Rule 1

  • June 2020
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CC2413 Fundamental Psychology for Health Studies 2009 / 10 Semester One

Guidelines on Academic Honesty and APA Format


What is plagiarism ( )? Plagiarism means the use of others’ work without making proper acknowledgement. It is a very serious though common “intellectual crime”. Studies at tertiary level, plagiarism will not be tolerated. How can I avoid plagiarism? There is a section “Conduct and Discipline” in HKCC’s Student Handbook that provides the details in avoiding as well as the consequence of plagiarism. Here we give some general tips on avoiding an allegation of plagiarism: 1. When taking verbatim notes from a book, article, or a webpage for your assignment, immediately record the source of the text. 2. While it is acceptable to discuss with fellow students on an assignment, do not show them anything that you have written for submission, lest the materials be copied without your knowledge. 3. For your own protection, keep all records of your work (drafts, written notes, etc.) until the end of the semester. This will help to clear your name in case your assignment is found to be similar to work submitted by another student.


How to make proper citations ( )? 1. All citations in the text must ALSO appear in the reference list at the end of your paper. 2. Order the references alphabetically (according to surnames of the first author), and then the year of publication (the earliest one comes first). 3. Each reference usually contains the following elements: author’s name, year of publication, (as well as title and publishing data in the reference list). 4. In parentheses and in the reference list, the ampersand (&) is used if there are more than one authors.

參考附註) in APA Format?

How to make citations in the reference list (

Examples adopted from APA Style Essentials

1) Journal article Murzynski, J., & Degelman, D. (1996). Body language of women and judgments of vulnerability to sexual assault. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 1617-1626. 2) Book Paloutzian, R. F. (1996). Invitation to the psychology of religion (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 3) Web document on university program or department Web site Degelman, D., & Harris, M. L. (2000). APA style essentials. Retrieved May 18, 2000, from Vanguard University, Department of Psychology Web site: 4) Article or chapter in an edited book Shea, J. D. (1992). Religion and sexual adjustment. In J. F. Schumaker (Ed.), Religion and Mental Health (pp. 70-84). New York: Oxford University Press.

How to make citations in the text in APA Format? 1. Surname of the author and the year of publication are inserted in the text at appropriate points: Rogers (1994) compared reaction times… In a recent study of reaction times (Rogers, 1994)… In a recent study of reaction times (Rogers, 1994; as cited in Sue & Davis, 2003)… Rogers (1994) stated that "… …" (p.18). 2. Within a paragraph, you need not include the year in subsequent references: In a recent study of reaction times, Rogers (1994) described the method…Rogers also found… 3. If a source with three to five authors, all the authors’ surnames should be cited at the first-time citation only. Use the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” when you cite the source again. As a beginner, where can I learn more about citations? 1. English: refer to APA Publication Manual published by The American Psychological Association (5th ed.) 2. Chinese: refer to The Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies published by The Chinese University Press, or the Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) ( ) ). Company (


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How can I search on-line references via PolyU or CPCE libraries? You can search many useful literatures via PolyU / CPCE libraries on-line database. Here're the steps: 1) Go to PolyU library homepage

1) Go to CPCE libraries homepage

2) Click "Databases" under "Find Articles, Journals, News” 3) Click "Database by Subject"

2) Click “Electronic Resources” 3) Click “Databases by Subject Cluster”

4) Click “Psychology”

4) Click “Humanities, Communications and

Social Science” 5) Find out "PsycInfo (1806+) via CSA" or “PsycARTICLES”

5) Click "PsycINFO” under Database

6) Click "To access"

6) Type the keywords of your research topic to search for any related literatures

7) Type the keywords of your research topic to search for any related literatures

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