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DESIGN OF SOLAR ROADWAY Submitted for partial fulfilment of Award of




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DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MGIMT CERTIFICATE Certificate that the project entitled “DISIGN OF SOLAR ROADWAY‖ submitted by Md. MERAJ ALI,SANGAM GUPTA & PRATIBHA DIPATI in the partially fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of technology (CIVIL ENGINERING) of A.K. Technical University, is a record of students own work carried under our supervision and guidance .The project report embodies results of original work and studies carried out by students and the contents do not forms the basis for the award of any other degree to the candidate or to any body else.

Mr. VIKASH VISHWAKERMA (Asst. Professor)


(Project Guide) Department of Civil Engineering MGIMT, LUCKNOW CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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DERPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MGIMT DECLARATION We hereby declare that the project entitiled ―SOLAR ROADWAY‖ submitted by us in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for award of degree of Bachelor of Technology ib Civil Engineering of A.K. technical university of lucknow,is recorded of our own work carried under the supervision and guidance of Mr. Vikash Vishwakerma in Department of civil engineering ,MGIMT Lucknow To the best of my knowledge this project has not been submitted to AK Technical university or any other university or institute for the award of any degree.





DERPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MGIMT ACKNOWLEDMENT I first and foremost would like to acknowledge my HOD , Mr. VIKASH YADAV for all of her support in completing this Project. Without him this project would not have existed and her vision and guidance were critical in helping me get through the challenges of this expansive project. I will always be grateful for what I have learned from you and hope to pay the favor forward to many engineers in the future. I would also like to thank all of the technical staff who helped me realize my project program. This includes Mr. Vikash Vishwakerma Sir for his support in designing my structural testing program, Mr. Bhanu Sir for helping me with all of my instrumentation needs, Mr. Bhagwant Yadav Sir for designing my hydraulic load system and for other miscellaneous design needs, Mr. RAMU Sirfor providing design advice for fixture development, Special thanks are extended to all of my colleagues who proved reliable time and time again at providing advice and for bouncing ideas off of. This includes, but is not limited to SUNGAM GUPTA, PRATIBHA DIPATI, Developing my project was a challenging process and your support helped make it possible. CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank my family, friends, for helping keep me relatively sane through the last three years of my exhaustive research program. It‘s been an amazingly stressful adventure and without your support I could not have accomplished it. There are far too many people to name here, but you all know who you are and I am forever in your debt for the help you have give me.





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PREFACE Since the independence a large number of development and Construction work has been taken up in different road taken in country. So that Scott and Julie Brusaw are the people behind the idea solar roadway. That gives back energy to our homes and businesses. It will also keep our rivers, lakes, and oceans clean and pollution free. Scott and Julie Brusaw have created this idea that if you put solar panels down in place of asphalt roads and highways we will be saving lots of money along with creating jobs here in america. The initial cost of solar Roadways will be a lot more than Asphalt roads, but it will pay for itself over time and give back to the community and the world. They also wanted to protect people and wildlife by having pressurized panels that will detect people or wildlife crossing the road and warn you to slow down far before you come up on the problem. The Solar Panels will have a way to melt snow and ice. This element will eliminate all snow trucks to plow that salt the roads. The northern states will not have to use bright to prevent snow sticking to the road because it is harmful to cars and people. Solar Roadways will also charge your electric cars in the future.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY ABSTRACT Solar road panels are a technology that have the ability to revolutionize the way that roads are built and how electricity is generated. Strong incentives towards sustainable solutions in both of these fields have led to the design of innovative, multifaceted solutions, of which solar road panels are one of the most recent entrants. This research presents some initial analysis into the design of solar road panels from the perspective of Canadian pavement engineering. The hypothesis of this research was as follows: A specially designed modular panel can be constructed to withstand the structural and








simultaneously generating electricity through embedded photovoltaic cells. Through a process that covers the design, construction, and analysis of the structural elements of a solar road panel prototype, this research evaluated the impact that solar road panels can have for Canada‘s pavement infrastructure. Specific elements researched include the material selection for such a panel, the flexural response of the composite structure, how the panel will interact with traditional pavement and geotechnical materials while in use, and the change in performance of transparent layer materials as they are subjected to freeze-thaw cycling and scaling. The research found that the initial prototype design included a two 10-mm tempered glass pane transparent layers with a 12.7-mm GPO-3 optical layer and 19.1-mm GPO-3 base layer. The concept being that the glass would provide the rigidity required to protect the fragile solar cells while the fiberglass




performance as a traffic-supporting material in adverse conditions. Testing of this structure found that the performance was easily duplicated through finite element analysis, given that the material properties were assumed to be more rigid than the averages for tempered glass and GPO-3. Further finite element analysis demonstrated that the prototype solar road panel would not fail through traditional


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SOLAR ROAD WAY fatiguing methods, and in all cases on concrete, asphalt, granular, and subgrade bases the panels improved the performance characteristics of the structural base. The environmental conditioning of acrylic, glass, and polycarbonate specimens demonstrated that glass is the ideal material choice for the transparent layer for Canadian solar road panels. It proved to have the greatest freeze-thaw and scaling resistance of the three materials characteristic of the flat glass samples would not be suitable for driving on, avenues of research were identified that could improve this characteristic. In summary, the research conducted clearly proved the hypothesis; it is possible to build a structure that can house a photovoltaic system while supporting the structural and environmental loads that Canadian pavement are exposed to. The ideal panel would be constructed with a tempered glass transparent layer, GPO-3 optical and base layers, and the structure would be installed on a concrete structural base. The refinement of this design will be the scope for future research.


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TABLE OF CANTENT CHAPTER-1 A-CERTIFICATION--------------------------------------------------------------2 B-DECLARATION----------------------------------------------------------------3 C-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT----------------------------------------------------4-5 D- PREFACE-----------------------------------------------------------------------6 E-ABSTRACT---------------------------------------------------------------------7-8 1.0 GENERAL-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 1.1 SOLAR ROAD WAY---------------------------------------------------------------------13-15 1.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVE-----------------------------------------------------------------16 1.3 WHAT IS SOLAR ENERGY


(a) SOLAR COLLECTOR (b) SOLAR SPACE HEATING (c) SOLAR WATER HEATING (d) SOLAR ELECTRICITY (e) SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY 1.4. WHY SOLAR USE?----------------------------------------------------------------23-27 1.5 THEORY BEHINED THE SOLAR ROADWAY------------------------------28-29 1.6 WHAT DOES SOLAR ROADWAY MEAN------------------------------------30-31


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3.0 TESTING AND ANALYSIS METHOLOGY----------------------------------------58-59 3.1 STRUCTURAL TESTING----------------------------------------------------------------58 3.2 TESTING OBJECTIVE ------------------------------------------------------------------58 3.4 TESTING OF FRAME---------------------------------------------------------------------59-61

CHAPTER-4 4.0 PROBLEM DEFINITION ---------------------------------------------------------------62-66 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5, etc problems


5.0 ADVANTAGE OF SOLAR ROAD WAY-------------------------------------------67-68 5.1 DIS ADVANTAGE----------------------------------------------------------------------68-69


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SOLAR ROAD WAY CHAPTER -6 6.0 ASTHETICS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------70-79

CHAPTER-7 7.0 ROAD SURWAY OF INDIA -------------------------------------------------------81-82 7.1 ILLUMINATED ROAD--------------------------------------------------------------84-85 7.2INTELLIGENT HIGHWAY----------------------------------------------------------87-89 7.3 ON –THE –G0 CHARGING---------------------------------------------------------90 7.4 TRAFFIC CONTROL-----------------------------------------------------------------91-92 7.5 CASE STUDY---------------------------------------------------------------------------95-97 7.6 A LOOK ON FUTURE


7.7 COCLUSION-----------------------------------------------------------------------------100


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SOLAR ROAD WAY CHAPTER-1 1.0 GENERAL Have you have you ever thought of driving on a solar panel road? Scott and Julie Brusaware the people behind the idea solar roadway. That give back energy to our homes and businesses. It will also keep our rivers, lakes, and oceans clean and pollution free. Scott and Julie Brusaw have created this idea that if you put solar panels down in place of asphalt roads and highways we will be saving lots of money along with creating jobs here in america. The initial cost of solar Roadways will be a lot more than Asphalt roads, but it will pay for itself over time and give back to the community and the world. They also wanted to protect people and wildlife by having pressurized panels that will detect people or wildlife crossing the road and warn you to slow down far before you come up on the problem. The Solar Panels will have a way to melt snow and ice. This element will eliminate all snow trucks to plow that salt the roads. The northern states will not have to use brite to prevent snow sticking to the road because it is harmful to cars and people. Solar Roadways will also charge your electric cars in the future. Solar Roadways Incorporated is an American company based in Sandpoint, Idaho aiming to develop solar powered road panels to form a smart highway. Their proof-of-concept technology combines a transparent driving surface with underlying solar cells, electronics and sensors to act as a solar array with programmable capability. The road panels are to be made from recycled materials and incorporate photovoltaic cells. The project has received criticism in regards to its feasibility and its efficiency compared to traditional solar panel installations.

1.1- SOLAR ROADWAYSolar Roadways (SR) is a modular system of specially engineered solar panels that can be walked and driven upon. Our panels contain LED lights to create lines and signage without paint. They contain heating elements to prevent snow and ice accumulation. The panels have microprocessors, which makes them intelligent. This allows the panels to communicate with each other, a central control station, and vehicles. Many people are surprised to learn that our panels are made of glass… but not ordinary glass. SR panels are made of specifically formulated tempered glass, which can support the weight of semi-trucks. The glass has a tractioned surface which is equivalent to asphalt. You can read more technical information in the Specifics page. We‘re still in an early phase of our company‘s development. Eventually our panels will be available for highways, but first will come non-critical Applications such as driveways and parking lots. We are readying to install the first projects now. CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY We have completed two funding contracts with the U.S. Department of Transportation, and were just awarded a third contract in November 2015. Then people from all over the world decided to help speed our progress via our Indiegogo Campaign which you can read more about on our Funding page. Our goal is to modernize the infrastructure with modular, intelligent panels, while producing clean renewable energy for homes and businesses. We‘ll be able to charge electric vehicles with clean energy from the sun, first on our solar parking lots and when we have enough highway infrastructure, while driving. Solar roadway is an American company based in Sandpoint, Idaho aiming to develop solar powered road panels to form a smart highway. Their proof-of-concept technology combines a transparent driving surface with underlying solar cells, electronics and sensors to act as a solar array with programmable capability. The road panels are to be made from recycled materials and incorporate photovoltaic cells.[2]] The project has received criticism in regards to its feasibility and its efficiency compared to traditional solar panel Solar Roadways Incorporated installations. The company was founded in 2006 by Scott and Julie Brusaw, with Scott as President and CEO. They envisioned replacing asphalt surfaces with structurally-engineered solar panels capable of withstanding vehicular traffic. The proposed system would require the development of strong, transparent, and self-cleaning glass with the necessary traction and impact-resistance properties at competitive cost. In 2009, Solar Roadways received a $100,000 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) for Phase I to determine the feasibility of the proposed project. In 2011, Solar Roadways received $750,000 SBIR grant from the DOT for Phase II to develop and build a solar parking lot; from this, they built a 12-by-36foot (3.7 by 11.0 m) parking lot covered with hexagonal glass-covered solar panels sitting on top of a concrete base, heated to prevent snow and ice accumulation, with LEDs to illuminate road lines and display messages. According to the Brusaws, the panels can sustain a 250,000 lb (110,000 kg) load. In April 2014, the company started a crowdfunding drive at Indiegogo to raise money so they could get the product into production. The campaign raised 2.2 million dollars and became Indiegogo‘s most popular campaign ever in terms of the number of backers it attracted. The success was attributed in part to a tweet made by actor George Takei, due to his more than 8 million followers. One of the Brusaws‘ videos went viral, with over 20 million views as of November 2015.] In December 2015, the USDOT announced that it had awarded Solar Roadways a Phase IIB SBIR contract to further their research. In 2016 they were given an additional $750,000.00 The first public installation was in Jeff Jones Town Square in Sandpoint, Idaho. It opened to the public on September 30, 2016. As a pilot install it is for walkways only. This installation consists of 30 Solar Roadways SR3 panels covering an area of roughly 150 square feet (14 m2). The cost of this installation was roughly $60,000 with the majority of the money coming from a grant from the Idaho Department of Commerce ($47,134), and a $10,000 grant from the Sandpoint Urban Renewal Agency. A webcam was installed to broadcast a view of the CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY installation] The 30 tiles in Sandpoint generate power which is fed into the electricity meter at Jeff Jones Town Square, averaging around 10W as of August 2018 The primary purpose of Solar Roadways is to generate clean renewable energy on roadways and any other surface that can be walked or driven upon. That would include: parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, tarmacs, plazas, bike paths, playgrounds, garden paths, pool surrounds, courtyards and the like. There are many longstanding uses for solar power, which are terrific. The SR concept takes solar technology to a new level. The idea is to collect the substantial solar energy which hits these surfaces but is currently not being utilized. In this way, they will have a dual purpose: modern infrastructure + smart power grid. In the U.S., the highway infrastructure is in a dismal state. Solar Roadways was awarded a Phase I SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) contract by the USDOT to research the viability of creating a highway system that would pay for itself over time through the generation of renewable energy. After completing two contracts with the USDOT, it is apparent that this goal is viable. SR panels can become the nation‘s smart grid, providing energy to homes and businesses along the way. Currently, most state DOTs (Department of Transportation) are no longer generating enough income through the gas tax to be able to keep up with road repairs. The last few decades have brought dramatic technological changes to cars, cell phones, computers, cameras, and many other technologies, but roads remain virtually unchanged. It is obvious that it is time to modernize the highway system and create the first roadway system with a return on investment (ROI). In this way, two goals can be accomplished simultaneously: the creation of a modular, modern infrastructure while creating the renewable energy needed to effectively end the current dependence on fossil fuels.

1.2 -PROJECT OBJECTIVEThe Project objective are1.Improve road facilities and make smart traffic regulation . 2.A solar roadway is a road surface that generates electricity by solar power photovoltaic cells embedded below a tough transparent surface which provides sufficient traction. 3. The dependency on fossil fuels the solar roadways imagined to develop roadways with solar panels.  Solar roadways technology will replace all current petroleum-based asphalt roads, parking lots, and driveways. 4.Replacement in any distorious condition.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY The objective of this report is to design a feasible solar road panel that will be able to structurally withstand traffic loading and operate as a test platform for future structural testing. This is accomplished by assessing the overall design requirements of such a panel and working through each major segment of the design. First is the electrical subsystem; while this will not be revolutionary in terms of PV solar modules, it is required as a basis for the rest of the structure. Second will be the structural layers of the module, followed by the transparent layer design and finally the panel housing and weatherproofing mechanisms. While this paper will be thorough in its analysis there are some elements that will be excluded, the first of which is the surface design of the top transparent layer so that it can provide friction for vehicles while not impairing the conversion efficiency of the module. This report also will not include finite element analysis of the structural or dynamic loading, as the equipment to do so was not available to the authors at the time of writing.

Fig.1: solar road way parking

1.4-WHAT IS SOLAR ENERGY ? Every day, the sun radiates (sends out) an enormous amount of energy—called solar energy. It radiates more energy in one day than the world uses in one year. This energy comes from within the sun itself. Like most stars, the sun is a big gas ball made up mostly of hydrogen and helium gas. The sun makes energy in its inner core in a process called nuclear fusion. It takes the sun‘s energy just a little over eight minutes to travel the 93 million miles to Earth. Solar energy travels at the speed of light, or 186,000 miles per second, or 3.0 x 108 meters per second. Only a small CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY part of the visible radiant energy (light) that the sun emits into space ever reaches the Earth, but that is more than enough to supply all our energy needs. Every hour enough solar energy reaches the Earth to supply our nation‘s energy needs for a year! Solar energy is considered a renewable energy source due to this fact. Today, people use solar energy to heat buildings and water and to generate electricity. Solar energy accounts for a very small percentage of U.S. energy—less than one percent. Solar energy is mostly used by residences and to generate electricity. Solar irradiation data is needed at all levels of solar power development, from initial government planning through to large-scale project development or the calculations needed to size smaller systems. In the past such data was provided at a relatively course level from NASA and other global providers, but more recently specialist models have been developed to more precisely calculate global horizontal irradiation (GHI) and direct normal irradiation (DNI) using primarily cloud cover data from satellites. A number of firms now offer such data as a commercial service. Based on this, it is possible to calculate average annual power output from a theoretical photovoltaic power plant (PVOUT), taking into account temperature, tilt, and the efficiency of the equipment being used (solar panels and balance of system components). Solar resource data, including GHI, DNI and PVOUT is now available globally, for free, via the Global Solar Atlas, which is provided by the World Bank Group. The same website has downloadable global, regional and country maps available in high resolution.

Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of everevolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis. It is an important source of renewable energy and its technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into solar power. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic systems, concentrated solar power and solar water heating to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light-dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air. The large magnitude of solar energy available makes it a highly appealing source of electricity. The United Nations Development Programme in its 2000 World Energy Assessment found that the annual potential of solar energy was 1,575–49,837 exajoules(EJ). This is several times larger than the total world energy consumption, which was 559.8 EJ in 2012. In 2011, the International Energy Agency said that "the development of affordable, inexhaustible and clean solar energy technologies will have huge longer-term benefits. It will increase countries‘ energy security through reliance on an indigenous, inexhaustible and mostly importindependent resource, enhance sustainability, reduce pollution, lower the costs of CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY mitigating global warming, and keep fossil fuel prices lower than otherwise. These advantages are global. Hence the additional costs of the incentives for early deployment should be considered learning investments; they must be wisely spent and need to be widely shared". The Earth receives 174 petawatts (PW) of incoming solar radiation (insolation) at the upper atmosphere Approximately 30% is reflected back to space while the rest is absorbed by clouds, oceans and land masses. The spectrum of solar light at the Earth's surface is mostly spread across the visible and near-infrared ranges with a small part in the near-ultraviolet.Most of the world's population live in areas with insolation levels of 150–300 watts/m², or 3.5– 7.0 kWh/m² per day. Solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth's land surface, oceans – which cover about 71% of the globe – and atmosphere. Warm air containing evaporated water from the oceans rises, causing atmospheric circulation or convection. When the air reaches a high altitude, where the temperature is low, water vapor condenses into clouds, which rain onto the Earth's surface, completing the water cycle. The latent heat of water condensation amplifies convection, producing atmospheric phenomena such as wind, cyclones and anti-cyclones. Sunlight absorbed by the oceans and land masses keeps the surface at an average temperature of 14 °C.By photosynthesis, green plants convert solar energy into chemically stored energy, which produces food, wood and the biomass from which fossil fuels are derived. The total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year. In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year.Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass. The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined, Yearly solar fluxes & human consumption1







Biomass potential



Primary energy use2







Energy given in Exajoule (EJ) = 1018 J = 278 TWh 2 Consumption as of year 2010

The potential solar energy that could be used by humans differs from the amount of solar energy present near the surface of the planet because factors such as geography, time variation, cloud cover, and the land available to humans limit the amount of solar energy that we can acquire. CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY Geography affects solar energy potential because areas that are closer to the equatorhave a greater amount of solar radiation. However, the use of photovoltaics that can follow the position of the sun can significantly increase the solar energy potential in areas that are farther from the equator. Time variation effects the potential of solar energy because during the nighttime there is little solar radiation on the surface of the Earth for solar panels to absorb. This limits the amount of energy that solar panels can absorb in one day. Cloud cover can affect the potential of solar panels because clouds block incoming light from the sun and reduce the light available for solar cells. In addition, land availability has a large effect on the available solar energy because solar panels can only be set up on land that is otherwise unused and suitable for solar panels. Roofs have been found to be a suitable place for solar cells, as many people have discovered that they can collect energy directly from their homes this way. Other areas that are suitable for solar cells are lands that are not being used for businesses where solar plants can be established. Solar technologies are characterized as either passive or active depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute sunlight and enable solar energy to be harnessed at different levels around the world, mostly depending on distance from the equator. Although solar energy refers primarily to the use of solar radiation for practical ends, all renewable energies, other than Geothermal power and Tidal power, derive their energy either directly or indirectly from the Sun. Active solar techniques use photovoltaics, concentrated solar power, solar thermal collectors, pumps, and fans to convert sunlight into useful outputs. Passive solar techniques include selecting materials with favorable thermal properties, designing spaces that naturally circulate air, and referencing the position of a building to the Sun. Active solar technologies increase the supply of energy and are considered supply side technologies, while passive solar technologies reduce the need for alternate resources and are generally considered demand side technologies


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Fig.2: solar energy

Solar Collectors – Heating with solar energy is not as easy as you might think. Capturing sunlight and putting it to work is difficult because the solar energy that reaches the Earth is spread out over a large area. The sun does not deliver that much energy to any one place at any one time. The amount of solar energy an area receives depends on the time of day, the season of the year, the cloudiness of the sky, and how close you are to the Earth‘s Equator. A solar collector is one way to capture sunlight and change it into usable heat energy. A closed car on a sunny day is like a solar collector. As sunlight passes through the car‘s windows, it is absorbed by the seat covers, walls, and floor of the car. The absorbed light changes into heat. The car‘s windows let light in, but they don‘t let all the heat out. A closed car can get very hot CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY Solar Space Heating – Space heating means heating the space inside a building. Today, many homes use solar energy for space heating. A passive solar home is designed to let in as much sunlight as possible. It is like a big solar collector. Sunlight passes through the windows and heats the walls and floor inside the house. The light can get in, but the heat is trapped inside. A passive solar home does not depend on mechanical equipment, such as pumps and blowers, to heat the house, whereas active solar homes do

Fig.3 :solar house Solar Water Heating – Solar energy can be used to heat water. Heating water for bathing, dishwashing, and clothes washing is the second largest home energy cost. Installing a solar water heater can reduce your water heating bill by as much as 50 percent. A solar water heater works a lot like solar space heating. In our hemisphere, a solar collector is mounted on the south side of a roof where it can capture sunlight. The sunlight heats water in a tank. The hot water is piped to faucets throughout a house, just as it would be with an ordinary water heater.


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Fig.4: water heater

Solar Electricity – Solar energy can also be used to produce electricity. Two ways to make electricity from solar energy are photovoltaics and solar thermal systems. ƒ Photovoltaic Electricity -Photovoltaic comes from the words photo, meaning light, and volt, a measurement of electricity. Sometimes photovoltaic cells are called PV cells or solar cells for short. You are probably familiar with photovoltaic cells. Solar-powered toys, calculators, and roadside telephone call boxes all use solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity. Solar cells are made up of silicon, the same substance that makes up sand. Silicon is the second most common substance on Earth. Solar cells can supply energy to anything that is powered by batteries or electric power. Electricity is produced when radiant energy from the sun strikes the solar cell, causing the electrons to move around. The action of the electrons starts an electric current. The conversion of sunlight into electricity takes place silently and instantly. There are no mechanical parts to wear out. Compared to other ways of making electricity, photovoltaic systems are expensive and many panels are needed to equal the electricity generated at other types of plants. It can cost 10 to 30 cents per kilowatt-hour to produce electricity from solar cells. Most people pay their electric companies about 12.6 cents per kilowatt-hour for the electricity they use, and large industrial consumers pay less. Solar systems are often used to generate electricity in remote areas that are a long way from electric power lines. In 2015, the Desert Sunlight solar project in California opened. It is among the largest photovoltaic plants in the world, generating 550 megawatts of electricity—enough to power over 150,000 homes. ƒ

Solar Thermal ElectricityCIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY Like solar cells, solar thermal systems, also called concentrated solar power (CSP), use solar energy to produce electricity, but in a different way. Most solar thermal systems use a solar collector with a mirrored surface to focus sunlight onto a receiver that heats a liquid. The superheated liquid is used to make steam to produce electricity in the same way that coal plants do. There are CSP plants in California, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Colorado, and Hawaii. Some of the world‘s largest CSP facilities are located in California. Solar energy has great potential for the future. Solar energy is free, and its supplies are unlimited. It does not pollute or otherwise damage the environment. It cannot be controlled by any one nation or industry. If we can improve the technology to harness the sun‘s enormous power, we may never face energy shortages again.

1.5-WHY SOLAR USE?With the general trend towards the reduction of carbon emissions in recent years, a conscious effort has been made by the University to reduce carbon emissions. As evident by the Illinois Climate Action Plan, the university is taking unprecedented leaps and bounds towards a zero emissions campus by 2050. With this in mind, the implementation of clean, renewable energy sources is a priority in achieving this goal. One such energy source comes from Solar Roadways Solar Panels. These solar panels, situated on Green street between Wright and Matthews, can generate 847,731 kWh per year. To make a comparison, Illini Union, ranked 9th in energy consumption of all buildings on campus, consumes 1,356,340 kWh per year in electricity. This means the 6000 square meters of road north of the Union can facilitate over 60% of the buildings energy needs every year. Along with Solar Roadways, other alternative energy sources were taken into consideration. Solar canopies, implemented above parking spaces, can serve a dual purpose as both a source of solar energy and as coverage parking. If a solar canopy were constructed on lot B1, located by Grainger Library, can produce 1,307,455 kWh per year, with an equivalent area covered as the Solar Roadways solar panels. The final alternative energy source comes from piezoelectric floor tiles. If 7000 square meters of piezoelectric tiles were placed in Memorial Stadium, the foot traffic alone can produced 219,000 kWh per year. In the end, Solar Roadways technology proved to be insufficient for the needs of the University. Although showing promising energy output, the technology, namely the glass surface and internal energy consumption, behind the solar panels proved to be too costly to benefit the University. Solar Roadways claim is that the top layer of each Solar panel unit is made with a ―high tempered steel‖, impervious to steel and heavy vehicles. Although glass is rated harder than steel on the Mohs hardness scale, aggregate commonly used in asphalt is much harder, and can compromise the surface of the Solar Roadways Solar panels. With these considerations taken into account, we have decided that it is unfeasable to implement Solar Roadways onto Green Street. However, alternatives such as solar canopies and piezoelectric tiles are promising and widely available.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY A few years ago, ideas were invited to install rooftop solar panels on the roads of Gujarat to generate electricity from solar energy. One proposal came from the Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute (GERMI) to install solar panels across 205km of the AhmedabadRajkot highway to generate 104 megawatts of electricity. The energy generated could be used to power the highway infrastructure, light the roads and also run a bit of the adjoining buildings. The project is in planning stage.

Fig.5: solar footpath Roads with solar surfaces can immensely transform the Indian power situation. Bhargav Vyas, vice president, PV Power Tech, says, ―Implementation of solar roadways should start from the highways in India. It will be easier to receive permission and work quickly in those areas. As the exposure to sunlight will be much stronger than in closed areas, energy generation will be substantial.‖ India faces the problem of electricity shortage even today. Power is yet to be introduced in some regions. Certain reports suggest around 240 million Indians still live in the dark, ranking India among countries with one of the highest unelectrified populations in the world. Implementation of projects like solar roads can substantially improve the situation. While solar street lights and solar rooftops are being deployed rapidly, extensive solar surface on roads can become the central point for powering a larger proportion of national infrastructure. In the long run, such projects can massively reduce the use of grid energy, cut down fossil fuel consumption exponentially and bring down the national carbon footprint dramatically.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY If developed with good-quality resilient material, solar roads can eliminate the frequent damageand-maintenance that is associated with pavement roads. This would save a lot of administrative fund, adding to the payback period on the investment. Issues of potholes, water puddles and poor-quality roads would decrease.

Fig.6: Inauguration of solar roads in France (com Source: nbcnews.)

Solar structures for roads have not been explored much even at global scale. There have been a few cases of solar road installation in the recent years that have started to deliver. In 2014, the Netherlands chiseled a small stretch of biking road with solar panel material. It was a test drive of solar roads, covering only 70 metres. The setup consists of durable solar trapping material, engraved inside glass coating, with more layers of materials to create friction while driving. Annually, the 70m stretch generates 70kWh energy per square metre of road. Energy generation in the first six months was 3000 kilowatt-hour (kWh), enough to run two small households for a year. After one complete year, the total energy production amounted to 9800kWh, which is enough to power three average-scale Dutch households annually. The project was expanded by 20m in 2016 and is still under further expansion.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY While this was a comparatively smaller project, solar panel roads saw a larger implementation for the first time in France in 2016. One kilometre of a highway in Tourouvre au Perche village is covered by 2800sq.m of solar panels, protected under coats of resin, polymer and silicon. Every day, more than 2000 cars (including heavy vehicles) drive over this road. Yet, the road has been successfully able to carry this extent of load without any hiccups. It is also resistant to the heat generated regularly. Annual electricity generation is 280 megawatt-hours (MWh), which is sufficient to power streetlights and other adjoining infrastructure in the area. Notably, the village receives less-than-moderate sunlight throughout the year. That said, 280MWh electricity generation per year across 1km length is quite impressive. The French administration is planning road expansions to power a substantial fraction of the country‘s public properties as well as residential constructions with the help of solar energy captured by these roadways. China has also joined the race by designing its own solar roads. Last year, in the Jinan region, it revealed 1km stretch of a two-way road, embedded with 5875sq.m solar surface. The road is expected to generate one million kilowatt-hours of power in a year. This energy, sufficient to power about 800 homes in China, will be used to power various infrastructures including streetlights, billboards, surveillance cameras and even toll booths in the area. An intelligent heatcapture system of the solar setup will also keep snow accumulation in check during winters.

The challenges Solar panel road technology is in nascency with more players slowly joining the movement. All the aforementioned projects have been successful, but their execution was far from easy. The first major challenge is the huge cost of investment. The 1km long French project cost nearly $6 million. China‘s project cost $458 per square metre, which totals to approximately $2.8 million for the whole installation. These figures suggest nearly 90 times the cost of a normal solar rooftop (in China, solar panels for general use cost $5 per sq.m). If India decides to pave the foundation of solar roadways, the country will run into similar cost burdens. Therefore the amount of energy generation in return needs to be well-calculated to ensure quick paybacks.


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Fig.7: Solar surface on a China road (Source:

The second concern is about optimal solar capture. The essence of solar panels lies in the amount of solar energy captured on their bed, which is maximised by tilting panels in accordance with the direction of the sun. Solar surfaces on roads will lie as a flatbed. Therefore it needs to be verified whether these will be able to absorb enough energy in this position without the ability to tilt. Additionally, numerous coatings above the solar surface to hold a load of vehicles daily may affect its solar acceptance. If unchecked, this will have a direct impact on the ROI. Vinesh Kumar, senior manager-projects, SunGarner Energies, says, ―There will be major concern about safety and quality of panels. Efficiency depends on the cell quality. To get optimal efficiency in such technology, the cell quality has to be topnotch and protective coatings should also complement the cell.‖ Another focus area should be the driving safety. Vehicle tyres require a slightly rough surface to balance between acceleration, breaks and directions, aided by the friction between the tyre and the road. In the attempt to make the solar surface absorb maximum sunlight, roughness of the surface might get compromised. So constructors must pay attention to the composition of the coating material.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY In addition, infrastructure might prove to be a challenge since arranging such solar structures requires some fine-tuned operation with technical knowhow. Imports may add to the cost since local solar manufacturing is in developmental stages.

1.5-THEORY BEHINED THE SOLAR ROADWAYThe Solar Roadway is a series of structurally-engineered solar panels that are driven upon. The idea is to replace all current petroleum-based asphalt roads, parking lots, and driveways with Solar Road Panels that collect energy to be used by our homes and businesses. The renewable energy generated by solar road panels will replace the current need for fossil fuel which is used for generation of electricity as also oil used for driving the vehicles which in turn reduces the greenhouse gases nearly to half. The implementation of Solar Roadways Technology will create the clean energy boom, spurring private investment on a massive scale, with relatively little extra cost. An intelligent highway infrastructure and a self-healing decentralized power grid that will eliminate our need for fossil fuels. Solar Roadways will also features wildlife preservation, the elimination of impervious surfaces, law enforcement, DUI detection, counter-terrorism, etc. It provides a decentralized, secure, intelligent, self-healing power grid which pays for itself. So it‘s time to upgrade our infrastructure (especially roads & power grids) with the 21st century technology i.e. ―Solar Roadways‖.

Hearing the concerns about global warming and knowing our dependency on fossil fuels the solar roadways imagined to develop roadways with solar panels. This innovation is begun in early 2009 and later the company was established by name Solar Roadways in U.S. and awarded a contract by federal government. The Solar Roadway is a series of structurally-engineered solar panels that are driven upon. The idea is to replace all current petroleumbased asphalt roads, parking lots, and driveways with Solar Road Panels that collect energy to be used by our homes and businesses. . The ultimate goal is to store excess energy in or along-side the Solar Roadways. This renewable energy replaces the need for the current fossil fuels used for the generation of electricity. This, in turn, reduces the greenhouse gases to half. Solar Roadways is proposing a long-view paradigm-shift solution to major infrastructure, energy and climate challenges. The Solar Roadways system would might, at present, cost about three times what it costs to install an asphalt road, but would be more durable more easily replaced in modular fashion, and able to CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY pay for itself by generating more electricity than our economy can consume. At just 15% efficiency, far below what is expected, a 100% Solar Roadways enabled driving infrastructure would produce three times total electricity demand. There are additional benefits as well, which is a built-in smart grid, major new investment and job creation, the economic benefits inherent in global leadership in building the most advanced clean energy infrastructure every dollar invested in renewable sources, ultimately generates returns, because the resource is not burned and lost. The roadways can also communicate with drivers, alerting drivers with visual messages to the presence of pedestrians in a crosswalk. Asphalt works, in many ways, and is convenient to lay-down, compared to other methods. It has carried our automotive infrastructure into the 21st century. But there are hidden costs that are making it increasingly difficult and expensive to continue favoring asphalt as the predominant roadpaving model for the entire nation. That‘s why asphalt is not ideal for road construction. Solar Roadways can pay dividends for the public budget, making our spending on infrastructure more efficient and significantly reducing electricity costs to consumers and businesses. They can make the emerging electric vehicle economy far more affordable, and easier to manage. They can help us eliminate hundreds of billions of dollars per year, or more, in externalized costs of burning fossil fuels. And, we can lead the world in powerful clean energy technology exports, capable of rolling back massive pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Perhaps the most important element of the Solar Roadways technology is that its powergeneration capacity demonstrates the base load viability of renewable energy sources. Clean energy technology existence can power the entire countries economy, and more. But the required is commitment to major investment and incentives in building the infrastructure. If upgradation is done with this technology, we can create jobs, and a clean energy boom, spurring private investment on a massive scale, with relatively little extra cost. Solar power sources are rapidly becoming cheaper and more ephemeral, making it feasible to talk about solar PV becoming the leading costreducing trend in the energy sector. Clean energy jobs are also expanding rapidly and have still more potential for major long-term growth. They are paying significantly higher wages than the national average, and are built into local economies. Solar Roadways is one way to capitalize on and expand this trend, and shows how quickly we can make the shift to an economy rooted in abundant, domestic, clean energy resources.


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The Solar Roadways consists of structurally engineered solar panels that we drive on. Each Solar Road Panel (roughly 12‘ by 12‘) interlinks with neighboring panels to form the Solar Roadways system. The Solar Roadway replaces our crumbling petroleum-based asphalt highway infrastructure with an intelligent road that pays for itself through the generation of electricity. The Solar Roadway generates electrical power from the sun and becomes our nations decentralized, intelligent, self-healing power grid, replacing our current deteriorating power distribution infrastructure. The Solar Roadway distributes its electrical power to all businesses and homes connected to the system via their parking lots and driveways (made up of Solar Road Panels). In addition to electrical power, data signals (cable TV, high-speed internet, telephone, etc.) also travel through the Solar Roadways, which acts as a conduit for these signals (cables). This feature eliminates the unsightly power lines, utility poles, and relay stations we see all over the countryside. It also eliminates power interruption caused by fallen or broken electrical lines or poles. Each Solar Road Panel uses some of its own power to light up embedded LEDs, which ―paint‖ the road lines from beneath the road surface. This feature also allows messages to be spelled out on the road surface, such as ―SLOW DOWN‖, or ―ACCIDENT AHEAD‖. Road lines can be instantly ―repainted‖ to direct traffic to a single lane or to detour. This eliminates the need for cones or flares. Better visibility at night with the road lines illuminated, it will be like driving on a well-lit runway. The Solar Road Panels heat themselves for snow and ice removal in northern climates. No more need for snow removal or school/business cancellations. These safer driving conditions (roads lit at night, no snow/ice, etc.) will prevent many accidents and allow for reduced insurance rates – both health and automotive. All additional power (unused by the panels themselves) is sent ―down line‖ to homes and businesses. We could produce three times the total electrical power used by the country and almost enough electricity to power the entire world. No more power outages, roaming or otherwise. The Solar Roadway produces clean, renewable energy. No pollution, no greenhouse gases, no by-products, and the Solar Road Panels are completely recyclable or reusable. The main cause of global warming is creation of electricity by fossil fuels which will contribute to production of green house gases and effect on ozone layer. The Solar Roadways eliminates this (half of the cause of Global Warming) entirely. The Solar Roadway, being an ―electric road‖, will also make all-electric vehicles more practical; CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY recharging stations can be placed in all parking lots and rest stops. This will allow the allelectric vehicles to have the same driving range of current internal combustion gasoline- or dieselpowered vehicles. Elimination of internal combustion engines, which would now be feasible with the Solar Roadways, would wipe out most of the rest of the causes of greenhouse gases. There are many other features, including wildlife preservation, the elimination of impervious surfaces, law enforcement, DUI detection, counter-terrorism, etc. An intelligent highway infrastructure and a self-healing decentralized power grid that will eliminate our need for fossil fuels and also it will lead to less invest in antiquated technology viz asphalt and overhead power lines. As the day by day the price of petroleum products are getting huge hike & resources are very less there will be no longer feasible material such as asphalt for our road surfaces. When Solar Road Panels are refurnished, the solar cells will be upgraded to newest technology, which will allow keeping up with population growth and increased energy needs. Also if such technology is furnished in any of the country; the country will require approximately five billion solar road panels for covering roads, parking lots, drive ways etc. & also such technology will create millions of ―Green color‖ jobs. The solar Roadways can save the wonderful countries in the world. The day by day the human beings are looking for the answers to our deteriorating highway infrastructure, our crumbling power grid, and the climate crisis. For all such questions the answer is ―SOLAR ROADWAYS".

CHAPTER -2 2.0 SOLAR ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION2.1 SOLAR PANELSThe solar panels are divided into three basic layers:1. Road Surface Layer. 2. Electronics Layer. 3. Base Plate Layer. 3.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY Road Surface Layer=-

As this is the top most layers of the assembly & also from this layer the solar rays will reach upto the photovoltaic cells; they should be translucent and high-strength. Also this is made in such a fashion that it is rough enough to provide great traction to avoid the skidding of vehicles. As the material is made rough but the material used is translucent, it still passes sunlight through it to the solar collector photovoltaic cells embedded within it, along with LEDs and a heating element. And it is tough enough for handling today's heaviest loads under the worst conditions and it is made waterproof . Solar Roadway panels are made of tempered (safety) glass. Glass was chosen for its hardness, strength, durability, and transmittance. SR glass is textured to create proper traction for vehicles and pedestrians. The glass passed traction tests, load tests, and impact resistance tests at university civil engineering labs around the country. Each unit is made of top and bottom glass panels, with the other components such as solar cells and LED lights enclosed between. One major difference one will notice when comparing SR glass panels to traditional asphalt roads is aesthetics. The hexagonal panels are quite a work of art and will dramatically beautify roads, parking lots, walkways, patios, bike paths, etc. Solar Roadways chose the hexagonal shape for extra stability to wear and flexibility in installing curves, hills, and odd shaped installations. There are half and quarter panel shapes as well. Eventually, other shapes will be added to the SR catalogue of options. CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY Unlike asphalt, SR panels are impervious to potholes. The repair of potholes is an enormous expense, source of danger and an unnecessary inconvenience to motorists.

Fig.9: Glass if Solar Panel

Fig.10: Tempered glass Weight Limits The glass has undergone both 3D Finite Element Method analysis and actual physical load testing at civil engineering labs. The results showed that Solar Roadways can handle trucks up to 250,000lbs (113,398kg). Originally, it was thought that Solar Roadways® panels would need to CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY support only about 80,000lbs (36,287kg), the maximum legal limit for a semi-truck. Upon further research, it became apparent that since logging trucks have no scales in the woods, that can be exceeded. The goal was then adjusted to 150,000lbs. It was subsequently learned that oil companies can get permission to move refinery equipment up to 230,000lbs on frozen roads, so the goal was increased to 250,000lbs. Some have asked if the current limit of 250,000lbs would support a tank. The current M1A2 Abrams tank weighs about 68 tons, or 136,000lbs, which is well within the current limit. Hardness The scale to measure the hardness of materials is called the Mohs hardness scale. It refers to the resistance of a material to being scratched. It lists materials from the softest to the hardest e.g., on a 1 to 10 scale, with talc earning a 1 and diamond, (the hardest common material) being 10. Asphalt has a hardness of 1.3, copper has a hardness of 3, iron and nickel have a hardness of 4, and steel falls between 4 and 4.5. As y

ou move up the scale closer to diamond, you finally come to glass, which has a hardness of 5.5-6.0.\

Strength When glass is tempered it becomes four to five times stronger than the non-tempered annealed glass listed in Mohs hardness scale. Tempering does not make the glass harder - just stronger. Bulletproof and bomb (blast) resistant glass is made with tempered glass. Solar Roadway Panels are manufactured in a similar manner. Tempered glass is less likely to experience a thermal


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Texture/Traction One of the many technical specs required for SR panels is for a glass surface textured to provide the same or greater traction than current asphalt roads offer (at a minimum) - even in the rain. A variety of textures were tested with a British Pendulum Skid Resistance Tester. Some did not provide enough traction, and one had such an aggressive texture it broke off a piece of the tester. The SR2 texture used was a midrange texture. The final testing results showed the texture was sufficient to stop a vehicle going 80mph (129kph) on a wet surface in the required distance. The test results apply to motorcycles and bicycles as well. New textures will be tested, and the long term goal is to have a whole catalog of textures available to perfectly match each application. For example, highways will require the most robust texture. Applications that are primarily used by pedestrians such as sidewalks and plazas will want a less aggressive texture. Currently, SR panels can be made with two different types of surfaces: 1. Non-critical: a walking/low speed driving surface that is capable of stopping a car going 40-mph on a wet surface in the required distance 2. Critical: a high-speed surface was designed for highway use and can stop a car going 80mph on a wet surface. The walking surface can be used on sidewalks, bike paths, driveways, parking lots, etc. The high speed surface was used on the SR2 prototype parking lot. It was designed for high-speed roads, but can also be chosen for parking lots and driveways if desired. Longevity and Durability SR panels have been designed to last a minimum of 20 years. The advanced loading test that will be performed during Phase IIB will simulate many years of truck abuse in a matter of months. Environmental testing will also be performed. All of this will help to maximize the life CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY expectancy of the SR panels. Solar cells are the limiting factor: they can continue to work up to 30 years but they are at the end of their life cycle by then. The hexagonal shape was chosen so that any force from vehicles (such as during a collision) is distributed to multiple surrounding panels. The small hexagonal shapes also allow for easier installation on hills and curves. Repair/ Replacing Damaged Panels Since the Solar Roadways® system is modular, repair will be much quicker and easier than the current maintenance system for asphalt roads. In the U.S. the time Americans spend idling in traffic costs the nation in a variety of ways. From the American Automobile Association: ―While many Americans experience congestion on a daily basis, few realize that every hour of congestion, delay, and lack of reliability adds a cost to most services and goods produced or consumed in America.‖ Apparently the problem is becoming more serious over time. The new 2015 Urban Mobility Scorecard reports that: ―America‘s traffic congestion recession is over. Just as the U.S. economy has regained nearly all of the 9 million jobs lost during the downturn, a new report produced by INRIX and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) shows that traffic congestion has returned to pre-recession levels. According to the 2015 Urban Mobility Scorecard, travel delays due to traffic congestion caused drivers to waste more than 3 billion gallons of fuel and kept travelers stuck in their cars for nearly 7 billion extra hours – 42 hours per rush-hour commuter. The total nationwide price tag: $160 billion, or $960 per commuter. Washington, D.C. tops the list of gridlock-plagued cities, with 82 hours of delay per commuter, followed by Los Angeles (80 hours), San Francisco (78 hours), New York (74 hours), and San Jose (67 hours). The problem has become so bad in major urban areas that drivers have to plan more than twice as much travel time as they would need to arrive on time in light traffic just to account for the effects of irregular delays such as bad weather, collisions, and construction zones. For example, drivers on America‘s CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY Top 10 worst roads waste on average 84 hours or 3.5 days a year on average in gridlock – twice the national average. Of these roads, six are in Los Angeles, two are in New York and the remaining two are in Chicago. Nine other cities have roads ranked among the 50 worst.‖ Each of the SR panels contain their own microprocessor, which communicates wirelessly with surrounding panels. If one of them should become damaged it would stop communicating, and the surrounding panels can report the problem. For instance, "I-95 mile marker 114.3 northbound lane, third panel in, panel number A013C419 not responding". The panels are light enough that a single operator could load a functioning panel into his/her truck and take it to the location of the damaged panel. The panel could be swapped out and reprogrammed in a few minutes. The damaged panel would then be returned to a repair center. Potholes are a major source of repair need for asphalt roads and the repair is not nearly as quick or efficient. Potholes in asphalt are formed when moisture accumulates in cracks and breaks in the structure of the asphalt. Temperature fluctuations leading to freezing and thawing then cause expansion and contraction of the material, causing it to weaken. The weight of vehicles contributes to the problem further and eventually a pothole forms. This process cannot happen with SR panels since they are completely impervious to water and therefore potholes will become a thing of the past. Potholes and other types of road damage can be a danger to drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians, and vehicles. Sometimes potholes are disguised when covered with a puddle of water or ice. Sudden potholes can startle drivers. Some may try to swerve to miss them, which can lead to accidents. AAA has discussed damages that potholes can do to vehicles. They report that hitting a pothole can knock wheels out of alignment, which then affects steering. A hard impact can dislodge wheel weights, damage tires and wheels, and even suspension components. More about potholes from AAA can be found here. Hills/Curves/Crow ns People may wonder how SR panels can be installed on hills and curves and how they can accommodate the typical 3% crown that roads have. The very first SR prototype was 12ft x 12ft – it was quickly realized that that size would have made such sites difficult to tackle. Two important changes were made. The panels were shrunk to about 4ft2 and the shape was changed to hexagons, partially because it was apparent that those changes would make installing on hills and curves so much easier. Roads have what are known as ―crowns‖: the middle of the


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SOLAR ROAD WAY road is the highest point so that stormwater doesn‘t puddle, but instead runs off of the road. The hexagons easily cover this gentle 3-percent slope. Eventually, it‘s expected that a variety of shapes and sizes will be added to the Solar Roadways® catalog, offering even greater flexibility. Cleaning There is also a concern how much a layer of dirt would interfere with solar gain if it did not wash off. A unique test was conducted during summer drought conditions when the surroundings were covered in dirt/dust. There are two identical traditional (not SR) solar panels positioned on the roof of the original SR lab. For the experiment, only one of them was kept clean and then the outputs were compared. After one of the panels was cleaned, their performance was monitored throughout a sunny summer day. The clean panel only produced 9% more power than the dirt covered panel. Worst case senario, if it is determined that it is difficult to keep the panels clean, it may only result in a small energy loss. Another consideration is that SR panels, being on the ground, are much easier for homeowners to clean than rooftop panels. Some anecdotal data was collected with the prototype parking lot: a rubber soled shoe and a bike tire were used to scuff a section of concrete and a section of the SR glass. The rubber on the glass came off with the simple wipe of a finger: it didn't stick well to the glass. That was not the case with the porous concrete: the skid marks were very hard to remove due to the porous nature of concrete. The supposition is that the simple act of tires rolling over a skid mark on the glass will be enough to loosen the material, which will then blow off or be removed the next time it rains. It is apparent that most roads with high speed vehicles keep themselves quite clean. Most small particles are blown off by the passing vehicles, with the exception of spills from oil, transmission fluid, etc. A possible solution for those substances is a common natural compound called titanium dioxide(TiO2). Consultation with a manufacturer revealed that titanium dioxide turns substances like oil and grease into a powder, that would be blown off by wind or washed away by rain. It is currently used on building facades to keep them clean. One manufacturer reported to SR that roads sprayed with titanium dioxide only needs to have it reapplied every few years. The worst case scenario would be the following: if there is a significant problem with keeping roads clean and all of the above solutions fail, street sweepers may be employed where needed (vehicles with large rotating brushes). They are used in Idaho in the spring to clear the roads of the sand that was used for traction during the winter months.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY Disasters People ask how would a Solar Roadway glass panel be likely to fair in the event of various disasters? It‘s to be expected that any force that could destroy an asphalt or concrete road (e.g., an earthquake, sinkhole, or landslide) would have a similar result with a Solar Roadway®. Power will not be lost however: only the damaged panels will stop producing, while any nearby panels that are intact would continue to produce power. Another advantage of Solar Roadways in regard to such disasters is their ability to double as an early warning system to alert residents of an impending hurricane, tornado, or the like. The road lines could flash in a particular color (to be determined by DOT officials) so that drivers would know to immediately check local weather reports and avoid danger zones. Similarly, the roads could create detours and redirect residents away from areas of danger, into safe areas. Most lanes of a highway could be repurposed to take drivers to safety, with perhaps one lane continuing to the danger zone for EMS personnel. Solar Roadways® anticipates consultations with earthquake scientists to see if embedded sensors in some SR panels might aid in data collection and prediction. Solution to the Infrastructure Crisis The White House website presents a wealth of useful information to help understand the current U.S. infrastructure crisis: ―The U.S. lags behind many of its overseas competitors in transportation infrastructure investment. In the most recent World Economic Forum rankings, the U.S. had in less than a decade fallen from 7th to 18th overall in the quality of our roads. 65 percent of America‘s major roads are rated in less than good condition, one in four bridges require significant repair or cannot handle today‘s traffic, and forty-five percent of Americans lack access to transit.

―The costs of inadequate infrastructure investment are exhibited all around us. Americans spend 5.5 billion hours in traffic each year, costing families more than $120 billion in extra fuel and lost time. American businesses pay $27 billion a year in extra freight transportation costs, increasing shipping delays and raising prices on everyday products. Underinvestment impacts safety too. There were more than 33,000 traffic fatalities last year alone and roadway conditions are a significant factor in approximately one-third of traffic fatalities. Such fatalities occur disproportionately in rural America, in part because of inadequate road conditions.‖ The problem stems from a lack of funding, as state DOTs allotments continue to fall short of the funds needed to build new roads and maintain current roads each year. Supporters write that sometimes their state DOTs have let asphalt roads return to gravel and gravel roads return to dirt, as they just are not able to maintain them.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY Some states such as Missouri have begun to think outside the box. MoDOT is exploring the building of a high tech "Road to Tomorrow", which can showcase possibilities for modern infrastructure. They have approached Solar Roadway about the possibility of using SR panels as part of this project. Consultation is ongoing. The modular glass panels created by Solar Roadways can provide a way to have a modular, intelligent, durable, and modern highway system. This system can offset its initial cost over time by the generation of clean renewable energy (link to Solar Energy page here), helping to eliminate many of the described problems. Thousands of American jobs could be created, while Americans work together to create an infrastructure to be proud of. The same can be true for every country as SR moves to respond to interest.

Fig.11: Solution to the Infrastructure Crisis

ELECTRONIC LAYERElectronics Layer Contains a microprocessor board with support circuitry for sensing loads on the surface and controlling a heating element. By implementing this technology no more snow/ice removal and no more school/business closings due to inclement weather in the snow falling regions. The on-board microprocessor controls lighting, communications, monitoring,


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SOLAR ROAD WAY etc. which are fitted at every 12 feet distance; which can prove the Solar Roadways as an ―Intelligent Highway System‖. BASE PLATE LAYER – While the electronics layer collects energy from the sun, it is the base plate layer that distributes power (collected from the electronics layer) and data signals (phone, TV, internet, etc.) "downline" to all homes and businesses connected to the Solar Roadway. The base layer is made weatherproof so that it can provide the electronic layer above it. Solar Roadways (SR) has a complex electrical layer. Electrical components are placed on a circuit board that is then enclosed between two pieces of glass and hermetically sealed to protect the sensitive electronics. The solar cells, heating elements, and LEDs are covered thoroughly in other sections. This section covers the other electrica

Solar Roadways customers will find that many types of energy storage can be incorporated for use with the SR system. The SR2 prototype parking lot installation uses virtual storage (grid) model. Excess energy is sent to the grid during daylight hours. Then power can be drawn back out of the grid at night. This flexibility is perfect for SR, as solar energy is only available during the day, and the heating elements and LEDs need access to power at night. This also avoids the expense of adding a storage system. It‘s also ideal for people with concerns about the environmental friendliness of batteries Solar Roadways is compatible with energy storage devices. Home batteries can be used if customers wish to incorporate them. Energy SR generates clean renewable energy. There has been some concern as to who owns the electricity produced by Solar Roadways®. The short answer is, whoever owns the property, e.g., for driveways, patios, sidewalks - the home owner, for parking lots - the business owner, for airport tarmacs- the owner of airport. The ownership of roadways is convoluted: they can be owned privately, by the city, township, county, state, or federal government. Smart Grid Solar Roadways® can replace all current centralized power stations and become the smart grid for each nation, with sufficient installed infrastructure. The Cable Corridor remedies the need for unsightly utility poles. The Cable Corridor that runs alongside Solar Roadways® can provide a home for utility lines. Power lines, telephone lines, etc. can be placed within the Cable Corridor. This can significantly reduce outages from storm events. This would also provide easy access to all systems, making maintenance and repair simple. The safety of utility workers who must now climb poles and dig for cables buried in the ground would be increased. Landscapes would be unmarred. Power can be generated everywhere - from all walking and driving surfaces. A decentralized system offers protection from outages. Much of the power is used near the power source (e.g.- driveways power homes, parking lots power businesses, etc.) Excess power CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY produced by SR can feed surrounding areas. Even a disruption in the grid (road) will cause significantly less outages. Since both sides of the now damaged road still produce electricity, fewer lose power. All walking and driving surfaces supply power to homes and businesses. Less energy needs to be transported over long distances, resulting in less energy loss. It also means smaller cables are required, saving materials (and therefore costs). SR produces the power closer the point of use. Some have expressed concerns about theft. Each panel has its own microprocessor, which communicates wirelessly with the surrounding panels. They monitor one another for malfunctions or problems. If someone were able to pull a panel out of the road and load it on a truck, the stolen panel would continue communicating with all of the other panels in the road. The road would know exactly where it was and how fast it was moving. The panel would literally lead the authorities to the thief.

Road Safety Weight sensors are electrical devices that can be used to determine the pressure on a surface. This technology works, but has proven to be expensive to implement. SR is designing their own technology, which will be integrated to the panel design upon its completion. Adding these sensors to SR panels essentially turns each panel into a type of scale. They can sense objects of (or above) a certain weight on the surface of the panel and the microprocessors can take any programmed action; this can warn drivers of potential hazards in the road. As a pedestrian steps off of a sidewalk and onto a SR crosswalk panel, the microprocessor signals to the other panels in the crosswalk that someone or something has entered the crosswalk. All of the panels in the crosswalk can then flash until the pedestrian has safely reached the other side. The SR panels can also warn oncoming drivers. The road panels in front of oncoming cars can tell the drivers to "SLOW DOWN", in letters illuminated in the road's surface. The rest of the road can incorporate these sensors as well. The road could warn drivers of moderately massed objects in the road, e.g., a person, an animal, a fallen tree, a large rock, etc. CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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Repairs and Maintenance SR is modular, so repair will be much quicker and easier than our current maintenance system. Each panel assembly weighs less than 100lbs (45.36kg). A single operator could load a replacement panel and respond to the scene. The panel could be swapped out and reprogrammed in a few minutes. The damaged panel would then be returned to a repair center. In order to redirect traffic with minimal disruption, the operator could quickly redraw the LED road lines to create a detour, and just as quickly put them back to the default position when he or she is finished. Solar Roadways has a microprocessor located approximately every 2.5 feet. Since neighboring panels also communicate with one another, if a problem were to arise, the road would report it to a central control station.

Durability and Disasters Solar Roadways is specifically engineered for road use. SR panels are designed to last a minimum of twenty years. Solar cells are the limiting factor: they can continue to work up to 30 years, but they are less efficient toward the end of their life cycle. Each panel can withstand great variations in temperatures. The electronic components are made to endure high temperatures. The microprocessors can endure temperatures from -40⁰F (-040⁰C) up to 257⁰F (125⁰C). During Solar Roadways® current USDOT contract, the panels will be tested in environmental chambers.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY Each Solar Road panel is hermetically sealed to protect the electrical components. The panels can be completely submerged, and the electrical components will be protected. This is a preventative measure for flash flooding. In the event of lightning, the entire system is well grounded. Since the Solar Road panels are at ground level, lighting is far more likely to hit a nearby tree or other high point. In addition, glass is an insulator (non-conductive), so lightning is very unlikely to strike it. Some have inquired how SR would be impacted by an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). An EMP is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that results from an explosion (usually from the detonation of a nuclear weapon) and/or a suddenly fluctuating magnetic field. SR can shield against an EMP as with any other type of electromagnetic radiation: with shielding and proper grounding, which can mitigate or eliminate the effects of EMP. Shielding places a conductive surface between the source of the EMP and the electronic components. When the harmful radiation encounters a conductive surface, energy is transferred from the magnetic field into the conductive surface and shunted safely to ground. This leaves less of the energy available to be transferred into the circuit. Protection diodes, which provide a low impedance path around low voltage circuitry, can also be utilized to minimize the effects of inductive voltage spikes. The electronics in SR will be hardened against external interference for a variety of reasons. In theory, if a massive EMP event (such as a nuclear bomb) were detonated above the Solar Roadway® (or any other electronic system) the damage caused could be significant and difficult to predict. The advantage of a system like Solar Roadways® in such a scenario lies in its decentralized nature. As described above, the decentralized grid can help prevent outages because energy would be produced everywhere and used close by. The increase in power required to disable the system increases on an exponential scale with increased implementation. Unlike the centralized energy production which is quite susceptible to this type of interference, a decentralized Solar Roadways system would offer more protection against EMPs than current centralized energy systems.

EVs and Autonomous Vehicles The transition to SR and electric vehicles will be a lengthy process, but a worthy endeavor. Solar Roadways can provide the infrastructure needed to charge EVs, both statically (parking lots and driveways) and eventually dynamically (on roads and highways, while driving). The actual implementation of mutual induction technology which will allow EV‘s to charge while driving is really quite simple. SR can provide the infrastructure needed for mutual induction plates. They can be installed in: roadways, parking lots, driveways, etc. EVs could charge in multiple locations, thus lengthening their range. EVs will then be charged by the road while driving. This means that they won't need large batteries, which will lighten their load and require less power to go the same distance. This mutual induction technology already exists, but there is not yet an efficient delivery system. Currently, plates would have to be installed in asphalt roads and power delivered to them, causing timely and expensive retrofits. SR can


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SOLAR ROAD WAY provide the delivery system, making EVs convenient, even in cross country road trips. In this way, Solar Roadways® can facilitate and speed up each country‘s transition to EVs. Autonomous vehicles are also an emerging technology. The SR team was invited to have a ride in the Google driverless car. It became apparent how SR could facilitate the transition to these vehicles. SR panels have microprocessors mounted permanently, meaning they have a fixed longitude and latitude. This offers a very special method of knowing exactly where a driverless vehicle is. This replaces the need to depend on satellite communications (GPS for instance) to determine location. It is much more accurate. A system could also link the location of each SR panel into its map application and use them to plot routes. Eventually, the Solar Roadway could drive the vehicles.

Fig. 14: EVs & Autonomous Vehicles

The electronics in SR are specifically chosen to be both cost effective and of high quality. Anything extraneous is eliminated. The electronics are selected with other technologies in mind, so the integration of mutual induction charging, EVs, and autonomous vehicles will be simple. The electrical components will incorporate new compatible technologies as they emerge.

2.2 DESIGN OF SOLAR ROADWAYEnergy generation using solar photovoltaic requires large area. As cost of the land is growing day by day, there is a strong requirement to use the available land as efficiently as possible. Here, we explored the potential of energy generation using the land above national road highways by constructing on road. One such project is the proposal to build roads that have been integrated with photovoltaic cells in order to provide a high performance driving surface while generating renewable electricity. This electricity could then be used by local infrastructure, CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY adjacent buildings, or sold to the electrical grid. In order to do this there are many challenges that need to be overcome, as these roads cannot be made from traditional road surface materials, and a thorough analysis of many design aspects needs to be considered . This paper looks to determine, based on existing pavement materials research, how such a road panel can be constructed and manufactured. Specific elements investigated include the design of each layer of the solar road panel, how the panel can be integrated with photovoltaic electronics, how such a design can be weatherproofed, and how to optimize between solar capture area and structural integrity. The analysis will be influenced by designing around available materials and engineering calculations of the panel under loading. The end result of this paper is a detailed solar road panel design that will be built and evaluated through physical and finite element testing in future work. Sustainable solutions are a requirement to modern design problems due to society‘s overreliance on natural resources for everything from energy generation to transportation infrastructure. In order to come up with these solutions it is important for creativity to be a focus of design, as clearly the traditional practices are lacking and new ideas are required. One such example of this is the design of solar road panels; a modular road panel that is also a functioning solar photovoltaic panel. The idea behind solar road panels is quite simple in theory; through the issues associated with urban heat islands it is known that pavements are often exposed to a vast amount of solar radiation throughout the day. If it were possible to extract a portion of this energy, we could begin to simultaneously solve civil and electrical infrastructure issues through the implementation of new sustainable technologies. Two methods have been developed to accomplish energy generation from roads before; using asphalt pavement as a solar thermal collector and installing piezoelectric generators to collect vibration energy from the traffic load on the pavement. Recent studies have also begun to use thermoelectric systems to extract heat energy from roads and directly convert it to electricity. This project is taking a different approach to the concept as, through photovoltaics, the solar radiation is directly converted into electricity on the surface of the panel without a heat or vibration conversion1 . Where this project does differ is in the design approach being used; following a methodological research approach backed from experience in civil, mechanical, and electrical disciplines2 . There is also an end-result focus on examining the issues these panels would face in a Canadian climate; freeze-thaw cycling, snow accumulation and removal, and salt-based winter road maintenance program.

DESIGN REQUIREMENTS The general design of the solar road panel is as shown in Figure 1, where there is a transparent surface made of textured glass that vehicles are driving on, optical layer to transmit the load around the solar cells, and a base to further transmit the load to a pavement, sub grade, or base structure .


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The greatest challenge of designing a solar road panel is that the design requirements for pavement structures and solar modules frequently contradict each other. These requirements have been outlined below, divided into the structural and electrical requirements respectively. Structural Design Requirements : The structural design requirements for a solar road panel are as follows: 1.The structure must be able to support the cyclic distributed load from vehicle tires without failing through deformation, fracture, or other means; it is expected that 480 kPa is a typical design stress requirement from tires contacting the panel 2.The transparent layer cannot deflect over the cell compartments so much that the layer transmits load to the solar cells The structure must be corrosion resistant to salts and other potential contaminants. 3.The design must be modular and facilitate easy maintenance. 4. For this prototype's purposes, the panel must be made out of readily available components and materials. 5.To accommodate construction, testing, and the measurement units of available components, the designed. 6.Panel should have 0.91 m (3 ft) side lengths and be of sufficient thickness to satisfy the other requirements 7.The weight of the panel must be low enough so that two people can maneuver it for testing and installation purposes. Electrical Design Requirements : CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY 1.The electrical design requirements for a solar road panel are as follows: The panel should be designed so that no shading of the solar cells occurs. 2. The interconnection between the cells should be strong enough to withstand potential deflections from the optical layer. 3.The panel must be weatherproof so that water and other contaminants are not able to interfere with the electronics . 4.There must be a diode installed on the output electrical line of the panel to block reverse currents, as this would damage the solar cells within the panel.

Electrical System Design : Component Selection : The most important selection in the design of the electrical system is the selection of the photovoltaic cells. There are a vast array of technologies to choose from for this application including monocrystalline, and polycrystalline silicon cells; dye sensitized cells; thin film; and organic thin film solar cells. Since this project is more focused on the structural design of the panel the monocrystalline silicon cells were chosen as they provide the highest maximum power output of commonly available solar cells today . The next selection was for the size of these cells; monocrystalline silicon 4 solar cells are available in many shapes and sizes as a result of their use in a wide variety of customized OEM products. The ones most typically used in utility power generation applications are 150 mm square solar cells as these can be efficiently produced with high end conversion efficiency, but various rectangular and circular options are also available. For this project the decision was made to utilize 125 mm square solar cells, as these will allow for a large area of the solar road panel to be exposed solar cells while also not leaving too large a section of the transparent layer cantilevered over the cell. An image of the solar cell selected is shown in Figure where all of the dimensions provided are in millimeters.


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Fig.15: Component Selection

Cell Interconnections : With the cells chosen, the next step is to connect them together to assemble the panel. Typically strings of solar cells will be connected in series to increase the voltage generated by the collector, as the current output is already reasonable (5 amperes) from each cell. Then the panels would be connected in series or parallel accordingly to boost the voltage and current to meet the end load or inverter requirements. In this case there is 0.91 m (36‖) of space in each direction and it was assumed that at least 25 mm (1‖) of space was required between each of the cells and between the edge cells and the casing of the solar road panel for structural support. It was also assumed that an extra 12.5 mm (1/2‖) was required for the solar cells to allow for the interconnection and shading protection from the structural ledge to be accounted for. As a result, 5 cells can be spaced in each direction along the panel, allowing a total of 25 cells in the whole panel. In order to connect these together, the routing as shown in Figure 3, where the squares represent the solar cells, the two lines between represent the two power connection lines between the cell bus bars, and the positive and negative signs indicate the input and output lines from the solar road panel respectively. Traditionally the cells in a solar panel would be connected by soldering a tin-coated copper ribbon across the bus bars of one cell and then soldering these ribbons onto the adjacent cell. One of the disadvantages of this is that the interconnections are one of the most fragile components of the module, and with the loads the solar road panel will be seeing this is not a feasible option. Instead, the ribbon will be soldered only across the bus bar of one cell and then a wire will be soldered to the output of the one cell and to the input of the adjacent cell in the next compartment. Using insulated wires to complete this task should improve the reliability of the system despite the addition of more components and solder points. CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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Fig .16: Solar Road Panel Interconnection Scheme

External Hardware : As identified in the requirements, a diode must be installed to protect the solar cells from a damaging reverse current. To simplify the design of the solar road panel, this will be done in an enclosure outside of the panel. This will only require a plastic enclosure large enough to hold a terminal block, the diode, and the input and output wires for the whole panel.

STRUCTURAL LAYER DESIGN ; Material Selection : Based on an extensive literature review of road and landing mats it was determined that the best materials for use in the structural layers of the solar road panel are steel, aluminum, and fibreglass. Aluminum is one of the most popular materials for use in landing mats, proving that structures made from the material are able to withstand mission critical static and dynamic tire loads 5 . Due to the relative material properties of aluminum and steel it is known that steel should do a better job of withstanding the loading from vehicle tires at a lower cost though also at a higher weight. Lastly, it was found that multiply fibreglass panels are able to withstand repetitive loading on poor sub-bases without failing. Due to the requirements of the CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY prototype design fibreglass was chosen as the ideal structural material. In addition to being low cost and light weight it is also the easiest to build a research prototype for as either the aluminum or steel options would have required a custom casting operation, which is a very expensive and difficult process. Future analysis using structural testing and finite element modelling will be done to ensure that this is the optimal material choice. Base Structure : The base structure is straight forward while using multiply fibreglass as the bulk of the structure is simply layers of fibreglass adhered together. While some accommodations will need to be made for the cell compartments, interconnection routing, and panel housing, the main challenge of this section is determining the thickness required in order to withstand the desired loads. As the overall design of the solar road panel is a composite material, between glass and fibreglass, it is important to make this thickness decision while bearing in mind the performance of the glass layer. It is known that glass is a very rigid material that, in compression, behaves very similarly to steel. As a result the design incorporates a very rigid glass layer over a, comparatively, very elastic fibreglass structure. Since the panel will be contained by a housing it is assumed that the glass' performance will govern the deflections within the panel with the fibreglass layer providing resistance to ensure the glass does not fail in tensile loading. To this end, it is known from literature that the multiply fibreglass panel that can resist traffic loading on sand consisted of 4-ply fibreglass6 . For this structure that will be the lower limit for the number of whole fibreglass ply layers that must be in the design. While the appropriate upper limit is unknown, the design requirements specify that the panel must be made from readily available material, so the maximum available size of the housing will govern the number of layers of fibreglass used in the design. Cell Compartments : In order to accommodate the solar cells within the panel, cut-outs need to be made from several of the fibreglass layers in order to allow light to reach the cells embedded in the structure. With a multiply fibreglass structure this is simple, as square sections can be cut from the fibreglass sheet prior to adhering the layers together. The challenge comes in determining the geometry of the sheet and the number of fibreglass layers available to support the glass above the base layer. While maintaining the 140 mm spacing for the solar cells that was determined in the electrical system design portion of this paper, the design was completed as shown in Figure 4. This is the basis of the design for the top layers of fibreglass, some of which will be modified as demonstrated in the following section for cell interconnection. Interconnection Routing : The last consideration to be taken here is for the interconnection routing between the cell compartments. The objective of the routing is to supply only enough space to route the interconnection wires through and nothing more, as any extra space would degrade the structural integrity of the panel with no additional benefit. The spacing also has to be manufacturable. In order to follow the routing plan detailed in Figure 3, it was determined that the cut-outs from the structural layers for the cell interconnections would need to be located at the center of the cell walls. Two layers of fibreglass with this configuration would be required CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY to safely and easily route the wires through the sectioning. Similar cuts will also be made in the edge walls to allow wires to deliver the electricity from the cells inside the panel to whatever external load is applied.

Fig.17 :Interconnection Routing

TRANSPARENT LAYER DESIGNThere are naturally less material options for the transparent layer of the solar road prototype due to the layer needing to be optically transparent. This limited selection down to acrylic, polycarbonate, and tempered glass as these are typical materials used in transparent structural applications, with the respective mechanical properties as shown in Table 3-2.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY Table 3-2: Transparent layer material mechanical properties Category


Acrylic – Optical Grade Transparent (ACI, 2013) Polycarbonate – Optical Transparent Grade (ACI, 2013) Tempered Glass (Alsop & Transparent Saunders, 1999) Concrete Pavement (ARA, Pavement 2011)

Compressive Yield Strength (MPa)

Young’s Modulus (GPa)

Density (g/cm3)













Note 1: Tempered glass fails due to the tensile reaction from compressive loading before compressive yielding is achieved


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SOLAR ROAD WAY These materials all demonstrate higher compressive strengths than typical concrete pavements, which indicates that they should all be able to operate as a transparent layer within a solar road panel through diligent design. The large structural difference comes through the Young‘s Modulus of the materials, as tempered glass is far more rigid under loading than concrete while acrylic and polycarbonate will be nearly as flexible as an asphalt pavement is currently. This could cause issues in designing the transparent layer for the polymer materials as they are cantilevered over the solar cells and large deflections should be avoided as they may cause damage to the solar cells. Another large difference between these materials is the way in which they are most likely to fail under loading. As was identified in the literature review, polymer materials under vehicle loading typically demonstrate plastic deformation through rutting and shoving of the top layers of the cast material. Also, the optical grade versions of these polymers, which are required in order to maximize the solar energy that is able to reach the photovoltaic cells, are typically specified for temperatures above 0°C, meaning that they should not perform as well as expected under typical Canadian winter conditions. The tempered glass, on the other hand, does not fail through plastic deformation like the polymer options though this means there is less indication of performance loss before failure. In order to safely design a tempered glass panel it must conform to typical glass flooring standards, so the structure must use multiple redundant panes of tempered glass which are laminated together, for reasons outlined in the literature review. The tempering process also means that should a pane catastrophically fail it would break into very small shards instead of large sheets of glass while the The key parameter in designing the transparent layer is determining the thickness of glass required on the surface. Cantilevered glass panes in floors are very common, and are heavily overdesigned to typically reduce the anxiety of people walking over them, however they also span much greater gaps than the glass in this solar road panel will need to. One of the main elements of their design is that they consist of multiple glass layers, with the objective being that should any one layer fail the others would still be able to support the design load for the CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY structure. Through calculations it is possible to determine the stress development and induced deflection in the glass over the cell compartments, which must be kept under a threshold defined by the glass used and is a function of the glass thickness, shape of the cantilevered section, and load applied over the unsupported glass. Guidelines provided for tempered glass indicate that the design stress for medium term loading on tempered glass is 53 MPa 7 . Stress relation equations provided by Roark and Young allow the maximum bending stress at the center of the unsupported glass section to be found for a tire pressure of 480 kPa, 140 mm square cantilevered glass section, and varying glass plate thickness. There is a slight variation in performance when two laminated panes are used instead of a single pane of the same combined thickness, as the design stress drops to 42 MPa. The glass deflections found in Table 1 indicate that there will be minimal deflection of the glass under the expected loading. This was the expected result as glass is a rigid material and is being cantilevered over a small section of solar cell space. These calculations do, however, confirm that using the low bending theory assumptions that are required for the bending stress equation used are valid.

PANEL HOUSING AND WEATHERPROOFINGPanel Housing : As the solar road panel being designed is made of several different materials it is important to ensure they will be held together firmly during testing and operation. One of the key design requirements was that the panel should allow easy maintenance, so the housing used must be removable so that the inside of the structure can be maintained during operation and instrumented during testing. In order to accomplish this it was determined that a metal enclosure was required. In order to contain the layers it would need to overlap the transparent and structural layers, on the top and bottom of the panel respectively, while also covering the sides of the panel to stop layers from slipping at the interface8 . To accomplish this, the most logical option is to customize a stock aluminum channel to fit around the layers and use coated bolts and nuts to hold the housing to the fibreglass structure. Panel Weatherproofing : The design of the housing, and how the other layers are integrated with it, is limited by the design of the weatherproofing system for the panel. In an optimal solar module this would be done using an epoxy, however this is not possible due to the maintenance requirements on a solar road panel. To accommodate this then, various edge sealing and rubber interfaces need to be used to stop water transport into the panel.


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Fig. 18 :Panel Weatherproofing


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SOLAR ROAD WAY CHAPTER-3 Testing and Analysis Methodology With the prototype panel now designed and constructed, the testing and analysis methodology can now be outlined. This work is largely divided into three categories: structural testing, FE analysis, and environmental testing.

3.1 Structural Testing The purpose of the structural testing was to perform a controlled test on the prototype solar road panel to determine how the panel deflects when various loads are applied. The output of this test is to validate the design of the prototype that was outlined in Chapter 3 and to act as an input for the FE analysis outlined in Section 4.2 below. This is largely broken into four segments: determining the testing objectives, test frame design, load apparatus design, and instrumentation.

3.2 Testing Objectives Since the overall output of this testing is to serve as an input to the FE analysis of this research, the specific objective of the structural testing is to determine the flexural response of the designed prototype panel to specific low loadings in a manner that can be easily duplicated within the FE software. The testing should specifically allow for variable loading and variable load application, to ensure that performance of the composite panel is truly consistent. Testing will be performed for static response and within the elastic range for all materials in question, as the static, low load response will be sufficient to determine the comparative response of a panel with in-situ loading.

3.3 Testing Frame A number of designs were considered before establishing that the most feasible option for the testing CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY frame was to build a structure, where a freely supported prototype could be installed upside-down and loaded from underneath. Test Frame Configuration A number of configurations were considered for this testing frame, including confined pavement testing, adapting an existing test frame, and a top loading frame, but these were all rejected for the bottom loading frame for a number of technical or feasibility considerations.The confined pavement testing, while providing the best representation of how the prototype would function in in-situ conditions, would provide very specific results depending on the granular materials used. This would also be more challenging to duplicate in FE analysis, as the viscoelastic properties of the soil base materials would have to be modeled while determining the overall panel properties. The cost of this structure would also be the highest, as a steel box would need to be procured for the testing and a frame would need to be developed to apply the loading. Adapting an existing test frame was quickly discarded as an option due the expected loading requirements on a freely-supported panel. Initial analysis of structural loading on the glass panel, as shown in Figure 4-2, determined that the prototype would need to be tested at up to 4,448-kN [1,000-lbf], which would only produce a deflection of 0.84-mm [0.033-in], to ensure it does not fail under brittle conditions during testing. The actuators and load cells on the existing test frames are not sensitive enough to operate safely at this resolution, especially as there are only a few prototypes being made for all forms of testing and analysis. The top loading frame was rejected for the bottom loading frame because of the manner of loading. A top loading frame would require a structure to be built to support the load apparatus, which also makes repositioning the load between tests more cumbersome. A bottom loaded frame structure uses the base of the testing rig and strong-floor of the structures lab as structural support, making it a simpler and more efficient design. There are no downsides to testing the panel upside down, as gravitational forces can be accounted for within the FE model easily.


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SOLAR ROAD WAY Structural Testing of Pavement A wide variety of approaches are used to determine the structural capacity of pavements. Of most importance to this research is how controlled tests are performed on structural pavement sections in a laboratory or research environment. The objective of structural testing is to determine how a structure will perform under various loading conditions that best emulate the real loading case for the structure. In terms of pavements, the most ideal test scenario allows vehicles to drive over a test section that has been instrumented to measure the strain caused within the structure. This is typically accomplished through two approaches, instrumenting new pavement sections of existing road infrastructure and constructing dedicated pavement test tracks. Both types of facilities allow researchers to better understand how specific pavement materials perform in the environment of the site; the key advantage to instrumented roads being that the site is often a better replica of that region‘s conditions than a test track while a test track has the advantage of a more controlled load scenario than open roads have. Due to the cost of the infrastructure required for both, these are often only implemented when determining how a new-to-the-region pavement structure will perform. Full pavement structure testing has also been completed in lab environments using confined pavement structures at a much smaller scale than test tracks, as shown in Figure 2-10. The concept being that when a load is applied to a pavement structure, only a portion of the total base and subgrade materials are deformed. If a confined specimen is able to contain enough material so that the deformation only occurs within a section of the contained material then real world results can be emulated in a lab. This is most commonly done in the analysis of geosynthetic reinforcing layers in flexible pavements. Typical configurations involve the design of a large steel or concrete box that contains between 0.25 and 4.5 cubic metres of pavement structural materials depending on the designed testing regime (Tingle & Jersey, 2005). Loads are typically applied through hydraulic actuators at low frequency in order to simulate vehicle traffic (Tingle & Jersey, 2005). Larger scale versions of this testing have been done in concrete pits, which would also allow for vehicles to drive over the test installation (Pokharel et al., 2011). The main disadvantages of this testing approach are the cost of developing such a setup and the limited size of the test specimens CIVIL DEPARTMENT MGIMT

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SOLAR ROAD WAY In lieu of being able to do testing of full pavement structures, the normal method for structurally testing pavement materials is to test samples of individual materials to measure comparative properties. These tests often allow for samples to be tested under a wide variety of simulated conditions in a controlled laboratory environment. Quite often the performance characteristics determined from these tests can be used as an input for mechanistic pavement design systems; while the lab results do not directly imply performance in the field, correlations have been developed that make these results valuable. These tests can include dynamic modulus, fatigue beam, and moisture susceptibility tests for asphalt samples; compressive strength, flexural strength, and durability testing for concrete samples; and soundness, absorption, abrasion, and gradation testing for aggregate samples.


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4.0 PROBLEM DEFINITIONProblem 1 – Angle of Solar PanelThe first problem with Solar Roadways comes from the inbuilt solar panels, themselves. Since road surfaces need to be flat, the panels need to be as low-profile as possible. This means that the solar cells inside the panels are laid flat This isn't ideal because solar cells generate the most electricity when directly pointed towards the source of light (in our case, the sun). While the sun does move across the sky as the day progresses, every single place on the planet has an optimum solar panel inclination and orientation. For example, my hometown (Ringwood) has angles of maximum efficiency at 16 degrees during the winter and 62 degrees during the summer Winter and 84 degrees during the summer. More advanced solar systems use tracking mechanism to keep the solar cell constantly pointed towards the sun. You can investigate the optimal angles for solar in your area here. Solar Roadways, however, will always be fixed pointing directly upward (or, to be more specific, they will be at the same incline as the road). Keep in mind that this is before the system has even consumed power. Problem 2 – LED Visibility The mechanism for creating road markings and information displays is to use LEDs as they are commonly associated with high-efficiency light sources. However, using LEDs in such an environment comes with many problems.The most important issue with LEDs in this scenario is their tight viewing angle (typically ranging between 10 degrees to 60 degrees), which makes them difficult to see at extreme angles. For example, an LED pointing vertically upward is rather easy to see from above (as shown in the Solar Roadways adverts), but seeing that same LED from an angle commonly involved with driving will be next to impossible for common LEDs There are LEDs that have much wider angles (typically by incorporating a lens). However, these are not only significantly more expensive but most of the light emitted is still beamed perpendicular to the ground. One solution would be to mount LEDs at an angle to point towards drivers but such a solution still has problems. For one, multiple LEDs would have to be used per ―pixel‖ all pointing in different angles to guarantee that the information can be seen from all angles. The second problem is the significant MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY increase in energy consumption. This viewing angle problem is likely why all footage of solar roadways is taken in either dark conditions or from a high angle.The second problem with LEDs the amount of power needed to make them visible during the day. LED billboards know this struggle well: a single LED billboard can utilize hundreds of thousands of kWh of energy every year just to stay bright enough to stay visible.See the Solar Roadways LEDs in action in the live stream of the Solar Roadways installation at Jeff Jones Town Square in Sandpoint. Visibility demonstrably changes depending on the time of day Problem 3 – Solar Panel Cost According to the US Department of Transportation, the US has over 2.7 million miles of paved roads as of 2013. When purchasing solar panels in bulk, the price of solar panels drops to around $0.74 per watt which is $740 per kW (this is the price of solar panels that are used in residential power and not those found in calculators or low-power applications). Using a 20% efficient solar panel puts the energy generated by a single panel at 200 watts per square meter (assuming that the earth‘s surface receives 1000 W/m2) and therefore the cost of a square meter panel is approximately $148 for a meter square. With this in mind and with over 2.7 million miles of roadways to pave, the cost of the solar panels alone blasts up into the trillions. This doesn't take into account the energy losses and consumption by the modules, themselves, nor installation costs.

Problem 4 – Heating Solar Roadways boasts how these roads will prevent the build-up of ice and snow which will massively benefit cold climates. However, as calculated by thunderf00t, the energy needed to melt ice is considerably more than the designers may have realized.


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Fig.19: Heating To turn 1kg of snow into 1kg of water requires 334kJ of energy which comes to 92.77 Watt hours. Let's say that there's 13cm of snow on a 1-meter panel. That would be around 0.013 cubic meters of snow. Assuming that freshly laid snow has a density of 100kg per meter cubed (10% water content), then the total weight in kg of snow on a 1-meter square panel is approximately 1.3kg. Therefore, the minimum amount of energy to melt the snow (keep in mind that this is from 0°C ice to 0°C water) is 434.4kj or 120.6-watt hours. With solar panels that obtain 200 watts per square meter in the best of conditions (which winter is not), the spare energy is around 80 watts. This does not consider the power consumption by the LEDs, power converts, or any circuitry. If snow falls at a temperature lower than 0 degrees then the energy increases. If the snow was -10°C and it has to be raised to -1°C (just before it melts), then the total energy needed is 18.81 J per gram which would correspond to 7 watts of power (which takes you from 80 watts to 73 watts of free power left). Problem 5 – Maintenance Costs One argument for Solar Roadways is the sheer number of engineering jobs that it would create. This particular point is spot on because maintaining such a system would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible. Assuming that a panel has a lifespan of a typical solar cell (which is very generous to assume, due to the unforgiving environment they are in) of 20 years (the time until 80% power output is reached), then the entire road system would MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY need repair every 20 years which puts the average cost of the project at $1.15 trillion every year—and that's only calculating for the replaced solar cells, excluding workforce costs. But this assumption relies on all the panels working til their end of life. What about individual panels that get broken? Considering the number of panels needed to be implemented (1.57×1011 where each panel is 1-meter square), a failure rate of one in a million still results in 1,570,000 panels needing to be replaced within that failure rate time. Problem 6 – Wear and Tear Roads are made of asphalt for a reason. It is a cheap, widely abundant material made of oil industry by-products and pieces of stone. The surface of Solar Roadways is to be made of glass which, in itself, contains many problems not yet addressed, including the danger of glass dust if damaged tiles are crushed How long a glass surface would last has yet to be determined but heavy traffic would quickly bring the surface of the glass to bear. Even if this is not a problem for the road, itself, it is a very big problem for the solar panels under the glass. For the panels to work at their maximum efficiency, the glass must be as optically transparent as possible to allow light to fall onto the panels. However, scratched glass has a horrid tendency to diffuse light and send it in random directions which reduces its optical transparency and hence impede the solar panel's ability to generate electricity.But this optical transparency has a more devastating potential that has not been considered. Problem 7 – Glare Safety Safety is perhaps the most important concern and the danger lies in the glass. If the glass is toughened and has a cloudy look to it then the electrical output of the panels will be reduced. So, to get around this, the panels use clear glass to allow as much light through as possible. However, this leads to a very dangerous situation that occurs when the sun is low in the sky. Light from the sun (when it is low in the sky) will hit the panel at a low angle, reflecting light like a mirror or a puddle on the road. This means that entire roads will reflect morning and evening light up into drivers' eyes and potentially cause accidents.


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Fig.20:Glare Sofety


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SOLAR ROADWAY CHAPTER -5 5.0-ADVANTAGE OF SOLAR ROAD WAYRenewability & Life span: The main advantage of the solar roadway concept is that it utilizes a renewable source of energy to produce electricity. It has the potential to reduce dependence on conventional sources of energy such as coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels. Also, the life span of the solar panels is around 20 years, much greater than normal asphalt roads, which only last 7– 12 years. Military & Rescue assistance: In the event of an environmental disaster or military emergency, solar roadways would provide power when it is needed most. As solar power is renewable, it obviously requires no external connection to an artificial power source. Lighting up of roads: By adding LEDs beneath the transparent panel, the road can be lightened up for safe night travel and aesthetic look. 1.Renewability and life-span: The main advantage of the solar roadway concept is that it utilizes a renewable source of energy to produce electricity. It has the potential to reduce dependence on conventional sources of energy such as coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels. Also, the life span of the solar panels is around 20 years, much greater than normal asphalt roads, which only last 7– 12 years. 2) Military and rescue assistance In the event of an environmental disaster or military emergency, solar roadways would provide power when it is needed most. As solar power is renewable, it obviously requires no external connection to an artificial power source. 3) Roadways already in place Another advantage of solar roadways is that they do not require the development of unused and potentially environmentally sensitive lands. This is currently a very controversial issue with large photovoltaic installations in the Southwestern US and other places. But since the roads are already there, this is not an issue. Also, unlike large photovoltaic installations, new transmission corridors – perhaps across environmentally sensitive land – would not be required to bring power to consumers in urban areas. Transmission lines could simply be run along already established roadways. 4)Lighting up of roads: By adding LEDs beneath the transparent panel, road can be lightened up for safe night travel and aesthetic look. 5)Initial Cost: The average cost of asphalt roads in 2016 was roughly $30 per square foot. The cost does not include maintenance (pot hole repair, repainting lines, etc.) or snow/ice removal. The average lane width is 12 feet, so a 4 lane highway would be 12' (width per lane) x 4 (lanes) x MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY 5280' (one mile) = 253440 square feet. Multiply this by $30 per square foot and your onemile stretch of asphalt highway will cost $7603200.00 and will last an average of seven years. The design of Solar Roadways is to last at least 21 years (three times that of asphalt roads), at which time the panels would need to be refurbished. Adding no additional cost to the current asphalt system, this will allow us to invest about $48 ($16 x 3) per square foot. This means that if each individual panel can be made for no more than $6912.00, then the Solar Roadway can be built for the same initial cost as current asphalt roads. However, asphalt roads don't give you anything back.

5.1-DISADVANTAGEDisadvantages of Solar Roads 1) Maintenance costs: They are more because road surfaces accumulate rubber, salt, soil and other substances that block sunlight and must be removed. The durability of the panels may also be less, further increasing maintenance costs. 2) Seasonal efficiency: In India the solar road will work efficiently in summer, while it will give comparatively less efficiency in other seasons due to lack of solar radiations. Where as in the countries where summer lasts for more than half of year this technique can be efficiently used. 3) Needs a town planning: If these roads are to be used town planning plays a vital role as these roads needs a accurate orientation of build. As Nicholas Spark say ―Nothing that‘s worthwhile is ever easy. Remember that.‖ These lines of him are well suited for the hurdles that are there on the way which leads to the solar roadways. I am mentioning some of them that are striking my mind. Hacking: First and foremost thing that struck my head while researching about this intimidating concept was hacking. It is proposed that LEDs (on layer #1) will be programmed to provide various kind of information (see the pic) to the drivers and pedestrians. For example, these LEDs will be telling a driver to maintain a speed, displaying distance of a particular city, direction headings and the like. Now what if someone hacks the system and provides wrong information to the people on road? And what if the hacker switches off all the LEDs in night? Cost: Solar panels made of crystalline silicon, are going to replace the asphalt on solar roadways. In general, one square foot of asphalt cost $16; on the other hand, the solar panels are going to cost around $48. Apart from that, the LEDs that are proposed to be embedded within the first layer for signage are way more expensive than solar cell for per square foot.


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SOLAR ROADWAY To give you an estimate, this person built an LED coat that covers his body and he is selling it at $24,995 (Front half only). Now let say, due to economies of scale and mass production, the cost for blanketing the same area will get reduced to $20000. I don‘t think it will go below that and now you can easily infer that how costly it‘s going to be. Moreover, when vehicles will drive past over the first layer, the tires will leave marks of dirt and other things that will block the sunlight to produce electricity. Thus, regular cleaning of the road will become a must to produce electricity and this will escalate the cost. Driving in Rainy Season: I may be assuming, however, I believe that driving on a glass surface on a rainy day is going to be difficult for any driver out there. The road will become slippery and braking will becoming inefficient due to reduction in friction. Apart from that, the roadway will become a liability rather than asset in rainy season as it won‘t be producing any electricity at all. Durability: The durability of such roadway is another issue. On a highway, where large sized trucks constantly move, the glass may or may not be able to withstand the pressure. And on Indian highways, where trucks and buses are always overloaded, I am quite sure that the glass will not survive.


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6.0-ASTHETICSThe company was founded in 2006 by Scott and Julie Brusaw, with Scott as President and CEO. They envisioned replacing asphalt surfaces with structurally-engineered solar panels capable of withstanding vehicular traffic. The proposed system would require the development of strong, transparent, and self-cleaning glass with the necessary traction and impact-resistance properties at competitive cost. In 2009, Solar Roadways received a $100,000 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) for Phase I to determine the feasibility of the proposed project. In 2011, Solar Roadways received $750,000 SBIR grant from the DOT for Phase II to develop and build a solar parking lot; from this, they built a 12-by-36-foot (3.7 by 11.0 m) parking lot covered with hexagonal glass-covered solar panels sitting on top of a concrete base, heated to prevent snow and ice accumulation, with LEDs to illuminate road lines and display messages. According to the Brusaws, the panels can sustain a 250,000 lb (110,000 kg) load In April 2014, the company started a crowdfunding drive at Indiegogo to raise money so they could get the product into production. The campaign raised 2.2 million dollars and became Indiegogo‘s most popular campaign ever in terms of the number of backers it attracted. The success was attributed in part to a tweet made by actor George Takei, due to his more than 8 million followers.[ One of the Brusaws‘ videos went viral, with over 20 million views as of November 2015. In December 2015, the USDOT announced that it had awarded Solar Roadways a Phase IIB SBIR contract to further their research.[3] In 2016 they were given an additional $750,000.00 The first public installation was in Jeff Jones Town Square in Sandpoint, Idaho. It opened to the public on September 30, 2016. As a pilot install it is for walkways only This installation consists of 30 Solar Roadways SR3 panels covering an area of roughly 150 square feet (14 m2). The cost of this installation was roughly $60,000 with the majority of the money coming from a grant from the Idaho Department of Commerce ($47,134), and a $10,000 grant from the Sandpoint Urban Renewal Agency. A webcam was installed to broadcast a view of the installation. The 30 tiles in Sandpoint generate power which is fed into the electricity meter at Jeff Jones Town Square, averaging around 10W as of August 2018The primary purpose of Solar Roadways is to generate clean renewable energy on roadways and any other surface that can be walked or driven upon. That would include: parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, tarmacs, plazas, bike paths, playgrounds, garden paths, pool surrounds, courtyards and the like. There are many longstanding uses for solar power, which are terrific. The SR concept takes solar technology to a new level. The idea is to collect the substantial solar energy which hits these surfaces but MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY is currently not being utilized. In this way, they will have a dual purpose: modern infrastructure + smart power grid. In the U.S., the highway infrastructure is in a dismal state. Solar Roadways was awarded a Phase I SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) contract by the USDOT to research the viability of creating a highway system that would pay for itself over time through the generation of renewable energy. After completing two contracts with the USDOT, it is apparent that this goal is viable. SR panels can become the nation‘s smart grid, providing energy to homes and businesses along the way. Currently, most state DOTs (Department of Transportation) are no longer generating enough income through the gas tax to be able to keep up with road repairs. The last few decades have brought dramatic technological changes to cars, cell phones, computers, cameras, and many other technologies, but roads remain virtually unchanged. It is obvious that it is time to modernize the highway system and create the first roadway system with a return on investment (ROI). In this way, two goals can be accomplished simultaneously: the creation of a modular, modern infrastructure while creating the renewable energy needed to effectively end the current dependence on fossil fuels. Energy Production The U.S. has enormous energy needs. The U.S. Energy Information Administration states that:―Primary energy consumption in the United States was almost three times greater in 2014 than it was in 1949. In all but 18 of the years between 1949 and 2014, primary energy consumption increased over the previous year.‖They give more detail: ―Primary energy includes petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear fuel, and renewable energy. Electricity is a secondary energy source that is generated from these primary for energy. Primary energy sources are commonly measured in different units: one barrel (42 gallons) of oil, cubic feet of natural gas, tons of coal. To compare across fuels a common unit of measure is used. The United States uses British thermal unit, or Btus, which measure fuel use by the energy content of each fuel source. Total U.S. energy use in 2013 was about 97.5 quadrillion Btus. One quadrillion equals 1015, or one thousand trillion. One quadrillion Btus, often referred to as a quad, therefore represents about1%of total U.S. energy use. In physical energy terms, one quad represents 172 million barrels of oil (about nine days of U.S. petroleum use), 51 million tons of coal (about 5.5% of total U.S. coal consumption in 2013), or 1 trillion cubic feet of dry natural gas (about 1.4% of total U.S. fgas use 2013 Petroleum accounts for the largest share of U.S. primary energy consumption, followed by


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SOLAR ROADWAY natural gas, coal, renewable energy (including hydropower, wind, biomass, geothermal, and solar), and nuclear electric power.‖ It is apparent that renewable energy, including solar energy, currently meets very little of the energy needs for the U.S. Solar Roadways® is emerging as solar technology is advancing and costs of solar cells are declining – a perfect combination. Using very conservative numbers, calculations indicate that if all driving and walking surfaces in the U.S. were converted to Solar Roadway panels, they could produce over three times the electricity used in the United States. In fact, just the "lower 48" could almost produce enough electricity to supply the entire world. To see more detail about those calculations.There are many misconceptions about solar energy production. People often ask: ―How many panels will it take to power my house?‖ or ―How much energy will one panel produce in a year‖? The answer to both questions is ―It depends on a multitude of variable factors‖. For example, a driveway in Minnesota is not going to generate as much energy as the same sized driveway in Arizona.It‘s easier to think about panels in terms of wattage. For instance, the solar

prototype parking lot we created in our Phase II contract with the USDOT with SR2 panels is roughly equivalent to a 3600-watt solar array.Each of the SR full-size hexagonal panels covers an area of about 4.39 square feet. The SR2 panels were approximately 36 watt Panels MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY The new SR3 panels are 44 watt panels. There are also half panels (24-watt) and quarter panels (12-watt). The amount of power produced depends entirely upon the amount of sunshine available, so in addition to the variable of location discussed above, other variables include: the degree of shading, season/time of the year, time of day, and other local microclimatatic factors. It‘s normal for solar gain to increase in sunny seasons and conditions and decrease when less sunshine is available. Potential customers will want to understand what they can expect from their exact location in each season as well as the averaged amount per year. The next factor to understand is the ratio between driveway and home or parking lot and business. Obviously a situation with a long driveway and smaller home will have a much better chance of energy independence, than another customer‘s short driveway with a large home. How much energy one typically uses must also be taken into account. SR will provide customer service to help each potential customer understand what they might expect.Another factor to consider is that SR will always have the flexibility to use whatever solar cells meet the criteria of offering the most efficiency at an affordable price point. SR panels will become even more efficient over time as new technologies become available to keep up with increased demand for energy with population growth.If Solar Roadways® becomes the new smart grid - the backbone of the energy delivery system, all forms of renewable energy can be welcomed into the grid with ease. A common problem with centralized renewable energy projects is their difficulty in transferring energy to the grid. SR can facilitate this energy transfer, since roads are universally available and could offer widely available connectivity. The EPA: describes the problem this way: ―The absence of standard interconnection rules, or uniform procedures and technical requirements for connecting renewable energy systems to the electric utility's grid, can make it difficult, if not impossible, for renewable systems to connect to the electric utility's grid.‖They go on to describe another obstacle in renewable energy generation and their connection to the grid: ―Many renewable resources are located in remote areas that lack ready or cost–effective access to transmission. States that have not established clear utility regulations that enable investments in transmission to be reimbursable (i.e., cost recovery), nor coordinated planning and permitting processes, slow the development of utility–scale renewable projects in their territory.‖Solar Roadways® can itself produce massive amounts of renewable energy if decisions are made to implement it on a major scale. It will always support

Currently, power lines are either up on poles where they are susceptible to damage from storms, or buried in the ground. If they are up on poles, wind can knock them down. Ice can collect on cables, causing breakage and power outages. Utility workers have to climb poles MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY to access them for repair and are sometimes hurt. If the lines are buried, the utility workers have to dig them up with shovels, not knowing exactly where they are. Gas lines are often nearby, posing a danger. Solar Roadways® Cable Corridors offer a solution. There are two sections: one for cables and one for water. The cable section offers a ―home‖ for cables where they are safe from environmental hazards and easy for utility workers to access (locked to others). Power outages could become a rare event.

Decentralization and Point of Use Most energy systems are centralized. They provide power from a central location and send it out via transmission lines over a long distance. This leads to a substantial loss of that valuable energy. Examples of centralized systems include nuclear power plants, coal-fired power plants, wind farms, large solar arrays, etc. Centralized power plants create security risks because they are more vulnerable to attacks by hackers, terrorists, etc. They are more susceptible to damage from natural disasters as well. Entire sections of a country can be left powerless. A decentralized system such as SR offers greater security. Much of the power is used near the power source - i.e., driveways power homes, parking lots power businesses, etc. Excess MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY power produced by this system can feed surrounding neighborhoods. This helps with security: even if a section of roadway is completely destroyed by some type of disaster, both sides of the now damaged road still produce electricity - no one loses power. National security can be enhanced in every country. Just as eating organic food produced in closer proximity to one‘s home reduces transportation costs (and enhances health), there is a similar advantage to using power that is produced close by. Since driveways, sidewalks, patios, and parking lots supply power to homes and businesses in close proximity, less energy needs to be transported over long distances, resulting is less loss. Smaller cables are required, saving materials and therefore costs. In the SR system, the power is produced closer to the point of use. Return on Investment Just as highways can have a return on investment, home and business owners can do the same. When one purchases a standard driveway or parking lot, it begins immediately to serve its purpose: to provide a strong, flat place where people may drive and walk safely. That is it. It begins to lose value immediately, just like a new car when it‘s driven off the lot. It produces no energy and gives nothing else of value to the customer. SR panels offer a wealth of benefits, starting with energy. They power homes and businesses with clean energy. They do even more. The LED lights embedded in the panels make painted road lines obsolete. They offer flexible line, signage, and even decorating options across all SR applications. Read more about LEDs here. The heating elements in the panels prevent snow and ice accumulation, providing safer surfaces for both drivers and pedestrians. Read more about heating elements here. Rooftop solar is another terrific option for home and business owners. One difference is that SR panels are a hybrid replacement product; they provide energy like rooftop solar while also providing an aesthetically pleasing alternative driveway surface. The panels become the road, become the driveway, etc, whereas traditional rooftop solar panels are an additional expense after one has paid for a roof, and they must be taken down when the roof needs to be repaired and then reinstalled. Many also appreciate that SR panels are easier to access, with none of the danger inherent in installing and maintaining panels on roofs.

Energy Storage When it comes to the storage of the renewable energy produced by SR panels, customers will have a variety of options. A virtual grid system can be used with a specialized meter from the utility company that provides net metering. These meters spin backward when extra energy is MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY produced. In turn, energy can be pulled back from the grid when needed to power the panel‘s LED lights and heating elements at night, or in a storm when the panels may not produce sufficient energy. That is the system used for our first prototype parking lot and it‘s working very well. Batteries were not selected for use in the SR2 parking lot, since they tend not to be environmentally friendly and using the virtual grid spares one that purchase. One downside to this system is that there is no energy available during a power outage due to the fact that the micro-inverters disconnect when they don‘t sense energy on the existing power lines. Those who want to have a storage system can incorporate most any kind of renewable energy storage for use along with their SR panels. Many potential customers say that they plan to use the new Tesla Powerwall, or other types of batteries. Any standard renewable energy storage device should work and could be placed in the Cable Corridor for easy access, if customers wish to incorporate them. AC/DC Solar cells produce DC energy. Homes and businesses currently use AC energy, so the DC solar energy is converted to AC energy by a DC-to-AC converter. Unfortunately, every time a conversion is made from DC to AC (or AC to DC), losses occur in the conversion. This means that some of the energy produced by solar cells gets lost when it's converted to AC for the home. Many, if not most, of the electronics in our home don't actually run on AC. They are plugged into an AC outlet, but then a circuit inside of the electronic device converts the AC to DC before using the power, creating another energy loss. If solar energy became the primary energy source, then it would make sense to convert homes and businesses to DC. That way, the power produced by solar driveways, parking lots, roads, etc. wouldn't be wasted by being converted from DC to AC and then from AC back to DC again. Since heavy duty DC motors are available, all common household utilities could be run on DC power. Appliance manufacturers would save money by eliminating the AC-to-DC converter circuitry that they would no longer need. That savings could be passed on to the consumers. Less power loss and more savings would be win-win solution.


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Greenhouse Gases and Climate Changes

It is estimated that approximately half (different agencies provide different estimates, but the average is about 50-percent) of the greenhouse gases that are causing climate change come from the burning of fossil fuels (primarily coal) to generate electricity. Solar Roadways, if widely adopted, therefore has the ability to eliminate half of the greenhouse gases currently being produced. This would reduce pollution, make the air we breathe cleaner and safer, eliminate the ramifications of dependence on fossil fuels, and help slow climate change, which most scientists now agree is happening much faster than anticipated. Facilitating the Transition to Electric Vehicles A Solar Roadway is an electric road that can recharge electric vehicles (EVs) anywhere and with clean energy from the sun. Traditionally, EVs are charged with fossil fuels, much to the chagrin of EV owners who are often environmentally conscious. EV owners will be able to charge EVs with clean renewable energy at home with the help of solar driveways, patios and the like, and on solar parking lots at restaurants, and while shopping, for example.


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SOLAR ROADWAY Transitioning to electric vehicles is important for many reasons. AAA writes, in their website Making America Stronger: ―Driving is part of the American way of life. All told, we own more than 254 million road vehicles and we travel an average of more than 9,000 miles per vehicle each year. Virtually all of these vehicles are powered by petroleum-based fuel. As other countries adopt our lifestyle of freedom and mobility, the global demand for oil increases. Dependence on unstable areas of the world for some of our petroleum supplies can result in economically disruptive oil price shocks and could potentially constrain our ability to respond appropriately to national security concerns.‖ They add this statistic about petroleum: ―According to the U.S. Department of Energy, petroleum supplies 99% of the fuel used in cars and trucks today. Gasoline and diesel prices continue to fluctuate as more nations modernize and compete for limited oil supplies.‖ They discuss how renewables can help: ―EVs replace energy from imported oil with electricity that is produced in North America, and this benefit is magnified when that electricity comes from renewable sources such as nuclear, hydroelectric, wind or solar power. Over time, EVs will become even more environmentally friendly as additional renewable energy from other technologies is added to the power grid.‖ Solar Roadways can add that clean solar energy to the grid, allowing EVs to charge on clean energy from the sun, reducing dependence on fossil fuels of all kinds. This can have a positive effect regarding climate change too. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change writes: ―Human influence on the climate system is clear, and recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in history. Recent climate changes have had widespread impacts on human and natural systems.‖ They add this warning and potential solution: ―Continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems. Limiting climate change would require substantial and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions which, together with adaptation, can limit climate change risks.‖ MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY Implementation of Solar Roadways on a grand scale could help bring about those ―substantial and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.‖ When enough SR highway infrastructure is in place, another option will become available. Consultations are ongoing with companies that make mutual induction plates to charge EVs while they're driving (at least one has tested successfully at 75mph). The Solar Roadway could charge the EVs while they're traveling, which would increase their range. It‘s quite simple - the "receiver" plate gets mounted beneath the EV and the "transmitter" plate is installed in the road. Currently, there is no delivery system for such mutual induction plates on highways, but Solar Roadways can solve that. With an infrastructure in place that will finally make EVs practical, people would likely start trading in their internal combustion engine vehicles for EVs. Eventually, this system will eliminate an additional 25-percent of greenhouse gases that currently comes from vehicle exhaust, giving SR the potential to eliminate 75% of greenhouse gases with universal adoption.

Fig.21: Facilitating the Transition to Electric Vehical


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SOLAR ROADWAY CHAPTER-7 6.0 -ROAD SURWAY OF INDIAIndia has a road network of over 5,472,144 kilometres (3,400,233 mi) as on 31 March 2015, the second largest road network in the world. At 1.66 km of roads per square kilometre of land, the quantitative density of India's road network is higher than that of Japan (0.91) and the United States (0.67), and far higher than that of China (0.46), Brazil (0.18) or Russia (0.08).However, qualitatively India's roads are a mix of modern highways and narrow, unpaved roads, and are being improved. As on 31 March 2015, 61.05% of Indian roads were paved Table I Road Survey Of India (As On 2015-Source: Tourism statistics 2015) S No Road Classification Total Distance (Kms) 1 National Highways 79116 2 State Highways 169227 3 Other PWD Roads 1066747 4 Panchayat Raj Roads 1725318 5 Rural Roads 3159639 6 Urban Roads 310955 II. Literature Review C.W. Cheng et al (2009) described that the optical efficiency of light emitting diode (LED) has exceeded 72 lm/W in 2006. This implies that energy can be saved about 75%, as compared to mercury lamps widely used in roadway lighting. In some remote areas where the grid power cannot reach, independent solar-powered lighting using high-power LED provides a promising solution. However, the cost of solar photovoltaic device may cause the application of solar-powered LED roadway lighting to be not economically feasible. He investigated the design of the solar-powered LED roadway lighting using high-power LED luminaire (100 W) and estimates the installation cost for a 10 km highway with 2 lanes. LED luminaries are installed on both side of the road with staggered arrangement. The pole distance is 30 m. The cost comparison of LED lighting using grid and solar power with the conventional mercury lamps was carried out. It shows that the installation cost is 22 million USD for LED powered by grid power and 26 million USD for solarpowered. The total installation cost of conventional mercury lighting is 18 million USD. The excess cost of LED mainly comes from the cost of LED lamp and solar PV. But, the cost of power generation and electrical transmission line can be greatly reduced since about 75% energy was saved for LED. This permits the use of smaller copper wire and shorter line length for solar-powered system which in turn saves installation cost. The payback time for the excess investment of LED is 2.2 years for LED using grid power and 3.3 years for LED using solar power Kleomenis Kalogeropoulos (2013) Studied the movement of vehicles on the roads, during summer, can sometimes hide risks involved in direct sunlight. In places where the relief is complicated, road network usually consists of a road complexity. This complexity in conjunction with the motion of a vehicle on a road and the position of the sun at the same time may result in the loss of vision in some sections of the road. They described a GIS-based methodology of the spatiotemporal analysis MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY of this phenomenon. Thus, for a given study area, in this case of Milos Island, Greece, the geometry of the road network, the terrain morphology and the solar radiation (in specific time intervals during summer) have been analyzed. The result of this procedure is a map illustrating the sections of the road where direct sunlight includes a serious amount of risk for the drivers. Applying this methodology for long periods of time may lead to prevention policies adoption related to accidents of direct exposure to sunlight. Moreover, this methodology could be an additional module in car navigation systems. Kulkarni (2013) poposed Solar Roadway is a series of structurally-engineered solar panels that are driven upon. The idea is to replace all current petroleumbased asphalt roads, parking lots, and driveways with Solar Road Panels that collect energy to be used by our homes and businesses. The renewable energy generated by solar road panels will replace the current need for fossil fuel which is used for generation of electricity as also oil used for driving the vehicles which in turn reduces the greenhouse gases nearly to half. The implementation of Solar Roadways Technology will create the clean energy boom, spurring private investment on a massive scale, with relatively little extra cost. An intelligent highway infrastructure and a self-healing decentralized power grid that will eliminate our need for fossil fuels. Solar Roadways will also features wildlife preservation, the elimination of impervious surfaces, law enforcement, DUI detection, counter-terrorism, etc. Harshil Shah et al (2014) identified that the world is facing problem of energy sources which don‘t have enough energy sources to comprehend even the basic need of the present and future is going to be worse as most of our conventional energy sources will be gone in nearly 10- 15 years in future. So scientists today are trying their best to use non-conventional energy sources for our daily use of energy. In this context we can say India is lucky as it has a vast supply of non-conventional energy source and that is sun. In India sun shines for nearly 300 days a year. Being an agriculture country India is blessed with sunlight. 90% of solar energy is being wasted and just converted in to heat energy.India has a great substitute of conventional energy sources in the form of solar energy. Vehicles can run on using solar energy by placing solar cells on the roof we can get enough energy to run basic house hold products of the house which can save a lot of money on day to day need and even a lot of conventional resources can be save.


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Anjali Tiwari et al (2015) described that Smart highway and smart road are terms for a number of different proposals to incorporate technologies into roads for generating solar energy, for improving the operation of autonomous cars, for lighting, and for monitoring the condition of the road. Solar roadways use solar panels, photovoltaic effect, LEDS and microprocessor chips with circuitry boards. The future of the roadways will consist of solar roadways taking energy efficiency and artificial intelligence into consideration. Rajeev Ranjan (2015) when the phrase "Global Warming" began gaining popularity, The researchers started batting around the idea of replacing asphalt and concrete surfaces with solar panels that could be driven upon. The solar Roadways can save the world from energy crisis and climate change. The day by day the human beings are looking for the answers to our deteriorating highway infrastructure, our crumbling power grid, and the climate crisis. For all such questions the answer is ―SOLAR ROADWAYS". An intelligent highway infrastructure and a self-healing decentralized power grid will eliminate our need for fossil fuels and also it will lead to less investment in antiquated technology and overhead power lines. As the day by day the price of petroleum products are getting huge hike & resources are very less there will be no longer feasible material such as asphalt for our road surfaces. When Solar Road Panels are refurnished, the solar cells will be upgraded to newest technology, which will allow keeping up with population growth and increased energy needs. In 2009, ‗solar roadways‘ in U S received a contract from the Federal Highway Administration to build the first ever Solar Road Panel prototype. During the course of its construction, the technocrats learned many lessons and discovered new and better ways to approach this project. Using this technology No more power shortages, no more roaming power outages, no more need to burn coal (50% of greenhouse gases), Less need for fossil fuels and less dependency upon foreign oil and Much less pollution. How about this for a long term advantage: an electric road allows allelectric vehicles to recharge anywhere: rest stops, parking lots, etc. They would then have the same range as a gasoline-powered vehicle. Internal combustion engines would become obsolete. Our dependency on oil would come to an abrupt end. Vipul Jain (2015) scrutinized the viability of solar roads in India. Solar roads are a farfetched project but certainly not a science fiction idea. Solar roads are basically roads made up of high strength solar panels. They have the strength to support automobiles as giant as 12 fire engines at a time. They would be used to generate electricity, spectacle LED indications on road and even MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY power electric vehicles amid additional benefits. It has already been implemented in some parts of the world, commencing with Netherlands. The idea is to make multifunctional, selfsustainable roads that require insignificant upkeep.


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7.1 -ILLUMINATED ROADhe idea behind developing smart highways has lead designers and engineers to work on improving methods to illuminate roads in sustainable and intelligent ways. Leveraging existing roadway infrastructure is a great way to reduce maintenance costs and eliminate unnecessary construction expenses associated with many highway improvement projects. The Smart Highway project is focused on ways to use light on public roadways to communicate traffic information directly with drivers. Many engineers and roadway safety managers believe that focusing on ways to improve vehicle navigation systems and onboard systems is only half of the equation. Here are a few ways that roadway safety engineers are improving driver safety with advanced systems that could be implemented into Smart Highways of the future. Glowing Roadway Lines Increase Visibility & Safety An innovative project tested in the Netherlands called ―Smart Highway‖ is an interactive system of roadways being developed to push the limits of existing infrastructure. This project combines interactive and sustainable roadway designs to improve public safety and give drivers additional information as they travel along roads at night or in dark environments. In many cases, Smart Highways refers to the Internet of Things or other connected devices. However, this innovative initiative is based on providing drivers with valuable feedback without requiring additional electronics or onboard systems that can be costly and reduce the performance of vehicles. One piece of the Smart Highway movement includes an innovation called Glowing Lines and this innovative approach to highways safety is being applied to a broader range of projects to improve public safety and advance the future of smart cities. The glowing markers are used on existing roadways by applying a special paint to roadway surfaces. This paint is unlike traditional roadway paints that are used on highways and city roadways because this paint contains a photo-illuminating powder that ―charges up‖ during MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY the day. Each glowing strip can be up to 1600 feet long and glows up to 10 hours when it gets dark. This roadway marking system is being implemented in several miles of roadway tests across the Netherlands to find ways to standardize the application process and improve the consistency of light emitted from the glowing strips. The technology will need to continue testing before it can be implemented on a broad scale, and during one test period in 2014, the test roads in the Netherlands were shut down due to inconsistent lighting from the glowing strips. Temperature Sensitive Road Paint According to the FHWA, over 70 percent of U.S. roads are located in areas with snowy conditions. In these areas, drivers must travel through an average of five inches of snowfall each year. Not only does snow and ice on public roadways hinder visibility and reduce friction on roads, but hazardous conditions also have a negative impact on a vehicle‘s maneuverability in specific areas. Snow and ice cause traffic to move slower to ensure safety, yet even at slower speeds cars and trucks are at increased risk of being involved in a crash when ice or snow is present on roadways. In fact, each year about 24% of weather-related crashes occur on roads that are snowy, slushy, or icy. Increased vehicular accidents result in more than 116,800 people injured each year, and another 900 people killed annually. A current Smart Highway program is being developed in the Netherlands to combat similar traffic hazards experiences across the world. By applying advanced paint to roadways, Sendijarevic is leading the development of dynamic roadway paint to help drivers understand roadway conditions that could be invisible to the naked eye.


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7.2 –INTELLIGENT HIGHWAYWe're barely keeping up with the costs of maintaining our roads and bridges as it is, and the cost of construction materials is skyrocketing. New materials and technologies have to be found to replace our current archaic system. The Solar Roadway is an intelligent road as shown in figure5 that provides clean renewable energy, while providing safer driving conditions, along with power and data delivery. The Solar Roadway will pay for itself through the generation of electricity along with other forms of revenue. The same money that is being used to build and resurface current roads can be used to build the Solar Roadways. Then, since coal-fired and nuclear power plants will no longer be needed, the costs of all electricity generation plants can also be rolled back into the Solar Roadways. Add to the costs of power distribution systems (power poles, relay stations, etc.)

Fig.22: A Solar Road with ITS


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SOLAR ROADWAY There is no need to expend energy lighting desolate roads when no cars are traveling, so the intelligent roadway will tell the LEDs to light up only when it senses cars on its surface - say 1/2 mile ahead and 1/4 mile behind the vehicle as it travels. This way, drivers will know an oncoming car is ahead when they see the lights on the other side of the road begin to light up ahead. The LEDs can also be programmed to move along with cars at the speed limit, warning drivers instantly when they are driving too fast. The Solar Road LEDs as shown in figure6 will also be used to paint words right into the road, warning drivers of an animal on the road, a detour ahead, an accident, or construction work. Central control stations will be able to instantly customize the lines and words in real time, alleviating traffic congestion and making the roads more efficient as well as safe

Fig.23: Solar Road with LED Indicators


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Cities and towns will be able to customize the lines for roads and parking spaces to meet their own unique needs. For example, here in Sandpoint, Idaho, we have Lost in the 50's Weekend each May. Currently, the city puts out orange cones to remark the parking places and block off streets for the parade, car show, and street dance. With Solar Roadways, they would push the "Lost in the 50's" button which would repaint the road lines instantly. After the celebration, they would equally quickly return to the default setting.


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7.3 TRAFFIC CONTROLSo what's the solution? Each Solar Road Panel contains a microprocessor as shown in figure7 that monitors and controls the panel, while communicating with neighboring panels and the vehicles traveling overhead. This means that road user have a communications device every few feet in the road, every road & everywhere.

Fig.24: Solar Road with Microprocessor


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Imagine what the road user can do with this kind of control: the dashed road lines that is visible on the highways indicates to "travel" at the designated speed limit. If a car is moving faster than the road lines, which indicates that car is going too fast. If a car is being passed by the line, which indicates the driving is too slow. Based on these indications, one can maintain the proper speed while never having to look at speedometer. The road can warn the driver about the traffic congestion ahead and even recommend detours around it. The driver can enter a destination into onboard GPS and an arrow can appear in the road directly ahead of your vehicle to "lead" you there, rather than audibly describing how to get to your destination. Crosswalk panels can alert drivers when pedestrians are on the crosswalk. Once the crosswalk panels detect a pedestrian, the LEDs within the crosswalk begin flashing and a warning is displayed in front of oncoming vehicles. Watch the following demonstration: If a vehicle crosses the center line too many times within a given distance, a ring of LEDs can be drawn around the vehicle, which will travel with it indefinitely. This will warn other drivers of a potential danger and will alert law enforcement officials of a potential problem. It may just be someone tuning their radio, reading a map etc. but it may also be an impaired driver on his/her way to taking out a family of four. The Solar Roadways could drastically reduce the number of deaths/injuries caused by impaired driving.


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7.4 -WATER REMOVALStormwater contamination has become a major problem. According to the National Resource Defense Council: ―The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now considers pollution from all diffuse sources, including urban stormwater pollution, to be the most important source of contamination in our nation's waters.‖ Toxicants from impervious surfaces contaminate waterways. During a storm event, water washes over all impervious surfaces collecting: debris, sediment, chemicals, nutrients, etc. Each of these causes harm to the environment. Although the science behind this problem has been well established, there are still many barriers to resolving this issue. One major barrier to managing water resources is the cost of updating the current infrastructure. According to the 2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure, wastewater in the US was graded as a "D", meaning it is one step above failing. They go on to say: "Capital investment needs for the nation‘s wastewater and stormwater systems are estimated to total $298 billion over the next twenty years." The U.S. Global Change Research Program goes on to discuss the wide array of effects of flooding: human safety, human health, property, economy, ecology, and infrastructure. When stormwater is not appropriately mitigated it can develop into conditions that are no longer safe. In the worst of cases the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has to declare the site a ―Superfund‖ site, and they must intervene. The EPA explains the Superfund program as the following: ―EPA‘s Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of the nation‘s most contaminated land and responding to environmental emergencies, oil spills and natural disasters. To protect public health and the environment, the Superfund program focuses on making a visible and lasting difference in communities, ensuring that people can live and work in healthy, vibrant places.‖ The Solar Roadways team got a chance to visit an old Superfund site in Tacoma, Washington. This site was first identified as such in 1983. Since then, great efforts have been made by the EPA and the City of Tacoma to clean up this site. The EPA describes this Superfund site: ―The Commencement Bay Nearshore-Tideflats (CB/NT) Superfund site is located in the City of Tacoma and the Town of Ruston at the southern end of Puget Sound in Washington. The


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SOLAR ROADWAY site encompasses an active commercial seaport and includes 12 square miles of shallow water, shoreline, and adjacent land - most of which is highly developed and industrialized.‖ During this visit the SR team was able to meet with some of the people working on this site including the City of Tacoma‘s own Center for Urban Waters.They explained what a huge

issue stormwater is, especially in urban areas. They demonstrated their new methods for mitigating and treating stormwater and wastewater. Solar Roadways integrates a stormwater capture system. All contaminants that cover the roadways can be washed away by storm events and collected in a tank below the frost line within the Cable Corridor. From the collection tank, the water can be pumped any direction, to a water treatment facility, or treated on site and released back into the aquifer. Another option for stormwater is treatment and recycling. Even though the resulting water would be non-potable it could still be used for a variety of household or business purposes or for irrigation. Each customer would have to investigate their city's policies for recycled water and decide what program best suits their needs.


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SOLAR ROADWAY 7.5 -CASE STUDYSmart highway and smart road are terms for a number of different proposals to incorporate technologies into roads for generating solar energy. Solar roadways use solar panels, photovoltaic effect, LEDS and microprocessor chips with circuitry boards .The future of the roadways will consist of solar roadways taking energy efficiency and artificial intelligence into consideration. The renewable energy generated by solar road panels will replace the current need for fossil fuel which is used for generation of electricity as also oil used for driving the vehicles which in turn reduces the greenhouse gases nearly to half. The implementation of Solar Roadways Technology will create the clean energy boom, spurring private investment on a massive scale, with relatively little extra cost

COST ANALYSISAsphalt: in 2006- 12 feet, so a 4 lane highway would be 12' (width per lane) x 4 (lanes) x 5280' (one mile) = 253440 square feet. average cost of asphalt roads in 2006 was roughly Rs. 1108.40 per square foot. The cost does not include maintenance (pothole repair, repainting lines, etc.) or snow/ice removal. your one-mile stretch of asphalt highway will cost Rs.280912896.43 last and average of 7 years Asphalt roads: 25,000 square miles in the ―lower 48‖ states = 696960000000 square feet. At Rs.1108.40/square foot, this is a cost of $11,151,360,000,000 and the cost of asphalt is rising rapidly with the cost of petroleum gives back nothing to help this earth .s

Solar roadwayAdding no additional cost to the current asphalt system, this will allow us to invest about Rs. 3325.2 (1108.40x3) per square foot Each individual panel can be made for no more than Rs.478828.8 then the Solar Roadway can be built for the same cost as current asphalt roads. However, asphalt roads don‘t give any thing back. The 4.84 billion Solar Road Panels required to replace the asphalt, and we get a target cost of Rs.687415.16 per panel. This number is considerably higher if you pad in the costs of utility poles and relay stations that will no longer be needed with the Solar Roadways™ system. to last at least 21 years (three times that of asphalt roads), MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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SOLAR ROADWAY 4.84 billion (12‘ by 12‘) Solar Road Panels™ would be required to replace the current asphalt road system, parking lots, and driveways in the 48 contiguous states.

Based on 15% efficiency, each Solar Road Panel™ can produce an average of 7.6kWh per day. Our hypothetical 4-lane, one-mile stretch of road would require 1760 Solar Road Panels™. That means that, each day, this stretch of Solar Roadway™ would produce at least 13,376 kWh of electricity. That's 4,882,240 kWh per year - enough to take 500 homes completely "off grid". You don't get that out of asphalt! The table above is showing the cost diffident between a normal asphalt road and the new and improved solar road way. Asphalt road cost less up front, but over time to fix and repave the roads the price is jacked up. The roads we drive on today don't give back anything to the people or to the earth and only last an average of seven years . On the other hand solar roads cost much more up front but over time they will pay for them self and will be supplying electricity for house and cars, clean water supply, and it will lower your car repair bills. Solar Roadways will last for 21 year before it will have to be refused and and updated and then it is good for another 21 years and does not need to be replaces like asphalt roads have to be

LOCTION OF SITE – Name of site Distance -

National Highway of Kanpur

Banthara bus stand to MG Institute of Management of Lucknow (4.5 km)

According above analysis the cost of construction and Energy produce isDistance -

4.5 km (4 lane )

One lave having width 12.30 foot so that for 4 lane ( 4 ×12.30= 49.2) Hence the total width = Length of road =

49.2 foot

4.5 km =14764.5 foot

( 1km= 1000 m 1m = 3.281 foot)

Total area of road = =

49.2×14764.5 square foot 726413.4


square foot Page 93

SOLAR ROADWAY A hexagonal panel covers an of area of about 4.39 square foot . Hence the no of panel used =


= 165470.228 panels Cost of per square foot

= 3325.2 square foot

Hence the total cost of road = 3325.2×726413.4 = Rs. 2415469838 .

Energy can produceAccording to my design we are using SR 3 type of solar road panel . but according to founder .it can produce the energy approximately 36 watt. But the new SR3 panels are 44 watt. There are also half panels 24 watt and quarter panels 12 watt. Hence the total energy can produce =

(726413.4) ÷ (4.39÷(44)) =

80896.03775 watt

But we know that solar road panel have efficiency 18.5 % So that produce energy by the road = 14965.76698 watt pr day ( 4 hours of peak daylight )

Fig.25 : during manufactuctring


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7.5 –A – LOOK-ON THE FUTUREIn future, normal roads can be replaced by the solar roadways but huge initial investment is required. The solar roadway alternative could be made at less cost with an energy return while phasing out the old system . As old roads are scheduled to be under maintenance , the process of solar roadway placement could occur seamlessly. The alternative of airports and parking lots are under varying timelines. Whenever fiscal dilemmas become the primary motivating factor for a state or municipal budget, the option of solar roadways should be presented and defended. With respect to solar roadways being future proof asphalt roads are a dead end . there are no redeeming features to asphalt that should hinder the progress of a new model. The ITS program seems to be begging for a concept that is readily available for the next step .solar roadways will answers our nations problem in the field of transportation pollution, waste pollution , coal pollution , transportation funding and energy . How the Solar Roadways Functions as a Whole: In order for solar roadways to be successful, the three parts need to be working in unison. The road surface layer needs to be clear enough to let the sunlight pass through to the electronics layer, the electronics layer needs to collect energy and keep the road functioning properly, and the baseplate layer needs to determine where the energy is supposed to go. Due to the fact that the road lines on solar roadways are actually LEDs, the baseplate layer needs to ensure the roadway has enough energy needed before sending the rest of the energy out towards the grid Accidents can be avoided: The Solar Roadways can protect wildlife and motorists. Load cells in the Solar Road Panels can detect if something is on the surface of the panel. Load cells work like weight machines. In the event that an animal does get onto the Solar Roadway, oncoming drivers will be warned via embedded LEDs of the danger ahead and will be given plenty of time to slow down. The Solar Roadways consists of structurally engineered solar panels that we drive on. Each Solar Road Panel (roughly 12‘ by 12‘) interlinks with neighboring panels to form the Solar Roadways system. The Solar Roadway replaces our crumbling petroleum-based asphalt


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SOLAR ROADWAY highway infrastructure with an intelligent road that pays for itself through the generation of electricity. The Solar Roadway generates electrical power from the sun and becomes our nations decentralized, intelligent, self-healing power grid, replacing our current deteriorating power distribution infrastructure. The Solar Roadway distributes its electrical power to all businesses and homes connected to the system via their parking lots and driveways (made up of Solar Road Panels). In addition to electrical power, data signals (cable TV, high-speed internet, telephone, etc.) also travel through the Solar Roadways, which acts as a conduit for these signals (cables). This feature eliminates the unsightly power lines, utility poles, and relay stations we see all over the countryside. It also eliminates power interruption caused by fallen or broken electrical lines or poles. Each Solar Road Panel uses some of its own power to light up embedded LEDs, which ―paint‖ the road lines from beneath the road surface. This feature also allows messages to be spelled out on the road surface, such as ―SLOW DOWN‖, or ―ACCIDENT AHEAD‖. Road lines can be instantly ―repainted‖ to direct traffic to a single lane or to detour. This eliminates the need for cones or flares. Better visibility at night with the road lines illuminated, it will be like driving on a well-lit runway. The Solar Road Panels heat themselves for snow and ice removal in northern climates. No more need for snow removal or school/business cancellations. These safer driving conditions (roads lit at night, no snow/ice, etc.) will prevent many accidents and allow for reduced insurance rates – both health and automotive. All additional power (unused by the panels themselves) is sent ―down line‖ to homes and businesses. We could produce three times the total electrical power used by the country and almost enough electricity to power the entire world. No more power outages, roaming or otherwise. The Solar Roadway produces clean, renewable energy. No pollution, no greenhouse gases, no byproducts, and the Solar Road Panels are completely recyclable or reusable. The main cause of global warming is creation of electricity by fossil fuels which will contribute to production of green house gases and effect on ozone layer. The Solar Roadways eliminates this (half of the cause of Global Warming) entirely. The Solar Roadway, being an ―electric road‖, will also make all-electric vehicles more practical; recharging stations can be placed in all parking lots and rest stops. This will allow the all-electric vehicles to have the same driving range of current internal combustion gasoline- or diesel-powered vehicles. Elimination of internal combustion engines, which would now be feasible with the Solar Roadways, would wipe out most of the rest of the causes of greenhouse gases. There are many other features, including wildlife preservation, the elimination of impervious surfaces, law enforcement. MGIMT BANTHRA LUCKNOW

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Fig.26: Look on the Future

7.7 CONCLUSIONSolar Roadways has taken the first step to creating the world‘s largest solar panel. For roughly the same cost of the current systems (asphalt roads and fossil fuel burning electricity generation plants), the Solar Roadways can be implemented. There would be no more Global Warming in solar roads. No more power outages (roaming or otherwise). When compared to conventional roads, solar roads have safer driving conditions. Solar roadways are having far less pollution when compared to other roads. It stands for a new secure highway infrastructure that pays for itself. It also aims to be a decentralized, self-healing, secure power grid. Solar Roadways will have no more dependency on foreign oil. However, installation cost is very high this new technology is capable of replacing the costly fossil fuel system and can give us clean energy without any climate change. Therefore, it‘s time to upgrade our infrastructure (especially roads & power grids) with the 21st century technology i.e. ―Solar Roadways‖


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Fig.1:solar road way parking Fig.2:Solar Energy Fig.3:Solar House Fig .4:Water Heater Fig .5:Solar Footpath Fig .6:Inauguration of Solar Roads Infrance Fig 7:Solar Surface on a China road Fig.8:Solar Road Construction Fig .9:Glass if Solar Panel Fig.10:Tempered Glass Fig.11:Solution to the Infrastructure Crisis Fig .12:Energy Storage Fig.13:Road Safety Fig .14:EVs & Autonomous Vehicles Fig.15:Component Selection Fig.16:Solar Road Panel Interconnection Scheme Fig .17:Interconnection Rooting Fig .18:panel Weatherproofing Fig 19:Heating Fig .20:Glare Safety


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SOLAR ROADWAY Fig.21:Facilitating the Transition to Electric Vehicles Fig 22:A Solar Road With ITS Fig .23:Solar Road With LED Indicator Fig .24:Solar Road With Microprocesser Fig.25:During Manufacturing Fig.26:Look on the Future


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NAME- Md. MERAJ ALI BRANCH- CE (4th YEAR) ROLL NO – 1564900028 EMAIL ADD.- [email protected]

NAME- SANGAM GUPTA BRANCH- CE (4th YEAR) ROLL NO-1564900040 EMAIL [email protected]

NAME- PRATIBHA DIPATI BRANCH-CE (4th YEAR) ROLL NO- 1564900020 EMAIL ADD.- [email protected]


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