Rmd 40 Days Of Prayer Guide

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  • Pages: 3
40 DAYS OF PRAYER Praying Now for the Future RMD Superintendent Monday, March 10 through Friday, April 18, 2008 Knowing that the most underutilized source of spiritual power in ministry today is the intercession for Christian leaders, the moderators of the www.rmview.blogspot.com blog invite you join us in 40 days of prayer. As the Rocky Mountain District prepares to elect a new Superintendent this April 22, over 18 District Superintendents nationwide responded to an invitation to email specific things they would want others praying for them about. Their list has been compiled into a 40 Day Prayer Guide from Monday, March 10 through Friday, April 18.Sol e t ’ ss t a r tp r a y i nga ndpl a n t i ngs e e ds of blessings into the future! Day 1

Date Monday, March 10, 2008


Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Thursday, March 13, 2008


Friday, March 14, 2008


Saturday, March 15, 2008


Sunday, March 16, 2008


Monday, March 17, 2008


Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Thursday, March 20, 2008


Friday, March 21, 2008


Saturday, March 22, 2008


Sunday, March 23, 2008


Monday, March 24, 2008

Prayer Focus FAMILY DURING TRANSITION: Pray for our future DS’ sfamily during the leadership transition; that they would experience a smooth transition, fulfillment and discover their place of ministry. TIME & ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Pray for our future DS to have wi s d om i n pr i o r i t i z i n gt i mea nd e ne r gy be t we e n“ de ma nd s ”a nd pe r s on a l relationship with God and family. STRENGTH FOR TRANSITION: Pray for our future DS to have strength to endure the exhausting personal transitional challenges (relocation, selling/buying a home, moving, packing & unpacking). TRUST: Pray for our future DS to have favor with all generations, ministry models and diverse constituencies. TRANSITIONAL LEADERSHIP: Pray for our future DS to be able to honor the past while leading us into the future. BALANCE: Pray for our future DS to be able to provide balance in the various ministries and services provided to our local churches. CHARACTER: Pray for our future DS to have integrity, honesty and the ability to withstand temptations in travel. COURAGE: Pray for our future DS to have the courage to make controversial decisions, take unfavorable positions, uphold standards and act decisively without the fear of man. COOPERATION: Pray for our future DS to have the freedom to lead, along with flexibility and understanding from the ministers of the district. SPIRITUAL PASSION: Pray for our future DS to possess a growing spiritual hunger that is not overshadowed by pressing administrative duties. DISCERNMENT: Pray for our future DS to have wisdom to ask the right questions and discern between better and best, and at times, to choose between the best of bad options. SITUATIONAL WISDOM: Pray for our future DS to have the ability to deal with desperate needs within a short period of time. FAITH & OPTIMISM: Pray for our future DS to have the ability to remain optimistic despite the constant flow of disappointing news, negative situations, criticism and troubled churches. TEAM CHEMISTRY: Pray for our future DS to have the ability to quickly find, hire and delegate tasks to the right people that will function in their strengths while allowing him/her to function in his/hers. WISDOM TO NETWORK: Pray for our future DS to have a heart sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit in helping to recommend and match pastors with local communities. RMD 40 Days of Prayer, Page 1 of 3


Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Thursday, March 27, 2008


Friday, March 28, 2008


Saturday, March 29, 2008


Sunday, March 30, 2008


Monday, March 31, 2008


Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Thursday, April 03, 2008


Friday, April 04, 2008


Saturday, April 05, 2008


Sunday, April 06, 2008


Monday, April 07, 2008


Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Thursday, April 10, 2008


Friday, April 11, 2008


Saturday, April 12, 2008


Sunday, April 13, 2008


Monday, April 14, 2008


Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Thursday, April 17, 2008


Friday, April 18, 2008

WISDOM IN CONFLICT: Pray for our future DS to have wisdom to deal with conflict in churches and among ministers. CREATIVITY TO NETWORK: Pray for our future DS to be able to facilitate relationships and community among our district ministers and spouses. RESOURCES TO EMPOWER: Pray for our future DS to have resources to train and equip our district ministers for their assignments. PHYSICAL STAMINA: Pray for our future DS to have physical endurance to handle all the necessary travel. PROTECTION: Pr a yf o ro urf u t ur eDS t oh a veGo d ’ spr o t e c t i ond ur i ng travel. MARRIAGE: Pray for our future DS to enjoy a healthy marriage in spite of incredible pressures, frequent travel and time demands. ABILITY TO UNIFY: Pray for our future DS to have the ability to unify an ever expanding diversity in culture and ministry models. DISCRETION:Pr a yf o ro urf ut u r eDSt oh a veGod ’ she l pi nc ommuni c a t i ng what needs to be said, when it needs to be said and in the right spirit. SELF MANAGEMENT: Pray for our future DS to have the willingness to take the necessary time off to re-charge the batteries and regain balance. PATIENCE: Pray for our future DS to have the ability to trust God and others in investing the necessary time and resources to bring change and implement vision. SPIRIT-FILLED LIFE: Pray for our future DS to be led by and walk in the Spirit. DEPARTING MINISTRY: Pray for the ministry our future DS will be transitioning out of to assume new leadership. SPEAKING MINISTRY: Pray for our future DS to have an effective speaking and teaching ministry in our churches. STAFF CHEMISTRY: Pray for our future DS to have staff and employees that genuinely support his or her ministry values and philosophy. PROVISION: Pray for our future DS that God would provide for all the personal, family and ministry needs. WISDOM IN EVALUATING NEEDS: Pray for our future DS to have discernment in evaluating the diverse needs throughout the district. FORWARD VISION: Pray that our future DS to have boldness to dream a bo utt h ed i s t r i c t ’ sf ut ur e . DIVINE CALL: Pray that our future DS will sense an indestructible, unquestionable, and unavoidable call and mandate from God to lead at this time. MENTORING: Pray that our future DS will be an example to young people and model leadership to the next generation of ministers. MULTI-GENERATIONAL: Pray that our future DS will be able to relate to various generations of ministerial leaders. LAY LEADERSHIP RELATIONSHIPS: Pray that our future DS will be able to assist, train and encourage lay leaders to support their pastors. WISE USE OF DISCIPLINE: Pray that our new DS will have wisdom in supervising the discipline and restoration of ministers. SENSE OF SECURITY: Pray that our future DS will have a leadership style that is secure enough to allow others to operate in their God-given gifts and abilities. DISTRICT EXPANSION: Pray that our future DS will have divine wisdom in church planting, ministerial recruitment and decisions that impact the future. THE ROLE OF INFLUENCE: Pray that the future DS will have a "Godgiven understanding" that the Superintendency is not a position of power, but a window of opportunity to model servanthood through the responsibilities of the office. RMD 40 Days of Prayer, Page 2 of 3

PARTICIPATING SUPERINTENDENTS: We would like to thank following District Superintendents for sharing their life and helping us compile this prayer list. We would also like to thank retired superintendent and statesman, William Vickery, for helping us place the list in a logical order to provide balance throughout the prayer focus. The names of participating superintendents, listed in alphabetical order, are: Jim Braddy (Northern California/Nevada), Frank Cargill (Oklahoma), Doug Clay (Ohio), Carl Colletti (New Jersey), Bob Cook (Rocky Mountain), Rick DuBose (North Texas), Duane Durst (New York), Don Gifford (Indiana), Billy Glover (Alabama), Larry Griswold (Illinois), Steve Harris (Arizona), Dennis Marquardt (Northern New England), Clarence St. John (Minnesota), Steve Tourville (PennsylvaniaDelaware), Eddie Turner (Tennessee), William Vickery (Supt. Emeritus, Northern California/Nevada), George Wood (General Superintendent) and Terry Yancey (Kansas).

RMD 40 Days of Prayer, Page 3 of 3

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