Sas (by Indranil Nandy)

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Software Engg Assignment Assignment - I )Design Assignment : Problem #10( : Submitted by Indranil Nandy MTech, 2007 Roll no. : 06CS6010

)Supermarket Automation Software )SAS


SRS Document for Supermarket Automation Software Functional Requirements: The set of functionalities that are supported by the system are documented below – R1: register sales Description: Whenever any item is sold from the stock of the supermarket, this function will prompt the clerk to pass the item over a bar code reader and an automatic weighing scale, the data regarding the item type and the quantity get automatically registered then. After the end of a sales transaction it will print the bill containing the serial number of the sales transaction, the name of the item, code number, quantity, unit price, and item price. The bill should indicate the total amount payable. R1.1: read barcode Input: sold-items are passed over the reader Processing: barcode of the item is read and registered automatically R1.2 weigh Input: sold-items are passed over the automatic weighting scale Processing: weight of the sold-item is automatically get registered R1.3 register sold items Input: automatically registered data about the item along with its quantity Processing: the sold-item gets registered R1.4 generate bill Input: automatically generated "generate bill command" Output: the transaction bill containing the serial number of the sales transaction, the name of the item, code number, quantity, unit price, and item price is printed. The bill also mentions the total amount payable. R2: update inventory Description: In order to support inventory management, this function decreases the inventory whenever an item is sold. Again, when there is a new supply arrival, an employee can update the inventory level by this function. Input: new supply (when arrives) or registered sold-items Processing: whenever new supply arrives or items are sold this updates the inventory.


R3: check inventory Description: The manager upon invoking this function can issue query to see the inventory details. In response, it shows the inventory details. Input: query from the manager Output: display the inventory R4: print sales-statistics Description: Upon invoking this function, it will generate a printed out sales statistics for every item the supermarket deals with for any particular day or any particular period. Input: generate sales-statistics command Output: printed out form of the sales statistics for every item sold for any particular day or any particular period. R5: update price Description: The manager can change the price of an item by invoking this function. Input: change price command along with the new assigned price. Processing: updates the price of the corresponding item in the inventory.

Non-functional Requirements: The set of non-functional requirements can be stated as follows: A. Bill format: 1. The bill should contain the serial number of the sales transaction, the name of the name of the item, code number, quantity, unit price, and item price. 2. The bill should indicate the total amount payable. B. Sales-statistics Report format: 1. The sales statistics report should indicate the quantity of an item sold, the price realized, and the profit.


Structured Analysis Data Flow Diagram:

The context level diagram of the Supermarket Automation Software is shown below.

Context level diagram for SAS


The level 1 diagram of SAS is shown below.

Level 1 diagram of SAS

The level 2 diagram for the process "register-sales" is as shown below.

Level 2 diagram of the process "register-sales"


Data-Dictionary for the above DFD Model: change price command : generate sales-statistics command update inventory command check inventory command register command item-detail : item-spec : barcode checked item weighed items quantity}* sold-items : sales-info : transaction details registered sold-items supply-info : new supply : command inventory-details : query : option day : period option sales-statistics changed price command


command : command : command : command : command item-type + price item-detail + barcode : {item-spec}* : {barcode checked item + item-detail + register command {weighted items}* : sales-info : {item-spec + quantity}* {item-spec + quantity}* supply-info + update inventory supply-info check inventory command + date : : : :

day [day,period] {sales-info}* item-spec + change price

Structured Design The structured design for Supermarket Automation Software is shown below.



UML MODEL Use Case Analysis Use Case Diagram:

The use case diagram of the Supermarket Automation Software is shown below.

use case diagram for SAS


Text Description: The text description of the use cases are as follows: U1: register-sales Using this use case, the sales clerk register the sold-items, whenever any item is sold. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. Sales clerk : select register sales option 2. System : shows message window prompting to pass the item over the barcode reader and the weight scale 3. Sales clerk : passes item over the barcode reader and the weight scale 4. System : register the barcode and the weight along with the item type and quantity automatically. After the completion of registration, a confirmation message is shown and a bill is printed out. Scenario 2 : At step 2 of the mainline sequence. 2. System : shows an error message that the barcode doesn't exist ,i.e. , the item doesn't belong to the inventory. U2: check inventory Using this use case, the manager can see the inventory details Scenario 1 : Mainline Sequence 1. Manager : select query option 2. System : prompt to enter the query 3. Manager : enters the query for checking inventory 4. System : shows the inventory details U3: update price Using this use case, the manager updates the price of an item Scenario 1 : Mainline sequence 1. Manager : select update price option 2. System : prompt to enter price and the item details 3. Manager : enters the price and the item details 4. System : updates the price of the corresponding item and shows a confirmation message Scenario 2 : At step 4 of the mainline sequence. 5. System : shows an error message that the item doesn't belong to the inventory U4: print sales-statistics Using this use case, the manager can get a print out of the sales statistics. Scenario 1 : Mainline Sequence


1. Manager : select print sales-statistics option 2. System : prints out the sales-statistics and shows a completion message

U5: update inventory Using this use case, an employee can update the inventory Scenario 1 : Mainline sequence 1. Employee : select update inventory option 2. System : prompt to enter new supply details 3. Employee : enters new supply details 4. System : updates the inventory and shows a confirmation message. Scenario 2 : At step 4 of the mainline sequence. 4. System : shows an error message that the item is duplicated, i.e. , it already exists in the inventory.


Domain Models Initial Domain Model

The initial domain model of the problem is shown below:

Refined Domain Model

The refined domain model of the problem is shown below:


Sequence Diagram The sequence diagram of the use cases in the given problem are shown below: 1. Sequence Diagram for the register-sales use case:


2. Sequence Diagram for check inventory use case:


3. Sequence Diagram for update price:


4. Sequence Diagram for print sales-statistics use case:


5. Sequence Diagram for update inventory use case:


Class Diagrams The class diagrams for Supermarket Automation Software are shown below.



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