Rotopeka Sept -oct 2009

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Sept-Oct , 2009 Volume 66, Number 2

Women in Rotary

In 1989, the Rotary Council on Legislation voted to admit women into Rotary Topeka Rotary Meets Every Thursday

12 Noon

Downtown Ramada Inn

The Editor’s Blog


find it hard to believe that only twenty years ago, women were not allowed to join Rotary. Just look at that Four—Way Test coin for a moment. Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships? Will it be Beneficial to all concerned. Somehow though, even with these words, women were not allowed to become members of Rotary. This month, the Rotopeka takes a look back at the history of women in Rotary (page 3) and we’ve gone pink to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

As a side note, I want to also thank you for the opportunity to present a program to our club. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook or the next big thing, communications has taken a much more important role in all that we do. What I hope you also took away from the program was that there are millions more people now driving the technological advancements that are changing the world around us. These advancements are not solely being made by the traditional corporations, but by individuals who take the initiative to create applications based on source codes, by small filmmakers who can now produce a blockbuster movie for very little money, or by a Rotary club that is embracing technology and playing a small part in the sharing of Rotary to the world. It’s fast moving and it’s complicated. Which is why it is so important that we try to understand what is happing in the way in which we now communicate and to seek out ways in which we can harness that power for our own business and lives. So join in the social networking world and see how you can share Rotary with the world. Greg Hill, Editor, Rotopeka


Rotary on the Web 

Rotary International Website—

Rotary District 5710 Website—

Rotary Club Website— www.downtowntopekar

Rotary International Foundation— foundation

Twitter— topekarotary

The Brief History of Women in Rotary The 1989 Council on Legislation vote to admit women into Rotary clubs worldwide remains a watershed moment in the history of Rotary. "My fellow delegates, I would like to remind you that the world of 1989 is very different to the world of 1905. I sincerely believe that Rotary has to adapt itself to a changing world," said Frank J. Devlyn, who would go on to become RI president in 2000-01. The vote followed the decades-long efforts of men and women from all over the Rotary world to allow for the admission of women into Rotary clubs, and several close votes at previous Council meetings. The response to the decision was overwhelming: By 1990, the number of female Rotarians had skyrocketed to over 20,000. Twenty years after the Council on Legislation's vote, Rotary has nearly 188,000 female Rotarians. Women have served in leadership positions as high as the RI Board of Directors and The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees. Twenty years after the Council on Legislation's vote, Rotary has nearly 188,000 female Rotarians. Women have served in leadership positions as high as the RI Board of Directors and The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees

Timeline of women in Rotary 1950 An enactment to delete the word male from the Standard Rotary Club Constitution is proposed by a Rotary club in India for the Council on Legislation meeting at the 1950 RI Convention.

1964 The Council on Legislation agenda contains an enactment proposed by a Rotary club in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to permit the admission of women into Rotary clubs. Delegates vote that it be withdrawn. Two other proposals to allow women to be eligible for honorary membership are also withdrawn.

1972 As more women begin reaching higher positions in their professions, more clubs begin lobbying for female members. A U.S. Rotary club proposes admitting women into Rotary at the 1972 Council on Legislation. (Continued on page 8)


Minutes from September Board of Trustees Rotary Club of Topeka Officers

President Terry Wages opened the meeting and welcomed members of the Executive Board. Secretary’s Report: Approved as presented. Gordon moved, David seconded, motion passed.

PRESIDENT—Terry Wages PRESIDENT-ELECT—Gordon Lansford VICE-PRESIDENT—Anita Wolgast TREASURER—Alisa Snavely SECRETARY—Blanche Parks SERGEANT AT ARMS—Mike Locke Board Members David Beck Doug Scott Glenda DuBoise Fred Gatlin Jennifer Haller Henry McClure Joy Moser Greg Hill Susan Mauch Past President—Kirk Johnson THE ROTOPEKA

Treasurer’s Report: The budget was accepted as presented. Susan moved, Glenda seconded, motion passed. August Membership: Total Membership 193: Attendance Percentage 51.46% President Wages stated Asel Mukeyeva had resigned with hopes of returning to the club after Law School. Greg Hill has been proposed to fill the position. Gordon moved, Susan seconded, motion passed. It was moved that Asel be offered an option of a 6 month leave at $44 quarter or the option to resign and renew her membership at a future date. David moved, Joy seconded, motion passed. President Wages mentioned our projector needs to be replaced. Mike Locke has been negotiating the purchase price for a new projector from Mike Worswick of Wolfe’s Camera. The cost will be $750 + tax. It was moved to pay for the projector. Gordon moved, Joy seconded, motion passed. President Wages recommended support of the Children’s Discovery Center. He will discuss with all Topeka clubs to support with a $25,000 pledge to be paid over 5 years. Gordon moved, Jennifer seconded, motion passed. Membership: a)

Resignations/Terminations: H.W. Craig and Marilu Balista. Joy moved, Doug seconded, motion passed.


New Members: Brenda Price, Sales Representative, Quick Print has been proposed as a new member. Mike L. moved, Jennifer seconded, motion passed. Laureen Pfannenstiel, Vice President, Resource Development, United Way of Greater Topeka has completed an application to become a new member. Kirk moved, Gordon seconded, motion passed.

Editor—Greg Hill Published Monthly by the Downtown Rotary Club of Topeka Downtown Ramada Inn, Suite 110 Topeka, Kansas 66607 Subscription $2.00 per year Periodicals Postage Paid at Topeka, Kansas USPS 471860 POSTMASTER: Send address change to Rotopeka 420 SE 6th, Suite 110 Topeka, KS 66607 Rotopeka deadline is two weeks prior to the first Thursday of the month


Assessment for Polio Plus: Discussion was held to have a member voluntarily donate a one-time assessment of $14 for Polio Plus on the October Quarterly Invoice. David moved, Alisa seconded, motion passed.

Message from the President By Terry Wages, President


est wishes to all Rotarians and their families. As we enter the final quarter of 2009 may everyone have great success. Don’t forget to add $14 or more to your Fourth Quarter Payment for Polio Plus. Your Club has committed to contribute this year $2,000. At $14 plus per person we should exceed our 2009/10 commitment.< /o:p> The Board of Directors approved reducing our commitment to the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center from $12,500 to $5,000 payable at $1,000 per year for 5 years. We had challenged the South Club to give $8,000; the West Club $2,500 and the North Club $2,000 for a total of $25,000. A $25,000 pledge payable over 5 years would have given the Rotary Clubs of Topeka a naming opportunity. The North Club committed to $1,000 payable over 5 years. The South and West Clubs made no commitment. We believed it was important to give financial support to help the Children’s Discovery Center achieve its goal by September 30, 2009 and receive the grant from the Maybe Foundation. I happened to spend Sunday, September 27, 2009 in Estes Park Colorado during their Autumn Gold Weekend of Music and Fun. Carroll Mock, a former member of our Club is now a member of the Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary Club with 65 members. The Sunrise Rotary Club sponsors the Autumn Gold Festival. The Club raises $20,000 over two days for local charities and their $2,000 Polio Plus commitment. In addition this Club sponsored a Clean Water Project in Peru with the University of Colorado Chapter of Engineers Without Borders; awards scholarships to local high school students; sponsors an Interact Club and sends attendees to RYLA; volunteers at the local high school football and basketball games by taking tickets and manning the chain gang. I find it interesting to learn first hand about other Rotary Clubs and their charitable activities. I hope every Downtown Topeka Rotarian makes a commitment to visit at least one other Rotary Club during the 2009/10 year and share your experiences with your fellow Rotarians. In anticipation of working on a Rotary Project or Projects we can order Rotary Polo Shirts to identify you as a Rotarian. If you don’t have a Rotary Club of Topeka Polo Shirt why not put one on your Christmas (Continued on page 10)

Upcoming Programs October 22, 2009—“Melding art and engineering in public space designs” JOEL MARQUARDT, AIA October 29, 2009—“Update on the Heartland Visioning project one year later” Bill Moore, Co-chair November 5, 2009—“The KU-K-State Game from My Perspective and other thoughts” JB Bauersfeld, Channel 13 November 12, 2009—“Club 50: some amazing basketball stories” Steve Farney, author


One funny polio fundraiser By Arnold R. Grahl Rotary International News -- 19 October 2009

Norwegians love to tell stories, especially funny ones. So when the Rotary Club of Gamlebyen-Fredrikstad came up with the idea of producing a book full of jokes and humorous tales to raise money for Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge , it didn't take long for the idea to catch on. "We told clubs to get together and swap stories, and send us the best," says past club president Jan A. Vatn, who oversaw the project. "The response was incredible." "Norwegians are known as serious and hard working, but they do have a funny side," adds Evy Alsaker, a past president of the Rotary Club of Chicago and a Norwegian-American who is helping to promote the book in the United States. Humørleksikonet Skrattkammeret , which means "Room of Laughter," contains 1,201 stories compiled from the 330 Rotary clubs in Norway and has sold 1,500 copies in its first few weeks in print. For every book sold, $12 of the $50 cover price goes to Rotary's challenge. To order a copy, e-mail [email protected] . Start to finish, the project took about a year. The book was published with help from Kolbjørn Eggen, a member of the Rotary Club of Fredrikstad Glemmen who owns Eggen Press. "This project represented a tremendous amount of teamwork," says Alsaker. "It's an outstanding example of how you can get Rotarians to come together and work on a single project that will have worldwide implications."


Ottar Weel, president of the Rotary Club of Gamlebyen-Fredrikstad, and his son enjoy a laugh reading Humørleksikonet Skrattkammeret, a book full of short stories. Photo courtesy Rotary Club of Gamlebyen-

Initial copies of the book were given to district governors to promote during club visits. Vatn says the original target was to raise $72,000 for the challenge by getting every other Norwegian Rotarian to buy a copy. "But a lot of people are buying six to eight books, for themselves or as gifts," Vatn says. "Our goal now is to have all 330 clubs in Norway collectively contribute $100,000. If more clubs outside Norway raise money with it, all the better." Clubs receive the credit for each copy sold, Vatn says, so that when Rotarians buy or sell a book, it adds $12 to the amount their club has raised for the challenge.

Use your professional skills during Vocational Service Month Rotarians have put Service Above Self for more than a century. Through vocational service, Rotarians serve others through their professions and promote high ethical standards. In honor of Vocational Service Month, encourage members to apply the skills and talents they use in their professions to your club’s service projects. Or, create new projects that tap into your club’s collective talent. To discover members’ unique skills, members of the membership or service projects committees could conduct a skills inventory to determine a service project that maximizes their club’s professional abilities. Vocational Service focuses on: 

Adherence to and promotion of the highest ethical standards in all occupations, including fair treatment of employers, employees, associates, competitors, and the public.

The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, not just those that are pursued by Rotarians.

The contribution of your vocational talents to solving the problems of society and meeting the needs of the community.

During October, Rotarians are encouraged to focus on this important avenue of Rotary service. Discussions on vocational service can lead to projects that not only develop the ethical consciousness and vocational skills of Rotarians but also the talents within their communities. Vocational Service Month is an opportunity to begin year-long vocational service activities, ranging from Rotary discussions to awards to community projects. Following are some suggested activities to undertake during Vocational Service Month: Devote the first meeting in October to examining the second Avenue of Service, including The FourWay Test and The Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions. After expanding members’ awareness, solicit their input in planning projects for the remainder of the year. 

Introduce a “miniclassifications talk” series in which each member gives a five-minute talk on his or her vocation. Schedule one speaker for the beginning of each meeting until everyone has made a presentation. The purpose of these talks is to promote vocational awareness among Rotarians and help them recognize the worthiness of all useful occupations.

Present a vocational award to someone in the community who has exemplified

outstanding professional achievement while maintaining very high ethical standards. Promote the presentation within the community, and consider making it an annual October event. 

Invite experts to give a presentation on the vocational needs of the community and develop a project in response to those needs. Possible projects could focus on developing character, providing career information to youth, mentoring small businesses, or organizing workshops that provide employees with new skills.

Encourage club members to put their vocational skills to work as a Rotary Volunteer. Volunteer opportunities are available on ProjectLINK, a valuable resource that lists many vocational projects that clubs and districts can also choose to support financially or with donated goods. ProjectLINK also includes examples of successful vocational service projects that Rotary clubs can model as they plan their own activities.


(Continued from page 3)

1977 Three separate proposals to admit women into membership are submitted to the Council on Legislation for consideration at the 1977 RI Convention. A Brazilian club makes a different proposal to admit women as honorary members. The Rotary Club of Duarte, California, USA, admits women as members in violation of the RI Constitution and Standard Rotary Club Constitution. Because of this violation, the club's membership in Rotary International is terminated in March 1978, only to be reinstated in September 1986.

See more of Past Rotary Foundation Trustee Carolyn Jones's story in an excerpt from RVM: The Rotarian Video Magazine volume 4, issue 3.

1980 The RI Board of Directors and Rotary clubs in India, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States propose an enactment to remove from the RI and club constitutions and bylaws all references to members as male persons .

1983-86 In a lawsuit filed by the Duarte club in 1983, the California Superior Court rules in favor of Rotary International, upholding gender-based qualification for membership in California Rotary clubs. In 1986, the California Court of Appeals reverses the lower court's decision, preventing the enforcement of the provision in California. The California Supreme Court refuses to hear the case, and it is appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

1987 On 4 May, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Rotary clubs may not exclude women from membership on the basis of gender. Rotary issues a policy statement that any Rotary club in the United States can admit qualified women into membership. The Board "encourages all clubs in the U.S. to give fair and equal consideration to candidates for membership without regard to gender." The Rotary Club of Marin Sunrise, California (formerly Larkspur Landing), is chartered on 28 May. It becomes the first club after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling to have women as charter members. Sylvia Whitlock, of the Rotary Club of Duarte, California, becomes the first female Rotary club president.

1988 In November, the RI Board of Directors issues a policy statement recognizing the right of Rotary clubs in Canada to admit female members based on a Canadian law similar to that upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

1989 At its first meeting after the 1987 U.S. Supreme Court decision, the Council on Legislation votes to eliminate the requirement in the RI Constitution that membership in Rotary clubs be limited to men. Women are wel(Continued on page 9)


(Continued from page 8)

comed into Rotary clubs around the world.

1990 As of June, there are about 20,200 female Rotarians worldwide. Read a feature on women in Rotary from the June 1990 issue of The Rotarian.

1995 In July, eight women become district governors, the first elected to this role.

2005 Carolyn E. Jones begins her term as the first woman appointed as trustee of The Rotary Foundation, serving from 2005 to 2009.

2007 In July, 63 women begin terms as district governors. Women are members of 25,227 clubs around the world. There are 177,859 female Rotarians.

2008 Catherine Noyer-Riveau begins her term as the first woman elected to the RI Board of Directors. She will continue to serve through June 2010.

2009 There are 187,967 female Rotarians worldwide. Sixty-three serve as district governors.

DECLARATION OF ROTARIANS IN BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS As a Rotarian engaged in a business or profession, I am expected

highest ethical standards in my chosen vocation;


4) be fair to my employer, employees, associates, competitors, cus1) consider my vocation to be an- tomers, the public, and all those with whom I have a business or other opportunity to serve; professional relationship; 2) be faithful to the letter and to the spirit of the ethical codes of my vocation, to the laws of my country, and to the moral standards of my community;

5) recognize the honor and respect due to all occupations which are useful to society;

6) offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young 3) do all in my power to dignify my people, to work for the relief of the vocation and to promote the special needs of others, and to

improve the quality of life in my community; 7) adhere to honesty in my advertising and in all representations to the public concerning my business or profession; 8) neither seek from nor grant to a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship.


(Continued from page 5)

What does Rotary Do? The next time you are asked what our club does, remember all the wonderful projects we have helped make a reality. Here are several of those projects:

Christmas in April Help with TARC Winter Wonderland Dictionaries in School Dental Screenings Scholarships for Washburn Students Florence Crittenden Services RYLA Vocational Day for Junior High Sponsor Ambassadorial Scholars Christmas Bureau Sponsor East Avondale Activities Polio Reconstructive Surgery— India Cataract Surgery—Pakistan Ambulance Project—Bangladesh Medical Team—Panama Shelter Box

list. Give Ruth your size and color preference. If we have enough interest we can make one order and possibly save on the cost. For those of us who have missed meetings we thank you for your financial support of our Club’s activities. However, your fellow Rotarians miss having fellowship with you. Please write ROTARY on your calendar for every Thursday at noon. Do your best to join us or make up a meeting for friendship, fellowship, food, a great program and fun. Is there anyone out there who is not interested in Fun? The Future of Rotary Is In Our Hands. While in Estes Park I saw a T-Shirt that reminded me of life’s priorities. It said “Remember When You Die Your In-Box Will Not Be Empty”! During the month of July your Club agreed to join in a combined grant. This particular grant will be used to furnish, beds, curtains, etc, for about 50 native Indian students who attend a school in the comarca (reservation) in the western part of Panama near David. This is the same area that our medical team, headed up by Dick Meidinger, visited the last two years. A furnished dormitory would allow students to stay at the school while it is in session, instead of walking 3-4 hours each day to and from school. The total grant was for $26,150. We matched the David Club with a $100. The remaining funds came from Districts 4240, 5670 and our District 5710. We thank Everyone who made this Project a reality. Your comments are always welcomed. If you have an idea or suggestion regarding our Club, it’s activities and or projects don’t hesitate to share them with one of your Board of Directors or myself. We hope that you will always keep the Four Way Test in your daily thoughts and activities. The Future of Rotary Is In Our Hands. As John Kenny, President of Rotary International, said at the Annual Convention in England, “God’s give to us is life; how we use our lives is our gift to God”.

Books for Peace Corp Volunteers And Much, Much More

See you at Rotary, Terry W. Wages

Of the things we think, say or do: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"


Welcome to our New Members Laureen Pfannenstiel Laureen Pfannenstiel was born and raised on a farm near Armstrong, IA. She is one of ten siblings. Laureen is married to Terry and they have three children. Her oldest daughter, Shareah, is married to Mike, a combat medic with the Army, and lives with her family in Wahiawa (sounds like Wah-iowa), Hawaii. Kristen is a junior majoring in exercise science at Central College in McPherson, KS. Her youngest, Kyle, is a junior at Seaman High School. In her spare time, Laureen enjoys spending time with family, hiking, biking, taking long walks, traveling and volunteering in multiple areas like mentoring high risk youth, serving as a leader at summer youth camps, and mission trips. Laureen received her bachelor of public administration from Washburn University in 2003 and her master of public administration from the University of Kansas in 2006. She has worked in municipal and state government, private corporations, several small businesses as well as the owner of a small business and currently is employed in the non-profit sector as the VP of resource development for United Way of Greater Topeka. She has served on multiple boards and councils, including: multiple local, regional and national boards for her religious denomination, the Lyons Chamber of Commerce and numerous Chamber committees, USD 345 site councils (elementary, junior high, high school and district) and staff development boards. It was her privilege and honor to represent Rotary District 5710 in the Philippines Rotary District 3820 this spring as a Group Study Exchange participant thus prompting her desire to become a Rotarian. Welcome Laureen!

Brenda Price Brenda has lived in Topeka for the last seven years and has been a Sales Manager with Quik Print for that same time. Previously she was a food broker for Premier Marketing in Wichita, calling on headquarters of Dillon’s, Gibson’s, and Alco. Brenda transferred from the Topeka South Rotary where she served on the board for two years, chairing the 20th anniversary celebration. She also served two years on the Sail Away committee, volunteered with Lets Help and Avondale West. Brenda is also active in Topeka Chamber of Commerce, Topeka Home Builders, Kansas Society of Association Executives, and Topeka Independent Business Association. She and Keith Smith have three children and three grandchildren. They enjoy boating and entertaining at their cabin at Lake Wabaunsee. Brenda is an outstanding addition to our club. She is energetic and great with people as you can see from her big smile. She will be an active participant and will volunteer and complete projects for the club quickly and efficiently. Welcome Brenda!



Meeting Makeups Topeka West—Wednesday, 7 AM Marriott Courtyard, 2033 SW Wannamaker Topeka South—Friday, 7 AM— Kansas Room, Washburn University Memorial Union Topeka North—Wednesday, noon—Topeka North YMCA Board Room. 1936 NW Tyler.


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