Rules Of The Joint Session

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 5


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SEC. 1. The Congress' shall meet in joint session at the session hall of the House of Representatives at the date and time set forth in a concurrent resolulion approved by both Houses. RULE II PRESIDING OFFICERS

SEC. 2. The President of the Senate shall open and preside over the . joint session on the part of the Senate. SEC. 3. The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall open and preside over thejoint session on the part of the House. RULEltU

QUORUJI SEC. 4. A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum and in its absence in the Senate or in the House of Representatives, a smaller number may -adjourn from day to day and the House affected may compel the attendance of absent members in accordance with its Rules. RUlLE IV ORDER OF 1F!bU~]NE~~


Consideration of the Presidential Proclamation No. 1959 and her report thereon. ,

\SlICe. 6. The Congress shall keep a Journal of its proceedings, which shall contain a succinct and accurate account of what has taken place in every se~sion.

The preparation of the Journal and the Record shall be under the joint supervision of the SecretaIY of the Senate and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives and the latter shall undertake the printing thereof. RULE VI " CONSIDERATION OF THE REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT ON PROCLAMATJrON NO. 1959

SEC. 7. The Congress shall require the appearance of the Executive Secretary.lthe Secretary of the Interior and Local Government," s.ecretary of Justice, Secretary of National Defense, including the Chief of Staff of the Armed "Forces of the Philippines and the Director General of the Philippine National Police before the joint session of Congress and be heard on any matter pertaining to his department in relation to Proclamation No. 1959. The appearance of any other official or person whose testimony is relevant to the Order of Business under Rule IV (e) shall be decided jointly by the Senate President and the Speaker of the House, whose decision shall be final and not appealable. The authority to require"the presence of persons other than those herein enumerated cannot be delegated by the Senate President or the Speaker of the House. Each House shall be allotted a total of ten (10) hours to ask questions of all the concerned department heads or witnesses. The Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives shall be recognized alternately to lSlIffiC. lSI.

ask questions of the witnesses until the allotted period given to each House is exhausted.


JW~JJre'ER OW I8IA'~NG ;-r:JHnE'~ FW(Djf{t ~Ei'C.9. Whenever a Senator Dr IVlemberof the House of Representatives wishes to speak, he shall rise and request the Senate President or the Speaker of the House, as the cas; may be, to allow to have the fioor which consent shall be necessary before he may proceed.

If various Senators or ~Membersof the House of Representatives wish to have the floor, the Senate President or the Speaker of the House, as the case may be, shaJ.1recognize the one who first made the request. A Senator or Member of the House of Representatives who has been recognized may consume a maximum of ten (10) minutes, which is non-extendible. SEC. 10. No Senator or lVlemberof the House of Representatives shall interrupt another without the laUer's consent, which may not be obtained except through the Senate President or Speaker of the House, as the case may be.


SEC. 11. A motion to revoke Proclamation No. 1959 shall be presented by one Member of the Senate and one Member of the House of Representatives, who shall each be allowed t~n (10) minutes to explain the motion. SEC. 12. Only one Senator and Member of the House of Representatives shall second the said motion. He/She shall be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes to speak, which is non-extendible. ~EC. 13. Only one Senator and Member of the House of Representatives may object to the said motion. He/She shall be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes to speak, which is non-extendible. ~EC. 14. A resolution revoking Proclamation No. 1959 shall be approved by a vote of at least a majority of all the members of Congress voting jointly.

~~c. 11.5.

The Secretary of the Senate or the Secretary General of the House of Representatives shall alphabetically' call the names of the Senators and Members of the House of Representatives present who shall answer "yes~ or "no"upon being called.

SimCo :ll5. After the conch{~ion-Of voting,.the Secretary of the .S~;;~te and

.• the Secretary General of the House of Representatives shall inform the Senate President and the Speaker of the House, respectively, who shall forthwith announce the results of the voting. Thereafter, any Senator or Member of the House of Representatives who wishes to explain his/her vote may consume a maximum of three (3) minutes.




17. The Senate President and the Speaker of the House may not suspend or adjourn the joint session without a previous motion to adjourn or suspend to a date certain which should be approved by a majority of the Senators and by a majority of the Members of the House of Representatives present, as the case may be. . SIffiC.

SEC. 18. Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding section, the lack of quorum shall compel the Senate President or the Speaker of the House of Representative to adjourn the session, unless, by means of motion, which shall not be subject tQ...debate,a majority of the Senators or Members of the House of Representatives present, as the case may be, agree to its suspension. and ask the Senate President or the Spe~er of the House to order the Sergeant-at-Arms of the respective Houses to require the appearance of the absent Members or, if it is deemed necessary, to order their arrest as to form the necessary quorum. RULE X

RECORDS SEC. 19. An records of the joint session shall be transmitted to the Archivesof the Senate and the House of Representatives. RULEm APPLiCABLE RUlLE§

SEC. 20. The Rules of the Senate and the House of Representatives shall be suppletory to these Rules insofar as they are not inconsistent herewith.

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