Sage Mas90 4.3 Service Update 9

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Release Notes The following is a list of enhancements and corrections that have been incorporated for Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200 version 4.30 in this Service Update. Service Updates are cumulative, containing all program corrections found in prior updates. Accounts Payable Previously Released in In Vendor Maintenance, Invoices tab, the check date is now correct after processing a credit card transfer. 1 DE 85341 PER 104375 Resolution ID 499173 In Invoice Payment Selection, the correct invoices now appear in the 'Select' window when selecting by Job with operand "Equal To". 2 DE 85014 PER 103983 Resolution ID 498531 In Manual Check Entry, the "invalid tax structure" message no longer erroneously displays when reversing a check. 3 DE 85469 PER 102261 Resolution ID 483330 Previously Released in In Vendor Maintenance, vendor memos are no longer deleted when deleting a vendor that begins with the same alpha characters. 4 DE 84761 PER 104011 Resolution ID 498660 Previously Released in Repetitive Invoice Selection now populates the Invoice Due Date and Discount Date. 5 DE 84713 PER 103984 Resolution ID 497393 In Check Maintenance, the discount is now taken when multiple invoices are selected. 6 DE 84261 PER 103601 Resolution ID 497153 Previously Released in In Manual Check Entry, the Amount Posted is now correct when using the Select Invoices button while on a previously entered line. 7 DE 83196 PER 103259 In Invoice Payment Selection, the correct invoices are now selected when selecting by Invoice Date and Discount Due Date, and a discount due date is entered. 8 DE 83063 PER 102797 Resolution ID 492265 Previously Released in Running AP_DeleteChangeVendors Visual Integrator Import no longer fails if the new vendor number is not already set up in Vendor Maintenance. 9 DE 82598 PER 101777 Resolution ID 488093 Previously Released in In Invoice Data Entry, alphanumeric cost codes of less than 9 characters can now be selected when the cost code size is one segment of 9 characters. 10 DE 82730 PER 102504 Resolution ID 491811 Invoice Data Entry now populates the G/L Account and Amount of the invoice if 'Require Template to Create Assets from A/P or P/O' in Fixed Asset Options is selected and the vendor G/L Account is a Fixed Assets account. 11 DE 82585 PER 102449 Resolution ID 491915 Printing to paperless office is now available for AP Invoice payment selection. 12 DE 82548 PER 102379 Resolution ID 491390 Accounts Receivable New in Service Update Developer Function Break has been added in AR_PurgeHistory_UI Line 544 1 DE 85521 PER 102642 When printing the Credit Card Settlement Report for Sage Payment Solutions, an err 88

AR_CreditCardSettlementSPS.PVC 263 no longer occurs in a timeout situation. Now if a timeout situation occurs, the message "Unable to retrieve all of the requested transactions from Sage Payment Solutions prior to the timeout." displays. 2 DE 85018 PER 104088 Resolution ID 499000 In Invoice Data Entry, if a miscellaneous item is defined with a 3-decimal place price, the price Extension is now rounded correctly. 3 DE 85693 PER 104715 Resolution ID 496862 Previously Released in In the Level 4.10 conversion, numerics are DIMensioned correctly. A problem would only have occurred if an MD had added a Developer String in the affected files. 4 DE 85311 PER 104417 The ability to link the same SageCRM User ID/ MAS User Logon to multiple salesperson divisions is available. 5 DE 85590 PER 104666 Resolution ID 501333 Previously Released in In Invoice History Inquiry, can now drill down to Credit Memos and Debit Memos after upgrading from a prior version. 6 DE 84624 PER 103580 Resolution ID 493590 During the Cash Receipts Register Update, the prepayment amount total is now correct when posting multiple prepayments using the same prepayment number on the same register. 7 DE 84598 PER 103629 Resolution ID 494061 In Customer Maintenance, customer memos are no longer deleted when deleting a customer that begins with the same alpha characters. 8 DE 84752 PER 103987 Resolution ID 498634 In Cash Receipts Entry, discounts are now only used once if multiple checks from the same customer exist in the same batch. 9 DE 84828 PER 103742 Resolution ID 493003 Previously Released in In Cash Receipts Entry, the same invoice number can now be entered multiple times in an entry. 10 DE 84712 PER 100570 Resolution ID 480797 Previously Released in Costs are now calculated correctly when repetitive invoices are processed. 11 DE 83420 PER 103097 Resolution ID 494862 Previously Released in In Cash Receipts Entry, the Amount Posted is now correct when using the Select Invoices button while on a previously entered line. 12 DE 82953 PER 102679 Resolution ID 487887 Bar Code Previously Released in In Import Sales Order Transactions, the quantity shipped for parent item of an exploded kit is now correct. 1 DE 82751 PER 101947 Resolution ID 488287 Previously Released in In Import B/M Transactions and Unattended Import, the extended quantity of all bill components is now correct when Allow Scrap and Yield Percentages in B/M Options is not selected. 2 DE 83067 PER 102529 Resolution ID 491989 Previously Released in In Import P/O Transactions and Unattended Import, serial numbers that already exist in inventory can now be imported if they have a zero quantity on hand. 3 DE 82713 PER 102481 Resolution ID 492259

Bank Reconciliation Previously Released in Bank Reconciliation has been added back to the Rebuild Application Sort Files utility. 1 DE 83727 PER 103231 Resolution ID 495505 During conversion from 4.00 or 4.05, Bank Reconciliation is now converted correctly. 2 DE 83616 PER 103133 Resolution ID 494903 After printing the Bank Reconciliation Register, cleared documents are cleared correctly, based on the date entered. 3 DE 83891 PER 103320 Resolution ID 495953 Common Item New in Service Update In Purge Miscellaneous Item History, if there is not enough history on file to justify a purge, a new message is now displayed, "You can only purge history that has been stored for longer than two years. History for the current fiscal year and two years prior cannot be purged." 1 DE 85560 PER 104630 Resolution ID 501154 Customizer Previously Released in The default Line Type in AR Cash Receipts Entry can now be changed via Custom Office. 1 DE 84830 PER 103680 Resolution ID 489847 The MAS 90 Office button now works correctly in legacy modules when MS Office is installed after MAS 90/200 is installed. 2 DE 84317 PER 101747 Resolution ID 488689 Previously Released in In Customizer Selection, an Error 26 CM_Selector_UI.pvc, Line 808 no longer occurs when selecting module. 3 DE 83075 PER 102937 Resolution ID 494271 Previously Released in Update Custom Panels to Current Level no longer changes text boxes and/or removes them when the Inventory Quantity on Hand & Reorder screen has been modified. 4 DE 82820 PER 102321 Resolution ID 490163 CRM New in Service Update In CRM Options, an error 46 in Method SetUser no longer occurs when clicking LOAD CRM DATA. 1 DE 85938 PER 104429 Resolution ID 500399 Previously Released in Error 26 CU_RelatedDocLauncher_ui.pvc 57 no longer occurs when clicking on "View/Edit" on an existing Quote in SageCRM if Alpha Numeric Sales order numbers. 2 DE 85306 PER 102507 Resolution ID 492368 Error CU_SCRMLink_bus - Error 88 on ActiveConnection code no longer occurs. 3 DE 85369 PER 104682 Previously Released in The Order Date is now set to the System Date when the order is created from CRM. 4 DE 84424 PER 103718 Resolution ID 497726 Business Insights New in Service Update Error 26 ES_GenerateData.pvc Line 976 (AR) or Line 610 (AP) no longer occurs when generating the Business Insights Dashboard. 1 DE 85340 PER 104431 Resolution ID 498963 Previously Released in In Business Insights Dashboard, the A/R Analysis now correctly calculates the Average Invoice

Amount and Number of Days Paid. 2 DE 84691 PER 103830 Resolution ID 497963 In Business Insights Explorer Views, vendors are now displayed if their default G/L Account is blank. 3 DE 84633 PER 102832 Resolution ID 493912 Previously Released in A new version of the program file ExApp.exe is included with this SU to support Business Insights Explorer views to Export and Merge data to native Access, Excel and Word 2007 file formats. This program file needs to be manually copied from folder "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" to each Workstation's C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sage\Common Components folder. For backup purposes, rename the existing ExApp.exe file then copy the new one. 4 DE 83628 PER 103531 Resolution ID 496997 General Ledger New in Service Update The Recurring Journal now prints the correct data when the 'Equal to' operand is used. 1 DE 85798 PER 104756 Resolution ID 501374 Previously Released in The Income Statement now prints Original YTD Budget in the 'Earnings before Income Taxes' row with correct formatting when Actual, Budget, Budget Variance is selected as the Column Data Format. 2 DE 84675 PER 103960 Resolution ID 498144 Previously Released in On the Budget and History Report, the Beginning Balance amounts for the Actual Postings lines in the report are now correct. 3 DE 84827 PER 104137 Resolution ID 499225 Previously Released in The Recurring Journal now prints the correct accounts and amounts when similiar Reference Numbers are used. 4 DE 84014 PER 103405 Resolution ID 496105 Previously Released in When printing the Daily Transaction Register in the General Ledger module, postings from modules that are not integrated with General Ledger no longer post to General Ledger. 5 DE 83596 PER 103178 Resolution ID 494822 The Income Statement now prints Year to Date totals with correct formatting when Actual, Budget, Budget Variance is selected as the Column Data Format. 6 DE 83730 PER 103086 Resolution ID 494699 Previously Released in In G/L Exchange, importing Budget data using ORIGINAL as the Budget Code, now correctly imports data corresponding to Period 01. 7 DE 83112 PER 102930 Resolution ID 494238 The Daily Transaction Register no longer hangs when printing or previewing after installing and Service Updates. 8 DE 83150 PER 102889 Resolution ID 494104 In the Change Accounts Utility, short alpha G/L accounts can now be selected. 9 DE 83124 PER 102840 Resolution ID 493823 Previously Released in General Ledger Exchange is now compatible with Microsoft Office 2007. 10 DE 82650 PER 102042 Resolution ID 478608 Previously Released in During conversion from 3.71, the Recalculate Account Balances utility now processes. The utility can also now be run from the G/L Utilities.

11 DE 82892 PER 102666 Resolution ID 493034 When "chaining" to the Daily Transaction Register from another register, postings from other registers with the same register number. 12 DE 82693 PER 103045 Resolution ID 494375 When canceling out of the Associated PDF dialog during the printing of the GL General Journal, an Error 84 GL_GeneralJournal_upd line 672 no longer occurs. 13 DE 82718 PER 102933 Resolution ID 494264 Inventory Management New in Service Update In Inventory Maintenance, an error 0 IMWMAM, line 0620 no longer occurs if a user changes/adds an extended description for an item, saves it, but does not exit Inventory Maintenance, and then another user accesses that item in Inventory Maintenance. 1 DE 85757 PER 104789 Resolution ID 469380 In Inventory Inquiry, attachments created for Internet Enabled items in Inventory Maintenance are now displayed. 2 DE 85606 PER 104654 Resolution ID 501245 Previously Released in Inventory is now updated correctly after receiving the "J/C Daily Job Transaction File is in use by another task." message. 3 DE 83932 PER 102660 Resolution ID 492998 Previously Released in In Inventory Maintenance, extended descriptions are now saved correctly when another button (Memo, Sale, etc.) is selected prior to accepting the entry. 4 DE 83016 PER 102751 Resolution ID 493009 e-Business Manager New in Service Update A User ID can now be successfully updated from the Web. 1 DE 84978 PER 104413 Resolution ID 500331 eBusiness .Store search now completes when searching all categories with over 60,000 IT enabled items. 2 DE 85643 PER 104269 Resolution ID 499650 Previously Released in When a new payment type is created on-the-fly from e-Business Manager - Setup - .store, the Internet Enabled check box is now correctly selected. 3 DE 84560 PER 104077 Resolution ID 498957 Previously Released in Customers can now access their previously saved credit card information. 4 DE 83207 PER 103362 Resolution ID 494045 Item Pricing Level discounts are now correct in the shopping cart. 5 DE 84020 PER 103342 Resolution ID 496053 The message "The User ID contains an invalid character" no longer displays when trying to bring up previous User IDs. 6 DE 84343 PER 103920 Resolution ID 498369 Previously Released in In order for this change to take effect, the user submitting the orders needs to be a member of a role with the Module Option "Allow to Exceed Quantity on Hand" for the Sales Orders module unselected. In the case of e-Business Manager with auto-acceptance of sales orders, the user submitting the order is the hidden user �_ExternalEBM�. To set this user with the required Module Option, create a new role in Role Maintenance with all rights for Tasks, Security Events, and Module Options with the exception of �Allow to Exceed Quantity on Hand� for the Sales Order module and assign this role to the _ExternalEBM user. To see this user in User

Maintenance, type _ExternalEBM as the User Logon and press enter (this user won�t show in the lookup or by using the browse buttons). Remove the Default role for this user and add the new e-Business Manager specific role created earlier. This role can be set for the specific e-Business Manager Company or for All Companies. The _ExternalEBM user is a System user, thus, changes to other user settings are not allowed. 7 DE 82771 PER 102528 Resolution ID 492223 Previously Released in In RMA Inquiry, lot and serial numbers are now displayed correctly. 8 DE 83327 PER 102718 Resolution ID 493363 Order confirmation emails now display only the partial credit card number. 9 DE 83549 PER 103172 Resolution ID 495235 When clicking on the Search button repeatedly before the search results are completed and displayed, the message "An error occurred while attempting to process the page you requested." could be displayed. This page error is caused when two or more concurrent searches are executed for a given user; this creates a lock problem on the temporary work files created for the search results. This fix disables the �Go� button immediately after the user has pressed it; thus reducing the chances of concurrent searches; however there is a small window of time between the browser loading the page and the user immediately submitting another search which can cause the issue to re-appear. This scenario is not addressed with this fix so it is expected that the user will wait for the search to complete before submitting a new search. In addition to installing the 4.30 Web Engine bundle 3 or later and 4.30 MAS Service Update 3 or later, the updated Common.js Java Script file needs to be copied from the ..\MAS90\IT\Jscripts folder to the IIS Server's root folder of the e-Business Manager hosting web site (for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot). 10 DE 83455 PER 101763 Resolution ID 488826 Previously Released in In Invoice Inquiry, lot and serial item lines now correctly appear when viewing invoice detail. 11 DE 83072 PER 102690 Resolution ID 493196 Previously Released in Credit Card shopping cart submission records are now correctly removed. 12 DE 82812 PER 101860 Resolution ID 489323 An item created using the Copy From feature in Inventory Maintenance, is now displayed on the Products & Services page. 13 DE 82595 PER 102302 Resolution ID 491459 Temporary shopping cart records should now be removed from the eBusiness Manager Shopping Cart data files based on the 'Hours to Retain Shopping Cart Entry' setting on the Shopping tab in e-Business Manager Options. 14 DE 82490 PER 102115 Resolution ID 490604 e-Business Manager users are no longer able to accessl .Store user information. 15 DE 82573 PER 102369 Resolution ID 491743 When making changes to Customer Maintenance, "File access mode invalid" Error 13 CI_CustomerAging.pvc 00247 for e-Business Manager .store customer no longer occurs. 16 DE 82808 PER 101546 Resolution ID 487479 Job Cost Previously Released in Prepayments are now correctly cleared when the corresponding invoice is created in Job Billing. 1 DE 84272 PER 103571 Resolution ID 490127 Previously Released in An error 65 no longer occurs in Job Cost when the Job Selection Register is printed to "Export to File" and followed by JC Invoices printed to PDF.

An error 65 no longer occurs in Payroll when the Pre-Check Register is printed to "Export to File" and followed by DD Stubs printed to PDF. 2 DE 82533 Library Master Previously Released in The error message: "Windows cannot find 'C: \Sage' make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again" no longer occurs when trying to launch a MAS90 task from SageCRM after installing to a path that includes spaces. 1 DE 85578 PER 104656 Resolution ID 501165 Previously Released in An Error 65 in Method Prepare line 332 no longer occurs when installing a 4.30 Service Update and the PvxView.LNK file is missing or damaged. 2 DE 84943 PER 104247 Resolution ID 499589 Previously Released in The correct messages are now displayed when a problem occurs during printing of Sales Order invoices through paperless office. 3 DE 83305 Previously Released in When uninstalling a module and all the system records are removed for that module, the first system record for the next module is no longer removed. 4 DE 83783 PER 103392 Resolution ID 496335 The Migrate Level 3 Data utility now removes only Extended Solutions enhancement files from the mas90\links folder that are not being used by another MD's enhancement. 5 DE 83884 PER 103304 Resolution ID 495879 When previewing legacy reports, the search function (binoculars) now works correctly. (NOTE: This is still not working on the Payroll Data Entry Audit Report.) 6 DE 83265 PER 102994 Resolution ID 494393 Master Developer Utilities Previously Released in Copy Company no longer fails with the warning "Data Files for XXX have not been Converted" in an installation where a developer modification is installed. 1 DE 84849 PER 103870 Resolution ID 498157 Previously Released in Function Break has been added to AR_PurgeHistory_UI, Method PurgeInvoiceHistory(). 2 DE 84742 PER 103993 Resolution ID 498651 PostTableRead has been added to AR_StatementPrinting_rpt, method PopulateWorkTable(). 3 DE 84748 PER 103992 Resolution ID 498649 Previously Released in Added function break in GL_ChangeAccounts_UI.PVC in method WOB_OPERATIONCODEMASTER:. 4 DE 84153 PER 103459 Resolution ID 496597 Added function break in GL_ChangeAccounts_UI.PVC in method ProcessChangeRename(). 5 DE 84154 PER 103458 Resolution ID 496595 Material Requirements Planning Previously Released in MRP Generation now prints component demand for the correct warehouse. 1 DE 83892 PER 103195 Resolution ID 495272 Previously Released in MRP Generation now shows component demand for the parent item's warehouse rather than the item's default warehouse. 2

DE 82295 PER 101955 Resolution ID 489521 Previously Released in 1099 Electronic Reporting has been modified according to the Internal Revenue Service's 2008 Publication 1220. The following changes have been made in the "T" record: Transmitter's Media Number Position 411-416 has been removed and is now blank. If you currently have a number in the Transmitter Media Number field in 1099 Electronic Reporting that number will no longer be copied to the "T" record of your IRSTAX file. 1 DE 85181 PER 104381 Paperless Office New in Service Update Performance when displaying results in Paperless Office Customer Viewer has been improved. 1 DE 85811 PER 104007 Resolution ID 498541 The Period End date displayed in Period End Report Viewer now correctly displays the module's period end date instead of the GL period end date. 2 DE 85652 PER 104614 Resolution ID 500174 Previously Released in Paperless Office delivery options in A/R Customer Maintenance can now be set up when Accounts Payable is not installed. 3 DE 84473 PER 103714 Resolution ID 496663 Previously Released in An Error 11 PL_CommonUtility.pvc, line 963 no longer occurs when printing General Journal in PDF format for a single character source journal. 4 DE 84565 PER 103522 Resolution ID 496178 Previously Released in In Form Maintenance, the Keep Last Copy checkbox is now automatically selected when creating a record for a form for which �Keep Last Copy� is not applicable. Also, the Keep Last Copy checkbox is enabled or disabled correctly when browsing through the records. 5 DE 82968 PER 102936 Resolution ID 494269 .pdf files are now created successfully when printing graphical Direct Deposit stubs. 6 DE 83117 PER 102799 Resolution ID 493703 Previously Released in In Inventory, when printing the Costed Sales Kit Report to PDF, the PDF is now created with the correct report filename. 7 DE 82726 If an error log is encountered during printing, the error log is now appended to the PDF document and it is properly passworded, if required, and displayed automatically at completion. 8 DE 82738 Purchase Order New in Service Update Auto Generate Orders Selection now generates the correct quantity from master sales orders. 1 DE 85723 PER 104739 Resolution ID 501290 Previously Released in In Purchase Order Printing, purchase orders can now be successfully sent to a fax server when security is set up. 2 DE 83621 PER 103391 Resolution ID 496331 Previously Released in When printing the Material Requisition Register to PDF format, the password is now stored if Password Protect is set to Yes or Prompt. 3 DE 82719 Payroll

New in Service Update In Employee Maintenance, employees can now be renumbered to a different department. 1 DE 85633 PER 104689 Resolution ID 501388 In Direct Deposit Stub Printing, the setting at 'Paperless Office Output' is now retained from one printing to the next, instead of reverting to Print All each time. 2 DE 85617 PER 103745 Resolution ID 497767 Previously Released in W-2 Box 12 amounts are now correct when multiple deductions have the same Box 12 Code and the W-2 is printed from Federal eFiling & Reporting. 3 DE 85526 PER 104620 Resolution ID 501125 The Payroll Data Entry Audit Report now correctly prints a Direct Deposit reversal amount as negative when reversing a partial Direct Deposit. 4 DE 85165 PER 104246 Resolution ID 499587 The Paid Preparer's section of Form 941 is no longer optional and is included in Part 5 of Form 941. 5 DE 85373 PER 104548 Resolution ID 500695 In Tax Table maintenance, when entereing local codes, "Local Witholding Tax (00)" is now available in the local description drop box for any state code. Local Withholding Tax is now displayed on the W-2 when using eFiling & Reporting. 6 DE 85359 PER 104475 Resolution ID 500582 In Payroll Data Entry, "Wages subject to W/H less than zero - Delete the Check" no longer displays when entering a negative amount of Tips Reported that is less than the earnings amount. 7 DE 85363 PER 104472 Resolution ID 500576 In Employee Maintenance, the Employee Direct Deposit Stub Viewer now displays correctly for employees whose employee number is less than 7 characters. 8 DE 85375 PER 104086 Resolution ID 498989 Previously Released in In Employee Maintenance, the Password field in Paperless Office Delivery Options is now auto-filled for new employees when the password is defined in Paperless Office Form Maintenance. 9 DE 84795 PER 104027 Resolution ID 498757 Previously Released in Paperless Office Delivery Options are now retained when renumbering an Employee. 10 DE 84772 PER 103991 Resolution ID 498645 In Employee Maintenance, records in PR_40 (eFiling) are now renumbered when an employee is renumbered. 11 DE 84692 PER 103941 Resolution ID 498399 Previously Released in In Payroll Data Entry, when a negative amount for tips is entered, the 'Wages subject to W/H less than zero � Delete the Check' message no longer displays. 12 DE 82800 PER 102564 Resolution ID 492544 Previously Released in In Check Printing, the Taxable Wages and Non-Taxable Wages fields now print the correct amount. 13 DE 82849 PER 102600 Resolution ID 492724 When printing two direct deposit stubs to PDF for the same employee, YTD E.I.C. on the second stub now includes E.I.C. amount from the first stub. 14 DE 82543 PER 102935 Resolution ID 494267 When an employee is set up for email and the email address is blank in PL Delivery Options,

direct deposit stubs are now printed to the printer and the PDF is created with the sent flag ="N". 15 DE 82737 PER 102934 Resolution ID 494266 Taxable Wages printed on the Quarterly 941 Report are no longer reduced by a Pension Plan deduction that is not set up to reduce tax. 16 DE 82509 PER 102314 Resolution ID 491195 Return Materials Authorization Previously Released in Generate Transactions no longer attaches the last RMA memo to each generated credit memo or sales order. 1 DE 85121 PER 104236 Resolution ID 499300 Previously Released in In Generate Transactions, lines are no longer duplicated for exploded kits on Credit Memos. 2 DE 84313 PER 103579 Resolution ID 492007 In RMA Entry and Receipts Entry, the Replacement Item number is now automatically populated when entered using the Item Selection screen, and the Default customer Return Action is NOT set as 'Replacement' in RMA Options. 3 DE 84694 PER 103796 Resolution ID 492135 Previously Released in In Customer RMA Printing, RMA's will print when Comments are not selected to print on Customer RMA's. 4 DE 84596 PER 103795 Resolution ID 496115 Previously Released in RMA Receivers now correctly print all lot and serial type items. 5 DE 84149 PER 103492 Resolution ID 494754 Sales Order New in Service Update In Auto Generate Invoice Selection, the discount amount entered on sales orders is no longer recalculated. 1 DE 85641 PER 104265 Resolution ID 493999 In Shipping Data Entry, the 'Auto Increment' check box in the distribution window now always defaults to checked for both lot and serial items. 2 DE 85848 PER 104393 Resolution ID 491639 During credit card processing, the CVV2 code is now encrypted in the ccp_tran.log file. 3 DE 85518 PER 104603 Resolution ID 501091 In Sales Order entry, the credit card deposit amount is no longer voided when selecting to Continue at the "Deposit has been processed...." message. 4 DE 85497 PER 104594 Resolution ID 501051 In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Entry, the Quantity Required for Work Order is now included in the Quantity Available on the Item Status window. 5 DE 85522 PER 104581 Resolution ID 495466 In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Entry, the Bill Options button is now displayed when "Explode Kit" is set to "Always" for a kit item in Inventory Maintenance. 6 DE 85850 PER 104686 Resolution ID 501185 An Error 46 SY_StarshipServer.pvc 220 no longer appears when clicking StarShip link button in Shipping Data Entry. 7 DE 85898 PER 103831 Resolution ID 498049 In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry, the quantity available displayed at the bottom of the window no longer includes the quantity of the current line. 8

DE 85660 PER 103341 Resolution ID 492203 In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Entry, when the U/M of the kit item is changed on a master order, the component quantities are now recalculated correctly. 9 DE 85658 PER 104996 In Sales Order Entry, if a Ship Code with a base amount is set up to be the default (in the Defaults window), an error 13 sy_salestaxcalculation_bus line 1992 no longer occurs when creating a new sales order. 10 DE 85830 PER 104972 In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry, if the same quantity is re-entered for an exploded kit, the component lines no longer redisplay beneath the original component lines. 11 DE 85845 PER 104995 Previously Released in In Shipping Data Entry, the invoice number is now correctly written back to the order when the order has a credit card deposit, and the Allow to Void-Re-Authorize Credit Card Transactions check box in Role Maintenance is cleared, preventing the chance of multiple invoices being created. 12 DE 85192 PER 104307 Resolution ID 499733 In Invoice Data Entry, the deposit amount on the Totals tab is now retained when an existing line is edited. 13 DE 85136 PER 104274 Resolution ID 497445 In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Entry, when the U/M of the kit item is changed, the component quantities are now recalculated correctly. 14 DE 85349 PER 104394 Resolution ID 492108 Previously Released in After updating the Sales Journal, inventory quantity on sales order is now correct when an order with a job and no cost code/type is invoiced. 15 DE 84807 PER 103988 Resolution ID 497133 During the Sales Journal update, when an order that was generated from RMA is invoiced, the correct cost is now being posted. 16 DE 84954 PER 103521 Resolution ID 496952 Sales orders, picking sheets, and invoices now print correctly when they contain 20 or more lines. If existing forms have been modified, the following changes need to be manually applied: Section Expert Sales Orders Modified section Db - Add Formula to "Suppress (No Drill-Down) 1. If {SO_SalesOrderWrk.ItemType} = "4" then Formula = False ElseIf {SO_SalesOrderWrk.ItemType} <>"4" AND _ Left({SO_SalesOrderWrk.CommentText},255) <>"" Then Formula = False Else Formula = True End If 2. Remove formula from "Suppress Blank Section" UNSelect Suppress Blank Section 3. Unselect "Keep Together" 4. Comment Text (section Db) Format Properties Common - Unselect "Keep Object Together" Picking Sheets Modified section Db - Add Formula to "Suppress (No Drill-Down) 1. If {SO_PickingSheetWrk.LotSerialSeqNo} >"00000000000001" Then Formula = True ElseIf {SO_PickingSheetWrk.ItemType} = "4" Then

Formula = False ElseIf {SO_PickingSheetWrk.ItemType} <>"4" AND _ Left({SO_PickingSheetWrk.CommentText},255) <>"" Then Formula = False Else Formula = True End If 2. Remove formula from "Suppress Blank Section" UNSelect Suppress Blank Section 3. Unselect "Keep Together" 4. Comment Text (section Db) Format Properties Common - Unselect "Keep Object Together" Invoices Modified section Db - Add Formula to "Suppress (No Drill-Down) If Not OnFirstRecord And PreviousValue({@InvoiceNoLineNo}) = {@InvoiceNoLineNo} then Formula = True ElseIf {SO_InvoiceWrk.ItemType} = "4" then Formula = False ElseIf {SO_InvoiceWrk.ItemType} <>"4" AND _ Left({SO_InvoiceWrk.CommentText},255) <>"" Then Formula = False Else Formula = True End If 2. Remove formula from "Suppress Blank Section" UNSelect Suppress Blank Section 3. Unselect "Keep Together" 4. Comment Text (section Db) Format Properties Common - Unselect "Keep Object Together" Add Formula to "Suppress (No Drill-Down) 17 DE 84845 PER 100386 Resolution ID 482432 Previously Released in In Sales Order Entry, the Split Commission fields are now available for CRM customers. 18 DE 84714 PER 104144 Resolution ID 494775 Completed sales orders that have a PCCharge credit card deposit are now removed from Sales Order Entry when the user's role does not have rights to Void/Re-authorize Credit Card Transactions. 19 DE 84364 PER 103594 Resolution ID 497243 In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry, performance has been improved when exploding kits. 20 DE 84250 PER 103445 Resolution ID 493203 Previously Released in No longer recieve error message when trying to enter "Split Commission" in Sales order entry for a customer that is linked to a SageCRM company 21 DE 84016 PER 103532 Resolution ID 496999 In Invoice Data Entry, totals are now calculated correctly when an invoice type is changed from a credit memo to a standard invoice after the lines tab has been accessed. 22 DE 83927 PER 103346 Resolution ID 493068 In Picking Sheet Printing, the correct orders are now selected or cleared, based on the range entered. 23 DE 83509 PER 103043 Resolution ID 494370 In Invoice Data Entry, distribution is now correct when changing the quantity distributed between lots. 24 DE 83191 PER 102914 Resolution ID 493905 Previously Released in The Sales Journal Update now creates new warehouse records in inventory with the correct "quantity on" information, rather than defaulting the values from the default warehouse.

25 DE 83918 PER 103284 Resolution ID 495683 In Shipping Data Entry, lot and serial numbers are now available to be re-selected when a shipping entry for those numbers is canceled. 26 DE 83779 PER 103206 Resolution ID 495400 In Invoice Data Entry, credit memo totals no longer display as negative amounts when Inventory is not integrated. 27 DE 83837 PER 103256 Resolution ID 494092 For use by Master Developers, a PreTableWrite method has been added in SO_SalesJournal_Upd. 28 DE 83598 PER 102915 Resolution ID 494182 In Sales Order Entry, when a user does not have rights to override the credit limit, the Hold button is now available. 29 DE 83555 PER 100075 Resolution ID 477477 Previously Released in In Sales Order Entry, the warehouse code entered in the Defaults window is now correctly used as the default warehouse. 30 DE 83214 PER 103277 Resolution ID 495749 In Invoice Data Entry, freight that was entered manually on a sales order is now retained when modifying lines while invoicing the order when Use Shipping Code to Calculate Freight in Options is Yes or Actual, if either the Ship Via field (header tab) or Ship Zone field (totals tab) is blank. 31 DE 83301 PER 103041 Resolution ID 494616 In Sales Order Entry, the Ship Date entered in the Defaults window now defaults when entering new orders. 32 DE 83167 PER 102793 Resolution ID 493545 Previously Released in In Sales Order Entry, the CI_ValGrpCuEntry error message no longer displays when trying to select "Split Commission" for a customer that is linked to a SageCRM company. 33 DE 82991 PER 102728 Resolution ID 493327 Sales Order/Quote History now retains the original sales order total if sales orders with multiple lines are partially invoiced and then freight is added to the sales order in Sales Order Entry. 34 DE 82631 PER 102404 Resolution ID 491552 Previously Released in In Shipping Data Entry, a credit is no longer issued to the customer's credit card when canceling an invoice for a sales order with an authorized deposit. 35 DE 82835 PER 102527 Resolution ID 492364 The Sales Journal update now posts costs correctly to Job Cost when a kit is exploded and one or more components are backordered. 36 DE 82634 PER 102433 Resolution ID 491699 In Invoice Data Entry, freight that was entered manually on a sales order is now retained when invoicing the order when Use Shipping Code to Calculate Freight in Options is Yes or Actual, if either the Ship Via field (header tab) or Ship Zone field (totals tab) is blank. 37 DE 82568 PER 102390 Resolution ID 490776 Visual Integrator New in Service Update When importing into ITEMEXT, ~;~ now produces a line break in the extended description. 1 DE 85629 PER 104665 Resolution ID 501327 Previously Released in When importing into Payroll Data Entry, tips differentials are no longer created for employees below the minimum wage set in PR Options when they have no tips reported earnings.

2 DE 84936 PER 104130 Resolution ID 499183 Paperless Office tables can now be used for import and export. 3 DE 84557 PER 103705 Resolution ID 497700 Previously Released in When importing a job to the AP_ManualCheckHeader, the AccountKey can now be imported by following these steps: Create a Temp001$ variable in the AP_ManualCheckHeader and file assign the AP_Vendor AccountKey (surrogate key) to Temp001$. Then use a "Calculation" operation to later assign Temp001$ to the AccountKey in AP_ManualCheckInvDetail. Do the following: 1. From SYZCON console mode, type RUN "VIWUD4". This will remove the invalid linkage from SY_ExportLink.M4T. 2. Create a (string) Tempxxx variable for the header, using a File Assign operation, and place it after the H.APDivisionNo and H.VendorCode columns. 3. In the "tier 3" table, AP_ManualCheckInvDetail, use a Calculation operation to assign Temp001$ to AccountKey. 4. The Calculation expression should be: _OBJ'ConvertToFFA$(Temp001$) This will substitute the Fully Formatted Account (FFA) for the surrogate key in Temp001$. 5. In the test import log, you should see the surrogate key in H.Temp001$ and the FFA in LL.AccountKey. 4 DE 84067 PER 102687 Resolution ID 493169 Imports from Excel 2007 are now supported. 5 DE 83625 PER 103415 Resolution ID 496389 Importing into SO_InvoiceHeader and applying to a specific Sales Order now correctly calculates the fields On SO and Committed in Inventory Inquiry for the imported items, when the appropriate perform is defined in the import job. NOTE: Without the benefit of a user interface, there is no way for the VI user to know what the "Sales Order Line Key" in the line record is. Without this key, deleting the invoice after import, will result in the "Qty on SO" being reduced for the deleted lines in SO_Invoice, even though the sales order was not deleted. The VI user is left with three options: 1. Import only "1 step" invoices to SO_Invoice. 2. Import the appropriate Sales Order Line Key for each line. 3. Rebuild sort files for SO, answering Yes to Recalculate Quantity on SO in Inventory, or make manual adjustments to IM_ItemWarehouse for the "Qty On SO", if the imported invoice is deleted. 6 DE 84201 PER 103399 Resolution ID 496325 Credit Card deposit information can now be imported into SO_SalesOrderHeader. 7 DE 84283 PER 103606 Resolution ID 497296 Previously Released in When importing Payroll data, the tip differential is now automatically calculated when appropriate. 8 DE 83481 PER 103049 Resolution ID 494666 Previously Released in An Error #12: POWVIP Line 2615 no longer occurs when attempting to run a PO.ORDER or PO.RECEIPT import job created in 4.30 if the FA module is not activated for the target company. 9 DE 82743 Work Order Processing Previously Released in The Cost Rollup Register now correctly calculates Labor and Overhead when 'Update Intermediate Bills' is selected. 1 DE 84159 PER 103489 Resolution ID 496831 Previously Released in In Inventory Inquiry, the Quantity Required for Work Order is now correct when a Work Order Completion is done. 2

DE 83422 PER 103112 Resolution ID 494816 The Following files are contained in Service Update AP_1099Setup.M4T AP_ActivationReq.M4T AP_BatchManager.M4T AP_CommonEntry_ui.PVC AP_CommonEntryDetail.pvc AP_CommonInvoiceSelection_Ui.pvc AP_DefaultPerform.M4T AP_DeleteChangeVendors_bus.pvc AP_Entity.M4T AP_ExportLink.M4T AP_GridDefinition.M4T AP_Invoice_bus.PVC AP_Invoice_ui.pvc AP_InvoicePaymentListing_rpt.pvc AP_InvoicePaymentSelect_ui.pvc AP_InvoiceRegister_upd.pvc AP_ManualCheckDetail_bus.pvc AP_ManualCheckDetail_bus.pvc AP_MemoDefault.M4T AP_MemoManager.M4T AP_MemoRelationship.M4T AP_Menu.M4T AP_Message.M4T AP_Module.M4T AP_PopupXref.M4T AP_ProgramLibrary.m4t AP_ReportManagerMaster.M4T AP_ReportManagerTemplate.M4T AP_Task.M4T AP0CTL.SOA AP0DCT.SOA AP0DD2.SOA AP0DD4.SOA AP0DD5.SOA AP0FRM.SOA AP1OFC.SOA AP1Q01.SOA AP1Q02.SOA AP1Q03.SOA AP1Q04.SOA AP1QDD.SOA AR_ActivationReq.M4T AR_BatchManager.M4T AR_CashReceipts_bus.PVC AR_CashReceiptsDetail_bus.PVC AR_CashReceiptsJournal_upd.pvc AR_CommonDetail.pvc AR_CreditCard.pvc AR_CreditCardSettlementRpt_rpt.pvc AR_CreditCardSettlementRptSPS.pvc AR_CreditLimit_ui.pvc AR_DefaultPerform.M4T AR_EmailMessage.M4T AR_Entity.M4T AR_ExportLink.M4T AR_GridDefinition.M4T AR_Invoice_bus.pvc AR_LevelConversion.pvc AR_MemoDefault.M4T AR_MemoManager.M4T

AR_MemoRelationship.M4T AR_Menu.M4T AR_Message.M4T AR_Module.M4T AR_PaymentType_ui.pvc AR_PopupXref.M4T AR_PurgeHistory_Ui.pvc AR_ReportManagerMaster.M4T AR_ReportManagerTemplate.M4T AR_Salesperson_bus.pvc AR_SalesPerson_Svc.pvc AR_StatementPrinting_rpt.pvc AR_Task.M4T AR0CTL.SOA AR0DCT.SOA AR0DD2.SOA AR0DD4.SOA AR0DD5.SOA AR0FRM.SOA AR1OFC.SOA AR1Q01.SOA AR1Q02.SOA AR1Q03.SOA AR1Q03.SOA AR1Q04.SOA AR1QDD.SOA BC_ProgramLibrary.m4t Bcwtbb Bcwtcb BCWTCC BCWTCD Bcwtdb BCWTEA BCWTFA BCWTFB BCWTGA BR_ReconciliationRegister_ui.pvc Brwuza BRZCAA CI_AssetTemplate_Val.pvc CI_CommonInvoiceSelection_Ui.pvc CI_CommonTierDistribution.pvc CI_CostCode_val.pvc CI_CostCodeUI_val.pvc CI_CreditCard_val.pvc CI_CUCommonUI.PVC CI_CUConvertData.pvc CI_CustomerUI_val.pvc CI_ItemCode.M4L CI_ProgramLibrary.m4t CI_PurgeMiscItemHistory_Ui.pvc CI_SalesKit.pvc CI_UpdateDetailToIM.pvc CM_Customizer_svc.pvc common.js CU_MaintainRelationship_ui.pvc CU_RelatedDocLauncher_ui.pvc CU_SCRMLink_bus.pvc default.ev ES_GenerateData.pvc ExApp.exe flwoda flwpaa flwsaa

GL_BudgetHistoryByPeriod_rpt.pvc GL_ChangeAccounts_ui.pvc GL_Common.pvc GL_DailyTransaction_upd.pvc GL_ExchangeAccountImport.pvc GL_ExchangeBudgetImport.pvc GL_ExchangeCommon.pvc GL_ExchangeTransactionImport.pvc GL_ExchangeWizard_UI.Pvc GL_FinancialReport9.rpt GL_GeneralJournal_upd.pvc GL_ProgramLibrary.m4t GL_RecurringJournal_rpt.pvc GL_RecurringJournal_upd.pvc IM_ProgramLibrary.m4t IMWMAA IMWMAB IMWRRA IMWUBC Imwvip IN_ActivityType.M4T IN_ExportLink.M4T IN_GridDefinition.M4T IN_Menu.M4T IN_Message.M4T IN_Message.M4T IN_Module.M4T IN_PopupXref.M4T IN_ReportManagerMaster.M4T IN_ReportManagerTemplate.M4T IN_System.M4T IN_Task.M4T IN_Token.M4T IN0CNF.SOA IN0CTL.SOA IN0DCT.SOA IN0DD2.SOA IN0DD4.SOA IN0DD5.SOA IN0STE.SOA IN1Q01.SOA IN1Q02.SOA IN1Q03.SOA IN1Q04.SOA IN1QDD.SOA InstInfo.ini Instlock.txt IntegrationEngine.exe inv_dd_ln.htm IT_EBusinessManagerUserID_bus.pvc IT_EMail.pvc IT_Item_ui.pvc IT_ItemAttachment_ui.pvc IT_ProgramLibrary.m4t IT_ShoppingCart_bus.pvc IT_ShoppingCartItemsSelected_bus.pvc IT_UIDCustomerChange_bus.pvc IW_CleanUp.m4p IW_Common.m4p IW_Customer.m4p IW_InquiryARInvoice.m4p IW_InquiryRMA.m4p IW_Message.m4p IW_Products.m4p

IW_ProgramLibrary.m4t IW_ShoppingCartOrder.m4p IW_ShoppingCartStore.m4p IW_Template_svc.pvc IW_User.m4p JC_ActivationReq.M4T JC_EmailMessage.M4T JC_Entity.M4T JC_ExportLink.M4T JC_Menu.M4T JC_Module.M4T JC_PopupXref.M4T JC_ReportManagerMaster.M4T JC_Task.M4T JC0CTL.SOA JC0DCT.SOA JC0DD2.SOA JC0DD4.SOA JC0DD5.SOA JC0EOP.SOA JC0FRM.SOA JC0PER.SOA JC0XRF.SOA JC1OFC.SOA JC1Q01.SOA JC1Q02.SOA JC1Q03.SOA JC1Q03.SOA JC1Q04.SOA JC1QDD.SOA JC1RPM.SOA JCWUDA MP_ProgramLibrary.m4t MPWRAB MRWRBB PL_CommonUtility.M4P PL_CommonUtility.pvc PL_CommonViewer_ui.pvc PL_CustomerViewer_ui.pvc PL_EmailMessage.M4T PL_EmployeeViewer_ui.pvc PL_ExportLink.M4T PL_Form_ui.pvc PL_GridDefinition.M4T PL_LevelConversion.pvc PL_Menu.M4T PL_Message.M4T PL_Module.M4T PL_PaperlessDeliveryOptions.M4L PL_PopupXref.M4T PL_ProgramLibrary.m4t PL_Task.M4T PL_VendorViewer_ui.pvc PL0CTL.SOA PL0FRM.SOA PO_ProgramLibrary.m4t Powrma POWUFA PR_eFiling.pvc PR_EmployeeDocuments_bus.pvc PR_EmployeeDocuments_ui.pvc PR_LevelConversion.pvc PR_ProgramLibrary.m4t

PR941A.RPT Products_no_tree.htm Products_nt2_multi.htm Products_nt2_multi2.htm Products_nt2_single.htm Products_nt2_single2.htm PRWDAC Prwfqc prwfxa PRWMAA PRWMAF PRWMAH PRWPAA Prwrqb PRWRXA PRWUAA PRWUBB prwvip RA_ActivationReq.M4T RA_BatchManager.M4T RA_CommonEntryDetail.pvc RA_CustomerRMAPrinting_rpt.pvc RA_EmailMessage.M4T RA_Entity.M4T RA_ExportLink.M4T RA_GenerateCreditMemo_upd.pvc RA_GenerateSalesOrder_upd.pvc RA_GridDefinition.M4T RA_MemoDefault.M4T RA_MemoDefault.M4T RA_MemoManager.M4T RA_MemoRelationship.M4T RA_Menu.M4T RA_Message.M4T RA_Module.M4T RA_PopupXref.M4T RA_ReportManagerMaster.M4T RA_ReportManagerTemplate.M4T RA_RMAReceiverPrinting_rpt.pvc RA_Task.M4T RA0CTL.SOA RA0DD2.SOA RA0DD4.SOA RA0DD5.SOA RA0FRM.SOA RA1OFC.SOA RA1Q01.SOA RA1Q02.SOA RA1Q03.SOA RA1Q04.SOA RA1QDD.SOA SC_STEP2.HTM Sc_step2_no_ship.HTM search.htm search_store.htm Setup.inx SO_CommonEntry.pvc SO_CommonEntry_ui.pvc SO_CommonEntryDetail.pvc SO_Invoice_Bus.pvc SO_Invoice1.rpt SO_Invoice2.rpt SO_Invoice3.rpt SO_Invoice4.rpt

SO_InvoiceDetail_Bus.pvc SO_InvoicePrinting_rpt.pvc SO_InvoiceTierDistribution_UI.pvc SO_PackingListPrinting_rpt.pvc SO_PickingSheet1.rpt SO_PickingSheet2.rpt SO_PickingSheet3.rpt SO_PickingSheetPrinting_ui.pvc SO_ProgramLibrary.m4t SO_SalesJournal_upd.pvc SO_SalesOrder_bus.pvc SO_SalesOrder_svc.pvc SO_SalesOrder_ui.pvc SO_SalesOrder1.rpt SO_SalesOrder2.rpt SO_SalesOrder3.rpt SO_SalesOrder4.rpt SO_SalesOrderDetail_bus.pvc SO_SalesOrderHistory.pvc SO_SalesOrderPrinting_rpt.pvc SO_Shipping_Ui.Pvc SO_VIPerform.M4P Status.flp submit_so.htm swcocx SWPVUR swzurl SY_Activation_ui.pvc sy_companycopy_ui.pvc SY_Constant.pvc SY_GridDefinition.M4T SY_GridDefinition.M4T SY_Installation.pvc SY_LevelConversion.pvc SY_MemoHandler_bus.pvc SY_Message.M4T SY_Module.M4T SY_PayrollEFilingMapping.M4T SY_PDFConverter.pvc SY_PeriodEndReport_bus.pvc SY_PeriodEndReport_ui.pvc SY_ProgramLibrary.m4t SY_ReportCommon.pvc SY_Session.pvc SY_StarShipServer.PVC SY_System.M4T SY_Task.M4T SY_Update.pvc SY_UpdateUI.pvc sy_user_bus.pvc sy_user_ui.pvc sy0ctl.soa SY0DD2.SOA VI_ExportJobCompile.pvc VI_Import_UI.pvc VI_ImportJobCompile.pvc VI_ImportJobMaintenance.M4L VI_ImportJobMaintenance_UI.PVC VI_Menu.M4T VI_Module.M4T VI_PopupXref.M4T VI_Task.M4T VI0CTL.SOA VI0DCT.SOA

VI0DD2.SOA VI0FRM.SOA VI0PER.SOA VI1QDD.SOA VIWUD4 What.htm What_FixedAssets_2008.1.1.htm wkStatus.flp WOWJCA Wowubb

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