Sap Basis

  • November 2019
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what is private mode? when does user switch to user mode? private mode is a mode where the heap data is getting exclusively allocated by the user and is no more shared across the system. this happens when your extended memory is exhausted. what is osp$ mean? what if user is given with this authorisation? ops$ is the mechanism the <sid>adm users uses to connect to the database . why do you use ddic user not sap* for support packs and spam? do _not_ use neither ddic nor sap* for applying support packages. copy ddic to a separate user and use that user to apply them. can you kill a job? yes - sm37 - select - kill if you have a long running job, how do you analyse? use transaction se30. how to uncar car/sar files in a single shot? on unix: $ for i in *.sar; do sapcar -xvf $i; done when we should use transactional rfc ? a "transactional rfc" means, that either both parties agree that the data was correctly transfered - or not. there is no "half data transfer". what is the use of trusted system. i know that there is no need of uid and pwd to communicate with partner system. in what situation it is good to go for trusted system ? e. g. if you have an r/3 system and a bw system and don't want to maintain passwords. same goes for crm and a lot of other systems/applications. let me know if my understanding below is correct: 1) by default the rfc destination is synchronous 2) asynchronous rfc is used incase if the system initiated the rfc call no need to wait for the response before it proceeds to something else. yes - that's right.

but keep in mind, that it's not only a technical issue whether to switch to asynchronous. the application must also be able to handle that correctly. which table contains the details related to q defined in spam? is there a way to revert back the q defined? if yes, how? there is a "delete" button when you define the queue. if you already started the import it's no more possible since the system will become inconsistent. what is a developer key? and how to generate a developer key? the developer key is a combination of you installation number, your license key (that you get from and the user name. you need this for each person that will make changes (dictionary or programs) in the system. what is xi3.0 ? explain xi = exchange infrastructure - part of netweaver 2004. sap exchange infrastructure (sap xi) is sap's enterprise application integration (eai) software, a component of the netweaver product group used to facilitate the exchange of information among a company's internal software and systems and those of external parties. like other netweaver components, sap xi is compatible with software products of other companies. sap calls xi an integration broker because it mediates between entities with varying requirements in terms of connectivity, format, and protocols. according to sap, xi reduces integration costs by providing a common repository for interfaces. the central component of sap xi is the sap integration server, which facilitates interaction between diverse operating systems and applications across internal and external networked computer systems. how to see when were the optimizer stats last time run? we are using win2k, oracle 9, sapr346c. assumed db=oracle select any table lets take mara here but you should do the same for mseg and few others to see whether the dates match or the following command on the command prompt:-

select last_analyzed from dba_tables where table_name like '%mara%'; this gives you a straight answer .else you can always fish around in db14 for seeing when the optimzer stats were updated. *-- ankan automatic cts even though sap does not recommend automatic imports, it is the most practical way of moving transports from a development system to a qa environment or to a special development system (although i wouldn't recommend auto imports to a production system for obvious reasons). there are various methods for doing this. the most effective and simple method is using an os script (shell/perl etc.) scheduled using cron for user sidadm. there are a couple of steps you need to take before setting up automatic imports. 1. your entire project team should agree upon the overall strategy, frequency of imports etc. 2. resolve any issues with transport approvals (many shops don't care about traffic between dev and qa) 3. who is responsible for watching for errors and corrective actions (an email to the developer works in this case) configuring outbound sap to internet mail gateway (r/3 4.0 and above) step 1 (unix setup) logon to your as sidadm change directory to /sapmnt/sid/global (or any directory globally available across all application servers) create the following entries in file and save the file #!/bin/sh gwconfig=/sapmnt/sid/global/sap_email_gateway.cfg export gwconfig /sapmnt/sid/exe/mlunxsnd $* execute the command: mlosmadm sap_email_gateway.cfg (enter the following information) system name : sid

client : 200 username : mailadm password : initpass language : e loadbalancing : y message server : codepage : create nodes node : email description : sap connect node for email (continue) rfc destination: (choose sap 4.5 internet mail gateway from the pull down menu) choose radio button internet address area : *domain (your intranet domain) ccontinue format : doc, dat, r3f, txt, raw,ppt,xls (continue) continue set further address types : n minimum waiting : 5 minutes check both node is in use', node can resolve path references continue

choose goto--> schedule background job enter name for the job & save configuring outbound sap to internet mail gateway (upto r/3 3.1i) sap can be configured to send and receive emails from different sources. this section explains how to integrate sapoffice with an external email system. this is in no way supplementing the online documentation available on the online documentation cd supplied by sap but simplyfies the process to the bare internet email must be configured and running prior to this. email from sap is forwarded to the users external email client such as eudora, outlook etc. you can configure inbound and outbound forwarding. outbound flow forwards a sap message (eg:update termination) via unix sendmail to the intended recepient. inbound accepts a message from sendmail and places it in the users sapoffice inbox. many sap shops prefer to configure outbound only. configuring outbound forwarding sap configuration 1. create your rfc destination for outbound email using transaction sm59 rfc destination : sap_internet_gateway connection type :t description : sap internet mail gateway click on 'explicit host' if you want on demand gateway dameon invocation. program : /sapmnt/sid/exe/mlunxsnd target host : enter hostname that runs your central instance. click 'test connection' and you should see a successfull message. choose menu tools-->administration-->management-->process technology-->office-->office settings click internet gateway gateway destination : sap_internet_gateway path for configuration file : /sapmnt/sid/exe/sap_mailsid.cfg return address : .com 5. click internet settings and fill in the following fields 6. save the settings

7. click back 8. choose menu office-->addresses-->communication types 9. type in int over the comm. type and internet mail over description. 10.. check maintain and send checkboxes and save your entries.

unix configuration 11.. cd /sapmnt/sid/exe 12..mlosadm sap_mailsid.cfg 13.client 000 14.username : mailadm 15.password : mailadm 16.language : e 17.system name : sid 18.system number : 19.hostname : 20.gateway hostname: 21.gateway server sapgw 22.sendmail command : <path_to_sendmail_command> 23.update file : y testing 1. logon to sap 2. execute transaction so01 3. write a message and send it to if you don't see the mail in your internet mailbox, go back and review steps 1-12 ftp from abap there are 2 ways of executing ftp from an abap (online or batch mode),

initiated from the operating system. a script is available in the utility repository that explains how to do this very easily. initiated from the abap itself an example is given below. 1. create a logical os command 'zftp' using transaction sm69. make sure that you enable 'comand line parameter allowed' checkbox 2. create a shell script called 'zftp' with the following lines rmthost=`echo $2 | tr '[a-z]' '[a-z]'` ftp -v $rmthost << eof > /out/zftp.$$ 2>&1 lcd /out put $1 bye eof 3. use the sxpg_command_execute function module to call this script (zftp) with the filename you want to transfer as the parameter. eg: call function 'sxpg_command_execute' exporting commandname = tables exec_protocol = exceptions no_permission = 1 command_not_found = 2 parameters_too_long = 3 ... enable web based online documentaion (r/3 4.0 or above) 1. install netscape webserver or use an existing web server (requires administrators privelege) 2. create a directory called sapdocs4 under your web server document root. 3. mount the cdrom containing online documentation on your pc or your unix server.

4. recursively copy all files under /cdrom/docs/ to the sapdoc4 directory under the web server root. 5. create the following entries in your /usr/sap/sid/sys/profile/default.pfl eu/iwb/installed_languages = en eu/iwb/help_type=2 eu/iwb/ eu/iwb/path_win32=saphelp/helpdata restart your sap system how to access an external database from abap via dblink (oracle) 1. using transaction se11, create a table (ztable) with the same fields as the table in the external database, make sure that the type and lengths of the fields are identical. 2. using transaction se11, create a view (ztable_view, projection view) using basis table ztable 3. using svrmgrl> create dblink remote_db as connect to remote_user identified by password; (database link created) drop table ztable; (table dropped) create synonym ztable for ztable@remote_db; (synonym created) using transaction se16 , type in ztable_view and hit return enter value in key fields and hit execute. (displays rows from the remote table) tips and tricks 1. to see the complete text of an error/warning message on the sapgui status bar, right click on the message and drag left. 2. to prevent your spool requests getting deleted from the basis cleanup jobs, you need to uncheck the delete after print

checkbox in the print control screen, execute transaction sp01, find your spool#, click on attributes and change the delete after date 3. short cuts using the ok-code box. %sc search in page %pc download do local file p+ page up p- page down p++ top of page p-- end of page use transaction al11 to browse the application servers directory structure. what is th difference between sap lock and database lock? a "sap lock" is named "enqueue lock", the enqueue is on a much higher level, e. g. a complete sales document is locked there whereas in the datbase usually only row locks exist. since sap runs on more database than oracle (thanx god) one needed to have a mechanism, that is database independent and on a higher level. what is the diff between clients 000 and 001? client 000 is the sap source client, client 001 exists only on certain installations (e. g. solution manager). *-- markus i would like to know is there anyway to transport roles from production to development or sandbox. goto pfcg and enter the role which you want to transfer to other system. goto utilities->mass download it will ask the path where to download/save that role on local desktop give the location and save it. next logon to the system where you want that particular role. pfcg-> role -> upload. give the path where the role is saved. it accepts and generates successfully. *-- mahesh what is the need of having development system?

to develop and custamize sap to companies requirement. say if you dont have dev, after go-live(started using sap (prd}) if you want to do some changes to application, you cannot do changes directly to prd server, which may cause problem the prd server live data. so you do the required changes on dev first and test them on qas, if it works fine them transport the same to prd. difference between application server and central instance? as: is just a dialog instance. ci: is dialog instance + database instance. what is transport domain and domain controller? td: is the collection of transport controller, trans directory and all other systems in the group. tc: a system which will have trans directory, and in which the total landscape is designed and maintained. in stms you can see all these. *-- suneel what are snotes ? how to apply them in sap ? the name of the transaction is snote. a "note" in general is a hint, documentation, error/bug description and may contain code corrections, that are applied with the transaction snote. what is oss ? oss is the old name of the nowadays "sapnet" which contains everything you need to run sap a program, patches, installation/upgrade documentation etc. what are different modules used like ep, xi, crm ,bw, etc? those are not different modules but different products. ep = enterprise portal xi = exchange infrastructure crm = customer relationship management bw = business warehouse (that is the old term), it's now call bi (business intelligence) what is the correct use of spam, saint, spad and spdd transactions. when should we use each? spam is for installing support packages, saint is used to install new addons.

spad is for creating printers (i assume you meant spau) and spdd is for adjusting modification to dictionary objects. is it possible to update support release packages from os level? no - you can import them but the full process will require additional steps the tools "tp" and "r3trans" are not aware of. the way is to use spam - but spam has the possibility to schedule those imports in the background. after doing any support package update in spam, are there any further steps to carry out for this update to take effect? no, they are active immediately. *-- markus what is the use of profile paramater ztta/roll_area? the value specifies the size of the roll area in bytes. the roll area is one of several memory areas, which satisfies the user requests of user programs. for technical reasons, however, the first 250 kb or so of a user context are always stored in the roll area, further data - up to the roll area limit ztta/roll_first, - in the extended memory, up to the limit ztta/roll_extension or if extended memory is exhausted, then - again in the roll area, until the roll area is full, then - in the local process area, up to the limit abap/heap_area_dia or abap/heap_area_total or until the address space or the swap space is exhausted. followed by termination with errors like storage_parameters_wrong_set an error code, that points to memory bottleneck minimum data transfer with context change; however, the increase helps to avoid problems (address space, swap space, operating system paging). *-- anupam sharma what is r/3? and what is basis version? sap basis: - provides the runtime environment for all sap applications - optimally embeds the application in the system environment - defines a stable architecture framework for system enhancements - contains the tools for administering the entire system - allows the distribution of resources and system components - provides interfaces for decentralized system parts and external products. an r/3 instance is a group of r/3 services that are started and stopped as a unit

(by an r/3 dispatcher) and have a common instance profile. the name of an r/3 instance is composed of letters standing for the relevant services, and an instance number which is unique for each computer. the services may be d, v, e, b, m, g, or s, which respectively stand for dialogue, update, enqueue, background, message, gateway, and spool services. tips by : suresh babu i would like to know the version or name of sap that is implemented in real time? this is a very generic question and really depends on what you are implementing (modules). the history of the "r/3" is 3.0d basis 300 3.0e basis 300 3.0f basis 300 3.1h basis 310 3.1i basis 310 4.0b basis 400 4.5b basis 450 4.6c basis 460 4.71 basis 6.20 4.72 basis 6.20 5.00 basis 6.40 (ecc 5.0 - enterprise core components) 6.00 basis 7.00 (ecc 6.0) - actually in rampup all of those have increased business functionality and interfaces to other systems (crm, bw etc.) what is mysap? it's a term for all the systems that in a contract (e. g. a mysap business suite consist of erp2005, crm2005, srm2005). what is the systems configuration required to implement sap.. i.e for production,development and qas servers the hard disk space, ram, processor this also depends on what your are implementing, how many users will work on the system, how many records in what area are created etc.

we need a big database system and an even bigger application server for ~ 900 users and 12 languages. what is asap? it's an old term for an implementation strategy. blueprint -> prototype -> golive (if you want to say it in one sentence). how should i set priority for printing say like user, teamlead, project manager? there's nothing like "priority" settings for spool processes. just define more (profile parameter rdisp/wp_no_spool) processes so people don't need to wait. using tc sgen i have generated 74% job and later i have terminated the job. i wish to start generating from where it stopped i have refreshed but to no chance nothing was done. how should i further proceed so as to complete the remaining job.. start sgen again and select the same you have selected before. it will popup and ask if you want to start from scratch or generate the just the remaining. what is your system landscape? what are you roles and responsibilities in your company? what are versions of sap & r/3, oracle you are using? patch numbers of sap kernel & oracle you are using if a user wants to execute a background job immediately but there is no background work process available. how u will do? what is common house keeping background jobs that run in your system? what are common transport errors u faced while transporting? how you will do client copy? if sap * user is not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy? how u will apply ocs patches? what is the database backup strategy in your company? what is upgrade process? and how u will do that? how u will give new authorizations? how to adjust user master records? if user master record doesn’t adjust what will you do? how to check kernel, tp versions? briefly explain a recent problem you faced, which u felt proud by solving that? and ho u solved?

how you will rate your self in sap, oracle from a scale 1 – 10? what are your daily activities in your company? what are you roles and responsibilities in your company? what are common background jobs that will run in your system? if a background job runs more than the time it should be completed normally then what actions will u take? how to schedule background jobs at os level? how to add authorizations, how you will maintain profiles? what are common transport errors and their codes? transport request types and its syntax where will u find transport error logs? how to do transport at os level? how to transport objects from production to development? how to define instances and operation modes? what are homogenous system copy and heterogeneous system copy and how you will do that? what is oracle architecture? at os level in which directory oracle alerts are stored? if a lock entry is holding more than 24 hours then what will you do? if another user wants to share that lock but the user using that lock haven’t released lock he went for holiday what will u do? this user wants lock asap then what will u do? what will you do if u got update failure? what will you observe in system log (sm21)? how to increase tables space, resizing, backups and when will you do? various client copy methods and how you will do them? how you will get help from oss notes? what is the need of having development system? difference between application server and central instance? how you will check whether database is active or not from os level? what is transport domain and domain controller? what is consolidation route and delivery routes? how to lock a client? how to delete a client? how to login in to sap from command level? how to define logon groups? and what is logon load balancing? how you will rate your self in sap, oracle from a scale 1 – 10?

what are you roles and responsibilities in your company? how you will do client copy? if sap* is not available then how u will do? after client copy is table space and database sizes will be increased or not? how to do client copy fast? what are various profiles available for client copy? how to do transport’s between production and development? how to apply ocs patches? what are you roles and responsibilities in your company? how to do client copy? how to do transports from os level? where the transport data files will be placed? how to make security authorization reports? in which table failed user login attempts will be there? how to see the t able entry values? how you will give new authorizations? have you participated in kernel upgrading and ocs patches? have you done any up gradations? how to configure tms? what is transport domain? what is consolidation route and delivery routes? how you will identify them? transport error codes and their description? the transaction should not be displayed in user easy access menu but he must execute that transaction how to do that?

welcome to the exciting world of sap r/3 basis. the term basis (foundation) is no misnomer. all application modules of an sap r/3 system are integrated using the basis technology and comprise of four major areas. application administration: abap, security, correction and transport system, implementation guide, workflow, sapoffice, external

interface configuration, upgrades etc. are some of the major subareas. database administration: database interface, space management, performance, capacity planning, upgrades. operating system administration: os and sap kernel, communication, disk, memory, printers etc. infrastructure administration such as hardware, network planning, high availability, archiving, language support

automatic cts even though sap does not recommend automatic imports, it is the most practical way of moving transports from a development system to a qa environment or to a special development system (although i wouldn't recommend auto imports to a production system for obvious reasons). there are various methods for doing this. the most effective and simple method is using an os script (shell/perl etc.) scheculed using cron for user sidadm. there are a couple of steps you need to take before setting up automatic imports. 1. your entire project team should agree upon the overall strategy, frequency of imports etc. 2. resolve any issues with transport approvals (many shops don't care about traffic between dev and qa) 3. who is responsible for watching for errors and corrective actions (an email to the developer works in this case) configuring outbound sap to internet mail gateway (r/3 4.0 and above) step 1 (unix setup) logon to your as sidadm change directory to /sapmnt/sid/global (or any directory globally available across all application servers) create the following entries in file and save the file

#!/bin/sh gwconfig=/sapmnt/sid/global/sap_email_gateway.cfg export gwconfig /sapmnt/sid/exe/mlunxsnd $* execute the command: mlosmadm sap_email_gateway.cfg (enter the following information) system name : sid client : 200 username : mailadm password : initpass language : e loadbalancing : y message server : codepage : create nodes node : email description : sap connect node for email (continue)

rfc destination: (choose sap 4.5 internet mail gateway from the pull down menu) choose radio button internet address area : *domain (your intranet domain) ccontinue format : doc, dat, r3f, txt, raw,ppt,xls (continue) continue set further address types : n minimum waiting : 5 minutes check both node is in use', node can resolve path references continue choose goto--> schedule background job enter name for the job & save configuring outbound sap to internet mail gateway (upto r/3 3.1i) sap can be configured to send and receive emails from different sources. this section explains how to integrate sapoffice with an external email system. this is in no way supplementing the online documentation available on the online documentation cd supplied by sap but simplyfies the process to the bare internet email must be configured and running prior to this. email from sap is forwarded to the users external email client such as eudora, outlook etc. you can configure inbound and outbound forwarding. outbound flow forwards a sap message (eg:update termination) via unix sendmail to the intended recepient. inbound accepts a message from sendmail and places it in the users sapoffice inbox. many sap shops prefer to configure outbound only. configuring outbound forwarding sap configuration 1. create your rfc destination for outbound email using transaction sm59 rfc destination : sap_internet_gateway connection type :t description : sap internet mail gateway click on 'explicit host' if you want on demand gateway dameon invocation. program : /sapmnt/sid/exe/mlunxsnd

target host : enter hostname that runs your central instance. click 'test connection' and you should see a successfull message. choose menu tools-->administration-->management-->process technology-->office-->office settings click internet gateway gateway destination path for configuration file return address

: sap_internet_gateway : /sapmnt/sid/exe/sap_mailsid.cfg : .com

5. click internet settings and fill in the following fields 6. save the settings 7. click back 8. choose menu office-->addresses-->communication types 9. type in int over the comm. type and internet mail over description. 10.. check maintain and send checkboxes and save your entries. unix configuration 11.. cd /sapmnt/sid/exe 12..mlosadm sap_mailsid.cfg 13.client 000 14.username : mailadm 15.password : mailadm 16.language : e 17.system name : sid 18.system number : 19.hostname : 20.gateway hostname: 21.gateway server sapgw 22.sendmail command : <path_to_sendmail_command> 23.update file : y testing 1. logon to sap

2. execute transaction so01 3. write a message and send it to 4. if you don't see the mail in your internet mailbox, go back and review steps 1-12 back to top ftp from abap there are 2 ways of executing ftp from an abap (online or batch mode), initiated from the operating system. a script is available in the utility repository that explains how to do this very easily. initiated from the abap itself an example is given below. 1. create a logical os command 'zftp' using transaction sm69. make sure that you enable 'comand line parameter allowed' checkbox 2. create a shell script called 'zftp' with the following lines rmthost=`echo $2 | tr '[a-z]' '[a-z]'` ftp -v $rmthost << eof > /out/zftp.$$ 2>&1 lcd /out put $1 bye eof 3. use the sxpg_command_execute function module to call this script (zftp) with the filename you want to transfer as the parameter. eg: call function 'sxpg_command_execute' exporting commandname = tables exec_protocol = exceptions no_permission = 1 command_not_found = 2

parameters_too_long = 3 ... back to top enable web based online documentaion (r/3 4.0 or above) 1. install netscape webserver or use an existing web server (requires administrators privelege) 2. create a directory called sapdocs4 under your web server document root. 3. mount the cdrom containing online documentation on your pc or your unix server. 4. recursively copy all files under /cdrom/docs/ to the sapdoc4 directory under the web server root. 5. create the following entries in your /usr/sap/sid/sys/profile/default.pfl eu/iwb/installed_languages = en eu/iwb/help_type=2 eu/iwb/ eu/iwb/path_win32=saphelp/helpdata restart your sap system back to top how to access an external database from abap via dblink (oracle) 1. using transaction se11, create a table (ztable) with the same fields as the table in the external database, make sure that the type and lengths of the fields are identical. 2. using transaction se11, create a view (ztable_view, projection view) using basis table ztable 3. using svrmgrl> create dblink remote_db as connect to remote_user identified by

password; (database link created) drop table ztable; (table dropped) create synonym ztable for ztable@remote_db; (synonym created) using transaction se16 , type in ztable_view and hit return enter value in key fields and hit execute. (displays rows from the remote table) tips and tricks 1. to see the complete text of an error/warning message on the sapgui status bar, right click on the message and drag left. 2. to prevent your spool requests getting deleted from the basis cleanup jobs, you need to uncheck the delete after print checkbox in the print control screen, execute transaction sp01, find your spool#, click on attributes and change the delete after date 3. short cuts using the ok-code box. %sc search in page %pc download do local file p+ page up p- page down p++ top of page p-- end of page use transaction al11 to browse the application servers directory structure 1) what is the maximum value for line-size in the report? 2) how many methods are there in bdc? which methods you know well? 3) what is the difference between report and script? 4) what are control commands in scripts? 5) what is the use of protect and endprotect?

6) can we display text with color in sap script? if yes how can we do that? 7) what is the use of event at selection-screen on field? 8) what is the use of chain and endchain statement? 9) how can you set rows and columns for table control in a screen? 10) what is an user exit? 11) what is table maintenance generator? 12) how can you call a subroutine which is located in program a from program b? 13) what is rfc function module? 14) how many types of rfcs are there? 15)can we use call screen in rfc? how do i assign authorization groups to tables? assign a table to a group 1) sm31 2) enter ==> tddat in table name 3) execute 4) select assign authorization groups to tables/views 5) check table name box and execute 6) enter table name (s) (can use wildcards) and execute 7) enter ==> new authorization group(s) 8) check box in front of modified tables 9) select save icon 10) create change request, enter description, execute, execute 11) select back icon why is it that when i use suim to see who can run certain transactions i get a certain list of users. but one or more users are missing that i know have access to run that transaction?

up to now the report did not take into account the transactions which are executable due to customizing with the help of the su24 / su25 what is client 000 in sap r/3? client 000 is defined as the sap standard and the customer cannot change it. this client serves as a copy template for the creation of further clients. what are the different type of work process ? the following work process in sap r/3 dialog (d): each dispatcher needs at least 2 dialog work processes (not shown above) spool (s): at least 1 per r/3 system (more than 1 per dispatcher allowed) update (v): at least 1 per r/3 system (more than 1 per dispatcher allowed) background (b): at least 2 per r/3 system (more than 1 per dispatcher allowed) enqueue (e): exactly 1 per r/3 system (only 1 e work process is required and allowed) how do you start sap r/3? to start r/3, run the shell script startsap from the home directory of user <sid>adm. startsap starts the saposcol process, which is the statistics collector for operating system resource data, if it is not yet running. startsap calls the script startdb, which starts the database if it is not already started. startsap then starts the central instance. the r/3 system administrator can start additional instances and application servers. to start the instances independently of the database, use the script startsap.

startsap has the following options: startsap r3: checks if the database is running; if it is, only the instance is started startsap db:

starts only the database

startsap all: default entry; starts both the database and the r/3 instance in what sequence are profile parameter read? r/3 processes read the appropriate parameters from a c source in the r/3 kernel the default profile /usr/sap/<sid>/sys/profile/default.pfl is read; profile values already defined in the c source are replaced with the values in the default profile the instance profile /usr/sap/<sid>/sys/profile/<sid>__ is read; profile values already defined in the default profile or in the c source are replaced with the values defined in the instance profile this procedure ensures that system parameter values reflect the instance profile and the values in the default profile and the c source. what are the step involved before stopping r/3 system? before stopping any r/3 system following steps are basic steps to be performed. before the r/3 system is stopped, the r/3 system administrator should check the: check if any background jobs from any application server are active or have been triggered externally. use transaction sm37 check if the background work process btc is running in

any application server. check if any update records are open when the system is stopped, the records are rolled back and set to status init. at startup, the records are processed again. the administrator must decide whether to interrupt the jobs or wait until they are finished. give system users advance warning of the system shutdown. to create a system message, you can use transaction sm02. before shutting down the system, use transaction sm04 to check whether users are still logged on, and ask them to log off. the r/3 system administrator and administrators of external systems should also inform one another about data transfers between their respective systems. how do you check the work process from unix? use the following commands. to check all the work processes: ps -ef | grep <sid> | grep dw to check the message server: ps -ef | grep <sid> | grep ms to check the sap os collector: ps -ef | grep sapos how do you display the server name? to display the server name, use transaction sm51. information about the process types is also displayed. for further information, select one of the instances and choose processes. alternatively, to display the system processes, use transaction sm66. how do you display all active users in your system? to display the overview of all active users on the instance where you are logged on, use transaction sm04. for a user overview of the whole system, call transaction al08.

performance analysis q. what happens to locks when the enqueue server is restarted? a. if they have not been saved to disk in the backup file, they will be lost. the locks that are inherited by the update task when commit work is executed after call function .. in update task are saved to the disk. the locks are saved to disk when the update request becomes valid, that is, with the commit work. each time the enqueue server is restarted, the lock entries saved on the disk are reloaded to the lock table. a lock is saved to disk at the point at which the backup flag is set. q. the enqueue server is a single-point-of-failure in the sap system. can i guarantee high availability for the enqueue server? a. to guarantee this you must use the standalone enqueue server with the replication server. this is described in the documentation standalone enqueue server. sap note 524816 contains the prerequisites that must be fulfilled for using the standalone enqueue servers with the replication server. q. where is the lock table stored? a. in the main memory (shared memory) of the enqueue server. all work processes on the enqueue server has access to the table. external application servers execute their lock operations in the enqueue process on the enqueue server. communication in this case takes place via the relevant dispatchers and the message server. q. can locks exist directly after startup? a. yes, the saved locks, which were inherited by the update task, are reloaded to the lock table during startup (see first question). q. how fast are lock operations?

a. in work processes on the enqueue server, a few 100 microseconds. in work processes of external application servers you have to include network communications and process changes. depending on cpu and network load this amounts to a few milliseconds. q. what should i do first if a problem arises? a. use the diagnosis functions: sm12 extras ® diagnosis and then sm12 extras ® diagnosis in update if a problem is reported, back up the trace files dev_w*, dev_disp, dev_eq* and check the syslog. q. the following message is displayed in the diagnosis details in sm12: lock management operation mode internal lock management in same process what does this message mean and what are the other options? a. "internal lock management in same work process" in the diagnosis function means that you are logged onto the enqueue server and your work process can access the lock table straight away. you do not have to delegate enqueue requests to an enqueue process on a remote enqueue server. if you are logged onto an application server that is not an enqueue server, the diagnosis function will provide you with the name of the enqueue server. each sap system has exactly one application server that functions as an enqueue server. this enqueue server maintains the lock table, which is located in a shared memory segment. all of the work processes on the enqueue server can access the lock table. all work processes on other application servers delegate their enqueue requests to a special enqueue work process on the enqueue server. this procedure is configured automatically. the parameter

line "rdisp/enqname =" in the default profile default.pfl indicates which application server is currently acting as the enqueue server. when an application server detects that its name matches the name of the enqueue server, it creates the lock table and all of its work processes process enqueue requests inline. if an application server detects that its name does not match the name of the enqueue server, it sends all enqueue requests to the enqueue server. work processes of the type "enqueue" guarantee that incoming requests are processed immediately. one enqueue process is usually sufficient. in very large sap systems with many application servers, a second process can be beneficial. however, it is not expedient to define more than two enqueue processes. if the transaction sm50 -> [cpu] shows that only the first enqueue process is being used, the bottleneck is due to something else. q.why is an enqueue work process required in a central system? don't all work processes have the same access to the shared memory and thus to the lock table? a. although the enqueue process is not used in a central system, it does not do any harm. since almost all customers install an application server sooner or later, problems will inevitably arise if the enqueue process is missing. for this reason, the enqueue diagnosis function will output an error if an enqueue process has not been configured. q. are the locks in the lock table also set at the database level? if not, database functions could be used to process objects locked in the sap system. a. locks are not set on the database. the lock table is stored in the main memory of the enqueue server. q. is a lock table built if an enqueue work process is not started on the enqueue server in the instance profile? a. yes, because the work processes on the enqueue server

use the lock table directly, and not via the enqueue process. the latter is only responsible for lock requests from external application servers. can i find out who is currently holding the ungranted lock? in other words, how can check the program after an enqueue to determine which use is currently holding the lock so that i can let him or her know? a. when the enqueue_... function module is returned, the name of the lock owner is listed in sy-msgv1. q. can i use special characters in my lock argument (especially the ‘at’ sign (@))? a. the ‘at’ symbol is used as a wildcard in sap locks (enqueues). in other words, it can stand for any other character during collision checks. for example, the parameter value 12345@ locks the quantities 123450 to 123459, 12345a to 12345z, and 12345a to 12345z, and all other values with any special character in the 6th character position. this is described in detail in the section lock collisions. in order to prevent the wildcard mechanism from being activated in sap locks when it is not required, you need to ensure when enqueue function modules are called that key value parameters do not contain any wildcard characters. if key values that you want to use to lock individual entities do contain wildcard characters, you have to replace the wildcards with different characters before the enqueue is called. q. with a single-process system as an enqueue server, we have reached x sd benchmark users. can this number be increased by using a multiprocessor system (message server on the same machine as the enqueue server)? can we assume that scaling is linear (number of cpus * x sd users)? how many processes are advisable if message servers, dispatchers, one

dialog, and two enqueue processes are to run on the system? a. a significant increase in the enqueue server throughput can be expected by using several processors. the cpu load on the enqueue server is distributed relatively evenly between message server, dispatchers, and enqueue work processes, which means that up to 3 processors can be occupied simultaneously. dispatchers and message server represent the bottleneck with the enqueue. linear scaling can be expected for up to 3 processors, even if lock requests are so frequent that message server, dispatchers, and work processes are occupied simultaneously. due to asynchronous system processes (for example, syncer), using more processors can further enhance throughput. q. the syslog often contains messages such as "enqueue: total wait time during locking: 2500 seconds". how should i analyze this problem? or is the entry not critical? (there are no records of terminations or timeouts.) a. the message is output for information purposes only but may indicate parallel processing errors with abap programs. the specified wait time is the time that has elapsed since startup due to the use of the wait parameter when the enqueue function module was called. the wait parameter enables a lock attempt to be repeated a number of times, for example, so that the update task does not have to be cancelled when a lock is set temporarily by other programs. the work process remains busy between the lock attempts. q. user cannot connect to sap a. check sap logon settings, ping the host, check message server, check dispatcher, etc q. user cannot print a. see if the user has proper authoriztion. check sap user setup, check spad, check spools, check unix queue or print

queue at the os level, etc q. why do you get "getprocesslist failed: 80004005" error while starting sap console management a. you have selected one of the process list nodes in the tree. then you closed mmc and clicked "yes" in the dialog "save console settings to sapmmc?". now when you open again the mmc and those processes are not started, you get this error. solution: start mmc and select sap systems in the tree. then close it and choose "yes" in the dialog "save console settings to sapmmc?". now you won't get this annoying error on every start. t-codes development transaction codes s001 abap workbench se09 workbenche organizer (transports) se11 abap/4 dictionary se16 data browser se24 class builder se30 abap runtime analyzes se32 abap/4 text element maintenance se35 abap/4 dialog modules maintenance se36 logical databases se37 function builder se38 abap/4 editor se39 program comparison se41 menu painter se43 area menu editor se48 call hierarchy se49 program analysis: table manipulation se51 screen painter: initial screen. se55 table maintenance dialog se80 repository browser se91 message classes se93 maintain transaction

shdb batch input recorder sm30 maintain table views sm35 monitor batch input st22 short dump analysis 2. monitoring st05 sql trace st07 application monitor

do i need user id and password to enter into the oss? yes, you need an user id and password to enter into the site. it will be provided by the basis team in the project. when they create sap user id, they will create oss notes id also. you can also register individually in the site. what is oss notes number? after entering into sap notes search, you can search for the problem using keyword appropriate for your problem. if you have specific oss notes number with you, then you can directly enter the oss notes number and you can see the notes explanation. how to apply oss notes number? before applying oss notes number into your sap system. you need to check whether it is already implemented in your sap system or not. if it is not implemented you can go ahead. there are some oss notes, which we should implement manually, that means we need to change the code in the programs/objects ourselves according to the steps mentioned in the problem. i did not find any oss notes appropriate for my problem or bug. what i

have to do? if the oss notes displayed are not helpful to solve your problem. you can write to sap service describing your problem. you problem will be answered by sap support team. how to apply oss notes in my sap system? what is the t-code and what are the steps. in next post we will see it. oss stands for on-line service system. what is the use of oss? in day-to day business customers who are using sap software encounters problem or bugs with sap software. to resolve the issues faced by customers sap has provided an on-line solution. what? sap software is having problems or bugs? yes, any software product is not 100% pool-proof. sap is continuously updating the versions for better performance and options. where can i access sap oss? log on to under the sap support portal, click on sap notes search.

do i need user id and password to enter into the oss? yes, you need an user id and password to enter into the site. it will be provided by the basis team in the project. when they create sap user id, they will create oss notes id also. you can also register individually in the site. what is oss notes number? after entering into sap notes search, you can search for the problem using keyword appropriate for your problem. if you have specific oss notes number with you, then you can directly enter the oss notes number and you can see the notes explanation.

how to apply oss notes number? before applying oss notes number into your sap system. you need to check whether it is already implemented in your sap system or not. if it is not implemented you can go ahead. there are some oss notes, which we should implement manually, that means we need to change the code in the programs/objects ourselves according to the steps mentioned in the problem. i did not find any oss notes appropriate for my problem or bug. what i have to do? if the oss notes displayed are not helpful to solve your problem. you can write to sap service describing your problem. you problem will be answered by sap support team. how to apply oss notes in my sap system? what is the t-code and what are the steps. in next post we will see it. types of consultants: the most common question being asked in interviews is ' what are your roles and responsibilities?'. before answering the above question, let me explain the difference between functional consultant and technical consultant. roles and responsibilities differ from functional consultant to technical consultant. functional consultant: * functional consultants are responsible for designing the sap implementation solution based on the requirements of your company. * functional consultants are business process experts. * functional consultants normally use their process knowledge to calculate the impact of the sap implementation on the company's processes. * functional consultants are thus concerned with sap functions and processes that will generate the data and output for business. * functional consultants interact with end users of the company to gather requirements and based on the

requirements they customize the sap implementation. technical consultant: * technical consultants are experts in information technology. * technical consultants normally assist in configuration of the sap r3 installation. in many sap implementations, technical consultants help in designing interfaces and customizations in r3. finally, the sap r3 technical consultants would be responsible for migration of data from the legacy system to the new sap erp implementation. * here i will discuss major roles and responsibilities of a technical consultant: 1) designing technical specification by looking at the functinal specification you have recieved. usually senior developers having 3 years or more than 3 years of experience involves in preparing technical specifications. 2) developing objects using abap workbench tools. that may be a report program or an on-line program or a custom table. remember the development work starts after the technical specification is approved by your team leader. 3) preparing the unit test case document. in unit test case document, we document the results and test cases performed on the developed object. 4) peer review if you are a senior developer you can perform peer review. i.e review the code written by your peers. 5) working on problem tickets if you are working in a support project, you should solve the tickets assigned to you. tickets are nothing but the problems occured in production environment.

the above mentioned are the major roles and responsibilities for a technical consultant. system landscape: the system landscape contains all systems that were installed. the customer can choose any landscape according to the requirements. if the customer is very big, one can implement four system landscapes. mid size customers can go for two system landscape. now we will see different system landscapes: four system landscape: in this landscape, we will find four systems, 1) development system 2) test system 3) pre-production system 4) production system in development system, we find three clients 100 140 180 100 can be used as configuration client. 140 can be used for development. 180 can be used for testing purpose in development system. the test system contains two clients 010 040 010 can be used for testing, where as 040can be used for training purposes. the pre-production system is the one which behaves exactly as production system. it contains data similar to production system. we can test with similar production data. production system contains one client where the end users will be working with real time data supporting day to day business.

cts (change and transport system) : the cts is the central tool for managing changes to customizing and repository data that we make in the img or abap workbench. as we have discussed earlier, a transport request cab be either customizing request or abap workbench request. a customizing request can be created by the customizing tool img. an abap workbench request can be created by abap workbench tool. any changes or objects we develop through abap workbench are stored in repository tables of sap database. as an abap developer you will be working with abap workbench and thus you create work bench requests. a functional consultant works with configuration tool img (sap implementation guide) t-code spro, thus creating customizing requests. transport organizer: transport organizer is the tool provided by sap which records and documents all changes to objects in the repository and customizing. the transaction code for transport organizer is se10 or se09. transport organizer is fully integrated with abap workbench and customizing tool img. that means you can navigate in both directions from transport organizer to abap workbench and reverse also. development class: development classes are used to group similar work objects that are being developed in a project.

while creating development class we must assign it to the transport layer. all the objects assigned to that development class can be transported according to the routes defined in the transport layer. defining transport layer and routes is sap basis administrator job. the transport layer defines transport route between the systems included in system landscape. the development classes are themselves objects in the abap workbench. the development class of a development class is always itself. change request: information source in the transport organizer that records and manages all changes made to repository objects and customizing settings during a development project. task: a task is assigned to a change request. it is the information carrier in the transport organizer for entering and managing all changes to repository objects and customizing settings performed by employees within a development project vpn (virtual private network) where are your sap servers located? you might have faced this question in interviews. the answer is simple. in general the servers will be located at client side. you may be working for any company like wipro, ibm, tcs or infosys. that it company may be implementing the sap for a customer in uk. though you work from it company, the servers will be located at client side only. how do you connect to sap servers which are at client side, if you are

working from offshore? we can connect through internet or private lines. if you use internet, it is not secure because of its accessibility to public. private lines are costly for the companies. here vpn comes into picture. as the name itself tells us that it is secure. we will see what exactly it is. a virtual private network is a private communications network used within a company, or by several companies or organizations to communicate confidentially over nonprivate network. from the above definition it is clear that vpn also uses non-private network like internet. but it creates a virtual netwo tell me the example vpn software names? at&t and citrix. there are many vpn softwares in the market. in general, you will be given with a user name and password for vpn. by using the user name and password you can connect to vpn. then you have to use the sap user id and password to connect to the sap server. now it is clear that vpn user id different from sap user id. types of projects: we can divide the sap projects into three categories. they are 1) sap implementation projects 2) sap support projects 3) sap migration projects 1) sap implementation projects in this type of projects, customers are moving towards sap software. previously they might be using some other software. 2) sap support projects once sap project is implemented, it should be supported by the consultants in day-to-day business. in support projects, the support team helps the customer in day-to-day

business. 3) sap migration projects as we see, sap is continuously upgrading the r/3 software. customers are moving from the older versions to new versions. when the customer decides to new version, it is called sap migration projects. now-a-days many customers are migrating from older versions like 4.5 or 4.6b, 4.6c to ecc 5.0 or ecc 6.0 versions.

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