Royal Tea - Complete Marketing Plan For Tea

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  • Words: 8,061
  • Pages: 35
Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)


Dinesh G. Mhatre Roll No 6

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management) eMBA Sem III

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

Contents 1.

Executive Summary..........................................................................................3


Product Description:.........................................................................................4


Situation Analysis..............................................................................................8


Market Trends & Growths...............................................................................13


Market Needs:.................................................................................................17


SWOT Analysis................................................................................................18


Explanation of the 7 P’s..................................................................................19




Marketing Objective........................................................................................22


Issue Analysis.................................................................................................23




Marketing Strategy:........................................................................................24


Product Policy..................................................................................................25


Marketing Mix of Royal Tea.............................................................................27


Action Plan......................................................................................................30


Financial Projection:........................................................................................31

Financial Projection:

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

1.Executive Summary The marketing plan includes the fundamental for the introduction of newcomer in the Indian Tea market known as Royal Tea. The Internal & External analysis of the organization, competitive environment enables the team to propose dynamic & competitive strategy for Royal Tea. Royal Tea is an innovative product which is close to herbal tea and black tea and this product can serve as body cleanser.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

2.Product Description: Intestinal wellbeing is essential to sustain a healthy body and should be preserved and maintained daily. This is the only product that does that safely and effectively. While not an easy topic to address, Colon and Intestinal cleansing is a subject that needs to be dealt with in the quest for weight management, vital health and longevity. Royal Tea is a safe, natural, and powerful means of promoting the healthy elimination of potentially harmful toxins and waste while opening the pathway to superior assimilation of important nutrients. It promotes the health and longevity of many organs, systems, glands and metabolic processes that are dependent on the condition of your digestive system. The use of Royal Tea has many additional benefits: it improves overall digestion, strengthens the immune system, reduces mucus congestion, makes the skin more emollient and flexible, clears the eyes and provides an overall boost to the energy of your system. It aids in cleansing and detoxifying the blood, kidneys, liver and lymph. As well, it helps to eliminate parasites, bad bacteria, viruses and fungus on a daily basis by releasing heavy metals and increasing the pH of the body. Royal Tea is a safe and gentle cleanser that also helps reverse the aging process. During the digestive process, moisture is extracted from consumed materials. As a result, the matter becomes gluey and coats the walls and fills the pockets of the colon and intestines. This waste becomes stagnant and is no longer able to pass through the digestive tract. Layer upon layer of this rubbery substance begins to block the walls of the colon and small intestine, preventing your body from absorbing the nutrients you need. These stagnant layers, usually black in color, are potentially dangerous and are referred to by doctors as "mucoid plaque". The average individual is carrying between 7 and 25 pounds of old, hardened waste within his digestive system. Worse still, this vile matter quickly begins to rot, creating foul odors, and gases. This cesspool of decomposing material permits an immense number of bad bacteria and deadly fungus to thrive within the human body. During the decaying process, these substances can enter the bloodstream and affect every part of the body. Unfortunately, the average individual does not commonly recognize the effects of the mucoid plaque because what is abnormal has become normal to the majority of the population. This waste (along with the overuse of antibiotics) disrupts the delicate ‘balance of power’ in our bowels between the bacteria and fungus. The average person now has the ratio of “good bacteria” to fungus reversed; 15% good bacteria, 85% fungus. When the small intestine fills with fungus, the organs and glands are deprived of their building blocks and systems begin to fail. Bad digestion and poor assimilation of vital nutrients is the result. Any undigested food (no matter how healthy) left in the digestive track is poison to your body and will cause numerous health issues. The easiest and safest way to remove the undigested food from the digestive track and to clean off the plaque from the intestinal walls is to drink Royal Tea each and every day with your meals. Good intestinal health is important and should be preserved and maintained daily. Royal Tea is a unique blend of all natural ingredients. Persons who suffer with Acid Reflux, Constipation, Indigestion, Bloating, Excess Gas and Belching should use Royal Tea. People who would like to take inches off their stomach, clean out Nicotine & second hand smoke and keep the Liver, Lungs and Colon healthy and clean will benefit from this product. Royal Tea helps detoxify chemicals created by a Spastic Colon, Parasites, Fungus, Bacteria and Toxins from the entire digestive system. It may also be used as an element of a Weight Management Program.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management) With continued use of Royal Tea, you will experience clearer, healthier, younger looking skin, increased energy and a happier outlook. The objective is to regulate your bowel movements to two or three each day in order to keep the waste flowing and not sitting in your digestive system, which will cause numerous chronic health conditions. You may adjust the amount of tea you consume daily to suit your body’s needs but make sure to drink enough vitalized water daily. (Take your body weight in pounds. Divide that by 2. The number you come up with is the amount in ounces of vitalized water that you should be consuming during the day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you should drink 75 ounces.) This is recommended for everyone. Many people mistakenly believe that a two to four week cleanse is sufficient to restore their health. They are wrong. Daily maintenance of the digestive tract is imperative and necessary to re-establish and preserve your wellbeing. Alternative two to four week colon cleanses that are available are simply band aids, resulting in a short term solutions without addressing the underlying intestinal disorders. The mechanism behind these cleanses involve the removal of waste from the intestinal tract; however, they do not work long or deep enough for cell rejuvenation to occur. Results are short lived with a 3 week cleanse exhibiting only 3 weeks of relief. One can look at the short term cleanses as a holiday for the colon, but once the “holiday” is over, the colon returns to the recurrent malabsorbsion, bloating and gaseous problems. The average colon needs only weeks to clean out waste products, but our objective, with the use of Royal Tea, is change at the cellular level to restore the tone and vitality of the digestive tract. It takes one to two years to undergo cellular detoxification that results in proper peristaltic action in the removal of waste and an increase in nutrient absorption. Once the intestinal tract is restored we suggest the use of a daily dosage of Royal Tea to maintain colon integrity throughout your life. Royal Tea works on constipation to colitis. It not only cleanses and heals the intestines; it also helps in the removal of parasites, viruses, fungus and bad bacteria. As well, it reduces acidity, not only from the digestive tract but from other organs and tissues. Royal Tea tastes good and continues to cleanse and rejuvenate, deeper and more effectively, the longer it is used. Overall it is an incredible product that will continually protect your health and rejuvenate your body for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day. The Royal Society of Medicine has stated that over 85% of chronic illnesses stem from Digestive Disorders and are reversible and preventable. Digestive Disorders and their related illnesses need not be experienced. Royal Tea not only cleanses and rejuvenates the digestive tract but also supports the health and wellbeing of the entire body; a formula with positive results that is safe to take on a daily basis for a lifetime of protection. Live a full and healthy life. Ingredients are a special blend of: Persimmon leaves, Malva leaves, Holy Thistle, Marshmallow leaves. It is a special blend that allows for the gentle cleansing of the whole body with continued use. ROYAL TEA IS A TOTAL BODY CLEANSE FOR TOTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

Royal Tea Ingredients Holy (Blessed) Thistle Holy (Blessed) Thistle has been used medicinally for over 2000 years, most commonly for the treatment of liver problems by supporting it in the release of toxins. It has been highly regarded for therapeutic uses and was cultivated throughout Europe and some say gained its moniker through its reputation as a 'heal-all', even credited with curing the Plague. It was in known cultivation as early as the mid1500's. In "Much Ado About Nothing", Shakespeare praises its medicinal prowess: "Get you some of this distilled Carduus Benedictus and lay it to your heart; it is the only thing for a qualm.... I mean plain Holy Thistle... Therefore I counsell all that have Gardens to nourish it, that they may have it always to their own use, and the use of their neighbours that lacke it." Mattheolus and Fuschius wrote of Carduus benedictus, saying "It is a plant of great virtue; it helpeth inwardly and outwardly; it strengthens all the principal members of the body, as the brain, the heart, the stomach, the liver, the lungs and the kidney; it is also a preservative against all disease, for it causes perspiration, by which the body is purged...therefore, give God thanks for his goodness, Who hath given this herb and all others for the benefit of our health." Holy thistle products are still popular in Europe and the United States for various types of liver disease. Holy thistle is believed to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood. It is such a good blood purifier that drinking a cup of thistle tea twice a day will cure chronic headaches. It is also used for stomach and digestive problems, gas in the intestines, constipation, gallbladder disorders, lack of appetite (not feeling hungry) and on the skin for treating infected wounds or ulcers. As well it is very effective for dropsy, strengthens the heart and is good for the lungs and kidneys. Some claim that the warm tea, made from Holy Thistle, given to mothers will produce a good supply of milk. That is why it is also called Milk Thistle. It is also said to be good for girls entering womanhood as a tonic. In herbal medicine today, Holy Thistle is used to treat cancer as well as infections, heart and liver ailments, and fevers. Persimmon Persimmon leaves are a good source of important dietary antioxidants, such as vitamin A & C and flavonoids. It has been widely used as a tea in oriental countries. In particular, several tannins and flavonoids isolated from persimmon leaf were recently found to have antihypertensive, anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic actions. It is highly possible, therefore, that persimmon leaves may be developed into potential sources of natural antioxidants and therapeutic drugs. Persimmon leaf is anti-allergic and anti-pruritic in composition; in other words, an allergy or itching preventive food. No need for antihistamines again. Furthermore, research has proven the therapeutic effect of persimmon leaf extract on those suffering from dermatitis. The preventive effect of persimmon leaf extract on the dermatitis was dose-dependent and a continuous intake of persimmon leaf extract significantly decreased its onset and development. There were no significant adverse reactions observed. As well, studies have shown that supplementation of persimmon leaf improves lipid profiles and suppresses body weight gain in animals that were fed high-fat diets. It is also used topically in some beauty products to help to clarify the skin and eliminate dull and dark areas. Marshmallow Leaf Marshmallow Leaf has been traditionally used to soothe and support the intestines. Herbs high in mucilage (a natural gummy substance that does not dissolve in

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management) water) such as Marshmallow, are often helpful for symptomatic relief of coughs and irritated throats. Marshmallow root and, to a lesser extent, marshmallow leaf both contain significant percentages of mucilage; Like other mucilage-containing substances, marshmallow swells up and becomes slick when it is exposed to fluids. The resulting slippery material coats the linings of the mouth, throat and stomach to relieve irritation. Marshmallow has expectorant and demulcent properties, which accounts for this herb’s historical use as a remedy for the respiratory tract, particularly in cases of irritating coughs with bronchial congestion and to alleviate heartburn. Marshmallow leaf relieves irritation by coating inflamed surfaces. Its primary use in modern herbal medicine is to relieve sore throat, but it also relieves perianal inflammation (when taken orally) caused by severe diarrhea. It also has mild antibacterial, anti-allergy and immune-boosting properties. Topically, marshmallow is used to soothe and soften irritated skin. Marshmallow leaf is completely non-toxic. Malva Leaf This plant is one of the earliest cited in recorded literature and was considered a perfect plant. Dioscorides extols it as a remedy, and in ancient days it was not only valued as a medicine, but was used, especially the Musk Mallow, to decorate the graves of friends. Pliny said: 'Whosoever shall take a spoonful of the Mallows shall that day be free from all diseases that may come to him.' All Mallows contain abundant mucilage, and the Arab physicians in early times used the leaves as a poultice to suppress inflammation. Many species are edible as leaf vegetables. As an herbal mixture, it is commonly used for its colon cleansing properties and as a weight loss supplement. As well, this herb can help soothe inflammation in the mouth and throat and is helpful for earaches. The seed contains mucilage, polysaccharides and flavonoids. It is demulcent, (soothes and softens irritated tissues, especially the mucus membranes) diuretic, emollient, (softens the skin) galactogogue (increases milk flow in nursing mothers) and is a gentle stimulator of the bowels. The seeds which have a sweet and astringent taste are used in Tibetan medicine. They are used in the treatment of renal disorders, the retention of fluids, frequent thirst and diarrhea.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

3.Situation Analysis Market Summary

History of Tea It is said that tea was discovered accidentally by Emperor Shen Nung back in 2700BC. After a large meal one day, he was relaxing in the garden with a cup of boiling water. At that time some leaves from a nearby tree fell into the cup. Unnoticed he consumed the drink. He enjoyed the taste of the tea and the pain relief of the drink was so much. Like this the cup of tea was born. The Indian legend tells how in the fifth year of a seven year sleepless contemplation of Buddha he began to feel drowsy. He immediately plucked a few leaves from a nearby bush and chewed them which dispelled his tiredness. The bush was a wild tea tree. The first tea used in England came from China, and it wasn't until the 19th century that tea growing spread to other countries and indigenous tea was discovered in Assam. The UK is the largest importer of tea. The English quickly developed an almost unquenchable thirst for the drink and began searching for a way to get tea without having to buy it solely from China . In 1835 the English East India Company, upon discovery of an indigenous variety of Camellia Sinensis in Assam , India , established their first experimental tea plantation there. It was largely unsuccessful at the beginning. In 1856 varieties of tea from the Yunnan and Keemun provinces of China were introduced in Darjeeling , India , and soon thrived. Some of the most prized and expensive Indian black teas come from this high mountain region. One year later tea was cultivated in Ceylon ( Sri Lanka ). Luckily, for tea growers and consumers, a fungus wiped out the coffee crop in Ceylon in 1869, then its' main export. This opened the door to increased tea production and exportation. By the early 1900's tea was being cultivated in Java, Sumatra , Indonesia, Kenya and other parts of Africa . Presently, the United States has been added to the list of tea producers as there is one plantation in North Carolina. Manufacture Tea manufacture is the process of converting young fresh tea shoots into dry black tea. This involves a number of processes from plucking to packing. At the plucking stage, only the top leaf tips are picked every 6 to 7 days. The tip leaves are younger and finer which produce a better quality tea. The fresh green leaves now need to have the moisture removed from them. This is done by blowing air through the leaves for up to 14 hours, leaving a soft and pliable leaf. There are then two ways of treating the tea. Tea which is to be used as loose leaf, will normally be rolled gently to create a twisted appearance. In contrast, tea which is to be used for tea bags, is shredded and crushed to produce a small granular product. Rolling and crushing the leaves, results in the rupturing of the leaf cells which allows oxidation to occur. This gives the tea its distinctive black colour and flavour. The tea is then dried at high temperatures to achieve the correct taste. When it has been dried, the leaf tea is of differing sizes and will also contain pieces of fibre and stalk. At this point it is processed to remove pieces of stalk which will then leave tea suitable to be sold as loose tea. The tea is passed through varying sizes of meshes to sort it and has to be passed through very fine ones in order to produce tea fine enough for tea bag production. This process of sorting is a harsh one and it can cause the tea to lose some of its flavour. That is why loose tea usually has a better flavour than the tea in a tea bag. Types of Tea

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management) There are several ways of classifying tea like the country or region of origin. The tea is divided in three types: • Black tea Black teas are produced by withering, cutting, rolling, fermenting and drying the tea leaves. The infusion can be light or dark in appearance, varying in color from orange to brown and will usually have a strong taste. • Green tea Green teas are teas that have been picked and rolled before firing. This stops the veins on the leaves breaking, preventing the fermentation process, so that the leaf does not turn brown. The brewed tea is pale yellow or green in color. • Oolong tea Oolong teas are semi-green teas, produced by stopping the fermentation process just as the leaves start to turn brown. The leaves are then fired or dried and deliver a yellowish infusion. The different tastes of tea There are nine main tastes of tea in the world: • Original tea (from specific countries or regions) • Standard teas • Medicinal teas • Organic teas • Hot or cold teas • Perfumed teas • Seasoning teas • Decaffeinated teas • Exotic teas.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

Indian Tea Market Demographics India: the largest tea consumer in the world India consumes the largest quantity of tea in the world, accounting for nearly 14% of global retail volume sales. Geographically, tea is widely consumed in the North, East and West of India, and is popular with a wide variety of social classes and consumer age groups. However, it ranks 7th in value terms, due to relatively low unit prices. Black standard tea constitutes nearly 80% of value sales, although green tea has seen its popularity rise Indian Tea Market The tea industry in India is about 170 years old. It occupies an important place and plays a very useful part in the national economy. Tea plantations in India are mainly located in rural hills and backward areas of North-eastern and Southern States. Major tea growing areas of the country are concentrated in Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The other areas where tea is grown to a small extent are Karnataka, Tripura, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Bihar and Orissa. Tea is an essential item of domestic consumption and is the major beverage in India. Tea is also considered as the cheapest beverage amongst the beverages available in India. The major competitive countries in tea in the world are Sri Lanka, Kenya, China and Indonesia. China is the major producer of green tea while Sri Lanka and Indonesia are producing mainly orthodox varieties of tea. Kenya is basically a CTC tea producing country. While India is facing competition from Sri Lanka and Indonesia with regard to export of orthodox teas and from China with regard to green tea export, it is facing competition from Kenya and from other African countries in exporting CTC teas. Indian tea industry is having (as on 31.12.2006 ) • 1655 registered Tea Manufacturers • 2008 registered Tea Exporters • 5148 number of registered tea buyers • Nine tea Auction centers

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Estimated internal consumption and per capita consumption of Tea in India YEAR

Domestic Consumption (M.Kgs)

Per Capita Consumption (Grammes Per Head)

1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

73 140 221 360 511 524 537 550 562 580 597 615 633 653 673 693 714 735 757 771 786 802

202 319 403 527 600 606 606 608 610 617 625 633 642 652 654 663 672 681 691 693 696 701

Above Line graph clearly indicates that till 1991 Tea consumption grew at the phenomenon rate of 32.2% where as in recent past few years the average rate of consumption growth is 0.7%. Tea being the only beverage which is consumed at the largest following Water hence there is no trouble to India tea market future in India with growing population.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

1.Market Trends & Growths Above Pie-Chart clearly shows that it is CTC Tea which contributes the major market share (82%) in Indian Tea Market. CTC Tea Market Share Above CTC Market share pie-chart displays that Tata is having biggest market share of 24.53% followed by Hindustan Unilever’s Red Label

Above pie-chart of Top Markets and their share indicates that West India accounts to approximately 30% plus of tea sales rest is distributed between North & East Markets according to stores located in various parts of country. Tea Producing States in India

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

The East & Noth East Region of India Assam valley and Cachar region in Assam parts if the states of Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur, Orissa and Darjeeling, Dooars, Terai regions of West Bengal. The North Region of India Kangra valley in Himachal Pradesh, Dehradoon region in Uttar Pradesh The South Region of India The hilly regions and plains (Annamalai) of Tamil Nadu, parts of the states of Kerala and Karnataka.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

2.Market Needs: The India is the world’s second most populated country contributing 17.23% of world’s population. The health related issues in India also increasing day by day due to the lifestyle and inclination of the generation towards fast food or junk food which generally responsible for health hazards. Being Inda as developing country the more and more people in India are getting literate and educated. The education in turn brings awareness in the people and they understand what do’s and don’ts. There is class of people who are health cautious most of them fall under high class societies. India is predicated to be the number one in terms of diabetes and heart disease in the world in coming decades. It is difficult to change the lifestyle of people all of sudden and hence people look for better product which can keep them healthy and offer resistance or meditate their health for long life and better health. Tea is hot beverage consumed by people all over the world at highest after water. So it is a great idea if tea can prove as tea as well as medicine and offer better health & immunization as it is consumed twice to thrice a day. If tea can provide halth benefits it will be surely welcomed by the class of health conscious people.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

3.SWOT Analysis Strength

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Local company that will be favored by the Indians. Diminishment of Financial Risk (no exchange rates or import from other EU countries. Insider knowledge of India Uniqueness of the product - Benefits of product are outstanding and not offered by any other product/company.


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New company - needs to establish its position in the market place Brand name is little known


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Shortage of tea supply unlikely Supply should remain stable over next 3-5 years Demand should remain in relative sync with supply Mass market tea prices will stabilize Consumers are living a more healthy lifestyle Consumers prefer quality products that offer true value Modern technology in the tea industry will be able to increase productivity Growth in tea market due to promotional efforts of healthy attributes of tea


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Limited number of raw materials Unstable tea supply of high quality tea High quality tea prices will increase moderately Tea market is very competitive and relative elastic Strong local competition like Hindustan Uniliver & Tata tea Indian customers are loyal to their local brand Hindustan Uniliver & Tata tea. control over more than 50% of tea market

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

1.Explanation of the 7 P’s The traditional marketing mix contains of four major elements, the "4-Ps of marketing". As defined by Kotler et al. (1999): Product: "Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. In includes physical ob-jects, services, persons, places, organizations and ideas." Price: "The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the prod-uct or service." Promotion: "Activities that communicate the product or service and its merits to target customers and persuade them to buy." Place: "All the company activities that make the product or service available to target customers." In the context of services marketing, Booms and Bitner (1981) have therefore suggested an extended "7-Ps" approach that contains the following additional "Ps": People: All people directly or indirectly involved in the consumption of a service, e.g. employees or other consumers. Process: Procedure, mechanisms and flow of activities by which services are consumed. Physical Evidence: The environment in which the service is delivered. It also includes tangible goods that help to communicate and perform the service.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

2.Competition Top 10 Tea Companies in India • Hindustan Unilever Ltd. • Tata Tea Ltd. • Duncans Industries • Wagh Bakri Ltd. • Private Label • Goodricke Group Ltd. • Golden Tips Tea Pvt. • Hasmukhrai & Co • Girnar Food & Beverages P ltd • Sapat Packaging Industries

Hindustan Uniliver (32.50%) & Tata Tea (22.50%) are two major competitors in India Tea market and contributes around 55% of Indian Tea market share. Unilever: the clear market leader The packaged tea market is highly consolidated in India, with Unilever and Tata Tea accounting for almost half of retail value sales. Unilever (Brooke Bond and Lipton) is the clear leader, holding over 30% of the market share, while Tata Tea (Tata) trails it with almost 20%. The remainder of the market is far more fragmented and shared between numerous small players Both Unilever and Tata Tea saw a fall in retail sales as a direct result of the drop in the price of tea between 2000 and 2003. These mainstream players also saw their margin squeezed in the face of increased advertising spends and competition from unpackaged tea. Tata Tea: ambitions in international markets (World’s second largest branded tea company) Tata Tea is the largest vertically integrated tea firm in the world, from its plantation activity through to its packaging and marketing initiatives. Although Tata Tea is overshadowed by Unilever in its domestic market, the company has been the star performer in the global tea industry in recent years. Its high profile acquisition of the global Tetley brand in 2000 effectively consolidated its position in the international tea market. The company is now seeking to leverage the brand as a springboard to new markets. In 2003, Tata Tea started retailing its flagship brand Tata Tea in the US. The company closed a factory in Australia in the same year in order to increase the capacity of its Sri Lankan joint venture packaging company, which serves the Australian, Polish and Russian tea markets. It is currently looking into marketing Tetley in the Chinese market.

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In above BCG Matrix 1. Hindustan unilever 2. Tata Tea & Others Hindustan Unilever is main player in Indian tea market with market share of approximately 33%. Tata Tea is right behind Hindustan Unilever experiencing good market share as well as good market growth as of it is leading the world tea market. Other tea brands are at relative small market share as well as slow growth rate. Under No 5 we need to project Royal Tea. We need to develop it as Star Developing to Cash Cow.

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1. Marketing • •

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To To To To


offer consumer best health advantage through Royal Tea. establish as market leader in herbal tea industry enable Royal Tea to satisfy, fulfill the consumer’s personality & lifestyle increase Royal Tea’s popularity as an icon in Herbal Tea product.

The different managers should know the sales and marketing objectives of the firm in order to achieve these objectives. We are going to use the method SMART: • Specific: The objectives have to be clear. For example, in each shop, the company of “Royal Tea” must achieve the selling objectives. The turnover to reach will not be the same in the different shop because we make the selling objectives according to size of the shop, the frequentation, the type of the clients. • Measurable: The company has to follow the different targets in the sales outlets and if each shop allowed to reach the objectives. To measure the sales we can calculate the sales by day in order to understand how the client bought the product. With these data we can improve the strategy and the sales. The commercials can ask to the supermarket to put the product in a different way or to make more promotion. • Achievable: The targets have to be realist. At the beginning the turnover would grow slowly and after the promotion, it would have a faster expansion. If we reach to win clients from our main competitor (in a first time) and from the others tea brand (in a second time), the sales would grow increasingly. The firm should have a long term’s vision and should be reactive in front of decisions or problems which can occur. • Relevant: the objectives have to be founded on fact and not on suppositions. The firm has to respect its general strategy and its image. The firm should take into consideration the sales of its competitors in order to be based on relevant objectives. • Timed targeted: each objective should have a deadline. It can allow measuring the different sales of the day, of the week, of the month, according to these data, the firm can change the objectives or makes promotion to reach these objectives. The objectives for the first year: • 4 % of the market share of Hindustan Unilever & Tata Tea, the main competitor. • 2 % of the others tea’s competitors. • 1 % of the coffee drinkers • Introduce company into the market, strengthen and improve its position • Penetrate the black tea market and achieve revenue of 3 million INR p.a. • Penetrate health market with fruit and herbal teas achieve revenue of 1.5 INR p.a. We expect to hit 25% of Hindustan Unilever & Tata tea because it is our main competitor by converting their royal customers. With the strategy, the promotion 7 novelty of our brand we can expect to attain lots of customers. We look forward to hit 8% of other competitors To reach this objective we will make a lot of promotion in order to attract new clients, because we know that the population like and expect the promotional events to buy food and drink. We also expect to hit 2% market share of coffee and convert royal customers.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

1.Issue Analysis Main issues that should be addressed in the Action Plan: • Company needs to gain experience in the market place • Aggressive promotion efforts to establish brand name and gain market share • Create effective marketing mix • Establish company image of high quality, great value for money • Find distribution deal with main tea shops, supermarkets in India • Start aggressive promotion (e.g. free gifts included in purchase) to win customers of Lion Brand • Try to gain market share of Hindustan Unilever & Tata Tea by converting their royal customers.

1.Assumptions With respect to the tea market climate it is assumed that: • Strong competition in the market place will force price levels of products down • Royal Tea will only be able to differ from its competitors by introducing aggressive promotion tactics for their innovative product. • Tea supply will remain relatively stable • Demand should remain in sync with supply • Prices for high quality tea will increase moderately • Prices for mass market tea will stabilize

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1.Marketing Strategy: A. Market Gap Regarding our research in Indian supermarkets and pharmacies we have come to the result that there is no market gap in the tea market. It is important to point out that once the Maltese customer decides to consume a certain brand he or she will be very loyal to the product and it will therefore be hard to convince him or her to buy another brand. This is why the local tea brand Lion Brand has a Market Share of 60 %. Customers like it because it is cheap and they receive great value for their money. With the brand Royal Tea we are going to introduce innovative products in an existing market and focus on Market Development. Existing Market

New Market








Market Diverification



Royal Tea need to spread awareness about the health betterment by consuming the Royal Tea and capture the educated and health conscious class of people (usually from High Class society & educated). Lifestyle of customer is changing who emphasize on health, Royal Tea can capture this new rising market. Producing product in India is less expensive as India is second largest producer of tea in world tea market and also labor is cheap here. Since the Royal tea market will be limited for Indian territory only hence company do not have threat from exports & changes in Exchange rates.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

2.Product Policy Name of the local brand that is to be introduced in Indian Market Royal Tea Reasons for choosing Brand Name Royal Tea is strong name, easy to remember and refers good brand because the associations with royalty are “master”, “the best”, “the strongest”, “luxury”. The crown represents the power because we want to be the no 1 on the market It can be associated with quality, a luxury brand that is available & customers are receiving a good value for their money. There is also a “name-game” the brand name “Royal Tea” resembles the word “Royalty” giving associations that our tea is made for the nobility. Slogan It is more than a tea… …Rejuvenating Body Cleanse Reason for choosing slogan: The slogan It is more than a tea… indicates that the Royal Tea is mere a tea but is something more than that giving more values and benefits than any other tea in the market. In the next line …Rejuvenating Body Cleanse here we exactly try to explain in one line what it is other than just a tea. Rejuvenating tells that its develop youthfulness upon regular consumption by slowing down the aging process of body. Body Cleanse clearly tells that it helps to revive the body and clean the body from inside with help of its medicinal properties extracted from various herbs which are ingredients of this tea. The Logo

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

Explanation for different choices Golden Crown: It is a common symbol that refers to the royal Kings and Queens; it is easy to remember and catches the eye of the customer. The modernity represents a new birth for the tea because the young people believe that the tea is a beverage for old people. With this modernity it will attract a new Segment (youth). Golden Background: Golden color proves purity, wealth of the ingredients, the recipe, and the taste & power. The power is linked with the crown which represents the status and the sovereignty of the king. Our focus is on converting black tea market and focusing on new immerging health market.

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

3. Marketing

Mix of Royal Tea

1. Product Royal Tea will be a high quality product offered as specially blended black herbs tea. Contents of the Royal Tea are: 40 bags, 80 bags, 150 bags, 250 bags (Family pack) The amount of bags refers to different target groups. 40 bags for singles, 80 bags for couples, 150 bags and 250 bags are Family Packs. (250 bags is the most famous) Packaging: Customer perception of a package creates brand equity and purchaser loyalty. The image presented by the package largely determines success or failure of a tea line. Appearance stimulates memories and emotions inside the purchaser, who oftentimes is female, often buying for an entire family. Colour, image and slogan all combine to facilitate customer allegiance. Top



Left Half

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Right Half

Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

Target: We want to touch the target group in a progressive way. At the beginning, it is important to convert the royal consumers of black tea & touch fruit tea and health tea consumers. In second time, we should attract the consumers of the main competitor Hindustan Unilever & Tata Tea. The next step will be to touch the tea drinkers in general and at the end, the consumers of coffee. We can argue for the coffee drinkers that the Royal Tea is as strong as the coffee and good for the health. 2. Place High quality for a reasonable price can be bought from Assam & Darjeeling and will then be blended and packed. The final product will be distributed to Retailers such as Supermarkets and main tea shops so the end consumer has easy access to it. Place in supermarket: On the middle and lower levels the Royal Tea should be placed according to the content of tea bags. 40 bags should be placed higher than the ones containing more bags. 3. Price Prices for the tea should be as the following: Reasons for pricing policy: Royal Tea is competing against the main player on the Indian Tea Market Hindustan Unilever & Tata Tea by setting a higher price but offering more value for it. Various promotion activities, giveaways and advertising on radio and television will help to establish the brand and gain market shares. 4. Promotion The promotion is the most important point to launch our products because we want to be able to compete with our biggest competitor Hindustan Unilever & Tata Tea. We want to focus on this point because the Indians like to purchase bargains or buy products that offer free gifts. Other brands do not offer as many promotion and free gifts. This is why it is important to focus especially on the Promotion activities of the marketing mix. We are going to set up original events in order to attract new customers and consumers of other tea brands. Our objectives: Promotion in the supermarkets: Set up a stand: we want to set up a stand in the supermarket in order to make tasting to the supermarket’s clients. The stand should be placed between the fresh food and the food with the aim to attract all the consumers. The stand should represent the brand with the color of the company, the logo, the environment of royalty. For example, the stand could be shaped like a crown. Moreover, the hostesses can give some presents to the children like plastic crowns, balloons with the logo of the brand and pens with the logo.

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During the launch of our product (one week), all the customers at the supermarket will receive a sample of “Royal Tea” for free at the cashiers including a voucher which explains the game to win a trip to London. Promotional offers during the year: If a client buys a box of 150 bags, he will get a free cup or a spoon or a little kettle. During two months, we can organize a game: when you buy Royalty, you win some points and with certain numerous of points, you can get a present which represents the brand image.

Promotional event for Royal Tea launching: During one weekend in a big city in India (preferably Mumbai) we will organize a big event. - In the street, there will be hostesses with special clothes (king and queen clothes) who will distribute samples and cups with tea to offer the product to passer-by. They will distribute flyers - There will be a show about the theme of British Royalty with flags of our brand. The artists will be dressed in royal clothes and hold a speech about royalty. After the show, they will hand out flyers the people can fill in so as to win the weekend trip to London. At the end of the event, it will have a drawing of lots. The winner will receive the present (tea boxes) via post way - For the child, there will be inflatable game in castle shape to jump. The staff will keep an eye on the children while the parents take part in the competition - In the street there will be a lot of decoration of the brand image Advertisement At the beginning, the strategy is to focus on the Internet, the radio and on daily newspaper (Times of India etc) to reach a lot of customers. These media are noticed by a large target group which will help the firm to be known. After six months or one year, we will begin a campaign on television, in magazines and on airports. 5. People The employees and the consumers are very important for the product’s development. They represent the image of the brand; it is for that the services have to be optimum. The employees and more particularly the commercial people and the hostesses should be trained in order to know the product and to can sell it properly. Moreover, in the other hand, the clients are important because they passed a message to the potential clients. To allow this, the hostesses at the beginning and the employees after have to explain the quality, the taste of the product. 6. Process We have seen that the selling process is vital in the decision making process. In the shops, the selling is making by the advice. The clients like to feel reassured in front of making process. So we conclude that one time per three months, commercials and hostesses will give advices to the consumers in order to make him more confident the product. 7. Physical evidence The environment should be very clear, clean and attractive because the decision making process takes into account these elements. Moreover, in the shelves, the products should be stored correctly in order to attract the consumers. We have to ask to the staff that we need light in order to bring out the colors of the product.

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1.Action Plan Marketing



Strategy Marketing communication campaign



System Advertisement on TV,





internet, radio,

Costs INR

Whole year




newspapers, campaign ad on the street Marketing promotion campaign

Set up special stand for personal selling



Nov 2009 –

Managers, Sales


Feb 2010



Counter staff



sales per moth

organize promotional event in Mumbai





Feb 2010



Supervisors, Hostesses

Promotional offers e.g. free gifts with purchase Organize sweepstake “Weekend trip

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Nov 2010 –



Mar 2010



Managers Marketing

Jan 2010 –


Feb 2010


Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management) to London” Loyalty scheme “Point system”




taking use

Customer Service

of point

Whole year



system Distribution of free

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First week



of Nov 2010

samples to customers


at cash point


Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

2. Financial


Excel Sheet attached with Financial Plan

HQ Mumbai Delhi Pune Bangalore Hyderabad Ahmedabad Jaipur Jodhpur Panjim Mysore Baroda Surat Rajkot Chandigarh Ludhiana Jalandhar Amritsar Chennai Total

Products Royal Tea



Nov-10 Nov-10 Jan-11 May-11 Jan-11 Jan-11 Apr-11 Apr-11 Jun-11 Apr-11 May-11 May-11 May-11 Apr-11 Apr-11 Apr-11 Apr-11 Aug-11

3 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 19

MRP 1500

PTR 1200.00

B] MARKETING VARIABLE EXP. Danglers Posters TV SPOT Press Add Gifts T Shirts Gondola End caps TOTAL Marketting Expense Cost of Goods TOTAL EXPENSE for BreakEven Units to be sold for Break Even

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Distributor s 6 6 2 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 42


ASM 12 12 4 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 56

1 1 1


NRV 1080.0 0

RATE 3.5 2.5 10000 10000 15 100 7500

Units / SE / Qtr 1500 1000 200 200 500 1 1

QUANTITY 5700 3800 200 200 1900 50 6

AMOUNT 19950 9500 2000000 2000000 28500 5000 45000 4107950 1760550 5868500 5434

Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

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Dinesh G. Mhatre EMBA Sem III (Brand Management)

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