Sage Mas 90 And 200 Extended Solutions Incorporation List

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Sage MAS 90 and 200 Extended Solutions Incorporation List Item No.






Distribution Table For Invoice Entry Adds user defined ‘distribution tables’ to Accounts Payable. Each table lists up to ninety-nine General Ledger Account Numbers and a corresponding percentage value for each account. During Invoice Data Entry, a distribution table may be selected and used to generate distribution lines for the invoice.

Accounts Payable




ACH Electronic Payment For A/P Allows for direct deposit entries to be processed for Accounts Payable Vendors and placed in files suitable for transmission to your financial institution. The files that are generated meet all NACHA (National Automated Clearing House Association) standards.

Accounts Payable




Retain Paid Invoices for 9999 Days Allows the retention of paid invoices for up to 9,999 days.

Accounts Payable




Additional Check Printing Sort Options Adds the ability to print checks in alphabetical order by Vendor Name.

Accounts Payable




Paperless Office: A/P Checks & Direct Deposit Stubs Allows you to generate checks and Direct Deposit stubs as PDF documents.

Accounts Payable




Multiple Company Aged Invoice Report Modifies the Accounts Payable Aged Invoice Report as follows: • adds a range of Company Codes to the Selection criteria • adds Company Code as a column on the report, to the left of the Invoice Number.

Accounts Payable




A/R Enhanced Invoice History Search Adds 'Customer phone number,' 'Lot/Serial number' to the Accounts Receivable Invoice History Inquiry and Sales Order ‘Copy From.’

Accounts Receivable




Expanded Numeric Mask for Price/Cost/Quantity Allows for the specification of a numeric mask of up to six decimal places for the Unit Price field, and up to five decimal places for Quantity and Cost fields in Invoice Data Entry, Invoice History Inquiry and Repetitive Invoice Entry. These masks will be used for field entry in Invoice Data Entry and Repetitive Invoice Entry and for display in Invoice History Inquiry.

Accounts Receivable




Customers with National Accounts Allows a Bill To Master Customer for each A/R Customer. Additionally, if you are using divisions in A/R, you can specify one A/R division as a ‘Bill To’ division and one as a ‘Sold To’ division. (See manual for further features.)

Accounts Receivable




Invoice History Edit Allows you to edit portions of the Accounts Receivable Invoices from Invoice History Inquiry. Once you press

Accounts Receivable



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the ‘Accept’ button, the A/R Invoice History Sort files will be updated to reflect any edits made. AR-1200

Cash Receipts Entry By Invoice Number Allows the entry of an Invoice Number in Cash Receipts Entry. When an Invoice Number has been entered, the Customer Number of the first matching Invoice from the Invoice History file will be placed in the Customer Number field.

Accounts Receivable



35 Option Categories Adds Categories A - Z and expands the Options Codes list to allow entry of all of the possible 35 categories.

Bill of Materials




Multiple Company Bank Reconciliation Allows reconciliation to be performed for an unlimited number of company codes. Checks with the same number, date, type and source will be consolidated into a single entry consisting of the sum of check totals during the Bank Reconciliation operation. The records will be cleared from the source companies as the mergers are performed.

Bank Reconciliation




Positive Pay Export Creates a ‘Positive Pay’ format export file from B/R Entries in a variety of different formats. We do not warrant that the financial institution associated with the name of any particular format will accept submission of that file. Please check with your financial institution for their current submission requirements prior to purchase.

Bank Reconciliation




Bank Reconciliation Import Imports a text file and validates data against the Bank Reconciliation Transaction file. For records found, the ‘Cleared Bank’ flag will be set to ‘Y.’

Bank Reconciliation




Decimal Precision for Distribution [Vert. App.] Allows you to specify the number of decimal places as well as the precision in the Unit Price, Unit Cost and Quantity fields. The following Extended Solutions are included in DP-1000: IM-1114; IM-1115; PO-1085. These cannot be sold separately.

Decimal Precision




Decimal Precision for Bill of Materials [Vert. App.] Allows you to specify the number of decimal places (up to 5) you wish to use in the Quantity and Unit Cost fields. The following Extended Solutions are included in DP1001 (which cannot be sold separately): BM-1005 and BM-1078.

Decimal Precision



Contract Pricing By Valid Date Adds three additional options for Customer/Date, Price Level/Date, and Customer/Price Level/Date to Inventory Item Pricing. Sales Orders and Sales Order Invoices will check for this new pricing method and, if a match is found, will substitute this pricing method over the MAS

Inventory Management



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90 MAS 200 standard pricing method. IM-1097

Additional Pricing Tiers for Item Pricing Adds new tiers, for a total of 20 tiers, to Customer and Item Pricing and Price Codes. Each tier can be based on a Unit Price or Flat Fee pricing method. Optionally, you may associate a standard comment line with each pricing tier and have that comment automatically added to a Sales Orders or Sales Order Invoice.

Inventory Management




Security For Inventory Inquiry Adds security to the Inventory Inquiry Screen, I/M Detailed Sales History Inquiry Option, and Purchase Order Inquiry from Inventory Inquiry. The security prevents the user from entering certain options and seeing cost or vendor information.

Inventory Management




'Physical Count' Entry By Ticket Number Adds data entry options for ‘Ticket Number Entry’ to the Inventory Management Physical Count process for all valuation methods, except Lot and Serial Number. Multiple item records may now be entered for each ‘Ticket’ Number. You can specify in Setup which Unit of Measure you wish to use for the counting process.

Inventory Management




Inactive Item Designation Allows you to designate certain items as ‘inactive’ by means of a check-box type Inventory Item Custom Office UDF. Sales Order Entry, Sales Order Invoice Entry, Purchase Order Entry, P/O Receipt of Goods Entry, P/O Return of Goods Entry, and I/M Transaction Entry will all be modified to disallow entry of Items that have a checked ‘inactive’ UDF.

Inventory Management




Vendor Name on Job Cost Transaction Report Substitutes the Vendor Name for the Vendor Number/Invoice Number on the Job Cost Transaction Detail Report for postings originating from the Accounts Payable module and for postings whose Cost Type is ‘Subcontract.’

Job Cost




Full Item Descriptions Allows the full description of inventory items to print on the Billing Selection Register, Job Transaction Detail Report and Job Invoices. The full descriptions are issued to a job from Inventory or received to a job from Purchase Order. Sage Extended Solutions IM-1090: Extended Item Information Posting to Job Cost and/or PO-1044: Custom Comment Post to Job Cost must be installed and enabled in order for this Extended Solution to function.

Job Cost




Job Status Posting Control Allows you to create a list of allowable job statuses for Purchase Order, Accounts Payable, Job Cost, Inventory and Payroll. A Job Number whose status does not appear on this list cannot be entered. A message box will appear showing the requested Job's status and the allowable job statuses for the selected module.

Job Cost



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^ Top LM-1028

Background Color by Company Code Allows a different background color to be established by company code.

Library Master




Enhanced Faxing for Paperless Office Adds internet faxing capabilities to Paperless Office forms by converting faxes to emails for the following providers: • Faxaway • eFax • MaxEmail • Protus

Library Master




Purchase Orders Created From Sales Orders Automatically creates Purchase Orders from Sales Order and Sales Order Invoice line items.

Purchase Order




Invoice Creation In Sales Order from Purchase Order Receipts Create Sales Order Invoices from Purchase Order Receipt of Goods and /or Receipt of Invoices. Sage Software Extended Solution PO-1020: Purchase Orders Created From Sales Order Line Items must be installed and enabled in order for this Extended Solution to function.

Purchase Order




Deduction Calculation Based On Earnings Type Provides the ability for deduction codes with a calculation method of ‘Percent of Gross’ or ‘Total Hours Worked’ to calculate based on a specified list of earnings types or user defined earnings types.





Automatic Earnings Code Maintenance by Employee The concept of ‘Automatic Earnings Codes’ (similar to Voluntary Deductions) has been added to Payroll. With this Extended Solution, a nearly unlimited number of earnings codes and the corresponding earning type (fixed or % of pay) can be set up and maintained for each employee. During payroll data entry or auto pay operations, this table of automatic earnings codes is drawn upon and the appropriate line items are added to the check.





Payroll Data Entry Import Utility Adds a utility to import into the Data Entry cycle of MAS 90 MAS 200 Payroll from a variety of ASCII file formats.





Prevailing Wage Rate by Labor Code Adds the ability to set up and maintain Prevailing Wage Rates for specific Labor Codes and Job Numbers. The new Wage Rates will be used during TimeCard and Payroll Data Entry.





Tax And Deduction Liability Check Generation Automatically creates Accounts Payable invoices in the amount of Payroll Employer Tax checks and ‘Other’ Deductions.





Additional Deduction Calculation Methods Adds several new deduction calculation methods: the ‘Percentage of Deduction’ method (which calculates the deduction amount as a percentage of another deduction




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for Employer Contribution Types only), the ‘Based on Regular and Overtime Hours’ method, the ‘Based on Paid Hours’ method (see below for a definition of ‘paid’ hours), the ‘Percentage of Total Hours’ method, and the ‘Based on Pay Rate’ method. PR-1091

Enhanced Benefit Accrual Allows you to keep track of concurrent multiple local income taxes for a given employee.Adds a ‘Minimum Hours Required for Benefit Accrual’ to Benefit Schedule Maintenance for each Schedule Code/Benefit Type. The ‘Fixed With Table’ calculation method has been added to the Benefit Schedule Maintenance for Vacation only. A utility to process Vacation Hours based on employee anniversary dates has also been added.





Deduction Recalculation in Payroll Entry Add a ‘Recalc’ button to Payroll lines allowing you to reset deduction amounts based on changes made to the pay entry.





Price Level By Customer and Product Line Allows pricing of Inventory items based upon a customer price level that can be set for each Product Line, Product Line/Price Code, or a Product Line/Ship-To Code combination. (If purchasing at version 4.05 or lower, will require AR-1127 as well, which ships at no charge.)

Sales Order




Item Sales History Allows you to view detailed Item Sales History by Customer/Item Number from Sales Order Entry, S/O Invoice Entry, A/R Customer Maintenance and Inquiry and Inventory Item Maintenance and Inquiry.

Sales Order




Enhanced Quick Print Sales Order Data Entry screens have been modified in the following ways: • ‘Quick Print’ will give you the option to print the Picking Sheet or the Sales Order • The option to print a shipping label is available after a single Picking Sheet is printed • The option to print a COD label is available after ‘Quick Printing’ an Invoice from S/O Invoice Data Entry

Sales Order




Ship To/Ship Via by Line Item Add new fields to Sales Order: S/O Invoice for Ship-To Code and Ship-Via Code for each line item. Write Customer Number and Division Number to AR_AO for Crystal reporting and populate existing records with the data fields for Customer Number and Division.

Sales Order




Customer Discount Rate by Line Item Adds a Customer Discount Rate field to the Sales Order and Sales Order Invoice header screens. The value entered in this new field will be the default value in the Line Discount % field for the order.

Sales Order




Bill Option Description and Price on Sales Order Forms Allows Bill of Material Kit or Standard Option descriptions, the corresponding prices, and the Extended

Sales Order



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Amounts to be printed on Sales Order and Sales Order Invoice forms. Additional functionality is available if you have Extended Solution BM-1042: 35 Options Categories installed and enabled. SO-1095

Sliding Scale Commissions By Item Allows commissions generated from Sales Order invoices to be calculated on a sliding scale based on either the gross profit percentage or the unit price of the individual Inventory line items. Additionally, you may calculate a line item’s commission amount by applying the commission rate arrived at by this Extended Solution to the line item extension rather than using the Inventory item’s standard commission method.

Sales Order




Customer Purchase Order Number Validation in Sales Order Modifies the Standard Sales Order Option ‘Check for Duplicate Customer PO Numbers’ by • Allowing the user to prevent re-use of a Customer P/O Number • Telling the user on what document the duplication was detected • Always searching A/R Invoice History • Optionally searching S/O Invoice Entry.

Sales Order




'ON DEMAND' Sales Order Fill Report Creates a report that allows you to detect which Sales Orders can be filled ‘On Demand,’ automatically select Picking Sheets for printing, calculate and auto-select the number of Shipping Labels needed for each order, create a Master Picking Ticket Report that summarizes the Item Numbers, Descriptions and Total Quantity for all selected orders and generate a ‘batch’ of Sales Order Invoices from the selected Sales Orders.

Sales Order




Enhanced Batch Processing Allows you to move invoices from one batch into another via any of the following options: Invoices may be selected individually. An entire batch (or batches) may be merged into another batch. Only Invoices noted as Complete will be moved en masse into another batch.

Sales Order




Item Pricing By Total Quantity Allows the price of Inventory Items entered on a Sales Order to be recalculated using one of the following methods: •Total Quantity of all items in a Product Line •Total Quantity of all items on the Sales Order •Sum of the Quantity Ordered •Total Quantity of all items that reference the same IM-1077 UDF •Total Quantity of all items in a Category Code.

Sales Order




Lot/Serial Distribution Entry from Sales Order Provides the ability to distribute Lot Numbers and Serial Numbers during Sales Order Entry. This Extended Solution is integrated with the Bar Code module’s S/O Invoice Import.

Sales Order




Back Orders Allowed By Customer Adds the ability to specify on a Customer level whether or not back orders are allowed.

Sales Order




Authorized Purchase Control by Customer Prevents specified customers from purchasing individual

Sales Order



items and/or purchasing from specific product lines. OR allows only specified customers to purchase certain items and/or from specific product lines. SO-1354

Commission Rate Table by Salesperson/Customer/Item # Add a new Commission Rate Maintenance Program to Sales Order Setup which allows the user to specify Commission Rate by Salesperson/Customer/Item Number.

Sales Order




Maintain Split Commissions by Customer Allows you to set up default Split Commission records by Customer.

Sales Order




Auto Generate Purchase Orders from S/O Entry Adds a 'Create PO' Button to Sales Order entry Totals tab which allows the user to create Drop Ship Purchase Orders without using a utility or manual data entry. (See also SO-1477 and PO-1020.)

Sales Order




Enhanced Sales Order Integration with Job Cost Enhances the functionality to the Sales Order integration with Job Cost. Some of the features include: Preventing WIP relief for S/O invoices, changing the job status, updating the posted costs to the estimate fields, posting drop ship costs to the job, using the sales order module's G/L accounts for COPGS and Revenue, relieve Inventory with Sales Journal Update.

Sales Order



Work Order Integration with 35 Option Categories Adds enhanced support for BM-1042, 35 Option Categories to all Work Order programs.

Work Order



^ Top WO-1032

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