Risk Management > Interest Rate Risk

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Risk Management Interest Rate Risk Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

Interest Rate Risk

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Basic Concepts

ƒ Bond Values & Interest Rate Risk ¾

Interest Rate Risk Measurement

ƒ Duration ƒ Immunization ƒ Convexity ƒ Multi-factor Duration Models ¾

Advanced Interest Rate Risk Modeling

ƒ Index Rate Duration ƒ Interest Rate Options ƒ Deterministic & Simulation Analysis Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics Interest Rate Risk

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Bond Values and Interest Rates What is the relationship between a bond’s price and interest rates? ¾ How does this sensitivity depend on the maturity of the bond? ¾ Are coupon bonds more sensitive to interest rates than zero coupon bonds? ¾

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Interest Rate Risk - Example Interest rate changes cause bond prices to fluctuate: ¾ Example: 8% coupon bond ¾

• If rates are at 8%, it will sell at par • If rates rise to 9% , price must fall below par – no-one will want to hold the bond at par value, so price will fall – must have expected capital gain to compensate for coupon below market rate

• If rates fall to 7%, price will rise above par – everyone will bid for bond paying above market rate – forces price up & builds in expected capital loss to offset coupon above current market rate Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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The Price-Yield Relationship Price Price Sensitivity Slope = ∆P / ∆y


∆y Yield Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Worked Exercise: Bond Values & Interest Rates Start Bond Tutor ¾ Subject: Bond Values & Interest Rates ¾ Follow worked exercise ¾

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Factors Affecting Interest Rate Sensitivity ¾


ƒ Long term bonds are more sensitive than short term bonds ¾


ƒ Low (Zero) coupon bonds are more sensitive than high coupon bonds ¾


ƒ bonds at lower yields are more sensitive than at higher yields Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Duration ¾

The further away cash flows are, the more their PV is affected by interest rates:

ƒ PV = C/(1 + r)t ¾

Duration measures weighted average maturity of cash flows:

ƒ D = Σt x Wt • Wt = CFt / (1 + y)t PV • y is yield to maturity ¾

Higher duration means greater risk

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Duration & Risk Impact of changes in YTM: • ∆P = -[D / (1 + y)] x P x ∆y • D / (1 + y) is known as modified duration D* • D* = [∆P / P] x (1 / ∆y) • Percentage price change [∆P / P] = D* x ∆y ¾ Limitations: ¾

ƒ Small changes in y ƒ Parallel changes in yield curve Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Example of Duration Calculation: Interest Rate = 10% Cash Discount Time Flow Factor

PV of Cash Flow

PV Weight

1 2 3 4 5

90.91 82.64 75.13 68.30 62.09

0.2398 0.2180 0.1982 0.1802 0.1638

0.2398 0.4360 0.5946 0.7207 0.8190




100 100 100 100 100

0.9091 0.8264 0.7513 0.6830 0.6209


PV Weight x Time

Duration = 2.81 Years Modified Duration = 2.81 / 1.1 = 2.55 years

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Duration & Price-Yield Relationship Price Slope = ∆P / ∆y ∼ D


y* Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Yield Slide: 11

Two Ways to Think About Duration ¾

Weighted Average Time to Maturity

ƒ Weight the time of each cashflow by proportion of total NPV it represents ¾

As the sensitivity of a security’s PV to change in interest rates

ƒ Sensitivity = δP/δy = -Σt [CFt / (1 + y)t] x 1/P

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Immunization ¾


ƒ duration of assets = duration of liabilities ƒ value of assets = value of liabilities Portfolio is “immunized” ¾ Portfolio value will be unchanged ¾

ƒ for small, parallel changes in yield

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Worked Exercise on Duration Start Bond Tutor ¾ Subject: Duration ¾ Follow worked exercise ¾

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Trading Case B04 Flat yield curve 25% ¾ Can move to: 5% to 45% ¾ You have a liability/asset which you cannot trade ¾ Must try and preserve value of portfolio ¾

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Analysis of Case B04 ¾

Position 1 • 3200 cash • 14 of sec worth 307 • -51 of sec worth 64


What should you do

ƒ Sell 14 @ 307.2 ƒ Buy 29 @ 112.064 ƒ Why 29?: • asset value = 29 * 112 = 3250 • liability value = 51 * 64 = 3264 Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Analysis of Case B04

Note: cash = 4250 after trade “instantaneous exposure” Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Analysis of case B04 Exposure at end of period

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Problems with Conventional Immunization Assumption

Empirical Evidence


Yield curve shifts are parallel

Short rates move more than long rates


Yield curve changes perfectly correlated along the curve

Correlation between short and long rates much less than 1.0

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Price Approximation Using Duration Price

Actual Price

Error in estimating price based on duration


y1 Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

y* Interest Rate Risk


Yield Slide: 20

Convexity ¾

Duration assumes linear price-yield relationship

ƒ Duration proportional to the slope of the tangent line ƒ Accurate for small changes in yield ¾

Convexity recognizes that price-yield relationship is curvilinear

ƒ Important for large changes in yield

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Convexity Formula ¾

Dollar Convexity: • δ2P / δy2 = ΣCFt x t(t+1) / (1 + y)t+2

ƒ Price change due to convexity: • ∆P = Dollar Convexity x (∆y)2 ¾

Convexity = [δ2P / δy2] x (1 / P)

ƒ Percentage price change due to convexity: • ∆P / P = 0.5 x Convexity x (∆y)2 Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Convexity Adjustment: Example ¾

Straight Bond • 6% coupon, 25yr, yield 9% • Modified Duration =10.62 • Convexity = 182.92


% Price Change: Yield Move +200bp -200bp

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(D* ∆y)

0.5 x C (∆y)2

-21.24% +21.24%

3.66% 3.66%

Interest Rate Risk

Total -17.58% +24.90%

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Summary: Interest Rates & Risk How interest rates affect bond prices ¾ Duration ¾ Immunization ¾ Convexity ¾

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A Two Factor Model of Yield Curve Changes Change in spot rate

Change Change = At x in short rate + Bt x in long rate = αt x Change in spread


βt x Change in long rate

Spread: (Long rate - Short rate) ¾ Two factor Model: ¾

αT : sensitivity of T-period spot rate to changes in spread βT: sensitivity of T-period spot rate to changes in long rate Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Immunization with Two Factor Model ¾


ƒ Long rate ƒ Spread = long rate - short rate ¾

Durations: each asset has two durations

ƒ Long Duration: sensitivity to change in long rate ƒ Spread Duration: sensitivity to change in spread

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Computing Two Factor Durations ¾

Duration formula:

ƒ DS = -ΣTi αTi[cie-RTi/PV] ƒ DL = -ΣTi βTi[cie-RTi/PV] ¾

Regression Analysis ∆RT = AT + αT∆S + βT∆L + εT

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Estimated Long Rate & Spread Sensitivities (Nelson/Schaefer) Maturity (Years)

Spread Sensitivity

Long Rate Sensitivity

1.000 0.743 0.542 0.391 0.269 0.200 0.163 0.131 0.100 0.100 0.043 0.019 0.000

1.000 1.036 1.026 0.997 0.970 0.953 0.950 0.962 0.983 1.005 1.022 1.022 1.000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Spread & Long Rate Sensitivities 1.200 1.000 0.800 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.000 0




Spread Sensitivity Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics





Long Rate Sensitivity

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Implied Spot Rates: Relative Importance of Factors % of Total Explained Variance Accounted for by Maturity 6 Months 1 year 2 years 5 years 8 years 10 years 14 years 18 years

Total Variance Explained Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 99.5 79.5 17.2 3.3 99.4 89.7 10.1 0.2 98.2 93.4 2.4 4.2 98.8 98.2 1.1 0.7 98.7 95.4 4.6 0.0 98.8 92.9 6.9 0.2 98.4 86.2 11.5 2.2 93.5 80.5 14.3 5.2






Source: Journal of Fixed Income, “Volatility and the Yield Curve”, Litterman, Scheinkman & Weiss Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Example: Calculating Spread Duration ƒ 8% 4-year bond ƒ Spot rates 10% flat

Time 1 2 3 4 TOTAL

Cash Flow 8 8 8 108

DF 0.9091 0.8264 0.7513 0.6830

PV 7.27 6.61 6.01 73.77 93.66

Time x PV Spread x Spread Sensitivity Sensitivity 1.000 7.27 0.743 9.82 0.542 9.77 0.391 115.37 142.24

Spread Duration = 142.24 / 93.66 = 1.52 Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Immunization Conditions Portfolio Weights add to One ¾ Match Spread Duration ¾

ƒ Weighted average of spread duration of assets = spread duration of liabilities ¾

Match Long Duration

ƒ Weighted average of long duration of assets = long duration of liabilities ¾


ƒ w1 + w2 + w3 = 1 ƒ w1D1S + w2D2S + w3D3S = DS ƒ w1D1L + w2D2L +Interest w3D3L = DL Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics Rate Risk

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When One Asset is Cash ¾

Sensitivity of cash to all interest rates is zero ƒ w1D1S + w2D2S = DS ƒ w1D1L + w2D2L = DL


Cash holding is residual ƒ w3 = 1 - w1 - w2

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Lab: Bond Hedging Exercise Worksheet: Bond Hedging ¾ Scenario: ¾

ƒ You have a short position in 8-year bonds ƒ Have to hedge using 3 and 15 year bonds ¾


ƒ Create conventional duration hedge ƒ Test under 4 scenarios ƒ Create 2-factor duration hedge ƒ Repeat test & compare ¾

See Notes & Solution

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Solution: Bond Hedging Exercise ¾

Hedge Structure Method Conventional Two-Factor


Holdings Cash 0.00 -.0089

3yr 0.3538 0.4599

8yr -1.000 -1.000

15yr 0.6462 0.5490

Hedge Performance (Profit/Loss) Scenario I II III IV

Conventional -27bp -29bp 28bp 25bp

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2-Factor 3bp 3bp 2bp 2bp Slide: 35

Advanced Interest Risk Modeling ¾

Index rate contingent cash flows

ƒ Key Treasury Rate Duration ¾

Interest rate options

ƒ Option-adjusted duration ¾

Analytical methods

ƒ Deterministic ƒ Monte Carlo simulation

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Duration Risk Measurement Recall: (dP/P) = - D* x dr ¾ Modified Duration D* = -(dP/dr) x 1/P ¾

ƒ For swaps & derivatives concept of duration is ambiguous ¾

Need to measure sensitivity to changes in:


Index Rate ƒ DURINDEX = -(dP/drindex) x 1/P Discount Rate ƒ DURDISC = -(dP/drdisc) x 1/P


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Calculating Duration Perturbation Method ¾


ƒ Add small increment dr (1bp) to index rate ƒ Recompute PV ¾


ƒ Add small increment dr (1bp) to discount rate ƒ Recompute PV ¾

DURATION = [PVOrig - PVNew]/PVOrig x 1/dr

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Discount Rate Can be found by assuming cash flows are non-contingent ¾ YTM of comparable fixed coupon note of same maturity ¾ Hence DURDISC = Duration of vanilla note ¾

ƒ E.g. for 3-yr note DRD = 2.8 yrs


Exception: Note which has indeterminate maturity

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Index rate E.g. 3-yr FRN ¾ Coupon = 3-month LIBOR, paid quarterly ¾ What is appropriate index rate? ¾

ƒ NOT 3-month LIBOR ƒ Aggregate of all floating rate components • 12 different IR’s in this example ¾

Solution: swap rate

ƒ Summarizes entire LIBOR cash flow stream ƒ Expressed as a spread over 3-year treasury rate ƒ Hence DURINDEX = -2.8 approx. Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Net Duration ¾

3-year FRN, coupon 3-m LIBOR


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= 2.8 = -2.8 = 0

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Key Treasury Rate Duration (KTRD) Calculates change in price wrt change in one segment of the Treasury curve. ¾ Used when Index rate and Discount rate are not equal ¾

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Duration for Derivative Structures ¾

E.g. Capped FRN

ƒ Like capped floating leg of swap ¾

Option Adjusted Duration

ƒ OAD = DUR x P / PC x (1 - ∆) • • • •

DUR = Duration of uncapped FRN P = price of uncapped FRN PC = price of capped FRN ∆ = cap delta

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Deterministic Analysis & Option Delta 1.0

Deterministic analysis overestimates delta


Deterministic analysis underestimates delta

Deterministic analysis Option analysis

0.0 K Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Volatility Duration Applies to securities with embedded optionality ¾ DURVOL = - (1/P) x (dP/dσ) ¾

= - (1/P) x Vega ¾ Vega greatest for ATM options

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Cap Vega Interest Rate Cap Vega 30


25 20 15 10 5 0 K

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Evaluating Risk ¾

Deterministic Analysis

ƒ Assume know rates in advance ƒ Determines cash flows, yield • Duration estimated using perturbation method ¾

Simulation Analysis

ƒ Monte Carlo simulation model of interest rates ƒ Statistical analysis of: • Cash flows • Yield • Duration Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Deterministic Analysis ¾

Forward Analysis

ƒ Assumes index spot rates move to forwards ƒ Problem of bias • Forward rates typically exceed future spot rates ¾

Expectation analysis

ƒ Projects ‘expected’ spot rates

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Linear Smooth Expectation (LSE) Analysis ¾

Set final index spot rate

ƒ E.G. from forward rate Estimate intermediate index rates using linear interpolation ¾ Compute cash flows, yield, duration in normal way ¾ Repeat for range of final index rates ¾

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Monte-Carlo Methodology Simulate movement in index rates ¾ Calculate cash flows, PV’s, yield, duration ¾ Repeat large no of times ¾ Create histogram of yield, duration values ¾

ƒ Calculate average yield, duration

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Generating Simulated Index Rates ¾

R + ∆R = R x Exp[(µ−σ2/2)∆t + σ∆z] • • • • •


∆R is change in index rate µ is drift factor σ is volatility ∆Z = ε(∆t)1/2 ε is normal random variable, No(0,1)


ƒ Generate ε (random) ƒ Compute new index rates, cash flows, etc ƒ Estimate duration using perturbation method ƒ Repeat many times (10,000+) Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Example YTM Probability Distribution 12.00%


10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00%















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Lab: Capped FRN ¾

Start with simple 3-year FRN, quarterly LIBOR

ƒ Confirm IRD = - DRD ¾

FRN Coupon LIBOR + 0.5%, 5.5% Cap

ƒ Calculate IRD, DRD, Net Duration ƒ Use simulation analysis to estimate yield, duration ƒ Use LSE analysis to compute yield, duration ƒ Compare LSE & simulation analysis ƒ Compare OAD with deterministic & simulation analysis Copyright © 1996-2006 Investment Analytics

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Solution: Capped FRN Duration Estimates 2.50


1.50 Duration




0.00 3.5%










LIBOR at Maturity

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Step-up Recovery Floaters (SURFs) ¾

Objective ƒ Provide higher floating yield than CMT or LIBOR FRNs


Structure ƒ Above-market floor, some upside participation ƒ Example: 5-year note • Coupon = 0.5*(10-year CMT) + 1.5% • Floor 4.5%


Equivalent Position ƒ Short T-Bonds ƒ Long ITM Bond Call Options

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Yield (%)

7 6 5 CMT FRN



3 3





10Yr CMT at Maturity (%)

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SURF Risk Factors ¾

Net Duration ƒ A lower rates, behaves like a fixed income security • Due to coupon floor • Hence higher duration a low rates

ƒ At higher rates, behaves more like an FRN • Hence lower duration at high rates ¾

Volatility Duration ƒ Long a floor option, positive Vega ƒ Hence negative Vol. Duration ƒ Value of floor (and note) increases with volatility

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SURF - Net Duration Net Duration of SURF 4.5

Dura tion

4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 3



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6 7 8 10Yr CMT at Maturity Interest Rate Risk




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SURF - Volatility Duration Volatility Duration

Volatility Duration (bps/vol)

0 3





-2 -4 -6 -8 -10 10Yr CMT at Maturity (%)

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Range Floaters / LIBOR Enhanced Accrual Notes (LEANs) ¾

Typical Structure ƒ 4 Year FRN ƒ Coupon LIBOR + 50bp • Only paid if LIBOR in range

ƒ Year 1-2 range 5% - 6% ƒ Year 3-4 range 6% - 7% • Ranges increase due to upward sloping forward curve ¾

Investor has written series of binary calls and puts • Compensated by higher spread • Taking advantage of high implieds • Betting that volatility will be lower than anticipated

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LEANs - Risk Factors ¾

Net Duration ƒ Close to zero within range ƒ Changes dramatically outside range • Negative below range – note value rises with rates

• Positive above range (>> maturity) – -note value falls as rates rise


Volatility Duration ƒ Positive in range • Note loses value if volatility increases

ƒ Negative outside range • Note gains in value if volatility rises

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Multi-Index Notes Coupon based on sum or difference between multiple indices ¾ Most common structures: ¾

ƒ CMT-LIBOR Differential Notes ƒ Prime-LIBOR Differential Notes

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Example: CMT-LIBOR Diff. Note ¾



Note features: ƒ Issuer: US Agency ƒ Maturity: 3 years ƒ Annual Coupon: (10-year CMT - 12m LIBOR) +2.00% Discount Rate Duration ƒ DR is to-maturity Treasury rate ƒ Hence DRD = 2.8 years approx. Index Component ƒ 10-year CMT ƒ LIBOR

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CMT-LIBOR Diff. Note Overview ¾ ¾

Investor Outlook ƒ Achieve higher coupon than either CMT or LIBOR Risk ƒ Yield curve flattening will rapidly erode the note’s yield advantage


Equivalent Position: ƒ Long CMT FRN ƒ Long Eurodollar Futures

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CMT-LIBOR Diff. Note ¾

10-Year CMT: CouponPV =

¾ ¾

T1,10 (1 + r1 )



T2,10 (1 + r2 )



T3,10 (1 + r3 )


1bp change in T10 produces approx. 1bp change in 10-year forward rate T1,10 Hence value of note will increase by PV01 in each year

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CMT-LIBOR Diff. Note: Key Treasury Rate Durations Key Rate T10 T11 T12

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PV01 -1/(1+T1)1 -1/(1+T2)2 -1/(1+T3)3

Interest Rate Risk

Duration -0.95 -0.91 -0.86

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CMT-LIBOR Diff. Note: LIBOR Component Equivalent to 3-year swap ¾ Corresponds to to-maturity Treasury rate ¾ Hence duration is equiv. to fixed coupon 3year note ¾ KTRD for LIBor component is 2.8 years ¾

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CMT-LIBOR Diff Note: KTRD’s Component Index


Index rate 10-yr CMT T10 T11 T12 12-m LIBOR Discounting Rate


To-maturity T3 Treasury

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KTRD -0.95 -0.91 -0.86 2.8 2.8

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CMT-LIBOR Diff Note: KTRD Spectrum Key Rate Duration (years)

CMT-LIBOR Diff Note - Key Rate Duration Spectrum LIBOR





4 3 2 1 0 -1











-2 Maturity

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Summary: Risk Management ¾

Risk Measurement

ƒ Duration Concepts ƒ Index Rate Duration ƒ Key Treasury Rate Duration ¾

Risk Analysis

ƒ Deterministic ƒ Simulation

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