Rice Buzz

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  • Words: 1,661
  • Pages: 76


Objective of RICE BUZZ :

The main objective of this Project is to maintain the total life cycle of Rice Mill. The purpose of developing this web application is to share the up to date information of their Rice business with in the organization and across the countries.

Benefits to Organization :

1. Multiple users can access the data at a time. 2. The main Admin have all the rights to assign roles to users. 3. The page wise and event wise security is provided to application. 4. Only authorized users can access the data and manipulate it. 5. Every day the total information regarding to the Stock and the value of the Stock will be known to the Organization. 6. Alerts on Stock Shortage. 7. Consumption status of the Mill machineries.

Software and Hardware Specifications: Hard ware: Processor


Intel Pentium or more



256 MB or more



512 KB

Hard disk


16 GB hard disk recommended for primary partition.

Software: Operating system


Windows 2000 or later

Technology and Languages


ASP.NET2.0, C#, Ajax. Crystal Reports.

Back End Software



Modules in RICE BUZZ There are mainly 8 modules in RICE BUZZ 1. Admin 2. Employee 3. Inventory 4. Purchase 5. Production 6. Sales 7. Stores 8. Finance

LOGIN PAGE This is the Login Page (initial page) of this application . Every one must have to enter the User Name and Password . Based on the user name and Password authorizations are provided.

Screens in Admin Module

Create User The users are created in this page by the Admin only. The type of the user and their Role type also selected.

Add New Page: Adding a new page if any pages further added to the application. This is used in the next page ‘Create new Role’

Create New Role: In this Page we create new role and providing Authorizations to each page.

Screens in Inventory Module

Item Master Here we can create the Varieties of Rice and Paddy.

Mill Master: Create new Mill and enter details of the mill.

Godown Master: Create new Godown and the Godown details.

Way Bills Master: A series of Way Bills are generated at a time in this Page.

NOCs Master: A series of NOCs (No Objection Certificate) are generated at a time.

Permits Master: A series of permits are generated with their details like time durations and maximum quantity on that permit.

Lorry Master: Enter Lorry details.

Agent Master: Create Sales and Purchase Agents with their details.

Gunnies Master: Enter the Opening stock of the Gunnies. And also with their weights.

Stock Master: Enter the opening stock Rice, Paddy, Broken. Entering the Yielding, Vat, CST percentages of the available Items.

Tax Master: Create various Tax Rates and their details.

Hamali Master: Creating Hamali rates based on the areas like Unloading, Loading, and Transferring. .etc.

Gunny Weight Master: Enter the Gunny weight which used at purchase to reduce the weight from the total weight of paddy.

Weighment Shortage Master: Enter the weight which is average short at the Weigh Bridge .Which is also reduced from the net weight in the Paddy Purchase.

Expenditure Master: Enter various types of Expenditures occurred at the time of billing of sales items.

Load Freight Master: Enter the different at different distances.

FCI Rates: Enter the rates of each item based on the Qualities of Paddy and Rice according to the Food Corporation of India.

Moisture Master: Enter the Moisture Percentage and the shortage percent.

Screens in Purchase Module

Issue Way Bills / NOC ’s / Gunnies: Here we can enter the details of issuing way bills, NOC’s, Gunnies to the Purchase Agents. The Agents who are going to purchase paddy from the formers.

Return Way Bills / NOC’s / Gunnies: Here we have to enter the details of returned waybills, NOC’s which are unused by the Agents and also gunnies which are not filled.

Paddy Purchase: Here we can enter all the Purchase details of the Paddy, Rice and Broken.

Purchase Approval: The details which are entered in the purchase Paddy Form will not effected to the data base directly. When we come in to the approval page the authorized person will approve the Purchase by selecting appropriate invoice number.

Zero invoice: Here we will get the purchase data which is not approved till now. From this Page also we can give approval to the purchases.

Create Patti: The purchases belongs one person are grouped into single Patti (which is a list of purchase details). The amounts belongs to these purchases are summed. And any other commissions, Rusum, Advance Amount s all are calculated and the net amount of the Patti is generated.

Payments Once the Patti is generated then the Payments can be done in the Payments Page .The cash transactions can be done at the cash voucher page. Once the payment to the particular person is done . Then it will show in the payments page. By the information provided from the cash voucher we will finish the Purchase Module by entering amount details in the payments page.

Advance Payments: Here we can enter the amount if any advances paid to the Agents or to the Customers. That will effect in the Payments.

Gunny Purchase: Here we can enter the details of Gunny Purchase. The details like Type of Gunny, Brand of Gunny, Rate, Tax (%)…etc.

Screens in Production Module

Batch: Here the batch means the paddy which is sent for processing is treated as Batch. And estimating the output of the batch after the processing.

Hulling: Here we can enter the details of paddy which is going to process. The details are like Which Batch is going for milling, from which godown it is taken, the quantity of the material, which lorry used to bring the material.

Rejected Items: Enter the details of items which are rejected at processing.

Yielding: Entering Details of Rice and Broken after the processing.

Bran/Husk/Ash Stock: Entering the opening stock or Quantity after the processing of Bran, Husk, Ash.

Stock Transfer: Entering the details of stock transfer from one Godown to another Godown or from on type of bag to another type of bag.

Damaged Gunnies: Enter the Details of the Damaged Gunnies after the Hulling or after the stock transfer.

Screens in Sales Module

Contracts: The Contract details can be entered here.

Consignment Loading: Consignment loading is nothing but wagon loading. The details of loading like the item details, the Source and Destinations of the wagon, Lorry number and Way bill Number, Freight for the wagon.

Consignment Sales: Enter the details of sales for the items which are sent through the wagon.

FCI Loading: Enter details of Items which are loading to sent to the Food Corporation of India.

FCI Returns: Enter the details of Items which are sent back to the Godown by Food Corporation of India.

FCI Acknowledgement: We have to enter the details of Acknowledgement from FCI.

FCI Bill: The FCI Bill contains all the details of the transaction with the FCI. By electing the ACK No we will get all the details. After submitting the bills for one or more Acknowledgements we will go to the receipt button. There we can enter the Amounts and check details which are paid by the FCI.

Sales: Here we can enter the Sales Details of Rice, Paddy Items.

Bran Sales: Here we can enter the details of Bran sales based on the contracts or permits if any. And also the details of the bags which belongs Bran.

Husk/Ash Sales: Here we can enter the details of Husk or Ash sales based on the contracts if any, and also the details of the bags which belongs to the Bran.

Receipts: Here we will generate receipts for all the sales . The receipts are differentiated by the sales type and by selecting the Party name. The bill amounts are displayed automatically. We can add or subtract the bill Amount if needed . If we get the amount through the bank, then we can enter the bank details like bank name, check number, check date and check Amount.

Sales Actual Weight: If the weight of the material has to change after the sales page submitting, we have the sales actual weight page to modify the weight. Then the bill amount also modified accordingly.

Screens in Sales Module

Stores Master: Here we can save opening stock of the mill missionary . By clicking the link add new group we can create new Item.

Stores Purchase: Here we can enter the purchase details of the Mill missionary, and also the details of where we are storing them.

Stores Inward: Here we can enter the details of Mill missionary which we can bring from outside mills.

Inward Return: Here we can enter the details of the returned missionary which are of Inward.

Outward from Mill: Here we can enter the Details of missionary which are sent for repair from mill.

Consumption/Outward: Here we can enter the details of missionary which are sent for usage, and also which are sent out side to other mills.

Outward Return: Here we can add the returned missionary, which are sent as Outward.

Screens in Employee Module

Employee Details: Here we can enter the details of mill Employees.

Attendance: Here we have to save the presence of the employees. Here we have two shifts of attendance available. Based on this attendance the salary cuttings can be done.

Salaries: Here we have 3 types of salaries available. 1.Monthly Salaries: In this we will get the details like monthly salary, cuttings, loss of pay ,part paid (if any advance payments in the middle of the month). 2.Weekly Salaries: In this we will get the details like weekly salary, cuttings, loss of pay. 3. Daily Wages: In this we can enter the details of the daily wages.

Monthly Salaries:

Weekly Salaries:

Daily Wages:

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