Sacrifice 1

  • Uploaded by: jamian sarif
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 222
  • Pages: 1
SACRIFICE @ PENGORBANAN Sacrifice dr segi masa : Tinggalkan lunch hour anda, tinggalkan minum petang anda, kurangkan tgk tv malam2, kurangkan tgk wayang, kurangkan leisure time, kurangkan masa dgn family (tp jgn abaikan terus) kerana kalau anda berniat nak bagi family senang, kena susah2 dulu. Gunakan masa utk pi jumpa client, attend training, buat sales review and study bahan2 ilmu ttg biz nie..jgn sesekali lupa sembahyang Sacrifice dr segi komitment : Nie refer to komitment ngan kerja full time anda. Mmg benar, full time job beri steady income. Tapi kalau anda nak unlimited income, sabda nabi 90% sumber rezeki is bidang perniagaan, bukan kerja makan gaji anda..So, sacrificekan Annual Leave and Emergency Leave anda utk pi roadshow or jumpa valuable customer kalau perlu.. Sacrifice dr segi wang : Ini yang paling tak tahan but proven. Closed deal first. Komisen come later . When got referral, bagi imbuhan 100%.. Buy people and Jgn consern ttg kos sgt.. pikey long term benefit. Sacrifie dr segi maruah : Buang perasaan malu anda..Bile anda reach satu tahap yang "anda tak peduli apa org kata di belakang anda", anda akan rasa relax when face the prospect, konfident tinggi and insyaallah easy to closed deals..but jgn sampai org kata kita nie desperate nk biz.. This magic word applicable to any kind of business..just wanna share! Maklumat lanjut

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