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  • Words: 970
  • Pages: 6
Set No. 1

Code No: RR222304

II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008 INSTRUMENTATION METHODS OF ANALYSIS (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) What are the suitable instrumental methods used for the analysis of i. gaseous mixtures, ii. alloys and ores iii. traces of metal ions (b) Write notes on i. Comparison with standards ii. Standard addition method (c) Write notes on i. Problems in analysis ii. Methods of analysis


2. (a) Define the following terms: Photometer, Spectrophotometer and Colorimeter. (b) Define Lambert’s law and Beer’s law and derive the equations. (c) What is the difference between molar absorptivity and absorbance? [6+6+4] 3. (a) Calculate the frequency of radiation whose wavelength is 400 nm. Express this wavelength in wave number. (b) Calculate the wave number of the radiation if the frequency is 2.06 × 1014 Hz given c = 3.0 × 1010 cm/sec (c) Calculate the wavelength of electron moving with one third of the speed of light. [4+4+4+4] 4. (a) How will you determine metallic elements in food industry using Atomic absorption spectroscopy? (b) How will you determine Ca, Mg, Na, and K in blood serum using Atomic absorption spectroscopy? [8+8] 5. Write briefly on (a) Schematic and function of laser microscope (b) Quantitative analysis (c) Photographic plates (d) Echelle monochromators.


6. Draw a schematic diagram of an nmr instrument and discuss the parts 1 of 2


Set No. 1

Code No: RR222304 7. Discuss ESR instrumentation with a block diagram.


8. Discuss theory and practice of HPLC.



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Set No. 2

Code No: RR222304

II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008 INSTRUMENTATION METHODS OF ANALYSIS (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. What are the instrumental methods? How are they classified? Name two or three instrumental methods for each of the physical property. [16] 2. (a) Why water can’t be used as a solvent for infrared spectroscopy? (b) Which crystals are used for optical systems in infrared instruments? (c) Which selection rule is used in IR spectroscopy? (d) Why far infra red region and near infra red regions are not much of use for spectroscopic purposes? [4+4+4+4] 3. (a) Why are complexes used to quantitatively determine metal ions? (b) What are the requirements of complex ions to be used in a spectrophotometric determinations? [8+8] 4. (a) Describe the procedure for quantitaton in Atomic absorption spectroscopy (b) Why is the internal standard procedure seldom used in atomic absorption determination? (c) Why the technique of atomic absorption is only limited to metals? [8+4+4] 5. Write an assay on plasma excitation sources.


6. What is nmr? Explain the properties of nuclei


7. Discuss aminoacids separation by paper chromatography.


8. What is the Van Deemeter Equation? In a column 6 ft long A=0.1, B=0.05, C=0.2 and V=0.1 ft/sec. What is the theoretical plate height? How many theoretical plates are in the column? [16] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

1 of 1

Set No. 3

Code No: RR222304

II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008 INSTRUMENTATION METHODS OF ANALYSIS (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) Define sensitivity and detection limits. (b) Give the detection limits of i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Gas chromatography I.R. spectrophotometry U.V. spectrophotometry NMR Mass Spectrometry

(c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of chemical and instrumental methods. [6+5+5] 2. Write short notes on : (a) Molar extinction coefficient (b) laws of absorption (c) Photometric titrations (d) Photometric accuracy.


3. Write short notes on the following UV applications: (a) Quantitative analysis (b) Molecular Weight determination (c) Impurities in organic compounds.


4. (a) Fluctuation in flame temperature can be considered a physical interference. Discuss the relative seriousness of flame temperature fluctuations in flame emission and atomic absorption spectroscopy. (b) Why so turbulent flow burners never strike back? (c) How will you determine lead in petrol by of atomic absorption spectroscopy [6+4+6] 5. (a) Explain briefly the electrical sources. (b) How the samples are introduced? 6. Write notes on: (a) Proton exchange 1 of 2


Set No. 3

Code No: RR222304 (b) Magnet in nmr (c) RF Generator (d) Detector


7. What are the principal analytical uses of column chromatography?


8. Describe three detectors with diagrams used in GC.



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Set No. 4

Code No: RR222304

II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008 INSTRUMENTATION METHODS OF ANALYSIS (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1. (a) How is relative error expressed? (b) Define the term mean and median. Under what condition does the median become equal to the mean? (c) What is the difference between atomic and molecular spectroscopy? (d) What is the effect of determinate error on normal error curve?


2. Write short notes on: (a) Requirements of a UV radiation source (b) Hydrogen discharge lamp (c) Deuterium lamps (d) Xenon discharge lamps.


3. (a) Discuss the origin of color in organic compounds. What are chromophores and auxochromes? (b) Explain with suitable examples ,the meaning of blue and red shifts.


4. (a) Write the advantages of atomic absorption spectroscopy over flame emission spectroscopy? (b) What is a single beam and a double beam atomic absorption spectrophotometer and explain the instrumentation involved? (c) Define sensitivity and detection limits in atomic absorption spectroscopy. [6+6+4] 5. Explain briefly (a) Qualititative analysis (b) Line reversal (c) Matrix effects (d) Preburn time.


6. Draw and discuss the nmr spectrum of ethanol 7. Describe TLC technique with suitable examples. 8. Discuss the principles and applications of Gas chromatography. ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 1 of 1

[16] [16] [16]

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