Samoa External Debt By Tarun Das Part 2 Tables

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  • Pages: 8
Annex-1 Economic Size of Selected Economies in 2003 Population

Country 1. Brazil 2. China 3. Russian Federation 4. Argentina 5. Turkey 6. Mexico 7. Indonesia 8. India 9. Poland 10.Philippines 11.Pakistan 12.Bangladesh 13.Sri Lanka 14.Nepal 15.Bhutan 16.Maldives 17.Fiji 18.Papua New Guinea 19.Samoa 20.Solomon Islands 21.Tonga 22.Vanuatu 23.Armenia 24.Azerbaijan 25.Cambodia 26.Iran Islamic Rep 27.Kazakhstan 28.Kyrgyz Rep 29.Lao PDR 30.Malaysia 31.Mongolia 32.Myanmar 33.Tajikistan 34.Thailand 35.Turkmenistan 36.Uzbekistan 37.Vietnam

Area GNP PC PC Density '000 US$ GNP GNP GNP Population per Million sq. km. sq. km. billion Rank US$ Rank Top 10 Debtor Countries 172 8547 20 480 13 2720 95 1272 9598 138 1417 6 1100 134 145 17075 9 375 16 2610 97 37 2780 14 140 30 3810 84 66 775 86 198 24 2800 93 99 1958 52 637 10 6230 68 209 1905 115 174 27 810 146 1032 3287 347 571 12 540 159 39 323 127 202 22 5280 72 78 300 263 88 41 1080 135 SAARC Countries 141 796 183 78 44 520 161 133 144 1024 55 51 400 173 19 66 290 18 14 930 140 24 147 165 6 113 240 192 0.8 47 18 0.6 … 630 … 0.3 0.3 934 0.7 … 2350 … Pacific Islands 0.8 18 45 2 … 2240 … 5 463 12 3 144 508 163 0.2 2.8 61 0.3 … 1440 … 0.4 29 15 0.3 … 560 … 0.1 0.8 140 0.15 … 1490 … 0.2 12 17 0.22 … 1180 … Other Developing Countries in Asia 3 30 108 3 143 950 139 8 87 100 7 104 820 145 13 181 76 4 126 300 183 65 1648 39 133 32 2010 110 15 2725 6 27 62 1780 119 5 200 26 2 156 340 179 5 237 23 2 152 340 179 24 330 72 96 37 3880 82 2 1567 2 1 164 480 165 48 677 73 … … … … 6 143 44 1 162 210 195 61 513 120 136 31 2190 105 5 488 10 5 116 1120 131 25 447 61 11 88 420 172 80 332 244 39 58 480 165 Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators 2005


Life Expec- Literacy tancy Rate Years Percent

68 70 66 74 70 73 66 63 74 70

87 87 99 97 86 91 88 58 100 95

63 62 73 59 63 69

43 40 92 43 … 97

69 57 69 69 71 68

93 65 99 … … …

74 65 54 69 63 66 54 73 65 57 67 69 65 67 69

99 … 70 67 99 … 65 88 99 85 99 95 … 99 93

Annex-2A: Top ten debtor countries in 2003 Country ranked in Total external Share of terms of stock of debt concessional external debt (US$ billion) debt (per cent)

1. Brazil 2. China 3. Russian Fed. 4. Argentina 5. Turkey 6. Mexico 7. Indonesia 8. India 9. Poland 10.Philippines

235 194 176 166 146 140 134 114 95 63

Debt /GNP Ratio of short ratio term debt (per cent) to Total debt (per cent)

1 17 1 1 4 1 27 38 7 23

30 15 50 104 77 23 80 22 40 77

8.3 32.7 17.6 13.8 15.8 6.6 17.0 4.2 20.5 9.9

Ratio of short term debt to Foreign exch. (per cent) 39.8 17.5 39.3 162.4 64.7 15.5 63.2 4.6 57.4 39.0

Annex-2B: Top ten debtor countries in 2003 Country ranked in Debt service Present Value terms of stock of ratio of external debt external debt (per cent) (US$ billion) 1. Brazil 2. China 3. Russian Fed. 4. Argentina 5. Turkey 6. Mexico 7. Indonesia 8. India 9. Poland 10.Philippines

63.8 7.3 11.8 37.9 38.5 20.9 26.0 18.1 25.1 22.1

254.1 188.5 186.5 184.2 157.1 153.0 136.9 100.3 93.5 65.4

PV/ GNP ratio (per cent)

PV to exports ratio (%)

Indebtedness and income Classification

54 15 117 52 25 81 82 19 48 80

323 48 531 135 83 243 200 106 147 147

Severe/ Middle Less/ Middle Severe/ Middle Moderate/ Middle Less / Middle Severe/ Middle Severe/ Middle Less/ Low Moderate/ Middle Moderate/ Middle

Source: World Bank, Global Development Finance 2005


Annex-3: Key Indebtedness Indicators in 2001-2003 Total Present Ratio of Ratio of Ratio of External Value of EDT to PV to EDT to Debt Stock Ext.Debt Exports Exports GNI (EDT) (PV) EDT/XGS PV/XGS EDT/GNI Country ($ Billion) ($ Billion) (per cent) (per cent) (per cent) 1. Brazil 235 254 299 323 50 2. China 194 189 49 48 15 3. Russian Fed 175 184 128 135 50 4. Argentina 166 187 473 531 104 5. Turkey 146 153 232 243 77 6. Mexico 140 157 74 83 23 7. Indonesia 134 137 196 200 80 8. India 114 100 120 106 22 9. Poland 95 94 150 147 49 10.Philippines 63 65 141 147 77 11.Pakistan 36 30 232 189 50 12.Bangladesh 19 13 188 128 37 13.Sri Lanka 10 8 134 110 62 14.Nepal 3.3 2.1 200 131 57 15.Bhutan 0.4 0.4 270 252 79 16.Maldives 0.3 0.2 54 41 45 17.Fiji 0.3 0.3 25 24 15 2.5 2.3 113 104 87 18.Papua N Guinea 19.Samoa 0.4 0.3 253 209 148 0.2 0.1 224 176 76 20.Solomon Islands 21.Tonga 0.084 0.059 106 74 57 22.Vanuatu 0.095 0.068 64 46 39 23.Armenia 1.1 0.7 131 85 45 24.Azerbaijan 1.7 1.4 58 47 28 25.Cambodia 3.1 2.7 125 107 82 26.Iran Ism Rep 12 10 33 30 9 27.Kazakhstan 23 23 181 183 94 28.Kyrgyz Rep 2 1.6 282 221 125 29.Lao PDR 3 2 611 356 155 30.Malaysia 49 50 44 45 55 31.Mongolia 2 1 188 149 127 32.Myanmar 7 6 247 187 … 33.Tajikistan 1 1 139 112 96 34.Thailand 52 51 59 59 41 2.3 … 231 … 86 35.Turkmenistan* 36.Uzbekistan 5 5 149 142 49 37.Vietnam 16 14 77 67 45 * in 1998.


Ratio of PV to GNI PV/GNI (per cent) 54 15 52 117 81 25 82 19 48 80 41 25 51 38 74 35 15 80 122 60 40 28 29 23 70 8 95 98 91 56 95 … 77 41 … 47 39

Annex-4: Key External Debt Sustainability Indicators in 2003 (per cent) EDT/XGS (per cent)


1. Brazil 2. China 3. Russian Fed 4. Argentina 5. Turkey 6. Mexico 7. Indonesia 8. India 9. Poland 10.Philippine

265 38 107 449 199 73 190 101 125 135

11.Pakistan 12.Bangladesh 13.Sri Lanka 14.Nepal 15.Bhutan 16.Maldives

192 169 126 174 273 47

17.Fiji 18.PN Guinea 19.Samoa 20.Solomon Islnd 21.Tonga 22.Vanuatu

21 100 152 73 67 65

23.Armenia 24.Azerbaijan 25.Cambodia 26.Iran Is Rep 27.Kazakhstan 28.Kyrgyz Rep 29.Lao PDR 30.Malaysia 31.Mongolia 32.Myanmar 33.Tajikistan 34.Thailand 35.Turkmenistan*

36.Uzbekistan 37.Vietnam All developing East Asia & Pacif South Asia


105 52 115 27 149 238 592 48 165 253 120 54 231 131 67 105 60 119

EDT/GNI (per cent)

TDS/XGS (per cent)

INT/XGS (per cent)

Top 10 Debtor Countries 50 64 17 14 7 1 42 12 5 136 38 6 611 39 9 22 26 6 68 26 6 19 18 5 46 25 3 72 22 6 SAARC Countries 45 16 5 34 6 2 57 8 2 56 6 2 72 5 1 42 4 1 Pacific Islands 14 3 1 90 12 3 138 5 3 75 5 2 52 3 1 34 2 1 Other Developing Countries in Asia 39 9 1.2 27 8 0.8 77 1 0.3 8 4 1 82 35 5 109 17 3 137 10 2 50 7 2 118 32 2 … 4 1 80 9 2 37 16 2 86 32 9 51 21 4 40 3 1 39 17 4 26 11 2 24 16 5

INT/GNI (per cent)

Indebted classification*

3 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 3


1.1 0.3 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.8


0.5 2.6 3.3 1.6 0.5 0.4


0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 3 0.9 0.6 2.2 1.3 … 1.1 1.5 4 1.5 0.8 2 1 1


Annex-5: Key External Debt Sustainability Indicators in 2003 (per cent) Indebted RES/EDT RES/MGS Short Term/ Concess/ Multilateral (per cent) (months) EDT (%) EDT (%) / EDT (%) classification*


Top 10 Debtor Countries 1. Brazil 21 2. China 215 3. Russian Fed 45 4. Argentina 9 5. Turkey 24 6. Mexico 41 7. Indonesia 28 8. India 91 9. Poland 36 10.Philippines 27 SAARC Countries 11.Pakistan 12.Bangladesh 13.Sri Lanka 14.Nepal 15.Bhutan 16.Maldives Pacific Islands 17.Fiji

33 14 22 40 87 57

160 21 19.Samoa 23 20.Solomon Islnd 20 21.Tonga 51 22.Vanuatu 46 Other Developing Countries in Asia 23.Armenia 45 24.Azerbaijan 49 25.Cambodia 31 26.Iran Ism Rep … 27.Kazakhstan 22 28.Kyrgyz Rep 19 29.Lao PDR 9 30.Malaysia 91 31.Mongolia 16 32.Myanmar 8 33.Tajikistan 10 34.Thailand 81 35.Turkmenistan* 61 36.Uzbekistan 25 37.Vietnam 39 All developing 50 18.Papua N Guinea

7 11 7 6 5 3 6 11 5 5

8 38 18 14 16 7 18 4 21 10

1 17 1 1 4 1 27 37 7 23

8 14 4 10 5 13 14 26 3 12


8 3 3 8 16 3

3 3 5 2 2 9

67 93 80 97 50 64

45 73 41 84 35 56


5 3 6 3 3 3

33 5 54 6 1 16

12 36 46 79 91 77

71 36 43 58 82 74


4 2 4 … 4 5 6 5 3 2 1 6 9 5 3 7

1.2 13 7 28 12 2 0 18 20 20 7 21 23 4 8 16

70 53 89 0 4 68 96 3 76 67 74 19 0 27 74 18

66 33 26 3 8 50 49 2 46 18 31 6 2 13 25 15


Annex-6: Classification of selected countries in ESCAP by levels of external indebtedness And per capita income in 2003 Severely indebted

Moderately indebted

Less indebted

Low income

Middle income

Low income

Middle income

Low income

Middle income








(1) Bhutan Kyrgyz Rep Lao PDR Myanmar Tajikistan

(2) Indonesia Kazakhstan Maldives Samoa Turkey



Cambodia Mongolia Pakistan PN Guinea Solomon Island Uzbekistan

Malaysia Philippines Russian Fed Sri Lanka Turkmenistan

(5) Bangladesh India Nepal Vietnam

Acronyms LILI MILI SILI LIMI MIMI SIMI Low Income Middle Income

Less Indebted Moderately Indebted Severely Indebted

Less Indebted Low Income Moderately Indebted Low Income Severely Indebted Low Income Less Indebted Middle Income Moderately Indebted Middle Income Severely Indebted Middle Income Classification as per income Per capita GNP less than US$765 Per capita GNP between US$766 and US$9385 Classification as per indebtedness: PV/XGS less than 132% and PV/GNI less than 48%. PV/XGS less than 220% but higher than 132% , and PV/GNI less than 80% but greater than 48%. PV/XGS higher than 220% or PV/GNI higher than 80%.


(6) Armenia Azerbaijan China Fiji Iran Ism Rep Thailand Tonga Vanuatu

Annex-7: External Debt in Samoa

External Debt of Samoa (in US$ million) 1970 Total Debt stock (EDT) Long term debt Public & guaranteed Private non-guaranteed Use of IMF credit Short-term debt Total debt service Interest payments (INT) Interest on long term debt Interest on short term debt Gross national income (GNI) Exp.of goods and services (XGS) Workers remittances Imp.of goods & services (MGS) International reserves (RES) Current account balance

EDT/ XGS EDT/ GNI TDS/ XGS INT/ XGS INT/ GNI RES/ EDT RES/ MGS (months) Short-term/ Total debt Concessional/ EDT Multilateral/ Total debt




2.7 2.7 2.7 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 … … 0





197.4 147.3 147.3 0 0 50.1 8.5 4.3 1.4

204.3 143.3 143.3 0 0 61 7.4 3.9 1.3

234.4 156.8 156.8 0 0 77.6 7.8 4.3 1.3

2.6 235 95.6 45

3.0 240.8 105.0 45

365.2 169.5 169.5 0 0 195.7 13.1 8.9 1.3 7.6 264.6 109.5




56.6 -6.5

62.5 4.9

83.9 19.1

214 87 8 4 1.6 28 7 30 69 63

223 97 7 4 1.8 27 7 33 66 61

333 138 12 8

60.2 92 192.4 53.4 91 156.6 53.4 91 156.6 0 0 0 5.8 0.8 0 1 0.2 35.8 5.5 5.5 6.5 2.7 1.3 3.2 2.3 1.2 1.4 0.4 0.1 1.8 2.9 … 164.3 235 241.1 103.9 44.4 94.1 126.9 45 19 43 45 93.6 … 74.3 96.5 142.6 5.2 2.8 69 68.2 63.7 … 12.9 8.6 -18.8 10.3 Sustainability Debt indicators (in per cent) … … … … … 193 … 0 90 90

136 … 12 6 … 5 0.5 2 56 54

98 56 6 1 0.8 75 9 0 91 88

152 82 5 3 1.3 35 6 19 80 77

190 82 8 4 1.8 32 8 25 73 70


3.3 23 11 54 46 43

Source: (1) World Bank, Global Development Finance 2005 (For all data except for current A/C balance and XGS during the years 2000 to 2003). (2) Economic Intelligence Unit (for current account balance in 2000-2003). (3) Ministry of Finance, Government of Samoa (for exports of goods and services in 2000-2003)


Annex-8: Government External Debt in Samoa

(in million US dollars) 1997 1998 1999 2000




Total Debt stock (EDT) Multilateral Bilateral Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Exports of goods and services (XGS) International reserves (RES)

Key external debt sustainability indicators 142.2 147.1 147.0 143.7 141.7 147.8 162.2 130.4 135.4 135.7 129.8 128.2 135.1 149.4 13.5 12.7 12.8 11.8 11.7 11.3 13.9 226.3 219 229.1 228 234.9 275.1 341.2 76.6 85.9 100.6 70.2 75.7 79.3 70.3 57.1 60.7 60.6 55.7 49.2 55.6 73.5

168.5 156.0 12.5 389.9 110.5

EDT/ GDP (per cent) EDT/ XGS (per cent) EDT/ RES (per cent) Multilateral/ EDT (per cent) Bilateral/ EDT (per cent)

Key external debt ratios (in percentage) 62.8 67.2 64.2 63.0 60.3 53.7 47.5 202.6 194.3 185.4 204.4 185.0 172.1 161.2 249.0 242.3 242.6 258.0 288.0 265.8 220.7 91.7 92.0 92.3 90.3 90.5 91.4 92.1 8.3 8.0 7.7 9.7 9.5 8.6 7.9

Source: Ministry of Finance, Government of Samoa



82.3 43.2 152.5 204.7 92.6 7.4

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