Rhs Newsletter May 2009

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16600 NE 80th Street, Room 106 Redmond, WA 98052 ~ Tel 425.885.2919

VOLUME 11, NUMBER 5 Our PURPOSE: To Discover, Recover, Preserve, Share and Celebrate Redmond’s History

Website ~ redmondhistoricalsociety.org Email ~ info @redmondhistoricalsociety.org Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and by appointment



roop Tidbits



couting ~ A Way of Redmond Life

The oldest known troop in Redmond

was Troop 423 chartered by Redmond Men’s Club in 1940 with Russell Kellogg as scoutmaster. He was also a teacher at Redmond School and you can bet most of the Redmond boys remember him. Troop 423 died out (date unknown) but was restarted in 1982 by Justin vonGortler. This new group of 11-year-olds stuck together and in four years they won the North Lakes District Camporee. Jeff Gibson, a Life Scout, was one of the original members. Later Matthew Weed became scoutmaster and the troop had three patrols and was chartered by the Redmond Lions Club. George Lyons tells of the time when he

Scouts from Troop 423 show off their construction skills. When this photo was taken, Richard Stensland was scoutmaster and the Redmond American Legion was the troop sponsor. (Photo courtesy of Sammamish Valley News collection.)

was scoutmaster of Troop 591. “The first

Even as Redmond has grown, its scouting tradition hasn’t

time they went snow camping with their

tent on Snoqualmie Pass, a couple of boy

been lost. Join us on May 9th when Marie King, a volunteer

scouts pitched their tent on a slope. By

scouter for over 20 years, presents

morning one boy, Bob Kirtley, had slid

a history of the local scouting

out of his tent.” They also learned the art


of igloo building and slept in them. They

“My parents Jerry and Clara

learned they could survive if they had to,

Hammersberg were involved

but it still got cold no matter what you put

with my brothers when they

under you, George recalls.

were in Cub Scouts,” she says.

Not all were “outdoorsmen.” Scott McClay

“When I had three sons it just

became scoutmaster of Troop 571 when no

was natural to be involved in a

one else would. His idea of camping: renting

program that was important to

a 35-foot RV. l

our family. Scouting molded our

~ Compiled by Judy Lang The Redmond Recorder ~ May 2009

family values.”




l History is Happening in Redmond!




Redmond’s first schoolhouse bell to its permanent spot alongside the Public Safety Building.

Nao Hardy Jon Magnussen John Phillips Doris Schaible Joe Townsend Patti Simpson Ward Margaret Wiese

The Public Safety Building is between Redmond City Hall and the Senior

Center. The Society has promised to bring out our troops, so please join us

2009 Executive Board

Board of Directors

Mark your calendars for a big dedication this month on the City

Campus! On May 20, at 4:00 p.m., city officials will formally welcome


Chris Himes President Judy Lang Vice-President Miguel Llanos Vice-President Joanne Westlund Treasurer Mary Hanson Corresponding Secretary Beryl Standley Recording Secretary

choolhouse Bell Dedication

for this heritage celebration. l


hich Places Matter?

Office Manager Monica Park

Attorney Charles Diesen Birthday Card Coordinator Amo Marr

Library Liaison

Andy McClung ................................................... Our finances are public record and may be viewed at the office. ...................................................

FREE Newsletter

If you don't already subscribe, please sign up. Call the office at 425.885.2919 or email info@redmondhistoricalsociety. org. State your preference of email or U.S. Mail. (We prefer email as it's inexpensive and the photos show up better online.)

This place matters, doesn’t it? Redmond’s Old Schoolhouse Community has a special place in the city’s history – plus it’s the world headquarters for the Redmond Historical Society!

May is National Preservation Month and Mayor John Marchione is

officially recognizing that with a proclamation being read at the May 19th City Council session. City Planner Jayme Jonas has spearheaded the recognition, which is sponsored by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and notes that this year’s theme is “This Place Matters.” The Trust is asking folks to have a picture taken in front of a place that matters to them (and holding

The Redmond Recorder

a “This Place Matters” sign!) and then posting that on their Web site ~

Published nine times annually Miguel Llanos Editor Patti Simpson Ward Society/Newsletter Graphic Designer

preservationnation.org/take-action/this-place-matters/ ~ along with

Major Sponsors

Jayme, and the Society, love the idea! “It’s a simple way to raise

information on that place. You can even download a sign for printing from the Web site! awareness of historic resources and to celebrate the history of our communities,” says Jayme. So send us your photo as well so we can place it on our Web site, too! Email it to [email protected]. l

The Redmond Recorder ~ May 2009


History is Happening in Redmond!



ere You at Our April 11th General Meeting?

These folks were! First time attendees are noted in

Clara and Jerry Hammersberg for donating


Heap of Historical Thanks to:

the cost of framing a giant aerial photo of Redmond circa 1950.

Pat Marrs

James Baker

Bob Martin

The Way family for donating photos, 8mm

Janine Baker

Daryl Martin

home movies, a film projector and even an editing

David Bartley

Dale Miller

machine that had belonged to Dr. John Way.

Elsie Bartley

Malie Miller

Tony Emmanuel

Nancy Miller

Judy Lang for putting up a Boy Scouts display at

Margie Flage

Dorothy Matsui

the library, and Brian Trapp and Daniel Becker for

Frank Garbarino

Larry E. Miller

loaning badges, uniforms, books and awards.

Peggy Garbarino

Duniel Murillo

Evelyn Gilbert

Monica Park

Millie Goetschius

John Phillips

Tom Hall, Richard Morris, David and Julianne Rossiter and John and Roxie Phillips for volunteering to work some of the

Russell Goetschius

Roxana Phillips

Suzanne Hall

Patsy Rosenbach

Tom Hall

Anne Salmi

Clara Hammersberg

Claudia Scott

Jerry Hammersberg

Bob Short

Marge Hanson

Don Stensland

Mary Hanson

Fran Stray

Roy Hanson

Fred Stray

The Kirkland Heritage Society for donating

Chris Himes

Faye Sween

a CD of “On the Ways” – the newspaper of the

Carolyn Hudson

Anne Tollfeldt

Lake Washington Shipyards in Kirkland during

Elaine Keeley

Harvey Tollfeldt

World War II. Dale Hawkinson spent hours

Bruce Kenyon

Jerry Torell

scanning originals to preserve them.

Cheryl Kenyon

Joe Townsend

Gloria Kraft

Carol Trapp

Joanne Westlund for donating six history

Jim Kraft

Judy Turner


Judy Aries Lang

Arlyn Vallene

Miguel Llanos

Marilyn Walker

George Lyons

Rose Weiss

Jackie Lyons

Jack Wood

Cheryl Magnuson

Joanne Westlund

Saturday Market shifts this season. Bob Yoder for giving each Scout who attends this month’s meeting a can of food to donate to HopeLink; Bob hosts a Web site on Redmond issues and events at http://redmond.blog

Westa Harris for old school photos.

Redmond Saturday Market Volunteers Needed!

Do you have two hours on a first Saturday of the

month? If so, we’d love to rotate you into a slot for our Redmond Saturday Market booth. Call 425.885.2919 or email [email protected].

The Redmond Recorder ~ May 2009



History is Happening in Redmond!


ave You Renewed? Here Are Our Records: Below’s our list of who we have down as having renewed or joined in 2009 through April 11th. Please contact us at [email protected] or 425.885.2919 if you’re sure you paid but aren’t listed. And if you’d like to renew or join, please use the form on Page 6.

Margo Alexander Betty Anderson Sharon Ballisty Teresa Becker Bill Bennett Judith Bishop Dusty Blair Virginia Bothun Harold Broman Kay Brule Bernie Bruneau Bette Burnite Selma Campbell Maurice Carlson Inga Carlson Gail Cerra Coeta Chambers Douglas Chatfield Rachel Christensen Richard Cole Yvonne Conway Charles Diesen James & Lydia Easley Violet Elduen Anthony & Betty Emmanuel Ethel Evers Avis Ferguson Joyce Fowler Willie & Ed Frigard Raymond Gardner Lillian Garland Yvonne Garrity Betty Gaudy Evelyn Gilbert Joan Gisle Russ & Millie Goetschius Terri Gordon Clint & Beth Gossard Willow Guptill Frank Gwerder


Charlotte Hahnlen Shirley Haines Ray & Marilyn Haines James & Clara Hammersberg James Hammersberg Art Hammersberg Martha Hanscom Thomas Hansen Mary Hanson Roy & Margery Hanson Christine Himes Linda & Leon Hussey Jo Ann Ingersoll Lloyd & Diane Isackson Duane & Joanne Isackson Anton & Joanne Jeppesen Marilyn Jeppesen Elaine Keeley Harold Kent Bruce & Cheryl Kenyon Marie King Carol Kubby Euclid LaBrie Lyn Lambert Allen & Carole Greene Lang Teresa Lavender Charles Lentz Bill & Myrna Little Janet Radtke Long Brian Lutz Jackie & George Lyons Kathy Magee Gene & Cheryl Magnuson Patricia & Carl Marrs Ward Martin Dorothy Matsui Jan Armstrong Mayer Elma McCormick Eileen McCoskrie Doris McFarland

urrent Lifetime RHS Members

Eric Anderson John Anderson Barbara Neal Beeson Brad Best Marjorie Stensland Costello Liz Carlson Coward Frank Garbarino Edward L. Hagen Naomi Hardy

The Redmond Recorder ~ May 2009

Patricia Weiss Jovag Barbara Weiss Joyce Glenn Lampaert Roy Lampaert Judy Aries Lang Miguel Llanos Jon Magnussen Charles Reed Clare ‘Amo’ Marr


Frances Meitzer Larry Miller Mary Montgomery Dante Morelli Edward Murphy Jackie Norris Le Roy Olson Monica Park Roxie & John Phillips Virginia Pickett Henry Radtke Mary Green Randolph Beth Rau Jutta Rhinehart Pauline Rice Patsy Rosenbach Pat Sadlier Anne Salmi Dick & Pat Shinstrom Robert Short Avis Shults Suzanne Simmons Don & Barbara Smith Brad & Jenny Solomon Beryl Standley D. H. Stensland C.L. & Sandra Stone Fred & Fran Stray Ted & Barbara Swan Herb & Jean Swanson Faye Sween Robert Swenson Tom Thomas Harvey & Anne Tollfeldt Gerald Torell Joe Townsend Gwendolyn Walsh Patti Simpson Ward Robert White Lawrence & Audrey William

Daryl Martin Allison Reed Morris Frances Spray Reed Vivian Robinson Laurie Rockenbeck Margy Rockenbeck William Rockenbeck Doris Bauer Schaible Don Watts Rose Weiss Margaret Evers Wiese

History is Happening in Redmond!



ext Walking Tours

rish Letters or Diaries to Share?

If you live in Redmond, you probably drive along Leary

Way often. But do you know the histories of the buildings

Can you help a historian?

there? Like, which one was both an undertaker's premises

and a bordello and City Hall? Tom Hitzroth educates and

book and database of letters and diaries written

entertains folks with walking tours that explore those histories.

by nineteenth-century Irish immigrants living in

An $8 per person fee goes to fund Society research. Email

the American West.

Tom at [email protected] or phone us at 425.885.2919 to

reserve a spot or for more information.

to share copies, he’d love to hear from you. He

Bryan Lamkin is a professor working on a

If you have such documents and are willing

can be reached by email at [email protected]

Remaining 2009 dates:

or via U.S. Mail and phone:

May 10 • June 21 • September 20 Bryan Lamkin

Free Lecture: “Portrait of Redmond”

Department of History and Political Science

Tom Hitzroth is also offering a free lecture on Redmond's

Azusa Pacific University

heritage on May 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Old

P.O. Box 7000

Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center.

Azusa, CA 91702

Feel free to just show up, but if possible, please register

first as it's sponsored by City Parks & Recreation. The class

Tel: 625.815.6000, ext. 3368

number is 28325 and the online registration route starts here: redmond.gov/insidecityhall/parksrecGuide/register.asp. l

✂ Redmond Reflections Order Form Also available at the Redmond Library!

Free shipping for current members, so if you haven't joined or renewed, there's a form on the last page of this newsletter that you can send in with the book order form below. Price per book: $22.00 (Includes Washington State Sales Tax) (Non-Members, please add postage: $3 for one book, $5 for two and $8 for three or more)




Telephone: __________________________________

Address: __________________________________

No. of Books Ordered: ________________________

City/St./Zip: _______________________________

Amount Enclosed: ____________________________


Mail completed form (please print clearly) and check or money order to:

Redmond Historical Society

16600 NE 80th, Room 106, Redmond, WA 98052 The Redmond Recorder ~ May 2009


History is Happening in Redmond!


rank Garbarino: Our Newest Lifetimer

We now have a second member of the Aries Gardens clan as

a lifetimer: Frank Garbarino has joined the club. Frank grew up and worked on the same farm with Judy Lang’s family. Frank’s dad and Judy’s dad were cousins and partners. Frank attended grade school in Redmond, and graduated from Lake Washington High School. His business, Pacific Tool, makes precision tools for aerospace and industry and is right here in Redmond. About the only non-Redmond aspect of Frank is his wife ~ Kirklandborn Peggy Graves ~ but we won’t hold that against him! Besides, they’ve added to Redmond’s roots, with two children and four grandchildren. And they live in Rose Hill ~ a diplomatic choice between Redmond and Kirkland. l



Renewing members, please send in your 2009 dues! LEVELS OF MEMBERSHIP (✓ Check one only.) $5.00 $20.00 $35.00 $200.00 $250.00 $1,000.00

❍ TRAILBLAZER (Student) ❍ PIONEER (Individual) ❍ HOMESTEADER (Family) ❍ ENTREPRENEUR (Supporter) ❍ CORPORATE (Business) ❍ HISTORY MAKER (Lifetime)

All Contributions are tax deductible.

Please make checks payable to: REDMOND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Fill out the form below and mail it with ✉ your check to:

Redmond Historical Society Attn: Membership ORSCC, Room 106 16600 NE 80th Street Redmond, WA 98052


Name:______________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME EXACTY AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR ON YOUR NAME TAG FOR GENERAL MEETINGS.)

Address: __________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ______ Zip: _____________ Email Address: ______________________________________________ Birth Date (Month/Day/Year): _____________________ If Family Membership, other names to be included: ________________________________________________________________ How would you like our complimentary newsletter delivered to you: Email: _________________ U.S. Mail: __________________

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