Rotopeka, August 2009

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  • Words: 2,151
  • Pages: 8
Volume 66, Number 2

August, 2009

Building Peace

The Editor’s Blog


ast month, I wrote about moving the Rotopeka online, rather than printing it. The good news is that 100-percent of the respondents said they wanted it delivered electronically. The bad news is that only about fifteen of you responded. I’m not an expert in statistics, but I have a friend who is and she says, ―for fifteen to be an adequate number (of responses) you'd have to drop down to a 90% confidence level (willing to make an error based on the number 10% of the time) and a confidence interval (the plus or minus around the estimate) of 21 to think that 15 is enough.‖ Now, I have absolutely no idea what that means, so I’ve decided to try a different approach. I’m going to show you what you are

Rotary on the Web 

Rotary International Website—

Rotary District 5710 Website—

Rotary Club Website— www.downtowntopekar

Rotary International Foundation— foundation

Twitter— topekarotary

missing by not viewing the Rotopeka online. You’ll see a few articles this month with very little text. Next to many of those pictures you’ll see an image of a video camera. If you view this online, you can click that image and watch the video. For some of these articles, that video will be the entire club meeting. For others, it will be professionally produced Rotary International Content. Of course, if you are reading the printed Rotopeka, you won’t have that option There is a tremendous amount of content that is available each month and printing it into a newsletter takes so much away from the value of these stories and features. On October 1, I’ll have the privilege of presenting the program. My topic will be social networking and I’ll talk about the many ways in which both our club and Rotary International are using ―new media‖to share the mission with others. That can’t be done in a newsletter. Take a look at the online Rotopeka. Now think for a moment, that what you see is just the tip of the iceberg.


A People’sMan—Meet RI Present John Kenny

The Rotary Video Magazine profiles John Kenny, President of Rotary International.

Hey, Mister, Your Alligator is Loose! Gary Clarke, former Director of the World Famous Topeka Zoo, spoke to the Topeka Rotary Club about his newly published book, ―Hey, Mister, Your Alligator is Loose!‖ To view the entire presentation of the Jim Clarke’s presentation, visit http://


Minutes from June Board of Trustees

Rotary Club of Topeka Officers

President Terry Wages opened the meeting and welcomed new members: Doug Scott, Asel Mukeyeva, Anita Wolgast, and Alisa Snavely. Rotary pins and coins were provided to members.


Secretary’s Report: Approved as presented with the following correction: Susan Mauch’s son’s last name is Wietharn. Moved by Henry, seconded by Beck.

PRESIDENT-ELECT—Gordon Lansford VICE-PRESIDENT—Anita Wolgast TREASURER—Alisa Snavely SECRETARY—Blanche Parks SERGEANT AT ARMS—Mike Locke Board Members David Beck Doug Scott Glenda DuBoise Fred Gatlin Jennifer Haller Henry McClure Joy Moser Asel Mukeyeva Susan Mauch

Treasurer’s Report: Accepted as presented Moved by Henry, seconded by Anita. Discussion followed on budget items to be expanded. June 10 Membership: 194 Resignations: Richard Hoffman. Richard Ridley (who resigned last month) is requesting to be reinstated. New Members: Roxanne Kelly, Dean, Washburn Institute of Technology James Caplinger, James M. Caplinger, Chartered; Henry moved, seconded by Susan. 2009 - 2010 Calendar – Discussion of Meeting Cancellations: November 26, 2009 Thanksgiving; December 24, 2009 Christmas Eve; December 31, 2009 New Years Eve; and July 1, 2010 Annual Meeting/Banquet. The Holiday Party will be December 17, 2009. Motion Henry, Seconded by Gordon. The Topeka Public Library will be closed on November 11, 2009. We will need to move to a new location.

Past President—Kirk Johnson THE ROTOPEKA Editor—Greg Hill Published Monthly by the Downtown Rotary Club of Topeka Downtown Ramada Inn, Suite 110 Topeka, Kansas 66607 Subscription $2.00 per year Periodicals Postage Paid at Topeka, Kansas USPS 471860 POSTMASTER: Send address change to Rotopeka 420 SE 6th, Suite 110 Topeka, KS 66607 Rotopeka deadline is two weeks prior to the first Thursday of the month


District Governor: The District Governor Jim Mattes, (Shawnee Mission Club) will be in attendance at the Thursday, August 6, 2009 meeting. We should arrive at 11:30 am at the Ramada to discuss the Planning Document. All letters should be sent to Ruth. Attendance Privileges Requests: None Next Board Meeting will be August 12, 2009 at the Topeka Shawnee County Public Library. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Blanche C. Parks, Secretary

Message from the President By Terry Wages, President


he Future of Rotary Is In Your or Our Hands. What does that mean for the Downtown Rotary Club? I believe that means we need to do our best to maintain a membership level close to or in excess of 200. This year’s goal is to have at June 30, 2010 a minimum of 196 members. I know that we have to work each week inviting prospective members and encouraging our existing members to stay committed and become involved with Rotary and our goals. The other goal is to support a minimum of $2,000 to Rotary International for Polio Plus. That figures out to about $14 - $15 per member. Another way to look at it is for $1.25 per month or less than the cost of a 32 ounce soda we have the opportunity to join others in eradicating Polio from this planet. Thirty members have paid their $14 when they attended the Royals Baseball Game on August 23, 2009. Another way to look at our commitment20is for each member to give $0.25 per day over the next 60 days to achieve the $14 - $15 per person. I believe we should do this now rather than later. The next and ongoing commitment is to continue to support Rotary International with our regular Every Rotarian Every Year giving. Our goal is $100 per capita annual giving. By every member continuing to give regularly we will not only support the Foundation but be working towards the goal of becoming a Paul Harris Fellow or Sustaining Member. Our Club we also has the opportunity to help our Club’s Foundation which supports needs in Shawnee County. Rotary International Foundation partners with all Rotarians for helping with International needs and District Granting. Our Club used the Granting process when we help purchase the ambulance in Bangladesh. Our Club’s Foundation is the opportunity to partner with one another and make a greater contribution than we might be able to individually. It also allows the members who have been elected as Trustees to evaluate requests, monitor our funds, grants and be our managing partner for gifting in our Community. Through our financial contributions, on a quarterly basis, we can achieve the recognition as a Henry Blake Fellow and or Sustaining Member (Continued on page 6)

Upcoming Programs September 3, 2009—How to Spot Lies Like the FBI, Mark Bouton, Retired FBI agent September 10, 2009— A Passage to India: Serious Reflections upon America s Competition in the 21st Century September 17, 2009—(meeting at Shawnee Country Club) Amtrack Expansion Possibilities Ron Kaufman, KDOT Chief of the Bureau of Public Involvement September 24, 2009—The Ritchie House and Rotary Partnership Robin Shimplin, KSHS project director for the Ritchie House


(Continued from page 5)

What does Rotary Do? The next time you are asked what our club does, remember all the wonderful projects we have helped make a reality. Here are several of those projects:

Christmas in April Help with TARC Winter Wonderland Dictionaries in School Dental Screenings Scholarships for Washburn Students Florence Crittenden Services RYLA Vocational Day for Junior High Sponsor Ambassadorial Scholars Christmas Bureau Sponsor East Avondale Activities Polio Reconstructive Surgery— India Cataract Surgery—Pakistan Ambulance Project—Bangladesh Medical Team—Panama Shelter Box Books for Peace Corp Volunteers And Much, Much More

I want to encourage each member to memorize the Four Way Test; make and live by t he commitment. This is one way to take responsibility for the Future of Rotary in Your Hands. Anita Wolgast as our program director is working hard to bring interesting and fun programs each week. I hope everyone puts Rotary on your Calendar in order that you do not miss one of these great programs. I know we could all use a little less food, but don’t miss out on meeting with your friends, business contacts and new members each week. Knowledge is power. But with power also comes responsibility. My hope is that we will all step up and make Rotary and Rotarians the gold standard for a service organization and as individuals. Individuals coming together living the Four Way Test and serving others will not only benefit personally but be an example; encouraging others to want to became a Rotarian. Our children, grandchildren and neighbors are watching us. Lastly for this letter is the encouragement to visit other tables during the year making and renewing friendship with others. There will be an award for all those persons who have sat at each table at least once during this year which ends June 30, 2010. I would also like to encourage each of us to partner with other members to visit the other Clubs in the area. Let us know how we are doing and whether another Club has an activity or service project that we should consider for our members. Thank you for letting me be your President this year. If I am not doing the job as you hoped let me know and I will work harder or make the necessary changes that are within my control. With your help we can make this a fun and enjoyable year, supporting the commitments of Rotary and our members as Rotarians. Rotary International President, John Kenny, said that God’s gift to mankind was life; mankind’s gift to God is how we use it. The Future of Rotary Is In Our Hands; with your help we will accomplish our goals. Thank You. Terry W. Wages

Of the things we think, say or do: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"


Past Issues of The Rotarian now on Google By Donna Polydoro, Rotary International News Full-color, searchable scans of all issues of the magazine from 1959 to 2008 are now available through Google Books, with more issues to follow. The site is accessible from The Rotarian's page on the RI Web site. Users can select from a gallery of issues organized by decade or click "Search all issues" to search the entire catalog for a word or phrase. The collaboration is part of an initiative to make Rotary's historical resources more accessible to Rotarians worldwide.

A selection of covers throughout the years. Scans of issues of The Rotarian are now available through Google Books.

"Google is doing all of the scanning and indexing to make the material searchable -- and at no cost to Rotary," says Stephanie Giordano, archivist for Rotary International. More than 72,000 pages will be available once Google finishes scanning and uploading all 1,100 issues. The first issue was published in January 1911, when the magazine was called The National Rotarian. Some issues of interest include December 1979, which reported on Rotary's first polio immunization project; the February 2005 centennial issue; and issues from the 1980s discussing the admission of women into Rotary. Try it for yourself. Browse past issues now. For a history of the magazine and a preview of early issues, check out a photo gallery of The Rotarian through time.

NEW MEMBER INTRODUCTION—Jim Caplinger Jim was raised in Greensburg, Kansas. He was sponsored by the Rotary Club to attend Boys State. Jim received a juris doctor of law from Washburn; was Judge Advocate in USAF; returned to Greensburg and opened a law office; was elected county attorney; and joined the Rotary Club. In 1959 Jim moved to Topeka to become Kansas Securities Commissioner and General Counsel of Kansas Corporation Commission. He returned to private practice in 1962 specializing in telecommunications and helped to create the State Independent Telephone Association of Kansas. Being the only surviving passenger in an airplane crash of Capital Airlines in 1976, Jim made a commitment to himself to see the entire world before his lease on life is terminated. He has been on all seven continents and in almost every country of the world.



Henry McClure leads the club in singing Take me out to the Ballgame. The Topeka Rotary Club participated in the Stroke Out Polio event at Kansas City’s Kauffman Stadium.

Meeting Makeups Topeka West—Wednesday, 7 AM Marriott Courtyard, 2033 SW Wannamaker Topeka South—Friday, 7 AM— Kansas Room, Washburn University Memorial Union Topeka North—Wednesday, noon—Topeka North YMCA Board Room. 1936 NW Tyler.


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