Rite Of The Revolution - Erotic Excerpt Eva Frank And Adam Weishaupt

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  • Words: 1,201
  • Pages: 4

CHAPTER XV It was there at the Bauers’ mansion in Frankfurt am Main that Adam first met her. Her eyes were a deep violet like the sky above the sea before dawn. Her fine skin was sheer perfection and her beautiful face was sweeter than any he had ever beheld. Her long blonde hair was crowned with gold and jewels, and cascaded over her bare arms. She was strong and healthy as if she engaged in some daily athletic activity. Adam wondered what it could be, as he sat across the table from her at dinner and made polite conversation with her in Czech about rabbits, an innuendo that brought a smirk to her delicious mouth. Princess Eva was her name and she was barely fifteen. According to Mayer, her mother was Catherine the Great and her father was Jacob Frank a Jewish mystic, and veritable messiah, who had been jailed and exiled for heresy over his interpretation of the Zohar. “He is the reincarnation of King David, and Rabbi Sabbatei Tzvi, the true Messiah,” said Mayer of Eva’s father. “My family has taken it upon themselves to preserve Yakob’s line through Eva.” Adam had never heard of Frank or Sabbatei Tzvi and looked at Eva for verification and she blushed scarlet at the mention of her father, perhaps because he was in exile. They politely dropped the subject for fear of embarrassing the girl further and Mayer gave Adam a look that intimated they would speak of it privately at some later time. Adam wanted to ask more questions but was afraid of offending Eva whose affections he sought to win. “She’s magnificent,” he sighed to Mayer when she was out of earshot. She had barely whispered a word back to Adam. But there was something in her strange eyes the way she looked at him, that ate at his soul. He knew that although she did find him an attractive and desirable partner, she could never act on it. Adam was so far below her class, his even being at the same table as she was a surreal encounter for them both. Adam gathered that Mayer’s wealthy parents had taken in young Eva after Jacob Frank had been imprisoned, promising to find her a husband of wealth who could overlook or accept her father’s unusual personality and predicament. Once he found her watching him from a balcony overlooking the garden, and held her gaze. He relished the seconds that it lasted and traveled back there in his mind countless times. How she had looked at him... He began to fantasize about her and made no excuses to Mayer for wanting to come and visit him whenever possible. At the University, his mind often wandered to thoughts of her. What was she doing at this moment? Was she thinking of him, of being with him? She was but a girl, too young for such thoughts. It would be years before she would consider a husband, he told himself. But he was grievously mistaken. The next Christmas, her engagement was announced. It was toasted over braised pheasants by Mayer’s father that Princess Eva would marry the Count of Valois-Kolmstecht. Adam was devastated, and as he gazed upon her incomparable beauty, he could not hide his disappointment. The arrangement obviously had been made for her, by the elder Herr Bauer who was her guardian these many long years while her father was in exile in Brno. Adam sat in the garden cursing fate and the myriad of restrictive social customs, and smoking the Indian hemp that Mayer had sent for from the islands of the Far East. It was a different strain than George’s for it had a reddish purple hue and was quite a bit more heady. The smoke brushed his face and filled his nose and he thought back to the brief span of time before tonight when the possibility of his having Eva still existed. Marriage was so final, so cruel. He thought of all the ways he could change this sorry fate, and resolved to take some sort of action, though he knew not what.

RITE OF THE REVOLUTION It was nearly midnight and everyone else had gone to bed. Christmas Eve was tomorrow, though it mattered little in a house belonging to Jews. Still, it was a magical time for Adam, and he felt the festive charge in the air. Eva appeared behind him silent as a ghost in a winter fox robe, and sat next to him. “Why do you sit here so sad?” she whispered. “Because you will never be mine,” he replied at last. She touched his hand. They gazed at each other for a long moment, then he pressed her soft hand between his and kissed it sorrowfully. How he longed for her, longed to be this near and nearer to her. He knew that they were being watched by dutiful servants, but it was not his reputation that would be ruined. “Come with me,” she said as her lips brushed his ear. He looked at her beautiful face in exhilaration and disbelief. She led him by the hand through the sleeping palace. It was silent, and the sound of their feet and whispers were muffled by the thick carpets and tapestries. Her chamber was dark and warm. As soon as the door was bolted, he kissed her and his hands slid over her smooth skin. Her fur robe fell away revealing her nubile body that was unbelievably velvety and exquisite. He felt a charge of electricity and a hot inescapable magnetic pull as he kissed her and touched the hot wetness between her legs. As she whispered in his ear of how they would be joined in a sacred union, he penetrated her juicy tight womanhood and knew that he had neither felt nor imagined a greater pleasure. She moved to complement him and seized upon his member in an endless procession of joyous explosions. For fifteen, Eva seemed experienced beyond his reckoning as she introduced him to pleasures he never imagined possible. She looked up at the ceiling and murmured a prayer that seemed to conjure a ball of ecstatic electricity between their hearts. Of the many highly experienced prostitutes he had enjoyed, none had ever made him feel like she did. She rode on him in ways he had never before fathomed and that for hours. He found her legs wrapped around his back as she raised and lowered herself on his hard throbbing cock that wanted to explode into her but was held in check by the strange sexual power she held over it. He cupped her breasts, teasing her hard nipples, as he thrust into her. She cried out in her beautiful voice, so like the voice of the angel he had heard in the inn in Hamburg. And when he finally joined her, he was overcome with a tingling jubilant lightness as his heart, mind and pelvis sang out like a chorus of angels as he imbued her with his sudden gush of white, hot power. They were suspended in ecstasy for many long minutes, kissing and murmuring divine words to each other.

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