Rollup Core Server Installation Guide

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  • Pages: 26
LANDesk® Management Suite 8.7 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide for a Rollup Core Server

Revision 1.0 Roy Meyer May 22, 2007

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Table of Contents Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 4 Scope.................................................................................................................................................... 4 Assumptions........................................................................................................................................ 4 Installing the Rollup Core Server.................................................................................................... 4 Setting up the database for the Rollup Core Server................................................................. 4 Installing the Rollup Software on the Rollup Core Server ........................................................ 4 Creating a database Link for a Core Server ..............................................................................15 Adding the Rollup Core Server and Core Servers to the Rollup Utility ..................................15 Scheduling Core Server’s to Rollup ............................................................................................22 Troubleshooting the Rollup Core Server......................................................................................23 Adding a Core Server in the Rollup Utility fails........................................................................23 Rolling up a Core Server fails .....................................................................................................24 Increasing the Rollup Timeout....................................................................................................25 Enabling the debug log ................................................................................................................26 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................26


Introduction This document is intended to assist LANDesk® Management Suite 8.7 (Management Suite) customers with installing a Rollup Core Server. It also contains some troubleshooting tips for the Rollup Core Server.

Scope This document covers the steps necessary to install a Rollup Core Server and to Rollup a Core Server’s database. This document also covers some basic troubleshooting tips for the Rollup Core Server.

Assumptions The reader should be familiar with Management Suite. The Management Suite Core Server should already be installed and operational.

Installing the Rollup Core Server The following sections describe the procedure for installing the Rollup Core Server.

Setting up the database for the Rollup Core Server. How to create the database for the Rollup Core Server: 1. Create the database for the Rollup Core Server using the same procedure used for the Core Server’s database. Requirements are in the Installation and Deployment Guide. Complete installation instructions for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 are available in article # 3985. Installation instructions for Oracle 9i are available in article # 4004. Installation instructions for Oracle 10g are available in article # 3986.

Installing the Rollup Software on the Rollup Core Server How to install the Rollup Core Server: 1. Log in to the Windows 2000 or 2003 server that will be the Rollup Core Server with an Administrator account. 2. Map a drive to any Core Server’s LDMAIN share that will be rolled up to this Rollup Core Server. 3. Run SETUP in the \\\LDMAIN\INSTALL\ROLLUPCORE directory.

4. Select the appropriate language from the drop down list and click OK.


5. Click Next.


6. Read the license agreement and if in agreement select I accept the terms in the license agreement: (Required) radio button. 7. Click Next.


8. Specify the desired destination folder and click Next.


9. Verify that there is a checkmark in the Web console checkbox and click Next.


10. For Oracle databases proceed to step 16. 11. Type the name of the SQL database server for the Rollup Core Server in the Server field. 12. Type the SQL username for the Rollup Core Server’s database in the User name field. 13. Type the name of the Rollup Core Server’s database in the Database field. 14. Type the password for the Rollup Core Server’s database in the Password field. 15. Click Next.


16. For SQL databases proceed to step 22. 17. Click to place a checkmark in the Use an Oracle database checkbox. 18. Type the Oracle alias for the Rollup Core Server’s database in the TNS Name field. 19. Type the Oracle database username for the Rollup Core Server’s database in the User name field. 20. Type the Oracle database password for the Rollup Core Server’s database in the Password field. 21. Click Next.


22. Type the Companny/Organizations name in the Organization field. 23. Type a unique name for this Rollup Core Server’s certificate in the Certificate name field. 24. Click Next.


25. Click Install.


26. Wait for the installation to complete.


27. Click Finish.

28. Click Yes to restart the Rollup Core Server. 29. Install the same LANDesk Service Pack on the Rollup Core Server that is already installed on the Core Server(s) that will be rolled up to this Rollup Core Server. NOTE: It is very important that the service pack is installed on the Rollup Core Server even if the service pack has already been installed on the Core Server that the Rollup Core Server was installed from. LANDesk System patches do not patch the installation files on the Core Server. The DATAMART.XML file must be the same on the Rollup Core Server and all Core Servers that will be rolled up to this Rollup Core Server.


Creating a database Link for a Core Server 1. For rolling SQL Server databases to SQL Server databases, refer to the documentation in Knowledgebase article # 4128 on how to create the links. For rolling Oracle databases to Oracle databases, refer to the documentation in Knowledgebase article # 4283 on how to create the links.

Adding the Rollup Core Server and Core Servers to the Rollup Utility 1. Map a drive from the Rollup Core Server to the Core Server with an account that has administrator rights on the Core Server. 2. Start the Database Rollup Utility by clicking Start | Programs | LANDesk | LANDesk Rollup Database.


3. Click New.

4. Type the name of the Rollup Core Server in the Rollup core server name field. 5. Click OK.


6. Verify that the Rollup Core Server name shows up in the Rollup core field. 7. Click Attributes.


8. Check to make sure that all inventory attributes required to be moved to the Rollup database are in the Selected Attributes list. Note: By default, all inventory attributes from the Core Server are selected for rolling up except for Patch and Software information. 9. Click OK.


10. Click Add.

11. Type the Core Server name for the Core Server to be rolled up in the Core server name to be included in this rollup database field. 12. Type the Database Link name for the Core Server’s database that is to be rolled up in the Database link name field. 13. Verify there is a checkmark in the Attach Certificate box. 14. Click OK. 15. Repeat steps 10 through 14 for each Core Server that is to be rolled up to this Rollup Core Server. 19

16. Click to highlight the Core Server to be rolled up in the Source cores list. 17. Click OK.

18. Wait for the rollup to complete.


19. Click Close.

20. Repeat steps 16 through 19 for each Core Server that needs to be rolled up to this Rollup Core Server.


Scheduling Core Server’s to Rollup

1. Click to highlight the Core Server to be scheduled from the Source cores list. 2. Click Schedule.

3. Click OK. 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each Core Server that needs to have a Scheduler task created. 5. Start the Web Console and set the required start times and options for the rollup tasks.


Troubleshooting the Rollup Core Server Adding a Core Server in the Rollup Utility fails 1. When adding a Core Server to the Rollup Core Server for the first time, the Rollup Core Server makes a Remote Registry connection to the Core Server in order to get the database connection information from the following registry key: HKLM | Software | LANDesk | ManagementSuite | Core | Connections | Local Verify that the connection information in the Core Server’s registry is correct. Also, verify that Remote Registry is enabled on the Core Server. Remote Registry requires RPC to be enabled. Map a drive to the Core Server from the Rollup Core Server using an account that is an Administrator or equivalent on the Core Server. 2. The Rollup utility then tests the database link provided by running a SQL query to test for database connectivity. For SQL servers, the SQL statement is the following: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [LinkName].[DatabaseName].[TableOwnerName].COMPUTER For Oracle databases, the SQL statement is the following: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM COMPUTER@LinkName Verify that the database link is correct and functional. Also, verify that the database port for the Rollup database and the Core database are the same. The default port for SQL Server is 1433 and the default port for Oracle is 1521. 3. If steps 1 and 2 are successful, the database connection information for the Core Server is written to the METASYSTEMS table in the Rollup database.


Rolling up a Core Server fails The Rollup Core Server uses the database connection information in the METASYSTEMS table of the Rollup database to synchronize the metadata between the Rollup database and the Core Server database. The Rollup Core Server then uses the database link for the Core Server to establish the database connection for rolling up the data. The rollup can fail for a variety of reasons such as timeouts or "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'keyname'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'tableName'” errors. If the rollup fails with a timeout error, increase the timeout value in the Rollup Core Server’s registry as described in the next section. For all other issues check the following: 1. Verify that the DATAMART.XML file on the Rollup Core Server is the same as the one on the Core Server. 2. Verify that the same Management Suite patches and Service Packs have been installed on the Rollup Core Server and the Core Server. 3. Verify that the Rollup Core Server’s database character set can interpret the Core Server’s database character set. In most cases, the character sets will be the same on the Core Server’s database and the Rollup Core Server’s database. 4. Enable the Rollup debug log as described in the section titled “Enabling the debug log” and then rollup the Core Server. Check the debug log for errors. Note: The Core Server’s database login name and password are shown in plain text in the debug log. This is done for debugging Rollup issues. Only turn on the log for debugging problems. When debugging is complete, disable the log and delete the log file from the Rollup Core Server. 5. Check the database connection information in the CONNECTINFO column in the METASYSTEMS table in the Rollup Core Server’s database for accurate information.


Increasing the Rollup Timeout Create Timeout as a DWORD value in the registry on the Rollup Core Server at HKLM | Software | LANDesk | ManagementSuite | Core. The default value is 900 and is in seconds. The minimum value is 30 and there is no maximum.


Enabling the debug log Create Rollup log as a DWORD value in the registry on the Rollup Core Server at HKLM | Software | LANDesk | ManagementSuite | Core. Setting the value to 1 will turn on the log file and setting the value to 0 will turn it off. The log file will be created when the Rollup Utility is started and is named ROLLUP_LinkName.LOG. The location of the log file varies depending on how the rollup utility was started. Search for the file using Windows Explorer. Note: The Core Server’s database login name and password are shown in plain text in the debug log. This is done for debugging Rollup issues. Only turn on the log for debugging problems. When debugging is complete, disable the log and delete the log file from the Rollup Core Server.

Conclusion The information in this document provides the customer with the basic information required to install and troubleshoot the Rollup Core Server within a LANDesk Management Suite 8.7 environment.


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