Roll No. Total No. of Questions: 091
[Total No. of Pages: 02
B.Tech.(Sem.- 3'o) WRITTENAND ORALTECHNICALCOMMUNICATION SUBJECTCODE : CS - 209 PaperID : [A0455] lNote : Plcascfill subjcctcodc and papcr ID on OMRI
6e4iirt . A,U4,k47d4 |y,a,
Time : 03 Hours
Maximum Marks : 60
Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section- A is Comilulsory. 2) 3)
Attemptany Four questionsfrom Section- B. Atternpt any Two questionsfrom Section- C. Section- A (10x2:20)
. Ql) a)
Purposeof note taking.
Wlrat is a technicalreport?
Parlsof bio data.
0 g)
What is a Pr6cis?
SQ3Rapproachof notetaking.
Write a bibliographicreferencein ChicagoManuatrStylefor a booktitled: Online!A ReferenceGuideto (lsing Internet SourcesbyAndrew{'larnack and EugeneKleppinger in 2000 (3rd edition) by St. Martin's Press publishedin New York.
Typesof businessLetters.
Office order.
Section- B (4x5:20) Q2) What arethe benefitsof taking notesas a studytool? Q3) Write few tips for taking notesfrom lectures.
_-l Q4) Write a memo warning an employeewho is habitually late to office. Q5) Discussin brief how we can makea properbibliography" Q6) What are the stepsof good essaywriting? Section- C (2 x 10: 20) Q7) Discussthe strategiesto makean effectiveoral presentation. Q8) Discussthe guidelinesto be followed while making a written presentation for a technicalreport. Q9) Write a pr6cisbasedon the following paragraph. A greatpart ofArabia is desert.Herethereis nothing but sandandrock. The sandis so hot that you cannotwalk over it with your barefeet"inthe daytime. Here and therein the desertare springsof water that come from deepdown underthe ground-sodeepthat the sun cannotdry them up. Thesespringsare few and far apart,but whereverthere is one, greengrassvery soon covers the groundall aroundit. Soonfig treesandpalm treesgrow tall andgraceful, making a cool, green,shadyplacearoundthe spring. Sucha place is called an oasis. The Arabswho arenot in the citieslive in the desertall the yearround.They live in tents that can be put up and taken down very easily and quickly so that they can move from one oasisto another,seekinggrassand water for their sheep,goats,camelsand horses.These desertArabs eat ripe, sweet figs, and also the datesthat grow upon the palm trees;they dry them, too, and usethem as food all the year round. ' TheseArabshavethe finesthtrses in the world. An Arab is very proud of his riding horse,and loveshim almostasmuch ashe loveshis wife andchildren. He neverputs heavyloadsupon his horse,and often lets him stayin the tent with his family. The camelis muchmoreusefulto theArab thanhis beautifulhorsei,however, for he is much larger and stronger.One camel can carry as much as or more thantwo horses.TheArab loadsthe camelwith goods,andrideshim too, for miles and miles acrossthe desert- just as if he were really the "Ship of the Desert",.whichhe is oftencalled.
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