Roadrunner Poetry

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  • Words: 2,965
  • Pages: 32
Poetry by RoadRunner Illustrations and Editing by ClaraT 2008

In the beginning God brooded over the formless void What plan would be deployed? Surround Himself with changeless cheer Or risk it all to strangers here Who may well miss the whole intent The hoped for, planned, Creation's bent. Decision made, the world displayed A freedom fraught with hellish choice Would the earthbound occupants Hearken to the Father's voice? God sends the Light for all to see Then bends low, and listens, for doxology.

In the Beginning 11/13/2008

Good morning, God. What? You stayed awake again? Didn't the mandolin make you nod And doze?

In the beginning God brooded over the formless void What plan would be deployed? Surround Himself with changeless cheer Or risk it all to strangers here Who may well miss the whole intent The hoped for, planned, Creation's bent. Decision made, the world displayed For us, life froze, entranced in the music, A freedom fraught with hellish choice Mingled in flow with River Time Would the earthbound occupants Dancing in eddies of memories sublime TheFather's metronome Hearken to the voice?of sawn lumber A rhythmic drone God sends the Light for all to see Disguising escape of soft murmurs and moans. Then bends low, and listens, for doxology. Afloat on Your ocean we easily miss The incredible constant that buoys our bliss Heavenly bodies move through the night While we rest assured, in the morning, there's Light. Good Morning God 11/13/2008

The Question Lingers Should I intercede Attempt to impede Arrows And risk my serenity? Safe in my shell Should peace be unquelled For souls teetering Between Heaven and Hell? Would it be cruel To just think of jewels Adorning my crown? Would I be a fool If others want fed And knowing there's Bread To sit here in silence As still as the dead? With a heart of flint I passed one aged And bent The burden of time evident

I reached out a hand To this willowy strand My heart wept At time's cold demands Then opening my eyes To a world undisguised I saw millions of souls On curbs of demise Will I come to their need In prayer and in deed The question lingers Should I intercede? The Question Lingers 11/7/2008 RR/CT

To Be Loved By God

To be loved by God A lowering of walls Erected at the limit of our Understanding An opening of the door To the prison of our language A releasing of the senses From rules that limit approach So that a heart, encroached, Can hear, hearken, imbibe And be strangely warmed While mystery and history Are broached.

11/9/2008 RR/CT

New Wine The road to God The road to Me Curves by this distillery By the banks of Living stream Where my waking and my dreams Are bottled with a pinch of yeast Then coddled there until the creased And furrowed brow of bygone days Dissolves amid the newfound ways Of taking all my grapes of wrath And setting all on different path With Living Water added in Then settling out of silt and sin

New Wine

As Time is asked to purify What casket would have putrefied So when I reach my end of days I'm all poured out and spirit raised.

11/8/2008 RR/CT

The colors cascading over the hills

When the snow and the sleet

With shastas and sages and brilliant bluebells,

Try to sneak.

Converging and merging, impressionist splendor

For Endless Summer is glimpsed in my mind

Silently, vibrantly, praises they render

And though I grant life can seem so unkind

As millions of photons burst through my lens

There's something immortal 'bout beauty ingested

And millions of photos are stored in the bins

Providing a portal for hues with the message

Of memories sweet

That somewhere outside us a marvelous Hand

Resisting defeat

Patiently paints in hopes we'll understand. Cascading Colors 11/7/2008 RR/CT

Potential Swirling, floating, drifting on summer breeze Without a care, but with great potential, Fresh from a launch provided by a sneeze Gifting the velocity essential. Some in disdain will call them common weeds, These puffballs white that call out to the wind, But if they knew the power of the Seed Why certainly their judgment they'd suspend. The progeny that lurk in this one float Could grow in fields flung far across the earth, Their journey no less marvel than the mote That, against all odds, ended in your birth. So when you spy the cotton floating 'round Embrace God's wind that favor with you found.

11/7/2008 RR/CT

Your blues and hues do unconfuse When life has left me quite bemused The distant skies release the sighs That seem to creep when dreaming dies When hope just seems to fly away And land in some forsaken place When all my efforts seem at loss To clear my vision's dreary dross. The way is slow but on I go Encircling to the towering top And vistas there effect repair Dissolving inner mental blocks So no obstructions will deter The message streaming from the view The color coded words confer An epic tome that's always new.

6/16/2008 RR/CT

God, let me open to you Bloom where I stand Await your command. Let me dance while its day Embracing the way You've Life arrayed. And when night is come No fear, for the Son Still shines when life's done.

6/2/2008 RR/CT

I searched for You In the furthest reaches of my consciousness And one night I heard Your call. I was enthralled to know that somewhere You existed. I ached to see Your face So I persisted And one night In glimpsing Your light Hope was reborn Faith refreshed Courage recalled And though I stalled many times I kept You in sight Until Your light Led me into safe harbor. Safe Harbor 4/25/2008 RR/CT

As gentle as the ebbing tide Incoming thoughts recede Reconnected to the earth You now are part Of something much bigger than yourself And like the vast expanse of sea It is full of mystery.

4/20/2008 RR/CT

Refracted reds And scattered blues A ruse from Uncreated Hands To make us choose? A beautiful accident.

Premeditated joy.

4/16/2008 RR/CT

Breathe on me with fire, Holy Spirit, You who were present at the dawn of time Awaken in me that which Weaves its way through all time And space And connects all of Life. Let me flow before you Nourishing even as I am nourished Transforming even as I am transformed Submitting to Your will. 4/15/2008 RR/CT

As smooth as glass As clear as a mirror I shiver in awe All my life has brought me to this point Food, oxygen, activity, rest Have all sustained tender tissues So reflection, refraction Electrochemical reactions Could feed my soul. All I can do Is humbly bow And say "Thanks!"

4/8/2008 RR/CT

You rose Nova-like As dusk was settling on my life In the force of Your presence, I quaked, And in the shifting of the tectonic plates That protected my soul A deep cavernous loneliness was illuminated And I was set free.

4/3/2008 RR/CT

"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Find a cool place, my guest And let me warm your face with the sun. Feast your eyes on beauty Feed your spirit with wonder Fill your senses with everything that surrounds you Act like a child again, PLEASE. What and how much you take with you Is entirely up to you Stay as long as you want The beauty and wonder of creation are ALWAYS here.

3/26/2008 RR/CT

The Radical Fanatical The radical fanatical The stone from Galilee The Master like a meteor Beyond our galaxy Crashed into Earth and virgin birth Shook us to the core Our mantle pierced Unleashing fierce And fiery molten roars That pour a living liquid skin Encapsulating life For those who choose a Waterloo And undergo the knife Of Spirit's fire so all desires Can once again align With source of Holy Meteor On Whom creation dines.

10/30/2008 RR/CT

Sparrows Little friends who visit my window sill, Shivering in the winter, Chirping in the spring. All life before you is set And implanted within you are all the tools You will require. I, on the other hand, must look for meaning, Must look for purpose, Am restless, vigilant, Constantly sifting ideas. Your quick little movements fascinate me, And give me pause: We share the same Creator. You, it seems, have learned to completely trust Him.

10/31/2008 RR/CT

Lingering Words "Come unto Me," The words linger The finger no longer points But beckons. Offering a manger For those who would feed On the Goodness of God.

"All you who labor," The favor of a loving Lord Proffered, like a dripping gourd So all that are thirsty May drink In one accord.

"And I will give you rest," The Living Water on your lips As sweet as honey, will eclipse The hunt for money (The haunt of many) As Fount of Plenty's Unparalyzing drenching Restores to living The disposed and oppressed. 11/4/2008 RR/CT

The Vine The stone was rolled away that day As a spray A sprig A little twig Made its way into the world. Thus unfurled a plot A plan To scan for every fallow, fertile heart And band them all together With strands from a single vine. In time Well coalesced and blessed And pressed into every nook and cranny It seemed uncanny But true That the root stretched back to that empty tomb, From which it grew, And even further back in time Into the sublime Where the heart of the Father First reached out to yours and mine.

10/28/2008 RR/CT

A thief once stole my childlike view That used to sit on polished pew With open, eager, willing eyes Uncluttered with a world disguise

Unmuttered were the words of hate That later would around me skate Inscribing on a frozen pool The mantra of a tribe of fools Untattered was the cloak of love That seamless seemed to darkness shove Connecting to a force above Protecting those in shadow of But all that changed when slippery thief Broke in my world and stole belief Left me open to the spears Of life and doubt and frets and fears Until sore wounded I would crawl Across the ice with curses scrawled With tattered clothes that reeked of sin And mattered eyes with vision grim I found the blood-soaked battered feet That walked the death reversing street Restoring Life to those who choose A second time...the childhood pew.

A Thief Once Stole

The Lord of the Dance is dying for help as oceans of kelp await harvest hands fields full of grain in mirrored refrain swaying and praying en masse do attain the eye of their Maker whose Calvary heart is softly beseeching the workers to start the World is the Harvest that ripens e'en now blessed those who harkest ahead of the plow.

The World is the Harvest 10/18/2008

man... a quasi-cosmic pluripotential propagated by limitless recombinations of progenitor peptides fraught with hazards biologic, environmental, political, financial, spiritual tossed into cycles of growth and decay molded by millions of minions of current culture the miracle is this precious piece of protoplasm seems providentially propelled to: seek its roots find the truth discover a way to slip the noose of mechanical living then bask in belief of a pristine beginning

New Birth 10/14/2008

Who are we but reflections of Your love Awash in the beauty of Your Creation In transcending our senses You reveal Yourself Every good gift comes from You In the serenity of the moment Absorbed in the miracle We cease to exist as separate Humbly accepting That eternity… is now.

Every Good Gift 10/14/2008

On eve of Man, in garden sweet The Lord debates His final touch A vibrant world all mixed and matched Does it need a human such that There's a chance all could go wrong With power of choice and strength of mind And hearts so prone to wanderlust The human may incite his kind To travel down forbidden paths Unmindful of the dangers there Against the grain of Master wrath Where lives are lost and souls are snared. He deigns to make the man with risks And wants and needs and fears and strengths And factors in a back-up plan To prove how marvelous the lengths His love is willing to embrace In order to achieve His end Of endless joy immersed in grace With freely choosing mortal kin. And so Pandora's apple is plucked Igniting waves of righteous anger Simultaneous comes the cry From the the manger.

On Eve of Man

10/8/2008 RR/CT

While trudging, drudging thru life I happed upon a pool of delight Rimmed with evergreens, high in the mounts

A shimmering, glimmering, reflected scene Doused through and through with aquamarine.

A plunge expunged doddering doubts Reason released, tradition trounced, My world opened up to the truth of the trout: In Him we live and move throughout.

I find of late, in quiet times, With softer step and gentler rhythm, Miles apart from madding crowd In introspection I am bidden To slip the rough protective coat That useful proved in growing up But now impedes the tender shoot That seeks new light on which to sup. The fingers of Your warming smile Are gentle on my spirit's husk As slowly opened to the day My world of drear eternal dusk Dissolves to find a richer life And root descends to depths unknown To anchor there mid ages past Where sage's paths are wont to roam. When duly anchored, growth begins, At first I feel so meek and thin But bursting from my earthly tomb My cotyledon now ascends To heights that give a different view, A different world, a different read, Than what I dreamed of in the earth When I existed as a seed. I seem forever in the Light And in Your smile do fully flower Leaning down You deign me kiss As all around my fragrance showers, On and on this dance sustains A life I thought would never end But then one windy day in fall I find that I begin to bend And getting lower to the earth I see where time is going to lead And so release into the wind The quintessential gift...a seed.

Afloat amidst the Milky Way His Majesty's ship The Stardust Grave Packed and loaded with utmost care With everything needed to get us "there" A ponderous ship, fully orbed And ready for all the rays to absorb Fueled by forces that work unseen Steered by a star whose constant beam Of attraction detracts from its impulse to fly Unleashed to unexplored parts of the sky Where ominous agents do lurk undetected Attractive black holes with a Siren objective. Round and round and round this star Endless encircling with nary a mar To disturb the distance or indent the cycle That's worn an invisible rut in the psyche Of passengers wishing for more than this measured Revolving involving the death of their treasured Dreams to escape this rut and attain A view that's not tied to this orbital plane. But, Oh!, what a ship we've found ourselves on With rivers and oceans and singing and songs, With loving and sighing, and though there is dying

Lying in wait are the young ones supplying The life and the joy that gives our life meaning Imbuing the seasons with laughter, redeeming The heartache we'd felt from being tied down To the mast of this endless Merry-Go-Round. So mysteries abound on His Majesty's boat And though our whole life may encircle a moat The Word is the center's not really a star But One who just spoke when Time was ajar And started it all with cycles and such Enhancing our ship with His own special touch So when we feel burdened and vision is dim Our cycling can cease, centered on Him.

Afloat amidst the Milky Way His Majesty's ship The Stardust Grave Packed and loaded with utmost care With everything needed to get us "there" A ponderous ship, fully orbed And ready for all the rays to absorb Fueled by forces that work unseen Steered by a star whose constant beam Of attraction detracts from its impulse to fly Unleashed to unexplored parts of the sky Where ominous agents do lurk undetected Attractive black holes with a Siren objective. Round and round and round this star Endless encircling with nary a mar To disturb the distance or indent the cycle That's worn an invisible rut in the psyche Of passengers wishing for more than this measured Revolving involving the death of their treasured Dreams to escape this rut and attain A view that's not tied to this orbital plane. But, Oh!, what a ship we've found ourselves on With rivers and oceans and singing and songs, With loving and sighing, and though there is dying Lying in wait are the young ones supplying The life and the joy that gives our life meaning Imbuing the seasons with laughter, redeeming The heartache we'd felt from being tied down To the mast of this endless Merry-Go-Round.

So mysteries abound on His Majesty's boat And though our whole life may encircle a moat The Word is the center's not really a star But One who just spoke when Time was ajar And started it all with cycles and such Enhancing our ship with His own special touch So when we feel burdened and vision is dim Our cycling can cease, centered on Him.

Holy Shepherd...we are Your sheep. Mighty You we cling. Most High Priest...though stained our fleece You have granted release And restoration To Your Kingdom of Peace. Holy Shepherd 11/17/2008

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