 16800 , 18900 , 21000 (b) 16800 , 18900 , 25000 (c) 16850 , 18900 , 21000 (d) 16820 , 18500 , 21000 2 A , B , C start a business each investing Rs 20,000 . After 5 month A withdrawal Rs 5000 , B withdrawal Rs 4000 & C invests Rs 6000 more . At the end of the year , a total profit of Rs 69900 was recorded . Find the share of each . (a) 20500 , 21200 , 28200 (b) 20501 , 21202 , 22200 (c) 28500 , 21200 , 28200 (d) 20500 , 21200 , 28200 3 A invested Rs 76000 in a business . After few month , B joined him with Rs 57000 . At the end of the year , the total profit was divided between them in the ratio 2 : 1 . After how many months did B join . (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 4 Anand & Deepak started a business investing Rs 22,500 & 35,000 . Out of a total profit of Rs 13,800, Deepak’s share is (a) 5400 (b) 7200 (c) 8400 (d) 9600 5 Reena & Shaloo are partner in a business . Reena invests Rs 35,000 for 8 months & Shaloo invests Rs 42,000 for 10 months . Out of a profit of 31,570 , Reena’s share is (a) 9471 (b) 12,628 (c) 18040 (d) 18492 6 Aman started a business investing Rs 70000 . Rakhi joined him after six months with an amount of Rs 105000 & Sagar joined Them with Rs 1.4 Lakh after another six months . The amount of profit earned should be distributed in what ratio among Aman , Rakhi & Sagar respectively , 3 years after Aman started a business ? (a) 7 : 6 : 10 (b) 12 : 15 : 16 (c) 42 : 45 : 56 (d) can’t determine (e) none of these 7 A, B , C enter into a partnership . A initially invests 25 lakh & adds another 10 lakhs after one year . B initially invests 35 lakh & withdrawal 10 lakh after 2 years & C invests Rs 30 Lakhs . In what ratio shoud the profit be divided at the end of 3 years ? (a) 10 : 10 : 9 (b) 20 : 20 : 19 (c) 20 : 19 : 18 (d) none of these 8 A , B , C invests 50000 in a business . A invests 4000 more than B & B Rs 5000 more than C . Out of a total profit of 35000 A receives (a) 8400 (b) 11900 (c) 13600 (d) 14700 9 Three partners A , B , C start a business . twice A’s capital is equal to thrice B’s capital & B’s Capital is four times C’s capital Out of a total profit of Rs 16500 at the end of a year , B’s share is (a) 4000 (b) 6000

(c) 7500 (d) 6600 10 In a business , A & C invested amounts in the ratio 2 : 1 , whereas the ratio between amounts invested by A & B was 3 : 2 . If Rs 157300 was their profit , how much amount did B receive (a) 24200 (b) 36300 (c) 48400 (d) 72600 11 A , B , C enter into a partnership in the ratio 7/2 : 4/3 : 6/5 . After four months , A invested his share by 50 % . If the total profit at the end of one year be rs 21600, then B’s share in the profit is (a) 2100 (b) 2400 (c) 3600 (d) 4000 12 X & Y invested in a business . They earned some profit which they divided in the ratio 2 : 3. If X invested Rs 40000 , the amount invested by Y is (a) 45000 (b) 50000 (c) 60000 (d) 80000 13 A began a business with s 85000 . He was joined afterwards by with Rs 42500 . For how much period does B join , if the profits at the end of the years are divided in the ratio 3:1? (a) 4 months (b) 5 months (c) 6 months (d) 8 months 14 A & B start a business jointly . A invests Rs 16000 for 8 month & B remains in a business for 4 months . Out of total profit , B claims 2/7 of the profit . How much money was contributed by B ? (a) 10500 (b) 11900 (c) 12800 (d) 13600 15 A & B invest in a business in the ratio 3 : 2 . If 5% of the total profit goes to charity & A’s share is 855 , the total profit is (a) 1425 (b) 1500 (c) 1537.50 (d) 1576 16 If 4 ( A’s Capital ) = 6 ( B’s Capital ) = 10 ( C’s Capital ) , then out of the total profit of Rs 4650 , C will receive (a) 465 (b) 900 (c) 1550 (d) none of these 17 A, B , C enter into a partnership . A invest some money at the beginning , B invests double the amount after six month & C invests thrice the amount after 8 months . If the annual profit be Rs 27000 , C’s share is (a) 8625 (b) 9000 (c) 10800 (d) 11250 18 A & B started a partnership business investing some amount in the ratio 3 : 5 . C joined them after six months with an amount equal to that of B. In what proportion should the profit at the end of one year be distributed among A , B , C (a) 3 : 5 : 2 (b) 3 : 5 : 5 (c) 6: 10 : 5 (d) data inadequate (e) none 19 A , B , C enter into a partnership & their share are in the ratio ½ : 1/3 : ¼ , after two months , A withdraws half of the capitals & after 10 months , a profit of Rs 378 is divided among them . What is B’s share

(a) 129 (b) 144 (c) 156 (d) 168 20 In a partnership , A invests 1/6 of the capital for 1/6 of the time , B invests 1/3 of the capitals for 1/3 of the time & C , the rest of the capital for the whole time , out of a profit of Rs 4600 , B’s share is (a) 650 (b) 800 (c) 960 (d) 1000 21 A , B , C started a shop by investing Rs 27000 , 72000 , 81000 respectively . At the end of the year , the profit were distributed among them . If C’s share of profit be 36000 , then total profit was (a) 80000 (b) 95600 (c) 108 000 (d) 116000 22 A & B started a business jointly , A’s investment was thrice the investment of B & the period of his investment was two times the period of investments of B . If B received Rs 4000 as profit , then their total profit is (a) 16000 (b) 20000 (c) 24000 (d) 28000 23 Two friends started a business investing in the ratio 5 : 6 . R joined them after six months investing an amount equal to that of Q’s . At the end of year , 20 % profit was earned which was equal to 98000 . What was the amount invested by R (a) 105 000 (b) 175000 (c) 210000 (d) Data Inadequate (e) none 24 Three partner share the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8 . They had partnered for 14 months , 8 months , 7 months . What was the ratio of their investments ? (a) 5:7: 8 (b) 28 : 49 : 64 (c) 38 : 28 : 21 (d) none 25 A & B partner in a business , A contribute ¼ of the capital for 15 months & B received 2/3 of the profit . For how many times B’s money was used (a) 6 months (b) 9 months (c) 10 months ( d) 1 years AnswerS 1(a) , 2(a) , 3(a) , 4 (c) , 5(b) , 6(b) , 7 (d) , 8 (d) , 9 (b) , 10 (c) , 11 ( d ) , 12 (c) , 13 (d) , 14 (c) , 15 (b) 16 (b) 17 (b) 18 (c) 19 (b) 20 (b) 21 (a) 22 (d) 23 (c) 24 (d) 25 (c) Answers with Explanation :Q-1 Ratio of shares A , B , C = ratio of their investments = 120000 : 135000 : 150000 = 8 : 9 : 10 8/27 ) = 16800×A’s share = ( 56700 9/27 ) = 18900×B’s share = ( 56700 10/27 ) = 21000×C’s share = ( 56700 7× 5 + 26000 × 7 : 20000 × 5 + 16000 × 7 : 20000 × 5 + 15000 ×Q-2 Ratio of the capitals of A , B , C = 20000 205000 : 212000 : 282000 = 205 : 212 : 282 205/699) = 20500×A’s share = ( 69900 212 / 699 ) = 21200×B’s share = (69900 282/699 )×C’s share = ( 69900 = 28200

Q-3 Let B joined after x month . Then, B’s money was invested for ( 12 – x ) month { 12 – x }) = 2/1× 12 ) / ( 57000 ×( 76000 912000 = 114000 ( 12 – x ), 912 = 114 ( 12 – x ) , x = 4 Hence , B joined after 4 months . Q-4 Ratio of their share = 22500 : 35000 : = 9 : 14 14 /23 ) = 8400×Deeepak share = ( 13800 10 ) = 2 : 3× 8 ) : ( 42000 ×Q-5 Ratio of their shares = ( 35000 2/5)×Reena’s share = ( 31570 = 12628 × 36 ) : ( 105000 ×Q-6 Aman : Rakhi : Sagar = ( 70000 24 ) = 12 : 15 : 16×30 ) : ( 140000 2 +× 2 ) : ( 35 lakh × 1 ) : ( 35 lakh ×Q-7 A : B : C = ( 25 lakh 1 )×25 lakh 3 )×: ( 30 lakh 95 lakh : 95 lakhs : 90 lakhs = : 19 : 19 : 18 Q-8 Let C = x . Then B = ( x + 5000 ) & A = x + 5000 + 4000 = x + 9000 So , x + x + 5000 + x + 9000 = 50000 , 3x = 36000 , x = 12000 A : B : C = 21000 : 17000 : 12000 = 21 : 17 : 12 21 50 ) = 14700×A’s share ( 35000 Q-9 Let C = x . Then B = 4x & 4x = 12x×2A = 3 or A = 6x A : B : C = 6x : 4x : x = 6 : 4 : 1 4/11 ) = 6000×So B’s capital = ( 16500 Q-10 A : B = 3 : 2 , B : A = 2 : 3 = 4 : 6 & A : C = 2 : 1 = 6 : 3 So B : A : C = 4 : 6 : 3 or A : B : C = 6 : 4 : 3 4/13 ) = 48400×B’s share = ( 157300 Q-11 Ratio of initial investments = 7/2 : 4/3 : 6/5 = 105 : 40 : 36 Let the initial investments be 105 x , 40x , 36x 8× 105x × 4 + 150/100 ×A : B : C = ( 105x 8 )× 4 + 5x/2 ×) : ( 5x 1680x : 480x : 432x = 35 : 10 : 9 10/54 ) = 4000×Hence B’s share = ( 21600 Q-12 Let Y invested Rs y . Then 40000 /y = 2/3 or y = 60000 x = 3/1× 12 ) / 42500 ×Q-13 Let B joined for x month . Then ( 85000 x = 8 , so B joined for 8 month . Q-14 Let the total profit be x , then B = 2x/7 & A = ( x – 2x/7 ) = 5x/7 So A : B = 5x/7 : 2x /7 = 5 : 2 4 ) = 5/2 , y = 12800× 8 ) / ( y ×Let B’s capital be Rs y . Then , ( 16000 Q-15 Let the total profit be Rs 100 3/5 ) = 57×After paying to charity , A’s share = ( 95 If A’s share is 57 , then total profit = 100 855 ) = 1500×If A’s share is 855 , total profit = ( 10057 Q-16 Let 4A = 6B = 10 C = k Therefore we can say that A = k/4 , B = k /6 , C = k /10 A : B : C = k/4 : k/6 : k /10 = 15 : 10 : 6 6 / 31) = 900×Therefore we can say that C’s share is = ( 4650 Here we use 6 because C’s ratio is 6 Q-17 Let A’s investments be x

4 ) = 12x : 12x : 12x = 1: 1: 1× 6 ) : ( 3x × 12 ) : ( 2x ×Then , ratio of capitals = ( x 1 / 3) = 9000×Therefore C’s share is = ( 27000 Q-18 Let the initial investments of A & B is 3x & 5x 12 ) :×A : B : C = ( 3x 6 ) = 36 : 60 : 30 = 6 : 10 : 5× 12 ) : ( 5x ×( 5x Q-19 Ratio of initial investments = ½ : 1/3 : ¼ = 6 : 4 : 3 Let their initials investments be 6x , 2x , 3x 12 ) = 42 : 48 : 36 = 7 : 8 : 6× 12 ) : ( 3x × 10 ) : ( 4x× 2 + 3x ×A : B : C = ( 6x 8 /21 ) = 144×B’s share is = ( 378 Q-20 Let A’s investments x /6 for y /6 months . Then , B’s investments is Rs x / 3 for y/3 months. C invests[ x – (x/6 + x/3)] i. e., Rs. x/2 for y months. y) = 1/36 : 1/9 : ½ = 1 : 4 : 18.× y/3) : (x/2 × y/6) : (x/3 ×There for A:B:C = (x/6 4/23 ) = Rs. 800.×Hence, B’s share = Rs. (4600 Q-21 A : B : C = 27000 : 72000 : 81000 = 3 : 8 : 9. So, C’s share : Total profit = 9 : 20. Let the total profit be Rs x. Then, 9 / 20 = 36000 / x 20 / 9)×or x = (36000 = 80000. Q-22 Suppose B invested Rs x & y month . Then , A invested Rs 3x for 2y months . y ) = 6xy : xy = 6 : 1× 2y ) : ( x ×So A: B = ( 3x Therefore B’s profit : total profit = 1 : 7 Suppose total profit be x . Then 1/7 = 4000 / x , or x = 28 000 Q-23 Let the total profit = z 20 % of x = 98000 , x = 490 000 Let the capitals of P , Q , R be 5x , 6x & 6x 12× 6 ) = 490 000 × 12 ) + ( 6x × 12 ) + ( 6x ×( 5x x = 35 000 R’s investments = 6x = 6( 35000 ) = 210 000 Q-24 Let their investments be Rs x for 14 months , y for 8 months & z for 7 months Then 14x : 8y : 7z = 5 : 7 : 8 14x / 8y = 5/7 , y = 7/4 z 14x /7z = 5/8 , z = 112 / 35 x = 16 /5 x x: y : z = x : 7/4 x : 16/5 x = 30 : 35 : 64 Q-25 Let the total profit be z B’s share is = 2z/3, A’s share = Rs. z/3. There for A : B = z / 3 : 2z /3 = 1 : 2. Let the total capital be rate x & suppose B’s money was used for x months. Then , Labels: BANK PO NUMERICAL ABILITY, SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY 0 comments

SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY SAMPLE PAPER Posted by Free Exam Original Paper Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 4:58 AM

SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY 1. Minimum number that should be added to 23087 to make it completely divisible by 8 is ...... (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 Ans (a) 2. The angles ABC are 5x0, 7x0 and 6x0 respectively. What is the measure of the Ð BCA? (a) 500 (b) 600 (c) 700 (d) cannot decide Ans (c) 3. 390× 1000 × 201 × 34 = ? (a) 895 (b) 1540 (c) 1620 (d) 1780 Ans (c) 4. Ratio of costs of a table and a chair is 5:3 . If the tables cost Rs. 500 more than the cost of chair's, what is the chair's cost? (a) Rs. 1250 (b) Rs. 1750 (c) Rs. 1450 (d) Rs. 750 Ans (d) 5. 1646 − 13 × 18 + 249 = ? + 875 (a) 786 (b) 687 (c) 2486 (d) 2356 Ans (a) 6. A number when divided by 5 leaves the remainder 3. What is the remainder when the square of the same number is divided by 5? (A) 9 (b) 3 (c) 0 (d) 4 Ans (d) 7. 12% 650 + ? % of 400 = 110 (a) 25 (b) 18 (c) 8 (d) 80%

Ans (c) 8. train 'A' crosses a 160 m standing train 'B' in 15 sec and a standing person in 9 sec. What is its speed? (a) 96 km/hr (b) 72 km/hr (c) 84 km/hr (d) 92 km/hr Ans (a) 9. The type of matrix √2 0 0 0 √3 0 0 0 √2 is? (a) Scalar (b) Unit (c) Diagonal (d) Transpose Ans (c) 10. The value of log 10000 is (a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 6 Ans (a) 11. The sum of all numbers between 800 and 1100 which are divisible by 79 is (a) 2846 (b) 2844 (c) 3844 (d) 3584 Ans (b) 12. The difference between the squares of any two consecutive integers is equal to (a) Product of two numbers (b) Sum of two numbers (c) Difference of two numbers (d) An even number Ans (b) 13. 74 is divided into two parts so that 5 times one part and 11 times the others part are together equal to 454. Then the parts are

(a) 14,60 (b) 60,14 (c) 30,44 (d) 20,34 Ans (b) 14. If 4 workers can make 42 toys in 6 days, how many toys can 12 workers make in 3 days? (a) 63 (b) 28 (c) 252 (d) 7 Ans (a) 15. The price of 349 coconuts are Rs 2094. What will be the price of 26 dozens of coconuts? (a) Rs 1662 (b) Rs 1562 (c) Rs 2062 (d) Rs 1872 Ans (d) 16. The area of a rectangular field is 10 times of its length. If the breadth of the field is 10m, what is its length? (a) 40m (b) 25m (c) 20m (d) data inadequate Ans (d) 16. The salary of an employee was reduced by 40% first and then was increased by 50%. How much percent did he lose? (a) 15% (b) 20% (c) 10% (d) 12% Ans (c) 17. If 9 men & 15 women can do a piece of work in 25 days, then 39 men and 10 women will complete the same work in (a) 7 days (b) 6 days (c) 5 days (d) 4 days Ans (c) 18. One person took a loan of Rs. 5000 for 3 yrs on simple interest. After three years he paid back Rs. 6200 including the principal and the interest accrued. Calculate the rate of interest. (a) 6% (b) 7% (c) 8% (d) 7.5% Ans (c)

19. The smallest number which when added to the number 1154 makes it a perfect square is (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 Ans (b) 20. The present age of Ramesh is ¼ of his father's age. After 4 years, the sum of their ages will be 68. What is the present age of Ramesh? (a) 10 yrs (b) 15 yrs (c) 16 yrs (d) 12 yrs Ans (b) 21. Sheet metal required to make a hollow cone of height 24 cm and radius 7 cm is (a) 407 cm2 (b) 250 cm2 (c) 704 cm2 (d) 400 cm2 Ans (c) 22. If 42 men can do a work in 15 days, how many men are required to complete it in 21 days? (a) 24 (b) 36 (c) 30 (d) none of these Ans (a) 23. Average marks in Maths in a class of 40 students is 45. Average of all the 30 boys is 50. Then the average marks obtained by the girls is (a) 30 (b) 35 (c) 25 (d) none of these Ans (a) 24. The largest angle of a quadrilateral is two times the smallest angle. If the angles form a series (a, a+d, a+2d, a+3d), the other two angles would be (a) 600, 1200 (b) 800, 1000 (c) 900, 1000 (d) 700, 900 Ans (b) 25. A mixture of 20 kg of spirit and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added to this mixture to raise the percentage of water to 25% (a) 4 kg (b) 5 kg (c) 8 kg (d) 30 kg

Ans (a) 26. A shopkeeper bought locks at the rate of 8 locks for Rs. 34 and sold them at 12 locks for Rs. 57. The number of locks he should sell to have a profit of Rs. 900 is (a) 1400 (b) 1600 (c) 1800 (d) 2000 Ans (c) 27. A person travels equal distance with speed of 3 km/hr; 4 km/hr and 5 km/hr. and takes a total time of 47 minutes. The total distance (in km) is (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 Ans (a) 28. The perimeter of a circular and another square field are equal. Find the area in sq.m of the circular field if the area of the square field is 484 sq.m. (a) 888 (b) 770 (c) 616 (d) None of these Ans (c) 29. If the compound interest on a certain sum for 2 yrs at 10% annum is Rs. 2100, the simple interest on it at the same rate for 2 yrs will be. (a) Rs. 1700 (b) Rs. 1800 (c) Rs. 1900 (d) Rs. 2000 Ans (d) 30. The diagonal of a square A is x + y. The diagonal of a square 'B' with twice the area of A is (a) 2(x + y) (b) x + 2y (c) √2 (x + y) (d) 2x + 4y Ans (c) 31. If 10x+3y : 5n+2y = 9:5, then x : y is (a) 3:5 (b) 5:3 (c) 2:5 (d) 1:2 Ans (a) 32. A conical tent of radius 12m and height 16m is to be made. Find its cost if canvas is Rs. 10 per m2

(a) Rs 7543 (b) Rs 7445 (c) Rs 7342 (d) 7600 Ans (a) 33. 1, 5, 14, 30, ?, 91 (a) 45 (b) 55 (c) 46 (d) 60 Ans (b) 34. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 10, ?, 13 (a) 7 (b) 11 (c) 14 (d) 12 Ans (c) 35. 2, 6, 30, 60, 130, ? (a) 210 (b) 216 (c) 200 (d) 160 Ans (a) Labels: BANK PO NUMERICAL ABILITY, SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY 0 comments

SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY SAMPLE QUESTIONS Posted by Free Exam Original Paper Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 1:29 AM

SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY Directions (question 1 to 12) Completing the given Series Q:1 5 , 10 , 13 , 26 , 58 , 61 , ( ----- ) (a) 122 (b) 12 (c) 128 (d) 64 Q: 2 2, 9, 28, 65, 126, (--------). (a) 229 (b) 223 (c) 217 (d) 199 Q: 3 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, (------). (a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 22 (d) 25 Q: 4 5, 9, 6, 11, 7, (---------). (a) 13 (b) 15 (c) 17 (d) 19 Q: 5 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, (---------). (a) 43 (b) 47 (c) 51 (d) 53

Q: 6 97, 86, 73, 58, 45, (--------). (a) 34 (b) 54 (c) 55 (d) 56 Q: 7 1 , 3 , 4 , 8 , 15 , 27 , ( -----) (a) 37 (b) (c) 50 (d) 55 Q: 8 212 , 179 , 146 , 113 , ( ------- ) (a) 91 (b) 79 (c) 112 (d) 80 Q: 9 1 , 9 17 , 33 , 49 , 73 , ( ----- ) (a) 97 (b) 98 (c) 99 (d) 100 Q: 10 2 , 5 , 11 , 23 , 47 , ( ---- ) (a) 49 (b) 52 (c) 95 (d) 106 Q: 11 9 , 12 , 11 , 14 , 13 , ( ------ ) , 15 (a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 10 (d) 17 Q: 12 165 195 , 255 , 285 , 345 , ( ----- ) (a) 375 (b) 420 (c) 435 (d) 390 Directions (question 13 to 30) Finding the Wrong Term In The Given Series . In all these question from 13 to 30 one term in the number series is wrong . Find out the wrong term Q: 13 8 , 13 , 21 , 32 , 47 , 63 , 83 (a) 21 (b) 13 (c) 23 (d) 83 (e) 47 Q: 14 1 , 3 , 10 , 21 , 64 , 129 , 356 , 777 (a) 10 (b) 21 (c) 356 (d) 129 ( e) 164 Q: 15 6 , 12 , 48 , 100 , 384 , 768 , 3072 (a) 768 (b) 384 (c) 100 (d) 48 (e) 12 Q: 16 3 , 7 , 15 , 39 , 63 , 127 , 255 , 511 (a) 39 (b) 15 (c) 7 (d) 63 (e) 127 Q: 17 8 , 27 , 125 , 343 , 1331 (a) 1331 (b) 343 (c) 125 (d) 8 (e) none Q: 18 6 , 13 , 18 , 25 , 30 , 37 , 40 (a) 25 (b) 30 (c) 37 (d) 40 (e) 13 Q: 19 8 , 13 , 21 , 32 , 47 , 63 , 83 (a) 13 (b) 47 (c) 63 (d) 32 (e) 83 Q: 20 25 , 36 , 49 , 81 , 121 , 169 , 225 (a) 36 (b) 49 (c) 121 (d) 169 (e) 225 Q:21 1 , 2 , 6 , 15 , 31 , 56 , 91 (a) 31 (b) 15 (c) 56 (d) 91 (e) none of these Q: 22 2 , 5 , 10 , 17 , 26 , 37 , 50 , 64 (a) 50 (b) 17 (c) 26 (d) 37 (e) 64 Q: 23 46080 , 3840 , 384 , 48 , 24 , 2 , 1 (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 24 (d) 48 (e) 384 Q: 24 52 , 51 , 48 , 43 , 34 , 27 , 16 (a) 51 (b) 48 (c) 34 (d) 43 (e) 27 Q: 25 105 , 85 , 60 , 30 , 0 , – 45 , – 9 0 (a) 0 (b) 85 (c) 60 (d) – 45 (e) 105 Q: 26 325 , 259 , 202 , 160 , 127,105,94 (a) 94 (b) 127 (c) 105 (d) 202 (e) 259 Q: 27 112, 114, 120, 124, 127, 123, 129 (a) 114 (b) 120 (c) 124 (d) 132 (e) 142

Q: 28 125, 126, 124, 127, 123, 129 (a) 123 (b) 124 (c) 126 (d) 127 (e) 129 Q: 29 3, 4, 10, 32, 136, 685, 4116 (a) 136 (b) 10 (c) 4116 (d) 685 (e) 32 Q: 30 196, 169, 144, 121, 100, 80, 64 (a) 169 (b) 144 (c) 121 (d) 100 (e) 80 ANSWER SHEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 accaaacdacbcecc 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 aedbadeccadbeee Answers With Explanatios : 1. Multiplied by 2 & increased by 3 2 = 26, 26 + 3 = 29× 2= 10, 10 +3 = 13, 13 ×5 2 = 122×There for missing number is 61 2. 13 + 1, 23 + 1, 33 +1, 43 + 1, 53 + 1 There for missing number is 63 + 1= 217. 3. Difference between consecutive no; increased by 1 2 +3 + 4 + 5--------There for missing number is 16 + 6 = 22. 4. It is a combination of two series = 5, 6, 7, & 9, 11, (--------) There for missing number is 11+ 2 = 13. 5. Series consists of Prime no:. There for missing number is 43. 6. Sequence is – 11 , – 13 , – 15 , – 13-----------There for missing number is 45 – 11 = 34. 7. Sum of any three consecutive terms of the series gives the next term. Thus, 1 +3 +4 = 8; 3+4+8 = 15; 4+8+15= 27 & so on. There for missing number is 8+ 15 +27 = 50. 8. 33 is subtracted from each term of the series to obtain the next term. There for missing number is 113 – 33 = 80 9. The sequence is +8, +8, +16, +16, +24---------There for missing number is 73 + 24 = 97 10. The sequence is +3, +6, +12, +24, -----------There for missing number is 47 9 +48 = 95. 11. Alternately we add 3 & subtract 1. Thus 9 +3=12, 12 – 1 = 11, 11+3 = 14 & so on. There for missing number is 13+3= 16. 12. In each term 15 multiplied a prime no. i. e. 11,×15 13,×15 23,× 19, 15×17, 15×15 29 = 435.×There for missing number is = 15 13. The sequence is +5, +8, +11, +14, +17, +20 There for 47 breaks this sequence & The correct sequence is =46 14 Suppose the terms of the series as A, B, C, D------------3+1×2+1, D×3+ 1, C×2+1, B×Then the sequence is A

There for wrong number is 356. 15. Each term at even place in the series, except 100 is obtained multiplying the preceding term by 2. There for wrong number is 100 & the correct term is 96. 16 each number in the series is multiplied by 2 & the result is increased by 1 to obtain the next number 17 The no. are cube of prime number , i.e 23 , 33 , 53 , 73 ---------------18 The sequence is , +7 , +5 , + 7 , + 5 19 The sequence is , +5 , + 8 , + 11 , + 14 , +17 , +30 20 The correct sequence is 52 , 72 , 92 , -------------------21 The sequence is , +12 , +22 , +32 , -----------------22 The nos. are 12 + 1 , 22 + 1 , ------------------------23 The terms are successively divided by 12 , 10 , 8 , 6 24 The sequence is , – 1 , – 3 , – 5 , ----------------------25 The sequence is , – 20 , – 25 , – 30 , – 35 -------------26 The sequence is , – 66 , – 55 , – 44 , ---------------27 The sequence is , +2 , +4 , + 6 28 The sequence is , +1 , – 2 , +3 , – 4 , -----------------29 The sequence is as follows 2nd term = ( 1st term + 1) 1 3rd term = ( 2nd term + 1 ) 2 etc 30 The sequence is ( 14 )2 , ( 13)2 , (12)2 , (11)2 , (10)2 Labels: BANK PO NUMERICAL ABILITY, SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY 0 comments

SBI BANK CLERK NUMERICAL ABILITY SOLVED PAPERS Posted by Free Exam Original Paper Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 12:00 AM 1 . How many solid spherical balls each of radius 1 cm can be made out of solid metallic cube of edge 22 cm? (a) 22 (b) 120 (c) 121 (d) 2541 (e)None of these Ans (d) 2. There are 26 students in a class and one of them who is 14 years old leaves the class and his place is filled up by a newcomer, if the average age is thereby lowered by one month, what is the age of the newcomer? (a) 11 years 11 months

(b) 12 years (c) 13 years 11 months (d) 16 years (e)None of these Ans (a) 3. The average divided paid during 7 years by a company is 17.5%. The dividend paid for the first 6 years were, respectively, 12.5, 15, 18, 12.5 and 18 percent. What is the dividend for the 7th year? (a) 17.5% (b) 18.5% (c) 26.5% (d) 25% (e)None of these Ans (c) 4. The average price of 12 different books is Rs 16 while the average price of 10 of these books is Rs 16.10. Of the remaining two books if the price of one is 50% more than the price of the other. What is the price of these two books? (a) Rs 13, Rs 19.50 (b) Rs 24, Rs 36.15 (c) Rs 12.40, Rs 18.60 (d) Rs 16.40, Rs 24.60 (e)None of these Ans (d) 5. The average salary per head of all the employees in an institution is Rs 1600. The average salary per head of 40 officers is Rs 2950, the average salary per head of the rest is Rs 600. What is the total number of workers? (a) 37 (b) 64 (c) 59 (d) 63 (e)None of these Ans (b) 6. The mean temperature from 4th to 11th February, both days inclusive, was 34.60C and from 5th to 12th it was 39.80C; the mean temperature on the 4th was 30.50C, what was it on the 12th? (a) 37.70C (b) 43.40C (c) 72.10C (d) 73.20C (e)None of these

Ans (c) 7. An aeroplane flies once round a square whose side is 100 km long, taking the first side at 160 km per hour, the second side at 200 km per hour, the third side at 320 km per hour and the fourth side at 400 km per hour. What is the average speed (approximate) of the plane in its flight around the square? (a) 327 km/h (b) 237 km/h (c) 213 km/h (d) 192 km/h (e)None of these Ans (b) 8. A batsman finds that by scoring a century in the 11th innings of his test games he has bettered his average of the previous ten innings by 5. What is his average after the 11th innings? (a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 45 (d) 95 (e)None of these Ans (c) 9. The average of six numbers n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, is while the average of n2, n3 and n4, is 6, n6 is greater than n1 by 2 and n5 is 8. What are the values of n1 and n6? (a) 6, 8 (b) 5, 7 (c) 7, 9 (d) 11, 13 (e)None of these Ans (c) 10. If 101525 = 33.5, then the value of log (3.25), when rounded to the nearest tenth is (a) 1.5 (b) 1.6 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.5 (e)None of these Ans (d) 11. What is the percentage error, correct to three places of decimal, if 0.48 is written correct to one place to decimal? (a) 0.02 (b) 0.021 (c) 4.166 (d) 4.167

(e)None of these Ans (d) 12. When 0.004284 is approximated to 0.0043 correct to the nearest ten thousandth, significant figures are (a) 4 and 3 (b) 0.4 and 3 (c) 0.4 and 2 (d) 4.167 (e)None of these Ans (a) 13. If the value of π is taken as 22/7 instead of 3.1416, what percentage error is made? (a) 0.04% (b) −0.04% (c) 0.4% (d) −0.4% (e)None of these Ans (b) 14. 6.75924 when rounded to the nearest thousandth becomes (a) 6.760 (b) 6.7592 (c) 6.759 (d) 6.7593 (e)None of these Ans (a) 15. 90099 when rounded to the nearest thousand becomes (a) 0099 (b) 9099 (c) 90000 (d) 90100 (e)None of these Ans (c) 16. In six equal groups, 1265 plants are to be arranged. How many plants will be left out of the groups? (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2

(e)None of these Ans (a) 17. Sanjay wants to reach the Railway station at 10.00 am. The station is 10 km away from his house. If Satish walks at the speed of 4 km/hour at what time shall he start from his home? (a) 7 am (b) 7.30 am (c) 7.45 am (d) 8.00 am (e)None of these Ans (b) 18. Piyush gave one-fourth of his money to Suyash. Suyash in turn gave one—third of what he received, to Jayesh. If the difference between the amount of Suyash and Jayesh is Rs 100, how much money did Sanjay have? (a) Rs 450 (b) Rs 600 (c) Rs 800 (d) Rs 900 (e)None of these Ans (d) 19. Sixteen men can complete a work in fifteen days. Twenty four children can do the same work in twenty days. In how many days will eight men and eight children together complete the same work? (a) 16 (b) 15 (c) 25 (d) 18 (e) None of these Ans (e) 20. The ratio between the ages of P and Q four years ago was 5:6. If the total of their ages at present is 52 years, what is the ratio of their present ages? (a) 4:5 (b) 8:9 (c) 7:8 (d) 6:7 (e) None of these Ans (d) 21. If 40 percent of a number is 120, what is 5/6th of that number? (a) 200 (b) 300 (c) 250

(d) 180 (e) None of these Ans (c) 22. The ratio between two numbers is 11:9. If the sum of these two numbers is 40, what is the product these two numbers? (a) 396 (b) 432 (c) 400 (d) 384 (e) None of these Ans (a) 23. The ratio between the length and and the breadth of a rectangular garden is 5:3. If the perimeter of the garden is 160 meters, what will be the area of a 5 meter wide road around it's outside? (a) 600 sq.meters (b) 1,200 sq.meters (c) 900 sq meters (d) Data inadequate (e) None of these Ans (c) 24. Monty bought an article with 30 percent concession on the labelled price. he sold it for Rs 1,820 with 30 percent profit on the labelled price. At what price did he buy the article? (a) Rs 1,274 (b) Rs 980 (c) Rs 1,456 (d) Rs 1,092 (e) None of these Ans (b) 25. The average age of 25 boys in a class is 16 years. If the age of two teachers are added, the average increases by one. What is the sum of the ages of these two teachers? (a) 68 years (b) 59 years (c) 49 years (d) 64 years (e) None of these Ans (b)

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