Sample Business Analysis

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  • Words: 2,321
  • Pages: 13
Mission College

Department of Student Administration

Vicheanak Vannavy

System Development Project

Attendance Controller

Business Analysis Page | 1

Instructor: John Bueno

February 25, 2009

Table of Contents Project's Scopes:..............................................................................................4 Conduct Analysis.............................................................................................4 1. Analysis methods used...........................................................................4 2. Records, forms and report analyzed.......................................................4 3. Synopsis Interview..................................................................................5 4. Process observed....................................................................................6 5. Problems encountered with data collection............................................7 User Requirements..........................................................................................7 1. Customers expectations and requirements............................................7 Page | 2

2. Output requirements...............................................................................9 3. User training requirements.....................................................................9 4. System constraints..................................................................................9 5. Description of time, funds, skills, technology and external constraints. .9 Infrastructure Analysis...................................................................................10 1. Hardware..............................................................................................10 2. Software................................................................................................10 3. Networking............................................................................................10 4. Standards..............................................................................................10

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Project's Scopes: • • • • • •

To develop a web-based application to control the student attendance in chapel. To put the security membership on the system to be able to access the web-page. To insert the information of the students, and the chapel schedule into the database via the web-page. To record the student's attendance by using the barcode reader device which is connected to the desktop computer. To update the information of the students, the chapel schedule, and the attendance. To generate the report which list all the student name, ID number, and their absent during the period that is selected by the user.

Conduct Analysis 1. Analysis methods used

To identify the information, these analysis methods which are listed below has been chosen to be applied in the project: •

Interviews: George Kimani (VPSA), Jeanette Jacobs-Mantiri (Administrative Assistant VPSA), Sureerat Pothong (Administration Secretary), and Thirat Somphan (Coordinator for Student Activities). Documents Review: Student attendance report during First Semester 2008-2009 Enrolment (August 25 - December 19, 2008), Chapel Schedule during Second Semester 2008-2009 Enrolment (December 18 - April 23, 2009). Organization Chart of Student Administration Department (2008-2009). Observation: Getting Involved with the activities of inserting the student attendance and absent into Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

2. Records, forms and report analyzed

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In every chapel event, each student is always required to fillin his/her first name, last name, and id number on the attendance slip and submits it after the chapel finished. To do so, he/she will get one attendance on that chapel day. Figure 1: Chapel attendance slip.

By the time that our staff members have all the slips which is given by the students, they have to insert the absent or attendance of each student in the excel spreadsheet. Figure 2: One part of the student attendance report.

16 /0 9/ 08 Ch ID ap NO. Number Title Name el 1 1 2 p 3 p 4 p 5 p 6 1 7 1 8 p 9 1

09 /0 9/ 08 Ch ap el 1 p p p 1 1 p p 1

04 /0 02 9/ /0 08 9/ As 08 se Ch m ap bly el 1 1 p p p p p p p p 1 1 p 1 p p 1 p

28 /0 26 8/ /0 08 8/ As 08 se Ch m ap bly el 1 1 p p p p 1 p p p p p 1 p 1 1 1 1

T ot al Ab se nt 6 0 0 1 1 4 3 4 5

ex tra Ab P se oin nt t 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3

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3. Synopsis Interview

Here are the important questions which has been used to analyzed the current system: • •

How many students are usually attending the chapel for once time? ○ Mostly, there are about seven hundred students. How much time do you usually take to insert the data from the slips into the computer for once time of chapel? ○ Usually, I spend about 3 hours to be able to complete. How many staff members required to give and collect the attendance slips to the students? ○ About 6 to 7 people is working on sharing and collecting the attendance slips. How long do you spend time for sharing and collecting back the attendance slips? ○ We start sharing the slips from 9:50 am and usually it's done by 10:15 am. For collecting, we could get back all the slips about 10 minutes after chapel finished.

Mission College Chapel February 2, 2009 First Name:............................ Last Name:............................. ID Number:............................ Uniform [ ] Time [ ]

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What are the processes of getting done the 700 attendance slips? Before getting the attendance slips, first I arrange 10 form of attendance slips into 2 sides of vertical, so there are 5 forms of the attendance slips on each side. Then I seal 5 times from top to down in the middle within between the two form of the attendance slips position in horizontal. Then I cut the printing paper into 10 attendance slips. 700 slips which I need to cut. It takes about 1 hour to be finished.

4. Process observed

Based on the interview, and document reviews, we have observed that: •

• •

To be able to get 700 attendance slips to reach 700 student hands for one chapel event, the department needs to: ○ Printing 70 papers ○ Sealing 5 times on each printing paper ○ Cutting each one of printing paper into 10 slips ○ Bring them to the Auditorium ○ About 7 people share the slips from 9:50 until 10:15 am (25 Minutes) The student has to fill their name, last name, and their ID number on the attendance slips. By the time that the chapel event is finished, all the students will go out from the two fronts door of the Auditorium and giving back the slip to the attendance collectors. Mrs Sureerat Pothong will bring all the slips back to her office and spends 3 hours to insert the data from the slips into Microsoft Excel spreadsheet on her computer. Page | 7

These procedures will be happening weekly during the whole semester. The report is generated at the end of the semester.

5. Problems encountered with data collection There are several problems encountered of the current projects such as: •

• • •

Time: The whole process of controlling the student attendance for one chapel event required time approximately 4 hours 30 minutes. ( 20 minutes for sharing, 10 minutes for collecting, printing the slips and cutting the seal for 1 hour, and inserting the data from the attendance slips to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet for 3 hours.). If there are 15 chapel events per semester, then it will take approximately 65 hours for just controlling the attendance only. Operational: There are 7 people working on sharing and collecting back the attendant slips. Economic: Expenditure on printing papers. Performance: Even though the report of the current system has showed every detailed data of the student attendance in chapel however, it would give a hard time for the user to look through all the students who has absent more than 4 times.

User Requirements 1. Customers expectations and requirements System Design: •

The Attendance Controller database which can store all the information of the chapel schedule, attendance and the students(ID Number, First Name, and Last Name). Web based application that supports with the barcode reader device which is connected to the computer to scan the barcode on the student identification card for tracking their attendance in a regular day. Security membership login to be able to access the web page. Page | 8

To insert, update, and delete the data of the student, and chapel schedule on the different web page of the Attendance Controller application.

Physical Design:

There are two barcode reader devices connected to two desktop computers required to be placed in front of each Auditorium's front door. This will save double time than using one computer and one barcode reader to scan 700 students card. After the chapel event ends, the desktop computers are required to move inside the Auditorium's hall and the barcode reader devices are safety kept in media room at the second floor. Figure 4 is the design architect position of two desktop computers and two barcode reader devices when they are using, and not using. The white color of desktop and barcode reader devices which represents that they are using, and the red color represent the place to keep them when they are not used.

Figure 4: Position of two desktop computers and two barcode reader devices.

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= Door = Desktop Computer

= Barcode Reader Device

Logic Design: To be able to record the student attendances, the students require to bring their own student identification card to the Auditorium, and put it under the barcode reader device that is placed on the table in front of Auditorium's front door. Once the card is detected by the device, the owner's name of the card will be appeared on the screen at the same time. If they are trying to scan their card as a second time, then there will be a message which shows him/her that the ID has been scanned for today already. If the students would like to pleasure themselves in the bathroom during chapel, they require to scan their card for check out. In other word, the system will record him as an absent student. They will be present again, after they scan their card to enter the hall for the second time. To do so would enhance the security service as well as save a lot of time. 2. Output requirements The table report which includes 6 columns. The first column will be a list of every single students who are studying undergraduate program. The second column and third column will be the first and the last name of the student that match with the ID number. The fourth column is the absent column which show the number of absents in a particular period that is selected. The fifth column will represent the extra absent which is the number of the absent that is more than four and the last column is deducted point by 3 in each 1 extra absent. The data are listed order by ascending the absent column. To do so, will be easy for the user to recognize who has the highest absent, extra Page | 10

absent, and deducted point and who are the next. To be able to search for a student name. Mozilla Firefox has provided the function Ctrl + F to search all the name and ID number on the web-page. 3. User training requirements Training for end users of the system will take one time about 1 hours of a combination of structured instruction and on the job training. 4. System constraints ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

One student can attend many chapel events One chapel events can attend by many students Only one student can be presented in only One chapel date Must have the unique student ID numbers Must have a unique date

5. Description of time, funds, skills, technology and external constraints ○ If the barcode reader is broken down, then you can type to insert the data without moving to an alternative page. ○ If it doesn't act autofocus on the textbox, you must click on button Go Back, and select the chapel date which you want to keep track again. ○ If the server response time is too slow, you can refresh the page. ○ If the server is down or electricity is cut off, we must have the attendance slips as a backup. ○ The training section is a must of the end-user to be able to use the website. ○ The user must have the administrator role in order to access the web site. And there will be only one role. ○ The application is able to be run in Mozilla Firefox only. ○ To search for the student's name and ID number in the report, you must use the search function which provides by Mozilla Firefox. *Search function (Ctrl + F). ○ The project will be done successfully, if the student administration department provides enough funds to purchase the equipments. ○ The project will be failed if the scanning ID card time has taken more than 25 minutes. Page | 11

○ The project will not be working smoothly if there is no corporation from the staff members of the student administration department.

Infrastructure Analysis 1. Hardware The systems implemented of the new Attendant Controller will be required a high budget. The cost of one desktop computer Intel Celeron Dual-Core 2.2 GHz, 1GB ram, 160 GB, 18" LCD cost 13,900 BAHT. The total of 2 of them would be 27,800 BAHT The updated information "".


The cost of one barcode reader device (PSC QS600 including handheld) is 304$ approximately 10,822 Baht. So the total cost of 2 barcode reader devices is 21,644 Baht available at "". One switch The database software, and other development tools are under license of Microsoft which has been purchased by Mission College already, so there is no cost to obtain the software. The total estimated cost of this system for initial implementation is 49,444 Baht (Forty-Nine Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty-Four BAHT).

2. Software •

Developing: Windows Vista operating system, and the database software SQL Server Management 2005, Visual Studio Express Edition 2008 under license of Microsoft which has been purchased by Mission College. These software are the tools for developing the website and store the database. Operation: Internet browser, Mozilla Firefox is the open source application.

3. Networking

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The network architecture will be that of a server/client model to facilitate the distributed database; Each computer will have an LAN connection to connect to IT server room because the database would be also stored there.

4. Standards

The system has been developed under Microsoft Products which has been purchased legally under license of Mission College.

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