Sass Spec

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 6,846
  • Pages: 33
Sun-Microsystems Sales Assistance Software (SSAS) Specification, Version 1.0 Analysis..........................................................................................................................2 Background History...................................................................................................2 Identification of Problem...........................................................................................2 Required Functionality...............................................................................................3 Karen Scott (administrator)........................................................................................3 Marketing Department (Limited Access users)..........................................................3 Sales Team (power users)...........................................................................................3 Effects On The System Design Caused By User Skill Levels...................................3 User Willingness.........................................................................................................3 Identification of User needs.......................................................................................4 Data Being Held.....................................................................................................4 Outputs of The Database........................................................................................5 The New System Will Provide The Following Processing....................................6 Acceptable Limits of The System..............................................................................6 Interview With Karen Scott........................................................................................7 Questionnaire.............................................................................................................9 Data Sources, Destinations and Tasks......................................................................20 Data Flow Diagrams.................................................................................................22 Data dictionary.........................................................................................................25 Entity Relationship Diagram....................................................................................27 Objectives of the project..........................................................................................28 Input Tasks............................................................................................................28 Output Tasks.........................................................................................................29 Processing Tasks...................................................................................................30 Quantitative Performance Considerations................................................................31 Qualitative evaluation criteria..................................................................................31 .................................................................................................................................31 Security of the system..............................................................................................32 Realistic appraisal if the feasibility of potential solutions.......................................32 Justification of chosen solution................................................................................32 Feasibility Study.......................................................................................................33

Analysis Background History Sun Microsystems is a multinational company, it has been selling systems, storage and services to other companies for many, many years. It has a long standing rivalry with Microsoft, during it's long standing battle, it has developed an alternative to almost every main-stream Microsoft application. Solaris, Open Office, Java the list goes on. Present day, it has a sales department that is divided into sales teams. Each team has around 10 members and each of those members works with multiple accounts and customer contacts. Services, Systems and Storage are sold through these accounts to the customers. Typical customers are other large companies that wish to upgrade their existing hardware, systems, or need more storage for data.

Identification of Problem Karen Scott is the manager of a 10 man sales team. Karen is responsible for the management of revenues and sales resources. As such, she requires a flexible reporting system to analyse current sales trends and produce management reports as required, these reports include:  Sales forecast by salesperson  Sales forecast by customer  Customer contact details including:  Company affiliation  Company site affiliation  Personal details Currently the reports are done by hand, by interviewing all members of the team and condensing down all their inputs into reports which are then sent to the higher levels of management. These reports are sometimes late or inaccurate due to the inherent difficulties of talking to every member of the team and converting their differing notes into a single report. Karen would also be helped by knowledge of each salespersons' strengths and weaknesses with regard to selling either systems, services, storage or a mixture of them. How individual members of her team manage their accounts differently, as well as the time-scales that her sales people operate on would be valuable information that would allow her to allocate her resources more efficiently. Karen also, as a manager, has to motivate her salespeople to increase the company revenues, as well as manage them so as they work as quickly and efficiently as possible. Knowledge of each member of her sales team's pipeline would help her greatly in identifying where her time needs to be spent so as to better motivate or support team members. Thus allowing Karen to Allocate resources far more efficiently. Karen also needs to be able to get hold of any salesperson in her department, or any customer associated with a specific project at very short notice. Currently, getting hold of such details can take a very long time. as Karen has to find the relevant member of her team, get through to them, and ask them to send her the details.

Required Functionality In order to solve this problem, a computerised solution would be required. Data would be input through a number of forms, and stored in a number of tables. Appropriate controls and validation techniques that would decrease data entry errors, but not compromise the speed of data entry would be a key feature. The square focus of the system would be to save time and increase accuracy through an aesthetically pleasing user interface, a flexible reporting and processing sub system as well as appropriate user levels to reduce the teething problems when users first begin to use the system. The users of the system would be as follows:

Karen Scott (administrator) It is her job to produce the monthly reports and add new salespeople to the system. Therefore she would be the only one allowed access to all the salespeople's accounts, the raw tables, and the management reports. She is the manager of the sales team. She has a degree in computer science, so her level of ICT competence is high.

Marketing Department (Limited Access users) The marketing department of Sun would also like access to the system, as a combination of the trend analysis reports and the customer contact details would allow them to better select their customers, and better understand the current market. This department are purely external, and will have little if any say in the sales department. These people will all have a medium level of ICT competence, as they work with computers day to day.

Sales Team (power users) It is their job to update the system and ensure that all of their entries are accurate and up to date. They would have access to the forms required for data entry, but not the raw tables or management reports, unless Karen Scott granted them access.These people will all have a medium level of ICT competence, as they work with computers day to day.

Effects On The System Design Caused By User Skill Levels Since all users have been using computers on a day to day basis for quite some time, they should have a base level of competence that will eradicate the need for a very tedious 'help' command. The database will be designed in a very self explanatory way, where all fields on input forms will be labelled and such-like. A quick one hour training course should teach the Sales Team what they need to know, half an hour for marketing, however, Karen Scott is a different matter, as the responsibility of maintaining the database will fall to her. It could take four hours of training to fully verse her in the system.

User Willingness Users should be willing to use the new system as they have been working day to day with computers, and thus would not fear the technology, and the system is only replacing a small amount of their jobs, so they need not fear

redundancy. On top of that, since it will increase efficiency, it could well mean that the team will make more in commissions.

Identification of User needs Data Being Held The system will have four main entities; Sales Team Details

First name, Last name, Mobile#, Office#.

Customer Details

First name, Last name, Mobile#, Office#, Company Affiliation.


Salesperson, Customer, Opportunity Name, Systems(£), Services(£), Storage(£), PO date, Delivery Date, Stage.


Company name, invoice address.


Company Ownership, Address, Postcode.

Outputs of The Database The reporting would allow for freehand analysis and editing using Microsoft Excel, as well as a number of fixed formats detailed on the next page. Sales Forecast by Customer This would display all of the reports concerning a certain customer between two user specified dates so that Karen Scott could offer discounts to more frequent customers as well as for market trend analysis or to hand in to management for any reasons they might deem necessary. It would also mean that Marketing would be able to see anomalies in their trend analysis data, or whether the trends were indeed trends that applied to most customers. Sales Forecast by Product This would allow Karen to see which of Sales, Storage or Services are selling best at any given time, this would be represented in a pie-chart, or in a line graph format according to the user's whim. These could then be handed in to higher management with a significant improvement in accuracy and time compared to the old system. Sales Overview This would display data concerning every project between two dates entered by the user. Such data would include, product proportions, salesperson's proportions, customer proportions, total revenue and the dates that has been selected. The main use of this would be for handing into higher management for their own analysis of the data. Account Contacts This would display the data of all the customer contacts currently stored in the system. This could be used by Karen, to get hold of customers to inform them of last minute changes, issues and suchlike. It could also be used by Marketing who could use the contact information to deliver new advertisements, to send various forms or to arrange interviews to better aid their Market Research.

The New System Will Provide The Following Processing   

   

Processing of password providing a user level output. Processing of previous records to create a unique ID number in all entities. Processing of record sets to ensure that some forms can only view/edit records that have already been entered, and others will only allow data entry onto a new blank record. Processing of results inside a given-time frame to output averages/totals to aid in the management of the sales team. Processing of results inside a given time-frame so as to produce graphs for the management reports. Processing of record sets to allow the user to filter through contacts by searching for certain data. Processing of data by means of formulae to present the data output with respect to different subjects, (i.e. Sales by salesperson, or sales by customer)

Acceptable Limits of The System The system will have to be implemented on a platform that I am familiar with. I have next to no knowledge about how to program on Linux, or Solaris. I have no experience with Net-Beans, or any Sun Java IDEs, or the language itself. Therefore, contrary to the very Anti-Microsoft policy of Sun, the system will have to be implemented in Microsoft Access, as it is all that I have experience with.

Interview With Karen Scott Stewart Scott: Good afternoon. Karen Scott: Good afternoon, would you like to take a seat. I Sat down. Stewart Scott: Right, I came here this afternoon to talk to you about the new ICT solution that you'd like to implement to manage your sales-team. Could you tell me what exactly the current system is? Karen Scott: Currently, I speak to each salesperson in turn, and ask them about what forecasts are upcoming, who the customer is, how much is being sold of services, storage and systems, which company the customer belongs to and when the delivery date is. Stewart Scott: I'm sorry, but just what do you mean by forecasts. Karen Scott: A forecast is a transaction that has not yet taken place. Those forecasts can be in one of 5 stages throughout the sale. 1 being that the sale has only been suggested and outlined, 5 being that the transaction has been completed. Stewart Scott: I see, currently, who decides what stage a forecast is at? Karen Scott: The salesperson who is handling the forecast. Stewart Scott: Right, I am assuming that sun already provides you with computers? Karen Scott: Yes, but they all run on Solaris, while most of our laptops run on Windows XP for compatibility's sake. Stewart Scott: I see, so how important is it to you that this solution can run on Microsoft programs ? Karen Scott: Very important. Stewart Scott: Hm, so, you want this system to computerise the functions of the previous manual system, in a Microsoft environment. Are there any other functions that you would like added. Karen Scott: Yes, I would like to be able to have printed out reports of forecasts between two specified dates. One should produce data on how much each team member has sold with respect to the total sold. Another showing how much each customer has bought with respect to the total that my team has sold. Another should display all data on forecasts between two dates. Lastly, I would like the system to be able to output a list of all customer details. Excluding the last, all of these outputs should be graphical and friendly to the eye. Stewart Scott: I see, that should be possible. If I might ask, how literate are your salespeople? Karen Scott: Most have been around computers for years, so for the most part there shouldn't be any problems. Stewart Scott: What kind of security would you like implemented? Karen Scott: I would like three kinds of user, Sales team members, of which there will be 10, a power user, of which there will be one, and the marketing shared user, of which there will be one. The sales team members should only be able to change data to within reasonable ranges, and shouldn't be able to view the reports. The marketing department should only be able to view reports, and nothing else. The power user should be able to alter anything in the whole system in case something goes wrong. Stewart Scott: How would you like backups handled? Karen Scott: We will back up the system every week, and have a rolling window of 3 backups. Stewart Scott: Are there any data inputs that you would like regulated? Karen Scott: Only phone numbers, postcodes and suchlike, I trust my team, but humans haven't evolved to enter numbers.

Stewart Scott: Quite so, what colour scheme would you like used. Karen Scott: Anything that's not too colourful, but not too heavy on the eyes either, having the sun colours isn't important. Stewart Scott ............................................................ Karen Scott ............................................................

Questionnaire I sent a questionnaire around all 10 of the sales team by email, asking them to fill it in digitally, and send me back the completed questionnaire, a blank questionnaire can be found below; Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

1. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? __ 2. How many times do you use a computer per week? _ 3. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? (Y/N) 4. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? __ 5. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? __ 6. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten?__ 7. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten?__ 8. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?__ 9. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?__ 10. Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

11. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 6 12. How many times do you use a computer per week? 6 13. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? Y 14. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 8 15. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 3 16. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten? 8 17. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten? 9 18. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?10 19. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?6 20. Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); None Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

21. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 4 22. How many times do you use a computer per week? 5 23. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? N 24. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 3 25. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 9 26. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten?6 27. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten?3 28. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?10 29. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?1 30. Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); None Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

31. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 10 32. How many times do you use a computer per week? 7 33. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? Y 34. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 10 35. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 1 36. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten?9 37. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten?9 38. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?7 39. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?8 40. Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); None Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

41. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 5 42. How many times do you use a computer per week? 5 43. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? Y 44. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 8 45. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 7 46. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten? 8 47. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten? 4 48. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?8 49. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?4 50. Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); It might be a good idea to allow the system to export to a spreadsheet program in an xls format (as both Open Office and Microsoft Office could then read it. Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

51. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 5 52. How many times do you use a computer per week? 6 53. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? Yes 54. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 10 55. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 3 56. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten? 10 57. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten?5 58. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?7 59. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?2 60. Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

61. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 7 62. How many times do you use a computer per week? 5 63. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? Yes 64. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 6 65. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 8 66. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten?6 67. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten?7 68. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?2 69. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?2 70. Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

71. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 8 72. How many times do you use a computer per week? 6 73. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? (Y) 74. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 5 75. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 5 76. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten?5 77. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten?5 78. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?5 79. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?5 80. Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

81. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 7 82. How many times do you use a computer per week? 7 83. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? Y 84. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 10 85. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 8 86. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten?10 87. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten?3 88. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?2 89. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?0 90. Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

91. How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 8 92. How many times do you use a computer per week? 4 93. Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? Y 94. Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 9 95. How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 4 96. How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten?9 97. How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten?9 98. How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?3 99. How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?8 100.Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Dear Sales Team member, There is a chance that a new system for recording contact details, sales opportunities and producing outputs of that data for higher management and marketing analysis. Please fill out the following questionnaire as truthfully as you can so that if such a system is implemented, it will be tailored correctly to you and your needs. Thank you for your time.

101.How would you rate your computer literacy out of 10? 8 102.How many times do you use a computer per week? 7 103.Do you believe that a shared computerised system for recording sales and contacts could save you and your colleagues time? Y 104.Out of 10, how willing would you be to try such a system? 9 105.How important are the aesthetics of the system for you, out of ten? 3 106.How important is the security of such a system for you, out of ten?6 107.How important is the speed of such a system for you, out of ten?4 108.How important is the user-friendliness of such a system for you, out of ten?5 109.How important is Platform Independence to you, out of ten?1 110.Do you have any suggestions for the new system? (If so, please detail below); _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Once you have completed this questionnaire, please sent it as an attachment, to [email protected], with the subject set as 'SunQA' (case sensitive) Thank you once again for your help in this matter. Yours truthfully, Stewart Scott

Data Sources, Destinations and Tasks Data Sources Name



To hold all customer contact details for linking to forecasts and companies.


To hold data on the companies, as well as link to their sites.


To hold data on all sales-team members.


To hold data on sites belonging to companies


To hold data on all upcoming forecasts, as well as linking to salespeople, customers and companies. Data Destinations

Name Sales-team Selling Report

Purpose To show which proportions of the total sales are being sold by who.

Customer Spending To show which proportions of the total sales are being bought Report by who. Upcoming Forecasts Report.

To show what transactions are upcoming in a tabular format.

Customer Details Report

To show customer details based on a search input.

Data Processing Name


Check Login

Check the user name and password match those specified

Assign Clearance Level

Assign a clearance level based on which user is logged in. This will dictate access rights for tables, forms and reports.

Input mask phone numbers.

This will allow only numbers to be entered into a field with a fixed length, that cannot be left null or not full.

Input mask post codes

This will only allow numbers and letters in a sequence conforming to a correct postcode.

Assign AutoNumbers

The system will automatically assign unique ID numbers where needed.

Lookup Company

The system will look up data from the company table and present it in a combo box for easy entry

Lookup Salesperson

The system will automatically look up sales people and present them in a combo box for ease of entry.

Lookup Customer

The system will automatically lookup customers and present them in a combo box for ease of entry.

Query Customer Details

The system will query customer details to find if the name is either equal to a user input, or contains a user input.

Query Future Forecasts

This will display all forecasts between two user input dates, displaying all of their fields

Query Forecasts by This will add all of the sales together and return percentages of Salesperson sales with regard to salesperson. Query Forecasts by This will add all of the sales together and return percentages of Customer sales with regard to customer. GoToLast

This will automatically force a form to go to a new blank record when entering new data so that no data is overwritten by mistake.


This will search for a specific record to help the user update records quicker.

ActiveXCalendarRt This will allow the user to enter dates via an Active X control if rn they so choose. CloseDB

This will close the Database upon an incorrect login.


This will force the user to navigate using a menu that I have created, this will ensure that users cannot break their access rights.


Data Flow Diagrams

Data dictionary ●

Data Sources  TblCustomer ■ CustomerID ■ FirstName ■ LastName ■ MobileNumber ■ WorkNumber ■ CompanyAffiliation  TblSales ■ SalesID ■ FirstName ■ LastName ■ MobileNumber ■ WorkNumber  TblCompanies ■ CompanyID ■ CompanyName ■ InvoiceAddress  TblSites ■ SiteName ■ AddressLine1 ■ AddressLine2 ■ AddressLine3 ■ PostCode ■ CompanyAffiliation  TblForecasts ■ Name ■ Stage ■ Salesperson ■ Customer ■ Systems(£) ■ Storage(£) ■ Services(£) ■ DeliveryDate Data Desinations  CustomerDetailsReport ■ CustomerID ■ FirstName ■ LastName ■ MobileNumber ■ WorkNumber ■ CompanyAffiliation  SalesProportionsReport ■ TotalSales ■ SalesFirstName ■ SalesLastName ■ %Of Sales  CustomerProportionsReport

TotalSales ■ CustomerFirstName ■ CustomerLastName ■ CompanyAfilliation ■ %OfCustom UpcomingForecastsReport ■ StartDate ■ StopDate ■ Name ■ Stage ■ Salesperson ■ Customer ■ Systems(£) ■ Storage(£) ■ Services(£) ■ DeliveryDate ■

Entity Relationship Diagram

Objectives of the project Input Tasks #



Enter Customer Details

FirstName Generate Unique ID, LastName Enter into table. WorkNumber HomeNumber CompanyAfilliation



Edit Customer Details

FirstName Select record via LastName SearchString WorkNumber Alter record in table HomeNumber CompanyAfilliation SearchString



Delete Customer Details

Delete, y/n? SearchString

Select record via SearchString Delete record,



Alter Salespeople Details

FirstName LastName WorkNumber HomeNumber SearchString

Select record via SearchString Alter record in table



Enter Company Details

CompanyName InvoiceAddress

Generate Unique ID Enter into table.



Edit Company Details

CompanyName InvoiceAddress SearchString

Select record via SearchString Alter record in table



Delete Company Details

Delete y/n? SearchString

Select record via SearchString Delete record



Enter Site Details

SiteName Generate Unique ID AddressLine1 Enter into table. AddressLine2 AddressLine3 PostCode CompanyAfilliation


Edit Site Details

SiteName Select record via AddressLine1 SearchString AddressLine2 Delete record AddressLine3 PostCode CompanyAfilliation SearchString






10 Delete Site Details

Delete y/n? SearchString

Select record via SearchString Delete record


11 Enter Forecast Details

Name Stage Salesperson Customer Systems(£) Storage(£) Services(£) DeliveryDate

Enter into table


12 Edit Forecast Details

Name Stage Salesperson Customer Systems(£) Storage(£) Services(£) DeliveryDate SearchString

Select record via SearchString Alter record in table


13 Delete Forecast Details

Delete y/n? SearchString

Select record via SearchString Delete record


Output Tasks #




Frequency of output



Customer List


Display/ Print

On demand

Filtered list


Upcoming Forecasts


Display/ Print

On demand

Filtered list


Sales by Salesperson


Display/ Print

Monthly, or on RDBMS demand graphical output


Sales by customer


Display/ Print

Monthly, or on RDBMS demand graphical output

Processing Tasks #


Input Username, password

Processing Check hardcoded users




User level (byte)


Customer query SearchString

Check for WHERE Filtered list = * “SearchString” *


Sales by Salesperson query

Start Date Stop Date

Sum Sales, Group by salesperson, VB(calculate %s)

List of % used for graphical output


Sales by Start Date Customer query Stop Date

Sum Sales, Group by customer, VB(calculate %s)

List of % used for graphical output


Upcoming Start Date Forecasts Query Stop Date

SQL query between All records in start date and stop forecasts table that date, show all. have a delivery date matching criteria

Quantitative Performance Considerations #





Access Time

Time taken to access any record once the <5 seconds request has been sent


Report Processing Time

Time taken to produce a report once the <15 seconds request has been sent.


Amount of Amount of failed passwords on a known 10 tries Failed password user before lockout attempts


Capacity of Total customer records that can be held Customer table



Capacity of the Total sales records that can be held sales table



Capacity of the Total forecast records that can be held Forecasts table



Capacity of the Total company records that can be held companies table



Capacity of the Total site records that can be held sites table


Qualitative evaluation criteria #






Ease of use

Suitable, and not patronising for users of medium level experience.



Visual attractiveness

Colourful, but not an overload to the eye.


Professionalism Report layout

Easy on the eye, well laid out and structured



Secure Access

Mustn't be easy to 'hack' into



Responsiveness to user commands

As fast as possible



Features such as validation and verification

Must stop users from making accidental error-ridden entries

Security of the system User levels have already been mentioned, there shall be three, user, administrator and marketing (limited user) each will have a user name and a password. There is personal information contained in the database. All of the outlined fields are relevant, in that names and phone numbers and needed for contact, specific, as I asked for the sales teams numbers, not their wives/husbands numbers. The data is not excessive, as I only asked for data concerning them at the workplaces, not their home phone numbers and addresses for example. The data, due to the password system, will be held securely, and it has been obtained fairly and lawfully, from consenting individuals. The data backups will be carried out manually, by Karen Scott.

Realistic appraisal if the feasibility of potential solutions Having searched the internet for a long time for off-the-shelf packages, I found none that were specific enough to the problem, especially in the area of reports, which are the most vital function of my system. Those that came close were very expensive and had no functions that relational database programs cannot. Designing the project on a spreadsheet, would in my opinion be unwise, as it does not include SQL queries which are vital for many of the forms and reports associated with my solution, cannot easily produce reports, and doesn't have the same grip of datatypes that a relational database program does, causing it to take up more space, making it harder to move around on laptops. Designing the solution using a 3rd generation programming language is feasible, but would take a very long time and the only way of storing data I know of is in text files. This would mean that for the security of my system I would have to make my own encryption algorithm, as well as worry about file handling, which cannot fit the time frame of my project. Designing the solution in a database program would seem to be the wisest choice. It is the system that I have the most experience with, reasonably cost effective, has all the relevant functionality and can produce reports of exceptional quality that are required by my customer.

Justification of chosen solution Of all the database programs that I have used, the one I have the most experience with is Access, coupled with my knowledge of VB/VBA, it seems obvious to me that this is the best choice. As arithmetic functions will need to be programmed, and login systems are required for my system, my experience should prove useful. The same cannot be said about other database programs.

Feasibility Study ●

TELOS  Technical ■ Access has been used for many similar things, indeed this is the reason that it, and other databases exist.  Economic ■ Access is included with Microsoft office that comes installed on many standard Dell laptops, and even if the computer in question doesn't have it installed, it isn't all too expensive to buy.  Legal ■ Where possible, I will take extra special care to go above and beyond the bounds of the data protection act to ensure the lawfulness of this system, other than that act, I foresee no legal problems.  Operational ■ I see no reason why Sun couldn't employ such a system, similar ones have worked for companies far smaller that don't enjoy the same economies of sale that Sun do.  Schedule ■ I believe this project could be designed and implemented easily inside the bounds of the CPT6 timeframe.

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